USD $15,000
USD $2,630
Campaign funds will be received by Anna Lalonde
I've been VERY sick.
In bed sick ...
Due to BioLab chemical fire nearby me...
The last two Sunday's I couldn't go to Liturgy because I had a bedridden severe migraine that nothing took it away. I got hit again with it yesterday. It's from the chemicals I was exposed to. I desire to go to Liturgy tomorrow so please pray!Giving Now
I'm unable to sit in Liturgy without oxygen because the incense burns my lungs due to chemical burns and inflammation.
I still get some issues even on oxygen.
I cannot go out all day to do anything without oxygen as I'm short of breath. I tried it last Saturday and kept having to use oxygen and felt shaky.
My lungs didn't heal from chemical pneumonia after two rounds of medicine.
My heart has been hurting. I've got cardiologist on call and an EKG in my home to keep watch.
The chemicals I was lethally exposed to causes organ issues and failure.
I've experienced now hormonal issues that's causing lots of pain because one of the chemicals I was exposed to disrupts hormones.
No medicine is solving issues.
I'm now signed up for getting monthly detoxed from a couple companies for different purposes.
I'm signed up monthly for on call cardiologist and EKG heart testing in home.
I'm signing up to get monthly medicines and vitamins from a doctor and another source.
All these are out of pocket long-term support to help heal my body. But I also am detoxing my children's bodies.
These expenses are over my income and I've had to stop initially for over a month and or go on light duty for income. Thus, I'm not getting the income.
I'm a widow. So I'm only provider.Giving Now
I'm also seeking your financial support if God touches your heart... Here's fundraiser... https://www.givesendgo.com/Lalonde
Dear friends and supporters,
We need your help to provide life-saving support for Anna and her children, following their exposure to dangerous chemicals after a nearby biolab explosion and fire. Anna has endured burning on her skin, eyes, lips, tongue, esophagus, and lungs from the toxic exposure. She was diagnosed with Chemical Pneumonia. After two medicine rounds, she was not recovered. It's becoming apparent to locals and Anna, if you notice in article below, that this is a detoxing issue.
She’s now forced to use oxygen on and off throughout the day and is unable to engage in much activity as even minor exertion causes severe lung pain, inflammation, and heart issues due to the chemicals affecting her system.
This situation is urgent. Anna, a widow homeschooling her two children, is facing overwhelming physical challenges and must receive specialized detox and medical care not covered by insurance.
The toxins pose serious, long-term risks to her and her children’s health, including cancer, organ damage, hormonal imbalance, and potentially life-threatening complications. The comprehensive treatment program they need includes long-term detox for heavy metals and toxic chemicals that have infiltrated their systems.
Please prayerfully consider contributing to this essential fund. Your support will enable Anna and her family to start critical detox treatments and prevent further health risks, bringing them one step closer to healing. We are profoundly grateful for your compassion and any help you can offer.
🙏 *A Cry for Help from Our Missionary Family* 🙏 I'm a Catholic young widow with young children...
Two weeks ago on Sunday started like any other—gathering for Liturgy, lifting our hearts in prayer. But what followed has shaken us to the core.
⛪️ As we were leaving church, an alert from our county flashed on my phone. There had been a **massive chemical fire at a BioLab**, and dangerous chemicals were leaking into the air near our home. We were stranded for hours, unable to return because of road closures. We stayed at the church parking lot, locked outside, praying for protection.
As night fell, it became clear: we had no choice but to try to return home, knowing our dogs were there and hoping we could pack up if needed. We asked the priest to pray over us for protection then we took back roads. When we arrived home following every county instruction—no A/C and windows closed. Then as we were making plans, the county alert alarmed requesting everyone to shelter in place and keep indoors because of the toxicity of the chemicals in the air during the night. But nothing could prepare us for what came next.
By morning, the air we breathed was thick with chemicals. We could taste the chlorine, feel it burning in our throats, lungs, and skin. **We were nauseous, vomiting, and struggling to breathe**. Over the next few days, despite all the precautions, despite being anointed by our priest and seeking medical and natural care, our family developed **Chemical Pneumonia**. Our lungs are inflamed, and we are fighting for every breath.
💔 As missionaries living entirely on God's providence, we don’t have the financial resources to stay away from home or to cover the medical costs this has brought. We are in **dire need of support** as we navigate this terrifying situation.
Please, if you feel led, we humbly ask for:
🙏 **Your prayers**—we believe in the power of prayer and trust in God's mercy.
💵 **Financial support**—to help with medical expenses, care, and possibly relocating for safety.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for being part of our mission. Your generosity, in whatever form, is a lifeline for our family right now. We trust in God's provision and in the strength of this community.
With deep gratitude,
**Urgent Request: Help a Catholic Missionary Family Recover from Dangerous Chemical Exposure**
Two weeks ago, a BioLab explosion near our home exposed my family to deadly chemicals. As a young widow with two homeschooled children, this crisis has hit us hard.
While my children have experienced mild symptoms, I’ve suffered severe chemical burns both inside and out, leading to chemical-induced pneumonia. Despite the explosion being two weeks ago, chemical clouds still settle around our home at night and during cooler weather, putting us at risk of long-term exposure. The site still has chemical cloud seeping into air indefinitely as they clean up. We're unable to move right now.
The County Soil and Water Supervisor has advised community that we all undergo blood testing to assess the severity of the chemical poisoning. Without immediate action, our condition could worsen. Independent scientist is testing area and we'll know results in two to four weeks of his findings if there were more than one chemical. Even our county's public schools are indefinitely closed for in person education and they're in virtual school because the toxicity levels.
We urgently need Three medical-grade air filter machines (one for each floor), each costing $1,500, to protect our home from the chemical toxins. These filters are critical for keeping us safe. Without the air filters it's a life and death situation due to my having Chemical Pneumonia and we will continue to suffer chemical exposure facing irreversible health issues due to ongoing exposure. I do not desire my children to become orphans like my husband was an orphan.
I'll also need an Oxygen Generator that is $550 so I can have support with my breathing.
Here's my Amazon gift list so you see... Amazon Gift List
Chemical Pneumonia can lead to death. It can lead to inability to breathe on own that one may need oxygen or be on a ventilator. It's very serious what my body is going through. If we don't have medical grade air filters throughout our house my sickness will not end and will get worse.
My family has been anointed.
The chemicals we were exposed to during and now were and are lethal deadly EPA numbers. It's critical my family gets protection.
Additionally, we need extensive blood tests, long-term medical care, and long-term natural treatments to detoxify our bodies. Unfortunately, the independent doctors we trust don’t accept insurance. With medical bills piling up and my ability to work severely limited, I am now struggling to cover even our basic needs with not taking on new clients the last two weeks as a business owner. If my health continues to decline, I will also need to hire help for my home and children—something I cannot afford.
I am asking for your prayers and financial support to help us recover. Every donation, no matter the size, will bring us closer to healing and protect my children from the long-term effects of this lethal toxic chemical exposure.
Thank you for your kindness, compassion, and prayers during this difficult time.
May God bless you abundantly for your generosity.
PS we're 15 years as Catholic missionaries. We've fostered over 100 children. We've served homeless, ex-felons, ex-addicts, poor, needy, woman in crisis pregnancy, trafficked, and now we have an online ministry. Last year we fed over 250 homeless. We've brought 5 souls back to their faith last year with one having her baby baptized. We've evangelized and prayed with over 300 souls last year. Our ministry is growing that now we offer Spiritual Direction, Catholic Coaching, and inner healing prayer. We daily offer many prayers and sacrifices for souls. Everything we do is voluntarily done as a Catholic missionary family. DrawnToTheTruth.org is our mission site. We live off of God's providence and provisions.
Angelicum Academy is sending many prayers for your health and recovery! May the Lord bring you comfort, hope, and healing.
Will be praying for you and your family!
God bless you, heal you and protect you in Jesus’ name.
Praying for you and your family!
Praying for you
Anna. Here’s what I can do for now. Praying that Jesus will give you the courage to get through this as you will.
Sending love and prayers to your little family and all the families affected by this storm cloud of chemicals.
May the Holy Spirit bring healing and hope to your family in Jesus' name!
I pray that you are able to get an air purifier soon!
I wish I could do more.
Jesus is the Lord of love. Stay close to Him and His Holy Catholic Church.
October 15th, 2024
Attaching an Expert Scientist Interview Who is doing independent testing ...
This is why we're in need of your financial support to get healthcare needs and our home protected.
Many chemicals were released and continue to be released in the air.
Watch this... Watch This Right Now
October 15th, 2024
"Why aren't you on a ventilator?" Asked a Catholic Respiratory Therapist
1. My husband was placed on one and they were striving to euthanize them. They called him not of higher being and not a person.
2. I'm a widow with children. It would devistate my children to have me on a ventilator after experiencing what they did with their Daddy four years ago.
So I seek alternative ways to help myself heal from Chemical Pneumonia.
October 15th, 2024
Praise God for all the struggles!
Thank you for everyone's prayers and donations! Please share, pray, and give for our family's healing and safety from chemical exposure.
I awoke with my face, neck, and ears burning from the chemicals from the low chemical cloud at night. My chest is tight. I taste chemical especially chlorine in my mouth. My face, neck and ears feel hot. I feel nauseous like I'm going to vomit. My lungs have a slight burning experience. This is why I'm so in need of medical grade chemocal air filters because my body is continuing to get sick at night. I can't wear a PPE mask when sleeping. 😂
But as the night comes and into early morning the low chemical cloud seeps chemicals into our house so I'm in need of my home air being cleaned by a medical grade chemocal air filters.
My chemical pneumonia will continue if I don't get my air consistently chemical free. My lungs are inflamed with inflammation which thats what chemical pneumonia is!
Then if I don't get it cleared, it can cause permanent breathing difficulties where there's a need for oxygen or ventilation permanently or lead to death.
So I'm seriously in need of your financial support. Please give here... https://www.givesendgo.com/Lalonde
God bless!
All those donating and praying for us, we're praying for you and we thank you!
October 15th, 2024
As a young widow, with young children, celebrating my late husband's 65th birthday last week with our children...
One can't grasp the gratitude for the suffering we've experienced.
This Chemical Exposure leading to Chemical Burns, Chemical Poisoning, and Chemical Pneumonia has been extremely difficult of a suffering.
Because of the long days of homeschooling, house chores, business, mission life, and personal care it's very difficult to achieve anything but I am only capable through offering my suffering up for souls especially presbyters/priests. It gives me hope that these every moments in pain, lacking breath, and struggles to achieve.
So tomorrow, what can I offer my suffering up for your intentions?
Please keep my family in prayer and if you can please donate for our healthcare needs ... https://www.givesendgo.com/Lalonde
October 14th, 2024
My son's teacher called me to his zoom classroom with my son, I had no clue what it was about.
I go in the camera, and he asked how I was feeling...
I could barely talk because of the chemical pneumonia.
I whispered, "Good," attempting to put on a smile despite I'm hurting."
He said, "Oh my! You can barely talk! I can tell you're struggling to breathe! Know that I'm praying for you."
After helping my children with four online classes with one more to go. Homework assignments I'm helping with through the day. Then two loads of laundry and meals, I'm already exhausted and struggling to communicate.
As a widow, despite being sick, you don't get a break when you have dependent children.
Please support my family as I can't take on new clients right now as a Catholic Coach, Catholic Spiritual Director, and Catholic Business Owner Strategist. https://www.givesendgo.com/Lalonde
October 14th, 2024
Yesterday, Sunday, I awoke to chemical taste in my mouth. The chemical cloud stays close to ground at night into morning and in cool weather. The longer I sleep in this experience because we can't move, the worse my chemical pneumonia will get. That's why I'm seeking donations.
I was able to get my children to church, but I almost lost my voice due to lack of oxygen.
Thank you for your prayers and donation. If you can please, if you find it in your heart, help my missionary family get necessary healthcare needs met due to the BioLab chemical fire that leaves us at risk with chemical clouds lingering making us sick. Even the public schools went virtual indefinitely because the risk to children.
Thank you... Any amount will help... Please. https://www.givesendgo.com/Lalonde
Right now my chest very much hurts when breathing because of the chemical burns. It's also hard to breathe. I need an Oxygen Generator because this Oxygen isn't enough for me.
Thank you!
October 13th, 2024
Today Everytime I Was Breathing. I felt pain in my chest. I offered it up for presbyters/priests because they are Theotokos' (God bearer) chosen son's. I also offered it for the most lost souls.
Today was difficult because this week was the 65th Birthday of my late husband so our children and I celebrated with a birthday meal. But for them it's difficult as they miss Daddy. This week moods were very challenging to handle but especially today. I had to pray for patience from God because it was very difficult.
I also when using anything for helping my breathing, everytime I breathed in and out using the equipment for medicine or natural to enter into my lungs, I'd pray, "Oh Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner." With tears welling in my eyes or weeping.
I achieved helping my y children with school and doing two loads of laundry so my children had Sunday clothes ready. I cooked them meals. But the rest, I couldn't because I was struggling to breathe. My children helped me very well.
I pray tonight for all those who prayed for us and or donated. Thank you!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.