Cat Supplies


 USD $12,046

Campaign created by Lynne Tyner-Melby

Campaign funds will be received by Lynne Tyner-Melby

Cat Supplies

We are a disabled couple who really need help with funding to offset our budget to provide food and litter for our 11 Rescues all of who are vetted.

Our love and passion to adopt and rescue began over twenty years ago and within the last 10 years, we both had to stop working at no fault of our own but due to health loss. 

We lost over 40% of our income by having to stop working. Because of this, it has become very difficult to keep our pet supplies stocked. 

Because we could not have children of our own, rescue became a passion for us. I was also adopted at the age of 3 and suffered emotional trauma from being separated from three siblings by adoption and foster care. This gave me a passion to help others and also rescue cats. All of our pets were abandoned and found us. They all have their own unique story as I do of my own rescue in 1965.

At this time our budget needs for food, litter, and Vet care average between 250-300 a month. This Summer we had excessive Vet bills when four of our cats became ill and one had to be admitted overnight for observation putting a burden on an emergency credit card. 

Thank you very much for helping our furbabies. 
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 hours ago

I hope you have a great month!

Anonymous Giver
$ 65.00 USD
11 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 73.00 USD
14 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 44.00 USD
26 days ago

$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Kristie Laurent
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Happy Birthday!!!🎂

Anonymous Giver
$ 65.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 73.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 70.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 63.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 40.00 USD
3 months ago

Glad Zipper is home. Happy Easter ..

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
4 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 60.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 79.00 USD
5 months ago

Naomi Grega
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for you 🙏


Welcome August 2024 - Pet Supplies Needed - THANK YOU!

July 26th, 2024

Thank you very much for the donations that came in July. With your generous contributions, we have felt the ease of feeling burdened and overwhelmed and we do not take that lightly at all. We understand the ongoing inflation in our Country and how it impacts everybody. Thanks to your continued support we have made a significant impact on all the 11 furbabies we rescued giving them a second chance at happiness and every donation, big or small, brings us one step closer to achieving our goal and making a difference in the lives of these adorable companions.

At this time Abbee is overdue for a haircut. She is our big girl who is part Maine and she has problems bathing herself so we have to keep her hair cut.  Our groomer Emily has been doing her cuts for three years and she is less than ten minutes from our house and she did increase her rates last year. The last haircut was $35.00.

BoogerRoux's mom aka Moma Cat has a birthday in August. It is a joy to see her get to live with both her sons. Zipper and BoogerRoux are best buds! Nobody would ever imagine she was very feral at one time. Moma Cat will be 12 years old on August 15th.

Chewy does not have any specials or deals as of this update but we are running low on all their supplies including litter, wet and dry food.

We sincerely thank you for your kindness and compassion in helping us care for these wonderful cats. Together, we can create a brighter future for them. Your generosity and support since December 2020 is appreciated more than you can ever know!

If you use YouTube we would like for you to subscribe to our channel so we can finalize our monetization. Today we have 1130 subscribers but not enough "views" Thank you very much for helping us make this happen. Here is the direct link: 

Once you subscribe hit the button to be notified of all notifications so you will know when a new video has been uploaded.

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them!!!

God Bless you,

Allan/Lynne Melby

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update Welcome August 2024 - Pet Supplies Needed - THANK YOU! Image
Happy Birthday BoogerRoux & Jack - CHEWY DEALS - Welcome SUMMER 2024

June 20th, 2024

Hello, Summer 2024!  We have two special birthdays this month. Today is Jack's 7th birthday! BoogerRoux turns 10 on June 23rd.  Don't forget you can watch them and the other furbabies on their YouTube channel here:

Zipper is doing good. We took him back to the Vet on May 31st for his recheck.  His hemoglobin labs had improved and Dr. Williams wants him to continue taking his Iron Supplement with his wet food twice a day. Zipper is more active now and is playing by himself with a new Toy that a friend sent to us recently. It melts our hearts to see him so active and playing. We realized he is left-handed too as he swats with his left paw and it is dominant when he plays. He sits on my lap every night. Thank you for praying for him and Marcia who also has improved.

At this time, we still have a balance on our emergency credit card for their vet visits this year.  The statement just came and a payment is due by June 10th.  We are thankful to have the card but we are hopeful we can get it paid off very soon.

I just found out Chewy has another Deal - Spend $100.00 and get a $30 E-gift card emailed to you once your order ships to use on a future order. There is a limit of 2 orders per customer.  I have placed an order in my cart and we pray we get enough donations before Monday so we can at least place 2 orders to keep our supplies stocked up. We are very low on Werva can chicken, and Temptations wet food, and both those items are included in this deal. THANK YOU for the donations that we have received so far this month!!!

We are deeply grateful for your support and generosity. Your contributions not only help us reach our goal but also show the power of a compassionate community coming together. Thank you for being a part of this journey and for making a meaningful difference. With your help, we can achieve so much more.

Blessings and heartfelt thanks,


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update Happy Birthday BoogerRoux & Jack - CHEWY DEALS - Welcome SUMMER 2024 Image
Happy Memorial Weekend! - - - Pet Supplies Request - - - Marcia VET

May 24th, 2024

Dear Supporters,

We wanted to provide an update on our campaign for covering the unexpected vet bills for our beloved cat, Marcia. Thanks to your incredible generosity, we have been able to make significant progress in ensuring Marcia receives the best possible care. She is one of our Senior kitties and is 15 years old. Last week she started showing symptoms that mimicked possible Thyroid issues which claimed Juice last year so we immediately took her to the Vet on Wednesday of this week.

Dr. Williams gave her the T-4 lab test and it came back negative for Thyroid. He did not recommend any other testing and stated older cats sometime lose weight. Marcia is now 6 lbs and has lost 1.6 pounds since her last weigh-in last month at home. I'm continuing to research and most of her sudden symptoms point to dementia or CD - Cognitive Decline which is common in both cats and dogs. There is no cure for CD but we have to make sure she stays comfortable and has no changes in her daily routine. Thank you for your prayers for our Marcia.

Your support means the world to us and makes a real difference in Marcia's health and well-being.

We thank you very much for the donations that were received this month!!! It allowed us to order more Tidy Cat litter to get us through this month.

At this time we are running low on Sheba portions, Fancy Feast Dry, and have opened the last case of Werva chicken. Because of recent shortages, we want to remain stocked up on all the pet supplies.

Our Go Daddy fees for BoogerRoux's website we pay quarterly will be invoiced again the end of this month (May) for $35.97.  

This Memorial Day weekend, as we honor the heroes who have sacrificed for our freedoms, let's also come together to help our furry friends. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal. Please share our campaign with your friends and family to help spread the word.

Thank you for your kindness and support!!!

With gratitude always,

Allan/Lynne Melby

I will bless those who bless you. (Genesis 12:3) Thank you for your gracious and giving heart.

Update Happy Memorial Weekend!   - - -  Pet Supplies Request - - - Marcia VET Image
May Pet Supplies - Zipper - THANK YOU - Happy Mothers Day!

April 26th, 2024

Time flies, doesn't it? April has almost come and gone, leaving behind a chapter filled with memories, experiences, and growth.

"Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms out there!  You are appreciated, loved, and celebrated today and every day. Thank you for all that you do."

Thank you for the donations that came this month that allowed me to place an order last week with Chewy who had a Buy 2 Get 1 Free Sale for the Sheba portions. We also had another donor send us litter and more Sheba that arrived yesterday! At this time we are in need of  Probiotics, Fancy Feast dry, and litter. We would like to stay ahead of all of their supplies due to shortages and FedEx delays that we have already dealt with in the past.  Our Go Daddy fees for BoogerRoux's website we pay quarterly and they will be invoiced again in May for $35.97.  

Zipper is doing so much better after he saw the vet at the end of March for his DX of severe anemia. He has regained his physique, is back to being active and eating his normal diet, and much more. We need to take him back for his recheck of his labs so they can tell us his hemoglobin readings and to see if he needs to continue his anemic liquid drops we are putting in his wet food twice a day.  There will not be an office visit charge for the recheck only for the labs and the gas to get up there (1-hour each way). Thank you for praying for our deaf kitty Zipper!!!

Because of the Vet bills for Chip and Juice last October and November, we still have a balance on the emergency credit card of $426.00. We pray we can get that paid off as soon as possible.

Your generosity has been instrumental in our efforts thus far, and we're deeply grateful for your continued support. With your help, we've been able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our rescues.

One last request - Would you share our Platform link today when you read this update? Every share could mean reaching out to 35 other people. THANK YOU!!!


We also have Paypal and CashApp which do not take fees. Our mailing address is PO Box 242, Ronda NC  28670.

Paypal -                        CashApp - $BoogerRoux

Thank you again for your continued support to our Furball family!

With heartfelt thanks,

Allan & Lynne

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

May Pet Supplies - Zipper - THANK YOU - Happy Mothers Day!

April 26th, 2024

Time flies, doesn't it? April has almost come and gone, leaving behind a chapter filled with memories, experiences, and growth.

"Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms out there!  You are appreciated, loved, and celebrated today and every day. Thank you for all that you do."

Thank you for the donations that came this month that allowed me to place an order last week with Chewy who had a Buy 2 Get 1 Free Sale for the Sheba portions. We also had another donor send us litter and more Sheba that arrived yesterday! At this time we are in need of  Probiotics, Fancy Feast dry, and litter. We would like to stay ahead of all of their supplies due to shortages and FedEx delays that we have already dealt with in the past.  Our Go Daddy fees for BoogerRoux's website we pay quarterly and they will be invoiced again in May for $35.97.  

Zipper is doing so much better after he saw the vet at the end of March for his DX of severe anemia. He has regained his physique, is back to being active and eating his normal diet, and much more. We need to take him back for his recheck of his labs so they can tell us his hemoglobin readings and to see if he needs to continue his anemic liquid drops we are putting in his wet food twice a day.  There will not be an office visit charge for the recheck only for the labs and the gas to get up there (1-hour each way). Thank you for praying for our deaf kitty Zipper!!!

Because of the Vet bills for Chip and Juice last October and November, we still have a balance on the emergency credit card of $426.00. We pray we can get that paid off as soon as possible.

Your generosity has been instrumental in our efforts thus far, and we're deeply grateful for your continued support. With your help, we've been able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our rescues.

One last request - Would you share our Platform link today when you read this update? Every share could mean reaching out to 35 other people. THANK YOU!!!


We also have Paypal and CashApp which do not take fees. Our mailing address is PO Box 242, Ronda NC  28670.

Paypal -                        CashApp - $BoogerRoux

Thank you again for your continued support to our Furball family!

With heartfelt thanks,

Allan & Lynne

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update May Pet Supplies - Zipper - THANK YOU - Happy Mothers Day! Image
Good Friday - EASTER - Zipper is HOME! - APRIL 2024 Pet Supplies

March 29th, 2024

As we commemorate the Good Friday and Easter season, our hearts are filled with gratitude for the blessings of hope, renewal, and compassion. During this time of reflection, we are reminded of the importance of extending kindness and care to those in need, including our beloved furry friends.

We're reaching out to you today with an urgent request for support as we continue our mission to provide essential care and comfort to our furballs. As we approach April 2024, we're faced with a critical shortage of pet supplies necessary to ensure the well-being of our furry companions.

Your generosity has been instrumental in our efforts thus far, and we're deeply grateful for your continued support. With your help, we've been able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our rescues.

However, as the demand for our services grows, so does the need for essential supplies such as cat food, litter, toys, bedding, and medical supplies. Without these supplies, we risk being unable to provide the level of care and support that these animals deserve.

We humbly ask for your assistance in securing the necessary supplies to sustain our operations in the month of April and beyond. Your donation, no matter the size, will make a tangible impact and help us continue our lifesaving work.

To contribute, please donate here . To refrain from platform fees being taken you can donate also to our PayPal - or CashApp $BoogerRoux. Our mailing address is:

PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28679 - We want to thank you for the donations in March that helped get our Post Office Box rent paid.  

Your support is vital to our mission, and we're immensely grateful for your generosity.

Thank you for being a beacon of hope and compassion for animals in need. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all creatures, great and small.

Zipper is Home!

He was discharged on Tuesday with a dx of Severe Anemia. He was administered IV fluids for dehydration and given meds to support his hemoglobin and anemia. We have to take him back in 4 weeks for a recheck of his bloodwork for further support and treatment if needed. His vet bill was $247.57. We had to use our emergency credit card and the payment on this card is due by April 11th.  Thank you for your prayers for our Zipper who is deaf.  

At this time Chewy has a Buy 2 get 3rd FREE for two items we use of Sheba and Temptations gravy packets. If we receive donations I can place an order by Monday before the coupon code SAVEMORE expires.

May you and your loved ones experience the joy and blessings of Easter, and may your hearts be filled with love, peace, and gratitude.

With heartfelt thanks,

Allan & Lynne

2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV): "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

Update Good Friday - EASTER - Zipper is HOME! - APRIL 2024 Pet Supplies Image

March 27th, 2024

 Zipper was admitted to the Vet hospital yesterday (Tuesday). After getting his blood work values read and gone over with us by the doctor it was determined he is very sick. At this time Zipper is very lethargic and has kidney values which are not where they should be but he also only has 1/2 of the blood in his body that he normally should have.

The doctor admitted him for fluids (dehydration) and he said his bone marrow was still good and this would help make up the blood he had lost due to his anemia. They also are giving him vitamins and other meds and we are to call today around lunchtime for an update and to see if he can come home.
His Thyroid is normal and the doctor was concerned with this when he checked his heart rate this morning. The balance issues with his walking are related to his anemic condition. All other blood values were within range.

Zipper was very alert yesterday when we got up and he ate and drank water. He does not like to travel and did well on the long journey to Sparta. We were the first ones in line when they unlocked the door at 8:30 am.
PLEASE keep Zipper in your thoughts and prayers. To remind you he is deaf and is half-brother to BoogerRoux.
While he's in good hands, the medical bills are adding up fast. We're asking for your support to help cover the expenses when he gets discharged. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a difference in Zipper's recovery. Thank you for being a lifeline for our furry friend in need. 🐾💙

Kind regards,


Hebrews 13:16: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Update Please PRAY FOR ZIPPER! Image

March 15th, 2024

We're reaching out to our compassionate community to ask for your support in ensuring the comfort and well-being of our feline friends. As we continue to provide loving care for our rescue cats, we're in urgent need of cat litter to maintain their sanitary living environment.

Your donations today would allow me to place an order with Chewy. and would make a world of difference in keeping our furry companions happy and healthy.

Your support means the world to us and directly impacts the lives of these deserving cats. Thank you for considering a donation to help us continue our mission.Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Sharing our platform also would help us reach out to other donors.

Thank you so very much!

I will bless those who bless you. (Genesis 12:3)

Update We are LOW ON LITTER Image
USPS Box Rent Due - HELP us keep our PO Box for BoogerRoux

March 2nd, 2024

Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out today with a humble request for assistance. We rely on our PO box for essential communication for BoogerRoux from his furriends and fans but unfortunately, we're struggling to cover the rent.

 Our PO box serves as a vital lifeline for receiving important mail, donations, and communication from our friends and fans on all Social Media platforms for BoogerRoux.

The Challenge: Despite our best efforts, the cost of maintaining our PO box has become a financial burden. With the increased rent to 84.00, we find ourselves unable to cover the rent for the renewal now due. (See image for Box Rent notice we received today from USPS)

 You Can Help: Your support can make a significant difference in ensuring our PO box remains open and accessible to everyone who relies on it. Even a small contribution can go a long way in helping us meet our goal.  We are aiming to raise  84.00 to cover the rent for our PO box for the next year March 2024-March 2025. (DUE BY MARCH 31, 2024)

Every donation, no matter the size, will bring us closer to achieving this goal and ensuring the continuity of our services.

 Why It Matters: Keeping our PO box open is crucial for maintaining communication with our community members, receiving important documents, and continuing our work effectively. Your generosity will directly impact the lives of those we serve and contribute to the well-being of our entire community.: Thank you for taking the time to read our campaign and considering supporting our cause. Your kindness and generosity mean the world to us.

How to Donate: To donate, please donate here and contribute whatever amount you can. Additionally, please share this campaign with your friends, family, and social networks to help us reach more people who can lend a helping hand. Thank you again for your support!!!!

God Bless YOU!!!!!

Lynne & Allan

Deuteronomy 16:17 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you. Prayer for Financial Breakthrough: Lord, because you have freely given to me, help me to freely give back to you and to those around me.


Update USPS Box Rent Due - HELP us keep our PO Box for BoogerRoux Image
Welcome March 2024 - Monthly Pet Supplies Update - BoogerRoux & Family

February 29th, 2024

Thank you for the donations that came in February!  We were able to pay our Go Daddy hosting fees billed every three months and an anonymous donor sent us 3 Chewy gift cards that we were able to use to stock up on cases of Sheba!!!  Chewy had a promotion for certain pet supplies that had to be used only to get their $30.00 e-gift card applied to our Chewy account. I am posting the link to watch that video here: - So thankful and humbled by this generous gift!!!!

As spring begins to blossom, we find ourselves reflecting on the growth and continued needs. This March, our focus is on the 11 beautiful cats that have found sanctuary with us, each with their own story of resilience and hope. While we've made significant strides in their care and health needs, our journey together is far from over.

Current Status of Our Feline Friends:

 From playful kittens to wise seniors, our diverse group of feline friends is thriving under our care, but their needs continue to evolve.

Urgent Supplies Needed:
As we continue to provide for these amazing animals, we've identified several urgent supplies needed to maintain their health and happiness:

High-Quality Cat Food: Nutritional needs vary among our cats, including special diets for kittens and seniors.
 With 11 cats, the demand for LITTER is high. We need an ample supply of Tidy Cat Unscented for our 3 Litter-Robot machines. The cost to be able to stock up on litter is $200.00 which would give us a 3-month supply.

Toys and Enrichment: Interactive toys, scratching posts, and comfortable resting areas are essential for mental and physical well-being. Some of our Pet trees/condos in the cat room are old, worn, and falling apart. We would like to be able to replace the two small ones at the cat playroom window very soon. 
Chewy and Wayfair currently have awesome sales and I have bookmarked some to order hopefully if we can receive the amount in donations in March.

Medical Supplies: Ongoing treatments, vaccinations, and Vet care appointments are critical to their health.

How You Can Help:

Donations: Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us purchase the necessary supplies. 
To send donations that do not get fees applied from this platform and Stripe which processes your donations you can donate using PayPal. Our PayPal email is:
Our mailing address is - PO Box 242, Ronda NC  28670.
Cash App - $boogerroux

Supply Donations: We welcome donations of cat food, litter, toys, and other supplies. Please utilize our Amazon Wish List here:

Spread the Word: Share our mission with friends and family. The more people know about our efforts, the more support we can gather for these deserving cats. Here is our Platform link:

Looking Ahead:
Our goal for March and beyond is not only to meet the immediate needs of our rescued cats but also to start taking them in for their annual Vet exams. Your support has been invaluable to us, and we are endlessly grateful for the donors who stand behind our rescue family.

Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of these cats. Thank you for your continued support, and generosity, and for being a part of their journey to a happier life.

With heartfelt thanks,

Lynne & Allan

I will bless those who bless you. (Genesis 12:3)
Update Welcome March 2024 - Monthly Pet Supplies Update - BoogerRoux & Family Image
Urgent Plea: Help us Fulfill Supplies needed before week's End!

February 18th, 2024

We hope this message finds you well. We are reaching out with an urgent plea for your support to help us ensure the well-being of our rescues in our care before the end of this week. At this writing update, we have no more Sheba left to get us through the end of February. Two cases of Sheba from Chewy is 25.98 per case.
                   * We have not received any donations for the month of February. *

As you know, we are dedicated to making sure we have enough pet supplies for each month, however, we are currently facing a critical shortage of essential supplies and funds to cover our overhead expenses. We just got our bill notices for our Go Daddy web hosting fees for BoogerRoux's website due at the end of the month at $35.97 and his Post Office Box rent is also due by March 1st for $78.00.

With your generous donations in the past, we have been able to make a significant difference in the lives of countless cats, providing them with food, shelter, veterinary care, and love. But now, we urgently need your help to satisfy the needs for the rest of February.

Without immediate assistance, we risk being unable to provide the necessary care and support to the cats who rely on us. Your donation, no matter the size, can make a tremendous impact and ensure that we can continue our lifesaving mission.

Please consider donating today to help us reach our fundraising goal by the end of this week. Every dollar counts and will be greatly appreciated by our organization and the cats we serve.
. Your generosity will make a world of difference to cats in need, and we cannot thank you enough for your continued support.

Together, we can ensure that every cat receives the care and compassion they deserve. Thank you for being a champion for animals and for standing with us in this urgent time of need.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Allan & Lynne

I will bless those who bless you. (Genesis 12:3)

February Supplies Needed

January 30th, 2024

As we step into the heart (FEBRUARY) of 2024, I want to take a moment to share with you the incredible impact your donations have made to us. Your unwavering support and generosity continue to be the backbone of our furball rescues to provide essential supplies for them. 

Allan and I will celebrate our 19th Wedding anniversary on Valentine's Day. (February certainly holds a special place in our lives.)

We would like to restock and order all supplies for our furball family from Chewy who has yet another E-gift card for $30.00 available only through next Monday. This means once you place an order and it is marked shipped Chewy will apply a 30.00 credit to your account for your next order.  Because Stripe is the processor for all donations, they hold our donations for 3-4 days so, any donations made today would be released in time to place an order by Monday at midnight.

Items needed are: SHEBA (4) -  25.98 x 4 =  103.92, Temptations gravy pouches (4) 8.98 x 4 = 35.92,

FancyFeast Dry (2) - 32.58 x 2 = 65.16, Hills Science Savory Turkey Pate (2) - 39.12 x 2= 78.24,

Weruva Chicken Can (2)  31.78 x 2= 63.56 and Tidy Cat Litter (2) 25.48 x 2 = 50.96

  TOTAL with Tax - $425.76

To every one of you who has donated, shared our cause, or sent words of encouragement – your support is the lifeline of our mission!!!

Thank you for being a part of our family. We are deeply grateful for your ongoing support and look forward to achieving even more milestones together.

The therapeutic benefits of cats have been recognized and appreciated in many cultures for years. 

Our lives are greatly enriched every minute of our day because of these precious creations from God.

I am sharing a recent YouTube link so you can see Rocky and Cyrus who are newbies and have bonded so much to each other!

One last request - Would you share our Platform link today when you read this update? Every share could mean reaching out to 35 other people. THANK YOU!!!


Thank you!


Acts 20:35 (NIV): "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’"

Update February Supplies Needed Image
Sheba & Werva Chicken

January 20th, 2024

We only have one box of Sheba left to get us through the rest of January and six cans of Werva chicken. 🐾

Our litter is also running low and Chewy has a special now if you order a minimum of 100.00 you get a 30.00 egift card sent once the order is placed and shipped. 🐈

I wouid love to be able to place an order by tonight or tomorrow. 🙏🏻

Your continued support and help is greatly appreciated!!! ❤️

Thank you so much! 

Proverbs 11:25: “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

Update Sheba & Werva Chicken Image
Welcome Cyrus!!!!!

January 4th, 2024

Meet Cyrus!!!! He is 9 months old and we adopted him on Tuesday of this week after going through an extensive adoption process that began last week. A person reached out to me on Nextdoor and mentioned a rescue in Mt Airy (Mayberry) that had cats for adoption and I immediately went to their website and saw Cyrus.

After several emails, I completed the three-page adoption form and so the process began. To go and meet any of their furballs you have to complete their application. We were given an appointment for yesterday at 1:00 pm.

The staff greeted us and showed us Cyrus and we saw the other furballs too. It was 💙 at first sight! We got to hold him and he started purring. The adoption fee was then requested next of $150.00💰 They do not accept credit cards so we had to leave and drive to the bank. (Cyrus is fully vetted, microchipped, and surgery, and this reimburses the Vet who does all their work for their rescues.)

We used our bill money 🐾🙏🏻💕 and went back and finished the adoption process and got our departure picture taken that they will upload to their website and social media pages.

Cyrus is so sweet and loves to be held. He is still meeting and getting introduced to his siblings, who are doing the same.

Thank you for your prayers for this transition to go smoothly and for our budget shortfall to be returned for our expenses this month. 🙏🏻

PLEASE consider sharing our platform link so we can increase our donations. Just one share would mean a lot to us. We appreciate your faithfulness, prayers, loyalty, and help.

Love BoogerRoux and Family 💙👨‍👩‍👦🐈🐾

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. - 2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT

Update Welcome Cyrus!!!!! Image
Happy New Year 2024 - January Pet Supplies Needed

December 30th, 2023

Dear Valued Supporters,

As we enter the new year, we are filled with gratitude for the journey we’ve shared and the milestones we've achieved together in supporting our cat family in need. This January 2024 update is not just a reflection of our progress but also a heartfelt thank you to each one of you - our incredible donors and advocates.

2023 in Review: A Purr-fect Year of Impact

Thanks to your unwavering support, last year was remarkable. We were able to:

Provide essential supplies during the entire year for our furballs.

Pay off all the Vet debt we incurred from routine and emergency visits.

Our Current Need: January 2024 Pet Supplies:

Tidy Cat Litter (4)- $79.44,

Weruva Paw Lickin' Chicken in Gravy Grain-Free Canned Cat Food, 3-oz, case of 24 - (2)  $63.56

Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Savory Turkey Entree Canned Cat Food, 2.9-oz, case of 24 (2) -


Temptations Creamy Puree Salmon & Chicken Variety Pack Lickable Cat Treats, 0.425-oz, 16 count - 2 boxes - $16.98

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Adult Urinary SO Moderate Calorie Dry Cat Food, 6.6-lb bag - $54.99

TOTAL - $293.21

As inflation continues, so does our need for support. This January, we are focusing on being able to maintain both wet & dry food and litter and never running out. Our current wishlist includes:

Wet and dry cat food -

Cat litter

Toys and enrichment items

Routine Vet Care for several "adult" cats

How You Can Help:

Donate: Every dollar counts! Your donations allow us to purchase supplies at discounted rates.

Share Our Campaign: Spread the word! Share our GiveSendGo page on social media.

Amazon Wishlist: Check out our Amazon Wishlist here:

for specific items you can purchase and send directly to us.

Other donation options here:

PayPal -

CashApp - $Boogerroux

Our mailing address:

PO Box 242

Ronda, NC 28670

A Special Thank You!

We want to give a special shoutout to all of you for your extraordinary support!

Remember, you are a vital part of this journey. 

Thank you for your continued support. Here’s to a year filled with kindness, compassion, and lots of purrs!

With heartfelt appreciation,

Lynne/Allan Melby

I will bless those who bless you. (Genesis 12:3) Thank you for your gracious and giving heart.

Update Happy New Year 2024 - January Pet Supplies Needed Image
Merry Christmas and Heartfelt Thanks from BoogerRoux & Family! 🎄🐾

December 25th, 2023

Dear Friends and Supporters,

As the year draws to a close and the festive season envelops us in its warm embrace, we want to extend our deepest gratitude and warmest holiday wishes to you, our cherished supporters.

Your generosity and love have been the guiding stars in our mission to make the world a better place for our feline friends. Every donation, big or small, has contributed to a year filled with hope, care, and countless saved lives.

This Christmas, as you celebrate the season of giving, we want to acknowledge the gifts you have given that extend beyond the material – the gift of safety, health, and happiness to our furball felines in need. Your support has allowed us to provide food, litter, 2 new Litter Robots, and Vet visits both planned and unexpected.

As we look forward to the New Year, we are filled with hope and excitement for what we can achieve together. Your continued support will be instrumental in our ongoing needs.
May your holiday season be as joyful and peaceful as the purrs of a contented cat. Thank you for being a part of our family. Together, we are making a difference, one cat at a time.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Warmest regards,

Lynne & Allan Melby

I will bless those who bless you. (Genesis 12:3) Thank you for your gracious and giving heart.

🎁 P.S. Remember, the spirit of giving is the spirit of love. If you wish to extend your support this festive season we would be very grateful. Let's keep making miracles happen for our furry family. 🐱💖
BoogerRoux the winner of America's Favorite Pet Contest 10162020
PayPal -
CashApp - $Boogerroux
PO Box 242
Ronda, NC 28670
Update Merry Christmas and Heartfelt Thanks from BoogerRoux & Family! 🎄🐾 Image
Three Year Anniversay - Chewy offer - Thank You!!!!

December 15th, 2023

Happy Anniversary! 🎉 This month marks a significant milestone for our Give Send Go campaign as we celebrate our 3rd year of making a positive impact in the lives of our Rescues. It's a momentous occasion, and we couldn't be prouder of the journey we've shared together.

Over the past three years, our platform has grown into a vibrant community of compassionate individuals dedicated to make sure our monthly needs are met. Together, we've accomplished so much and none of this would have been possible without the unwavering support from every one of you.

As we approach the end of the year, we are filled with gratitude for the incredible support we've received from compassionate individuals like you. Your generosity has been instrumental in providing essential pet supplies to our furry family in need through our GiveSendGo platform.

As we reflect on the impact we've made together, we can't help but feel inspired by the positive change we've brought to the lives of countless pets. However, our mission is far from over, and there are still many animals awaiting our help. As you know, we recently adopted Rocky who is 6 months old. He has brought much love and happiness into our home and has been a token of hope to restore our hurting hearts after losing Chip and Juice in October and November.

This holiday season, we invite you to join us in making a final push to ensure that every pet in need receives the care they deserve. Your contribution can make a significant difference in providing food, shelter, and medical care to our loving companions.

At this time Chewy has a promotion for a $30.00 gift card when you spend $100.00.  As previously mentioned a lot of our supplies have been out of stock and we want to make sure we have a good inventory of litter, dry food, and wet food because it's just the time we are living in with inventory being unavailable. Our fur babies go through a lot of litter. I would be so happy to be able to place an order this weekend because Christmas has put a huge crush on deliveries as well. 

Pet Supplies needed: Litter - (4) - 91.96, Wervua Chicken (2 cases) - 63.56, Sheba Portions - (4 Cases )

103.92, Fancy Feast dry food (2 bags) - 65.16, and Royal Canin S/D - (1 bag) - 54.99, Hill Science Diet

Can (wet food) 2 cases - 78.24. - TOTAL (with tax) $489.87

Together, we can end the year on a high note, knowing that we've made a lasting difference in the lives of pets who rely on our collective compassion. Your continued support means the world to us, and we are grateful for each and every contribution.

Thank you for being a vital part of our mission. Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a wonderful start to the New Year!

With heartfelt appreciation,

Lynne & Allan

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

Update Three Year Anniversay - Chewy offer - Thank You!!!! Image
Juice is Home

December 8th, 2023

In shadows' soft embrace, whiskers gently brushed, A feline friend, in memories hushed. Paws that danced in moonlit gleam, Now echoes of a cherished dream.Eyes that held a universe of grace, Now stars adorning heaven's embrace.

Furry whispers in the silent night, A bond that lingers, pure and bright.Though fur may fade, the love remains, In gentle rains and sunlit lanes. In the tapestry of joy and loss, Your paw prints linger, a timeless gloss.

We love you Juice. 🐾🌈🐈💔

Update Juice is Home Image
December 2023 - Pet Supplies

December 2nd, 2023

As the holiday season unfolds and the spirit of generosity fills the air, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support of our pet supplies platform.

Your donation in December is particularly meaningful, as it arrives during a time when the need for kindness and compassion is felt most. Your generosity is like a shining light, bringing warmth and comfort to the lives of countless pets who rely on the care and support of our community.

Pet Supplies needed:  Litter - (4) - 91.96, Wervua Chicken (2 cases) - 63.56, Sheba Portions - (4 Cases )
103.92, Fancy Feast dry food (2 bags) -  65.16,  and Royal Canin S/D - (1 bag) - 54.99, Hill Science Diet
Can (wet food) 2 cases - 78.24. - TOTAL (with tax) $489.87

Thanks to your selfless contribution, we can ensure that our furry companions have a December filled with love, joy, and the essential supplies they need. Your commitment to making a positive impact is truly inspiring and reflects the true spirit of the season.

May this holiday season bring you immense joy, surrounded by the love of family and friends. As we reflect on the year gone by, we are reminded of the incredible difference that individuals like you make in the lives of those who need it most.

Exactly three years ago this platform was created after much prayer and we have been so blessed by your donations and support for our furball family!

We look forward to continuing our journey together in the coming year, creating a brighter future for pets in need. Your ongoing support is a beacon of hope, and we are grateful to have you as an integral part of our compassionate community.

Wishing you a December filled with warmth, laughter, and the knowledge that your kindness has significantly impacted the lives of those who needed it the most.

With sincere appreciation,
Allan & Lynne Melby

Matthew 18:19 - "If two of you are on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for

Update December 2023 - Pet Supplies Image
Tribute to our sweet Betlegeuse - JUICE - Welcome Home (music by Michael W. Smith)

November 24th, 2023

Thank you for the 20-dollar donation that came in today. We will be able to pick him up within the next 10 days. His cremation bill was paid $110.00 and we used our emergency credit card. Please continue to keep our family in much prayers..

God Bless You,

Genesis 1:20-25

And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth."

These verses describe the beginning of Earth's existence, in which God paused all the other work in order to create animals. He deemed them "good" and urged them to increase in number.

Update Tribute to our sweet Betlegeuse - JUICE - Welcome Home (music by Michael W. Smith) Image
Juice Melby - Rainbow Bridge - May 1, 2010 - November 24, 2023

November 24th, 2023

I am at a loss for words right now. Juice lost his battle with his thyroid disease sometime during the night.  He saw the Vet at the end of September and she was bragging about his weight gain and told us to bring him back in a month for a recheck which we did and he was still doing well.  During this time we lost Chip exactly a month ago.

On Wednesday of this week, he stopped wanting to eat and showed a soft labored breathing. Anyone who is a pet parent knows as does the pet the time their life is transitioning over to their forever home.

He only drank water late last night and jumped into my lap long enough for me to talk to him, kiss him and he jumped back down and pressed his little head against the cat scratcher column in the den. We were going to take him to the Vet this morning but when we got up his lifeless body was found under the table against the windows where the cat beds are.

We are leaving shortly to take him to our Vet for cremation services (110.00) that has to be paid upfront.  They are using a new contractor servicer that handled Chip last month and I will at least get more memories of Juice as we did for Chip. This is the 8th Rescue cat we have saved and now lost. Our small bookcase in our bedroom is getting full of urns but this is the life of being a pet parent.

Please pray for our hearts because they are numb and broken.  We will miss Juice sitting at our door crying asking for breakfast as he did yesterday morning even though he was unable to eat.

For many of us, pets are more than just companion animals. They truly become like members of our family. And when they die, we mourn them in much the same way we would any other family member. We experience a tremendous sense of grief and loss, and struggle to find ways to process our emotions. It can feel isolating because not everyone realizes how deep the death of a pet can cut. 

We thank you once again for your support and prayers for our family.

“They will not go quietly,

the cats who’ve shared our lives.

In subtle ways they let us know

their spirit still survives.”

Update Juice Melby - Rainbow Bridge - May 1, 2010 - November 24, 2023 Image
Happy Thanksgiving from our House to Yours!

November 16th, 2023

Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with warmth, gratitude, and the joy of cherished moments with loved ones. Grateful for the blessings of family and friendship. Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁🦃

We are so thankful for all of your support to our Furball family since the end of 2020 when this platform began.

A quick update to let you know Saber is doing so much better from his tooth extractions 2 weeks ago. He is only able to still eat soft food. We have added a new pate canned food for him to our Amazon Wish list.

Juice has started a new prescription diet of soft-can food specifically for his Thyroid disease. It came this week and the Vet stated it would replace the medication he has been on for over a year. He will go back to the Vet in a month for a recheck of his Thyroid levels. This food is very expensive but Juice had started spitting out his medicine and I was able to find this food at Chewy. Thyroid disease is a horrible illness for people and pets!

Thank you so very much for the donations that came in which allowed us to pay off our huge Vet bill balance on our emergency credit card.  I was able to also use these funds to get the new food mentioned above from Chewy as well.

Please enjoy your Thanksgiving next week with family and friends!  We will be home with our furball family and cooking a small spread of food.  This will be our second year not buying a turkey. Instead, we opted for turkey slices out of the deli that we purchased last week and put in the freezer (The cost of groceries now is beyond insane!) I will bring it out and make turkey gravy for our main course.  We have sweet potatoes fresh from our garden and we look forward to having them. 

"Thanksgiving wishes from across the miles from our house to yours. May your home be filled with laughter and happiness!"

Allan & Lynne

#ThankfulHearts #GratitudeGathering

Update Happy Thanksgiving from our House to Yours! Image
Welcome November 2023 - Saber/Juice Vet - Surgery

November 2nd, 2023

I Welcome NovemberA refreshing time of year! November also represents the prime time for the colorful leaves of Fall foliage and Thanksgiving.

In the last 3 months, we have had several unexpected cat emergencies and one loss. As you already know we lost Chip on October 23rd after a sudden health decline. We picked up his urn/ashes yesterday and are still at a loss for words.  Not long after getting home yesterday, we noticed Saber our Maine was drooling very badly and he just wasn't himself.  I googled his symptoms and found out it most likely was related to gum & teeth issues. Allan opened his mouth and one front fang tooth was gone.  We took him in early this morning along with Juice who was due for his thyroid recheck after his medicine was adjusted at the end of September. Saber had to have emergency surgery and they had to remove two more teeth that were loose. He is on medicines and resting at home. The vet said this is common (tooth loss) in adult cats.  Juice got a good report as his blood work was good and his thyroid levels didn't go up but she still wants them down a little more.    Please remember them both in prayer. (The picture attached today is Saber after we got home with him from his emergency surgery)

Zipper is also doing good. He was taken to the vet also in September for a head tilt that was diagnosed as an inner ear infection. Zipper is a special needs cat because he is deaf.  Thank you so much for praying for him.

With this being said we have paid $851.08 in Vet bills since September.  It seems like every time we are able to pay down or pay off the emergency credit card life happens and it is on life support again. We have not even been to the grocery store in 3 weeks. No matter what life throws at us God sends his angels to provide just in time. We were also blessed with a gas, Chewy, and Walmart gift card that I used to get pet litter and Sheba. The gas card was greatly needed since we traveled to Sparta NC to our Vet 8 times (almost 300 miles).

We have been blessed with food/litter donations in the last couple of weeks! Shortages of litter are still real so we want to stock up on litter and food at least to get us through December. You can watch our donations on our YouTube channel here: We still are so close to having 1000 followers (951) today and if you can subscribe and ask a friend that would be a blessing to us!

We want to THANK YOU for the donations that came in last month.  

Please pray that we can meet the deadline to pay off the emergency credit card. I am very grateful to have the card but it's so overwhelming to owe money with a very high interest rate.

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone who reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure.

God Bless you!


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update Welcome November 2023 - Saber/Juice Vet - Surgery Image
Thank You - Chip Vet Expenses - Final bill

October 29th, 2023

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your generous contribution toward Chip's final vet expenses. Your support means the world to us, and it has made a significant difference during this challenging time.

Chip has been a beloved member of our family since 2010. Your kindness and thoughtfulness have not only helped ease the financial burden but have also provided us with the emotional support we needed during this period.

Your contribution went directly towards his vet bills for his long hospital stay of a week

and his cremation and urn.

Your generosity and compassion have touched our hearts, and we are truly grateful for your donations.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and support during this challenging time. We are blessed to have you in our lives.

Warmest Regards,

Lynne & Allan Melby

In loving memory of our dear Chip🐾 Forever in our hearts, you brought so much joy and love into our lives. Rest in peace, sweet friend. 💔 #InLovingMemory #Chip

Update Thank You - Chip Vet Expenses - Final bill Image
Chip Melby - Rainbow Bridge

October 23rd, 2023

May 10 2010 - October 23 2023

Sometimes we have to say goodbye knowing we did all we could. Dr. Nash talked to us when we went to see Chip this afternoon. The staff took us back to see him and it was very emotional seeing how much he had declined. 🐾💔

Dr. Nash told us that he was getting worse and he suspected it was his time to be set free. The only option maybe was steroids but he recognized us and tried to whimper. He still was not eating or drinking and had an IV. He could not even lift his head. 🐾💔

We will be able to bring him home in two weeks after they receive him back from the Cremation facility they use. At this time we were so distraught we did not ask how much the final bill was. Chip has been in the hospital since last Tuesday. They said we could settle the bill when we pick him up.💔

If you want to help with these final expenses for Chip please call the Vet at 336-372-8744 and reference his name

Chip Melby. 🙏🏻

Our PayPal account is

Please pray for us because this was so unexpected. 🙏🏻

Love BoogerRoux & Family 👨‍👩‍👦💔🐾

Chip - - - - Vet again 🙏🏻

October 19th, 2023

We thought Chip was doing better. He was at the Vet last Friday and all his blood work was ok. She could not get a urine specimen because his bladder was empty which is because he had stopped eating and drinking.

She gave him antibiotics which he started Friday night. 🐾

Chip has always been a very nervous and stand offish cat here. He does not mingle with any of the others and keeps to himself. 🐱

He took his meds okay and we were giving him his calorie liquids which he tolerated. 🆗

Yesterday he ate by himself the first time and we continued giving him water through a syringe. 🐾

Last night he looked very lethargic and this am he would not eat again. 🐱

We got at the vet at 10 am (long drive) and he saw the owner this time Dr Nash who reran his bloodwork and he said all looked ok and then he suggested doing an xray to rule out other serious things like a tumor.

We had to go back out to the waiting room to wait for results. 🔙

Dr Nash came back out and said his xray was clear. He kept him because he was very dehydrated and administered an IV. 🐱

We are to call in the am for an update. 📞

Chip was our cat that escaped in 2017 and was gone 68 days. I prayed and prayed for him to find his way back. That was the same year I had my mini-stroke. 🙄

He's always been a healthy cat and this happened so quickly. 😢

I have no idea how much this Vet bill will be but if anyone can donate just a dollar it will help us. As I mentioned yesterday we had three Vet bills since September and this will be the fourth when we can bring Chip home. 🐾

Our PayPal account is

Cash App is $BoogerRoux

If you'd rather call the Vet to help their phone number is 336-372-8744. Our balance is zero because I've been paying with our emergency credit card. The payment for this is due by November 7th. 👀

Please pray for Chip and that he can come home soon.🙏🏻

Love BoogerRoux and Family 🐾🏡

"Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.

Update Chip - - - - Vet  again 🙏🏻 Image
Vet Bill - Chip - Friday 113/23

October 14th, 2023

We took Chip to the Vet shortly after 12 noon yesterday after we noticed he still was not eating well and appeared to be lethargic. When he ate he threw his food back up which is not like him at all.

Dr. Darnell did blood work which all came back fine. She was worried about his kidneys.

He is on Augmentin (antibiotic) and ate a little after we got him back home. He rested much better in his cat carrier while coming home than going to the Vet. She is treating him for a UTI. 🙏🏻🐾

As you know Juice was just there on 092723 and got put back on his medication. He has started throwing up clear liquid multiple times a day which is a side effect of the medicine for his thyroid. She told us to reduce the dosage from 1/2 pill twice daily to 1/4 pill twice daily. They will recheck his bloodwork in two weeks.🐾

Lastly, we discussed Zipper who was recently there on 90623 as well with an ear infection. He had run out of his antibiotics so she gave us more antibiotics and ear medicine for his ear. If he needs to come back after these meds are used up he will be going back.🐱

If anyone would like to defray the cost of Chip'svet bill and the last two for Juice and Zipper that we paid for using our credit card it sure would help us a lot. The balance after today is $390.87. I have to make a payment on the card by November 8th. If I don't pay the entire balance I will be charged 29% percent interest.  (I had just paid this card off in August.)

Our PayPal account is 🐾

I want to thank you for your understanding and support during this time. Your support means a lot to us and to Chip, Juice, & Zipper!

Thank you for being a part of Chip's life, and I'll be sure to keep you updated on his progress. We are grateful for your friendship and concern. Thank you for your prayers and support for our furballs!!!!

Love BoogerRoux and Family 🐾🙏🏻🏡💜

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

October 2023 - Juice Vet Update - Pet Supplies

October 1st, 2023

Hello, October! 🍂 Time to fall in love with cozy sweaters and pumpkin everything.

We took Juice back to see Dr. Darnell last Wednesday for a recheck of his bloodwork and

much-needed exam. If you have been following this platform you know he became sick

last May and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and put on medications. This is a

common medical condition both in cats and dogs.  The meds stabilized him and he

then had a recheck in August 2022 and his hyperthyroidism became hypothyroidism meaning

his thyroid levels were very low so she took him off the medications.  We weigh all the

cats here once a month and chart their weights and we noticed Juice was losing weight

again and he had become very hyper again more at night time to the point he was having

to wear his thundershirt to keep him calm. He looked frail (even though he eats like a horse

throughout the day) and we knew we had to get him

back to see his Vet.  The bloodwork confirmed that the disease was back and the thyroid

levels were much higher than the original diagnosis last May.  His Kidneys are okay and those levels

have not changed because we have been giving him (3) holistic meds for this of Epakitin,

Rehmania 8 and Pet Tao Soothe Bladder. which he tolerates well because it is

mixed in with his wet food in the morning/evening with the Temptations Creamy Puree.

Juice has to go back for a recheck in 4 weeks. The Vet bill was $107.20 and we used

our emergency credit card. It is a 45 mn drive each way so we used most of

the gas in our vehicle.  PLEASE keep him in your prayers. The only other option

to rid this permanent disease is Radiation Iodine

Therapy we were told about last year which is very expensive. and he would have to be referred

out. The Specialist that is close to us is in Winston-Salem and over an hour away. I have not

called to see how much it is now and we just pray that God will heal him. Last year's quote

was 1875.00.

At this time we are in need of cat litter. For whatever reason when I placed a large order

this week Chewy was out of the Scoop Away as were other companies. There are rumors that

pet supplies are going to become scarce again so I was able to place another order at

PetCo for delivery of 2 buckets of Tidy Cat litter which will be delivered by UPS tomorrow.

We want to THANK YOU for the donations that came in last month.  I was able to pay off

the Klarna app expenses we had incurred from three different Chewy orders.  I would like

to be able to pay off the Vet bill on the credit card before the interest charges are added that

we used last week for Juice's checkup.

Zipper is doing very well and tolerated all of the antibiotics he was given when he had to

go see the Vet for what was diagnosed as an inner ear infection. Thank you for your prayers

for him!  He is deaf and his head is no longer tilted.

We sincerely thank you for your kindness and compassion in helping us care for these

wonderful cats. They mean the World to us and give us much happiness and support.

If you use YouTube we would like for you to subscribe to our channel so we can reach 1K subscribers.

Today we are at 954 subscribers.. Once we reach 1k we will be able to monetize our channel.

Thank you very much for helping us make this happen :) Here is the direct link:

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone who reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure.

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them.

God Bless you,

Allan/Lynne Melby

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update October 2023 - Juice Vet Update - Pet Supplies Image
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! - - - Zipper - Vet Emergency

September 6th, 2023

Thank you so very much for the donations that came in after our last update!!! 

We are breathing a lot better and will be using the funds once they are processed

through Stripe (this is the organization that GSG uses to process their transactions.)

Tuesday early morning around 345 am our little deaf Kitty - Zipper woke us up in much

distress crying and his head was bobbling. He could not walk and we crated him and

got him to our Vet as soon as they opened.  Upon examination the Vet said he had an

inner ear infection and was running a high fever. He was kept over night and we just

got home with him.  He has medication to finish over the next 7 days and the dr said

his head will be tilted slightly for a few more days until the infection is gone.

The Vet bill was 71.59. I used our emergency credit card to pay this bill because the

donations here are still being processed.

Zipper looks so much better and he ate an entire pack of Sheba portions once he got

settled in.  I plan to place an order with Chewy hopefully this weekend once the

monies are available.  I will also be paying off our Klarna account used for the

last two Chewy orders this Summer.

"Your prayers like whispers in the night,

Have filled my heart with pure delight.

With gratitude, my soul does sing,

For the blessings your prayers do bring."

God Bless YOU!

Allan & Lynne Melby

Update THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! - - - Zipper - Vet Emergency  Image
Pet Supplies - SEPTEMBER 2023

September 3rd, 2023

As we enter the month of September, we come before you with humble hearts, recognizing your infinite wisdom and grace. We thank you for the blessings of the past months and for the opportunities that lie ahead.

Lord, grant us the wisdom to make wise decisions, the patience to endure trials, and the compassion to show love and kindness to others. Let this month be a time of growth, both spiritually and personally.

.....We have just opened our last bag of cat litter and also the last bag of dry Fancy Feast for the furballs this


I placed 2 new orders from Chewy in August totaling 191.21 using the Klarna app and

I am still paying on the June 3rd Chewy order of  110.15.. Our total balance owed today for

the Klarna app is 234.72. (See picture)

We hope we can pay this balance off asap so the app can be used again for more supplies

greatly needed.  

We are very stressed over this balance.

If I can pay this 234.72 off, I can place a new order with Chewy this week.

Once again, thank you for your incredible generosity and support. We couldn't do what we do without caring individuals like you. Your contributions have a lasting and meaningful impact, and we are truly grateful for your ongoing support.

We wish you a very blessed September from our family to yours!

God Bless you,

Allan & Lynne

"Praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:47

Update Pet Supplies - SEPTEMBER 2023 Image
September Pet Supplies - Thank You!

August 25th, 2023

Thank you very much for the donations that came in August.  We were able to pay off our emergency credit card we only use when we need it for Chewy and Vet bills.  I currently have an outstanding balance with Klarna an app I use that allows purchases to be spread out every two weeks or monthly depending on the purchase order amount.  An order was placed with Chewy on August 10th for 134.99. I'd like to be able to pay that off early because they do charge interest. The first payment is due Sept 11th for 22.50 and would pay off in February 2024.  

Today we are almost out of litter again and there is one small bag of Fancy Feast left that will get us through next week.  

We sincerely thank you for your kindness and compassion in helping us care for these wonderful cats. Together, we can create a brighter future for them. Your generosity and support since December 2020 is appreciated more than you can ever know!

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link below it would help us get more exposure.

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them.

God Bless you,

Allan/Lynne Melby

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update September Pet Supplies - Thank You! Image
August 2023 - Pet Supplies

August 1st, 2023

Thank you very much for the donations that came in July.  With your generous contributions, we have felt the ease of feeling burdened and overwhelmed and we do not take that likely at all.  We definitely understand the ongoing inflation in our Country and how it is impacting everybody. Thanks to your continued support we have made a significant impact on all the 11 furbabies we rescued giving them a second chance at happiness and every donation, big or small, brings us one step closer to achieving our goal and making a difference in the lives of these adorable companions.

At this time we are in dire need of Scoop Away cat litter.  We have just opened up our last 4-pack.  Jack needs his special diet Royal Canin that requires a prescription from Chewy.  He has been on his diet for almost two years now and is doing great.  Abbee our 9-year-old Maine Coon/Torti mix had her hair last cut in March and her hair is way past due to be cut. The groomer went up from 20 to 25 dollars when she got her hair cut last time.  I have scheduled her appointment for this Thursday at 2:00 pm.  

We sincerely thank you for your kindness and compassion in helping us care for these wonderful cats. Together, we can create a brighter future for them. Your generosity and support since December 2020 is appreciated more than you can ever know!

BoogerRoux's mom aka Moma Cat has a birthday this month. It is a joy to see her get to live with both her sons.  Zipper and BoogerRoux are best buds! Nobody would ever imagine she was very feral at one time.

If you use YouTube we would like for you to subscribe to our channel so we can reach 1K subscribers. Today we are at 950. Once we reach 1k we would be able to monetize our channel. Thank you very much for helping us make this happen :) Here is the direct link:

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure.

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them.

God Bless you,

Allan/Lynne Melby

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update August 2023 - Pet Supplies Image
JUICE - Temptations/Fancy Feast

July 23rd, 2023

We are running very low on the Temptations Creamy Puree for

JUICE.  I opened the last box this week and he has 4 packets left.

- - -Chewy actually has it on SALE today BUY TWO GET 3RD FREE! 

We just opened the last bag of Fancy Feast as well.

July has been a Long month.  

I would like to place an order today if possible so we do not run out

of Juice's Creamy Puree he needs to help dispense his meds.

Thank you very much.

BoogerRoux & Family

Thessalonians 5:18 - "Give thanks in all circumstances, for

this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Update JUICE - Temptations/Fancy Feast Image
HELP - Chewy Order

July 9th, 2023

We are kindly reaching out to you today to request enough funding to place an order with Chewy. With limited resources, we rely heavily on the generosity of our community members here to meet the ongoing demands of our precious pets.

I have placed an order with Chewy and it is pending in my cart:

    1. Scoop Away Complete Performance Fresh Scented Clumping Clay Cat Litter, 10.5-lb bag, pack of 4
    2. Scoop Away Complete Performance Fresh Scented Clumping Clay Cat Litter, 10.5-lb bag, pack of 4
    3. $22.99
    4. 3
    5. Quantity
    6. Temptations Creamy Puree Salmon & Chicken Variety Pack Lickable Cat Treats, 0.425-oz, 16 count
    7. Temptations Creamy Puree Salmon & Chicken Variety Pack Lickable Cat Treats, 0.425-oz, 16 count
    8. $8.49
    9. 3
    10. Quantity
    11. Fancy Feast Gourmet Filet Mignon Flavor with Real Seafood & Shrimp Dry Cat Food, 12-lb bag
    12. Fancy Feast Gourmet Filet Mignon Flavor with Real Seafood & Shrimp Dry Cat Food, 12-lb bag
    13. $32.58
    14. 2
    15. Quantity
    16. Sheba Perfect Portions Grain-Free Multipack Roasted Chicken, Gourmet Salmon & Tender Turkey Cuts in Gravy Adult Wet Cat Food Trays, 1.3-oz, case of 24 twin-packs
    17. Sheba Perfect Portions Grain-Free Multipack Roasted Chicken, Gourmet Salmon & Tender Turkey Cuts in Gravy Adult Wet Cat Food Trays, 1.3-oz, case of 24 twin-packs
    18. $25.98
    19. 2
    20. Quantity
    21. Weruva Paw Lickin' Chicken in Gravy Grain-Free Canned Cat Food, 3-oz, case of 24
    22. Weruva Paw Lickin' Chicken in Gravy Grain-Free Canned Cat Food, 3-oz, case of 24
    23. $41.99

Order Total:$271.30

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you, he will never let the righteous be shaken.

Psalm 55:22

Update HELP - Chewy Order Image
July Pet Supplies - Happy 4th of July

June 27th, 2023

Our pets are important members of our families, and keeping them happy and healthy is crucial. However, the costs associated with pet ownership can add up quickly for those like us who are existing on fixed incomes and lost their livelihoods from health loss. Food to medical care adds up quickly and is very overwhelming to us.  That's why we need your continued help using this platform to be able to provide for them. Not only does your donation help our pets it also makes a difference in our lives as pet owners.

Owning a pet provides many positive benefits including companionship, increased emotional well-being, and improved physical health.  By your continued support, you are helping to ensure that pets and their owners can continue to experience these benefits.

At this time we need to be able to take Moma cat ) - BoogerRoux's mom to the vet for a check-up. She has been less active in the last week and is not meeting us in the morning when it's their feeding time. I fed her today while she was still in her cat condo.  While cats cannot communicate with us their emotions do. We rescued Moma cat in 2015 a year after BoogerRoux was found on our deck almost dead. She was very feral and would have another litter of kittens which is how we were able to catch her and one of the kittens then who we also rescued named Zipper.  

Juice continues to thrive but also is in desperate need to have blood work rechecked to monitor his thyroid gland.  We did their monthly weigh in's last week and he did not gain any more weight from May rather he lost about 1/2 pound.  He eats throughout the day and is very alert and we just need peace of mind that his labs are still okay.

I would like to be able to place an order with Chewy by next week to replenish all their supplies including litter, and wet & dry foods, and make sure we do not run out. I opened the last box of Sheba this morning. Thank you for considering to continue supporting our efforts to provide these supplies to our fur ball family.

We had 2 birthdays this month. Jack our youngest turned 6 on June 20th. BoogerRoux turned 9 on June 23rd. 

If you use YouTube we would like for you to subscribe to our channel so we can reach 1K subscribers. Today we are at 937. Once we reach 1k we would be able to monetize our channel. Thank you very much for helping us make this happen :) Here is the direct link:

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure.

We hope everyone enjoys a happy and safe July 4th filled with good food, fun fireworks, and quality time spent with family and friends!

Warm Regards,

Lynne & Allan Melby

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus Christ. - 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18

Update July Pet Supplies - Happy 4th of July Image
June 2023 - Pet Supplies

June 2nd, 2023

Thank you to those who sent donations last week so we could pay off our emergency credit card!!!!

This month we are in need of wet and dry food and litter.  Due to inflation, prices seem to continue to increase at Chewy.  I want to be able to place an order by Monday. The total needed for June supplies is 300.00.

We have 2 birthdays this month.  Jack our youngest will be 6 on June 20th.  BoogerRoux turns 9 on June 23rd.

If you use YouTube we would like for you to subscribe to our channel so we can reach 1K subscribers. Today we are at 929. Once we reach 1k we would be able to monetize our channel. Thank you very much for helping us make this happen :) Here is the direct link:

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure.

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them.

God Bless you,

Allan/Lynne Melby

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update June 2023 - Pet Supplies Image
Happy Memorial Weekend! - - - Pet Supplies Request

May 26th, 2023

From our family to yours we want to wish you a very happy Memorial Day weekend!!! 

“This is the day we pay homage to all those who didn’t come home. This is not Veterans Day, it’s not a celebration, it is a day of solemn contemplation over the cost of freedom.”

At this time we once again had to use our emergency credit card to fulfill much-needed pet supplies in May. This platform has received NO donations this month so this was our only option to get some supplies.  The balance on our credit card is 295.27 due by June 10, 2023. We pray that this balance can be paid on time before the due date.

If you use YouTube we would like for you to subscribe to our channel so we can reach 1K subscribers. Today we are at 921. Once we reach 1k we would be able to monetize our channel. Thank you very much for helping us make this happen  Here is the direct link:

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure.

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them.

God Bless you,

Allan/Lynne Melby

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update Happy Memorial Weekend!   - - -  Pet Supplies Request Image
Welcome May 2023 - Pet Supplies Needed

May 1st, 2023

Thank you so very much for the donations that came to help us pay off the emergency credit card for Saber's emergency Vet visit last month!  Saber is doing good and has not had any more issues.  

We also want to thank the donor who shipped us a brand new Litter Robot last month!!!! What a huge burden this lifted off our shoulders.  The kitties are so happy and it has made a huge difference for them!  Thank you John!!!! Here is the link to watch this gift being opened:

At this time we are in need of 2 cases of Sheba wet portions (25.98 each), Scoop Away litter (22.99 each) Fancy Feast dry food (32.58), Werva can chicken for Juice (39.89), and one case of Blue buffalo Tastefuls (14.48). I would like to place an order with Chewy by the end of this week.

I just replenished Jack's special Science Diet dry food last month and it usually last 3-4 months since he is still eating from his pet feeder.  

Today is Juice's 13th birthday!!! He continues to do good and we are hopeful we can take him to his Vet this month for much-needed blood work to recheck his panels.  Based on his last recheck that visit would cost around 150.  

If you use YouTube we would like for you to subscribe to our channel so we can reach 1K subscribers. Today we are at 881. Once we reach 1k we would be able to monetize our channel. Thank you very much for helping us make this happen :) Here is the direct link:

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure.

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them.

God Bless you,

Allan/Lynne Melby

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Emergency - Vet Bill (SABER) - DUE BY MAY 1 2023

April 22nd, 2023

On April 6th we had to rush our Maine Coon Saber to the Vet in Sparta because he could not keep down any of his food. It happened twice within a few minutes, which was very unusual for him. He laid down and we crated him and rushed him to get help.Saber was examined and given a Cerenia injection, complete blood work given, and an x-ray to rule out any obstruction.   His bill was 234.33 and we had to use our emergency credit card.  Saber is 12 years old and for this to happen suddenly was very scary and disturbing. As you already know our pets are our children. I had recently reconciled our bank statement a few days before this happened and we did not have enough money in our checking account to pay this unexpected debt. (Copy of the bill is attd.)Fast forward to now and I am so overwhelmed because I need to pay this credit card statement off in full by May 1st to not be charged the high interest.  I was hesitant to even ask for help today because I normally only do updates on the first of every month.  The balance on the card is 234.33 and they will add interest to it after May 1, 2023.If you know any pet friends, family, or others that might be led to help us please share this with them.This campaign platform holds any donations for 3-4 days via Stripe their processing bank so if anyone would like to help get this Vet debt paid in full our Pay Pal address is:  BoogerRoux @gmail.comSaber is doing good and has not had any more episodes.I just used the 2 donations that came this month to order Jack's special diet food from Chewy. Thank you both for the faithful and ongoing help that you have been providing since this campaign started in December 2020!!!!God Bless you!LynnePhilippians 4:19 — “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Update Emergency - Vet Bill (SABER) - DUE BY MAY 1 2023 Image
April 2023 - Pet Supplies Needed

March 31st, 2023

It's hard to believe that April is almost here! Wow, how time flies the older you get.  We want to thank you so much for your continued support of love, support, donations, and prayers for our fur babies.

We are drastically short on supplies to carry us through April at this time.  We are in need of litter, both wet and dry food for our fur babies.  I want to be able to place an order with Chewy as soon as possible. Our average funds spent/needed per month averages 250-300 dollars*

Juice needs to see his Vet so he can have his blood work checked. He has been doing great and has gained another pound since last month.  Looking at pictures of him still reminds me of how much weight especially muscle mass he has lost since becoming sick last year.  He remains on 3 holistic medications for kidney disease and he has a birthday coming up in May. He will be 13 years old.

If you use YouTube we would like for you to subscribe to our channel so we can reach 1K subscribers. Today we are at 821.  Once we reach 1k we would be able to monetize our channel. Thank you very much for helping us make this happen :) Here is the direct link:

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure. 

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Welcome March 2023 - Pet Supplies Needed

March 2nd, 2023

I'm thankful for the month of March arriving.

With it, Winter will slowly disappear and make space for Spring to come.

More and more flowers start to bloom. Birds are returning and the weather is starting to get warmer.

We want to give our thanks to everyone who has faithfully donated to our platform since it began in December 2020. I had no idea of the outcome but again we are so thankful for your support, donations, prayers, and love. Without this platform, we would not be able to provide for our furballs. A big thank you for the donations that came last month that helped us maintain supplies.

I want to invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel here at this link: 

Please subscribe, like, and hit the notifications tab to be notified when a new video or short is released.

We are so close to having 1K subscribers. It would be a blessing to achieve this!

With that being said at this time we are in need of both wet and dry food for the furballs. Our PO Box rent notice came yesterday. It is due by 03-31-23. BoogerRoux has this PO Box to receive fan club mail, gifts, and holiday mail. The rent is 78.00.  I cannot believe how expensive it is now.

I would love to be able to place an order by the end of this week from Chewy.

Two Boogerroux fan club members gifted us two weeks ago with 8  4-packs of Scoop Away so we are good on litter for now.

Our furball kids send purrs and hugs for all the donations that provided them with their needs!

If anyone would like to send mail to us our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure. 

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love, and support for them. 

Lynne & Allan

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

Update Welcome March 2023 - Pet Supplies Needed Image
February Supplies Request

February 1st, 2023

 The border between spring and winter is what we all call, February. Another month has completed and we want to thank all of you who helped us maintain our supplies for January!  Your support is so appreciated and we can't thank you enough. 

Allan and I will celebrate our 18th Wedding anniversary on Valentine's Day. February certainly holds a special place in our lives. 

At this time we are in need of litter, Werva Chicken can food for the seniors, and Fancy Feast dry food.  We continue to have to manually clean and turn the old Litter Robot machine that is out of warranty and broken.

Here is a link to our YouTube channel (video) we filmed yesterday which shows what a morning in the life with our 11 furballs is like. Please like, share, and subscribe to get notifications when we upload future videos.

Pls, continue to share our platform link so we can get more exposure.

The link is:

We also have a PayPal account:

Our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670 if anyone would like to send us mail.

Matthew 25:40

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

God Bless you

Allan & Lynne

Update February Supplies Request Image
Happy New Year 2023 - January Pet Supplies Needed

January 1st, 2023

  • You made last year so special for us. It is our greatest wish that this coming year is special for you. With that being said from our home to yours we wish you a very Happy New Year!

  • Our Campaign is officially two years old now.  Last year we dealt once again with gigantic losses after losing three of our Senior adults in just 4 months.  No matter how much time goes by our hearts continue to hurt and today has been very hard.  Maggie was our oldest (17) and January 6th marks her one-year passing.  Please pray for us because I am very sad while I compose this update the first one for this new year.
  • We currently are in need of three cases of Sheba wet portions.  Litter is also needed because of how much we use in a week for our 11 furballs.  Jack continues eating his special prescription diet of Royal Canin and he has now been on this diet for a year.  He has done very well adapting to the new food and eating from his auto feeder. For the dry and wet food for him, the cost is 101.98. Three cases of the Sheba wet portions are 87.24. The Scoop Away litter is 17.89 a 4-pack and we use one case a week.
  • Juice urgently needs to be seen by his Vet to get updated labs.  He continues to do so much better after being diagnosed last year with a thyroid issue.  While the doctor took him off the meds after his labs last Summer indicated he no longer needed them they stressed how important it is to have them rechecked every 3-4 months. I pulled his last recheck and the bill was 126.00.  We are an hour from Sparta so we have to factor in gas to get there and back. Juice is still getting improvements via Eastern medical care of three products I mentioned last year that is for Kidney support. One of these requires a prescription and the others are available from Chewy.  I would love to be able to place an order from Chewy by the end of this week.
  • Today we celebrate the 13th birthday of Marcia and Cinnamon. (You can see them in the photo tagged in this update.)  They are inseparable as they were litter mates when we found and rescued them. I had just gotten home from work one cold day in 2010 when Cinnamon was in our front yard. Marcia was also on our property and it took us a few days to get her as she was very shy and scared.  Their other litter mate Nomad we lost last April.  He was blind and he truly has left a huge hole in our Souls!  Happy Birthday, Marcia and Cinnamon!
  • After much prayer and reaching out to the company Litter Robot sent us a replacement base for our newest machine which was only 9 months old.  Because it was under warranty and we paid the extra 50.00 for a warranty we now have one machine that is back to working properly.  The other machine is over the warranty period and continues to give us problems. I know this is a huge expense so we will continue to pray that a new machine becomes available soon.
  • If anyone would like to support us financially our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28670.

    Our PayPal address is:

    Please continue to share our campaign platform link via your Social Media platforms and emails so that we may be able to reach out to others.  The link is

    We thank you very much for all your support, donations, and prayers for us!

    God Bless you always,

    Lynne & Allan

    And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ – Matthew 25:40

Update Happy New Year 2023 - January Pet Supplies Needed Image
November Supplies Needed

November 2nd, 2022

I wanted to send this out yesterday but this platform was down all day due to maintenance.  

Welcome November!   Another year is almost gone and with that being said  "Thank you for the donations that came last month! " We are currently in need of funding to help replace a Litter Robot machine asap which has been out of warranty now for over 2 years.

Litter-Robot 4 

This time last year this machine was 500 dollars. Inflation is really putting a hurting on everything. We will continue to pray and wait because we know God makes all things possible.

The only food we need right now is the Royal Canin both wet and dry for Jack who was put on this special diet last December when he was sick and taken to the Vet. It requires a prescription that is auto-renewed when I place the order from Chewy. We opened the last bag last month and he has 2 cans of wet food left.

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Adult Urinary SO Moderate Calorie Dry Cat Food, 6.6-lb bag

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Adult Urinary SO Moderate Calorie Dry Cat Food, 6.6-lb bag Pet: Jack $47.49 

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Adult Urinary SO Moderate Calorie Morsels in Gravy Canned Cat Food, 3-oz, case of 24

This morning Zipper was not getting out of his bed to eat and we realized he had a low-grade fever. We are giving him antibiotics per the Vet which were on hand from our last cat that was sick.  He has eaten and gone back to bed.

Juice is doing very well. He has gained almost another pound since the end of September! He is due to go back to the Vet for a recheck of his blood panels.

Thank you for your prayers!!!

If anyone would like to support us financially our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28670.

Our PayPal address is:

Please continue to share our campaign platform link via your Social Media platforms and emails so that we may be able to reach out to others.  The link is

In Christ, 

Lynne & Allan 

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus Christ. - 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18

Update November Supplies Needed Image
Welcome October 2022 - Pet Supplies Request

October 1st, 2022

This year is sure going by so fast!  It's officially Fall and we want to first thank you for the continued support of our campaign.  Welcome OCTOBER!

Juice has now been off of his medication for a month but is showing signs again of the same behavior he did prior to taking him in May when he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.  He is constantly wanting to eat even after he ate. If you walk into the kitchen to our laundry area where some of their food bowls are he is right back begging for food.  He's very vocal and woke us up this morning trying to climb over the tri-fold door that separates our bedroom from the dining room. I am very upset to see him like this so we will need to take him back for a re-check.  Blood work will be needed again so we are looking at 115.00 for this visit  

Abbee our mixed Calico-Main Coone has a birthday this month.  She will be 9 years old.  She was rescued in 2014 very frail and lethargic and had been abandoned by a neighbor.  Abbee is a very sweet girl and I have posted a picture of her in this update.

At this time we are in need of Scoop Away Litter, and Sheba Portions, and it's time to order Jack's special food both wet and dry which requires a prescription on file with Chewy. (Royal Canin) His can of food and one bag of dry are over 100.00.  Jack was put on a diet last December when he was examined by the Vet and found to have crystals. Jack is our last rescue (2017) and is 5 years old.  He was our greeter here when we came to look at the house we currently live in.  

We want to give our thanks to everyone who has faithfully donated to our platform since it began in December 2020.  I had no idea of the outcome but again we are so thankful for your support, donations, prayers, and love. Without this platform, we would not be able to provide for our furballs.

It was 2 years ago this month that BoogerRoux won America's Favorite Pet Contest and was featured in Catster magazine (Jan/Feb 2021 issue)  He has feline down syndrome and you can read more about BoogerRoux at his website. 

Our furball kids send purrs and hugs for all the donations that provided them with their needs! 

If anyone would like to send mail to us for the upcoming holidays our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28670.

Please know at any time you can also donate to our PayPal account at

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure. 

In Christ, 

Lynne & Allan 

Johnny Cash 
Whiteside aka Moma Cat 

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. —

Update Welcome October 2022 - Pet Supplies Request Image
Vet Update - Juice - GOOD NEWS!!!!

September 3rd, 2022

We took Juice to his Vet on Friday because he was weighed at home the night before and had lost over a pound.  I have been keeping up with the weights of all the cats since they all got sick in March and since his medication started on May 9th we needed to monitor his weight for the Vet and peace of mind. Since May his weight was creeping back up so we felt he needed to be seen. He also was beginning to look lethargic again.

They were super busy with people dropping off animals to board for Labor Day weekend when we arrived which was only five minutes after they opened at 8:30 am. I checked him in at the front desk and the wait was about 30 mns.

Juice had a complete blood panel done which we had to wait on. His thyroid levels were actually slightly low so he was taken off his medication. His kidneys were barely elevated so Dr. Darnell gave him fluids. He ate well before we left home. The Dr was in shock that his thyroid was good enough to take him off meds. Cats get hyperthyroidism and dogs get hypothyroidism so with his low levels (.3) she said he did not need to be on it anymore. As far as the iodine radiation therapy he would not need that unless his thyroid levels rise again. I told her again my concerns with prescription meds that while can help they also have side effects.

We were taken to another room to watch the staff give him fluids. Dr. Darnell sent us home with a bag of fluids and needles to give him three times a week. She wants to see him back when the bag is empty. He already looks so much better and continues to have a good appetite.

His Vet bill was 126.00. Thank you for your prayers for Juice. God answers prayers and I'm a firm believer in his healing. Yesterday was proof of that. The doctor's reaction to him coming off his meds was priceless.

Thank you for the small donation that came on 08/25. We still need to order supplies for September,

We wish everyone a great Labor day weekend with fun and rest.

Love BoogerRoux and Family,

Update Vet Update - Juice - GOOD NEWS!!!! Image
September Pet Supplies - Juice Update

August 31st, 2022

We hope you have had a good Summer! It's hard to believe Fall is just around the corner.

Thank you for the donations that came this month!  We currently are in need of both wet and dry food and litter for September.

 We also are still trying to replace the older Litter Robot that is out of warranty and continues to get stuck when running its cycle.  Allan has to manually clean it by removing the cover and playing around with the controls that have sensors damaged and that no longer work.  I used the donations last Spring to buy a new machine and with 11 furballs we actually need three Litter Robots but we are praying we can get at least one soon to replace the damaged machine that is several years old.  

Juice's estimate for the Iodine Radiation Therapy is 1795.50. and will cure his hyperthyroidism so he does not have to take medicine for the rest of his life.

Their office is in Huntersville NC which is 100 miles from where we live. He will be admitted and have to stay two nights.  I did email our Vet yesterday so they can finalize his referral so that we can get him seen as soon as possible.

 Please continue to pray for Juice and that the funds needed for his therapy injection, a replacement for the Litter Robot, and September pet supplies will be received.

Please continue to share our platform link so we can get more exposure.

The link is:

We thank you very much for all your support, donations, and prayers for us!

Lynne/Allan Melby

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ – Matthew 25:40

Update #60

July 10th, 2022

I apologize for sending this out late but there have been computer glitches within this platform. Yesterday I did do an update but it did not go out and I immediately notified the Campaign website via their email address. Fingers crossed let's try this again!

We hope you had a great Independence Day on Monday.  This year sure is flying by so fast.  
Juice continues to thrive and is doing good.  He has been on his medication since May 9th and is due for a check-up this week with his Vet in Sparta. They want to recheck his blood kidney panels and his medication needs to be refilled as well.  Hopefully, his bloodwork will be okay and he can get his referral for the Iodine Radiation Therapy in Huntersville which will eliminate the need for any more meds.  He is tired of taking it and we are in agreement that his doctor will give us good news this week.

Thank you for the donations that came last month!  We currently are in need of both wet and dry food.  The vet appointment this week will cost 35.00 for the office visit, and 65.00 for bloodwork, and his meds are under 10.00 plus the gas to get there and back. It is a 45 mn drive each way to Sparta. We also are still trying to replace the older Litter Robot that is out of warranty and continues to get stuck when running its cycle.  Allan has to manually clean it by removing the cover and playing around with the controls that have sensors damaged and that no longer work.  I used the donations last Spring to buy a new machine and with 11 furballs we actually need three Litter Robots but we are praying we can get at least one soon to replace the damaged machine that is several years old.  

Juice's estimate for the Iodine Radiation Therapy is 1795.50. and will cure his hyperthyroidism so he does not have to take medicine for the rest of his life. Their office is in Huntersville NC which is 100 miles from where we live. He will be admitted and have to stay two nights.  Please continue to pray that we will be able to take him once he gets the okay from his doctor this week.  

Keep praying for him and all our other furballs. Our Vet expenses since last December have surpassed 1400.00.

Pls, continue to share our platform link so we can get more exposure.
We thank you very much for all your support, donations, and prayers for us!

Lynne/Allan Melby
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. 
Update Update #60 Image
Juice Health Update - July Supplies Needed - THANK YOU

June 18th, 2022

Juice was discharged from the Vet on Wednesday, June 1, and was doing ok until we got home. We watched him get out of his carrier and walk straight to his water bowl and start drinking water like he had not had anything to drink since leaving home on Memorial Day. We called Dr. Nash and he told us to bring him back. Mind you it is a 45-minute drive each way. We got there when they were getting ready to close and one of the other doctors saw Juice and gave him a shot for nausea.  She also did an Xray to make sure there was nothing going on in his stomach (digestive) related. The xray was normal. She also dispensed some other meds to have on hand.

Fast forward to today and Juice continues to do well. His appetite is good and I am letting him eat as much as he wants. He has gained .3 lbs and we are suppose to take him back to the Vet at the end of this month to have his Kidney panels rechecked. When he was discharged they were normal again which is good news and means his medication he started on May 9th when he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism is working.

My heart is so happy to have him home again!

Keep praying for him and all our other furballs. Our Vet expenses since last December have surpassed 1400.00.

The Radiation therapy injection Juice needs is 1795.50 and will cure his hyperthyroidism so he does not have to take medicine the rest of his life.

In the Cat room here at home we have two Litter Robots. One was purchased last year and is working fine. The other one is about 8 years old and the sensors appear to be going out and so is the module.  When this happened several years ago the Company told us our warranty was out. These machines have worked out well for us and we actually could use a third one but for now we are looking at having to replace the older model that has quite some age on it and is out of warranty.  It jams when it is going through the cycle mode and we are having to manually take it apart, dump the litter, and put it back together.  The Website for this machine is here if you would like to see what it looks like.

The new model is $649 and preorders are guaranteed to ship early August 2022. If we did not have maxed out credit cards I could buy one now but that is not an option. Also they have went up in price due to inflation like everything else because the new one we bought last year was around 500 dollars.

For our July supplies we are almost out of their wet food (Sheba portions) which we require 3 cases a month. I just opened the last case today. Jack also needs his special Royal Canin that he began eating after being diagnosed with Crystals/UTI when he was hospitalized last December. This food requires a Vet prescription which Chewy already has on file. Jack has done well being on his diet and new food. He has lost 3 lbs. The bag of Royal Canin is 45.59 for a 6.6 lb bag. Jack is getting fed with his automatic feeder we purchased in December and he also gets one can of wet Royal Canin on the weekends. I have some of the wet food left for him. The Sheba is 19.93 a case when I checked today at Chewy.

So with everything coming up for their food, litter box replacement, and Juice's Vet deposit required for his injection in Huntersville I mentioned in my last update the total needs we are looking at is 2549.88.

I know this is a lot of money! But as always we are trusting God to provide and no matter what things always work out.

Pls, continue to share our platform link so we can get more exposure. The link is:

We thank you very much for all your support, donations, and prayers for us!

   Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. 

Update Juice Health Update - July Supplies Needed - THANK YOU Image
Juice admitted to Hospital today - PRAY PRAY PRAY

May 30th, 2022

As you know Juice our Ginger cat was diagnosed on May 9, 2022, with hyperthyroidism and was put on medication to bring down his elevated kidney panels and treat this disease which can be fatal if ignored.  He had been doing so good until yesterday when he stopped eating and began throwing up clear water with foam.  Today our Vet is closed for Memorial Day but they always have a doctor on call. Allan called early this morning and the owner Dr. Nash was there seeing another patient and told us he would wait on us. It's a 45-minute drive from our home.

Juice is very lethargic and has a fever.  Dr. Nash admitted him for fluids and he did say he would do more bloodwork and call us tomorrow with an update.

We literally have been to the Vet every month this year except in February and have lost 3 of our senior cats.  Juice is 12.  

Please share our link with your family and friends so that we might be able to meet our necessary expenses for their food, litter, and Vet expenses.

Your prayers are greatly needed for our family!

Be near me in my time of weakness and pain; sustain me by your grace, that my strength and courage may not fail; heal me according to your will; and help me always to believe that what happens to me here is of little account if you hold me in eternal life, my Lord and my God. Amen.

Update Juice admitted to Hospital today - PRAY PRAY PRAY Image
Vet appointments - Chewy - Juice Update

May 21st, 2022

On Wednesday of this week we had a scare when we got up and our BoogerRoux who is our feline down syndrome cat was

not wanting to eat and when we picked him up he sighed in pain.  We immediately got ready and took him to the Vet.

It was only a day before it was time for Saber to get his stitches out so we got another carrier for him and we left.

Saber is our Maine Coon cat who had surgery on Monday May 9th to have his cyst removed off his right side.

Thankfully when we got to Sparta there was only one patient ahead of us. Normally the parking lot and waiting room

is standing room only.

Dr. Darnell examined BhoogerRoux, did a complete bloodwork on him and stated she did not see anything wrong with him.

She then took Saber's stitches out. We left and BoogerRoux was able to eat when we got home. Dr. Darnell did mention that

he was overweight so I ordered an electric feeder for him and it was delivered yesterday. This bill was 158.45.

As far as our Ginger cat Juice who saw the vet earlier this month and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism he has now been

on his medications for 2 weeks.  The referral by Dr. Darnell to the Clinic that does the Iodine Radiation Therapy was

confirmed as received and they told me this week that Juice has to be on the meds for a minimum of 4 weeks and he will

have to go back to see Dr. Darnell for a recheck bloodwork on his kidneys and those results will be sent to them so they

can review his advancement to see them to have the life saving procedure done which will correct his thyroid and thus removing

him off the medications that do have side effects and can shorten his life.  This has been such a devastating diagnosis.

Juice continues to run around like a kitten wanting to eat every hour. He is 12 years old but because of the thyroid being

messed up he wants to eat all the time, gets restless, and is now waking us up very early in the morning trying to jump

over the sliding door that separates our bedroom from the dining room.  His heart is also beating more than normal another

side effect from the thyroid gland. The routine blood work is 115.00 and unless Juice gets this procedure done he will be

subject to having routine blood work done the rest of his life every 6-10 weeks.

At this time we have been quoted 1795.50 for his Iodine Radiation Therapy which he will receive hopefully in late June. He will

have to stay 2 nights to be monitored.  Dr. Darnell told us that two of her patients had this done on their pets with a 100%

success rate. The facility is about an hour away from us and is the only clinic in our State that does this life saving procedure.

We would appreciate your prayers so that we are able to receive the funding necessary to have this procedure done on Juice.

If you can please share our platform link to your family and friends via Social Media that would greatly help us achieve

our goal.  LINK -

I was able to place a small order with the last two small donations from Chewy for litter.  At this time I have

had to use our emergency credit card again because of the excessive vet bills we have incurred since January. I'm not

sure why all of this is happening but we thank God for his love and never ending anchor in our souls.


"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Update Vet appointments - Chewy - Juice Update Image
Update #57

May 9th, 2022

We are back home with Saber and Juice. Saber tolerated his outpatient surgery well. Dr. Darnell said to bring him back in ten days to have his stitches removed. He sure was not a happy camper this morning when he could not eat. 🐾

As previously mentioned Juice needed blood work full panel to find out why he was losing weight and wanting to eat all the time. I had suspected it was his thyroid which Dr. Darnell confirmed. He is also in early renal disease. His dx today was Hyperthyroidism His heart is also beating faster from this disease common in older cats.

He has been put on medication which he will take for the rest of his life. We started those meds today. Dr. Darnell wants to recheck his blood work again in 4-6 weeks. 🙏🏻

Today's bill was $220.80. If anyone can help defer these expenses it is greatly appreciated because I used our bill money for our May household budget. We just paid our Mortgage and this money spent today took our water bill and Duke Power funds. 😢 Our PayPal account is or our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670. God Bless You 👨‍👩‍👦🐾🏡🙏🏻

Nomad's Urn/Ashes were picked up as well today and I am glad to have him back home.  

I feel relieved that Saber has this ugly growth gone. Please continue to pray for our family because it's been a very stressful year. We love you all! ❤️

Update Update #57 Image
May Supplies - Pet Update - 043022

April 30th, 2022

It's hard to believe tomorrow is May!  This year began as a whirlwind thrusting many emotions and devastation onto our lives after losing Maggie, Oreo, and then Nomad.  The Vet called yesterday and his ashes/urn are ready to pick up. We plan to pick this up early next week.  Our bill is paid off thanks to your generous donations this month.

Juice our orange Ginger needs to go back for bloodwork because he has lost almost 3 lbs since last year. He is eating well but his demeanor has changed in that he wants to eat within moments after eating at their regular meals and seems to be hyper all the time. I want them to check his thyroid and do a complete workup to make sure there are not any other underlying issues going on. Juice turned 12 years old in January. The estimate for his visit is going to be around 135.00. Our hearts are broken still and Nomad's sister Cinnamon has been very subtle since he left us. She is now sleeping in the same cubby in his cat condo which she never did before.  It's hard to see how animals show us affection and at the same time their sadness. 

Saber our Maine Coon who we took to the Vet in January for them to look at the bump on his right side which they drained and viewed under a microscope confirming it was not cancer has an appointment on May 5 to have it removed. We have to drop him off at 800 am and sign paperwork giving them permission for the anesthesia. It will be outpatient surgery and we will be able to pick him up in a few hours. Saber is also 12 years old.

At this time we are in need of dry and wet food and litter for the 11 furballs we have.  I would like to be able to place an order with Chewy by the end of this coming week.  Litter seems to still be an issue with being out of stock so we want to make sure we don't run out.

Please continue to pray for us.  God knows our unspoken prayers and he will continue to be our anchor during these hardships.

If anyone would like to support us financially our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28670.

Our PayPal address is:

Please continue to share our campaign platform link via your Social Media platforms and emails so that we may be able to reach out to others.  The link is

Happy Mothers Day to all moms in the world! Your sacrifice, compassion, and care deserve to be celebrated and honored every day!

Update May Supplies - Pet Update - 043022 Image
Nomad - (Blind Kitty) - Goodbye for Now - 2009-2022

April 16th, 2022

Nomad was very sick more than we knew.  He had stopped eating on Thursday.  Also, he was throwing up again.  We rushed him to our Vet yesterday and they did bloodwork which indicated most of his panels were off the chart. The doctor stated it did not look good.  She admitted him and they started him on an IV for pain meds and fluids. We called back this morning after they had opened and we had to ask for the doctor to call us back which she did.  She did an X-ray this morning and it showed an obstruction to his bowels.  Because of his age and overall health decline it was in his best interest to have him put down. He was 13.

I don't understand why this keeps happening.  Our hearts are crushed both for our losses this year and constant problems.

As you know we lost Maggie Mae in January and then Oreo last month.

We had to pay 99.00 over the phone today for his prepaid cremation services. His ashes/urn will be ready in about 2 weeks.  The final bill will be ready on Tuesday of next week after they reopen for Easter.  His Bloodwork is 115, x-ray 45 and overnight stay is 10.00 plus whatever other charges for his pain meds, IV, and other care.

We ask for prayers for our emotions, hearts, and for closure.

1 Peter 6-7  In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith - more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire- may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

If anyone would like to support us financially our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28670.

Our PayPal address is:

We have no money left for groceries or anything as of today.

Update Nomad - (Blind Kitty) - Goodbye for Now - 2009-2022 Image
Oreo is Home

April 5th, 2022

All who met you at the vet or at home were enchanted by you – you really were a very special little stray and I’m so glad you found me – thank you for the joy and companionship you gave me – I miss you terribly. 💔🌈🐾💔🌈🐾💔🌈🐾





#brokenheart 💔


Please continue to share our Give Send Go platform link via your social media accounts and email so we can reach more people to help us reach our goal.

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ – Matthew 25:40

Update Oreo is Home  Image
In Memory of Oreo 2008-2022

March 31st, 2022

You can watch our tribute for Oreo here

We have now lost 2 of our Senior cats since January of this year.

The Vet called yesterday and let us know that Oreo's Urn/ashes are ready to pick up.

Thank you very much for the donations this month that helped us pay the overwhelming vet expenses from the virus that hit our home and got all of our furballs sick. The total bills including vet care, hospitalization for Cinnamon, and medications were $1007.23.

We had to go back two days ago to pick up another bottle of the liquid antibiotics to finish their dosages.

Saber goes back on May 5th to have his cyst removed which was drained and biopsied in January.

At this time we are in need of cat litter, dry and wet food.

We are very hopeful that God will provide what we need to get us out of this financial strain.  Our credit card is maxed out.

The link for this campaign is:  Just sharing it by email to your contacts and posting it to your social media accounts will let others know about our needs.

Grief doesn’t come and go in an orderly, confined timeframe. Just when we think the pangs of anguish have stolen their last breath, another wave sweeps in and we are forced to revisit the memories, the pain, the fear. Sometimes we try to resist the demands of grieving. We long to avoid this fierce, yet holy pilgrimage. We fight against the currents, terrified of being overwhelmed, of being discovered, of becoming lost in our brokenness.

In Christ,

Lynne & Allan

Update In Memory of Oreo  2008-2022 Image
Cinnamon is Home!!!!

March 26th, 2022

We just got home with Cinnamon who was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday of this week very dehydrated and sick with the virus that hit everyone at home.  She was given fluids via an IV and monitored.  Dr. Darnell called us yesterday and said she was finally eating some of her food.

Cinnamon has never been sick since we rescued her in 2009 other than being vetted for her spay and other routine vet care. She was so glad to see us!  After getting home she started drinking water and ate more of her wet food - Sheba.

She will need a bath in a few days after the temps go back up. Part of our County and Sparta where the Vet is in Alleghany actually got snow last night.  

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the prayers, donations, and love that have been sent to us.  All the Vet bills including losing Oreo and pre-paying/deposit for her Urn and cremation totaled 993.23.  I am not going to lose any sleep on how we can recoup the monies that we had to pay with our emergency credit card because I know our Creator in Heaven will make sure we don\'t go hungry or not be able to meet all our obligations due the rest of March including a power bill.

Please continue to share our platform link via your Social Media accounts and email so that we may be able to receive continued support for food and litter that will be needed in April.

The link is:

We also have a PayPal account:

Our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670

Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Update Cinnamon is Home!!!! Image
Thank you - More Vet Bills

March 22nd, 2022

We had to take six more cats to their Vet today because several had been sneezing, wheezing, and had a temperature. Johnny Cash had stopped eating yesterday while it had become obvious there was a contagious virus circling the block here. 

Because we only have three carriers we had to make two separate trips today to Sparta which is an hour round trip. 

Johnny got fluids and blood work. It took the doctor a while to draw his blood because he was dehydrated. Normally they draw out of the neck. She tried four times and finally got it out of his back leg. His blood panels were OK. He got the Covenia injection. It is a 12 hour release. The antibiotics they normally want to give are oral but our cats will spit oral meds out. 

BoogerRoux, Cinnamon and his Moma.. aka Moma Cat got the same injection. Their temps were normal except for Johnny which was only up by one degree and she said inflammation can cause and being stressed which all of them were.

Marcia and Chip were given the same injection today after our second trip today to Sparta. Their temps were taken as well and they were normal.

The office staff told us that Oreo\'s remains and urn should be back by next week because they contract those services out with another company near their location.💔

The total bills for six cats today and Friday for Juice and Oreo are $673.93. We are short 169.47 to offset this total with private donations sent to us via our PayPal account and this platform. The fuel cost for Friday and today are $42.00. 🐾

Unless we can recoup these monies we will not be able to order food and supplies for April or buy groceries. 🙄

I have until May 10 to make a payment on our credit card statement. 🤔

Perhaps sharing our platform link would increase the exposure to be able to get these expenses paid. The link is

May God bless you and return the aid back to you ten fold. 💙🐾🐾💜

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father\'s Son, in truth and love. Psalm 145:9

The office staff told us that Oreo\'s remains and urn should be back by next week because they contract those services out with another company near their location.💔

I am very overwhelmed and can\'t stop crying. Losing Maggie and then Oreo have greatly changed our lives. 💔

Any donations are urgently needed to offset our extremely tight budget for paying our mortgage, utilities and fuel. Our PayPal address is and our mailing address is PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670. 🙏🏻

God Bless you all that have already donated to us this month. The funds you sent will be released by Stripe on Wednesday. 😇

Update Thank you - More Vet Bills  Image
Oreo - Rainbow Bridge May 1, 2008-March 18, 2022

March 18th, 2022

It is with a heavy and broken heart with waves of tears to let you know our oldest cat Oreo (14) is now gone to her forever home. She is running across the rainbow bridge and playing with her sisters Maggie and Pandora & brothers Mojo and Paisley.  She was at the vet on January 26 for a wellness exam and a heart murmur was found and her sudden muscle loss was due to aging.  Since that time she has continued to decline and yesterday was having problems walking. She only ate once yesterday. During the night she was hiding from us and this morning woke us crying. We drove to the Vet and her doctor suggested doing labs and getting a urine specimen.  She also suggested we leave her overnight. It is a 45 mn drive each way.  We had literally just got home and my phone rang and it was the doctor giving me the results.  Dr. Nobllin stated she was already in renal failure.  

Oreo was our black/white pelted cat that Allan rescued in the night in 2008 when he was getting off his second shift job when he stopped to get gas and she was found wandering in a busy parking lot at a gas station adjacent to Highway 321.  No matter how much we want them to outlive us they can\'t or won\'t because it is just not meant to happen.  We have rescued for over 22 years and Oreo is our 5th cat we have had to say goodbye to.

We are very distraught because we haven\'t even digested or accepted the loss of Maggie in January of this year.  Oreo will be cremated and brought home at the end of next week.

If anyone wants to help offset today\'s expenses please donate or send a donation to our PayPal account

Today\'s bill plus the cremation was 317.39.  We had to max out our emergency credit card to pay this.

---It\'s okay to not be okay...


Update Oreo -  Rainbow Bridge  May 1, 2008-March 18, 2022 Image
March Supplies

February 22nd, 2022

It\'s hard to believe that February is almost gone.  With that being said I desperately need to place an order with Chewy this week for March supplies to maintain our stock.

Our hearts are still broken from the loss of sweet Maggie last month who was our Senior Kitty at the age of 17.  Her presence remains in our hearts and we still see her sitting on her favorite spot on the back of the sofa.  

We would also like to be able to take two more of our older adult cats to the Vet for wellness exams.  Marcia and Chip would be the ones to go based on their age and just to make sure they get exams because sometimes we can\'t see invisible illnesses that the Vet can.  We had no idea Maggie had a tumor but the Vet felt it when she was doing her examination.  I wish our pets could talk to us!

If you could please share our link to your friends and family through Social Media it would greatly increase our visibility to others so they could help us meet our monthly goals and spread the awareness of being a pet parent to multiple cats with some having special needs. Here is the link:

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

It does take a minimum of 3 days to receive the donations from the date they are given.  You can also donate to us quickly using our PayPal account:

Stripe is the processor for GiveSendGo and they hold the funds no matter how old the platform is.

As always we are deeply humbled and grateful for your support, love, donations, and prayers bestowed upon our family since the beginning of this platform in December 2020.

In Christ,


Maggie is home - Vet appointments Saber & Oreo

January 27th, 2022

The Vet appointments yesterday went good. Oreo unfortunately was diagnosed with a mild heart murmur. The doctor said it is common especially in senior cats. Overall she is in good health. We have to monitor her weight and let the doctor know if she shows future symptoms like appetite loss and breathing problems. She will be 14 in May. 🐾

Saber was brought in to look at the small bump on his right side. The doctor drained it, put it under a microscope and said it was also very common and  started him on an antibiotic for ten days. If the cyst does not dissolve she wants to surgically remove. Saber is 12.🙏🏻

We found out at checkout if you bring in multiple pets at the same time like yesterday there is an office visit discount which was a blessing. 😇

Our large cat carrier we ordered from Amazon arrived on Monday so Oreo and Saber traveled today together. ✔️

Thank you for your continued prayers. January has been unkind.😞

We plan to take the other furballs for wellness exams immediately. I slept better last night because Maggie is home and sigh of relief after the appointments yesterday. 

February Supplies

January 24th, 2022

I will be placing an order with Chewy hopefully by the end of the month for February supplies.  We are okay on litter for now but are down to a week of dry and wet food.

The Vet called moments ago to let us know Maggie's urn/ashes are ready to pick up.  Because of the distance, we would like to be able to take Saber our Maine Coon, and Oreo who is the oldest cat now age 14 for much-needed wellness exams at the same time.

We have had snow the last two weekends so hopefully we can get up to Sparta by the end of this week.  Allan has a dental appointment on Thursday and we have to replenish our propane this week and also get groceries.  The Wellness exams just for an office visit are 35.00 per cat. Saber has a tiny what appears to be a glandular cyst on his right side on his skin under his thick hair. Oreo has lost a lot of weight in the last year but is eating and drinking okay and using the litter box.

Jack continues to do well since his visit last month when he spent two nights. He is our youngest now - age 6.

Thank you for your love, prayers and support for our furball family!


And the King will answer them, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."


Thank you!



Please share our platform link so others can help us meet our goal.




Maggie - Rainbow Bridge

January 6th, 2022

Our beloved Maggie Mae is no longer in pain.  Throughout this campaign, we have mentioned to you that she was our oldest Senior cat.  Exactly 17 years ago we adopted her at a local Pet Smart.  She has been the best cat anyone could ever ask for.  

Her body was tired and yesterday our Vet did X-rays and showed us a tumor about the size of a softball that apparently had been in her for quite some time.  We got pain meds after her vitals were normal.  During the night she had more seizures and this morning around 4 am she was in much distress.  Yet another seizure at 8:30 am.  

Allan wrapped her up in her blanket and we all said our goodbyes to her including her sisters and brothers here.

Please pray for us.  Our lives are forever changed.  She will be missed.

Her Vet bills yesterday and today pre-pay for her cremation total $215.40.  I have uploaded copies of the receipts in the gallery image here.

As you already know we live on a very tight income and more so in the last year since Inflation hit.

Please pray for our hearts to heal.

Goodbye, sweet Maggie for now.  

If you have a cat, you will most likely outlive it.

To get a cat is to open yourself to profound joy

and prospectively, to equally profound sadness. 

Thank You! - Supply Update

December 29th, 2021

Thank you to the (4) donors who have donated in the last six days after my last update before Christmas!  I just checked and Chewy is still out of litter but once the last donation received yesterday is released on Thursday by Stripe (the processor for GiveSendGo) I will be able to place a small order for some wet and dry food.  Walmart does have the litter and I can order that off their website and FedEx will deliver it.

If anyone uses Instagram you can follow our page there using this link:
I update it throughout the day so you will be able to view and read the posts and see all of our furball children.  Because this platform does not allow pictures to be inserted into each update this is another option for you.  We welcome you to follow BoogerRoux and family here!

At this time we will be waiting until after January 1 to start taking some of the cats to our Vet for much-needed exams and checkups. I have almost paid down the only emergency credit card we have and know that we will need to use it to pay for the balances owed at our Dentist as soon as all of Allan's dental claims are processed and he has finished his sessions which are many. Nomad has gained most of his weight back and the probiotics continue to be a part of his diet.  Maggie our senior who turns 17 next year is the one we are most concerned about.  While she eats normally her overall presence shows a health decline of her gait when walking and she doesn't clean herself on a regular basis. She also has a small glandular cyst at the base of her neck on the outside of her skin we want to get checked out.
Saber our Maine Coon is 11 and we did feel a small knot on his right side as the same on Juice who is the same age.  Jack is doing great after his scare earlier this month of cystitis. He has adapted to his special food and having to eat by himself.  Marcia, Nomad, and Cinnamon all turn 13 on January 1st. They are siblings as well.

God Bless all of you!

Please share our platform link so others can help us meet our goal.

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ – Matthew 25:40

Merry Christmas

December 18th, 2021

From our home to yours we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas.  

Tomorrow will be a year that this campaign was created.  Time sure does go by fast and with that being said we
want to thank all of you who took the time to reach out to us with your prayers and donations this year so we could maintain much-needed supplies for all of our cats.

At this time we have less than a week of litter left. I did look online at Chewy and placed a small order for some wet food and when I picked the litter it showed currently out of stock.  They are going to email me when they restock.  
For the time being, I will pick up some Scoop Away at our local grocery store or see if Pet Smart has it. 

Nomad is doing well. He continues to eat his special wet food and get his dry probiotics weekly.  Jack was at the hospital a few weeks ago with Cystitis and had crystals in his bladder (early stages) and was on antibiotics and had to spend two nights at the Vet.  Maggie our eldest (16) has a glandular cyst on the base of her neck, Juice and Saber both have small knots on their side, and Oreo who is 13 has lost some weight but they all are eating and drinking normally.  We do need to get them to the Vet as soon as possible for exams.  Please be in prayer for their health and ours.  Allan and I have to find a new Primary doctor that is closer to us and schedule appointments soon. We both have seen the dentist recently and Allan has had numerous visits for dental work because last year we were unable to be seen due to the Covid scare.  While we do have dental insurance it only pays a maximum of 1500 per year and he has already surpassed that amount.  His partial also will need to be adjusted once they have finalized all of his fillings.  I am legally blind in my right eye and have many health problems/vision that began in 2015.  I need to find a new eye doctor as well and get my glasses updated with new prisms.  

If you can share this campaign it would hopefully bring traffic so more donors would be able to help us meet our goal and help us maintain ongoing the supplies we need and to be able to stay stocked up.  The last few orders I made have been slow getting here because of the Holiday and delays.  We live in a very small rural community and are 8 miles from the smallest town.  Door Dash has been a lifesaver three times this year who will deliver some items from the Pet Smart that is 15 miles from our home.

              Our $3500.00  campaign goal that began almost a year ago is only $1270.00 away! 

Here is the GiveSendGo link:

BoogerRoux's YouTube channel is here:

You can also donate to us so fees are not taken by this platform's donation processor - STRIPE - here: for those that have a Paypal account. While GiveSendGo does not take fees there are fees taken out by Stripe who is their processor and the funds are held for a minimum of 3 business days.

As mentioned when this Campaign started last December our cats are therapy to both of us.  After losing Allan's father in June and my baby brother in August they have worked overtime.  Life sure can change in a blink of an eye.
Please keep us in prayer as we are still overwhelmed, sad, and it will be a different Christmas for sure this year.

I hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.
Our family wishes you love, joy, and peace … today, tomorrow, and always.
May your family have a holiday season that is full of wonderful surprises, treats, and nonstop laughter.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

God Bless,

Lynne & Allan Melby

Jack is Home - Thank YOU!

December 3rd, 2021

Thank you Jan H, and to the 2 Anonymous donors who donated!!!!

The funds will be released on Monday and Tuesday of next week. (Stripe processes the credit/debit cards for this platform)

Jack came home this morning from the Hospital.  He had Cystitis and they did find small crystals in his bladder. With that being said he will have to start eating special food.  The Doctor stated that because of this problem and because he is a male cat this health problem normally does resurface so she wants him to only eat this dry kibble. We bought a small bag before we left and it is available from Chewy online and does require approval when an order is placed. I have added it to our Amazon wish list.  The bag we got is 7.7 lbs and will last him a good while.  He also has to finish the antibiotics we were sent home with. The bigger bag is 87.00. The name of the food is Royal Canin Urinary SO.

He is so happy to be home.  I will add the YouTube link to the gallery here that was made after he arrived home. He slept all the way home and he had never been away from us before. I know this whole ordeal was nerve-racking to all of us.  We just have to make sure he adapts to the new food, continues to eat, drink, and use his litter box.

We used our December monthly budget funds to pay his Vet bill this morning and his food.  Thank you again for the 3 donations that came in and will post early next week into our bank account. When it rains it pours but God is our refuge!!!

Here is a direct link to watch the Video:

In Christ,


Psalm 107:28-31 Yet when they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, the Lord brought them out of their distress. He calmed the storm and its waves quieted down. So they rejoiced that the waves became quiet, and he led them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his gracious love and for his awesome deeds on behalf of mankind.

Sick Cat - Jack is in the Hospital! PLEASE PRAY

December 2nd, 2021

Our youngest cat Jack was admitted yesterday to our Vet after he showed signs of being unable to use the bathroom, he was not eating or drinking water.

The Vet just called us about Jack. He has crystals in his urine and definitely has a urinary tract infection. He is on antibiotics, has eaten some dry kibble not a lot but Dr. Darnell said he will need to be on a special diet food to prevent this again. I don't have any idea how much his bill will be tomorrow when we can pick him up but if you'd like to help with his bill you can call the Vet at 336-372-8744. His bill is under our last name Melby. The name is Twin Oaks Veterinary Hospital in Sparta, NC.  Jack is only 5 years old and NEVER been sick.  We can pick him up tomorrow.

It was a long night and we did not rest well because Jack was sick never been sick and he was so sad when we left him there yesterday.
Allan has a dentist appointment this afternoon and that was mentioned yesterday to the Vet that today was going to be busy. Sparta is an hour round trip from where we live time-wise because of the Mountain we have to go around and low-speed limits.

Thank you so much for praying for Jack.

Giving Tuesday

November 29th, 2021

                Our $3500.00  campaign goal that began almost a year ago is only $1395.00 away! 

Giving Tuesday begins tomorrow. 

On this day we are so grateful to everyone who touches and enriches the lives of Booger Roux and his furball family.  It is hard to believe this campaign will be one year old in just a few days.

With inflation rising daily and pet supply cost increasing we would love to be able to stock up for the next 6 months.

It would make our hearts happy to know we had these supplies on hand and decrease our worry and stress.

If anyone would like to send our furballs mail for Christmas their address is:  PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28670

You can also donate to us so fees are not taken by this platform's donation processor - STRIPE - here: for those that have a Paypal account.

Please share our campaign so we might be able to meet our year-end goal :)

Pictures are always updated to our Campaign Gallery so don't forget to go there.

God Bless all of you who helped us provide much-needed food and supplies all of this year!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Happy Thanksgiving

November 25th, 2021

Thanksgiving wishes from across the miles from our house to yours. May your home be filled with laughter and happiness!

This campaign is approaching a year old next month. With that being said we are very grateful for all the love and support from you the last year. 

Our furball kids send purrs and hugs for all the donations that provided them with their needs! 

I will be sending another update in December so we can restock supplies for the remainder of the year. 

May God bless you and your family. 

In Christ, 

Lynne & Allan 

Johnny Cash 
Whiteside aka Moma Cat 
Maggie Mae 

Chewy Orders Received!

November 9th, 2021

We have received 2 Chewy orders (one today) and one on Sunday! Our Cat Supplies are now stocked to get us through December.  Yay!!!

Booger Roux & family also received an early Christmas present (UPS) today.  A new Cat Condo matching the one they received last Christmas (2020) which will give them extra time in their cat room window!  The donor for the Cat Condo lives in Pa and we have never met her but she corresponds via Social Media and Email.  

Allan will be doing a YouTube video opening the package later this evening and it will be uploaded to our YouTube channel.  I will upload it here as well to the Gallery slide.

Our PO Box was checked today and there was a beautiful card with an anonymous donation of $25.00 which I just noted in our Campaign dashboard.  Thank you so much.  All I can see on the outside of the envelope is it came from the great State of Texas!!!  God Bless You!

If anyone would like to send our furballs mail their address is:  PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28670

"I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all."

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 1st, 2021

I appreciate your generosity so much. You are so kind and thoughtful. Thank you again for the donations that came last night!!!!

We will be placing an order on Wednesday when the funds are released to us.

A heavy burden has been lifted because of your pawsome financial blessing.

In Christ,

November Supplies Needed

October 31st, 2021

We were able to get enough litter this month to maintain our fur balls until two more weeks.  Unfortunately, I had to use our emergency credit card this month to buy dry and can food to make sure we did not run out.  There continues to be a slower delivery now via FedEx and UPS.  Our last Chewy order took several days to get here.

At this time we are in need of litter, can, and dry food so we can maintain their supplies.  With the holidays approaching, ongoing inflation, we indeed know how this is greatly impacting everyone's lives. With that being said we have even cut back on our own grocery expenses to make sure we have enough as well.  Our Escrow just went up for our Mortgage due to an NC rate increase on homeowners insurance.  We bought propane two weeks ago and it has also increased in price from last year that we use to heat our home.  

Here is the link to our last YouTube Video from our most recent Chewy delivery.

Please share our Campaign link:

If you would rather buy directly we have an Amazon link here:

Direct donations can also be sent to our PayPal account:

Thank you everyone for your prayers, support, and donations that have kept us afloat.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ~ Luke 6:38
Thank you - Pet Supplies Update

October 21st, 2021

We were able to place a small order today for Wet food after the last donation funds were finally released. It is scheduled to be here by early next week.

Thank you very much to Jan H. for the donation last week!

Litter continues to be hard to find and maintain.  We go through a 4-pk of Scoop Away every week.

I have added a picture to the Gallery here from BoogerRoux.  Please take a moment to view it and all the other pictures. 

Today was Abbee's 8th birthday.  I have also added a picture of her as well.

Please share, share, and share our link so we can get exposure.

Our campaign is approaching a year old at the end of December.  We are so thankful for this website and being able to find it.



I conquer the wind, I conquer the waves
I move mountains, when there's no other way

I give hope when there's no hope to find

Give healing to the broken sight to the blind

Fear not, I am with you ~
Fear not, I'm by your side ~
Fear not, I'll hold you tonight ~
Fear not ~
Chewy Order Arrived Today!

October 13th, 2021

I have pasted today's YouTube Video above.

Hopefully, in the near future, GiveSendGo will update its platform to let us post pictures and videos within each individual update. All of our videos are also available to watch here:

Hi 5's and kudos to Gina for the donation we received a few days ago.  As soon as the funds are released I will be placing an order for much-needed can food.

Giving thanks! We are forever humbled.

If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord and he will repay you.
Proverbs 19:17

Low Stock Inventory

October 11th, 2021

We are down to less than 2 weeks of dry and can food.  Our last order from Chewy took 4 days to receive.  The litter continues to be out of stock so we do not want to run out of that either.  There is about 3 weeks of litter in our Pantry.

If everyone that reads this could share our link it would help us get more exposure. 

 Thank you so very much for all of your prayers and support for our furball family!   

Donations can also be received by PayPal:

We have a mailing address:  PO Box 242 Ronda NC  28670

What one heart cannot bear alone, a hundred loving hearts can bear with faith.

Keeping the Faith,


October - Pray - Thank you

October 2nd, 2021

Hi-5's and kudos to Jan H. for the donation last week. I was able to order more litter which is taking about a week to get here now from Chewy because of supply issues and FedEx delivery delays. 

We really need to stock up on dry food, two brands, and wet food for Maggie and the other senior cats. As of today, we will deplete what we have before October is over. 

Nomad has gained some weight back and I give credit to the new wet food and probiotics he has been getting!!!! He actually walks around more now and but heads me when he is hungry. Cinnamon has subsided with her sneezing and she is getting colloidal silver as suggested by our homeopathic recommendations. 

I can't believe what we are witnessing unfold daily in our lives with inflation and complete madness. 

Please pray for our finances, please! We had massive car repair expenses this summer. Homeowners insurance due Oct 15. With the inflation going on we are now having problems even budgeting for groceries. I am so stressed. I know God can protect us. He knows how much we have endured losing 2 family members in less than 2 months of one another. I will not break. God Bless

"Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you." - - Matthew 7:7

SHARE - SHARE - SHARE our link -

Alternate to help here - PayPal 

Amazon wish list -
Door Dash - Pet Smart

September 26th, 2021

Thank you to @doordash for delivering our special food today for our blind kitty Nomad from @petsmart
I placed this order this morning and it just got delivered. :)

A big shout out to Dennis A. who sent a donation yesterday making this possible!

The Chewy order came today via FedEx that I placed on Friday morning. The cats are very thankful!!!!

How did we humans ever operate without all this Social Media stuff?

Please continue to pray that funds will continue to come in so we can maintain our stock for litter, food, and schedule Vet appointments soon for three of our cats.

Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” God is our all-powerful, all-compassionate, all-wise, and all-loving heavenly Father.

Please SHARE SHARE SHARE our Campaign link to your family, friends, and on your Social Media pages.  It would greatly spread the word and help us reach our goal.

#boogeroux #catlife #rescuecats #felinedownsyndrome #catsofinstagram #americasfavpet2020winner
Chewy Order Placed Today!

September 25th, 2021

I got paid on Wednesday of this week and was able to place a small order of $134.93 from Chewy.

We were unable to take Maggie and Cinnamon to their Vet in Sparta due to bad weather. It is an hour round trip around a Mountain where the speed limit is 25 to 35 only. Allan cannot drive in bad weather.

I was able to consult with a Vet tech who suggested keeping an eye on Maggie's small cyst and to give Cinnamon Coilidial Silver.  We had already started doing that and she has subsided with her sneezing attacks.

A Company called Natures Logic was advertising on Instagram and I reached out to them for some samples to see if our cats would eat their food. The Samples came today so I am giving it out sparingly to see who does and does not like it. So far 3 cats ate it and 2 did not.  Cats do not like change but the food is very healthy and does not have the additives that some other expensive brands do with fillers, etc.

We want to wish all of you a Happy Fall and much thankfulness for your continued prayers and support.

Booger Roux has his 2021 Calendar available on his website to order.  We make no money off of these calendars as we use a Company online and pay their prices with shipping and handling but they drop ship to the customer. We advertise so he can get exposure and his 400 plus followers on his Social Media Accounts have access to getting items.  The website is:

He won America's Fav Pet contest last year and we were able to establish a website for him, rent a local Post Office Box at our Post Office and we are incurring expenses for website hosting, box rent renewal, and postage to mail out birthday cards to his birthday club members and Christmas cards.  He is due for updated birthday cards, 2021 Christmas cards and I am almost out of his return address labels.  

We are all experiencing difficult moments right now with inflation and we hope to be able to continue supporting Booger Roux in the interest of others who want to learn more about Feline Down Syndrome.  October is Down Syndrome month too.  

Sharing this link for our Campaign will help us too :)

As mentioned when this Campaign started last December our cats are therapy to both of us.  After losing Allan's father in June and my baby brother in August they have worked overtime.  Life sure can change in a blink of an eye.
Please keep us in prayer as we are still overwhelmed, sad, and it will be a different Christmas for sure this year.

In Christ,

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. —

Litter -

September 12th, 2021

We are getting low on litter and want to stock up because of the delays now we are seeing from deliveries lately.

Our six month supply of litter is now down to six weeks.

We had massive car repair expenses this Summer that we have not recovered from. Just putting it all out in the open.

 Our Amazon wish list is available at
You can also donate using PayPal with this email:

If you can tag a furball friend (via your email and  Social Media) our Campaign link and ask them to do the same we would be grateful.

A donation was received this week for a case of Sheba for Maggie and special soft food for our blind cat Nomad. It took over a week to get here because of staffing issues that most companies are now dealing with in this crazy World we live in.

Several of the older adult cats need checkups at their Vet.

Life has not been good lately after losing three immediate family members since January. My baby brother died in his sleep on 082921 and we will not know the cause of death until his death certificate is complete. Please continue to pray for our family.

I'm very overwhelmed and just want to make sure our supplies can get stocked through the rest of the year.

Your love, prayers, and support are greatly appreciated.

Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 22:9 The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Proverbs 22:16 Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

#boogeroux #catlife #rescuecats #felinedownsyndrome #catsofgab #americasfavpet2020winner
#chewy #Amazon #petsupplies
Thank you

September 2nd, 2021

Once the donation is released to us on Friday we will place an order with Chewy. Thank you for your donation we got last night.

With that being said I received devastating news this morning about my baby brother's passing. He died last night in his sleep. We didn't grow up together due to being separated in 1965 as you can read in this Campaign's description where I mentioned I was adopted. I had two brothers and two sisters. Hugh was only 57. My breath is weak because I'm still mourning my father in law's death in June. 

Please pray for our family in NC and Montana where he lived after being adopted. 

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  Philippians 4:6 KJV

God Bless You 

Share - September Supplies Needed

August 30th, 2021

Just sharing our Campaign could help us reach our goal and be able to place an order for September supplies and funds to take some of our cats to the Vet for routine healthcare.

If you see this please pray that funds will be sent so we can place an order with Chewy asap.

Nomad needs to see the Vet for a possible Dental exam as he now shows signs of having difficulty chewing and using his teeth.  He continues to eat soft food only and get Pedialyte weekly with his probiotics sprinkled on his wet food.

Here is the link:

As previously mentioned in earlier updates we exhausted all of our emergency funds and credit card on 3800.00 worth of vehicle repairs this Summer and I posted images of all the invoices on the Gallery images on our Campaign.

God, please hear our plea for help.

"Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy."  - JOHN 16:24
Happy Birthday to Poppy and Mommy

August 24th, 2021

Lots of August birthdays here.

Thank you to the beautiful Soul who made it possible to get this cake. I had not had a birthday cake like this since losing my Moma in 1998.

I never take anything for granted. 

Nomad is still losing weight slowly but eats at every meal. He's on another probiotic. 

God Bless You for reading this update and sharing it. 

August was a long month. 

Our litter is almost gone. 

John 15:7 But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want and it will be granted. 

August 18th, 2021

Our small Community had a Tornado touch down today from the aftermath of Hurricane Fred.

We remain under a new Tornado watch through tomorrow morning. 

Please pray for our County and State.

Our Cats have really been on edge all day. 

I have added photos in the Gallery. The Tornado went over our home and touched down five minutes away. 

God Bless You 

Supplies needed for August - Urgent

August 4th, 2021

I have just uploaded our fifth Car repair invoice from today. $699.88,

My check is deposited the fourth Wednesday of the month. I used it to pay this debt. I have no savings, credit cards or resources left. None. 

We need to maintain our cat supplies so they don't run out. I'm currently in need of one bag of dry food for Nomad and Jack. The litter will run out in three weeks. Maggie is on her last case of Sheba portions. 

My husband is paid the third and the Mortgage is auto drafted by the Credit Union. He also pays for gas, insurance, and groceries. 

I'm not sure why this Summer has been so tragic but it started on the 10th with the first car repairs and then losing my father in law on June 14th.  You can scroll at the top and see the images for all the car repairs and dates for June, July and now August. 

There comes a point in time where we feel like we are sinking. That time has come. Please pray for us, our finances, and that Jesus calms the storms. 

Saying I'm overwhelmed is an understatement. 

We appreciate your prayers for our family. 

Dear Lord, I surrender all my pain, worry, anxiety, doubt, fear and worry to you.

In Him, 


The Battle belongs to God

July 25th, 2021

I have uploaded invoices (5) for June/July for our vehicles needed to pass NC State Inspection which completely wiped out our Emergency Credit card again.  $3042.37

My last Chewy order was on Saturday for 2 items we have been out of for over a month and I charged that as well using a prepay App called Klarna.

Where there's a will there is a way.

Earlier this week I reached out by email to you and did get Gmail notifications by MailTrak the emails were opened and read from the three parties that did open up the email and read. This was necessary because the platform confirmed to me 2 weeks ago that Google and other servers were blocking my updates and others' as well.  If you are subscribed to this platform using a Gmail or Yahoo account you stopped getting updates.

I also am uploading the most recent YouTube video for Booger Roux. Please consider to like, share, and subscribe to his channel. It would mean a lot to us.

Booger Roux has a website at to keep in touch with our family as well.

Our family is still in great mourning after the sudden loss of Allan's father last month on June 14th.  Father's day was the following Sunday and last Tuesday would have been his parent's 58th Wedding Anniversary.

Thank you for your love, prayers, and support to our campaign and family.

May God return your monies 10-fold.

In Christ,


Need to Place an Order - Vet appointments Needed

July 14th, 2021

We need to place an order for 2 items and be able to make Vet appointments for some of our fur babies to be seen. Praying for donations to support this.

Thank you and God Bless.

Proverbs 11:25: “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

Cancel Culture has attacked GIVESENDGO

July 13th, 2021

The last few updates were never received.  This platform has now been attacked by Google, Yahoo, and others because they don't support Conservatism or Christianity.

I have a new email address if anyone would like to contact me. The new email is:

You can also visit for updates as well.

The platform has been notified and their Administrators are aware of the problems and issues.

If you do get this update please send me an email to:

Kind Regards,

Lynne Melby
Fancy Feast & Weruva Needed - Urgent

July 12th, 2021

We are completely out of these two items. Mommy and Poppy have had massive car repair expenses the last month and the Jeep is there again to determine ac leak. If anyone can help us get stocked we would be grateful.

Love Booger Roux

#boogeroux #catlife #rescuecats #felinedownsyndrome #thankyou 
#caturday #chewy #petsupplies
Booger Roux Birthday

June 22nd, 2021

Our beautiful therapy Cat Booger Roux will turn 7 tomorrow!  He has brought much joy and love to our hearts since rescuing him in 2014 on a very hot day in July!

He has received several birthday cards to his PO Box and tomorrow he will definitely be getting spoiled with extra treats.  You can follow Booger Roux at his website here:

At this time we are running low on cat litter.  I would like to be able to place an order soon with Chewy.

Much thankfulness to everyone who continues to support our furball family!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Pray for our Family

June 16th, 2021

My husband's father passed away after being hospitalized on May 29, 2021, and much health decline.  He was diagnosed with terminal cancer after his admission.  He was moved to Comfort Care last Thursday and God called him home Monday night.

This is such a loss and hard to deal with considering Father's Day is this Sunday.

We appreciate your prayers in the many days and months ahead.

God Bless,

Lynne Melby
Thank You - Chewy Order & Nomad Update

June 12th, 2021

We received 2 orders from Chewy.  As previously mentioned any donations here are held for 2-3 days before being released to our account.

My previous 2 updates were not sent out to our subscribers and I did report that to the GiveSendGo representatives earlier and they stated they reported it to their Web page Department.

Please know how grateful we are for all the donations, prayers, love, and support for our furball family!

There are several older Cats that will need to be taken to the Vet soon for their annual exams.

Nomad continues to improve and has gained some of his weight back.  The new food we got him last month he absolutely loves!  He also remains on his Science Diet wet pate and dry food.  

Lastly, we ask for prayers for my husband's father who has now been moved to Hospice after being diagnosed with terminal cancer last week. He fell at home on May 29 and was rushed to the local Hospital.  Mr. Melby is 83 and we will be able to go visit him soon in SC.

1Psalm 106:1

"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."

Update #16

June 5th, 2021

Chewy Orders - Thank You - Nomad Update

June 3rd, 2021

A Chewy order is scheduled for today and the rest tomorrow.

Thank you so very much for the donations we just received in May.  The funds are held for 2-3 days before going to our bank account to have before I can place orders.

We are waiting for a Chewy order to be delivered today.  I have 2 FedEx tracking numbers one for delivery today and the other one tomorrow.  It is almost a 200 dollar order!

Nomad continues to show much improvement.  He is eating his new Science Diet wet pate food and the Weruva Chicken and Gravy with no problems.  The new Probiotics have helped him greatly.

We plan to start taking some of the other cats in for check ups soon as time and finances allow.

Please continue to keep our family in prayer.  My husband found out on Monday that his father has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and will be going to Hospice.  He just had a birthday last month.

We are so very grateful and humbled by your prayers and financial support to us.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Prayer Request

June 1st, 2021

My Poppy's Daddy is very sick. He has a terminal illness which we learned yesterday. We ask for your prayers and continued support during this difficult time.

I love ❤️ my Poppy.

Love Booger Roux ?????
New Chewy Order - Nomad Update ?☑️?

May 26th, 2021

Good Morning Nomad aka Nomie??❤️
He had a good night, no messes, he was walking and prancing around like a deer when I got to their room. His breakfast was gone quickly. More pedalyte before bed and his probiotics on his wet food. The new can food I ordered yesterday from Chewy will be here today ?. Thanks for praying for Nomad and all of our family. Your love, prayers and financial support for our family is greatly appreciated and we are forever humbled. My heart is content right now. ????

I am updating his health at @boogerroux on Instagram. 
Pray for Nomad!

May 25th, 2021

Nomad is showing signs of more sickness :(  He got sick last night and again today.  My Vet tech friend is suggesting X-rays to rule out any masses.  He had done well since his second trip to the Vet on the 13th.  I'm so worried and upset as I type this.  He has not lost any more weight, he is using his litter box, eating and drinking water.  I am curious if anyone has ever used IAMS pet food for their cats/kittens?  They have a type for Sensitive Stomach?  Please let me know if ya'll have suggestions for a food change.  He's been tolerating the new Science Diet Wet/Pate food so far.  Last night and today what is different is he is crying and whimpering just before he throws up very loud.  Please pray for our sweet Nomad.
Booger Roux Birthday

May 23rd, 2021

A little birdie ?just told me that someone has a birthday coming up. If you would like to surprise @boogerroux you can send him a gift or card to him at his address. PO Box 242 Ronda NC 28670. ??????

He also has a wish list at Amazon here:

Thank you so much for praying and supporting our family. 
Nomad back to the Vet today

May 13th, 2021

Nomad who is our blind cat (11 years old) who saw the Vet on April 26, 2021, and had lots of blood work, and got medicine was showing signs three days ago of the same symptoms.

We had to clean up after him where he didn't use the litter box when we got up.

He looked lethargic again and we took him back this morning.  He got 1.50 of Subcutaneous Fluids, Three medications were sent home - Two antibiotics and one Probiotic for his ongoing digestive issues that Dr. Klein seems to think is causing his problem.  She ruled out UTI and he is not running a fever.

She wants him to have a special Science Diet pate can cat food and I did order a case of 24 cans from Chewy.  He does have problems chewing because of his age.  He took his meds when we got home and he ate half of a can of the new food with his probiotic powder mixed in with no problems! He is alert and walking around.

At this time we could definitely use several things for the cats especially his new can food.  We also want to be able to start taking all the other cats in soon for their over due checkups.

Thank you so very much for the prayers and support for our fur family.

In Christ,

Lynne Melby

Nomad Vet Care Expenses

April 27th, 2021

Our blind kitty Nomad was not using his litter box over the weekend so we could not take him to the Vet until Monday am.

He had a complete blood workup and was examined by our Vet.

I have uploaded the Vet bill to our website:

April 26, 2021 - MONDAY
 We just got home with Nomad. Dr. Klein did a complete blood workup and he is fine. Nothing is out of range.
She stated he may have gotten a touch of colitis but he did not have any temperature, he was healthy, and she prescribed Metronidazole 1--mg to be given twice a day for the next five days.

Nomad has never been sick and I had his Vet records with me and he was very brave for the entire trip there and back. We went to Sparta to Twin Oaks Veterinary Hospital and they are our new Vet and if you recall they have seen Johnny Cash, Juice, and Cinnamon when they were sick last Summer. I wish we lived closer but it's a 30 mn drive because we have to go around the mountain to get there near the Parkway.

Thank you for your prayers!!!!

I'll keep you updated on little Nomie!
Nomad is Sick

April 25th, 2021

My brother who is blind is not feeling well. He is having digestive issues. Mommy and Poppy will take him to the Vet on Monday. Please say a prayer for Nomad.

Love Booger Roux ????
Chewy Order Placed Today!

April 24th, 2021

What a wonderful surprise when I woke up and logged in to check my email while drinking my morning coffee to see a donation!!!

I just placed an order from Chewy that will be here next week.  One of our older cats Nomad who is blind is having difficulty chewing his food now so I ordered some can pate Science Diet soft food only for him.  Maggie also got another case of her Sheba that she loves.  She is our oldest - 16.

Our hearts are full of gratitude!

My husband will be uploading a new video when the order arrives next week.

In the meantime, you can watch the other YouTube videos by going to and clicking on the links there.

God Bless,

Chewy Order and a Surprise has arrived!

March 19th, 2021

We received our order from Chewy for supplies yesterday!  An anonymous giver sent a Litter-Robot (new) and it came at a purr-fect time because the one we had was old and we had to turn it manually to cycle.  Today is Johnny Cash's birthday and he and the rest of his siblings are very happy!

Our cup runneth over!

I have almost paid off the emergency credit card as well.  There is a balance of a little over 100.00 left.  The interest rate is very high (22%) and even after reaching out to Capital One for a decrease after being a good customer since 2018 and never missing a payment, they indicated they were not reducing interest rates for anyone at this time.  We always pay our bills on time and always more than the minimum balance due.  I hope to have the balance paid off by April.

This is the first time we have had extra supplies on hand!  

God Bless each and every person who has donated and supported our family.

Update #5

March 15th, 2021

I will be placing an order for supplies for the donation we received on Thursday 031121 after the funds post to our account from Stripe.

This was a huge blessing!

 Psalm 107:21-22

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
    and his wonderful deeds for mankind.
Let them sacrifice thank offerings
    and tell of his works with songs of joy.
Update #4

March 12th, 2021

On this day of thanks, we are so grateful to everyone who touches and enriches the lives of Booger Roux and his furball family.

We wish you and your family the same good will that you so generously bestow upon them.

#thankyou #mustlovecats #rescuecats #catlife #catmom #boogeroux #humbled #grateful #chewy #godbless #givesendgo
Update #4

January 20th, 2021

A Chewy order is being delivered today!  

There will be a Video posted here:

Thank you to everyone that made this possible.

Psalm 106:1
Praise the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.
Very Thankful

January 18th, 2021

We are so humbled and thankful for the two donations that came the same day. 

God truly sends help when you don't expect it. 

After the money was received (two days) from Stripe I was able to make a payment on our emergency credit card  We pray that we can pay it off very soon  

Our kitties are so thankful for all the help, love and support for them. 

God Bless, 

Our First Donation

December 21st, 2020

I was able to place an order for litter and food with Chewy. Thank you to the generous donor who donated shortly after our Campaign went live.

We are very humbled and thankful!

Ephesians 6:21
So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Lord we ask for help so we can place an order soon. Amen
  • Continued prayers for our family for the loss of my husband's Father.
  • We are down to less than 2 weeks of supplies for can food and dry. Donations needed so we can place an order soon with Chewy because their deliveries are now taking even long to arrive due to ongoing issues with stock and employee retention. PRAY

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