USD $125,035
USD $77,133
Campaign funds will be received by Desiree Rowland
Finally...PARDONED by Trump!! We are rebuilding a new life, with a standing legal debt and new expenses for basic necessities at home after almost 3 years of torture by the Biden Administration. Our journey has been long and challenging and all started off with my fiance, Barry Ramey being arrested on 4/21/22 for his presence on January 6th and falsely accused by the FBI of interfering with FBI investigation. This claim was upheld thru 2 failed bond hearings, a year of Pre-Trial Detention and Trial...but on the night before sentencing it the government DROPPED the charge....Why? They were sitting on exonerating evidence that proved his innocence! But...the damage was already done!! Here are some things Barry has endured, with only God watching and supporting him through this mind numbing time:
1. During 16 months before trial, he was shipped to 12 different facilities. (Wrist & Legs Shackled & Chained 8 (eight) times on 14–18-hour bus rides, while moving to different facilities)
2. No visits for 9 months. Then again no visits for 8 months.
3. Denied medical care for a back he needs surgery on and a foot going numb.
4. Put in solitary confinement for 2 ½ months.
5. Stabbed in the face.
6. Denied bail TWICE despite NO CRIMINAL RECORD.
7. Denied mail. Mail withheld for 4 weeks at a time. Denied Current newspapers.
8. The office of Matthew Graves argued for 9 ½ years federal prison at sentencing.
9. Sentenced to 5 years in Federal Prison.
10. While serving time in FCI Miami labeled as a “terrorist” and treated as such.
In Year 1 - He was moved through over 12 locations with horrible conditions (mold, bugs in food, freezing temperatures) lack of medical treatment and in some cases no availability to ordering food, suffering through mistreatment for the long months at Northern Neck Regional Jail, then moving through Solitary Confinement in Alexandria for weeks and then on to Trial and sentencing in DC.
In Year 2 - Just after sentencing he was moved to Petersburg Solitary Confinement where he was medically neglected, prevented from making phone calls, deprived of basic necessities and never let out of his cell!! He is finally "designated" location in Miami, but "labeled" on paperwork as "Greatest Severity" and "Terrorist" despite no terrorist charges and no criminal history. These labels prevent him from being sent to the lowest prison type a "Camp". A few months after his arrival he is thrown in Solitary Confinement (Twice) based on false allegations...these are still in appeal. Phones, Commissary and Visitation taken away for 60 days.
In Year 3 - A brawl takes place between gangs at FCI Miami. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Uor7l-UFs The Air Conditioning at this prison location went out for weeks during Florida 98-101 degree weather. Commissary is damaged with spoiling or mold growing on it, as a result. Inmates were on lock down, which means confined to their cells, with no A/C. Phones keep going down, sometimes 3 weeks at a time..
Along with your donations and direct assistance on a % of legal fees from organizations, the Ramey family has been supporting the expensive process of legal battles (pre-trial, trial, appeals), commissary ($350 monthly) and unexpected expenses to keep his vehicle up and running and ready for him to use for work when he gets out. He has recently been moved to a half way house where fresh food can not be stored in a refrigerator and must be ordered on a delivery service which is extremely expensive. Additionally, the purchase of clothing, medical costs and supplies and items in preparation for him coming home to have what he needs to live in as much normalcy as possible are part of new expenses.
We are raising funds for these continuing burdens and thank all who have helped the family pay for these expenses so far. Every size donation helps amass what is an enormous financial debt for an egregious sentencing by the government. Thank you for being God's angels and helping us fight this battle.
If you can not donate, please consider writing Barry. It brightens his day to receive support, so please do write him to say hello & share words of support & scripture.
He is now located in at home. Please address to:
Barry Ramey
6919 W Broward Blvd #171
Plantation, FL 33317
You can also see his updates on X at @RameyIsRight
Prayers and Grace to you. Praise to God. God Bless America!
Barry Ramey, Barry Ramie, Barry Rainey, Barry Rainy, Osprey_Sensei, Osprey Sensei
So happy you're on your way back to freedom! Am keeping you in my prayers.
God Bless!
So gland your on the way OUT! Praying for you still as you recover from this horrible injustice!
God Speed brother!
Thrilled that you are released!
May God bless you and keep you. Keep trusting in Him.
Hold tight to THE ONE who knows you and will pull you through!
God bless you and THANK YOU for standing strong against the enemy. We, the People, stand with you and bedside you! May God restore ALL to you and your family and bring swift justice against every oppressor. Joel 2:25
I'm so thankful that Trump won, the results of him losing would have been unbelievable.
God bless. You ARE a legend!
Keep on keeping on Barry! Thank you for your sacrifice and your inspiring message thruout your tribulations. God bless you as you begin anew.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, and restore to you the years the locust have consumed.
Godspeed. Never give up.
Thank you President Trump for the pardons. I continue to pray for all the fedsurrection victims, that their lives will soon be back to normal and those responsible get their comeuppance.
Good luck from here on in!!
January 26th, 2025
Barry Ramey has been released from federal custody due to the Pardon issued by President Donald Trump. After Years behind bars, crippling legal costs, continued harassment by the DOJ, medical care being denied and now faces serious health issues, he and his family start to rebuild their lives from the bottom.
Please consider a donation. If you can not donate, please consider writing Barry. Write him to say hello & share words of support & scripture.
He is now home... Please address to:
Barry Ramey
6919 W. Broward Blvd #171
Plantation, FL 33317
You can also see his updates on X at @Osprey_Sensei
Prayers and Grace to you. Praise to God. God Bless America!
January 10th, 2025
Again, so grateful to The Gateway Pundit for getting the message out. The last days of Biden/Harris are pressurized as they torture Barry while he's in the Halfway House.
J6 Political Prisoner Is Now a Halfway House Hostage – Police Visits, Preventing Work and Home Release, The Torture Continues – How You Can Help
Read Full article here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/01/j6-political-prisoner-is-now-halfway-house-hostage/
After almost 3 years of non-stop harassment by the DOJ/BOP for my fiancé J6 Political Prisoner Barry Ramey… now the Half Way House is holding him hostage! Since his arrival (almost 8 weeks ago) he’s not allowed to report to his already approved job and was only allowed to come home for 12 hours on Christmas. Dragging their feet on letting him start his life keeps him held hostage with no end in sight!
He should be working, at very least, but the torture from the Biden/Kamala administration continues their torment since his release from prison (reported here) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/11/j6er-patriot-cheered-inmates-while-released-prison-halfway/. We thought since his job and home were already approved on day 1 arriving at the halfway house, that he would start work the following day (back in November), come home on weekends and be released on his already approved home confinement within a week or two. Not a chance! They continue to punish him!
*** Please help Barry here while he waits in the gallows ***
The cruelty continues! As if the medical neglect in prison, resulting in need for a heart doctor (reported here) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/j6-political-prisoner-health-risk-prison-incompetence/ wasn’t enough, we find out that what food is offered, its egregiously unhealthy, comparable to prison food. As an example, most days a week, pizza is brought in as lunch or dinner for residents. With Barry’s serious cholesterol and heart health issues, this is like a death sentence being offered. In an attempt to evade this, Barry noticed a small amount of lettuce being served on the side. He asked for a larger portion of lettuce instead of the pizza, and he was DENIED! How disgusting is it that they withhold increasing the miniscule healthy portion of it!
Safety is also highly questionable. Last week, while I was leaving the visit with Barry two police vehicles were stationed outside with lights flashing. Two officers were conversing with people at the front door and then walked inside.
Every time I’ve visited, since November, I see residents acting erratically making me believe they are on “some type of behavior altering substance”. Aside from slumping over, what’s highly frightening is men standing in the entrance corner by the restroom, with a strange gaze in their eyes, arms placed high, rapidly tapping their hands/fingers on the wall while facing into the corner.
One guy often comes in and out of the visitation room screaming loud words, using large body movements, swinging arms and erratically jumping up to go out the door and then come back in thru the duration of the visit. It’s terrifying, unpredictable and makes me wonder… why isn’t the halfway house doing something about it?
***Help Barry with food while he waits for job approval***
After a few weeks, a dark immobilizing feeling landed realizing the Half way house was not allowing Barry to start his previously approved job. By mid-December the donations ran low and he’s had to skip meals and conserve because the expense of delivery is so high and he’s not allowed to keep fresh fruits or vegetables in his locker.
They are dragging their feet on everything! Even the short 12-hour pass for Christmas was originally approved, then they claimed it wasn’t because they had not visited the house to personally approve it (after it was already approved by probation) and at the very last minute, the morning before Christmas the Director personally came to our house. I signed paperwork and was told Barry would be coming to home confinement ASAP with a GPS monitor and the paper I signed was what was needed. But here we are well into January and Barry still can’t come home for the weekend and isn’t allowed to report to his job. We also learned that when he does begin his job, they are likely to take anywhere from 25% to 40% from his paycheck.
The continued punishment and harassment for Barry as a political prisoner at the hands of the DOJ and BOP has been relentless. With almost 3 years of confinement he’s been tortured (reported here), https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/j6-political-prisoner-barry-rameys-family-pleads-assistance/ medically neglected, unjustly thrown in solitary confinement, labeled domestic terrorist even though Barry was never charged or convicted of anything related to terrorism. Actual terrorists did not even meet the same scrutiny by the CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit) or BOP while he was in prison. (as reported here)…. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/j6er-wrongful-labels-causing-mistreatment-shadows/ Yet the BOP and DOJ uses taxpayer dollars to scrutinize and monitor his every action while serving his prison sentence and now his Halfway house “imprisonment”. What is going on?
***Assist Barry and his family while he’s prevented from working***
They’ve tried to break him down by using mental torture while serving his time in federal prison. Everything from threats, solitary confinement, mail being denied, medical treatment being denied…. And now even the Half way house isn’t delivering his newspapers to him daily.
When a person is sentenced to prison, their punishment is going to prison. All of the extra things that were done to Barry Ramey and the J6ers is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Barry speaks about this on January 6th this year wearing his “January 6th is when Legends are Born” shirt here: https://x.com/RameyIsRight/status/1876425957437042924 . As we wait for Trump to take office and free the J6ers, we also know the process of following thru on Trumps orders may take an unknown amount of time. We pray for expedition and we also know how the system delays things behind the scenes.
After serving 2.8 years behind bars, he is now being held hostage, leaving him to rot and linger in a disgusting halfway house with erratic residents where police visit. It’s been over a month and a half. With his mother in need of a new surgical procedure and bills piling up, they’re not allowing him to work to do anything about it.
Never in our nation’s history, have we seen political prosecutions that have occurred under this Department of Justice like we have for President Trump and his supporters. Barry Ramey is one of those supporters and it’s my belief that holding him hostage at the Halfway House has something to do with the DOJ & BOP’s continued torture on our J6er men and their families.
Barry just wants to start his job, come home and begin life without being further tortured. But this Administration is using every bit of their last days to take a stand against patriots like Barry. While he waits in the gallows to start his job, please help with expenses for food and his mother’s upcoming surgery here: https://www.givesendgo.com/barryramey
God Bless America!
Osprey Sensei fiancée to J6er Barry Ramey
Donate to Barry at: https://www.givesendgo.com/barryramey
December 24th, 2024
It's the perfect day on Christmas eve to share thanks to all who have been supporting this road home for Barry. He will get a pass from the Half way house to be home for Christmas!! Cowboy Logic has honored us by inviting us on to their J6 Christmas Special to thank everyone and share a little in this 10 minute interview.
We are still on the path to Pardon and we thank you for being with us every step of the way.
Barry has had a few new things happening in the past week, we would love to share with you.
Cowboy Logic J6 Christmas Special: https://americasvoice.news/video/T9pEhMaY6E5LamR/?related=playlist
Interview on Diamond and Silk Show (skip to minute 16:00 to see Barry): https://frankspeech.com/v/3ktnp
Barry Reunites with Mom: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/j6-political-prisoner-barry-ramey-reunites-his-mother/
Thank you & Merry Christmas to all.
December 3rd, 2024
I would like to take a moment and thank each and every one of you for the help you have given me during this rough time. I hope you know how much your support is appreciated and what it has done to make this hardship easier for me and my family. I lost a lot in this sacrifice but your help eased it greatly. My fiancee was able to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders and your assistance helped her too. Although my journey is not over yet and we still have a lot of pieces to pick up, I feel like I gained a family from the love I received from other proud Americans. God bless you all and NEVER bend a knee to communism.
Barry Ramey-
You can follow me and my political smart self on X @RameyIsRight
November 25th, 2024
The Gateway Pundit released this article today (see below) or read on Gateway Pundit here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/11/j6er-patriot-cheered-inmates-while-released-prison-halfway/
Barry is among a group of Americans, men and women who love this country and cannot be broken. The DOJ/BOP sure tried! Barry’s very first request to me for his release was his Maga Hat. He proudly put it on as he walked out of the Prison with a message for us all …Unbroken and America Strong! From deep inside the prison, as he began his way out, cheers for Trump could be heard all across the prison compound. 100’s of men on the Prison yard were making noise shaking the gates as they celebrated Barry’s release from prison and chanted “Trump! Trump! Trump!”.
The walk off the prison property was celebratory but there are new hurdles with entering a Half Way House that we certainly did not expect! But first, to the “conservative” media pundits who say things like “J6ers accused of assault should not be pardoned” think about that real hard. Here I’m giving you a story that resonates with all J6ers and is indicative on how they’ve all been treated.
My fiancé, Barry Ramey, was convicted of assault on a Capital Police officer on January 6th and the story that is rarely, if at all, told in the media is this. On January 6th while peacefully singing our Nations’ anthem, Capital Police began their attack on these men and women. After they said they come in peace, they were bombarded with flash bangs, concussion grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets. Only after explosive devices were lobbed at his head, a man was shot through the face with a rubber bullet, and an older woman was shoved to the ground by Capital Police, all in a matter of seconds did Barry respond to being attacked.
Unlike any one involved with the riots of 2020, Barry would go on to experience a 2-tier justice system to the likes never before seen in American history. Over almost 3 years of abuse and neglect, below is just the tip of the iceberg on the things Barry and our entire family have endured.
First, he was raided by the FBI at gunpoint (on his way to his job as an aircraft technician) where his life would be verbally threatened by one of the agents for having a lawfully concealed weapon on him. He immediately lost his job and I lost medical benefits, as a result. Then, as the first court appearance would commence, the FBI would LIE claiming he threatened an FBI agent who was investigating his case and that LIE would be used to deny bond TWICE, used at his Trial (which was about a year later) YET the NIGHT BEFORE SENTENCING (several months after trial) the enhancement charge would be DROPPED. Why? Because the government held on to evidence since the day of his arrest of Barry’s exoneration.
Barry was stabbed in the face by another inmate in a brawl over where Barry and other J6ers had to fight back inmates over watching Tucker Carlson while in a Virginia jail awaiting trial.
He was moved from dangerous jails and prisons a total of 14 times in the first 16 months of incarceration. Held in solitary confinement for refusing the Vax, for being in transit, for falsely being accused of not having permission to call into the Freedom Corner vigil and sporadically in different jails/prisons. Labeled a terrorist by the DOJ/BOP. Consistently denied medical care while being held in mold infested, bug and rat-infested disgusting conditions with inedible food…so much to the point he now has need for a heart doctor, his thyroid is not working properly, high cholesterol and high glucose.
All for what? Because he possessed the testicular fortitude to show up on January 6th and stand up for his Country over Election Integrity, a topic that most “Republicans” all agree is an issue?
****Help provide food and basic needs for Barry here****
In his most recent year while at FCI Miami Prison, he was constantly harassed by officers at FCI Miami and further harassment came in the form of threats.
- The CTU threatened Barry to call ME, his fiancé, to take down MY video from social media of my dog “doing a podcast promo” otherwise they would INFINITELY cut off phone calls, letters, visits, all communication between us.
- An officer by the name of Lieutenant Gonzalez at FCI Miami continued harassment mocking Trump after the assassination attempt, calling Barry a terrorist, ripping down photos that were Pro-Trump from his cell and throwing them in the shower. One of those pictures thrown in the shower was of me and Vivek Ramaswamy at Mar-a-Lago!
- For weeks on end holding and censoring his mail…cutting off a vital connection to the outside world of supporters…not giving him notices of mail they sent back or denied and delaying Epoch Times from being delivered on delivery dates claiming he was not allowed to receive current newspapers, but other inmates had daily arrivals of their newspapers.
The excitement of walking off the FCI Miami Prison property quickly wore off after taking a direct ride to the Half-Way house property and stepping foot into what our family and people on the outside world don’t realize has a whole new set of hurdles. Barry rang the doorbell to inform them of his arrival. He walked into the gate and was immediately told he cannot leave the property. Keep in mind, he HAS approved employment, an approved home to live at and a vehicle to get him around. But the DOJ/BOP sent him to a half way house in the middle of Miami where all the surrounding properties have bars on the windows and the other morning he heard gun shots and police sirens in the distance.
We thought Barry would be able to report to work the following day. That’s the farthest from the truth! I had to bring his clothing and toiletry bags to the entrance because he was not allowed out to get them from the car. Now stuck in a Half-Way house unable to leave the property that holds immigrants, homeless on probation and people who have served lengthy sentences in federal prison. There’s no stepping off the property, no refrigerator for him to store food and no food storage allowed, so we’re forced to order food from expensive delivery services that can only be eaten upon arrival. Even ordering from the grocery store is almost pointless, as you must eat things upon arrival and cannot store anything that’s not 100% resealable and some things are outright banned from being stored like fruits, anything that contains peanuts, etc. This food bill has quickly increased with delivery fees and such to over $100 / day…and he’s not allowed to leave to report to work to earn what would probably not be enough to cover food and gas at minimum.
So, after his life is torn apart at the seams, he is now at the half way house trying to put his life and our lives back together as a family and it is mind boggling just how ridiculously difficult the DOJ/BOP has made it for all of us to regain some semblance of normalcy at an astronomical rate of expense.
So, when you hear some “conservative pundit” say J6ers should not receive a blanket pardon, remember my fiancé Barry Ramey and then remember all of the J6ers and what they and their families have been through and continue to endure!
****Help Barry with food cost at the Half Way house****
- Osprey Sensei (fiancé to J6er Barry Ramey)
Website: OspreySensei.com
X: https://x.com/Osprey_Sensei
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@osprey_sensei
October 21st, 2024
Do inmates get anything for their birthday? No, not unless you count moldy food, lack of medical care and the ominous harrowing of the next false accusation that can throw them into solitary or other punishment. J6 Political prisoner Barry Ramey will turn 41 while sitting in his prison cell this Saturday October 26th...3RD YEAR IN A ROW as a Political Hostage! Robbed of his rights to vote, watching on the sidelines of this election, another year passes where he's not allowed to (at minimum) receive birthday cards, have visitors or even have a decent meal, much less cake on his Birthday! Weeks have gone by and the mail room is still delaying giving him his mail, so he's cut off from the outside world. We are free as he sits in his cell, and we wish for him to know he's not forgotten. Being unable to honor a man who has been tortured for loving our Country is what it feels like BUT we still can let him know he's not forgotten and here's how.
OPTION #1 - SEND YOUR BIRTHDAY MESSAGES/PRAYERS - Since Barry's mail is being held for weeks, he's cut off from the outside world. But Barry's fiancé speaks to him daily & she's asking for us to send birthday messages/prayers here and SHE WILL SURPRISE HIM by READING YOUR BIRTHDAY MESSAGES TO HIM on his birthday! (Saturday Oct 26th)
OPTION #2 - BIRTHDAY FUN!! SEND MOVIES, MUSIC & FOOD - There are movies and music available for Barry to purchase on DIGITAL COMMISSARY to keep his mind entertained in addition to his monthly food commissary ($300). So, if you would like him to enjoy some TUNES, MOVIES & FOOD ON HIS BIRTHDAY and are able to send a small donation - SHE will get it on his books by the night before his birthday (Friday October 25th)!
The Corrupt DOJ may have removed Birthday options for the 3rd year in a row - but we're determined to have Barry feel honored on his Birthday & know he's not forgotten!!!
October 12th, 2024
This is a call to action email….We all know that Trump is not just running against Kamala, he's taking on the whole Democratic Machine, plus the Media. We must do everything we can to help him succeed.
J6ers need US to take action…in addition to our vote. They have no voices….and what do you think happens to THEM if Trump doesn't win?
Here is something MAJOR you can do to make the impact that you can do TODAY!
Sean Hannity has compiled the “Kamala/Walz” files, which are AUDIO clips of Kamala and Walz their own words, in their own voices… of their RADICAL views. It's my firm belief that if people hear these, they WILL vote for Trump.
This call to action is to encourage EVERYONE here to send them by TEXT or EMAIL to EVERYONE you can - NOT SOCIAL MEDIA - they are somehow blocking it from people seeing it. It's worthless on social media….the views are so egregiously low…I reposted some of them last night on my X channel just to prove to you how low the coverage is. Go take a look…(honestly, I'm surprised X is not supporting this…but that's for another email)
People must get access to the truth! You never know the ONE person (Trump supporter or Not) that you send this to that shares it with the RIGHT people and make a difference for the TRUTH to be heard WIDELY. Encourage the people you send it to, to share it as well. We must arm our fellow Trump supporters and fellow Americans with truth to spread truth ….We can NOT rely on the media to get the truth out and that's where WE THE PEOPLE come in!
***Feel free to forward this email update…if that is your easiest way….
***Feel free to text this link that contains all the content of this email…if that is your easiest way… https://ospreysensei.com/kamala-walz-hannity
These are some of the short clips of "the most far left, radical Democrat candidate"…below that is a full list.. the image brings you the entire list of Kamala/Walz files.
Walz says - “one person's socialism is another person's neigborliness”
Kamala - “pledges zero emission vehicles only by 2045”
Walz - “gives lecture on justice for George Floyd”
Patriotically Yours,
Osprey Sensei
September 23rd, 2024
The medical department at FCI Miami is completely incompetent. The Gateway Pundit graciously allowed me to tell this story and published it today…
It’s now 8 months after blood was taken in January and after many medical requests the doctor at FCI Miami saw him this month and gave him the results and they are terrifying! Barry’s thyroid is not functioning properly, his cholesterol is high, uric acid levels are high and he is at a high risk of heart complications.
Keeping a positive outlook & placing trust in God, despite this horrific situation. Humble thanks to the GateWay Pundit for helping me expose the "black hole" of the medical services...or should I say no service...inhumane, irresponsible...unprofessional!
We simply cannot trust the medical department to do anything professionally, humanely or responsibly. We are deeply concerned for his health and well-being. We are asking you to please put Barry’s health in your prayers alongside our family. We must trust in God and plea for him to answer our prayers. This cavern of darkness must be brought to the light. Read Full Article Here
August 19th, 2024
We recieved some good news from the Appeals lawyer. The court has scheduled what the call Oral Arguments. This is a positive sign. The appeals lawyer will be able to speak directly to the court and address questions the court has in real time, and have the ability to clear up details in the case and inconsistency in the original rulings.
This good news comes with a price. Just under $2000 in needed to pay for research, paperwork and travel for the lawyer.
If anyone is able and willing to contribute towards these costs, we would gratefully appreciate it. A number of Small donations would have the chance add up to the full amount for this part of the appeal.
It could end up helping other J6 brothers and sisters in their cases and this we want the ability to fight for everyone's behalf.
Thank you for your support and love. We appreciate you all.
The Ramey family 🙏🙏
August 19th, 2024
We recieved some good news from the Appeals lawyer. The court has scheduled what the call Oral Arguments. This is a positive sign. The appeals lawyer will be able to speak directly to the court and address questions the court has in real time, and have the ability to clear up details in the case and inconsistency in the original rulings.
This good news comes with a price. Just under $2000 in needed to pay for research, paperwork and travel for the lawyer.
If anyone is able and willing to contribute towards these costs, we would gratefully appreciate it. A number of Small donations would have the chance add up to the full amount for this part of the appeal.
It could end up helping other J6 brothers and sisters in their cases and this we want the ability to fight for everyone's behalf.
Thank you for your support and love. We appreciate you all.
The Ramey family 🙏🙏
July 12th, 2024
This month... last year, we sat and watched Barry be egregiously sentenced to 5 years in prison. The long ride since has not been without unjust Solitary Confinement & lack of medical attention and poor access to food.
At his current location, there has been:
- A brawl among gang members, last month sending 4 to the hospital: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Uor7l-UFs
- Phones down for weeks (last run was about 3 weeks down) - you can imagine what goes thru our mind.
- Air Conditioning going out for weeks on end, resulting in a large loss in Commissary. The high heat made bags of tuna turn to liquid, mold grow on dry packaged goods. And then I heard about the sweltering heat rising as they locked down inmates (keeping them in their non-airconditioned cells) while the staff had an event for workers and their families on site.
It's sickening to watch not only Barry but other inmates suffer for weeks on end.
Seeing him weekly is a gift from God. We realize so many J6er families do not have this ability and we are continually grateful and humbled by God's grace in this brightness in a dark extended time.
We are asking the Community to please assist us with Commissary. Last time, we were $50 short on what we could send, due to large car expenses and the lawyer fees we recently had to put on credit cards. The loss of Commissary due to the A/C being down means Barry has that many less options for edible food (the food served by the prison is barely edible most days, except Thursdays when they get chicken)...and we would love to send him the full amount every month of Commissary so he can purchase what he needs.
Small donations add up, we appreciate this community of support. We don't know what we would do if God didn't send you our way.
If you are unable to support with a donation today, please pray for Barry and consider writing him. It brightens his spirit to hear from the outside world.
Barry Ramey # 97293-509
P.O. BOX 779800
MIAMI, FL 33177
Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless America!
The Ramey Family
June 9th, 2024
I wrote in to The Gateway Pundit & they published about this complete injustice and how it has affected us.
Full article here https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/matthew-graves-lefts-two-tier-justice-pro-hamas/
The same Matthew Graves that gave Pro-Hamas Protestor Ruben Camacho 48 hours of Community Service for attacking Capitol police, wanted to put my fiancé, Barry Ramey, in prison for up to 15 years for an alleged squirt of pepper spray on January 6th, but this was only after Capitol police began firing tear gas and rubber munitions at J6 protestors while singing the National Anthem! Mr. Graves put on him, aggravated assault with a deadly dangerous weapon causing serious bodily injury and harm. That is only 1 ½ steps below attempt of murder!
Barry went to trial and was thankfully found “not guilty” of the more serious charges and found guilty of the lesser charge which he was never arguing. A clear example of an egregiously unjust approach Mr. Graves took towards my J6er fiancée vs. Pro-Hamas protestor is detailed in this side-by-side comparison showing what Barry has been through, followed by what I have been subjected to by the departments following Graves’ lead.
Pro-Hamas Protester SENTENCED 48 Hours COMMUNITY SERVICE...
J6er Barry Ramey over the last 2 years has gone thru:
1. During 16 months before trial, shipped to 12 different facilities.
2. No visits for 9 months.
3. Denied medical care for a back he needs surgery on.
4. Put in solitary confinement for 2 ½ months.
5. Stabbed in the face.
6. Denied bail TWICE despite NO CRIMINAL RECORD.
7. Wrist & Legs Shackled & Chained 8 (eight) times on 14–18-hour bus rides, while moving to different facilities.
8. Denied mail.
9. The office of Matthew Graves argued for 9 ½ years federal prison at sentencing.
10. Sentenced to 5 years in Federal Prison,
11. While serving time in FCI Miami labeled as a “terrorist” and treated as such.
This doesn’t stop with Barry. No, Mr. Graves’ approach has caused the FBI to harass me, and I was not at the Rally on January 6th. Earlier this year Barry was told to call me from prison, to tell me to remove a post from my social media that created awareness on the outrageous legal & incarceration related expenses our family has been up against and us not being a fan of Biden. And, if he didn’t make that call to me, he could be shipped to a max-security prison and all communication with between us would be denied (mail, email, phone & visits).
Our family still lives in a lurking fear this could still happen. But we stand strong, by the grace of God. And as Barry maintains a humor I so admire, he’s said to me, “We will never take a knee to Communism. We don’t work for the NFL.” So, here we are looking at Mr. Graves and Mr. Camacho and painstakingly reminded this is Communism.
To date, Barry is appealing some aspects of his conviction and we are filing FOIA requests. With deep prayer and love for the Lord we are thankful we have received help from many in the community. We are about half way to our fundraising goal which helps cover legal expense debt we have incurred, provide food & basic necessities to Barry while incarcerated and the small amount of monthly bills he left behind.
It has taken everything we have and so much more to continue this fight. We know God is guiding us and we will not give up. With half way to reach our goal we still need your help and appreciate all donations and prayers that have helped support this battle, thus far and yet to come.
May God bless our supporters, the J6ers, President Trump & his Family and may God Bless America!
Truth Social & Twitter X: @Osprey_Sensei
May 27th, 2024
Today, I returned to Woodlawn North Miami Cemetery to attend a Memorial Day Ceremony for the Patriots that sacrificed the Ultimate Sacrifice for our Freedom. Barry took me to this before his incarceration where we placed flags on site for the ceremony. It was good to see familiar faces and to honor our patriots today.
As tears fell down my face I thought of those men and our J6er men incarcerated and egregiously sentenced today. Praying for their safety and their health, I asked for help with our situation as well.
I'm working hard to keep both of our cars functioning (each over 100k miles), since we are hoping that Barry will be able to get into a half way house sometime in the next 12 months. When he is released he will need his car to function and we can't afford new or used vehicles, because of the expense this entire incarceration situation has placed on us between commissary & legal fees. We have $4400 left to go (from the $7200 total) to fix oil leaks, and the lights on the dashboard indicated for brakes, ABS and suspension on both cars.
We pray for miracles to come thru as one of our cars is sitting at the mechanic awaiting fundraising. It's been there for about 3 weeks.
If possible, please consider even a small donation, they all add up, and with enough contributors, we could get up and running with your help.
Remember our patriots who have sacrificed for our freedom and our J6ers on the front line today. Say a prayer that God will heal those who are in physical situations and help those in need.
God bless.
May 1st, 2024
I decided to write into The Gateway Pundit about these wrongful labels being placed on Barry & J6ers because this is happening behind the scenes and preventing J6ers from getting approved to go to lower security prison camps and also attempts to cause problems that would have them serve more time.
The Gateway Pundit graciously decided to publish my letter, so please take the time to read the full article is here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/j6er-wrongful-labels-causing-mistreatment-shadows/
April 7th, 2024
Julio is at the same facility Barry is at, and this week, we received the devastating news he has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. The family has been going thru this unjust incarceration for over a year, struggling without asking for help. Friday, I helped with getting their GSG set up because, by the Grace of God we have been blessed by the many in the J6 support community and we know Julio and his family deserve to be lifted up by the community, just the same. Please visit their GSG and assist them with a prayer. With 3 children in this equation and the world the way it is, you know every a donation (every bit counts, no donations are too small). Please consider what you can, they are a family of faith and we know God will shine the light on them. Thank you. Link: https://www.givesendgo.com/helpjulio
March 16th, 2024
Taking a moment to thank all who've supported our fundraiser on this long #J6 journey and who have written Barry, written me, messaged me and been a friend in this dark time. The days can seem long and others short, the light has fell dim and bright as the sun. God has shown us the way as we trust in Him and our faith grows. I wouldn't wish this journey on anyone, yet I realize God has chosen us to walk the path in His honor. To the Future, we don't know and the past that has brought us here, thank you all who are joining this journey in support and love. 🙏
February 27th, 2024
We are humbly asking for help with Barry's Commissary of $400 monthly. With the business season being slow and routine medial expenses increasing for mom (follow up MRI's & tests from the brain tumor - there's a financial strain - as she has 3 additional pending medical issues to continue monitoring, testing and 2 surgeries we have to keep putting off (foot tendon and nodule being monitored in the neck).
Commissary money pays for Barry to have coffee, food options that have increased nutritional value, hygiene products, clothing, paper and envelopes to write letters back to all who write and movie rentals on the tablet (which can really help pass the time).
We pray in thanks and gratitude and faith. Thank you for considering to support this long battle approaching the 2 year mark, with the current release date not until 2026.
Thanking you for your continued support and spreading the word to friends and patriots alike. There's no donation too small, just a few dollars from many can help us keep Barry sustained with minimum necessities daily.
If you are unable to donate, please write Barry. He loves to receive letters and write back. (address below.
If you would like to instead donate DIRECTLY to his Commissary account at the Prison (instructions are below).
Barry Ramey # 97293-509
P.O. BOX 779800
MIAMI, FL 33177
INSTRUCTIONS for donating DIRECT to COMISSARY at the Prison are to follow this link specific for inmate Commissary at Western Union.
SELECT: Correctional Facility "FEDERAL BUREAU of PRISON" from the droop down
First and Last Name: BARRY RAMEY
Inmate Number: 97293509
You can also visit a Western Union in person with the same information and send money in person.
Thank you to all. Prayers, Love and Faith.
January 23rd, 2024
It's a blessing to have a community of people who have donated to help us reach the total of 10k we needed for paying the Appeals lawyer.
Thanks to all of YOU we were able to raise $8k towards what we needed and the remaining 2k was provided by Standinthegap.foundation who are helping J6 families with appeals lawyers and visitations where families are far apart.
In this economy, it really takes a toll...please know and understand your donations, prayers and faith have been a tremendous support system in this darkest of times. There are some days it seems impossible, it seems so dark and other days the light is shining bright. Today is a bright day thanks to all of YOU!!
December 2nd, 2023
Thank goodness for The Gateway Pundit! Please help us get the word out & share this article far and wide 🙏🙏🙏
November 25th, 2023
So Barry received permission to call into the vigil in the beginning of this month...the day after he called he was thrown into solitary on the false accusation by the BOP saying he did not get permission. They let him out and then did a "trial" inside the prison a few days later where they immediately gave him a guilty sentence...taking away, PHONE, VISITS and EMAIL until January 14th. So, here we are...ANOTHER level of persecution from the "anti-justice" system...
November 12th, 2023
You always hear "the system is corrupt" and "the system is broken". In fact, it is said so much that it has become a watered-down cliché. Almost a meaningless cluster of words that are subconsciously accepted to be tried and true. And once you find yourself seated on the Scales of Justice with the finger of the DOJ on the opposite side of you, you will see firsthand how true those statements actually are.
It all started for me when I was arrested by the FBI in April of 2022. Back in January 6th 2021, I like many others of my country folk participated in a protest in Washington D.C. That day, we came from many walks of life, from many parts of the country, for many different reasons.
Some came to challenge the results of the 2020 Election. Some came to only hear president Trump speak. And if you were like me, you went for one reason and one reason only. To protect women, children and elderly from left wing radical hooligans whom spent the last 4 years attacking those kinds of people if they dared to wear a red hat bearing the statement "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".
None of us went there to riot, engage in an armed insurrection, attack police officers or overthrow the government. Yet, these are what labels the Department of Justice along with their counterparts on CNN & MSNBC would claim to the American people.
In fact where I was located, we were peacefully singing the National Anthem before Capitol police started shooting rubber bullets and lobbing concussion grenades at our heads.
At my first hearing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida I would get my first glimpse on not only the Unconstitutional behavior of the DOJ but the lengths they will go to lie to create false narratives to produce the outcomes they desire with the judges that work for them as well.
Before you have a bond hearing to determine whether you are to remain in jail or be released prior to your trial, you meet with a person who calculates certain factors to make that determination such as criminal history, do you have a home, do you have family support, do you have a job, are you a flight risk, are you a threat to society, so on and so forth.
Prior to my bond hearing I met with a woman who calculated those factors as they pertain to me. She determined that I more than qualify for pre trial release. And recommended that I await trial at home, not from the confines of jail.
Well that didn't work for the DOJ. Not when they could illegally influence the judge to produce the outcome they want. After the judge read out loud the recommended pretrial release for myself, the DOJ was ready to intervene.
The judge hit a button so her conversation could not be heard and a woman walked up to her from the back of the room holding a single piece of paper. The judge would state the lie that a second report was done and I was determined to be a threat to society. Bond denied.
I was beside myself. Not only had, moments ago, the DOJ called me a domestic terrorist but I have watched for years now like many of you, this same DOJ release rapists, murderers, car jackers, drug dealers, all so they could quickly reoffend. Most, if not all, with prior convictions. Surely, they would not deny bond for someone with no criminal convictions, right? Wrong! I was guilty of the worst crime of all, according to this DOJ. I was a straight, white, Christian male who voted for Trump, also known to this DOJ as a domestic terrorist. Hearing them call me that would be the first time I would come to know what a true broken heart would feel like.
The DOJ has a vested interest in having someone remain behind bars pending trial. In jail, all your phone conversations are recorded. They get to hear everything you say. They get to hear your defense, you're strategies. And as they were caught red handed in other January 6th cases, calls with your attorney.
It was at this time that I was informed of two things. 1. I was being extradited to the DC area. 2. I was being charged with criminal enhancement of obstruction of justice, threatening an FBI investigator. This was probably the most egregious lie told on my case by the DOJ and the FBI, but it was far from the only one.
Back in February, one month after January 6th, 2021, I retained a lawyer. I knew I had to answer some questions, face being charged and I was more than willing to do whatever I had to do to make it right with society. I was even willing to turn myself in but was advised not to by my attorney at that time. Almost a year later the time we always knew would come, finally came.
My frantic fiancée informed me the FBI had come to our house and had a picture they wanted to review, so they left a business card with her that she promptly provided to my attorney.
My lawyer then informed me he spoke to the special agent in charge. He said they were aware that I had representation and when they needed to speak with me they would call him, my lawyer, if needed. And they would not reach out to me directly.
After some time went by, one day, I was at my job busy at work when a co-worker of mine came to me and said "Do you know a Ryan so & so, they are on line one, they say they are a close family friend of yours?" Confused, not knowing anyone by that name, I went to the phone only to find no one was there. Being that no one ever calls my job for me and I did not know who this person was, I thought this could mean only one thing. I was being doxxed.
When you have spent time like I have attending different Pro-America, Anti-mask and Anti-Vax Mandate gatherings providing security for protesters, you always know it can happen to you. Some purple haired person with 10 face piercings that lives at home with their parents at age 32 will put up all your private and personal information on the internet so other people like them who support Hillary Clinton and think Rosie O'Donnell would make a fine president, will harass you at your job and cause you to lose it. Being that I liked my job I was not going to let this happen easily.
I got the number that called from the caller ID and did a reverse look up of the number. I was able to find the address, and some other personal info just in a basic search on the internet. I called the number and recited some personal info of theirs in the hopes that it would deter them from harassing me at my place of work.
About 2 days later I get a call from my attorney to come in to his office where he would inform me that the special agent in charge was accusing me of threatening him. That's right, it was the FBI agent that called my job and said he was a "close family friend' of mine.
Not only was it a deciding factor of the judge denying my bond, multiple news articles would be done on me falsely stating that I threatened an FBI agent. Nothing could be further from the truth. But the truth is not something this DOJ is interested in. Instead for over a year they would tell my judge and the American public that I threatened that agent.
Only after the agent testified under oath that he did not identify himself when he called my job did this DOJ, in the 11 hour, the night before my sentencing hearing decide to drop that sentencing Enhancement and admit that for one year, they sat on evidence that by way of a text message, proved my innocence.
But the damage was done. The judge heard for a whole year I had done that.
And so did the American Public. Put simply, it didn't happen.
The DOJ would tell multiple lies on my case and partake in what one can only call Prosecutorial Misconduct.
They told blatant and outright lies at my sentencing claiming that I pulled a gun my mother's landlord and that I had phone calls that they never played, that told them I was not sorry for my actions. All lies that, by law, they did not have to prove at a sentencing hearing. For it is written in law that they can render "hearsay" testimony. They didn't have to prove what they say. Put another way. The DOJ has a license to lie.
The FBI harassed my fiancée, who was not at the capital, when she left town to come visit me in early 2023. They told her neighbors they were friends of hers in attempt to do an illegal search of our home. They lied many times in my case and it is my firm belief in many others as well.
I am now on a mission to expose the DOJ for their Prosecutorial misconduct. I went to a bench trial on my case and was able to have some success. I was found not guilty on the more serious charges. My case was the first to be ruled that way. It should help many others in the near future.
I am in the process of appealing one of the charges I was found guilty of. Again hoping to help many others in this situation. I am also in the process of opening a lawsuit against the DOJ in hopes of exposing the lies and Unconstitutional tactics they use to tip the scales of justice against the American people. But your help is needed.
This experience has cost my family greatly. While they have received some support from good people like you it has still left us financially crippled. But I will not be deterred.
Although I most likely will not see any time off my 5 year sentence and at some point may go hungry, even through solitary confinement, I will not stop fighting for truth and justice here in America.
If I am successful in my appeal (and the law is on my side) and am able to obtain through the Freedom of Information Act what I hope to obtain, I will not only go on to help many other J6ers who have been egregiously over charged, but stop the DOJ from their Prosecutorial misconduct on all Americans.
October 25th, 2023
Here we are again, another birthday passing while Barry is still a political prisoner. We are up against appeals funding and commissary funding and our family could use help. Please consider a birthday donation to support our efforts with Barry. Thank you so much!!
August 27th, 2023
Barry is finally at the Miami facility where we hope to visit him soon. He has officially been sentenced to 60 months plus probation. This long road seems to never be over, as we are now in the appeals process.
We are grateful for everyone who has been able to help the family pay for this ordeal and those who continue to help by contacting the right people when mistreatment and neglect have happened. Please remember Barry loves to receive your notes in the mail. No cards are accepted where he is only white paper in white envelopes. No drawings.
Here's the address to drop him a line in the mail:
Barry Ramey # 97293-509
P.O. BOX 779800
MIAMI, FL 33177
Thank you & God Bless!
January 15th, 2023
Finally got the opportunity to get approved and visit Barry. What an amazing gift. While visiting, I got to go visit loved soldiers who have returned to God at the Lewisburg Cemetery. Honoring them with Our National Anthem felt right. #SingForFreedom
December 22nd, 2022
I heard from Barry! They had their first piece of fruit since incarceration! For breakfast they had PANCAKES and the food s hot! They get to go outside where there is a track and weight benches! All the J6 guys are together (about 8 of them). They have a dedicated TV for their group. Just hearing this makes me calm. They have a new address, here it is...
December 18th, 2022
J6 Pretrial Detainee Slashed Across Face with Knife – Is Housed With CONVICTED KILLERS, GANGSTERS AND RAPISTS! “I Am Living in a Tiny Cage Lined By Rat Droppings and Gagged By the Stench of Urine!” Says Political Prisoner Barry Ramney
Read full article here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.
December 8th, 2022
Barry is writing "Dear America" letters with a call to action to Our Nation. He's read the letters on the vigil for the world to hear and here is the first one. Thank you all for your support God Bless!
Dear America,
It is baffling to me the stranglehold that “urban culture” has on its followers. And before you move to cancel me, I don’t mean any one race. I’m talking in regards to people who rob, kill, rape, and take whatever they want from whoever they want. The parasites that lurk in the shadows to prey upon the weak, who take their belongings, who push them into subway tracks, who attack them with knives and rain down unprovoked, relentless beatings on them, on innocent people who knowingly sell dangerous doses of illicit substances to the addicts on which they feed. These parasites come in all colors, all shapes and sizes and dwell in most neighborhoods. You can’t trust them with a dollar, much less a young child.
When are we as a society going to call out the culprits same as the psych meds and their firm grip on mass shooters?. These parasites who see incarceration and crime as a lifestyle have a culprit as well. When will we, as a nation, stop blaming America, the Constitution, poverty or police and start to call things for what they are? We must stop fearing cancel culture, stop fearing being labeled a racist, a bigot, a fascist. For has it truly become fascist to say that murder is wrong? That it’s not “cool” selling and using illicit drugs you know may harm the well-being of the buyers and users? Is it bigotted to say robbing someone at gunpoint is criminal and not a lifestyle? Are we the ones guilty of sin for saying “No More!”, for taking a stand and using our First Amendment rights to call this lifestyle for what it is? How many innocent people must be killed? How many elderly people must be robbed? How many cars must be stolen? How many daughters must be raped before we collectively say “This ends now!”
When will we, as a generation, stop idolizing rappers and musicians who embrace disorder and ignorance, who glorify killing thy neighbor, and contribute to generations of fatherless homes? When do we stop hoisting scum to pedestals who believe in the degradation of our mothers and daughters? When do we stop honoring the dishonorable, marketing the murderers, conforming the conformists?
Will we sit back and do nothing while the social norm is quickly becoming to lay back and watch as our youth deteriorates into more hosts for these parasites to feed from? When will we, the people, mentally sober up to the world around us? When will we not only shake the dust from our feet but sharpen the blades of our swords? When will we uncap our pens from our personal journals and write for all the public to know that the time of remaining silent is over!? Millions of pin drops produce mighty BANG!
I blame as well, the Silent Majority because I believe that an overwhelming amount of Americans are decent people. They come from all walks of life. They come in all skin tones. But the time for remaining silent is OVER! I will no longer live in fear. All I need to know now is who is coming with me!?
October 26th, 2022
Today is Barry's Birthday. I wish we were out fishing at our favorite place, feeling the breeze of the Everglades and looking forward to dinner plans where I get to spoil him with food and fun. And....it's just not happening this year... I miss him so much. Please consider a Birthday donation...no amount is too small....even $1 can get him half a pack of M&M's... We thank you and thank God
October 1st, 2022
September 24th, 2022
Thank you so much for all of the Support. Barry was able to get some medical assistance this week for his back that went out last week, but not for his toes still going numb. We are still fighting for him to get proper medical treatment. I'm not sure why things take so long to get him seen. Mom is still recovering well from the brain surgery, starting to get more movement with her hand! If you are on Truth Social you can follow @Osprey_Sensei
Thank you for writing to Barry.
He also calls into the DC Live Streams in the evenings to support Ashli Babbitt's mom Mikki and all the J6ers.
Today is the BIG Press Conference. We hope you are watching here are some of the live stream links:
Also Epoch Times is still streaming for Free until Sept 30th The Real Story of Jan 6th Documentary, please be sure to watch it and share!! https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-real-story-of-jan-6-documentary_4596670.html
#j6 #truth #barryramey #ashlibabbitt
September 6th, 2022
August 19th, 2022
Praise Our Father in heaven! Mom's surgery went well and she's home now. Barry stays updated via phone since they denied bond. We are at least grateful God is with us and showering her with healing. Thanks to everyone holding our hands in a spiritual ways, petitioning with prayer for her health. #jan6 #justice4J6 #Jan6 #faith #truth #prayer #God #GodBlessAmerica
August 16th, 2022
They denied bond today. Please pray for mom, she goes in for surgery tomorrow. #j6 #Jan6 #prayers #mom #surgery #God
August 14th, 2022
This week Barry's mom is admitted to the hospital. She's pending surgery. Please pray for her and for Barry to be permitted to return home and be with her and care for her. Barry asks for supporters to read Psalm 35 please. #Jan6 #inittogether #Covfefe #faith #Truth #GodWins #GodBlessAmerica #God #prayer
August 8th, 2022
He wrote me a sweet email with this picture attached for our anniversary tomorrow. We will get to have a video visit, so we can see each other. I miss him so much!
July 24th, 2022
July 21st, 2022
It's been 3 months and Barry has recieved a few letters from around the world. He's asked if any supporters would write him. It brightens his spirit. If you have the time and heart, please drop him a line.
Barry Ramey#51568
Northern Neck Regional Jail
PO Box 1060 Warsaw, VA 22572
Prayers and Grace to you. Praise to God.
June 29th, 2022
Thank you to this special donation today. Our Lord Father continues to provide thru those who see and believe in supporting. Glory to God. Barry is in Virginia and has been supported by prayer and donations. He still does not have medical attention for the numbness in his foot but he was able to purchase Ibuprofen for the back pain. We have put a call into the family liason and hope to have him seen for the numbness (which started 2 days after incarceration). Thank you to those sending prayers and donations from the entire family. Please remember to share the link.
June 17th, 2022
We are praying for help since he's been unable to get Ibuprofin for his back pain. The family has used credit cards to start a retainer with the lawyer and we really appreciate any and all help. The expenses just to get him food and basic necessities are ongoing. Thank you for your support and please remember to share the link.
May 31st, 2022
Thanks to all who have donated so far, we are on our way to our goal. Barry has been moved 5 times since the arrest. Last week was the first time we were able to order him food thru commissary. Thank you so much.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.