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Kristen Nagle fined 20k+ for Organizing Rally


 CAD $75,000


 CAD $63,592

Campaign created by Kristen Nagle

Campaign funds will be received by Kristen Nagle

Kristen Nagle fined 20k+ for Organizing Rally

On February 6th 2024, I was convicted guilty on two accounts 1. organizing a rally and 2. attending a rally in London, Ontario November 22, 2020. This fell under the Reopening of Ontario Act. I was then sentenced 20k + court costs (victim surcharge).

This was a time when people were losing hope going into our 3rd lockdown. People were isolated, children were being harmed, businesses were suffering, our community was not well. This lawful, peaceful, rally was the first of its size in London. It brought people together. It gave hope, inspired others to exercise their rights and freedoms. It was a beacon of hope for our community who no longer felt alone. This was just the start, it was not and will not be the last.

September of 2022 I was also found guilty and charged for attending church on April 25th, 2021 (Easter Sunday), this charge has been appealed and we are still awaiting decision. All fines had to be paid in full in order for appeal to be heard.

Canadian Frontline Nurses also put forth a libel/defmation suit against Canadian Nurses Association and Together News Media, we lost and sentenced to pay the defendants 320k in court costs. Myself, along with one other member of CFN paid these costs using our Home Equity Lines of Credit. 

I have two more trials coming up one at the end of February for a charge in London and another for Cornwall. Apparently I'm a dissenting voice that must be used as an example to make sure no one else will take action against egregious, tyrannical acts again. 

I know I stand on the right side of history and my integrity, character, and soul remain intact. But here we are, where they acknowledge our rights and freedoms have been infringed upon, but with reasonable cause that infringement is allowed. Define reasonable cause? Is there a definition? How vague can this be and what doors does this open to allow more of our rights and freedoms to be trampled because "they say so."

This is not the end.  I will not allow their bullying tactics to break me or damper my spirit. I trust in God that he uses all situations to bring light and glory to His name and vindication will come.

I am reaching out to the community to ask for help (which is hard to do) with upcoming legal battles and fees, and fight against other charges. I will always continue to stand up for our rights and freedoms as Canadian Citizens, to the best of my ability. 

I am so grateful for each and everyone of you and will continue to do my best to serve our community and be a voice, however I can. Thank you for lifting me up, encouraging me, supporting me and keeping me going during these times. I love you all so much and appreciate every single one of you near and far! 

Recent Donations
Freedom is Not Free
$ 200.00 CAD
9 days ago

Thank you for your courage! More people are realizing everyday that it was a complete sham.

Thomas Martin
$ 25.00 CAD
11 days ago

Keep strong. Keep up the good fight. God is on our side against tyrannical oppression. Thank you on behalf of all Canadians.

jonathan boughen
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Richard Bellavance
$ 20.00 CAD
1 month ago


Corinna Marche
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Thank you !

Debbie Page
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Thank you for your courage ~ standing for truth at a dark time in our history.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Thank you for your courage.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Bill from Thunder Bay District Health Unit tried to give me a Reopening Ontario fine as well, but (long story short) Mother Nature intervened. Thanks for standing up against tyranny.

Paul Keleny
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

Thank you for your courage and perseverance. You are an inspiration to me. Bless.

Anonymous Giver
$ 23.00 CAD
1 month ago

God bless you!

Mary Jeffery
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

Thanks for your courage!

Scott Campbell
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Concerned citizen
$ 75.00 CAD
1 month ago

Keep up the good fight.

jonathan boughen
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Sharon Reardon
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

May YHWH continue to Bless you and those you love.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

You helped so many of us find courage!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Keep up the GOOD fight..prayers

Donna Hayes
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago



July 15th, 2024

Well that's it. 

On May 16th I returned to court to appeal my 20k fine for organizing the London Rally in 2020. 

A couple weeks ago we heard back about the final appeal decision.

It was dismissed. 

The fine of 20k remains - unfortunately how the system works in order to appeal the fine - the fine had to be paid in full. 

I want to again thank everyone for your tremendous support over the years. It has meant everything to me and I dont akways have the words the express how grateful I am to each and every one of you!.


That is the end of all my court trials and appeals - I was waiting on that one final decision and now it is all finished.

Onwards and Upwards.

Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart.

With much Love and Faith - I know who has one the ultimate battle and I will not let the freedom granted to me be wasted. 

God Bless


Update #16 on $$

April 25th, 2024

I don't really know where to begin or how to thank all of you for your encouragement, love, support, prayers and financial contributions!

I am beyond speechless and give it all to the Lord to glorify His name as these blessings have been received!

I wanted to break down costs for some transparency, every single dollar I have received in donations has gone strictly to fines, lawyers, transcripts. Nothing has been used for personal use. 

Here are a breakdown of fines and fees:
$11,653.71 (lawyer and transcripts)
$12,500 (going to church fine)
$25,000 (organizing London rally fine)
$9,375 (speaking in London fine)
$52,500 (defamation lawsuit)

Total of $111,028.71

Donations from GiveSendGo:


owing: $27,830 (remaining defamation $18455 and newest fine to be paid in a year $9375)

Please know I am not here asking for money for the remaining balance. 

I received a comment on a post I made about "money fears" that really got to me. How I've received all this money from donations and am living a "wonderful" life in central American and they can't believe I have money fears. I believe I have always been an open book and transparent from day 1 and wanted to continue being so.

I have prayed over every single donation with a heart full of thanks and gratitude, I have done my very best to make sure every penny that was given to me was handled with integrity and my sincerest appreciate, it has always gone straight to legal costs. 

My personal expenses and situation remain very separate and different. It's been tough, challenging many years for most of us and especially now as costs of living continue to increase.

I just again want to thank every single one of you. 

Thank you for helping my family and I carry this burden. I don't know if I'll ever be able to truly express my deepest heartfelt appreciation to all of you.

Thank you

Love always,


Update #15 Recent Sentencing!

March 27th, 2024

I returned to the courts March 21st for my sentencing decision.

I was already convicted guilty for speaking at a protest - going against the reopening act of Ontario (more then 10 people gathered outside oh my!). 

The crown asked for an egregious amount of of 50k fine after seeing the support from this give send go! They stated I am not deterred by financial fines and I need something more substantial to basically stop me from speaking out again in the future - should another public health crisis arise.

The crown was denied their ask for 50k and instead I was sentenced $7,500 BUT with the addition of 2 years probation.

The probation orders are keep the peace, good behaviour, do not commit the same or similar offence.
Attend court when asked and announce any name or address change. 

Here's the article from the London Free Press:

Of course like the cowards they are - they have turned off the comment section. Can't let people see the truth of what public opinion looks like these days!

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, no thanks coming from a digital update will ever be able to express my immense gratitude for all of you!

I wouldn't have been able to keep going, stand up, speak out, if it wasn't for all of you encouraging me and supporting me along the way.

Thank you you, truly - there are no words!

I'll continue to update with my 20k appeal!

much love always


Update #14 Cornwall Update!

March 19th, 2024


My Cornwall charge has been withdrawn!!!!! 

Wanted to share this win with you all!

March 21st I head back into the courts for my sentencing for the Janaury 22nd 2022 case.

Stay tuned!

Update #13 Victory! (?)

March 17th, 2024

A Victory in appeal Court!

I know, I know a true Victory would be to have the conviction reversed, and the sentencing (fine) gone!

But here we are in the courts of Canada.

I'll take this win - especially since to me it was very unexpected!

Our appeal for the fine I received for going to church on April 25th 2021, Easter Sunday of 10k plus victim surcharge of 2.5k was reduced to $3750 !!!!

This is huge! As it will help my appeal for the sentencing of 20k I received end of January, and will also help for my sentencing decision that is coming up on March 21st!

So no, it's not zero, but I'll take this as a win!!!!

Update #12

March 1st, 2024


I'll have more updates coming soon! The first up date is we are looking at appealing the sentencing of the 20k fine. In order to do so it must be paid in full - which I am able to do thanks to all of your support and generous donations!!! Truly THANK YOU!!!!!

I mentioned I had two other trials. My other London trial took place February 29th, where I was found guilty of speaking at a protest. 

My sentencing ($$ amount they want to fine me) will be decided on March 21st. 

I will be able to update further once I know the official decision.

As always my love, gratitude and appreciation cannot be put into words. I am so thankful for each and everyone of you!

Thank you for being here!

Thank you for your stance!


Update #11 National Post

February 13th, 2024

This is making a difference and bringing attention to Canadians across the country!

Thank you so much for all your love, support and encouragement! This is for all of us as we stand up to our freedom of speech and against the tyranny being imposed on us. 

The London Free Press article I posted below in the last update - has turned off all comments. They spent a while deleting all the positive ones and couldn't keep up and decided to shutdown comments. Again - no freedom of speech and of course can't show how much support is out there! People might realize it's not a fringe majority but the majority!

National Post has also re-printed the same article:

In other hypocritical news... the news media we filed a libel suit against and lost (owing 320k in costs). Wrote this celebratory article for their win:

Towards the end they state this:

"Freedom of assembly, expression, and the press are fundamental to democracy—full stop. And sometimes, you have to hit back hard, even when it could cost you."

UM? What's that? Freedom of assembly!?!?!? EXCUSE ME! Expression and press are fundamental to democarcy!? Is this even for real? Do they not see that their win is actually a loss for all of those things? That they are supporting the complete opposite?! 

Why are they silent on this issue of actually peacefully protesting? Oh right?! It's only allowed when it fits into a certain box - that's not democracy. That's dictatorship!

Keep pressing forward! Keep using your voice! Keep speaking truth! You lose what you don't use and must continue to use our voices!

Much love warriors!


Update #10 Mainstream Media

February 12th, 2024

Well this is one of the better articles written about me .... I guess lol

This Campaign is gaining a lot of attraction these days. I am going to increase the amount, not just for me. but hopes that as it circulates I can continue to help others facing large fines.

Update #9 WOW!

February 11th, 2024

WOW We have surpassed the 50k goal! 

Canadians have spoken!

They will NOT be bullied!

They will NOT be silenced!

OUR Voices WILL be heard! 

We will no longer fear persecution.

We will continue to stand up for what is right!!!!

Canadians have rallied together and have shown the tyrannical government that they can try to push - but we will always be stronger! Love will always win!

You have proved that with your generosity, your prayers, your encouragement.

Thank you is an understatement. 

This is no longer about me, this is about all of us and our voices.

I was encouraged to raise the amount on the campaign to 100k to match my total of fines/ legal expenses and possible upcoming fines in my next two trials.

But I just didn't feel right changing the goal post (isn't that what the government kept doing to us?).

If people continue to feel guided to donate, surpassing the goal of 50k will only continue to prove the point and send the message that Canadian's are standing up and support is rolling in!

With this momentum that continues to roll in, anything that goes above and beyond will be donated to those still in need of help for their own fines that are dealing with.

Thank you. Thank You. Thank you!!!

Canada you renewed a hope in me that I have not experienced since the Convoy!

Thank you for renewing hope, strength and reminding me of the heart of this country and what we are capable of when we all unite and come together!

Update #8 Ripple Effect

February 10th, 2024

We never know the impact we'll have by sharing our voice.

I know this first hand. I don't know if I would have had the courage to organize London's Rally if I hadn't witnessed and attended the Aylmer Rally only 2 weeks prior.

This Rally was organized by my friend, homeschooling mother Kimberly Neudorf.

She also was charged and fought in court

Like myself lost and was fined 37k + costs.

You can find her story here:

And her gsg if you feel called to send a gift her way.

I am beyond grateful for all the support that continues to pour in. You have all overwhelmed me in the best possible way with your love and support. Blessed.

Update #7 WHOA 10k!!!!!

February 7th, 2024

THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart! I have been overwhelmed with emotion from all the love and support! Thank you! 10k was raised in less then 24hrs! Basically overnight! I am so incredibly thankful!

This Give Send Go page was originally started to help raise money when I was fined 12.5k for attending church! You helped me do this! I raised enough to pay legal bills/lawyer, transcripts and the fine (unfortunately I was forced to pay the fine in full for my appeal to be heard). I am still awaiting the decision of the appeal for my church fine.

When I brought this give send go back to life it started with 16k. Wanted to be transparent in the fundraising.


Update #6 New Court Decision

February 6th, 2024

Wanted to thank everyone again for all your love and support! I am ovewhelmed with gratitude for each and every one of you! Your support, encouragement and unwavering faith in me has left me teary and speechless in the best kind of way!

A new court verdict was made today so I have updated this GSG accordingly to share the new verdict and sentencing.

Two more trials are still pending - one is take place at the end of this month.

thank you again from far and wide!

I know God is working and using this for good to glorify His name! I have complete trust this is not done.

Update #5

October 6th, 2023

Not a very exciting update.

Yesterday we actually had IN PERSON court for the first time in a couple years! It was actually very refreshing to see the human instead of digital faces on a computer screen.

The judge has reserved his decision on the appeal for both conviction and sentencing. So we wait and see what the final verdict will be.

Update #4

October 4th, 2023


Whoa court legalities move at a snail pace. I realize its far and few between my updates.

Tomorrow October 4th at 215pm I will be in person in St. Thomas court appealing both conviction and sentencing for attending Church on April 25 2021. 

You may remember I was ordered to pay in full 12500 in order for the appeal to be heard. 

So here we are. 

Everything is in God's hands and we will see how He decides to use it to Glorify His name. That's where I'm at now, I know nothing is ever finishe and everything is in His hands in His timing. 

Hopefully there shouldn't be a long wait time to update you on tomorrow's decision. 

I also wanted to take a moment to update you on our defamation case. It is now been paid in full both to Lawyers and the courts costs to the defendants. Kristal Pitter and I took on the burden of 105K that we split amongst the two of us. Again it's all in God's hands at this point.

I appreciate every single one of you and all your generous support, prayers, encouragement... all of it.

It has meant more to me then you will ever know!!!

Pray for tomorrow!!!! Will update shortly! 

Update #3

June 21st, 2023

Sorry updates are few and far between. The legal system moves at a snail's pace if not slower.

Today, we met to set a date for my appeal to be heard. Unfortunately for my appeal to be heard, I did have to pay the fine in total, $12,500 as ordered. Our appeal will be heard on October 4th. No further updates on this case.

I still have three more trials coming up two for London and one for Cornwall and will provide more details of dates once set.

I'll be honest I'm growing weary. Like many of you it seems to be one hit after another. It has been forcing me to surrender more to the Lord above and I have been reciting Pslam 35 as comfort and for strength, knowing the Lord will contend for me and whatever the outcome may be He will use to Glorify HIs name.

Canadian Frontline Nurses had filed a defamation lawsuit (libel), in the fall of 2021, we unfortunately lost that case due to a SLAPP motion. Can read more about that here:

The cost awards came back last week and we owe 315k for court costs. There are three of us named in this case and I really don't know what is going to happen at this point. All I know I'm tired. I'm sure you all are.

I have not given up in faith. I know we stood on the right side and did the right thing. 

I know there will be vindication. Right now we just have to get through this current chapter of the story. Which is not over yet. 

Sending so much love to all of you! Will send more updates as they come in. 

You are all appreciated beyond words and I am forever grateful for each and every one of you that continues to support me, believe in me, and keep encouraging me. 

all my Love


Update #2

April 2nd, 2023

Update on appeal for attending The Church of God April 25th 2021 for Easter Sunday - where I was convicted guilty and fined 10k + 2.5k in court costs.

On March 31st my lawyer Rosy Rumpal and I attended court for our application to have our appeal heard without paying the fine.

The crown prosecutor suggested 5k be paid in order for the appeal to be heard.

The Judge came back with a decision that the full amount of the fine plus the victim fine surcharge ($10,000 + 2,500), be paid in full by June 16th before the appeal will be heard.

We return again June 20th to set a date for the appeal.

It's all in God's hands now.

The true judgment:

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 

2 Corinthians 5:10 NIV 

The Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 12, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

Appeal update

January 7th, 2023

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the lengthy time to follow up with an update. I first want to extend my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to ALL OF YOU! Honestly, I was in tears many times, reading the responses, the prayers, and the overwhelming support I received through GSG, etransfers, and in-person connections.


For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.' Deuteronomy 20:4

It took a while to have an official appeal update, but I am happy to share that the application was accepted and the appeal hearing date is to be determined on January 20th, 2023. This is for attending Easter Sunday Service on April 25th, 2021, at The Church of God in Aylmer. I am also happy to announce that I have retained Rosy Rumpal The Lean Lawyer to represent me on my cases. 

Other court updates:

On November 22nd, 2020 I was charged with organizing the London Rally. This charge is still ongoing and was set for trial on Dec 6th and 7th.  I retained Rosy Rumpal for this matter as well and this trial date was postponed. This case is now being moved back to Judicial Pretrial to discuss Charter issues. 

There are still ongoing charges with Waterloo, Cornwall, and another London charge. No further updates on these cases as of yet. 

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I don't take light of this situation or your generosity. It means the absolute world to me. Thank you for standing by me, for your kind words of encouragement, and all of your support! 
I am so blessed to have met so many of you and to be surrounded by such a strong community! 

Isaiah 41:10, God says “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”


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