USD $20,000
USD $6,930
Campaign funds will be received by Sabrina Olivas-Henry
On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, Sean Henry went to Stanford for surgery as part of his pancreatic cancer treatment: 60% of his pancreas was removed (tumor + lymph nodes), 33% of his liver was removed, and his spleen and gall bladder were removed. The doctors anticipated him being released from the hospital within 4-5 days. Today is Monday, October 21, 2024, and Sean is still not home. Day 90.
Love you all!! Wishing you joy and peace throughout the holidays. We are all rooting for you, Sean, and for your family.
Praying for you, Sean & Henry family.
Sean and family, Hang in there! I know this may feel like a long slog through a dense forest, but just a few more steps and you’ll be looking at a beautiful view! Aloha and love from the Kauai kitties
Sending Sean & family all the Love and healing vibes! Can’t wait until you’re out of the hospital and we are arguing about the Dodgers & Giants !
Love you!
Sending this with love for you and your family!
Still sending love and prayers and wishing you joy for the holidays....
With care and love. Leslie V.
Prayers to you and your family
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
God Bless you and your family!
February 26th, 2025
February 4th, 2025
From Sabrina 💕
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Sean Henry! I wish we could go to breakfast together. I’m looking back in our scrapbooks & appreciating our times. Thank you for always joining me in all the photos, husband. I love that we always took pictures like students at school dances when I was working at various High Schools. I love that you got to know the students I spent so much time with in the FFA Program. I Love that you expect to wear coordinating outfits when we are going to any celebration because you KNOW we’ll be taking pictures.😘
This morning I’m especially enjoying the 5 Year Anniversary photos that we took. Mom always said, “5 years is a Lifetime,” and now we’ve almost celebrated 6 Lifetimes as a married couple. Thank you for staying on this roller coaster of a life with me! Thank you for celebrating our 10 year anniversary with our 1st Baby and Thank you for being here as our Baby girl is approaching her “adulthood.” You have been a Good, Good Partner. God has greatly BLESSED me with you. Happy 29 Years, Sean-O! I LOVE YOU. 💛👰💍🤵💒💛
January 27th, 2025
Sean was re-admitted to Stanford. He has made great physical progress, but he is having trouble keeping his food down. This means he not getting enough nutrients to gain weight and get stronger. Stanford said they'll do a test where he drinks something & they'll watch on a machine the path that the liquid takes to identify where his problem starts & he begins to puke.🤮 Please pray for all of the stress involved with this and pray for healing of his body. And please pray that he is able to hold the fluid for the test to show what's happening to him to puke. Thank you for your continued prayers for our family as well.
January 14th, 2025
From Sean!
January 9th, 2025
Tuesday was a BIG Day for Sean Henry! The LAST DRAIN was REMOVED!! 😃🏥 (In August he had 5 drains after surgery.) Now the focus is EATING 🥪🍳🍗 & keeping food down so he can transition off of the feeding tube. Sean needs to keep nutrition inside him so his incision (wound) can completely heal. He’s also working on Physical Therapy 👨🦽➡️🏋️🏃♂️ to regain strength for walking without a walker. It’s been a Long road, but he is Moving FORWARD! God is SO Good! 🙏😇🙏 THANK YOU for your Prayers! -Sabrina
In other break news...Sean is back on social media! One of his latest post loves on Sabrina. Thought it would be good to share his words and picture:
-Great memory with my loving wife Sabrina Allen-Henry. Love and appreciate her more today than ever with all the support she is giving me and our family. -Sean
January 6th, 2025
Sean is now at Palo Alto Sub-Acute & Rehab. This is such GREAT News! He is scheduled for physical therapy 5 days/ week. He NEEDS that. Please pray SEAN will feel mentally strong enough to not turn away any opportunities to exercise. The goal is for this to be short term for him to gain strength through food & exercise. He is feeling so much better after the few days of tube feeding & his nutrition getting up. THANK YOU for your efforts to keep his spirits up. It means So much. 💛🙏💛
January 3rd, 2025
This year I have been GREATLY BLESSED by many people as our family has walked a Cancer journey with my husband Sean Henry. We have weathered the storm of his many complications resulting from what was expected to be only his 1st surgery on this road. He has been hospitalized for most of 5 months to this point. We DID have him home for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. And, THAT was a GIFT & an Answered PRAYER!😇
This year, I am trying to make some memories with my kids while DAD is in the hospital. And, I’m working to keep our focus on better things that will be coming in 2025! 🙏🥳🙏
Hope you are all able to reflect on some Good memories from 2024 and before as we welcome in 2025. 💛
Happy New Year Friends & Family!💛🎉💛
December 26th, 2024
I gotta say I LOVE SANTA Sean-O! This makes me think of when I took a 3 year old Hayden to see Santa at Dad’s school (Sean is a school psychologist) and from the front of the building to almost the end of the hallway of 4-5 classrooms, he said, “That’s Daddy!” I guess he knew Santa wasn’t 6 ft 5 in tall! 😂🎅😂🐣🧐
I thank God for his heart. I am blessed to share my life with him.
Grateful to have Sean Henry home for Christmas Eve & Christmas morning 2024. We take him back to Stanford at 8:30 am tomorrow (12/26) for a drain procedure & to change his wound vac dressing. Please continue prayers for a nearby Skilled Nursing Facility or the support of Visiting Nurses to be acquired.
December 21st, 2024
Here again. Sean got home last Thursday (12/12). Came back to be checked on Tuesday (12/17) due to abdominal incision leak. We need nursing assistance at home. We expected oversight every 2-3 days. 😞 [no nursing assistance came to the house] Admitted to Stanford for observation & to have hospital (non- portable) wound vac put in place. Now, re-exploring skilled nursing facilities close to home if not returning home.😔🥺We want Daddy home. It was looking like home for Christmas. Now, not sure.🤕😞Please continue Prayers. 🙏💛🙏
December 13th, 2024
Dear Friends & Family,
My Stanford boy got to come home this evening (12/12/2024). Hard to believe he hasn’t been home since July 24th! It’s literally been more than a whole Semester of our kids’ school year since Dad has been home. Praise God for ALL our miracles & THANK YOU for all the Prayers Friends & Family!💛🙏💛
December 10th, 2024
Ever been brought to tears by an OIL CHANGE? That happened for ME yesterday. Tears of GRATITUDE to be able to pull over, get the oil changed & get the tire pressure checked for the warning light ⚠️that has been coming on intermittently since Thanksgiving. 🚙🛞(Kids & I stopped at 3 gas stations trying to find a functioning air pump as we drove home around midnight🕛 after seeing Dad at Stanford Hospital 🏥& having dinner🍗with family in Mt. View.)
My Tears of GRATITUDE were in response to having a fund 💵 from DONATIONS that many Family & Friends have provided. I was able to get the oil change 🛢️, the tires 🛞 checked & even a new cabin air filter that was very needed. After paying our monthly bills, this car maintenance would NOT have been possible without the GIVE SEND GO fundraiser.
Additionally, Sean Henry has normally been my reminder & encouragement to keep up on car maintenance. Since his hospitalization, I am the primary trainer of car maintenance to my son. I have shown him how & been reminding him to check his oil level. We have learned together about dash light warnings & even navigated a car repair for Dad’s car in Hayden’s college town. I am GRATEFUL to have the financial ability to keep the cars running & I recognize that I miss Sean’s internal calendar that has helped me for 28 years! That internal calendar/memory helps this ADHD mom with planning for cars & much more. 📆🚙🧰
December 3rd, 2024
Happy Holidays, Henry Family Heros!
133 days is a l-o-n-g time. Here are some ideas to keep the lonliness at bay...
1) Text Sean at 831.269.2470. Even sending a HELLO helps!
2) Send cards. Sabrina takes them to the hospital and reads the cards' printed message out loud and Sean reads the individual written messages. Address: 636 Central Ave. Salinas, CA 93901
3) Send flowers because they are allowed at Stanford! Sean really likes the flowers. Sabrina will deliver them. Address: 636 Central Ave. Salinas, CA 93901
4) Visit Sean at Stanford. He’ll be there for at least a week this time. Visiting hours are 8am- 8pm. It can be 2 people at a time. There is a waiting room nearby on the same floor if people come in a bigger group and need to switch out visiting time. He is on the 5th floor, area K, Room 44. He’s in the new section of the hospital.
much love and blessings
November 30th, 2024
Dear Friends and Family,
Day 128 for Sean Henry in a hospital. It was Rare & Special for all 4 of us to be together. I’m grateful my husband is still here & his body is fighting infection & set backs from procedures & efforts to get his digestive tract healed. I’m grateful for Family & Friends who have gifted & donated to our family to keep us going while Dad has been in the hospital. I THANK GOD for ALL of the miracles I have witnessed. I am AMAZED at the outpouring of Love & the BLESSINGS of Cancer. Our friends who created a fundraiser are truly incredible humans & God is SO Good to have given me them and ALL the people that Sean & I share life with. I pray you made Beautiful Memories this Thanksgiving!🙏😍🦃🍗😻🏡😇
November 29th, 2024
Dear Henry Family Heroes!
Today's Thanksgiving is most special as we cheer MC Sean on in his journey to get back home. He’s been in the hospital over four months now. The next milestone is to be home for Christmas.
Frank went up to Stanford last night to visit Sean, who expressed how thankful and humbled he is for all the community support for his family in their time of need.
Sending much love and prayers to our good friend, husband, and father...Sean.
p.s. Please click on the link and be encouraged- Big shoutout to MC Sean!!! https://fb.watch/w8OTwx8TWs/
("I am not OK" by Jelly Roll:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qop5XLgwkNc)
November 16th, 2024
Dear friends and family,
Today is Day 116 of Hospital 🏥 time for Sean. Next CT scan takes place on 11/27.
😇 😊 Good news: Sean’s Allowed Low fiber food by mouth.🥪🍕👏His digestion is getting back to normal.🚽👏 He’s walking daily.🚶♂️👏
While at Standford, I took him a card from the Watsonville High School Staff & was able to bring him fresh flowers (YELLOW ROSES💛 🌹💛) because unlike at the Long Term facility, he CAN have Fresh Flowers at Stanford Hospital! 💐🏥😍He was SO HAPPY & moved by the card & gift from the WHS Staff.
Sean is back at Kindred in San Leandro.Please PRAY 🙏 for loneliness at the Long term facility. PRAY🙏 for positive thoughts & feelings for Sean. PRAY🙏for motivation after the infection set back. PRAY 🙏 for me & the kids to communicate well with Dad & spend special time with him during Thanksgiving break. Maybe mid December he can come home🎄
Thank you, Friends & Family for your PRAYERS & ALL the Support you are providing our Family.💛
November 12th, 2024
Dear Henry Family Heroes!
We are grateful for GiveSendGo to keep in communication with each other and to help our dear friend Sean and his family. Just want you to know some of hiccups we've encountered along the way, so you'll have the context to as to what is going on with the Updates.
1) Not sure why, but the last two updates sent out duplicates. Want you to know we deleted the duplicate update. This Update (Housekeeping) is #6.
2) We are only able to post ONE picture (and it's small!). There are times we would love to post more than one, but we can't. So, we are doing our best to balance the Updates with a picture to help let you know how Sean & his family are doing.
3) As we all prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, please keep Sean & the Henry family (Sabrina, Hayden, and Bonnie) in your thoughts and prayers as they do they same with Sean being in the hospital. We pray it works out for them to be with each other all together!
4) The GiveSendGo Platform is VERY good about giving the maxium payout when compared to other platforms. We are super grateful we not subject to restrictions and penalties based on the goal we set of $20,000. Please consider donating a little something to GiveSendGo to keep the platform very friendly to regular everyday people like us!
5) Sabrina's first use of the fundraiser money was to get a cashiers check for THREE months of their utility bill! This brings them up to current status! Such a blessing for the campaign to give her some financial relief 💕 This picture speaks 1,000 words...the Henry mailbox 📪
much love and blessings
November 12th, 2024
Dear friends and family,
Sean was transported to Stanford in the early hours on Saturday (11/9) due to an infection that appears to have originated where the tear in the colon/large intestine has been leaking. He had a procedure to remove the current drain and put in a new one. As of Sunday, 11/10, the Good News is:
1. Sean FEELS way better.
2. Infection is under control
3. Today he’ll be back on solid food by mouth.
The OTHER News:
1. Will still have drain for 4-6 weeks.(Looks like not coming home for Thanksgiving.)
2. Going back to Kindred in San Leandro.
My Gratitude List:
1. Sean is steadily progressing in healing from the surgery complications.
2. We have medical insurance.
3. Thanksgiving Break will bring my Son home.
4. My daughter has a wonderful Pediatrician who has helped us get her to all the medical care she’s been needing since last October. Right now she’s on Antibiotics.(Last Fall/ Winter she had 2 sinus infections & 3 Ear infections.)
5. I got to celebrate on Saturday with my cousin as her only son got married in Reno. I hadn’t seen my cousin in over a year. She is on her last round of Chemo today for her battle with Colon Cancer.
6. I Know God & He has surrounded me with many beautiful friends and Christian sisters & brothers who keep me encouraged.🙏💛😇💛🙏
November 7th, 2024
Feeling overwhelmed. Please pray for me to be PEACEFUL. I’m out paying bills & Sean Henry just informed me that he’s being moved to ICU at the hospital. He’s been puking a lot lately in response to I.V. nourishment & today he’s had a Fever. 😞🙏 I hate that he’s so Far Away.🙏
(Sabrina takes a picture each time she gets to visit Sean. We are not sure the date of this picture, but it was posted with her prayer request.)
November 6th, 2024
Guess who voted!
It's no secret the Henry family is voting for Jennifer Zanzot for Area 2 Trustee for the Salinas City Elementary School District! Here's to Building a Better Board!
November 1st, 2024
Dear Friends and Family,
Halloween update- it was day 100 for Sean being in the hospital. He has been steadily taking in regular food by mouth, but also being very careful because digestion isn't completely happening. The case manager is hopeful Sean can be released early November. I hope you will soon be seeing pictures of him coming home!
Thank you for all of the🙏 prayers and for everything you are doing to support our family during this uncertain time. 😇 Our friends & family are truly making a difference for all of the Henrys while Dad is in the hospital working to get physically better.
October 22nd, 2024
Dear Henry Family Heroes!
Just a hair over 24 hours and the campaign has raised $1145.00!! THANK YOU!!!
The banner area cut off the picture, so here it is in full. ♥️
much love and blessings
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.