Stop US GeoEngineering Legal Fund


 USD $50,000


 USD $53,647

Campaign created by reinette senum

Campaign funds will be received by GenSeven "Stop US Geoengineering Legal Fund"

Stop US GeoEngineering Legal Fund


Americans have become increasingly aware of the ever-expanding aerosol spraying over our heads, known as geoengineering or “solar dimming.” This constant bombardment affects our health, water, food, weather, and lives.

There is a growing deterioration of life around us, including our forests, birds, bees, wildlife, and aquatic life. We are witnessing an ecological collapse while being gaslit if we dare to voice concerns that we are being sprayed. 

We have been at the mercy of what seems like invisible perpetrators. However, we know who the perpetrators are. We know what they are spraying. We have evidence through lab results of water, snow, soil, air, tree bark, and hair samples. 

While many agencies are involved in aerosol spraying for various reasons, we seek support in tax-deductible donations to investigate to take legal action. 

A legal challenge to the aerosol poisoning is being mounted by the nation’s best constitutional and environmental legal team, led by the remarkable attorney Deana Pollard Sacks, who has more than 20 major legal publications, received international recognition, and has been cited in over 200 law review articles, treatises, federal and state-published court opinions (including the United States Supreme Court), practice manuals, and statutory annotations.

In addition, her publications have been cited in many prestigious journals, including the Harvard Law Review, the Yale Law Journal, the Cornell Law Review, the California Law Review, the Northwestern University Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review, the Texas Law Review, and the University of Pennsylvania Law Review. Deana was a tenured law professor for many years and now pursues civil rights cases on behalf of the public.

We will be hiring a former evidence professor (with his own evidence book in its 4th edition, used in law schools) who is also a civil procedure expert (standing, procedural requirements, burdens of proof, and especially what gets into evidence - what evidence meets the standards in the industry).  Our legal team also includes a former law professor who has become a renowned expert in environmental law, to name a few.

We know this is a herculean effort, but it’s time to bring this aerosol madness to an end and stop the biggest perpetrators from violating our skies, our world, and our lives.

If you do not want to send money online, please feel free to send checks to PO Box 1972, Nevada City, CA, 95959. Addressed to Reinette Senum. Write all checks out to GenSeven. 

All donations are tax-deductible through Lord Advocates, a 501c3 (

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

I’d like to help locally in Texas… tell me what to do! I was once a grass roots organizer…

$ 50.00 USD
4 days ago

I am looking for legal action against the perpetrators ... and for the spraying to be stopped.

Dana Siegel
$ 20.00 USD
6 days ago

Thank you for all your work! I want to help!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
17 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
18 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
22 days ago

Dana Siegel
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you for all your work! I want to help!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you Clean skys the rest will follow

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Good luck / create one for EU as well!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Dana Siegel
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank you for all your work! I want to help!

Anonymous Giver
$ 140.00 USD
2 months ago

This contribution is in memory of my dear friend, Joie Reavis, who was a crusader and activist for saving our planet from geoengineering.

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Dana Siegel
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Thank you for all your work! I want to help!

$ 35.00 USD
3 months ago

Can’t say enough …. many thanks 🙏 God Bless

Sally Ogden
$ 1000.00 USD
3 months ago

Reinette...bless you for your courage and ingenuity, I meditate and pray too, been on that path for 50 years, the truth from Dane and the disappearing birds and bugs has become the Twilight Zone, their disappearance becomes an amputation.. The weather manipulation crossed the line (again) this summer but this time people feel there is something wrong, just look at the business deals. Grrr.

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
3 months ago


Status Update #20 Two Save Our Skies Announcement

November 23rd, 2024

Dear Donors & Supporters,

On November 9th, Johanna Finney, Secretary of our non-profit GenSeven (the umbrella organization for Save Our Skies), nominated me for a MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) position under Environmental and Natural Resources for the White House to address and work towards eliminating geoengineering.

In the wake of the Presidential elections, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched his MAHA campaign to "nominate people of integrity and courage for over 4,000 appointments across the future Trump Administration. President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. seek your help in this crucial process.”

I've been nominated under the Environmental and Natural Resources category to end intentional and unintentional geoengineering. Imagine Save Our Skies' efforts magnified and expanded to include an overhaul of the EPA (federal and state) to enhance monitoring of particulate matter, including heavy metals, and strengthen enforcement mechanisms. Implement nationwide real-time testing and citizen-based monitoring programs. Develop federal legislation to prevent geoengineering and improve ENMOD (Environmental Modification Convention)." Additional changes to end geoengineering could include:

  • Increase funding for research on atmospheric protection
  • Establish stricter regulations on high-altitude emissions
  • Create a task force to investigate and prosecute illegal atmospheric modification activities
  • Implement transparent reporting systems for all weather modification programs
  • Develop international cooperation to address global geoengineering concerns

Currently, I'm in third place under Environment and Natural Resources. Please click on the link, below, vote, and leave an endorsement. Please sign up, vote, and endorse me!


The MAHA web designer doesn't make signing up and voting easy, so here are the step-by-step instructions:

Visit and create an account by clicking the red button, “Create An Account”

Click "Sign Up" in small, red print below the “Log In” button

Fill out the form and hit the red "Sign Up" button (You may need to log in again so make sure you keep your username and password)

Once activated and logged in, look to the LEFT under Categories and click  “Environmental and Natural Resources” nominees.

Once on the “Environmental and Natural Resources,” scroll down and click on my name, then click the BLUE VOTE button in the top left

"Like" all positive replies and endorsements

Leave your positive endorsement by hitting the REPLY BUTTON below my nominee submissions and below all the endorsements (you have to scroll for a while). Again, then hit the REPLY BUTTON to leave your endorsement.


When you start typing in your email address to sign in, a secret "link" below the box will appear saying "skip the password, email me a log-in link." Click that. This link allows you to skip the password and will email you a link to click on instead. Clicking on the link emailed to you will get you into the MAHA website and will keep you logged in.

If you have problems, feel free to email me at

Truly, not an easy process!


I’m happy to share that GenSeven's Save Our Skies NOAA co-signer campaign, which took place last Monday and lasted 24 hours, was a success. We garnered support from 216 individual co-signers, including the National Health Federation (NHF), to submit a comprehensive public comment to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) regarding proposed amendments to weather modification reporting regulations. This effort was highlighted in our press release, here:

November 21, 2024


GenSeven's Save Our Skies Campaign Submits Public Comment to

NOAA on Weather Modification Regulations

Nevada City, CA - November 21, 2024 - GenSeven's Save Our Skies (SOS) campaign, along with 14 other organizations including the National Health Federation (NHF) and 201 individual co-signers, has submitted a comprehensive public comment to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) regarding proposed amendments to the Weather Modification Reporting Act (WMRA) of 1972.

The WMRA requires individuals and organizations to report any non-federal/military weather modification activities in the United States to NOAA and the Secretary of Commerce before, during, and after such activities.

Reinette Senum, Founder and President of GenSeven and former Mayor of Nevada City, California, stated, "This public comment represents a collective voice demanding transparency and accountability in weather modification practices. We're calling on NOAA to prioritize public health and environmental integrity over potentially harmful geoengineering experiments."

The comment addresses NOAA's request for public input on potential changes to the WMRA, focusing on Solar Radiation Management (SRM), Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB), Cirrus Cloud Thinning (CCT), and their environmental impacts. SOS and its co-signers urge NOAA to implement stricter oversight and consider banning all geoengineering practices.

While the proposed reporting changes might seem like a step towards transparency, they would inadvertently give tacit permission for anyone to engage in sun-blocking activities under the guise of weather modification. Save Our Skies and its co-signers strongly oppose any amendments that would normalize or facilitate SRM, MCB, or CCT. This amendment, if granted, would be a dangerous step towards establishing geoengineering practices, potentially opening the door for widespread implementation of these controversial and potentially harmful technologies.

Despite claims of technological innovation, there is no comprehensive scientific evidence demonstrating the safety or effectiveness of SRM or geoengineering at scale.

Key points in the public comment include:

- Calls for updated environmental impact studies for all current and proposed weather modification projects

- Implementation of real-time monitoring systems for all weather modification activities

- Potential risks associated with cloud seeding and other geoengineering methods - Addressing the cumulative impacts that make these technologies inherently dangerous

Scot Tips, President and General Counsel of the National Health Federation, stated, "It is shocking that with the incoming Trump Administration prioritizing a reversal of chronic disease—the real epidemic— that NOAA would consider a WMRA rule that continues to hide or dissemble about toxic aviation- induced cloudiness."

These interventions pose profound risks to global ecosystems, human health, and planetary systems, with potentially catastrophic unintended consequences such as altering regional weather patterns, creating areas of drought, catastrophic forest fires, extreme precipitation, and posing significant environmental and societal impacts.

The comment emphasizes the need for clear definitions, stringent reporting requirements, and a comprehensive regulatory strategy to safeguard the environment and public health from the risks associated with all geoengineering programs. It also highlights the human rights implications and the need for governance that respects these rights.

*   *   *

Once again, thank you for all of your support! Our next status update will include the latest from our Public Record Requests!

And don't forget to vote TODAY:

Most Sincerely,


Status Update #19 Exciting Announcement: Advancing Our Cause to New Heights

November 11th, 2024

Dear Save Our Skies Donors & Supporters!

I'm thrilled to share an exciting update that could dramatically amplify our fight against geoengineering. As of yesterday, I've been nominated for a position in the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) initiative, under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the future Trump Administration.

The MAHA nominee campaign is a political initiative associated with the Trump campaign and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Its goal is to nominate citizens for over 4,000 appointments across a potential future Trump administration, aiming to dismantle the corporate stranglehold on government agencies that has contributed to chronic disease, environmental issues, and public distrust. Led by Kennedy, who suspended his presidential campaign to endorse Trump, this is providing an extraordinary opportunity for citizen engagement and leadership unlike ever before. 

My MAHA nomination, made by Johanna Finney, Secretary of our non-profit GenSeven (umbrella organization for Save Our Skies), represents an unprecedented opportunity to bring our battle against geoengineering to the highest levels of government. With the potential backing of both President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., we have a chance to transform our grassroots efforts into national policy.

Imagine the impact we could have with the resources and authority of the White House behind us. 

We could:

1. Overhaul the EPA to enhance monitoring of particulate matter and heavy metals

2. Implement nationwide real-time testing and citizen-based monitoring programs

3. Develop federal legislation to prevent geoengineering

4. Improve the Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) to stop geoengineering globally… just to name a few things.

We are not asking for money, but action.

Your support has been crucial in getting us this far. Now, we have the opportunity to take our fight to the national stage. This is our chance to ensure that the issue of geoengineering is addressed at the highest level.

RFK Jr has publicly come forward calling out the need to end geoengineering. You can watch the video, here, within my most recent Substack post:

We need your help more than ever. Please visit to endorse my nomination and help bring our mission to Washington. Together, we can make America truly healthy again by reclaiming our skies and protecting our environment.


 1. Visit and create an account at

2. Click the red button, “Create An Account”

3. Click "Sign Up" in small, red print below the “Log In” button

4. Fill out the form and hit the red "Sign Up" button (You may need to log in again so make sure you keep your username and password)

5. Once activated and logged in, you can do one of three things;

Click the NOMINEES TAB on the top Right of the page

OR go to

OR search for me under the “Environmental and Natural Resources” nominees (on left side of the page)

6. Once on the “Environmental and Natural Resources,” scroll down and click on my name, then click the BLUE VOTE button in the top left

7. "Like" all positive replies and endorsements

8. Leave your positive endorsement by hitting the REPLY BUTTON below my nominee submissions/right above the endorsements section.


I know these are quite a few steps, but it’s worth it to save our skies!

If you have any issues signing up and getting in, please let me know. You can email me directly at


Now for a legal update. I have just submitted our fourth Public Records Request (PRA) after submitting three earlier ones to a Central California Irrigation District regarding their cloud seeding operations.

From our earlier PRAs, we have uncovered some jaw-dropping revelations. Environmental Impact Studies are using outdated 1990 studies. Public notifications that should be done annually are being done for five-year periods. County supervisors, whose job it is to approve these cloud seeding operations, aren't even aware of what they are approving. The US and CA EPA are not doing their jobs whatsoever, and these cloud seeding programs are costing millions of dollars in taxpayer funds, especially following catastrophic events that occur after their operations.

We are pursuing this because there is evidence that cloud seeding conducted in the early winter of 2023 had created $39 million in property damage that ultimately was reimbursed by FEMA to the respective county.

Once we receive this next round of PRA documents, we will be able to determine which parties to pursue: the Irrigation Districts paying for the cloud seeding or the US/CA EPA for not doing their jobs.

You have all been patient in this process. I never realized what a long haul this would be, but we are determined!

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and please go to for the vote and endorsement to save our skies!

Most sincerely,

Reinette Senum

Update #18

August 14th, 2024

Hello Donors & Supporters!

We're shaking things up this month and moving our Save Our Skies (SOS) Swarm Webinar to tomorrow, Wednesday, at 6 PM PDT. We've got a heavy hitter joining us - Cal Washington, the mastermind behind and the creator of those game-changing Notice of Liabilities  (NOLs).

Here's the kicker: the U.S. version of this NOL is making its grand debut tonight on the  platform. But don't worry, we'll be dissecting it for you tomorrow evening. It's like getting the inside scoop before the paint's even dry!


We're also very excited because, on August 16th, we're finally getting our hands on Public Records Request documents from a California Irrigation district about their cloud seeding shenanigans. We're expecting some real nuggets of information to bolster our lawsuit against this airborne madness.

You won't want to miss tomorrow night's webinar. I've been cooking up groundbreaking legislation on geoengineering —it's the crème de la crème of what's out there, plus some secret sauce you won't find anywhere else. I'll be spilling the beans on this during tomorrow's Swarm.

And if that wasn't enough to whet your whistle, we're bringing on the big guns. Johanna Finney, our GenSeven Vice President (Save Our Skies umbrella organization), will be joining us to chat about our upcoming public outreach blitz using NOLs. It's time to take this fight to the streets, folks! Or should I say, the skies

So, clear your schedules and set your alarms. In just 24 hours, we're not just taking steps - we're making giant leaps. Don't be the one left in the contrails!

SOS Swarm Webinar Link:

6 pm PDT, Wednesday, August 14th!

Remember, if you can't make it live, we've got you covered with a recording. But trust me, you'll want to be there in real time for this one. It's going to be a doozy!

And as always, thank you to EVERYONE who has supported us in getting this far!

Most Sincerely,


Status Update #17 A Year in Review & Join Us For a Special SOS Swarm Webinar

April 22nd, 2024

Dearest Supporters & Friends,

As we review the past year's activities at GenSeven and our Save Our Skies initiative, it is clear that our collective efforts have not only broadened but deepened in impact. Anchored by a dedicated group of volunteers—from environmental enthusiasts and legal researchers to technology savants—we've pushed boundaries and innovated in our quest for environmental accountability. Our team, composed entirely of volunteers, with the exception of our legal team, has worked tirelessly in their spare time to champion our cause and make a significant difference.

This year, we established a robust framework for our organization by formalizing GenSeven as a 501(c)(3), launching educational and informative webinars, and significantly enhancing our digital presence with updated websites and engaging content. The largest and most intricate challenge has undoubtedly been the legal dimensions of our advocacy. However, the creativity and persistence of our team have led us to explore numerous alternative avenues to address these challenges, ensuring that our legal efforts are complemented by comprehensive research, community education, and transparent communication.

Our community's support and our volunteers' dedication have been nothing short of inspiring. Together, we have raised substantial funds, advanced our legal and research agendas, and maintained an unwavering commitment to fiscal transparency.

As you read through the detailed accomplishments listed below, we hope you feel as encouraged and optimistic as we do about the future. Save Our Skies' journey under GenSeven and Lord Advocates (our fiscal sponsor) is a testament to what passion, teamwork, and innovation can achieve—even in our spare time.

Annual Review of Activities for GenSeven and Save Our Skies

Organizational Developments:

    Established GenSeven as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, launching the Save Our Skies initiative under its umbrella.

    Secured Lord Advocates as our fiscal sponsor pending receipt of tax-exempt status.

    Formulated and approved the organizational board for guiding future activities.

Branding and Online Presence:

    Developed and launched distinctive logos for Save Our Skies.

    Created and maintained two dedicated websites: and

Research and Analysis:

    Funded and facilitated the analysis of 24 rainwater and samples through McCampbell Analytical, alongside a JetA fuel analysis, to study environmental impact.

    Organized a robust team of legal and geoengineering experts to support our initiatives.

Educational Outreach and Webinars:

    Hosted 12 bi-monthly "SOS Swarm Webinars" featuring expert insights on atmospheric monitoring and environmental advocacy, including guidance on using flight radar applications, identifying weather modification programs, and rainwater lab testing.

    Conducted ten private webinars tailored to support advocacy groups nationwide.

    Engaged in extensive media outreach, including nine podcast interviews and three radio broadcasts.

Resource Development:

    Compiled a 75-slide PowerPoint toolkit titled "How To Become an SOS Skywatcher" to educate and equip volunteers.

    Produced five legal memos and status reports to inform the legal team and stakeholders of regulatory and legislative developments.

Special Projects and Presentations:

    Conducted five in-depth interviews with geoengineering specialists, accessible here at ReinetteSenum’

    Hosted a fundraising event featuring a screening of Michael Murphy’s film "Unconventional Grey," accompanied by a legal Q&A session.

    Delivered five public presentations, including a notable appearance at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles.

Funding and Support:

    Successfully raised nearly $70,000 to support ongoing and future activities, underscoring strong community and donor support.

Financial Transparency:

    Published two semi-annual fiscal statements on the "Fiscal Responsibility" page of to ensure transparency and accountability to our supporters and funders.

Lastly, mark your calendar for a special SOS Swarm Webinar THIS WEDNESDAY with guest Cal Washington, founder of and creator of the Notice of Liabilities (NOLs). Cal will join us on Wednesday, April 24th, at 6 pm PDS and will share their newly created NOLs for geoengineering with us for the first time.

While this draft has focused on Canada and its laws, much of the information applies to the US, and the US version is also on its way.

Wednesday, April 24th, at 6 pm PDS

SOS Swarm Webinar:
No password is required.

Because of your ongoing support, we could do what we did this year. We can't thank you enough and look forward to the next year when we will enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Most Sincerely,

Reinette Senum

Update Status Update #17 A Year in Review & Join Us For a Special SOS Swarm Webinar Image
Status Update #16, Legal Brief in Hand, Word is Spreading, SOS Swarm Webinar Tonight!

March 1st, 2024

Dear Donors & Supporters,

Thank you so much for your continued support. I'm happy to inform you that great movement is being made. We now have a geoengineering legal brief that gives us a path forward for our legal pursuit #2. We are also very excited by Cal Washington's Cal's legal team has been working on a Notice of Liability (NOL) for geoengineering and is wrapping up their first draft for Canada, and they will then shape for use here in the U.S.. Having a geoengineering NOL will allow us to put aviation companies, pilots, and those involved in geoengineering -- where "the rubber meets the road" sort of speak -- and put them on notice that they are personally liable! NOLs are one of our toolbox's primary tools, allowing us to come at this from all angles.

We are getting the word out with two recent interviews. One was with Seth Holehouse of Man in America, followed by a back-to-back interview with Kim Iversen of the Kim Iversen Show. These powerhouse interviews have already stirred the pot, amassing over 1,500 engaged souls within the first 20 hours post-Iversen interview. Why? Because when it comes to the Save Our Skies legal effort against geoengineering, people are tuning in to be part of “the difference.” To take control of the skies right where they are.

Seth Holehouse's Man in America interview is HERE.

You can find the Kim Iversen interview HERE.


For our SOS Swarm Webinar, please join us TONIGHT, 6-8 pm PST, FRIDAY. We will teach you to read what is happening over your head and assist you in taking back your skies…. right-where-you-are.

Jeff “Ray,” SOS meteorologist, and Jim Lee of will be joining us.

This is more than a webinar; it's a call to arms.

LINK HERE: works best on Google Chrome, Brave, or Opera browsers! Once you go to the website, enter the “SOS Room.” Keep open tabs to a minimum for better bandwidth.

If you can't make it online, feel free to call in and listen. Dial this U.S. number
1-360-777-7000  and use the PIN:25141

I'm happy to report we are picking up steam. Please join us if you can to find out all the good works your donation has supported!

In Appreciation,

Reinette Senum

Update Status Update #16, Legal Brief in Hand, Word is Spreading, SOS Swarm Webinar Tonight! Image
Status Update #15: Join Us TONIGHT for Our Save Our Skies Webinar... & More

January 24th, 2024

Dear Supporters!

I sincerely thank each and every one of you who has gotten us to this point. Your donations, monthly contributions, prayers, and words of encouragement have made a world of difference.

We have taken on a behemoth goal, and we are making progress. Some surprises and unexpected turns have cropped up along the way, but we continue to make good progress. It is our hope to have at least one of two lawsuits filed by spring.

In the meantime, I personally invite you to join us TONIGHT! I share much of what has been revealed this last year during our bi-monthly SOS SWARM webinars. Every 2nd Tuesday and 4th Wednesday of the month. Tonight is the 4th Wednesday, so join us!

We want to educate you on how to do what we are doing! We need an army!

During our SOS SWARM webinar, our SOS SkyWatchers team will share how they "read the skies," test rainwater samples for heavy metals, read flight tracker apps, put their officials "on notice," and go down the wormhole of geoengineering with Jim Lee of (he will be attempting to join us towards the last half of the webinar this evening)…. so please join us tonight and learn where we are, what we know, and where we are going with our legal work.

Wednesday, January 24th, 6 pm PST   



I have been working on my upcoming Clean Planet Starts With a Clean Sky workshop in preparation for the Conscious Life Expo, Planetary Transformation. My 1.5-hour workshop will be on Saturday, February 10th, at 6 pm at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles.

Buy a Day Pass for the event on Saturday here (it is required first to purchase a Day Pass to go to my workshop):

You can buy tickets to my workshop here:


"The ever-expansion of weather modification and weaponization, solar radiation management (SRM), stratospheric aerosol Injection (SAI), and marine cloud brightening (MCB) have had life-threatening biological impacts on all living things, including human life. We have seen the horrific ramifications of this practice all around us, especially in these strange, fast-moving, hotter-than-normal fires that are burning things differently than ever before in known history. These aerosol spraying programs are underway without the knowledge or consent of citizens worldwide. To sustain life on the planet as we know it, this constant toxic bombardment from the sky must come to an end. Through Save Our Skies, a landmark legal challenge is being mounted in the United States to end this aerosol madness. But the action doesn’t stop with one legal action. Our S.O.S. Citizen Engagement (CE) is taking a multi-pronged approach to stop geoengineering by enlisting an army of concerned citizens from all directions to come at this. Learn how we are utilizing small claims courts, Notice of Liabilities (NOLs), and public outreach and education, and how you can be a part of the solution.

Within the next few weeks, I will be putting out an extensive update. In the meantime, I have recently been interviewed by Sarah Westenhall, Alec Zeck, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and I will share these links once these posts are online.

I have also spoken to Cal Washington of In Power Movement. He and his team have been working on a Notice of Liabilities (NOL) for geoengineering and cloud seeding. He believes they will have the first draft of this NOL ready by mid-February, so stay tuned!

Lastly, I want to thank all those who donated after our last campaign update. We put that towards rainwater samples and are now ready to test tree bark!

The SOS Team is eternally grateful!

Most Sincerely,


Update Status Update #15: Join Us TONIGHT for Our Save Our Skies Webinar... & More Image
Status Update #14 Join Us TONIGHT, Ready to File Come Spring, Support Our Rain Water Tests, & More

January 9th, 2024

Dearest Supporters,

While we have been quiet for two months, our noses have been to the grindstone, and we have made extraordinary gains. I'm truly excited by what we are uncovering.

On August 1, 2023, GenSeven and Lord Advocates initiated a legal pursuit against Make Sunsets, Inc. (MSI), a start-up involved in controversial Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) projects. MSI, banned in Mexico for similar unpermitted experiments, is now under scrutiny in the U.S. GenSeven and Lord Advocates are investigating MSI's compliance with the Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972, particularly their NF 17-4 form filed with the NOAA.

Parallel to this legal pursuit, we are actively investigating the repercussions of a significant weather event that occurred in Central California during the winter of 2023. This investigation focuses on determining links to a local weather modification program and evaluating the extent of the resultant damages. This strong legal pursuit will allow us to file a landmark court case by this spring, in addition to the Make Sunsets legal challenge.

GenSeven’s Save Our Skies has implemented a comprehensive data collection initiative. Our SkyWatchers team is utilizing advanced technologies such as FlightRadar24 and SkyGlass software to meticulously track flight patterns, complemented by our team's continuing meteorological observations to monitor atmospheric conditions and conduct rigorous analysis, including the procurement and testing of jet fuel samples in a certified laboratory. Additionally, we are currently analyzing rainwater, with eleven samples undergoing tests to assess potential contaminants.

We want to continue supporting our SkyWatchers team in subsidizing the cost of rain/snow water testing, which costs approximately $150 per test. In addition, we need to test tree bark for the same heavy metals we are finding in our rainwater samples.

Would you be willing to support our efforts in these tests? We have collected additional rain and snow samples that we need to test, and we can only do this if Save Our Skies covers the expense of our SkyWatchers team.

Would you like to meet some of our SkyWatcher team members? Tonight, on our bi-monthly Save Our Skies Swarm webinar, two of our SkyWatcher team members will join us to tell us about their efforts and some of our uncovered findings.

Join us at 6 pm PST TONIGHT by going to If you can only join us by phone, you can do so by dialing 1-360-777-7000 PIN: 13159.


Do you live in California? Love to travel with a purpose? Join me and dozens of other activists and thought leaders for the Conscious Life Expo, Planetary Transformation, at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, CA, February 9th-12th! I will be holding a 1.5-hour workshop titled, A Clean Planet Starts in the Sky, sharing our Save Our Skies legal efforts!

Buy Tickets for my Workshop in Advance Here:

Once again, thank you to everyone who has supported this most important endeavor. We are determined to see the return of our healthy and clean skies!

Most Sincerely,

Reinette Senum

Update Status Update #14 Join Us TONIGHT, Ready to File Come Spring, Support Our Rain Water Tests, & More Image
Status Update #13- Finding the Source of the Heavy Metals in our Rain/Water Samples

November 14th, 2023

Dear Valued Donors and Supporters,

I wanted to share with you the progress we've made in our pursuit of truth and justice over the past few months. Our dedicated team embarked on a challenging mission to investigate the presence of heavy metals in jet fuel, a critical element in the complex landscape of geoengineering. Thanks to the courage of a volunteer, we successfully obtained Jet A fuel for testing from a commercial air strip.

Contrary to the information we received from a geoengineering expert, who had indicated the presence of any heavy metals in jet fuel that remained after refining, our recent testing revealed no traces of heavy metals in our Jet A fuel sample.

However, this unexpected turn has only fueled our determination even more, no pun intended. To delve deeper into this mystery, we now seek a sample of Jet A-1 fuel with freeze resistance additive. There is a possibility the additive contains the heavy metals.

This endeavor has its unique challenges, as we cannot self-serve on commercial airports as we did before for the Jet A. Jet A-1 does not allow self-serve. If any of you can assist us in obtaining just 2 ounces of Jet A-1 fuel, please reach out to me directly at 530-264-6048 via text. Your support and connections could be the key to unraveling this complex puzzle.

It is critical we clearly identify the source for what we are finding in our rain and snow samples. 

Navigating the legal aspects of our geoengineering lawsuit has proven to be a labyrinthine journey. We've encountered walls and setbacks, compelled to retrace our steps and forge new paths. Legislators and policymakers seem to have shielded the perpetrators with various immunities. Yet, our determination remains unyielding as we strive to uncover the Achilles' heel in this intricate web of obfuscation. Your contributions have propelled us forward, and we are excited about the impact our collective efforts will have in holding those responsible accountable.


Join me for our Save Our Skies online meeting the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Wednesday of every month from 6-7pm PDT. Just click the link here: 

 A pin # isn’t required but here it is just in case: 25141 

Just follow the prompts and that will get you to us. 

If you have any issues getting on feel free to text me at 530-264-6048. 

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey towards a world where transparency, justice, and environmental well-being prevail. Together, we are making strides toward a brighter and more sustainable future.


Reinette Senum

Update #12 SOS Swarm Webinar TONIGHT, Upcoming UNconventional Grey Screening

September 27th, 2023

Dear Supporters & Donors,

Once again, thank you for the continued donations, support, and prayers. I want to let you know that this means the world to us, and I want to share with all of you some updates!

We Are Busy Preparing to Launch the Second Phase of our Landmark Legal Fight.

Have you signed up for GenSeven’s Save Our Skies' special fundraiser to support the landmark geoengineering lawsuit?  If you live in the area (or want to donate to this special screening) of Grass Valley, CA, please join us for a screening of the recently surfaced documentary UNconventional Grey, directed and produced by the late Michael J. Murphy— including Q&A from notable geoengineering experts—music by Jamie Drake. 

We are attempting to livestream it. Stay tuned!


Join us TONIGHT for our Second SOS Swarm Webinar

Our second SaveOurSkies webinar is TONIGHT. The founder of InPower Movement, Cal Washington will be speaking and answering questions about Notice of Liabilities (NOLs). Join us to learn boots-on-the-ground tactics for public education on geo-engineering. Learn how to conduct public outreach and write Open Letters and Notice of Liabilities (NOLs).

Tonight 6pm PDT and the 2nd Tuesday of the month!

Sign up for our webinar.

Do You Know Heads of Dept's Who Allow the Aerial Spraying to Continue?

We are collecting the names and contact information of heads of departments such as your Air & Water Quality boards, county supervisors, city council members, and more. Please email their contact information to so we may prepare a Notice of Liability to put them on notice: Stop allowing the spraying or resign!

 And do you want to support our efforts to clean our skies once and for all? IF SO..... would you be willing to double your donation?


And with that, I thank all of you once again.

In Appreciation,


Geoengineering Legal Status Update #11 We Made it Through Stage One!

September 11th, 2023

Hello, Dear Supporters!

Our GiveSendGo “Stop US Geoengineering Legal Fund” was successful, and we raised nearly $50,000 for the first phase of our legal research into launching a (series) of lawsuits to stop the incessant geoengineering. This has allowed us to complete our initial legal research as intended.

As I mentioned in a past update, we believe fiscal transparency is essential, so click HERE to see the financial breakdown and easy-to-read pie chart of how your donations were spent.

Thank you to all who contributed and spread the word! This would not have been possible without you.


We will now take the same GiveSendGo campaign and bump the number up to begin the second phase of our Stop US Geoengineering Legal fight. To celebrate this next step, we are holding a special fundraiser at 6 p.m., Friday, October 6th, including a livestream of the event—details of the livestream to follow.

We will be screening the recently-surfaced documentary by the late Michael J. Murphy (director/producer What In The World Are They Spraying), UNconventional Grey, followed by a Q&A by some of the film’s leading geoengineering experts who will be Zooming in.

You can buy Early Bird tickets HERE if you want to attend the Grass Valley, Nevada City, CA screening.

Livestream tickets will also be available next week, so stay tuned.


In addition, we are launching the Save Our Skies webinars for on-the-ground crews to teach public outreach, leadership education, Notice of Liabilities, and Open Letter writing. This will fortify concerned citizens’ ability to educate the public/officials about geoengineering. We will hold these webinars every month on the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Wednesday, 6 pm PDT. On occasion, we will have geoengineering/activists join us.

You can check out the calendar on our Save Our Skies website HERE, where you can sign up for the webinar. 

I want to thank you again for getting us through the first stage of this legal process. 

Stay tuned. We will continue updates as we go!

In Appreciation,


Update Geoengineering Legal Status Update  #11 We Made it Through Stage One! Image
Status Update #10 On the Verge of Filing

August 3rd, 2023

Dear Supporters and Donors,

We have come a long way in 3 months. Our team has completed a herculean task and is now preparing to file. We have begun our second round of fundraising for this landmark lawsuit. We are sincerely appreciative of each and every one of you who jumped in from the beginning. What we have accomplished today could not have been possible without you. 

Our team is doing the heavy lifting. We are accomplishing something that has never been done before in this nation. 

Could you double your donation? Can you make the donation monthly? We are on the verge of filing a landmark lawsuit, and if we don't raise the next round of needed funds, this will go no further.


Below, you will see a press release that we sent out to the major media that is ignoring this lawsuit for right now... but at some point, they will not be able to any longer.

Please share this with anyone who cares, has a social media presence, or has an email list. This is our shot to change the world for the better!


Landmark Geoengineering Lawsuit Being Mounted Against U.S. Start-Up Make Sunsets, Inc.

as Congress Kills U.S. Enviro Policy (NEPA)

Nevada City, CA.- Two organizations, GenSeven and Lord Advocates, are preparing a landmark lawsuit against the start-up corporation, Make Sunsets, Inc. (“MSI”), headquartered in Box Elder, South Dakota. MSI was recently banned in Mexico for conducting unpermitted geoengineering experiments launched in Baja, California, similar to what the start-up has begun in the U.S.

Due to health concerns and unknown environmental risks, the Mexican government banned MSI’s unpermitted “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection” (“SAI”) projects, a controversial effort to cool the earth by releasing sulfur dioxide particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect incoming heat. SAI has also been banned by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (establishing in 2010 a moratorium against deploying such geoengineering).

On April 18th, 2023, GenSeven successfully launched and completed the first leg of their GiveSendGo crowdfunding campaign to conduct preliminary legal research ( for a geoengineering legal challenge. GenSeven’s Lead Attorney, Deana Pollard-Sacks’ organization Lord Advocates, soon became a co-plaintiff.

Through their research, GenSeven and Lord Advocates have identified and are investigating MSI. MSI asserted in their U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) “Weather Modification Projects Report” that their SAI projects will continue for 200 years until 2223 covering “all of earth” or “196,900,000 sq. miles.”

Per NOAA’s website, “As part of Public Law 92-205 (1972), all non-Federal weather modification activities must be reported to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce via the NOAA Weather Program Office.”

MSI’s experimental SAI programs are underway throughout the U.S. and, most recently, out of Reno, Nevada, over the Sierra Mountains range. MSI’s’ SAI projects are deploying sulfur dioxide, calcium carbonate, and other “proprietary compounds,” according to their NOAA submission and MSI’s website. 

According to attorney Sacks, “The application itself indicates that no environmental impact statement (“EIS") has been submitted for MSI’s 200-years worth of proposed geoengineering projects, and there are no attempts to study, measure feedback, or gather data from these experimental releases.” 

According to an environmental lawyer, projects have been implemented after an application is filed, despite no environmental study or analysis as federal law requires. 

The GenSeven legal team is dealing with what Congress recently snuck into the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (June 3, 2023) (“FRA”); significant substantive changes that eviscerate the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”), the body of law that requires our federal government to assess environmental impacts to human health and the environment for all major federal actions. Most Americans are unaware of these significant and detrimental changes to the nation’s environmental protections.  

Experts call the NEPA changes incomprehensible, vague, inconsistent, and in desperate need of interpretation. This will create massive delays contrary to the reasons for the changes: “To streamline the environmental impact process.” 

While there is growing outcry from Americans against geoengineering and untested “solar dimming,” last June, the White House released a federally mandated report to “study last ditch efforts” to block the sun through geoengineering while simultaneously ignoring the thousands of weather modification and solar dimming projects that have been underway throughout the U.S. for decades, according to NOAA’s “Weather Modification Project Report.” 

Americans have become increasingly aware of the ever-expanding aerosol spraying over their heads, known as geoengineering. 

“It’s time we stop the nation’s runaway geoengineering/weather modification programs,” GenSeven founder and Make Sunset’s co-plaintiff, Reinette Senum. “We are on the precipice of normalizing a dangerous undertaking that has never been tested for safety, health, or environmental risk.”

Residents in Northern California have reported that their solar panels are losing efficiency due to the lack of sunlight caused by solar dimming. In addition, this constant bombardment affects the health, water, food, soil, weather, and lives throughout America. Many nationwide note a growing deterioration of life, including forests, birds, bees, wildlife, and aquatic life. 

The legal team, comprised of attorneys, research specialists, physicians, and scientists, can be reached at GenSeven is the umbrella organization for SaveOurSkies. 

Please make a tax-deductible donation to Lord Advocates (, a 501(c)(3) Texas corporation) or GenSeven (, IRS Section (501(c)(3) application pending). 

* * *

GenSeven is a pending Social Welfare and Educational Organization 501(c)(3) to educate, inspire, and motivate citizens throughout the United States. Our advocacy efforts will focus on the strategic use of citizen-initiated ballot initiatives, education, public outreach, and supporting programs that ultimately serve and incentivize the 7th Generation principle; every decision we make today should serve seven generations from now.

Lord Advocates was organized in 2023 by former tenured law professors and lifelong colleagues who share a mission to protect and further natural human and constitutional rights for all human beings. Lord Advocates serves humanity by educating the public about the law and engaging the judicial system to quell oppression and affirm rights that have been under extraordinary attack by our government and private corporations since the COVID-19 pandemic was announced in March 2020. We are non-denominational, non-partisan, egalitarian, and we seek to serve all human beings in all of the world’s many and diverse places.

BREAKING: GenSeven's Geoengineering Legal Team Announces Pursuit of Injunction!

July 18th, 2023

Dear Donors and Supporters,

Once again, thank you SO MUCH for your support and belief in our campaign to bring an end to Geoengineering. We are three months in, and we are successfully winding up the first stage of our legal fund process.

You have all waited patiently as we navigated these legal waters; it has paid off! We have a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

Our Stop US Geoengineering Legal Team is finally narrowing in on our first defendant, Make Sunsets, Incorporated. Make Sunsets made international headlines recently when it was banned in Mexico (  after conducting solar geoengineering experiments by releasing two weather balloons full of sulfur dioxide and other “proprietary compounds” without the government’s knowledge or consent.

As reported in a Maria Zeee interview that I shared in an earlier Status Report, Make Sunsets has a 200-year contract. This type of experimental contract is unheard of.



While we have several different ways to come at this legal case, we have a new, but not insurmountable, challenge to deal with; on June 3rd, President Joe Biden signed a bill that raises the debt limit in exchange for concessions on federal spending. Found in this bill is the small print that is going to seriously reform the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA is the federal standard for Environmental Impact Statements. 

Because of the recent NEPA developments, we are bringing on an additional attorney/professor, Fred Galves, for this particular leg of the legal process to see how it could specifically affect our lawsuit. You can find his experience and the other team attorneys at

On a side note, Lord Advocates is now a plaintiff alongside GenSeven.

By deep diving into the NEPA changes, we will be better prepared to navigate these legal waters. Attorney Galves has had extensive working experience with attorney Sacks and has drawn up a legal research proposal for this short phase:

Initial Legal Research Proposal for 
GenSeven’s “Stop US Geoengineering Legal Fund”                   (Funding needed: $25,000-50,000)

GenSeven is investigating Make Sunsets, Inc. (a relatively new start-up based out of Box Elder, South Dakota) and its application for a 200-year contract with the U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) for experimental Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (“SAI”) programs throughout the U.S., and worldwide. Make Sunsets asserts that SAI helps to combat Global Warming. These experimental SAI programs are currently underway throughout the US, most recently out of Reno, Nevada, over the Sierra Mountains range. Despite Make Sunsets’ SAI claims, SAI has been banned in Mexico due to human health concerns and unknown environmental risks. SAI also has been banned by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (establishing in 2010 a moratorium against deploying such geoengineering). GenSeven seeks donations to fund this investigation. 

In June 2023, after GenSeven’s founder Reinette Senum and attorney Deana Sacks announced their intent to pursue an injunction to stop the geoengineering, Congress amended the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) and loosened the longstanding requirement for an Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) prior to the government engaging any action that could have a deleterious effect on the environment. The legislative revisions are so recent that our lawyers must research what happened and why. Our lawyers are currently investigating the June 2023 changes to NEPA and researching all aspects of the 200-year contract, which probably violates the law on several bases per se.  

These issues are novel and require comprehensive legal analysis. We do not want to file an action prematurely on this precedent-setting action and must spend the time to understand fully the above-referenced issues and legislative action. Funding is needed for this high-end research and analysis. 

Due to the complicated and novel issues, GenSeven has retained two former tenured law professors with expertise in constitutional law, civil procedure, evidence, and civil liability (tort law). These lawyers are Attorney Advocates with Lord Advocates if you wish to review their stellar credentials and records of legal scholarship. See  

Our lawyers believe that there may be a variety of due process violations as well as substantive law issues with the 200-year contract. After the research is complete, we will turn to other considerations pre-filing. We will need to fund the research now and raise funds later to fund the litigation, which is very time-consuming for lawyers and expensive. 

Donations to GenSeven are tax-deductible (our IRS Section (501(c)(3) application is pending). 

Thank you for your support, and we will keep you updated on our progress.

I am truly excited about the legal developments and the legal team that we have built. We are also ensuring that we do this right because we realize the legal precedence this case will have.

Thank you, once again, for getting us through the first round.

We kindly ask, will you help us with this next phase? It was because of your generosity we got this far, and it's imperative we continue.

So, with that, I want to thank EVERYONE for what you have done for this legal case and for this planet. You have made all the difference in the world!

In Appreciation,

Reinette Senum

Update BREAKING: GenSeven's Geoengineering Legal Team Announces Pursuit of Injunction! Image
Important Status Update; Would You Be Willing to Double Your Donation?

June 27th, 2023

Dearest Donors and Supporters,

I’m happy to announce our website is live! Check it out and know there is more to come, including a place where you will be able to add your testimonies of what you are witnessing in the sky, with your pollinators, trees, rain water samples, you name it.

We want to make sure your voice is heard!

In my Substack video HERE, I give a breakdown of how we have spent the donations. I believe you will be pleased with the headway we have made.

If you have donated to our givesendgo, would. you be willing to double your donation or sign up for a monthly donation? If you have been thinking about donating, but haven’t, after reading who is on our legal team, would you be willing to donate now?

Now.... onto the Legal Team for our geoengineering lawsuit:


The ultimate goal of this legal team and undertaking is to expose, and hold accountable, several significant players in the geoengineering realm. These will range from military leaders and corporations to airlines, businessmen/women in related geoengineering corporations/ industries, and more. We currently have a foundational team researching legal avenues to start the lawsuit processes and sourcing experts, creating and providing partnerships, gearing up for large outreach projects, and more.

As ecosystems crumble daily, we wish to gear up and go as quickly as possible in all aspects. 


The legal team is comprised of attorneys, research specialists, physicians, scientists, and more. While we have only recently initiated this project, our team includes the following attorneys:

Lead Attorney, Deana Pollard Sacks

Ms. Sacks has more than 20 major legal publications, received international recognition, and has been cited in over 200 law review articles, treatises, federal and state- published court opinions (including the United States Supreme Court), practice manuals, and statutory annotations.

In addition, her publications have been cited in many prestigious journals, including the Harvard Law Review, the Yale Law Journal, the Cornell Law Review, the California Law Review, the Northwestern University Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review, the Texas Law Review, and the University of Pennsylvania Law Review. Deana was a tenured law professor for many years and now pursues civil rights cases on behalf of the public.

Scholarly papers:

As a law professor, Ms. Sacks has gathered close colleagues of hers who are anonymous consultants. Three have degrees from Harvard and one from Columbia Law School. They have written leading textbooks on 1) evidence; 2) constitutional law; 3) federal jurisdiction; 4) American history (Antebellum South); 5) environmental treatises. Collectively this team has well over a hundred law review articles published - many in top journals.

David Sacks

Ms. Deana’s husband, David Sacks of the Sacks Law Firm, is a veteran trial lawyer in Houston, TX, and is rated as a Super Lawyer for 2018 - 2023.

Being selected as Super Lawyers, Mr. Sacks has earned the respect of his peers as one of the top-rated attorneys in the nation. This selection is based on an evaluation of 12 indicators, including peer recognition and professional achievement in legal practice, and is limited to a small number of attorneys in each state.

He is a certified appellate lawyer with extensive experience in federal and state courts and represents clients with appellate issues in Texas. He also represents clients with business and general litigation issues and will oversee our case's filings and federal procedures (

Brad Beers

Brad Beers of the Beers Law Firm is a Sack’s colleague and works closely with the Sacks. Mr. Beers is a University of Texas School of Law graduate, has been a trial lawyer for 43 years, and was a prosecutor for decades in Harris County. After earning a bachelor’s degree in business administration from East Texas State University (now Texas A&M at Commerce) and a law degree from the University of Texas, Beers served as an assistant district attorney in Harris County, Texas ( Template.cfm?Section=Find_A_Lawyer&template=/Customsource/MemberDirectory/ MemberDirectoryDetail.cfm&ContactID=222085).

Both Mr. and Ms. Sacks and Mr. Beers are admitted to the US Supreme Court.

Tony Vacca (Canadian Team)

Canadian attorney Tony Vacca was co-counsel in a proposed Canadian class proceeding, filed in 2016, with urgency, seeking to bring an end to the aerial spraying in Canada on the basis that such spraying was profoundly harmful to the Canadian environment and destructive to human health, and as such, contravened the provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The case was ultimately dismissed in November 2020 after 4.5 years of litigation. The Plaintiff can seek to appeal this dismissal, where the Plaintiff is able to present the Court with fresh, robust evidence to substantiate its claims. The citation for the Canadian case is Pelletier v. Canada, 2020 FC 1019.

Mr. Vacca is coordinating with the GenSeven US lawsuit, with a view to a potential, eventual appeal, and which appeal would add international momentum, to GenSeven’s US legal initiatives.

We hope you are pleased with our developments!

In Appreciation,


Update Important Status Update; Would You Be Willing to Double Your Donation? Image
Geoengineering Lawsuit Getting Coverage; Maria Zeee UnCensored on the Stew Peters' Network

June 15th, 2023

Hello Dear Donors & Supporters,

Once again, I want to thank you for your ongoing support. I want to particularly thank those who have been sending prayers of support and also those who have turned their one-time donation into a monthly subscription. This makes all the difference in the world.

We have been busy behind the scenes with legal research, logo & social media template designs, and building our website that will go live next week.

Once we go live with our website, we will begin the civic engagement, rolling out the Notice of Liabilities, and massive social media education and outreach.

Geoengineering consultant Nikki Florio has been very busy connecting us with the most brilliant minds around the world in relation to geoengineering. We are gathering a lot of steam by onboarding experts in their respective fields to support our endeavor.

We will be putting together an online webinar to help educate the masses, and I will also be interviewing these experts on my very shortly. So please keep your eyes open for these interviews.

We are also beginning to reach out to larger radio show hosts and podcasters. Just yesterday, we had excellent coverage with Maria Zeee Uncensored, who can be found on Stew Peter's Network. This interview included an eye-opening presentation by Nikki Florio as well:

Enjoy the interview, and stay tuned!

In Appreciation,


Update Geoengineering Lawsuit Getting Coverage; Maria Zeee UnCensored on the Stew Peters' Network Image
Status Update #6: The Strategy Behind the Suit

June 1st, 2023

Dear Donors & Supporters,

Once again, I want to thank everyone who has been so generous in supporting this cause.

Also, thank you to those who have adjusted your donation to a monthly subscription. Over time, this makes all the difference in the world.

Just a couple of days ago, I posted a geoengineering lawsuit video update on my Substack that you can find HERE: I share the latest developments and strategies in our effort to stop America's aerial assault and the movement we are building behind this legal case.

As a community activist and former elected official, I have learned a lot along the way. I am pulling from lessons learned from the death of Martin Luther King and Occupy Wall Street to help our legal /civic engagement strategy take to the air. I explain this in detail in my Substack video update mentioned above.

We are garnering more and more expert scientists/researchers to our team and will begin regular Substack interviews of these different experts over the next few months. This will help everyone better understand the power and briliance of our team, the depth of the geoengineering crime, and its implications.

While we are not ready to announce right now, we will let all of you know a smaller legal case we are undertaking to attack the "scaffolding" that holds up this aerosol crime. We can tackle this quickly and efficiently as we build out the bigger case, which will provide many benefits for our more significant legal battle.

Please spread the word to any geoengineering online or social media groups you know. This is key to keeping the fundraising going! Just copy and paste this link:

Once again, I want to thank all of you for being the early adopters and supporting this legal effort from the get-go. What we are doing could not be possible without all of you.

Most Sincerely,


Status Update #5 On the Road & the Renowned Dr J. Marvin Herndon Joins Us as Expert Consultant

May 28th, 2023

Hello Donors & Supporters!

Once again, I would like to thank all of our donors and those sending us important information, prayers, and well wishes. Your donations and support have helped us build the foundation for the most important environmental (and civil) lawsuit of our time.

I'm very excited about our developments. Next week I will share some of our legal strategies.... but for now....

I have been on the public outreach trail for the last week for our upcoming geoengineering lawsuit. Massive outreach and education are significant components of our approach. I went to San Diego for a geoengineering event at The Village, where 60 people attended 5G/pollinator/geoengineering expert Nikki Florio's presentation. Before that, Nikki also spoke on our behalf at a World Wide Rally in San Diego.

Video Excerpt of Geoengineering Presentation

While at the San Diego event, I was fortunate to meet the renowned Dr. Marvin Herndon, one of the planet’s leading authorities on geoengineering. His seminal pieces have documented the planetary destruction stratospheric aerosol spraying causes:

Open Letter to the International Criminal Court Alleging United Nations Complicity in Planetary Treason

Collapse of Earth's Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason

Dr. Herndon has joined the team as an expert consultant for our upcoming lawsuit. His peer-reviewed papers will significantly impact the judge’s decision making and his expert advice will only ensure good standing within the courts.

More to come... and thank you to everyone for making this effort possible!!!

Update Status Update #5 On the Road & the Renowned Dr J. Marvin Herndon Joins Us as Expert Consultant Image
Status Report #4 Introducing Lead Counsel Deana Pollard Sacks

May 18th, 2023

Hello Donors & Supporters, 

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has donated, sent prayers and words of encouragement. Our case is moving forward in a positive direction.

None of this would be possible without your dedication and support. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I want to share a short interview with our Stop US Geoengineering Legal Fund lead counsel Deana Pollard Sacks, who gives a lay of the land and approach for taking down America’s most prominent environmental and constitutional criminals.

Please watch this interview and get an idea of our direction with this lawsuit.


In appreciation,


Update Status Report #4 Introducing Lead Counsel Deana Pollard Sacks Image
Status Report #3 We Are Not Associated with Geoengineering Watch, & Mark Your Calendar to Meet Our Lead Counsel, Deana Pollard Sacks

May 12th, 2023

Dearest Supporters & Donors,

Thank you for your ongoing support and for those who continue to give....

A lot has been transpiring behind the scenes with our upcoming legal case. But before I get into this, I want to clarify that we are not connected to Dane Wigington’s Geoengineering Watch (GW). 

Dane told me that donors are sending money to GW for our legal fund or possibly sending it to our legal fund, thinking we are associated with GW. We are not.

If there has been any confusion on my part, I apologize. If anyone donated to our legal fund thinking we are associated with GW and wants a refund, please let me know. And if you are sending it to GW, you are sending it to the wrong place if you want it to go to this legal fund.

Again, I apologize if there has been any confusion.

In the meantime, we have gotten a lot done this week:

GenSeven, which is going to be our umbrella organization for Save Our Skies, has now filed its 501c3 status with the California Secretary of State. We have our board set up and an accountant to oversee our funding.

Along with IDing our Creative Director, Volunteer & Ground Crew Director, we now have our Project Manager to assist with incoming information, oversee water/blood sample collection as we move forward, and help coordinate public events. 

We have our project manager (possibly fundraiser as well), and Nikki Florio (as seen in a previous video)on as our pollinator/geoengineering consultant and our website designer is being locked in. 

I’m excited to be on a call with some experts in the Notice of Liability (NOL) procedure this weekend. They will partner with us to activate citizens on how to make their representatives “personally liable” for allowing the crimes in the sky to continue — while we take on the legal/court side of this movement — to reclaim our skies and reclaim our planet.

Lastly, next Tuesday, May 16th, attorney Deanna Pollard Sacks and I will be online together to give a more thorough overview of our efforts and to answer any of your questions. Please put them in the comments on my substack page, HERE. 

If anyone is wondering why we are taking on this legal case…. this image comes from one of our most recent rainwater sample analyses. These numbers should be all at zero.

And finally, again, I thank all of the contributors to this cause and those who continue to support us in various ways. It’s going to take all of us!

If we don’t do it, who will?

For more details, please watch my personal video update on my substack page HERE.

In Appreciation,


Update Status Report #3 We Are Not Associated with Geoengineering Watch, & Mark Your Calendar to Meet Our Lead Counsel, Deana Pollard Sacks Image
Status Report #2 In Appreciation for your Faith!

April 28th, 2023

Dearest Supporters, I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been so generous. This GiveSendGo has, in many ways, been a litmus test for how much Americans are exacerbated by the aerial assault over our heads.From what I am gauging on this campaign, Americans have had enough. So, thank you for having faith in this campaign from the get-go and knowing that we will see this through. I also want to thank all of you for the beautiful messages and prayers of support. This makes all the difference in the world because, in many ways, we are entering unchartered waters. We will take every prayer and note of encouragement we can get!I have a more extensive update in my substack video HERE. Please hit that link where I share a personal update video. You don't have to subscribe. Just hit the "no thanks" button, and then you will see my most recent post, "Geoengineering Legal Fund Status Update & Stopping the Indoctrination." There you will find a personal video update.If you aren't inclined to do this.... I have for you the text from this post:We have reached a point where we have no choice but to be remarkable. What has been transpiring over our heads over the years will force us into revolutionary action. As we work on this legal case, we launched last week on GiveSendGo’s Stop Us Geoengineering Legal Fund; we will also work from the ground up with a massive public outreach and educational component to reach critical mass and build public pressure.We take a multi-prong approach and advise everyone to do the same—time to put the pressure on from all directions.We are going to reclaim our skies. We are going to reclaim our planet and all its living things. And we will also be spending the rest of our lives healing and restoring what has been destroyed.I recently talked with the constitutional attorney and law professor Deane Pollard Sack, who is coalescing the superb legal team. Our conversation was inspiring, and I would like you to be privy to the highlights of our discussion. You will find this in the video above.As Deana says,                                “Our government (and corporations) can’t claim                                         a public necessity to destroy our skies.”We have set up a Save Our Skies page on my website. As we progress, we will give updates there, including press and news releases, interviews, etc. You can find that page here.I want to thank all the fantastic donors and those sharing this legal fund and the extraordinary case we are pursuing. I also thank all of you for your prayers and messages.I have received many calls of concern and personal stories from people witnessing the destruction of ecosystems around the country due to the aerosol attack.I want you all to know I hear you, and we will no longer stand for this!In Deep Appreciation,Reinette
The "Stop US Geoengineering Legal Fund" Is Taking Off Like Gangbusters!

April 19th, 2023

Hello Everyone! Reinette, here!First, I want to thank those who have contributed, spread the word, or supported the Stop US Geoengineering Legal Fund’s crowdfunding campaign in one way or another. The campaign only launched at 4 pm yesterday, and we have already reached nearly $10,000 in donations. I’m optimistic about what I see.I have launched and managed many crowdfunding campaigns over the years, but I have never seen one take off so effortlessly as this one. This tells me something and bodes well for us because it is a gauge of the public sentiment around geoengineering. And clearly, a growing number of people want it to end!Regarding the lawsuit, do know that we seek justice in an area with the most solid established legal precedence in court. The case will be a strong one. We know it will be precedent-setting, so we have to do this right.  I will say no more than that for now.The legal team is superb and continues to be built out. We are gathering the best in the country, and fortunately, our lead attorney, Deana Pollard Sacks, has been making these connections throughout her years of superb work as an attorney and law professor.I will continue getting the word out about this legal fund, and if you know of any publications, podcasters, radio show hosts, or anyone, who can help get the word out, please let me know. You can text me at 530-264-6048!With that, thank you, thank you for your support of the "Stop US GeoEngineering Legal Fund."In Appreciation,Reinette

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.