Supporting the Grenon Family


 USD $100,000


 USD $91,682

Campaign created by DICKIE GREEN

Campaign funds will be received by DICKIE GREEN

Supporting the Grenon Family

Our freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and even our personal health choices are under heavy spiritual attack.  Our front-line warriors are under attack across the board. We are being harassed, mocked, threatened, vilified, and even jailed.  

The GENESIS II CHURCH OF HEALTH and HEALING is a church based upon decades of international Missionary work, has had its founder and his adult sons arrested, in some cases, they have even been extradited to the U.S., and have had their health ministry and bank accounts were frozen leaving them unable to provide for their families and to defend themselves against our own Federal Government and the power's of darkness that be.  The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing is not a "religious" church but is founded upon the Biblical principle that Jesus Christ (Yahshua The Messiah) taught by his works.

Our Ministry is about the healing of our body, mind, and soul and is open to all people from any religious background.  Many of the people involved with Genesis II Church of Health and Healing are Christians, though anyone of any faith can participate. The goal is to help restore complete health to those in need.  Please help us help others. God willing, this gospel message will continue to be spread far and wide. The Founder of The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing,

Mark Grenon, is being threatened and has been extradited from Columbia to the United States. He, along with his sons Joseph, Johnathan, and Jordan have all been IMPRISONED in a Federal Detention Center in Miami, FL, without formal charges and no hearing to date, since 2020. Let that sink in.  Their wives and children are under great financial and spiritual pressure. Mother's/wives have been left to raise their small children without their fathers/husbands. The entire family has entrusted their well-being solely to The LORD. The Grenon men, fathers, and grandfathers, are being held without bail, separated from those they love. They have been told that they can be held indefinitely without bail, indictment, or trial by jury of their peers.

The goal of Brother Grenon, his sons, and their entire family’s mission has always been to help others. Now, they need our help. Your heartfelt donations will support 5 families during this trying time.  Genesis II Church of Health and Healing ministry has helped heal literally hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children, and through the years, across many continents including North America, South America, and Africa.  

For more detailed information about the Grenon family ministry, and the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, go to BitChute G2Church channel, watch the documentary called, The Universal Antidote over at Rumble, and search for the interview on these free speech platforms with Mark Grenon, Ann Vandersteel, Dr. Lee Merritt, and Judy Mikovits on the controversial topic, Is MMS a miracle?  

I am one of hundreds of thousands of people all over the earth whose health was restored through the work of God, entrusted to the ministry of the Grenon family. Mark is a very dear friend and we are in regular contact. Please sign up here for case updates. Thank you all very much.  

Mark 6:12-13 And they went out and proclaimed that men should repent.  And they were casting out many demons, and they were anointing with oil many who were sick, and they were healing them.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
13 hours ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 19.00 USD
1 day ago


$ 247.00 USD
4 days ago

We believe God is protecting the Grenons 24x7. It's time for judgement of the wicked, and justice for the righteous. We are grateful that we are not in the front-lines, by supporting others who are! Show which side you are on, and fight for what you believe. God bless.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 days ago

God bless you and your family! The future is bright!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
9 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
18 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago

It has been a long road for you guys. It helps to know God is with you every step of the way. May God give you the strength to carry on; and speed up the time to once again be with family again.

Seven X Seven
$ 17.00 USD
20 days ago

We all need an ear that listens, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, once in a while. Knowing that there is at least 1 person who believes us, loves us, and supports us unconditionally, is enough to keep us going. When we feel loved, we can pass on that love to others. The good news is: that person (Jesus) truly exists! Let others see Him through you by lending an ear, a shoulder, a hand.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
21 days ago

God is watching over you. I am with you, says the Lord. Continue to insist the enemy of your souls releases you from this prison. I am with you in this. I am right beside you. I have not forgotten you. Insist upon My authority being installed over against them, and do not quit. You will have your deliverance.

$ 1000.00 USD
21 days ago

Truth will prevail

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
22 days ago

Glenn H
$ 50.00 USD
25 days ago

This donation is forDickie Green from a request by Bishop Grenon. Blessings to you for all you continue to do for the Grenon family!

Glenn H
$ 72.00 USD
25 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
26 days ago

Seven X Seven
$ 147.00 USD
27 days ago

We are reaching out for support for Jonathan who has been unlawfully imprisoned approx. four years. It has been far too long since he has seen his loved ones. We are raising funds to assist his family with travel expenses to visit him. Please join us in prayer then, use either Givesendgo or, send your donations directly to Sister Grenon through her personal PayPal account:

Gail from Chattanooga TN
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Hang in there Mark. You are an inspiration. I cannot believe what you and your family are going through. We all know "they" only persecute consequential people and missions. I am buying all your books and learning about all your recipes and methods for MMS/CD in case I, or someone I love needs it someday. I hope you are all free soon. Much love to you and your family from Tennessee.

Anonymous Giver
$ 12.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 19.00 USD
1 month ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Please, Lord, bless your servants with freedom.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

I believe in your cause. I've benefited from your products. I am sorry that this world is so upside-down.


A PILGRIM PRISONER'S JOURNAL - "Standing for God's Love in the Midst of Legalism and Pain"

October 1st, 2024

In this journal entry Jonathan shares a deeply moving testimony from within the prison walls, where God's love and grace are still at work despite overwhelming injustice. In the midst of legalism and suffering, Bishop Jonathan had the opportunity to pray with a fellow inmate, “Josh”, who has endured unimaginable hardship. Read Jonathan’s journal entry and learn about Josh’s dream, his wrongful conviction, and the loss of his family,

Jonathan explains how he reminded Josh of the love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ.

me, this letter is a powerful reminder of God’s redemptive power and the strength He gives us to stand for truth, even in the darkest moments. Please read and join together with us and Jonathan praying for Josh and all who need the hope of Christ. CLICK HERE to read Jonathan’s entire journal entry. Or, copy and paste the following link into your browser window.


September 23rd, 2024

Greetings Dear Friends and Saints of God,

God is on your side and he is more than the whole world against you. A dear Sister once told me, “Brother Green, God will close down that entire corporation in order to redeem his elect.”

I believe that God can shut down the entire privately, foreign owned, bankrupt governmental services agency allowing the Grenon Family to be vindicated and released.

I hope this letter find you blessed and built up in the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. Be stronger in God today than you were yesterday.

Thanks for suggesting that I write to Pastor John MacArthur. You know who you are. Here is that letter. CLICK HERE or, copy and paste the following link into your browser window:

Here’s a very special message from a loyal supporter who loves the Lord and loves the Grenon family.


 “You are drawn to environments where your light can shine brightest, where your words and actions can have the most significant impact.

// We KNOW that the Grenons have a large audience, and they will make an even bigger impact once they are released.

 To read complete letter CLICK HERE or, copy and paste the following link into your browser window:

The Lord continue to bless Real Good!

Jordan Grenon Newsletter - Preaches about prophecy.

September 20th, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters in the Faith,

God is good!

That could be the whole newsletter but I will go on haha. The other day I spoke on prophecy with the Bible study I attended and would like to share it with you all.

Before I do so I would like to thank you all, God has blessed us and I got to see my mother and sister in law this past weekend because of your loving donations and gifts. I cannot earn money for my family so everything we get is because of you. A special thank you to Nina and Steve (you know who you are!) It was great to see my mom and sister in law up-close after so long, over 4 years ago. Last time I saw them it was at a distance at the sentencing October of last year and it was a hard time. God bless you all and may His word bless your mind and soul.

A few weeks ago at the end of a Bible study the study leader said he had a gift for us.  CLICK HERE to read Jordan's Newsletter

Urgent Request!

August 30th, 2024

Dear Friends and Fellow Saints of God,

Words cannot fully capture the gratitude we feel for the love and support you’ve shown to this family. Your prayers and kindness have been a source of immense strength. Please continue to lift up the men of this family in prayer, as they endure the hardships of unjust and unlawful imprisonment.

Glory to God for the remaining $4,000 of Mark’s court cost being met.  we still need a show of love for the cost for basic food, housing along with monies to assist Sister Grenon in visiting her youngest son. Whatever the Lord places on your heart to give will be deeply appreciated and spiritually rewarded abundantly.

Please pray especially for Jonathan.  Read his last email CLICK HERE.  Please pray!

Jordan visits our Daily Prayer group

August 23rd, 2024

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your unwavering prayers and loyal support of the Grenon family. Today, we were blessed to have Jordan visit our prayer group, an experience that deeply touched all of us. We ask for special prayers for both Jordan and Jonathan, who have endured great injustice and a trespass upon their God-given rights. CLICK HERE to listen to Jordan’s recent visit to our Daily Prayer Group. Or, you can copy and paste the following link into your browser window.

 It is a spiritual blessing to witness having him share his strong continued trust in God, even in the midst of corrupt and unlawful imprisonment.

Important Bishop Grenon Update - Must Read

August 17th, 2024

Mark’s Newsletter:

Shared by Loyal Supporter: PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL TO THE END.

Were you able to go on holidays this year? ... awesome!

Were you able to pay the rent last month? ... nice!

Were you able to buy food last month? ... good for you! CLICK LINK BELOW TO READ ENTIRE EMAIL

Shared by Bishop Grenon: August 15th 2024 Shared by Bishop Grenon: Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo Cancer. Click Here to read:

Bishop Grenon Visits Prayer Group - Following in His Steps

August 13th, 2024

It was a real blessing for us to come together and fellowship on Sunday the 11th.  CLICK HERE to listen in.  Be uplifted and blessed.  I thank God for your prayers and kind support!

Bishop Jonathan David's Newsletter - "The Other Weeping Prophet"

August 9th, 2024

I say that because when I preach, share the Word, comfort others, read the Bible, sing, listen to music, pray, write newsletters and while doing more in my life; I cry.  So this newsletter is for you, the one who cries out to the LORD, who sheds tears to our LORD Jesus Christ.   And this newsletter is for you also, the ones who think that crying is for the weak.  You can learn something here, so read and weep.  Let it out, it will help your hurt or hardened heart.  But you must cry out and weep to Him, the only One who can heal and restore you.  Our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.  

In the past few weeks I have shed tears of joy, sadness, pain, and just tears of and for others.

CLICK HERE to read entire Newsletter

Bishop Grenon has moved from the half-way house into home.

July 30th, 2024

CLICK HERE to Take a look.  Here is the link:

Newsletter: Addictions, Presumptuous sins, also those things deep within us; that needs to go!!!

July 27th, 2024

Greetings from Jonathan Grenon

The LORD had me sit down and write from start to finish this newsletter, I did not have this planned. He said go, and I did.

This yet again is Jonathan David, the servant of the LORD, pouring out his heart to all that will listen and adhere to this message. 

I will not be going into specific details of my past, but an overview of a hard time in my life. God did pull me out of it, Praise His name. But even though I did not continue in that wicked and ungodly lifestyle. Somethings deep within, didn’t just go away just like that. They just stayed hidden while I was in my time of hurt and repentance. It makes me think of the fallen angels/demons during Noah’s time. When God’s judgment came upon mankind. Where did they go?

The Lord will Bless you by reading this Newsletter!  CLICK HERE to read entire Newsletter

The Lord Answers Prayer

July 26th, 2024

 Yesterday I was praying and asking the Lord to help me to quickly be released from this half way house. Well, within a few hours my case manager calls me and asked me to come see her. I go and she puts me in front of a computer and I watch an 6 minute video about how an ankle GPS bracelet they put on those that are released to home confinement. I watched it and then I went into her office where I signed a paper that stated I agree to follow the guidelines about the use of the ankle bracelet and the regulations while being in home confinement.


Glory To God! Bishop Grenon is in a regular House!!

July 25th, 2024

Good New!!

Bishop Grenon has been moved from a half-way house into a regular home.  He is one step further in the out processing transition.  Continue to pray for the entire Grenon Family.  Here is the most recent Newsletter from Brother Grenon.    Take a look at the pictures attached.

God Bless!

Bishop Mark's Newletter

July 21st, 2024

I know that you're going to be blessed with Bishop Mark's most recent Newsletter. 

" In Matthew 21:8-11, the Bible records the event known as the "Triumphant Entry" that took place on Palm Sunday 30 A.D. It goes on to say that as Jesus entered Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate "a very great multitude" went before Him and followed Him into the city throwing palm leaves and even their clothes to cover the road under Him crying out "Hosanna" which means please save us! In verse 10 & 11, the Bible states that, "And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this? And the multitude said, this is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee."

"CLICK HERE" To read and enjoy the entire Newsletter

God Bless!

Bishop Mark

July 21st, 2024

Thank God for You!

July 17th, 2024

Thanks to all who have chosen to invest into Bishop Jonathan  Bishop's prison ministry.  A special thanks to Claudia Trujillo for her recent donation.  God Bless!

"Make a Difference: Help Bishop Grenon Share Jesus"

July 7th, 2024

Special Thanks to karen Sieczkowski who was the first one moved by The Lord's Spirit to help answer  Bishop Jonathan's request for tracts to aid prison ministry.  The Lord shall continue to abundantly bless you!


Chick Tract orders will consist of a $37.00 dollar gift. Help us reach the prison population for God. CLICK HERE and transfer to the donation information page. Or, copy and paste the following link into your browser window.

I hope you were able to read Bishop Grenon’s most recent Newsletter “BROKEN TO BE MADE NEW/KNELLING BEFORE GOD.” CLICK HERE to read or, copy and paste the following link.

Join us with daily prayer tomorrow Sunday July the 7th at 12:00 Noon Central time as we are expecting a visit from Bishop Mark Grenon. I know that you will be blessed. CLICK HERE for the invitation link. Or, copy and paste the following link into your browser window.

God Loves you and so do I

Bishop Mark's Message to me: Please Pray and support the following movie project

June 11th, 2024

Can you buy this film about MMS and get others to also for 2.99. None goes to me but just those that produced the film:
I believe everyone will like it and pass it on for others to purchase it.
MUST READ - Bishop Grenon's Letter to the President

June 10th, 2024

Greetings Dear Friends and Fellow Saints of God!

Here’s the link to Bishop Grenon’s letter to President Trump that was delivered to him (I believe the 8th of June) Bishop Grenon asked me to wait until the letter has been delivered before sending to the list. CLICK HERE. For the link to the letter or, copy and paste the following link into you browser.

CDT Live Audio Chat: Mark Grenon Releases His Newsletter Live on CDT: CDT Members Released Healing Testimonies - Fast forward to approximately 58:00 Minute Mark of the telegram segment. Here is the link:

1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

The Lord shall bless you!

Brother Green

Rivers in a Desert Ministry


TAKE A LOOK AS - Bishop Mark Leaves Prison! GLORY TO GOD!!

May 31st, 2024

Glory to God! Bishop Grenon was released today. CLICK HERE to take a look or, Copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Also, we will be starting a Daily Prayer Group Telegram channel to augment the complexity of assigning alternate hosts on zoom.

NOTE: The time for Jordan to join us with our Daily Prayer Group has been changed to Friday May 31st rather than Saturday. I hope you can join with us. Here is the invitation link:

Brother Grenon and Joseph now in Half-Way Houses! Glory to God!

May 30th, 2024

Glory to God! Bishop Grenon was released today. CLICK HERE to take a look or, Copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Also, we will be starting a Daily Prayer Group Telegram channel to augment the complexity of assigning alternate hosts on zoom.

NOTE: The time for Jordan to join us with our Daily Prayer Group has been changed to Friday May 31st rather than Saturday. I hope you can join with us. Here is the invitation link:

Colossians 1:3 We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,

Brother Green

Rivers in a Desert Ministry


Good News!! Good News! Good News!

May 14th, 2024

Bishop Grenon is transferring to a half-way house. Listen to his latest update.

CLICK HERE! Or, copy and paste the following link into you browser:

Bishop Jonathan Grenon Newsletter

May 5th, 2024

Bishop Jonathan Grenon’s Newsletter

All Power and Authority belongs to the LORD Jesus Christ!!!

Jonathan David to everyone out there in this perverse and sinful world. I would like to give an update on my situation and what little I know of Jordan's situation. Also how the LORD is speaking to me through my doubts and hardships. I continue to serve Him and sometimes it seems those are the only doors opening for me at this time. The doors of spiritual fruit that is. Through it all we must remain faithful and be thankful to our LORD Jesus Christ, He knows best.

Before I begin a short summary of my trip and experience to Yazoo city, the prison that is. I would like to point out what led me to the subject of this newsletter. Through the past few weeks, I have been struggling for various reasons. One of the main reasons is doubt, doubting that God's plans will work out.

CLICK HERE to read his powerful complete newsletter!

May 1st, 2024 Important Bishop Grenon Update

May 2nd, 2024

It was a real blessing to have Bishop Grenon visit our prayer group today. Here is the link to listen to today’s segment:

Please continue to pray for the Grenon Family and please consider Becoming a Core Monthly Donor Member

Important Update from Bishop Grenon

April 30th, 2024

April 29, 2024

Listen in a Bishop Grenon gives us an update on him and his sons. Here is the link to the recording:

Remember, we meet daily on zoom at 12:00 Central Time to pray for one another, to lift the name of Jesus Christ and to pray for the Grenon Family. Bishop Grenon often visits our prayer group on Sundays. You are invited as well. Here is the invitation link:

Continuing to Pray

Brother DC Green

Rivers in a Desert Ministry


Bishop Grenon's views on the Middle and End Times

April 15th, 2024

Today it was blessed to have Bishop Grenon visit our prayer group. Listen in as he gives updates about him and his sons.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN OR, Copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Please take time to read the following Testimony:

Dear Dick,

See below.

Feel free to share.

It is my testimony for the Grenons.

This is the LAST day of the second series of 7x7 messages.

 intention was (and still is) to help increase awareness and momentum to help the Grenon family.

Unfortunately, we have the impression that the donations are quite poor lately, especially after Thanksgiving 2023.

Strange ... we thought "Thanksgiving" is a national holiday in the US, where people thank God for all the good things,

but people seem to forget that "the more they have, the more they have to give to others", rather than piling up for themselves.

We know many people who don't believe in God or spirit or soul or afterlife, or any of that "stuff".

They are actually "good people", in the sense that they don't harm anyone, they "live and let others live",

But they truly believe this is the only life they have, and when it's over, there is nothing left. The end.


or, copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Bishop Grenon gives a important Prison update

April 12th, 2024

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God,

Hope this short email finds you blessed of the Lord. It was good to have Bishop Grenon visit with us today and update us on the prison moves taking place. Here’s the recorded link. I know that you’re going to be blessed.

God Loves you and I do!

Brother DC Green

Rivers in a Desert Ministry


Bishop Jonathan Grenon Newsletter

April 12th, 2024

Greetings Dear Friends and Fellow Saints of God,

JONATHAN DAVID GRENON on 4/10/2024 9:19:34 AM wrote

Newsletter: This is a message to America and the nations of the world.

I believe that judgement is not coming, it is already here!!!

Jonathan David; "Blessed are those that read and adhere to the words of this warning and keep those things which are written here in: for the time is at hand."

One might ask; How can judgement be happening now? The Bible speaks of the great tribulation as a time of judgment for the whole world. And most of us know that the time of Jacob's trouble also known as the great tribulation, has not begun yet. So why do you believe that judgement is already here? Jonathan. I believe what is happening in the whole world and in our individual lives, is what is called "reckoning'. This reckoning proceeds, but is a necessary part of judgement. I believe that reckoning is the beginning phase of a judgement decision. Reckoning merges into judgement, therefore making it part of it.

CLICK HERE TO READ ENTIRE NEWSLETTER or, Copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Leaked Video - Malaria Cured

March 18th, 2024

Message from Seven X Seven Donor

March 14th, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, we want to thank everyone for helping the Grenon families. We are almost halfway the 7x7 campaign, and it is heartening to see that so many good souls have their heart in the right place, are contributing, and are sending an encouraging message. May you feel the same blessings when you are in times of trouble or dispair. God bless all of you.

Bishop Jonathan Grenon on Telegram

March 8th, 2024

NOTE: Jonathan will be joining us on the Telegram Chat Network tomorrow. Please join in and be blessed. Here is the Telegram Chat Link:

Starting Time 5:30 PM or 7 PM Central Time otherwise defined as 6:30 or, 7 PM Eastern Time. We must be flexible with the prison system.

Friday March 8th, 2024

Thanks from Bishop Jonathan Grenon

March 8th, 2024

JONATHAN DAVID GRENON on 3/8/2024 9:19:46 AM wrote

Thanks for sending me those messages brother and to these anonymous people we send much thanks and love to them. God is working throuhg people in these times. One day I hope to meet you all. 

Message from Bishop Grenon

March 3rd, 2024

Hey everyone! I'm back from the hospital and with my son Joe. I am weak but my hear valve was repaired and two blocked arteries. My voice is shot due to the tube taken out too fast. I will write more soon. It will take 5 weeks to heal this surgery.

Pray I am released sonn. May the Lord Jesus get the glory in all things. I was able to talk to many in the hospital. The month of February was the hardest month of my life healthwise but maybe one of the great Spiritually!

Keep me in your prayers please.

Lord bless


Proverb 3:5&6

Powerful letter from God Loving Supporter

March 2nd, 2024

I’ve been so blessed to associate some of the most passionate, intelligent God Loving people on this earth. I thank each of you who have made commitment and are determined to help the Grenon family. Below the blue text is a recent letter from a God Fearing, Holy Ghost filled, loyal support:

Remember The Grenon Family depend on God moving upon your heart to help them overcome this gross injustice. CLICK HERE to find out how to help. Or, copy and paste the following link: in a new tab)

Hello Brother Green,

I am glad to hear Mark is recovering well. Perhaps Mark can set the date and time of the three-day fast so we can begin and end the fast together? We can prepare to be quiet before God and not be busy with too many activities during the fast. I have fasted three days a few times before without food and water and I don’t feel thirsty at all. I experienced how God sustain and provide for those who fast for Him.

We've been praying unceasingly and we're stepping up our petition by fasting collectively for the Grenons to be released. Mark Grenon and his three sons were arrested in 2021 shortly after the vaccine roll out. Putting an innocent person in jail without evidence for one day is unacceptable. But for three years and seven months? Not only were the Grenons innocent, they were healing patients who’re given up by hospitals to die at home and sharing salvation and eternal life with them. They continued preaching in their prison in Florida to scores of inmates who gave their life to Christ. Where is the outrage?

CLICK HERE to read entire letter. Or, copy and paste the following link:

Powerful letter from God Loving Supporter

March 2nd, 2024

Letter from Seven X Seven for The Grenon family

February 22nd, 2024

Dear Dick,


The 7x7 team has decided to repeat their campaign of Febr-March 2023.

Our goal is the same: we want to support the Grenons and to support the works of God,

and send out a message of hope into the world.

We believe the Grenons were unlawfully put in prison by the enemy to set an example,

to weaken the body of Christ, to discourage honest people to do what their conscience tells them to do.

Our message is clear: we are STILL standing with the Grenons, we are NOT giving up, we will NOT bow down.

We are determined to continue to support the Grenons until Justice has come to set them free.


As we did in 2023, we will post messages during 7 weeks, using donations ranging from 14 to 147 usd.

We will donate 14$ on Mondays, 17$ on Tuesdays, 41$, 47$, 71$, 74$, and 147$ on Sundays.

We encourage everyone to show your support for the Grenons, and to send a message to God to show that you are on His side.

While this campaign has an important symbolic meaning, it also helps the Grenon families to survive.


Thank you all.

Timely Message from Supporting Member

February 14th, 2024

And yesterday Julie Green could not upload her regular video because of technical difficulties.

But she made a second video, with her dear friend Manual Johnson, which she was able to air,

and I was able to watch (at speed 1.5).


His message is very powerful, he got a vision where he saw Gods hand moving/hitting 3 times,

and it got bigger each time:

(1) around Febr/March, related to the US Supreme Court,

(2) around May/June,

(3) around November, and this one is not limited to the US, but to the entire world.

At some point (around 15min30), Manual also tells the story of Paul and Silas,

where Peter was in prison, waiting to be executed the next day,

but then a supernatural eartquake destroyed the prison, and Peter was set free.

And here it comes: it opened the eyes/heart of one of the guards, who wanted to know what that God was, and he repented.

I would not be surprised if something similar is happening to Mark Grenon.

Yes, it is taking very long, and yes, he should be released because of his age and his medical condition,

but just imagine: what if God is using Mark a little longer to save one more of His children?

for example a guard who <finally> feels compassion, and repents.

Isn't that exactly was Mark himself was saying a year ago, that saving people' souls is the main purpose, and makes it all worth it?

I think this story could encourage the Grenon men, and Mark in particular, very much.

We believe that God is moving.

We believe that 2024 is the year we have been waiting for.

We pray for the Grenon men and their families, for their protection, their health and their faith.

We want to encourage them, and reconfirm that they are not alone. Their "family" is larger than they think!

Jonathan gives update on Bishop Grenon

February 12th, 2024

Bishop Jonathan joined with our meeting today. It was a real blessing. He thanked each of you for you continued prayer and benevolent financial support. He also, shared with us an update on his Dad Bishop Mark Grenon. 

The prayers segment is only about 30 minutes long but, I had to upload it on the page in the following three (3) videos. Jonathan joins our broadcast during the second video at approximately the 06:30 TIMESTAMP. I know that you're going to be blessed.

Here’s the Correct Link:

Glory to God!!

February 7th, 2024

Dear Friends and Fellow Saints of God!

We spoke to Bishop Grenon today. He’s joined with our daily prayer group today (Tuesday 1/6/2024) at 12 Noon Central and gave an update. Here’s the recorded segment


Grenon Family Urgent Message

January 11th, 2024

P.S. It was a real blessing to have Bishop Jonathan Grenon visit our prayer group on Tuesday. CLICK HERE to listen in. Or, copy and paste the following link. I know that you’re going to be blessed!

P.S. Please join in with our daily prayer for the Grenon family. We meet each day at 12:00 Noon Central Time. Here is the invitation link:

CLICK HERE for this weeks most recent group letter. Here is this week’s most recent group letter: 

Bishop Grenon Updates

December 31st, 2023

It was a blessing to have Bishop Grenon visit our prayer meeting today. CLICK HERE to listen in on today’s rare segment. OR, copy and paste the following link into you browser:

Remember, we meet daily on the Zoom platform at 12:00 Noon Central Time. Rivers in a Desert Ministry. Here is the daily link:

 Please continue to support and pray for the Grenon Family.

Bishop Grenon Important Update

December 17th, 2023

Special Prayer Request

I want everyone to know that my sons and I are innocent and it will be proven one day. It has been 41 months that we have been unlawfully held by a Corporate for-profit pseudo government that is abusing 350 million people as slaves!

Even in this "corrupt unjust system" they have given me a date to be released based on my age.

Today is December 11th, 2023 and it is the date that I am eligible for "elderly offender" release. This means that the BOP (bureau of Prisons) will allow my release after fulfilling 66% of a 5 year sentence to be release with a 3 year "supervised release" to a place of my choosing. I received this date from the BOP 2 weeks ago in a sheet called "Computation data". I've been requesting this date to be honored and today I am still being held without knowing whether I will be released today. I'm asking everyone to pray that this institution will release me soon. The warden here has to sign to authorize my release so pray that happens. Last Friday I submitted to my unit counselor a BP-8 form requesting to be released today. I don't know if it was even submitted as of yet. It is frustrating to see and experience a system that doesn't do things in timely matters especially when it effects people's "LIFE, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness" in such a profound way. So please pray, Thank you.


Provers 3:5-6

Why America is in the State it is in Today Part 32.

(There is a Good, Just and Caring Shepherd)

Last week I wrote about what the Word of God says about Shepherds/Pastors that DO NOT fulfill their duty to teach, love and guide God's flock. I believe America is experiencing the result of many decades of Bad shepherd/pastors False Pastors and Pastors that are nothing more than "hirelings" and doing what they do for their own profits and benefits with "CARING" about God's sheep! Shame on them! The worse part is the Churches of America are suffering tremendously and God's people are scattered without direction, purpose and guidance from God's Word. Even worse is many of the "so-called sheep" are NOT at all God's sheep but Satan's that will endure an eternity in a lake of fire!

CLICK HERE to read Bishop Grenon’s complete letter or, Copy and Paste the following link:

Special Appreciation and Thanks to Julie Green Ministry For Supporting the Grenon Family

December 12th, 2023

Thank God for the Seven X Seven donation group.  They are largely inspired by the teachings of Julie Green (11th December 2023),
Please take time to become introduced to her ministry (JGM international dot org) and the link to the video,
because we believe (1) Julie Green deserves the credits, and (2) people are encouraged to watch the original video from Julie Green.
We thank Julie Green and her team very, very much. They are a blessing to the entire world."
Gratitude and Urgent Appeal: Support Needed for the Grenon Family

December 5th, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints,

I hope this message finds you well. We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support for the Grenon family during these challenging times. Your thoughts, prayers, and commitment to justice have been a source of strength for all of us.

As many of you know, the men of the Grenon family have been unjustly incarcerated for over 1230 days now. Their prolonged absence has taken a toll on the family emotionally, mentally, and financially. Despite the difficulties they face, the Grenon family remains resilient and hopeful, thanks to the support of compassionate individuals like you.

In light of the upcoming holiday season, we are launching a special donation campaign to provide the Grenon family with the financial assistance they desperately need. Legal battles and ongoing advocacy efforts require substantial resources, and your generous contribution can make a significant impact on their journey to justice.

CLICK HERE to read entire letter or, copy and paste the following link:

Bishop Jonathan Grenon Newsletter

December 2nd, 2023

Jonathan Grenon’s Newsletter

The Call of the Saints

Jonathan, a servant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, set apart for the Gospel of God. Sending much love to all my brothers and sisters in the faith and all who support this righteous cause that we stand for. Not only am I appealing my case, more importantly I am appealing to you, the born again believers, the saints, the holy ones, the one's set apart for the calling of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I would like everyone to know the Biblical meaning of appeal in the Greek language, "epikaleomai" means to call upon, to invoke, a special interest on the part of the doer of an action in that in which he is engaged.

Now, lets start with some questions, shall we? Who are the so called saints? What is their job description? Their calling? What do they look like, or better yet what should they look like? Should they be dressed in robes, suits and ties? Do they talk and walk a certain way? So many questions can be confusing, especially when how the world portrays the saints to be. We must understand the word saint before we can come to the conclusion of this matter.

The Greek word used in the New Testament is "haios". I suggest that you look it up in the concordance of the Bible to see its meaning in the various contexts, I just want to mention what stands out to me for this newsletter.

"Hagios" fundamentally signifies "separated", and hence, in Scripture in its moral and spiritual significance is to be separated from sin and therefore consecrated to God i.e. Sacred. It is used of men and things in so far as they are devoted to God. This sainthood is not an attainment, it is a state into which God in grace calls men. Yet believers are called to sanctify themselves consistently with their calling. 2nd Timothy 1:7-9 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God; Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began."

CLICK HERE to read entire Newsletter or copy and paste the following link into your browser window.

Important!! Bishop Grenon Newsletter Number 30

November 27th, 2023

What was Jesus - Emmanuel's (God with us) mission?

When Jesus said He would go and prepare a place for us and come again to, "Receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also," John 14:3, He told all while waiting to ; "Occupy till I come", Luke 19:13. To "occupy" means to be about the task or business that He deemed important and carry it on until He returns.

So lets look at what was said in the Scriptures in regard to the MAIN reason He came in the first place and what He wanted to accomplish i.e.. His mission!

Just before the parable in Luke 19:11 about a "certain" nobleman leaving to a "far" country telling all he put in charge to "occupy" till he returns, in Luke 19:10 this statement about the reason for the "Son of Man" coming; "For the Son of Man is come to SEEK AND TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST," Emphasis mine.

To me that one Scripture should be enough to teach us what Jesus' mission was but there are many more describing it. In Mark 10:45 the Bible teaches us :

"For ever the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a Ransom for many." He came to "minister" and give His life for others is clearly seen here. One of my most favorite verses that really have put my life in perspective in regard to being focused on what is important to God and to know His will for my life, and every believers life for that matter is found in John 6:28-29, Jesus was asked by His disciples a very specific question about what the "work of God" was. If anyone should know it would be Him!

Note: Many people seek advice from counselors, Pastors, books, articles about how can I know the will of God for my life and what is the work of God I should be doing? Well, the answer is in the words of Christ found in His reply to the disciples very clearly spoken!

CLICK HERE and listen to Bishop Grenon’s complete Newsletter or, copy and past the following link into your browser window:

Bishop Grenon's Newsletter - Why is America in the State it is in Today? Part 29

November 19th, 2023

Why is America in the State it is in Today? Part 29

The last two newsletters have been an indictment against the U.S. by God;s Word. Based on the Word of God, when a nation becomes "Apostate" (forsaking God) then the next step is being delivered by God to a "Reprobate mind". A Reprobate mind is defined in Romans 1:28 as God "giving up on a man or a nation to themselves and their sins" after many warnings. Read Romans 1:18-28 covered in previous newsletters. When the condition of "Reprobation" has been reached by a nation what follows is a list of sins that characterize that Apostate/Reprobate nation's condition. We can see this has happened to the U.S. as a whole today. See the lists of sins that appearance to that individual or nation when that state occurs in Romans 1:29-32 and 2nd Timothy 3:1-9. It would do you all well to read those Scriptures to see what is happening and why I say it is too late for the U.S. to turn back to God and His blessings.

The answer to the question: Is the U.S. too far gone to return to God? Can be answered in the following verse. Found in 2nd Chronical 7:14.

"If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and see my face, and turn from, their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land".

Keep in mind the verse in Jeremiah 32:27, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?" In another verse, God told Abraham the same thing in Genesis 18:14 in regard to Abraham and Sarah having a child at 99 and 90 years old respectfully. Knowing that God is capable of forgiving and restoring the U.S. to a nation blessed by Him according to the above mentioned verse in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 BUT it is up to God's people to initiate that forgiveness by God. The Reprobate nation will NOT do it! Lets break down that verse and see what are the prerequisites of God "forgiving" a people and "healing a land".

CLICK HERE to read Bishop Grenon’s entire Newsletter or, copy and paste the following link into your browser window:

Bishop Grenon's Newsletter #27

November 5th, 2023

Dear Friends and Fellow Saints of God

Why is America in the State it is in today? Part 27

Is the U.S. a "Reprobate" nation?

I believe the Scriptures teach all of us in this world and its confirmed by many examples in history that when an individual, a society, a nation and yes collectively a world turn their back on God and do not glorify Him for WHO HE IS that they become "vain in their imaginations", "Their foolish heart is darkened", "professing themselves to be wise they become fools". See Romans 1:21-22.This downward digression doesn't happen to a man, woman or a people overnight but ONLY happens with fair warning by God over and over again through His revelations to man in Creation Romans 1:20, by His Word written in the hearts of ALL which is called a "conscience" Romans 2:15 and by His Word, The Bible! See the books Genesis - Revelation.

You see God is longsuffering and merciful and gives man adequate and more than sufficient time to "repent", (turn to Him) and be saved, redeemed, delivered, born-again, regenerated, made whole, etc... These are all words explaining the same result which is "becoming a son of God" (see John 1:12) by receiving His Son's Jesus' one-time offering as the ONLY sacrifice God will accept that puts a man or woman eternally in the Lambs Book of life and that ONLY allows to escape the Lake of Fire prepared for the Devil and his angels and ALL those who reject the Lord Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!" See the book of Revelation 20.

CLICK HERE to read Bishop Grenon’s entire Newsletter or copy and paste the following link into your browser.

Bishop Grenon Visits our Prayer Meeting - The current state of the country

November 2nd, 2023

It was a blessing to have Bishop Grenon visit with us on Sunday October 29th. You will surely be blessed by his sharing perspective into the current state of reprobation that this country is in. He and his sons have been unlawfully imprisoned for more that 1200 days. Please continue to pray for the Grenon family.


Or, Copy and paste:

God Bless!

Brother Green


Bishop Jonathan's Newsletter

October 27th, 2023

Bishop Jonathan Grenon’s Newsletter Part 1 & 2

Can Suffering Be Worth Anything?

Jonathan, to all my brothers and sisters in Christ and to anyone keeping up on our situation, may God bless you for your prayers and support, what an encouragement you all have been. In this newsletter I would like to touch on the subject of suffering and or affliction. We all suffer sometime in life, some more than others and for extended periods of time. But do we suffer for the right reason or purpose? Do we inflict ourselves with suffering? Do we suffer for wrong doing? Is our suffering and or affliction worth it or is it just a waste of time?

To read Bishop Grenon’s complete Newsletter, CLICK HERE or, copy and paste the following link into your browser address:

Bishop Grenon Visits our Prayer Meeting

October 25th, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God,

It was a real blessing to have Bishop Grenon our prayer group on yesterday. He gave us an update along with specific areas that he wants us to pray. Here is the link to listen in.

Thanks so much for your love and support of the Grenon Family! God Bless!

Brother Green

Rivers in a Desert Ministry


Bishop Grenon Newsletter #26 XXVl - "Unveiling Injustice: A Call for Urgent Review"?

October 19th, 2023

Greetings Dear Friend and Fellow Saints of God,

Here’s Bishop Grenon’s latest Newsletter:

Why is America in the State it is in Today? - Part 26 (Judicial Injustice)

Last Friday, my three sons and I were brought in front of Judge Cecilia Altonaga, the Chief Justice of the Federal Southern District of Florida for sentencing. The sentencing was based on a guilty verdict from a trial that we DID NOT participate in for a number of reasons in July of this year. Here is some of the reasons why we DID NOT participate:

#1, The MAIN reason why was the FACT that we demanded a 7th Amendment, "trial by jury" under Common Law which is the RIGHT of every man and women as Americans. In Fact, "Common" Law is Natural Law which is based on God's Law that applies to everyone on this earth! (The trial that took place was NOT a Common Law Trial)

#2, The MAXIM of Common Law demands a "valid" claim be filed by a man or woman that we had harmed. ( A "valid" claim was never brought forth at the trial even to this date!) See also Deuteronomy 19:15-21

CLICK HERE To read Bishop Grenon’s entire Newsletter. Or, copy and paste the following link into you browser window:

Email Letter from Loyal Supporter

October 8th, 2023

It was a great blessing to have Bishop Grenon visit our Daily Prayer Group today.  CLICK HERE to listen to our recorded meeting.. Remember, we meet daily at 12:00 Noon Central Time.  You are encouraged to join in with us.  Here is the Daily Prayer Group Link:

The text below is an excerpt that I shared prior to Mark's call.  It was sent in by a loyal Bishop Grenon Supporters.  I especially like what David said when referring to Goliath,  "This target is so big that I can't miss."  It's an real good analogy about how big these illegal activities and offenses are that are being committed to the Grenon family.  Anyone with a small inkling of righteous will be able to discern the wrong being done against this precious family.   

Anyway, I know that the text below is going to bless you.  I 

Two things,

(1) First,

We want to send a message of comfort, a message of hope.

The enemy thinks they have won, that they have defeated the Grenons, and they have silenced God.

The enemy wants to take away hope, and create division and despair.

The enemy wants the body of Christ to lose all hope, so that we waive that white flag.

I have learned from the prophecies of Julie Green that we must focus on the Lord (not on the circumstances),

that we must NOT give up because God is on our side, and that God is the ultimate judge.

During dinner, I remember that Arthur Pawlowski talked about "winning with a smile on our face".

I copied some lines from the video (from about 48min30s to about 51min40s);

You can find it in the word-file from p 42-44.


I just spent $35,000 on his [my sons] lawyers because he was arrested and charged with attending an illegal protest and he

read the Bible during that protest and was charged with harassment.

So I had to hire lawyers for him.

But I said, son, don't worry, go and fight.

This is your land.

This is your inheritance.

If you will not fight with our support, you will have no nation to live under.

And that's the message.

I think if I can summarize is the message of Arthur Pawlowsky's family fight

is the message that God is bigger than the giants of the land.

The message would be simple: if you wanna see Jesus.

If you wanna see your enemies perish,

if you wanna have an encounter with the living God,

you must go to the fire.

In the fire He sets the captives free.

In the fire He shows up to comfort you.

In the fire You will be the biggest walking testimony.

In the fire is your promotion.

You must tackle the giant, and we must be like David.

David saw a giant and he said to himself, this dude is too big to mess.

On the other side of that mountain of a man is my destiny,

is my opportunity to become a man that God wants me to become.

CLICK HERE to read entire message or, Copy and paste the following link into you browser address:

Stories of Charity in jail: 7 West part 4

October 7th, 2023

Jonathan, unto our brethren and to all who support us, we give thanks to God always for you all, making mention for you in our prayers.

Prayer, so many people don't know or understand the importance of prayer. A true heart felt prayer to God our Father is one of the most intimate ways that we can express our love to Him, if not the most. You all that participate in the prayer meetings probably already know this or are seeing it in your own lives. While in jail there have been times of lockdown, that I can't talk to my mom, wife or anyone to encourage me, but those hard times led me to deeper prayer time with our Father. I have learned that although people can comfort you at times, there are those moments where only prayer can give you what you need and God wants us to experience that. The prophet Daniel was a man of prayer and look what God did in his life. Do you want to know God more intimately? Then spend time in prayer, alone with Him. Don't get me wrong, it is good to pray as a group, to encourage and strengthen each other, to pray in unity for God to move in an area of your life or the life of someone else. Just do not forget to spend time in prayer with Him alone as our Lord Jesus did and it would not only strengthen Him, but he would be refreshed also. Prayer is not all about what you say, but how much you listen also. Listen to the voice of God, you must quiet yourself from destraction to do so.

This will probably be my last newsletter for awhile, unless God leads me to write another one soon. I would like to thank you all for your nice comments and spending time getting to know me and my fellow inmates and our experiences. There are more than 100 testimonies that hopefully one day I can have written in a book. This next testimony not only shocked pretty much everyone on the floor and the workers in this building, it shocked me also! I have seen a lot of healings in my years, heck, I am in here for helping to heal my fellow man, so for me to be shocked when someone is healed is because I really didn't think it was going to happen. Of course, I believe that God can do anything, but when one gets used to using what God had created like Chlorine Dioxide to aide in restoring health you start to rely on it. Well, this healing came about through prayer and faith in God and who He is, the Ultimate Healer. God doesn't need anything to heal someone. He does like to use what He has already created as we see in the Bible, but sometimes He just does it without anything so there is no doubt who did it and His name is glorified. James 5:13-16 says,

CLICK HERE TO READ THIS Bishop Jonathan’s entire Letter or, Copy and paste the following URL into you browser:

Please consider participating - Supreme Court Letter Campaign

September 18th, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints,

This may be the first notice that who have heard. We are initiating a letter campaign to the Supreme Court. These letters are to be short and concise. We are seeking to generate 100+ letters before October the 6th.

I talked to Mark today about our Supreme Court Letter campaign. He said make the letters short and simple. Mark said include their names (Mark Grenon, Jonathan Grenon, Joseph Grenon, Jordan Grenon), list the court case number 21-cr-20242 and point out a couple ways that the rights of the Grenon men have been violated.

The main goal is to make a united inquire to the Supreme Court prior to the lower corporate court moving in its sentencing of the Grenon men. We want to point out that the continued unlawful activity against the men of the Grenon family harms all mankind.

Feel free to choose 2 or, three questions from below or construct your own. Ask direct questions such as:

CLICK HERE to read entire letter or, copy and paste the following link into your browser.

Supreme Court Letter Campaign

September 17th, 2023

We are starting a letter campaign directed to the Supreme Court Justices.  We want to make inquiries to identify which entities are responsible for insuring/protecting the God-given rights of mankind especially as pertaining to The Grenon men and their family.  This letter should preceed the upcoming inferior corporate court sentencing.   Please contact me Green to be added to the update list for this important project.  email 

thanks and God Bless!

Bishop Jonathan writes about God's grace, provision, mercy, and protection during this unlawful imprisonment

September 16th, 2023

Stories of Charity in Jail 7 West part 1

Jonathan, unto all who serve our Lord Jesus Christ in love and truth, may God our Father bless you all.

For the past 3 weeks I have been going over what happened at 3 different hearings and the words the Lord led us to share there. But that does not compare to what I have seen and been a part of these 3+ years in jail. You see, God is not looking for ability, but availability. Is your life available to the Lord for His work? I believe we can only truly be available for the work of our Lord through love. Not the "love" the world knows, but the love we receive and learn from our Lord Jesus. It is a love in action, also known in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 as charity. In Chapter 13 verse 13 of 1st Corinthians it states :"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity". (Please take time to read 1st Corinthians chapter 13).

I believe charity also known as Agape in the Greek language, is the love of God that flows through us by the Holy Spirit. See Romans 5:5. It is a spiritual and eternal love. God the Father showed us this love when He gave His only begotten Son, so we could have eternal life. (Note: See Romans 5 verses 3 and 4, tribulations lead us to experience more of Gods love)

I have seen the love of God work through me many times in this jail experience that the Lord is leading me through. How do I know it was God's love and not my own? Well when you are broken and suffering and have nothing to give and just too overwhelmed to even care to do anything and yet you still feel compelled to help others in anyway you are able. You know something or better yet Someone is taking the lead.

CLICK HERE to read Jonathan’s complete Newsletter or, Copy and paste the following link into you browser:

Universal Prayer for the Grenon Men and their entire family

September 15th, 2023

You are invited to join us for a


A GLOBAL MEDITATION & PRAYER EVENT for Mark Grenon and his family.

Saturday, September 16th from 10:00- to 10:30 am EST, 9:30-10:00 am Central, 7:30-8:00 am PAC.

(Please check your time zone for accuracy)

We invite you to participate in our first silent meditation and prayer gathering for Mark Grenon, his sons, and his family in the comfort of your home.

Our intention is to bring people from around the world who have benefited from MMS and the G2 Church Mark created to support people's health and save lives.

In case you didn’t know, Mark was arrested on August 10, 2020. In the middle of the night, Mark and his son Joseph were KIDNAPPED by Colombian police and sent to a Colombian jail. His sons, Jonathan, and Jordan Grenon were also sent to jail in Florida one month earlier on or about July 8th 2020.

For years, the “powers that be” have been looking for a reason to stop Mark from distributing MMS. For those who have followed Mark’s journey and Newsletter, thousands of health issues have been cured including, but not limited to all Cancers, Sars, Aids, Botulism, Covid, Malaria, Diabetes, Arthritis, spider and snake bites and a multitude of man-made diseases.

It has been extremely frustrating for the Grenons, as their court dates have continuously been delayed. When they do appear in court - judges and attorneys are not only fabricating their positions, but they are also contriving stories to keep Mark and his family behind bars.

Since the beginning of their capture, these fictitious characters have not produced any legal claims against the Grenon family.

The Grenon men have chosen to reject contracting with the privately owned corporate court by defending themselves. They have also rejected accepting the unfounded presumptions being made by the corporate entities who wrongly claim to have dominion over living men and or women created by God.

The Grenons are literally making a stand for all mankind’s ability to maintain the freedom of believing and following God’s truth rather than being forced into accepting the uncompensated compliance and bondage of idolatrous systems.

We hope you will join the global community and participate in this universal meditation in order for the Grenon family to be released.

May we all come together on September 16th to send Mark and his family our prayers and blessings.

Wherever you are during this half hour please recite a heartfelt prayer for the Grenons.

When three or more come together, the energy becomes palpable, and miracles can take place.

Please send this invitation to people you know who have experienced the healing properties of this protocol.

If you would like to make a contribution to Mark and his family, click the link below: “

With great respect,


Feel free to call or e-mail me with your

questions and concerns:


Bishop Grenon visits our Daily Prayer group with a great message!

September 14th, 2023

Today, we have exciting news to share with you – Bishop Mark Grenon graced us with his presence on our "Daily Devotional Podcast"! His visit was not only inspirational but also deeply enlightening.

CLICK HERE to listen in. Fast forward approximately 17:27 TIMESTAMP to hear the start of Mark joining our meeting. Or, copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Bishop Grenon Visits our Prayer Meeting

September 10th, 2023

What a great time it was to have Mark visit with us today.  Here's the link if you want to listen in.

Please join with our September 16th Universal Prayer for the Grenon family.  Here's the link for information:

"1165+ Days of Unjust Imprisonment: A Letter from Mark and Jonathan - A Ministry's Struggle for Justice"

September 10th, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends and Fellow Saints,


We just leaned a few days ago that Jim Humble the inventor of the MMS that is used in creating Chlorine Dioxide that that has helped so many worldwide eliminate many illnesses passed on September 1st! I first read Jim's book in 2016 where I was able to rid my family and myself of MRSA a terrible flesh eating bacteria. I was in touch with him form 2008 personally and he came to live with my sons and I in the Dominican Republic in early 2016. We learned so much from him about healing to which we are so grateful. Him and I founded the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing in April of 2010 with 4 of my family and were able to train over 2000 people worldwide in over 135 countries! Jim was a great humanitarian with a big heart and a vision to give mankind the tools to practice SELF-CARE to "Restore Health" to the body.He will be greatly missed by the Grenon family and millions around the world! If anyone wants to write a few words about Jim and maybe even a testimony of how MMS has helped you please go to: and post it there. Jim's vision is carrying on worldwide which is a testimony of his "good work" that he did in his lifetime!

CLICK HERE to read Mark’s and Jonathan’s entire letter.

Or, Copy and paste the following link.

Universal Prayer for Bishop Grenon, his sons and his entire family!

September 8th, 2023

Dear Friend,

You are invited to:

A GLOBAL MEDITATION & PRAYER EVENT for Mark Grenon and his family.

Saturday, September 16th from 10:00- to 10:30 am EST, 9:00-9:30 am Central, 7:00-7:30 am PAC.

(Please check your time zone for accuracy)

We invite you to participate in our first silent meditation and prayer gathering for Mark Grenon, his sons, and his family in the comfort of your home.

Our intention is to bring people from around the world who have benefited from MMS and the G2 Church Mark created to support people's health and save lives.

In case you didn’t know, Mark was arrested on August 10, 2020. In the middle of the night, Mark and his son Joseph were kidnapped by Colombian police and sent to a Colombian jail. His sons, Johnathan and Jordan Grenon were also sent to jail in Florida one month earlier.

For years, the “powers that be” have been looking for a reason to stop Mark from distributing MMS. For those who have followed Mark’s journey and Newsletter, thousands of health issues have been cured including, but not limited to Cancer, Sars, Aids, Botulism, Covid, Malaria, Diabetes, spider and snake bites, etc.

It has been extremely frustrating for the Grenons, as their court dates have continuously been delayed. When they do appear in court - judges and attorneys are not only fabricating their positions, they are contriving stories to keep Mark and his family behind bars.

Since the beginning of their capture, these fictitious characters have not produced any legal claims against the Grenon family.

The Grenon men have chosen to reject contracting with the privately owned corporate court by defending themselves. They have also rejected accepting the unfounded presumptions being made by the corporate entities who wrongly claim to have dominion over living men and or women created by God.

The Grenons are literally making a stand for all mankind’s ability to maintain the freedom of believing and following God’s truth rather than being forced into accepting the uncompensated compliance and bondage of idolatrous systems.

We hope you will join the global community and participate in this universal meditation in order for the Grenon family to be released.

May we all come together on September 16th to send Mark and his family our prayers and blessings.

Wherever you are during this half hour please recite a heartfelt prayer for the Grenons.

When three or more come together, the energy becomes palpable, and miracles can take place.

Please send this invitation to people you know who have experienced the healing properties of this powerful protocol.

If you would make a contribution to support Mark and his family, it would be greatly appreciated. Please open your hearts and click the link below:


With great respect,

**** Green

Feel free to call or e-mail me with your

questions and concerns:



Message from Seven X Seven

September 5th, 2023

There is a spiritual battle going on between Light and Dark.

To them on the fence, God says: "Stop being on both sides.

If you do not repent, you will be judged against Me."

God loves justice, but He'd rather give mercy, but only if you repent.

The choice is yours, and the time to make your final choice is NOW.

(inspired by Shelly Mosley's prophecy 8/29/23)

Universal Prayer for Bishop Grenon, his sons and his entire family!

September 1st, 2023

It was a blessing to have Mark visit our daily prayer group today.  To listen in, fast forward approximately 17:30 TIMESTAMP OF THE FOLLOWING RECORDING:

Seven X Seven Update

September 1st, 2023

We pray for the Grenon families, for the men in prison, and their wives and children at home.

We thank you, father God, that you will restore their freedom, and rejoin them with their families.

We thank you, father God, that you will retroactively restore ALL that was stolen from them.

Seven X Seven Update

August 26th, 2023

Once upon a time ... there was a land that was protected by a good spirit named God.

There lived good people like Mark and his sons who did their best to help and heal other people.

One day an evil spirit Tasan came and installed an evil president Diben, who was helped behind the scenes by a certain Omaba.

Tasan employed many pawns who had sold their souls and conscience in exchange for money and power.

The good people in the land were treated badly and were unhappy.

One day Mark and his sons were thrown in prison because they continued to serve God ,

and refused to cooperate with the plans of Tasan, but Mark and his sons continued to serve God, even in prison.

Three years later God said "enough is enough," and created a storm named Justice.

Justice raged through the whole land, wiping out all evil things and people, but leaving all good things and people standing.

Some pawns who still had some connection to God repented, and regretted what they had done. They were spared.

But some pawns like unjust Judge Lelecia and her corrupt associates persisted to the bitter end.

They were given a one-way ticket to a "hot resort" from which they never returned.

(* Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. *)

Letter from Jonathan Grenon

August 26th, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God,

The following is a letter directly from Jonathan Grenon.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here are a few of the Statements we made in some of the Court Hearings these past three years.

Jonathan, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, called for obedience to the faith among all nations for His namesake. Grace and peace be unto you my brothers and sisters from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

I unlike my dad, mark grenon, I do not thrive or excel in writing. I actually don't look forward to it at all. Just the other day when dad was on the prayer meeting call, someone asked him if we preach in the court hearings. So I thought and prayed about it and the Lord has put it on my heart to share with you all, what we have said in a few of the past court hearings. My focus in these newsletters is what we have said at the end of a hearing. Dad has covered mostly what we have stated according to the law and our rights, my focus is what we preached according to the Word of God and some Historical examples. You see 1st Corinthians 1:18 says: "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God"

CLICK HERE To read Jonathan Grenon’s entire Newsletter

Or, Copy and paste this link into you browser:

Bishop Grenon Newsletter 25

August 22nd, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints,

Why is America in the State it is in today? Part 25

I've covered a lot of different reasons these past 24 weeks of why America is in a DIS-EASED STATE spiritually, physically, mentally,historically, governmentally, and healthwise. I've been focusing the last few weeks on health and the need to practice SELF-CARE as opposed to following a healthcare or "sick care" system by the medical/pharmaceutical industries. My first book "Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE" is it possible? covers a 4 step plan that we have used around the world since 2010 and trained others in over 135 countries!

My sons and I have now been held (kidnapped) now for 1140 days in a detention center in Miami, Florida for curing corona/Covid-19 in 2020. Because we would NOT stop, the FDA and the weaponized DOJ attacked us and kidnapped us as political prisoners and have committed a long list of violations of our rights without any injured man or woman or a valid claim! The Lord will expose all of this soon with the evil players being held accountable!

I want to finish step 1 of our 4 step plan on how to practice SELF-CARE this week which is "how to eliminate toxins from the body".

CLICK HERE to read Mark’s entire Newsletter or, copy the following link and paste it into your browser:

Bishop Grenon Visits our Prayer Meeting

August 21st, 2023

It was a real blessing to have Bishop Grenon visit with our meeting on Sunday August the 20th. If you want to listen to Mark’s call, fast forward the recording to approximately the 19:30 Timestamp.

Here is the link:

Thanks for your continued prayers and support for the Grenon family.

Psalm 42:8 Yet the Lord will command his lovingkindness in the day time, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.

Seven X Seven Update

August 13th, 2023

what a powerful message shared today for the Grenon Family.  I interpreted a short verse that said it's time for each of us to make a stand for Mark and his sons.  't is nu aan jou-Nu moet je er zijn - it's up to you now-Now you have to be there - Als wij niets doen-wie dan? - If we do nothing-then who?

Here is the message from our Seven X Seven Grenon Family Supporters:

1) Please listen to the following song.

A song with a message: "if we don't do something, who will?"

The video attached is a scaled-down version of the original video, which you can find on the following link:


I watched it 3 times, and it brought me to tears 3 times.

2) I think it is very appropriate to publish a message on the Grenons-website, referring to this video.

It is a call to EVERYBODY to stand up!

I attached an English translation of the text, since your audience is English speaking.

Feel free to include the English translation.

3) I propose to post the following text (along with a donation of 47$):

( Please listen to this beautiful message.

Are we waiting for the storm to pass? Our friends are destroyed?

Don't stick your head in the sand! If we don't do anything - who will?

Surely we see that this cannot be done?

It's up to you and me now, our only hope is us.

if we do nothing - who will?

It is time for ALL OF US to stand up against injustice. 

Bishop Grenon visit our zoom call

August 7th, 2023

It was a real blessing to have Bishop Grenon visit our prayer group today. To listen Click Here or, copy and paste the following link into your browser:

NOTE: Fast forward the above video up to the Timestamp 19:15. This is where Mark calls into the zoom meetings.

We meet daily to pray for one another and to pray for the Grenon family. You are invited to join with us. Please share this invitation link with friends and family.

Please continue to pray for and support the Grenon family.


July 28th, 2023

To all good people trapped in the corrupt system, go and watch   from 37min to 1h, and choose wisely how to proceed.

To all evil people in the corrupt system: same, and the reservation of your ticket is hereby confirmed.

I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that your dark plans will not work, so repent before it is too late!

Please Help Letter Campaign!

July 4th, 2023

Subject: Urgent Support for Bishop Mark Grenon and His Family

July 3, 2023

Dear Friend and Fellow Saint of God,

Our prayer group is starting the official administrative process in favor of Bishop Grenon and his sons Jonathan, Joseph and Jordan. Our process will involve:

1. Notifying wrong does involved in the causing harm to us as living men and women because of their role in harming Mark and his family.

2. Defaulting said wrong doers and attaching them contractually to the charges of harm due to the high probability of non-response.

3. Require and obtain oath of office for all entities involved.

4. File risk management and judicial claims.

5. Demand Freedom for the Grenon men.

Please consider supporting this endeavor. This is an untraveled path for me and, I can use all the help and suggestions that I can get.

Linked Below is a quick overview letter explaining what we hope to achieve. In the body of this letter is the sample Template/Official Notice Letter.

CLICK HERE for the overview letter or, Copy and Paste this link into your browser:

Thanks and God Bless!

Bishop Grenon Newsletter

July 2nd, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God,
Here is Bishop Grenon’s most recent Newsletter. It is guaranteed to bless and enlighten.
Why America is in the State it is in Part XVI
This week I want to start with an overview of what many say is the most important Document in the History of America -The Declaration of Independence. This "Declaration" was written to dissolve the political ties that bound the American people to Great Britain. It was written in 1776 and it wasn't until 1787, another 11 years, that the American patriots won that "Declared" independence on the battle field. In 1789, many of the men that drafted this Declaration of Independence met again in Philadelphia to draft a plan for governing the new nation called "The United States of America" with a document called, "The Constitution for the united States of America" (Yes the small "u" in united is correct). This Constitution would be the "Supreme Law of the Land" but it would NOT violate any of the moral Truths found in the Declaration of Independence. The "Truths of God" are "Self evident" as stated in the Declaration of Independence. These "Self Evident Truths" are based upon a "Higher Law" of right and wrong, Gods Natural Law, from which we derive all human law and to criticize human laws at any time. Look at the "Self Evident Truths" that were written in this document for all to see and know. These "Truths" would be foundational to this new nation. Here is an excerpt from this "Declaration":
To Read the Entire Newsletter copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Bishop Grenon Newsletter

July 2nd, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God,
Here is Bishop Grenon’s most recent Newsletter. It is guaranteed to bless and enlighten.
Why America is in the State it is in Part XVI
This week I want to start with an overview of what many say is the most important Document in the History of America -The Declaration of Independence. This "Declaration" was written to dissolve the political ties that bound the American people to Great Britain. It was written in 1776 and it wasn't until 1787, another 11 years, that the American patriots won that "Declared" independence on the battle field. In 1789, many of the men that drafted this Declaration of Independence met again in Philadelphia to draft a plan for governing the new nation called "The United States of America" with a document called, "The Constitution for the united States of America" (Yes the small "u" in united is correct). This Constitution would be the "Supreme Law of the Land" but it would NOT violate any of the moral Truths found in the Declaration of Independence. The "Truths of God" are "Self evident" as stated in the Declaration of Independence. These "Self Evident Truths" are based upon a "Higher Law" of right and wrong, Gods Natural Law, from which we derive all human law and to criticize human laws at any time. Look at the "Self Evident Truths" that were written in this document for all to see and know. These "Truths" would be foundational to this new nation. Here is an excerpt from this "Declaration":
To Read the Entire Newsletter copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Bishop Grenon Newsletter

July 2nd, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God,
Here is Bishop Grenon’s most recent Newsletter. It is guaranteed to bless and enlighten.
Why America is in the State it is in Part XVI
This week I want to start with an overview of what many say is the most important Document in the History of America -The Declaration of Independence. This "Declaration" was written to dissolve the political ties that bound the American people to Great Britain. It was written in 1776 and it wasn't until 1787, another 11 years, that the American patriots won that "Declared" independence on the battle field. In 1789, many of the men that drafted this Declaration of Independence met again in Philadelphia to draft a plan for governing the new nation called "The United States of America" with a document called, "The Constitution for the united States of America" (Yes the small "u" in united is correct). This Constitution would be the "Supreme Law of the Land" but it would NOT violate any of the moral Truths found in the Declaration of Independence. The "Truths of God" are "Self evident" as stated in the Declaration of Independence. These "Self Evident Truths" are based upon a "Higher Law" of right and wrong, Gods Natural Law, from which we derive all human law and to criticize human laws at any time. Look at the "Self Evident Truths" that were written in this document for all to see and know. These "Truths" would be foundational to this new nation. Here is an excerpt from this "Declaration":
To Read the Entire Newsletter copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Bishop Grenon Newsletter

June 28th, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God!

Here is Bishop Grenon’s most recent Newsletter. I know that it’

Why is America in the State it is in Today? Part XV

You cant understand the Judicial system we have today without looking into the facts of history. Just like you cant understand the state of the whole world without looking into history. It has been said,"The only thing man has ever learned from history is that man has never learned from history" let me go back to the beginning of our government and I am not referring to the pilgrims and puritans but the time of the American revolution in the 1770s through the 90s and what transpired after that.

I will say this emphatically that the reason WHY the US government and its agencies are so corrupt today is BECAUSE OF MONEY! First Timothy 6:10 clearly tells us that when men love money and the desire to have it it becomes "the root of all evil". In other words everything that comes out of the "desire" for money will be evil and I say PURE EVIL! Everything that is true, honest and just does not exist when only an insatiable desire to have $$$ as one's goal.

"For the love of money is the root of ALL EVIL: which while some COVETED after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (emphasis mine) 1st Timothy 6:10.

Read entire Newsletter Here:

Bishop Grenon's Newsletter and Important Updates

June 5th, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends and Fellow Saints of God.

Attached is the most recent newsletter from Bishop Grenon.  Also, included in this letter is a link to the most recent Zoom call that Mark came on and visited with us.  I know that it's going to bless and encourage you.

Thanks for all your prayers and kind benevolence.  God Bless!


Or, Copy and Paste this link into the address bar of you browser:

URGENT! Bishop Grenon Newsletter

May 18th, 2023

Greetings Dear Friend and Fellow Saints of God,

Here is Bishop Grenon’s most recent Newsletter. I know that it will bless and enlighten.

Why is America in the State it is in Today Part 11

May 18th, 2023

Last, Week I wanted to show everyone what the Dept. of Justice (Our Persecutors) were asking the "acting Judge" to agree to in regard to our case. It is amazing how unjust "the justice" system is in trying to stop us from defending ourselves with evidence and truth, by taking away our God given rights to freedom of speech, religion and the free exercise thereof. They don't want us to mention God in our defense as guiding us! They are also trying to prohibit us from mentioning anything about corruption in the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies. Also, we cannot mention that we have been selectively targeted, which would be a conspiracy against us as men and our Church worldwide by the way! They are also trying to exclude any evidence of the effectiveness and safety of what we were doing with the Sacraments of our Church. There are no accusers that have firsthand knowledge of being harmed, as well as no witnesses! and yet we have been held captive (kidnapped) for over 1035 days without bail, victims, no Laws broken, with charges that are NOT even Lawful charges.

To Read Mark’s entire Newsletter, Click the link below

Recorded Message from Bishop Grenon

May 15th, 2023

May 15th, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends and Fellow Saints of God!

As always, it was a real blessing to have Bishop Grenon visit us during our daily prayer meeting on this past Sunday. Here is the recorded segment. Please share this recording and help support the stand that these men of God are making against a corrupt corporate usurpation of the courts and of government. Please pray that this family will be vindicated and compensated for theft and trespass of their God given rights.



Prayer Changes Things and God is on the Throne! Psalm 7:9

May 12th, 2023

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God,

Here is Bishop Grenon’s most recent Newsletter. It is quite eye opening! God Bless!

Why is America in the State it is in Today part 10

I have been writing each week about how America has gone far from God and His Word and the results we are all now experiencing. This "hit home" even harder this week as my sons and I were notified of a motion from the prosecutors office "I say persecutors office". This was to the judge in our case asking her to NOT allow us to present certain arguments or evidences to the jury at a trial. You will NOT believe what they are asking the judge to NOT allow us to say!

The Document which is public record can be found on PACER under Case # 1:21-cr-20242-CMA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. GRENONS.

NOTE: the original civil case was titled UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. THE GENESIS II CHURCH OF HEALTH AND HEALING. Why is that changed? Is it because they will have a difficult time fighting a Church and its beliefs?

This is what the "Persecutors" are asking the judge to NOT allow us to talk about in a trial or exclude:



Bishop Grenon Newsletter Part VIII

April 28th, 2023

MARK SCOTT GRENON on 4/27/2023 9:19:30 AM wrote Why is America in the State it is in today? Part VIII "The only thing man has ever learned from history is that; man has NEVER learned from history!" I have heard that quoted for decades but the older I get the more that statement rings true; especially today. America is repeating history today but BAD history not good! America has let what happened to failed Governments, Empires and Kingdoms happen to her as if it never happened before in history even though the warnings are crystal clear and the results horrible! How can this be? Why would man with all the advancements in in technology, science and intellect be SO FOOLISH & IGNORANT ( Ignorance meaning "to ignore"), to allow our country and yes our world to self-destruct FOR the same reasons that led to the destruction billions of people in the past with untold misery? The answer is clear and simple but man does not want to acknowledge it. It all has to do with the GREATEST and most precious gift that God gave man called - FREE WILL! God does not want us to love and obey Him without a choice like a robot but with our own decision. Would any of you want someone to love you because they had to or because they wanted to of their own will? This gift from God is also very powerful in the fact that it can give man liberty or give him bondage not only in this life but FOREVER! Man needs to use this gift very carefully. Man has the ability to choose what he or she "wants or desires" no matter the consequences.. The capability of seeing something that is bad and will cause great hardship to oneself and all they love but still choose it! That is a powerful ability. If one does choose to do something that will do them harm it sounds like insanity to me. Not only do I agree that those decisions are incredibly stupid to do but I have done them myself and so have you so we can all empathize with the world. In fact, this "self-inflicted tragedy of man" has happened since the beginning. Is there any end to this spiral of destruction found in man? Is it possible to take "another road" or another way to changing this fatalistic view of life? The good news is "YES" but ONLY if you choose it. CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE NEWSLETTERor, COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK:
Bishop Grenon visits Prayer Meeting

April 24th, 2023

Greetings Friend, It was a blessing to have Bishop Grenon attend our daily prayer meeting Sunday. Here is the recorded link I know that it will bless you. We continue to meet daily at 12:00 Noon Central time. We are excited to receive testimonials of God answering prayers. We meet each day to pray for each other, and we pray for the Grenon family. You are invited to attend. Here is the invitation link. Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Thanks and God Bless! Brother Green Rivers in a Desert Ministry 936-727-4984
Important Newsletter from Bishop Grenon

April 14th, 2023

April 13, 2023 Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God, Here is Bishop Grenon’s most recent Newsletter. Why is America in the Spiritual STATE it is in today? Part VI This is part six of the topic "Why is America in such a DIS-EASED STATE spiritually today"? I have been writing about the FACT that America was founded upon Biblical Truths from the Word of God. America is in a very "dangerous" state spiritually today. Many, if not the majority today, don't realize today just how "dangerous" this is not only to America as a nation but to each man or woman that lives here. But, it also is "dangerous" because America in the past was a great witness for the LORD to the whole world but NOW it is an example of wickedness as was Sodom and Gomorrah in the Scriptures! Being in this STATE also causes the LORD to judge and punish America which I believer all of us can see today. We are not only bankrupted Spiritually but also economically, militarily, judicially, politically, educationally, culturally, and morally! I have used Israel, Germany, and England as nations "serving God" and went away from the LORD and what happened to them when they "turned away" from Him. Germany and England were testimonies to the world for the LORD and when they stopped they became "apostate or reprobate" ( "Apostate" = fallen away II Thess.2:3, "Reprobate" = casted away, Romans 1:28 or Titus 1:6) and turned into mission fields themselves needing the Word of God taught to them. What a turn around! Those countries suffered tremendously as the LORD judged them. At one time it was said of England that "the sun never set on its kingdom". This was the same time that the greatest missionary endeavor was being done from the 1600s to the 1800s. When that stopped the country more concerned with religion and prosperity had dropped "the ball" and God moved to the new found country of America and England faded as a world power and apostacy came to England as it was judged by God! The same happened to Germany in the 16th to 17th centuries. CLICK HERE to read entire letter OR, COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK IN YOUR BROWSER
Bishop Grenon's Latest Update

April 7th, 2023

April 6, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends of God and Fellow Saints,

Here is the latest Newsletter from Bishop Grenon. I know it’s going to bless you and stir up your inner spirit.

Remember that Bishop Grenon will be online with us this coming Sunday @ 12:00 Noon Central Time.  Here is the Zoom invitation to join in with us.


Why is America in the State it is in Spiritually Today? - Part 5 - From Mark Grenon

I have been answering the question the past few weeks, Why is America in the State it is in Spiritually in today?

The "State " Spiritually I believe America is in is a DIS-EASED State and this didn't come about over night. In fact, this has happened many times in the past to many nations with England and Germany probably being the most recent in history before America. Going back way before these countries existed we can see in the Scriptures, the Old Testament, how that happened to Israel. Israel started out with the blessings of the Creator, JEHOVAH, but ended up in captivity to ruthless nations such as Assyria and Babylon.

I don't know how much Bible history everyone reading this letter today has but, if you are not familiar with the Scriptures then it is time for you to read what happened to Israel. After being a blessed nation and experiencing peace with all their enemies they ended up being slaves! Why did this happen? If you are not familiar with what took place in the lives of the children of Israel; it is time for you "to look again" into the reasons why this happened to Israel and the similarities in what is happening to America today and understand how God has worked in the affairs of mankind throughout the history of the world.



God Bless!

Bishop Grenon's Latest Update

April 7th, 2023

April 6, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends of God and Fellow Saints,

Here is the latest Newsletter from Bishop Grenon. I know it’s going to bless you and stir up your inner spirit.

Remember that Bishop Grenon will be online with us this coming Sunday @ 12:00 Noon Central Time.  Here is the Zoom invitation to join in with us.


Why is America in the State it is in Spiritually Today? - Part 5 - From Mark Grenon

I have been answering the question the past few weeks, Why is America in the State it is in Spiritually in today?

The "State " Spiritually I believe America is in is a DIS-EASED State and this didn't come about over night. In fact, this has happened many times in the past to many nations with England and Germany probably being the most recent in history before America. Going back way before these countries existed we can see in the Scriptures, the Old Testament, how that happened to Israel. Israel started out with the blessings of the Creator, JEHOVAH, but ended up in captivity to ruthless nations such as Assyria and Babylon.

I don't know how much Bible history everyone reading this letter today has but, if you are not familiar with the Scriptures then it is time for you to read what happened to Israel. After being a blessed nation and experiencing peace with all their enemies they ended up being slaves! Why did this happen? If you are not familiar with what took place in the lives of the children of Israel; it is time for you "to look again" into the reasons why this happened to Israel and the similarities in what is happening to America today and understand how God has worked in the affairs of mankind throughout the history of the world.



God Bless!

Bishop Grenon's Latest Update

April 7th, 2023

April 6, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends of God and Fellow Saints,

Here is the latest Newsletter from Bishop Grenon. I know it’s going to bless you and stir up your inner spirit.

Remember that Bishop Grenon will be online with us this coming Sunday @ 12:00 Noon Central Time.  Here is the Zoom invitation to join in with us.


Why is America in the State it is in Spiritually Today? - Part 5 - From Mark Grenon

I have been answering the question the past few weeks, Why is America in the State it is in Spiritually in today?

The "State " Spiritually I believe America is in is a DIS-EASED State and this didn't come about over night. In fact, this has happened many times in the past to many nations with England and Germany probably being the most recent in history before America. Going back way before these countries existed we can see in the Scriptures, the Old Testament, how that happened to Israel. Israel started out with the blessings of the Creator, JEHOVAH, but ended up in captivity to ruthless nations such as Assyria and Babylon.

I don't know how much Bible history everyone reading this letter today has but, if you are not familiar with the Scriptures then it is time for you to read what happened to Israel. After being a blessed nation and experiencing peace with all their enemies they ended up being slaves! Why did this happen? If you are not familiar with what took place in the lives of the children of Israel; it is time for you "to look again" into the reasons why this happened to Israel and the similarities in what is happening to America today and understand how God has worked in the affairs of mankind throughout the history of the world.



God Bless!

Bishop Grenon's Latest Update

April 7th, 2023

April 6, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends of God and Fellow Saints,

Here is the latest Newsletter from Bishop Grenon. I know it’s going to bless you and stir up your inner spirit.

Remember that Bishop Grenon will be online with us this coming Sunday @ 12:00 Noon Central Time.  Here is the Zoom invitation to join in with us.


Why is America in the State it is in Spiritually Today? - Part 5 - From Mark Grenon

I have been answering the question the past few weeks, Why is America in the State it is in Spiritually in today?

The "State " Spiritually I believe America is in is a DIS-EASED State and this didn't come about over night. In fact, this has happened many times in the past to many nations with England and Germany probably being the most recent in history before America. Going back way before these countries existed we can see in the Scriptures, the Old Testament, how that happened to Israel. Israel started out with the blessings of the Creator, JEHOVAH, but ended up in captivity to ruthless nations such as Assyria and Babylon.

I don't know how much Bible history everyone reading this letter today has but, if you are not familiar with the Scriptures then it is time for you to read what happened to Israel. After being a blessed nation and experiencing peace with all their enemies they ended up being slaves! Why did this happen? If you are not familiar with what took place in the lives of the children of Israel; it is time for you "to look again" into the reasons why this happened to Israel and the similarities in what is happening to America today and understand how God has worked in the affairs of mankind throughout the history of the world.



God Bless!

Important Message from Bishop Grenon

April 5th, 2023

Bishop Grenon visited our Zoom Meeting yesterday.  He is requesting those of you who's lives have been saved and or, saved by use of chlorine dioxide/MMS to please consider sending in signed affidavits to support his case.  If I have your email, you should be receiving the specifics in your emails soon.  

Here is a link to listen to yesterday's segment.

God Bless!

Please Stop what you're doing a say a quick Prayer for Mark, his sons and his entire family!

April 3rd, 2023

Then expect and mighty move of the hand of God!

Proverbs 8:34

Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

Important Bishop Grenon Newsletter

March 30th, 2023

Greetings Dear Friend and Fellow Saints of God,

Attached below is Bishop Grenon’s most recently newsletter. I spoke to Brother Grenon today. It’s coming up on 1000 days that he and his sons have had their freedom of movement stolen. Please continue to pray for the Grenon family who have been kidnapped and separated from their loved ones. We really need your prayers and financial support today. Mark and his sons need $800 deposited into their prison commissary account before April 7th, 2023 in order to not rely on heavily processed foods. I pray and believe that God will meet this pressing financial need.

Here is Brother Mark’s newsletter:
Why is America in the STATE that it is in today? - Part 4
God is called the "Alpha and the Omega" in the Scriptures. "Alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and "Omega" is the last letter. The first time this phrase is mentioned in the Bible it is in the book of the Revelation 1:8, but the concept is found in the first book and chapter of the Bible, Genesis 1:1 where it states, "In the beginning God". The Lord or God "was and is" the beginning of ALL things and the last book of Revelation and the last Chapter also, " I am the Alpha and the Omega", Rev. 22? where He is the "end of all and His purpose fulfilled!
I want to write today about the importance of understanding this phrase the "Alpha and Omega" and how it applies to our lives and our nation and yes; the world as a whole for that matter. The reason why the first letter of the Greek alphabet is used is significant. What the Lord is showing us is that He is the "Reason" or the beginning of ALL THINGS THAT EXIST! Colossians 1;17 puts it this way, " And He is before ALL things and by Him ALL things consist". (all caps emphasis mine throughout this letter)
Many people throughout the history of this world have tried to "reason" Him out of being the Reason that all things consist by declaring that creation came about without a creator which is logically absurd. To have a design there must be a Designer and there is plenty of design in this creation and complexity that boggles the mind, even down to quantum physics (the smallest objects of the universe) you will see amazing complexity. I am not going to address creation in this newsletter today. I want to focus the message of this weeks newsletter on God being the "Beginning" and the "End" of all things.

CLICK HERE To read the rest of Bishop Grenon’s Newsletter
Or, Copy and paste this link:


March 28th, 2023

NOTICE: There is a new link for The Daily Prayer Group.
Join us today with Bishop Grenon.
Here is the link and/or phone numbers to call in
Topic: Daily Prayer Meeting - For the Grenon Family
Time: Mar 28, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
        Every day, until May 25, 2023, 59 occurrence(s)
        Mar 28, 2023 12:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 1393 2019
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,89813932019# US (Houston)
+12532158782,,89813932019# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 669 444 9171 US
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 719 359 4580 US
        +1 253 205 0468 US
        +1 309 205 3325 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 360 209 5623 US
        +1 386 347 5053 US
        +1 507 473 4847 US
        +1 564 217 2000 US
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 646 931 3860 US
        +1 689 278 1000 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 305 224 1968 US
Meeting ID: 898 1393 2019
Find your local number:

IMPORTANT Prayer Meeting Link Change

March 28th, 2023

The Zoom Link for our daily prayer group has changed.  The old link has expired.  Here is the new link.

Bishop Grenon was on today (Monday 3/27/23)  He will also, be on again tomorrow Tuesday 3/28/23.  All are welcome to join us.  We start each day at 12:00 Noon Central Time.   We are usually online for no more than 5 to fifteen minutes.  Remember that you must download the zoom application beforehand.

James 5:13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Important Letter from Bishop Grenon

March 18th, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends and Fellow Believers of Righteousness,

I hope all is well with you. Here is the most recent letter from Bishop Grenon. I know that it’s going to bless you! Brother Grenon is going to attend our daily Zoom meeting Sunday March 19th, tomorrow at 12:00 Noon Central. You are welcome to join us. Here is the Zoom invitation link. Remember, you must install the zoom platform on your device before using it.

God Bless the Grenon Family!

=================                       ====================            =====================

The Reason Why America, the U.S.A. is in a DIS-EASED State Today Part II

Before America, the U.S.A, existed there was a people seeking and serving God and in England called the Pilgrims. They wanted to live free and have the liberty to serve God and teach His Word as it was written. They decided to leave England and go to America, a new continent and establish a nation that was based on the Word of God. Last week, I mentioned the declaration they wrote called the "Mayflower Compact". They pledged as a small group to glorify God in their lives in this newly established nation and to proclaim the Christian faith or the Gospel, the "Good News". This was in 1620 over 400 years ago now! They experienced many hardships in those early days at the Plymouth Plantation in Massachusetts. Many died due to the lack of food and exposure to the harsh winter. We celebrate "Thanksgiving" in remembrance of their sacrifices that first winter and their gratitude to God for blessing their faith. I remember as a young child in the 2nd grade visiting the Plymouth Plantation in Massachusetts and seeing how they lived. It amazed me to see the reproduction of the village and how little they had as well as how hard life was for them. As a 7-year-old, I had a nice warm house to live in, lights, plenty of food and many comforts that they couldn't even dream of then! Every day was hard for them but they were thankful to God for this new land and, to live FREE!

Today as a 65-year-old man sitting in a jail cell writing this newsletter I can relate much more to having lost a lot to live for the Lord and still be thankful to Him for the blessings He gives each day. I am NOT comparing myself to how they lived though. Even in jail, I have 3 meals a day, lights, a bathroom and hot shower, clothes and some comforts that they didn't have then even though it is nothing compared to those that are on "the outside" free. My three sons and I that are with me here cannot be with our families and hug and kiss them, enjoy a "good" meal with them and be free to come and go as we please each day. It will be 1,000 days at the end of next month that we have been "kidnapped and held hostage" by a corrupt Department of "Justice" and the Bureau of Prisons for only doing what the Lord had told us to do by following His Commandment to "Love thy neighbor as thyself". What happened to the "Freedom" that those early Pilgrims established in America? I guess I am saying that I can "empathize" more today with the Pilgrims then when I was 7 years old.

CLICK HERE TO READ ENTIRE LETTER or, Copy and paste this link:

Bishop Grenon visits our prayer meeting - Link provided below

March 15th, 2023

Dear Friend,

It was a real blessing to have Mark on the line with us yesterday. He thanks each of you for your continued prayers and support. If you missed yesterday’s prayer group segment, here is the link:

We meet every day at 12:00 Noon Central Time to pray for the Grenon Family. We are only on for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time so, please be prompt. Here is the link:

Bishop Grenon will visit Zoom shortly 12:00 Noon Central

March 13th, 2023

Join us today at 12:00 Noon Central time.  Bishop Grenon will visit our daily zoom prayer meeting.  Here is the link to join in.

Bishop Grenon visiting our Zoom Call tomorrow Sunday 3/12/2023

March 11th, 2023

We meet daily at 12:00 Noon Central Time to pray for Bishop, his sons, and his entire family.  He normally joins our meetings each Tuesday.  Tomorrow he is going to make a special appearance and join us.  You are invited to join in as well.  Here is the zoom Link.

God Bless!

Bishop Grenon visits our daily prayer group.

March 9th, 2023

We meet daily at 12:00 Noon Central Time to pray for the Grenon family and to pray for one another.  Pleas join us and pray.  Here is the invitation link:

On Tuesdays Brother Mark Grenon visits our prayer group.  Hiere is our Tuesday's meeting:

Bishop Mark Grenon will be on Zoom today at 12:00 Noon Central

March 7th, 2023

We meet daily at 12 NOON Central Time on the Zoom platform to pray for the Grenon Family and to pray for one another.   On Tuesdays Brother Grenon visits our zoom call to share and/or, as he did last week, answer questions.  All are welcome to attend.  Here is the Zoom Invitation Link.

Remember, you must download the zoom platform application in order to participate.

God Bless! 

Bishop Grenon's Newsletter

March 4th, 2023

Greetings Dear Friends and Fellow workers of righteousness,

Here is Bishop Grenon’s most recent newsletter. I know it’s going to bless you!

March 3, 2023

How God Eliminates DIS-EASE Part 3

Being held now for 965 days and still "relatively healthy" is first due to the blessings of God and secondly because of others things we are doing physically. Daniel and his three Hebrew countrymen taken captive to Babylon did not eat what they were given. In Daniel Chapter 1 verse 8 "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the kings meat, nor with the wine which he drank". In verse 1:15 It states, "and at the end of 10 days there countenance appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the kings meat". Back in Daniels time there were no "processed foods" or chemicals etc.... all foods were organic and natural as a whole. My sons and I try to only eat the "real foods". This is why we "have to buy" each month from the jail store, the commissary. We buy the olive oil, the honey, the nuts and raisins, granola cereal, the fish(that are packaged but has proteins and fats), the hot sauces such as jalapenos and chilis which help the intestines and the blood and some of the packaged sausages for the extra proteins also.

The rest of the "foods" are highly processed, sugary and not very nutritious. We do buy some of the salted chips and popcorns for the salt, which we don't get much of here. We also make things that help our digestive enzymes and bacteries work better.

What are the things that are keeping us alive and getting us stronger?

We are working out, doing a lot of calisthenics and sweating. But without proteins it is more difficult to build muscle tissue. I initially lost 22 pounds the first month after being kidnapped in Colombia. I then started eating as many proteins as I could in Colombia and exercising which brought back the weight and muscle. I arrived in the U.S. of August of 2022, 2 years after my sons Jonathan and Jordan were arrested in Florida. When I arrived I was skinny again due to lack of nutrition and exercise. Joseph was brought to the United States 8 months before me and I had lost my desire to exercise and eat as well as I was before. Joseph was arrested the same day I was in August of 2020 so why was he taken 8 months before me? The reason is the so called "Department of Justice" didn't want us to have a speedy and fair trial. In fact the indictment did not exist until 9 months after being arrested and Joe and I did not receive it until we arrived in the United States years later. We are being denied our God-given rights guaranteed by the Bible and the U.S Constitution and this has to be stopped. We have had many more "due process" violations committed against us and this is why we are petitioning the Supreme Court for a hearing soon. Pray that the petition is accepted. We no longer live in a Constitutional Republic folks.

Getting back to our health in jail, Jonathan and I are working out 6 times a week and I am now getting stronger again. Another thing we do is fast one day a week to maintain spiritual and physical strength. Fasting is noticed by the LORD if it is done for the right reason. Read Isaiah 58 and you will see the right way to fast and the wrong way or reason to fast. In chapter 58 the people were complaining that the LORD wasn't listening to them and He responded by telling them they were fasting for the wrong reasons. It was for selfish reasons and to show their self-righteousness and not for justice and to help others. So that type of fast wasn't acceptable to the LORD. The fast that God wants is one that is from the heart and to help others and not to show others your "sacrifice". Jesus mentioned this also in Matthew 6:16-18, "More over when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward." (That was a bad fast). (Here is the right type of fast) "But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash they face; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret, shall reward the openly." Also in Isaiah 58 a good and correct fast will result in the following to others and yourself:

1. "Loose the bands of wickedness"

2. "Undo the heavy burdens"

3. "Let the oppressed go free"

4. "Break every yoke"

5. "Deal thy bread to the hungry"

6. "Bring the poor (homeless) to your house"

7. "Clothe the naked"

8. "Help your own family"

If the motivation of your fast is to help others and break the spiritual oppression in their lives and physically benefit others and your families, then you are fasting correctly in Gods eyes. This is what we are asking God to do when we are fasting each week; help us to help others here while imprisoned. We are also asking the LORD to release us so that we can continue to love and help "Our neighbors" throughout this world by what we were doing in the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. With that attitude the LORD promises the following results:

1. "Light" will break forth as the morning. Wisdom and Spiritual illumination to guide you.

2. "Health will be restored". I have seen this is my own life and many others I know that fast. Fasting cleanses and detoxes the body!

3. Your righteousness will be seen of many.

4. The Glory of God will be with you and Shine through you.

5. God will not only hear your prayers but answer them and be with you in a very real way! You will feel His presence and His voice speaking to you. Note: When God answers prayer it is not always YES, it can be NO or WAIT, but He will answer.

6. You will look at others differently and care for them.

7. You will think about the condition of the souls of others, spiritually and physically and by doing so your "Light" will shine as the noonday!

8. The LORD will guide you.

9. He will satisfy you.

10. Your bones will be strengthened. I.E. Health.

11. You will be like a "watered garden". See Psalm 1

12. You will "build up" things that were torn apart.

13. You will be blessed as well as your children and be known as a building up of good things and not a destroyer.

My friends, we as believers need to fast correctly, if we do the LORD will blessed and guide us and we will be able to help many. We have seen the LORD do this to us here while being held captive, help our families as well as sharing the Truth with many on the outside. We know the LORD is going to "set us free" and when He does, we will be able to help many others again worldwide spiritually and physically! Please pray for us and fast for us. We have seen fasting help us physically/Spiritually as well as I know will help you also in those areas. Please share our story with many.

The documentaries explain a lot of our story and why we are being so strongly persecuted.

* Our first documentary was republished by G. Edwin Griffin at under the title "Chlorine Dioxide, The Universal Remedy that Drug Companies Hate."

*See also

*My books that tell the story of the Genesis II Church in detail are found at and search for "Imagine a World Without DIS-EASE Volumes 1-3" by Mark S. Grenon

* eBooks are found at

* If you can help us with finances please pray what the LORD would have you do before donating at:

May the LORD bless and guide us all.

mark grenon

Proverbs 3:5-6


CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE - Is It Possible? Volume One

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE - The Genesis of the G2Church Volume Two

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book A World Without DIS-EASE - The Persecution Is Increasing But So Are The Blessings!

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Spanish Version Imagina, un mundo sin MAL-ESTAR: ¿es posible?

Mark S. Grenon

Bishop Grenon

March 4th, 2023

Bishop Grenon's Recent Interview with Bob the Plumber

February 27th, 2023

Great Interview!  I never knew that while kidnapped in Columbian prison Mark was allowed to give away the very thing that he was supposedly being held for.

Anyway, listen and be made aware of the stand for God and all mankind being made by four men and their families.


Bishop Grenon Newsletter

February 25th, 2023

February 25th, 2023

Bishop Grenon’s Latest Newsletter

How God eliminates DIS-EASE in our bodies/temples part II

The way to eliminate the body from being in a DIS-EASED STATE is to stop it before it comes to that point. I heard an illustration that sums this up perfectly. "How can we throw a forest?" Can any of us walk up to a forest and throw it? Of course not! You need heavy equipment to move a forest. But I can take a bag of seeds that can grow a forest and throw that. Why? Because the seeds have not been planted and taken root even though they have the potential of growing a full forest. So to stop the body from being in a DIS-EASED STATE you have to stop the pathogens before they take root and do damage.

Last week I talked about why I ate the way I did to keep my body/temple DIS-EASE free. This week I want to tell everyone what I am FORCED to eat while I have been detained for over 940+ days! If we don't eat what they give us, we will literally starve. Not only are we FORCED to eat highly processed foods but we are also being threated to be put in the "SHU" or "Special Housing Unit" for one to two months if I do not allow them to take my DNA, do a TB test and a COVID test. The TB test is literally putting tuberculosis under my skin to see if it produces a reaction. We don't even know what is in each COVID test. And why are they taking my DNA? To be stored? To be planted somewhere? Only God knows. Is this Nazi Germany?

Let me tell you what we eat. First of all, everything that is given to us is highly processed. I hardly ever ate processed foods since I started "Paying attention" to what entered my body back in 2009 which lead to amazing health and never being sick in other words a DIS-EASE free state. Everything is canned or packaged which means there are a lot of preservatives in the highly processed foods as well as artificial flavors. Also I ate organic foods and now these "foods" are grown with pesticides, herbicides, and probably genetically modified which are highly toxic to my body/temple. If a test was done on these foods, I am very sure that "glyphosate" the main ingredient of Round Up used in industrial farming would be found. Glyphosate is a very toxic substance that causes havoc in the systems of our bodies hence: DIS-EASE STATE.

There is not much fat or proteins in this diet which is essential to good overall health and production of stem cells where amino acids are needed. The majority of my diet now is 80% carbohydrates. The salt that is added to the food is very minimum and the salt that is given in packets are highly processed salts. 22% of your bones are made of salt and the cells of your body cannot retain water without salt. Is that why I broke my arm when I fell playing volley ball? I only ate natural sea salts or Himalayan salts before my kidnapping. The milk that is given to us is pasteurized and homogenized which in itself is poisonous to the digestive tract and lacks natural bacteria, vitamins and mineral. The pasteurization process heats the milk and kills all the beneficial bacteria needed to maintain a good flora in the gut. It is also homogenized which takes out the fat also needed for the health of the heart, skin and other body functions.

(See my book "Imagine a World Without DIS-EASE" for more information)

The eggs we seldom eat are raised industrially and only God knows what the chickens ate and how much hormones were pumped into them. We also eat those chickens once in awhile. The water we that we drink freely is highly chlorinated. Chlorination has been proven to be carcinogenic, cancer causing. Also I believe, and am sure can be proven that, the water is fluorinated also. The Nazi's used fluoride in the concentration camps during the second world war to make the prisoners docile. The only way we can clean our teeth is with highly fluoridated toothpaste. We don't have baking soda available here. I used Chlorine Dioxide all the time to keep my teeth and mouth pathogens free before being kidnapped. I've seen that the health of my mouth and teeth suffer these passed 2 years also. I've had 3 teeth fall apart. My digestion is totally different now then it was due to the "foods" and chemicals I am forced to consume. I also have a lot of constant gas from putrefying foods due to lack of stomach acid and good flora growth.

All the shampoos and soaps are full of chemicals that I never used before being kidnapped. In my books I explain that 80% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your body, in other words if you wont put it in your mouth don't put it on your skin. In my home I bathed 3-5 times a week in Chlorine Dioxide or Calcium Hypochlorite which the results were amazing. I used to use Dr. Bonner's natural shampoos and soaps as well as toothpastes. I even had a bamboo toothbrush with boars hair bristles. Now I only have a highly processed plastic toothbrush. When I was out free my skin and hair were in wonderful condition. Now my skin is very dry, i have dandruff, and my hair is falling out. I cant get the foods I had on the outside now which is directly contributing to my lack of health. Remember, we are only being "held" or like I like to say "silenced" and are going through this unjustly without any trial, victims, intent to harm anyone, bail, and lack of due process because our God-given rights, which are recognized by the constitution, are being denied us. Why couldn't the DOJ let me be at home with an ankle monitor so I could continue practicing the health protocols I mentioned in my books. Why? The only reason is that they want to punish us because it makes no sense what they are doing to us. What does make sense is, and we CAN and WILL prove one day, the DOJ and the FDA are directly working with the pharmaceutical companies to deprive us of our freedom of speech and freedom of religion and its practices.

What is happening to us is a crime against humanity to say the least and it is happening worldwide to many that expose the truth. My sons Jonathan and Jordan have not been out in the sun for more than 2 years. All living things on earth NEED THE SUN! Mankind needs it to produce vitamin D3 which the body uses in its immune system. The microphages in the body are activated in the body by vitamin D3 which cleanses the body. We do not have that opportunity now. Also those that are Jewish or Muslim here have a special "cleaner" diet supplied for them but we are forced to eat the "junk food" they feed us. Why is that? We have a religious/spiritual reason to eat the way we did to keep our bodies/temples clean but it falls on deaf ears here. We have no health rights here. We have had reporters that have wanted to come and interview us and we have been denied that by the warden. We are being treated as "guilty" before we even had a trial. Our accusers have never confronted us (If there are any). Aren't we as Americans in "the land of the free and the home of the brave suppose to be innocent until PROVEN GUILTY?. Every 2 weeks we have the "privilege" to buy "foods" from the commissary where we can get some halfway decent foods but it costs us 800 dollars a month for all four of us.

Next week I will get into what we can buy and what we are doing to keep ourselves healthy.

Please Pray for us.

We are now preparing a petition to the Supreme Court requesting a hearing to tell our story.

Pray our Petition is granted.

Many ask what they can do to help us, First of all educate yourself about why this has even happened to us by watching the following videos and reading my books that tell the story in detail.

Get my books at :


CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE - Is It Possible? Volume One

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE - The Genesis of the G2Church Volume Two

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book A World Without DIS-EASE - The Persecution Is Increasing But So Are The Blessings!

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Spanish Version Imagina, un mundo sin MAL-ESTAR: ¿es posible?

Mark S. Grenon

Watch at search for: "Chlorine Dioxide, The Universal Remedy that Drug Companies Hate" republished for us by G. Edward Griffin


You can also donate to our families, that also helps us here to purchase some good foods at:

God bless you all.


Proverbs 3:5-6

You are invited to join us anytime on zoom as we meet daily to pray for Mark Grenon, his sons and his entire family. We meet at 12:00 Noon Central for approximately 10 minutes. Here is the invitation link:

Pray for the Grenon family!

February 24th, 2023

Pray for the Grenon family and feel free to join our daily zoom prayer for the Grenon Family. We meet from 12:00 Noon Central. We are only on for about 10 minutes. On Tuesdays we are joined by Bishop Grenon.

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Please join with Seven X Seven

February 21st, 2023

Will you help the Grenon family by joining in with the Seven X Seven donation group?

God Bless!

Bishop Grenon visits our Zoom prayer meeting tomorrow

February 21st, 2023

Bishop Grenon is going to attend our zoom prayer meetings on Tuesdays at 12:00 Noon Central time.   Please join the daily  Prayer for the Grenon family.   We are only online for approximately 10 minutes daily.  Here's  the  link:

Join with the Seven X Seven to Help the Grenon Family!

February 17th, 2023

Your voice is heard even in Europe. We want to reach out and help you, (but do not thank us, "all the glory goes to God").

We could send you a one-time donation, but we have a better plan, which we hope will get many more people engaged,

and hopefully results in a larger amount, and hopefully gives a clear signal to the corrupt systems

that you are not alone, but a growing group of people all over the globe is standing behind you.

I got a dream / idea / (message from above?) this week, which was fine-tuned last night.

Our plan is to send you 7x7 donations, spread over 7 weeks, as follows:

1. Monday: 14$,

2. Tuesday: 17$,

3. Wednesday: 41$,

4. Thursday: 47$,

5. Friday: 71$,

6. Saturday: 74$,

7. Sunday: 147$,

The numbers 1,4,7 are intentionally chosen, because I get a lot of signs "from above" involving these numbers.

In fact, the trigger for this idea was the amount of 14.070$ on your donation account, which I saw a few days ago.

Also the fact that these are not round numbers may help to draw attention when visitors to the website see

a large group of people donating 14$ on Mondays, and a large group of people donating 17$ on Tuesdays.

Here is the plan:

We want to remain anonymous, but at the same time, we want to reach as many people to cooperate as possible.

We need your cooperation to draw attention to this "action".

We propose the following: would you be willing to send a weekly letter or email to your audience,

telling them that a "mystery person from Europe" has contacted you, and will start a series of 7x7 donations, starting Febr 6th.

During 7 weeks, this mystery person will donate 14$ on each Monday, and will post an inspiring text to motivate more people to participate.

The idea is that many other people who are willing and capable of donating 14$, join.

Each Tuesday, this mystery person will donate 17$, and will again post an inspiring text to motivate other people to participate.

Each Wednesday, this mystery person will donate 41$, with an inspiring text.

Each Thursday: this mystery person will donate 47$, with an inspiring text.

Each Friday: this mystery person will donate 71$, with an inspiring text.

Each Saturday: this mystery person will donate 74$, with an inspiring text.

Each Sunday: this mystery person will donate 147$, with an inspiring text.

Our dream is that, by week 7, this movement has drawn so much attention and gained so much momentum

that at least 10 other people also donate 14$ on Monday of week 7,

and at least 10 other people also donate 17$ on Tuesday of week 7, ...,

and at least 10 other people also donate 147$ on Sunday of week 7.

Of course, we pray that far more than 70 people get involved.

We firmly believe that God is moving, that God will bring Justice, and we want to do our part to help Him.

Glory to God!

February 15th, 2023

I talked to Bishop Grenon.  Another man was delivered and washed by the blood of the Lamb.  God continues to show his power and do the miraculous within the prison.

Watch and pray!

Thank God for the seven x seven donations!

February 8th, 2023

Please consider joining in by donating one of the following amounts on the designated day. I thank God for the generosity that’s being show by so many of God’s people. We are still needing to raise $1000 for Brother Grenon’s appeal filings.

TO READ THE ENTIRE 7x7 DONATION PLANS copy/paste this link

Praise God!!! Daily Prayer For the Grenon Family growing Global!

February 5th, 2023

You are encouraged to join our daily Zoom Prayer Meeting for the Grenon Family.  We come on each day at 12:00 Noon Central Time.  We are only online for about 10 minutes so, you must be prompt.

I recently changed the meeting invitation in order to include growing global participation.  The new Zoom link is as follows:

Please participate in our 7X7 Grenon Family Donation Campaign!

February 5th, 2023


Dear Dick,

Your voice is heard even in Europe. We want to reach out and help you, (but do not thank us, "all the glory goes to God").

We could send you a one-time donation, but we have a better plan, which we hope will get many more people engaged,

and hopefully results in a larger amount, and hopefully gives a clear signal to the corrupt systems

that you are not alone, but a growing group of people all over the globe is standing behind you.

I got a dream / idea / (message from above?) this week, which was fine-tuned last night.

Our plan is to send you 7x7 donations, spread over 7 weeks, as follows:

Monday: 14$,

Tuesday: 17$,

Wednesday: 41$,

Thursday: 47$,

Friday: 71$,

Saturday: 74$,

Sunday: 147$,

The numbers 1,4,7 are intentionally chosen, because I get a lot of signs "from above" involving these numbers.

In fact, the trigger for this idea was the amount of 14.070$ on your donation account, which I saw a few days ago.

Also the fact that these are not round numbers may help to draw attention when visitors to the website see

a large group of people donating 14$ on Mondays, and a large group of people donating 17$ on Tuesdays.

Here is the plan:

We want to remain anonymous, but at the same time, we want to reach as many people to cooperate as possible.

We need your cooperation to draw attention to this "action".

We propose the following: would you be willing to send a weekly letter or email to your audience,

telling them that a "mystery person from Europe" has contacted you, and will start a series of 7x7 donations, starting Febr 6th.

During 7 weeks, this mystery person will donate 14$ on each Monday, and will post an inspiring text to motivate more people to participate.

The idea is that many other people who are willing and capable of donating 14$, join.

Each Tuesday, this mystery person will donate 17$, and will again post an inspiring text to motivate other people to participate.

Each Wednesday, this mystery person will donate 41$, with an inspiring text.

Each Thursday: this mystery person will donate 47$, with an inspiring text.

Each Friday: this mystery person will donate 71$, with an inspiring text.

Each Saturday: this mystery person will donate 74$, with an inspiring text.

Each Sunday: this mystery person will donate 147$, with an inspiring text.

Our dream is that, by week 7, this movement has drawn so much attention and gained so much momentum

that at least 10 other people also donate 14$ on Monday of week 7,

and at least 10 other people also donate 17$ on Tuesday of week 7, ...,

and at least 10 other people also donate 147$ on Sunday of week 7.

Of course, we pray that far more than 70 people get involved.

We firmly believe that God is moving, that God will bring Justice, and we want to do our part to help Him.

Please let us know how this feels, and if you are willing to cooperate.

And of course, we are open to suggestions / improvements.

best regards,

Bishop Grenon visited our Zoom daily prayer group today!

February 3rd, 2023

We were blessed to have Bishop Grenon visit our Zoom daily prayer group today. His visit was a great blessing! Mark spoke about the necessity of possessing that which one is striving for. He spoke about the power of living in a perfect and complete state of mind.


Copy and paste the following link to listen:

Please consider helping the Grenon family!


We meet daily @ 12:00 Noon Central.  Be prompt because we are only online for 5 to 10 minutes.

God Bless!

Bishop Grenon to visit our daily Zoom Prayer Meeting on Thursday

February 2nd, 2023

I just talked to Brother Grenon.  He's going to try and call into our daily Zoom group prayer meeting tomorrow Thursday 2/2/2023.  We start promptly at 12:00 Noon Central Time and stay on for only 5 to 10 minutes.

You are invited to join in.  Here is the invitation link

You will need to download the zoom software applicable for your device. It's easy to do.  Here is a link

God is on his throne! God answers prayer! When we come together and pray, great things happen!

Bishop Grenon Update Letter

February 1st, 2023

I wanted to make a quick observation/comment, in reference to the attached Letter below that Brother Mark sent out today. 

This is really good news! By standing as men created by God, and by refusing to contract with these dead corporations, Bishop Grenon and his sons are causing them to admit their lack of jurisdiction over living men and women who are due God's inheritance on this earth.  I really love and consider it to be a great honor to be a part of this epic global victory that God is bringing about! 

LOve and Blessings!  -- Brother DC Green

Here's Bishop Grenon's Letter..........

Hey everyone,

I want to update everyone on the latest information about the Grenon's case. After 935 days being held in a Federal jail in Miami, we were denied by the Southern District of Florida Court our Habeas Corpus and the discharge of our case by Judge Cecelia Altonaga after it was sent to her from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, Georgia.

Yesterday, my three sons and I were called in for a hearing with the same judge. Joseph and I had told the court we were not the ALL CAPS name but living men created by God. After Joe and I denied again to have an attorney we told the court as men we speak for ourselves. I told the judge my sons and I wish to have our case discharged and our bodies released. She would not answer me! I then said, let the record reflect the judge did not respond. Jonathan then asked the judge to discharge the case also and the judge did not respond either. Then he told the judge that we are petitioning the Supreme Court for a hearing about our case. Then Jordan raised his hand to speak and the judge allowed him to speak. He quoted a Supreme Court ruling, Self v. Rhey that basically says that "Common law is the law of the land and codes, rules, regulations, policies and statutes are not". Remember we are being accused of violating a FDA code, NOT a law. See 1st Amendment.

Then Jordan read another Supreme Court ruling stating that, " All codes, rules, and regulations are only for Government not humans created in accordance with God's laws. All code, rules and regulations are unconstitutional and lacks due process. Rodriquez v. Ray Donovan. He also mentioned Cruden v. Neale which says" Everyman is independent of all the laws except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent." Jordan read that the Supreme Court warned that many citizens because what appears to be lawful like statutory rules, regulations, codes and ordinances are cunningly coerced into waving their rights due to ignorance on real law. United States v. Minker.

After he read those cases, he asked the judge if he could see her "oath of Office". She would not answer him. He said let the record reflect that the judge refused to answer. Then he asked the prosecutors if they had a license to practice law. They also did not answer. He then said that he did not consent to these proceedings. Jordan read Psalm 119:161-168. The judge then wanted to immediately adjourn the court. And the judge, prosecutors, U.S. Marshals and stand-by attorneys were standing to leave when Joseph spoke up to speak they all sat down.

Joseph told the judge that he wanted our case discharged also. The judge did not answer him that question either. Joseph said let the record reflect the judge did not answer him also. He then asked the judge if she believed that the Holy Scriptures are true and the basis of Natural Law. She did not respond to his questions but just looked at him. Joseph then said that as a living man he is commanded to go into all the world and preach the Gospel and heal the sick. He said that he believed that our Church, Our beliefs and Creed were being attacked and his God-given unalienable rights were being violated. He then told the court our Church's Creed which is:

1. Do Good Deeds, 2. Do What Is Right, 3. Good Health To All Mankind, 4. Freedom For All Mankind, 5. Enlightening Others With Truth, 6. Helping One Another, 7. Maintain Integrity In All Things.

He then read Matthew 22:37-40 which basically says to love God with all one's heart, soul,mind and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves. That is what we are being stopped to do worldwide. He ended with saying that he prays that all those that are present will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and have Eternal Life with our Creator.

Jonathan then raised his hand and said I have something to say to the court also. Isn't it amazing how when Light and Truth is spoken that darkness wants to flee! He said, what do the Biblical and Historical people have in common like Goliath, Haman, Pharaoh, Herod, the Pharisees, the Romans, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Fidel Castro and the Dictator of Romania Nicolae Ceausescu? I believe they are all bullies. A "Bully" is one who is habitually cruel, insulting or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller or in some way vulnerable. He said that in the Bible you will read that bullies do not have the final say and their end is a sure thing. He gave examples of Goliath's end, king Herod dying instantly and being eating up by worms in front of the people. The Roman Empire, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and finally the Romanian Dictator that 100s of thousands of people stood against in 1989 after he attacked Pastor Lazlo Tokes for preaching God's Word! Pastor Tokes quoted to his people what Martin Luther said, " Here I stand, I can do nothing else, if I die, then I die". Many came to protect the pastor and it grew to almost one million people! Soon there after the dictator was convicted and executed.

Jonathan said that by the pastor dying to himself he changed the country but the dictator who lived for himself was swept into the dustbin of history! He told the judge that he believed the Scripture that says in Galatians 6:9, that a man sows what he reaps! He then read Psalm 94:20-23 that basically says that the wicked who fight against the righteous will be dealt with by God Himself. The courtroom was silent as he recalled how Elijah stood against the prophets of baal and said, If baal be god serve him but if the Lord be God serve Him, choose today. Jonathan then shared with all those there John 3:16-21, how that God's Son gave Himself for the world and Light has come and men love the darkness rather then the Light.

After Jonathan spoke I had something to say as well. I told the court how that I believe we have been falsely accused and in Deuteronomy 19:15-21 the Bible shows us how an accusation should be dealt with and how the accuser needs to be brought forth to settle the controversy. If the accuser is found to be a false witness then the things the false accuser wanted to happen to his brother will be judged against him after the judge makes a diligent inquisition. There should be no pity upon a false accuser. Then I read in Ezra 7:25-26 how that judges and magistrates are suppose to judge according to God's Laws whoever will not adhere to God's Law will have a " judgement executed upon that man or woman speedily unto death, banishment, confiscation of goods or to imprisonment". I ended how that I believe that all that occurred here today is recorded in the Throne Room of Heaven in the presence of the Judge of All, and one day all will give an account to The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords, Jesus:The Christ. May God's Judgment and Truth prevail. Thank you. The judge then dismissed us all.

The Lord was in that meeting yesterday by His Spirit that all could feel. Pray for us. We are now preparing the petition to the Supreme Court for a hearing of our case. Pray that this petition is accepted. We need $3500 dollars to prepare and submit this petition. This is crucial to our case to have our case heard before the Supreme Court. If accepted and we win a decision in our favor, it will set a precedent for many others to refer to in the future for their defense. So that they will not be abused and persecuted unlawfully as we are being persecuted.

If you would like to help please donate at:

If you want to talk to the man that is helping us with our donation site, prayer group, and relaying messages to me: Please call Dick at: 1-936-727-4984

Also here is the recent interview that Jonathan and I did:

May the Lord Guide us all to stand for the Truth.


Proverbs 3:5-6

Recent Letter from Bishop Grenon's wife

January 31st, 2023

To all who have been helping the Grenons,

         Giving thanks is the next best thing to telling others about the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did for us. All of you and many more that may not get this letter deserve many thanks from all of us who have received help in these past 2.5 years. God has used you all to help the wives, children and grandchildren who have been affected by the arrests of Mark, Jonathan, Joseph and Jordan Grenon. It has been hard for all of us physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially. Physically because we are working harder-even some working 2 jobs; Spiritually sometimes because we all trust God but many times it is hard to believe that He will get them out soon; emotionally because they are not here -for example Jon and Joe have never touched or seen their new babies born over 2 years ago when they first got arrested; and financially which is where you all come in. Many of you I do not even know- probably most- but please we want you to know how blessed we are that God has put you in our lives and we are very thankful for that. Please conitnue to pray for their release. Waiting is one of the hardest test to puts us through (I believe) probably because that is how God has helped me to grow in Him. Truly you will be blessed also for helping in many ways. Always praying From all the Grenon Family

Bob The Plumber with Bishop Grenon and Jonathan

January 31st, 2023

Here is the link to a recent segment where Bob was visiting by two special call in guest.  I know it's going to Bless you.

Brother Grenon Gives quick Update!

January 20th, 2023


Bishop Grenon visited our daily prayer group on Tuesday of this week. He said please continue to pray. Your prayers and financial support are making a big difference in his family and in changing the lives of men inside the prison walls. He said that The Lord healed a man who was literally on his deathbed, saved him, and set him on fire to testify about the goodness of God. Brother Grenon said that the man who was saved and healed also happened to be a well-known and very influential gang leader.

Here is the link to the taped interview for you to listen to:

God Bless!

Correction Tomorrow's Prayer Meeting Time

January 17th, 2023

Thanks to my good friend Liz for correcting tomorrow's daily prayer meeting times.

Bishop Grenon wanted to thank each of you for your prayers and financial support. He asked that you would continue to help him, his sons, and his family while they are separated and unlawfully imprisoned.

He wanted to let you know that he will try to call in tomorrow during the daily prayer zoom call Wednesday 1/18/2023. The zoom call starts at 1:00 PM Eastern time/ 12:00 Noon Central Time/ 10:00 AM Pacific Time. We are only on for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. You are welcome to join in. You will need to be prompt.  You will need to download the Zoom software in order to participate.

The zoom invitation link is located below the body of this email.

Please help! Make a generous donation Today!






CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE - Is It Possible? Volume One

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE - The Genesis of the G2Church Volume Two

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book A World Without DIS-EASE - The Persecution Is Increasing But So Are The Blessings!

Mark S. Grenon

CLICK HERE for Bishop Grenon’s book Spanish Version Imagina, un mundo sin MAL-ESTAR: ¿es posible?

Mark S. Grenon

God Bless!

Brother dc green



Dick Green is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Pray for Bishop Grenon, his sons and his family

Time: Jan 18, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

        Every day, until Feb 24, 2023, 38 occurrence(s)

        Jan 18, 2023 12:00 PM

        Jan 19, 2023 12:00 PM

        Jan 20, 2023 12:00 PM

        Jan 21, 2023 12:00 PM

        Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 9508 0224

One tap mobile

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+12532158782,,82495080224# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

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        +1 719 359 4580 US

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        +57 60 1508 7702 Colombia

Meeting ID: 824 9508 0224

Find your local number:


Thank you for your abundant Love and Support!

January 9th, 2023

Greetings ,

I spoke to Brother Grenon shortly after today’s daily prayer meeting.  He said that he would try to attend our Tuesday’s segment.   As you know, we meet daily on the Zoom platform:

Invite Link

Meeting ID: 824 9508 0224

Here is the link to the recording of today’s Daily group prayer meeting:

Mark said that he would try to attend tomorrow’s meeting 1-10-2022.  He said that he was not able to dial onto the zoom network so, he will call my phone.  I will then connect my phone as a audio device.  He will be able to talk to us but not hear any incoming audio.  So, should he be able to call, we will let him have the floor.  That will be a great blessing!

Mark said that a big-time crime boss attended one of his recent prison church services.  He said that the man was literally dying.  Mark said that this man received healing and salvation by the power of Jesus Christ.  He said that the man who was once a mob kingpin is now The Lord’s witness who testifies about the healing and delivering power of the Living God! Glory to God!

God loves you and I do too!

Brother Green 

Ephesians 1:15

Bishop Grenon Update

January 2nd, 2023

Please continue to support and pray for Bishop Grenon, his sons, and his entire family.  I urge you to join in daily as we meet on the Zoom platform for prayer.  Holy Ghost filled prayer is where true power is.  We meet each day for 5 to 10 minutes.  Remember, you will need to download the Zoom App in order to participate.  If you have any problems, contact me directly.  Here is the complete invitation should you want to call in rather than join in on a computer.


Notice:  I plan on starting a new Givesendgo link shortly.  It will be structured as non-taxable Genesis 2 Church SSM.  I will keep you posted.

The Lord Bless you real good!

The Grenon Family Needs your help!

December 31st, 2022

I spoke to Bishop Grenon yesterday.  He wanted to thank each of you for your prayers and support.

He really needs our help right now.  He gave me an overview of how his family has been financially affected because of the unlawful incarceration of him and his sons.  He said that God has always provided.  Bishop Grenon said that he and his sons could better deal with their temporary sacrificial loss of freedom if they were comforted by us showing God's love to his loved ones with our financial support.

Please consider making a generous donation to the Grenon Family today.  Also, consider becoming a monthly donor.  I know that The Lord will abundantly bless you.

We are continuing to meet on the Zoom platform for 5 to 10 minutes daily at 12:00 Noon Central time.  If you tune in later than 10 minutes, we will probably be gone.  We meet briefly in the Power of The Holy Ghost to intercede and pray for Brother Grenon and, his entire family.  Join us when you can. 

If you are having difficulty joining, remember that you must download the Zoom application first before trying to use it.  Make sure to download the correct application

Here are the links to our last 3 prayer segments.

December 28, 2022

December 29, 2022

December 30, 2022

The Lord bless you real good!

2 Thessalonians 1:3

The Grenon Family Needs your help!

December 31st, 2022

I spoke to Bishop Grenon yesterday.  He wanted to thank each of you for your prayers and support.

He really needs our help right now.  He gave me an overview of how his family has been financially affected because of the unlawful incarceration of him and his sons.  He said that God has always provided.  Bishop Grenon said that he and his sons could better deal with their temporary sacrificial loss of freedom if they were comforted by us showing God's love to his loved ones with our financial support.

Please consider making a generous donation to the Grenon Family today.  Also, consider becoming a monthly donor.  I know that The Lord will abundantly bless you.

We are continuing to meet on the Zoom platform for 5 to 10 minutes daily at 12:00 Noon Central time.  If you tune in later than 10 minutes, we will probably be gone.  We meet briefly in the Power of The Holy Ghost to intercede and pray for Brother Grenon and, his entire family.  Join us when you can. 

If you are having difficulty joining, remember that you must download the Zoom application first before trying to use it.  Make sure to download the correct application

Here are the links to our last 3 prayer segments.

December 28, 2022

December 29, 2022

December 30, 2022

The Lord bless you real good!

2 Thessalonians 1:3

Bishop Grenon Update

December 29th, 2022

I just spoke with Mark.  He thanks you for your prayers and support.  He and his family thank God for your kindness and generous donations.  Please continue to share God's love with Brother Grenon, his sons, and his entire family.  Just a little while ago, Ann Vandersteel sent me the link to her interview with Mark.  It will air tonight at 9 PM Eastern time.  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN 

Or, copy and paste the following link into your browser:

We are continuing to meet on zoom daily to pray for the Grenon family.  You are invited to join in.  We try to stay on no more than 5 to 10 minutes. Here is the link to our prayer meetings.

If you have difficulty connecting to the zoom platform feel free to contact me to determine a solution.  Remember... there is Holy Ghost Power in your prayers!

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  

Prayers for the Grenon family.

December 24th, 2022

Thank you for continuing to support and pray for Bishop Grenon, his sons, and his entire family.

Here's the link to our meeting today:

Remember, you're invited to join us daily at 12 Noon Central.  We seek God's favor for Mark and his entire family.  We seek that the Spirit of God continues to open doors within the prison system.  We seek that souls continue to be miraculously healed, saved, and covered by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  We thank God  and are honored to participate in the Lord's victory.

Here's the invitation link for our next prayer meeting:

God Bless!

Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.

Today's Prayer for The Grenon Family!

December 23rd, 2022

We need your prayers and financial support for the Grenon Family. 

We meet daily at 12 Noon for only 5 to 10 minutes on the zoom platform.  Here is the zoom invitation link.

Here is the link to today's zoom call prayer meeting

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Reasons Why MMS is not Restoring your Health!

December 17th, 2022

Greetings Dear Friends and Saints of God!

I am thankful for the quick response to my question about locating Jim Humble’s list of reasons that one might have lessor results with MMS.  I received several emails along with a few phone calls. 

Attached is a link to a list of 29-32 reasons MMS might not be working as effectively.


Thanks and God Bless!

dc green

Daily Prayer for the Grenon Family

December 16th, 2022

Join in each day at 12 Noon Central time to pray for the Grenon Family!  We meet for about 5 minutes.  There's power in prayer. CLICK HERE FOR THE ZOOM LINK.

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Daily Prayer for the Grenon Family

December 16th, 2022

Join in each day at 12 Noon Central time to pray for the Grenon Family!  We meet for about 5 minutes.  There's power in prayer. CLICK HERE FOR THE ZOOM LINK.

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Daily Prayer for the Grenon Family

December 16th, 2022

Join in each day at 12 Noon Central time to pray for the Grenon Family!  We meet for about 5 minutes.  There's power in prayer. CLICK HERE FOR THE ZOOM LINK.

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Corrected Link

December 15th, 2022


Please continue to support and pray for Bishop Grenon, his sons Joseph, Jonathan, Jordan, and his entire family as they are sacrificing and making a stand for all mankind. 

You're invited to join us for the daily zoom prayer meeting for approximately 5 minutes at 12 Noon Central.  Here's the invite link:

P.S.  I was recently informed that the Links for ebooks are incorrect. 

Here's the correct link:

Bishop Grenon shares how he was illegally kidnapped!

December 10th, 2022

I just posted a new series " Bishop Grenon KIDNAPPED BY CORRUPT GOVERNMENT." Parts I-IV

You can listen to it here:

Please continue to pray for and support the ministry.

God Bless!

brother dc green

Member Testimonial

December 3rd, 2022

I put out a request for testimonials to share on the GiveSendgo campaign page.  Here is the first testimony of hopefully many to come of people who are willing to come forward and share how their life's has been changed because of the ministry that God has entrusted to Mark Grenon, his Sons and, his family. 

I know that you going to be blessed.


Or, Copy and Paste

Update from Brother Grenon

November 16th, 2022

I spoke to Brother Grenon today.  He also sent me a video message.
Here is his video message.

Or, copy and paste this link in your browser


To answer some questions.  Mark sounded much better but really needs your prayers and support.  He said that only family are allowed to visit and that they are not allowed to receive items directly.  He has been subjected to inclement weather without sufficient clothing.  He still does not have email but was able to make the video above.  Please share this ministry with others. 


I talked to a young lady today who like many others have had her life miraculously saved by God working thru the ministry that he has given Brother Grenon to walk in.  I have received so many powerful testimonies that I’m going to start collecting zoom calls and written testimonials to share and post on the campaign site.  If you have been healed by MMS and or the Grenon’s ministry please consider giving an audible or, written testimony.

Brother Grenon Short Segment

November 15th, 2022

Here's a short clip from an interview with Bishop Mark Grenon.

Here's the Link 

Please Help!!

November 13th, 2022

I recently talked with Brother Grenon.  He thanks each of you for your prayers and generous donations.  He and his sons have been transferred to Atlanta, Georgia.  Recently a cold front has come into the area.  He and his sons are in serious need of coats and sweaters.  Please give today so that we can be a blessing to the Grenon family. 

The Grenon family has received a special anointing of steadfastness, faith, and courage to stand against the wiles of the adversary.  They are standing up for the God-given rights of all mankind.  They are standing up for our rights to make our own choices in regard to health and healing.  They are standing up for our right to show love, and compassion and to share health and healing with each other.  They are standing up for our right to say, "NO, I. don't want to inject poison into my body!"

Please help the Grenon family and donate today!  I know that the Lord will bless you!

Love Brother Green


Update From Brother Grenon

November 6th, 2022

   First I want to say that the Lord knows exactly what he is doing. I don't know God's reason for my three sons and I being held for trail now for 835 days and I hear that today the trial that was to be in January is now continued for the 5th time until June of 2023! I just finished preaching tonight to a group of men to NOT worry and trust the Lord each day and BAM

I hear that the trial is pushed up another 6 months! Well, I have to practice what I preach and this trial is from the Lord and it can to make me "better or "bitter". I am NOT going to stop trust Him because of what the world is doing to me! So, worrying about the "why" isn't important to us but I accept it as God's will for us at this time in our lives. All we know is that Roman 12:1 says," present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service". If we surrender our bodies and lives as "living sacrifices" that is a reasonable thing to do for Him because of what what He has done for us. He sacrificed His life so tat we can live FOREVER with Him. He gave us life physically and also gave all eternal life that come to Him.

This happened to me November 12th, 1978 at 3 A.M. in the morning in Springfield, Missouri after some friends showed me how I could KNOW I could have Eternal LIFE and that believing Jesus died, was buried and rose again for me I could be born again. That day He forgave me of my past, present and future sins and wrote my name in the Lamb's Book of Life! That was 44 years ago and I have never looked back.

Since that day I have tried to serve Him and do His will and to teach my children to do the same. I have not always do the best but that was my goal nevertheless. IN Mark 12:30, a Scribe asked Jesus what was God's first and greatest commandment and Jesus answered him. "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind'. The Jesus added, " And the second is like, namely this, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these" in verse 31. So, Jesus summed up all God's commandments for man into two; love God and your neighbor.

   My sons and I were doing that worldwide and now we find ourselves in jail for loving Him and serving our neighbors with their physical and Spiritual health on our Church, The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. Well, the Lord has told us and the Apostle Paul witness it personally and told all that: "All they that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution", II Timothy 3:12. So it goes with the territory. If anyone wants to "live Godly" by loving God and helping our neighbors, fellow man,i.e. following the two greatest commandments that Jesus mentioned those that do should expect persecution! I will tell you all this that while we have been in jail we have been able to share the Word of God with 100's of men as we continue to live for Him in jail. Many, many of them have told us that God brought us to them to help them. WOW! To be used of God to tell others of Him is a privilege's. In Romans 11;33 the Bible says, "O the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!" So is this the "WHY" we are in jail?

I will tell you this also that God has kept His promises to us as we've served Him in jail. In Matthew 6:33, " seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." What "things" was Jesus referring to in that verse to be "added" to those that "seek Him first"? Well, the context is that our food, shelter and raiment will be provided for us as we seek Him. I'm here testify that not only has my sons and I have had our basic necessities taken care of for over 835 days but all of our families, food, rent, utilities and clothing have been taken care of also! When we were arrested all our  money was taken, stolen, and our bank accounts closed as well as credit cards stopped. Our abilities to take care of our families were taken from us and have been for all this time, but God never stopped helping us! Praise be to God our Father for His promises! He has even given us extra monies to buy "good foods" every two weeks in jail!

    My friends seeking God never fails! How has God done that? Well, the Lord has burdened those that we've helped in need in the past and well as burdening others that have heard of our story in our time of need. It says also in the scriptures, "Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together and running over, shall MEN give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again" My sons and I gave to many around the world in need for the past 16 years in the Genesis II Church but also 25+ years as missionaries in Nigeria, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Colombia and now God is using others to help us! Wow, God's Word is so true!

   By people donating to our cause and buying my books about our amazing story, God has supplied our every need and we still are providing them information to help them and their families worldwide! He is fulfilling His promises! He will also fulfill His promises to you also. My sons and I not only know the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior but He knows us, Galatians 4:9. That is very important so that at the Judgment Day he doesn't say to you, "Depart from Me. I never knew you", Matthew 7:23.

   To all those reading this newsletter, if you don't know that you have eternal life, the Scriptures tell us all that we can. In I John 5:13 the Bible says, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." In John 3:36 it states "He that believeth on the Son hath life". "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved", in Romans 10:13. And that name is Jesus! One day,"every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father", in Philippians 2:10.

   Will you call upon Him today? You must believe that He Jesus, died "according to the scriptures" and He was buried "according to the scriptures" and that He rose and conquered death for everyone of us "according to the scriptures". see: I Corinthians 15:1-4

My sons and I pray that all of you reading this letter know or will know you have eternal life and this life is in His Son! Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me", John 8:36

God knows what He is doing!

Because He lives,

Mark S. Grenon

Proverbs 3:5&6

P.S. Here is our donation site:

All three eBooks:

Printed books:

Brother Grenon Broacasting from Columbian Prison

November 5th, 2022

I have been informed of duplicate emails when posting to GiveSendGo.  I apologize because some of the duplicate emails have been caused by my editing mistakes.  Others are computer errors.  I will attempt to keep my future edits to a minimum.  Please forgive any grammatical errors.


Here is one of my first Broadcasts with Brother Mark Grenon. or copy and paste

Please continue to pray for Mark and his entire family.  He is standing up for the righteousness of God and for the very existence of mankind.  Show your support with a generous donation.  We are going to win because God is on our side!

 God Loves you and I do too!

Brother Green


Brother Grenon Update

November 3rd, 2022


Greetings Friend,

I pray all is well with you!

God is still on the Throne!  And God answers prayer!

 CLICK HERE to listen to a clip from one of my interviews with Brother Mark Grenon. - THE RIVER IN A DESERT MINISTRY - with dick green. 

The Grenons of the "GENESIS II CHURCH of HEALTH and Healing continue to face legal challenges while the corruption of Big Government and Big Pharma continue to keep them behind bars and silent. Please take a moment and pray for Brother Mark and his family!

Please help me get the word out.  Share this link  Click here to Give now to Supporting the Grenon Family by DICKIE GREEN with your contacts and social media.  Then take a stand with us! They need your help.  

Become a monthly donor of $75, $100, $175, or $300 today to support the mission to FIGHT FOR FREEDOM and FREE THE GRENONS today.

Every dollar counts.  Nothing is too small.  Please donate today.


Thanks for your prayers and continued support for the Grenon Family.  God Bless!


Rivers in a Desert Ministry


Bishop Grenon Update

November 3rd, 2022


Greetings Friend,

I pray all is well with you!

God is still on the Throne!  And God answers prayer!

 CLICK HERE to listen to a clip from one of my interviews with Mark Grenon. - THE RIVER IN A DESERT MINISTRY - with dick green. 

The Grenons of the "GENESIS II CHURCH of HEALTH and Healing continue to face legal challenges while the corruption of Big Government and Big Pharma continue to keep them behind bars and silent. Please take a moment and pray for Brother Mark and his family!

Please help me get the word out.  Share this link  Click here to Give now to Supporting the Grenon Family by DICKIE GREEN with your contacts and social media.  Then take a stand with us! They need your help.  

Become a monthly donor of $75, $100, $175, or $300 today to support the mission to FIGHT FOR FREEDOM and FREE THE GRENONS today.

Every dollar counts.  Nothing is too small.  Please donate today.


Thanks for your prayers and continued support for the Grenon Family.  God Bless!


Rivers in a Desert Ministry


New Social Platform for G2 Church

November 1st, 2022

At the request of Brother Grenon, I've started a new social media platform  It can be located here.  Please freely participate and share.  Thanks and God Bless!

Bishop Grenon's interview with Dr. Lee Merritt

October 31st, 2022

Jeremiah 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding

Greetings Friends and Fellow Saints of God!

I spoke to Dr. Lee Merritt and obtained her recording with Bishop Grenon.  CLICK HERE to listen or, copy and paste the link below. If you have not heard this video, it is really going to bless you!  I like what Dr. Lee Merritt says, “Speak Dangerous Truth and be a rebel!”

Bishop Grenon and his sons have been kidnapped and held prisoners for over 830 days.  They have been unlawfully held without bail, without trial, without any valid firsthand testimony that originates from any man or woman that has been harmed.  He and his family are being unlawfully imprisoned and held captive because he is exercising his God-given right to help heal mankind.  Bishop Grenon’s God-given calling is in conflict with the current depopulation agenda of the kings of the earth and their dead corporations.


The Lord Bless you Real Good!

Brother Mark Grenon interview with The Sons of Liberty

October 26th, 2022

Mark Grenon: Using Chlorine Dioxide To Aid Body In Healing Landed Me & Sons In Jail



Mark Grenon Interview with Dan Newman "Truth New Network"

October 26th, 2022

Mark Grenon interview The Truth News Network with Dan Newman
October 25, 2022, 9:02 pm

I received the attached interview from Dan from the Truth News Network. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Please continue to pray for Brother Grenon and his family.  They have been given an anointing from God to stand for our God-given rights as men and women who have been created by God.

Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

The Grenons of the "GENESIS II CHURCH of HEALTH and Healing continue to face legal challenges while the corruption of Big Government and Big Pharma continue to keep them behind bars and silent. Please help me get the word out.  Share this link CLICK HERE to Give now to Supporting the Grenon Family by DICKIE GREEN with your contacts and social media.  Then take a stand with us! They need our help.  

Become a monthly donor of $75, $100, $175, or $300 today to support the mission to FIGHT FOR FREEDOM and FREE THE GRENONS today.

Every dollar counts.  Nothing is too small.  Please donate today.

Mark Grenon Provides Chlorine Dioxide Protocols For Eliminating Vaccines & mRNA Shots In The Body (Video)

October 24th, 2022

In the middle of July, I interviewed Mark Grenon, a Christian missionary who also used Chlorine Dioxide to aid in helping people’s bodies to heal themselves.  For that, preaching the Gospel and offering aid to those who were sick, he and his sons were arrested in Colombia at the behest of the US government.  According to Grenon, the US paid the Colombian government $250,000 to arrest them and $10,000 per month to hold them.

CLICK HERE to listen to the interview and read the rest of this post.


October 22nd, 2022

CLICK HERE to listen to the most recent Mark Grenon interview.  Thanks for your prayers and continued support.  God Bless!
Recent Letter from Brother Grenon

October 19th, 2022


"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free", John 8:32


"The Proclamation and Declaration of why Man has the God-Given Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"

by Mark Scott Guenon

I am writing this letter to all the people of the United States to remind them of how far we have come since the words, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" were penned by the writer of the Declaration of Independence". But this message goes even further to include every man, woman and child on the face of this planet God calls "earth".

Let me start by saying that my three sons and I have been stripped of OUR live(, as we knew it), liberty and the pursuit of happiness for over 800 days and have been kidnapped and held hostage in various jails in two countries. All of this ordered and "paid for" -$ 500,000 just to kidnap my son Joseph and I in Colombia’ South America and another $250,000 to hold us 2 years, by the Department of "Justice". The DOJ has become nothing more than a private tyrannical for-profit corporation void of Real justice that our Creator demands. Before I get into the documents that our country has in its history to support True justice and eliminate tyranny, please bear with me as I go back to the "beginning". By the "beginning" I mean the "beginning of man as recorded in the Word of God in the book of Genesis chapter one.


Behind Bars: Maryam Henein Speaks To Genesis Church's Mark Grenon From Psychiatric Prison

October 9th, 2022


AND Listen in as Mark shares his amazing story. 

Even behind prison doors God continues to heal the sick, heal the broken hearted and cause salvation to be preached to those who are lost.  Thanks to all of you who pray and support this great work.  The Lord shall abundantly bless you!

Brother Grenon's interview with Maryam Henein

Message From Brother Grenon

October 1st, 2022

One Naturopath that has a Master’s Degree wrote and said, “ I have a Masters in Naturopathic Medicine and after reading “Imagine, A World With DIS-EASE” and listening to the G2Voice Broadcasts and reading the weekly Free Newsletters, I feel like I have a PhD in Natural Health!” You want to know how and why your body is DIS-EASED read Volume ONE! You want to know how and why the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing was established and read newsletters covering in detail many different topics as well as 10 NEW Testimonies each week of people being CURED from all types of illnesses worldwide in our FREE weekly newsletters at:, then read Volume TWO and Volume THREE. You will see why we are being persecuted so hard as well as the MANY blessings we are experiences as we work towards, “A World Without DIS-EASE!” Also, We have over 200 episodes on our G2Voice Broadcast.  CLICK HERE AND LISTEN IN As Mike Adams interviews Bishop Mark"

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