Help Give a Baby a Family and Loving Home


 USD $40,000


 USD $340

Campaign created by Rick Worley

Help Give a Baby a Family and Loving Home


Adoption has always been on our hearts and something we knew God had as a part of our story. The question was not if we would pursue it, but when. God has provided the opportunity to pursue adoption and we are faithfully moving forward with His leading. Although we can have our own children, we want to provide a loving home to a child who might not otherwise experience it. God has woven adoption into the lineage of Jesus and our own salvation and we feel this is a beautiful example to us as Christians that we are honored to emulate. As exciting as this new journey is, choosing to adopt can also be very unpredictable, emotional, and honestly quite expensive. We know that God is leading our steps in this adoption, but we do not want to do this alone… That is where you come in. We are humbly asking for help through encouragement, prayers, and if you feel lead, financial contributions. Your support will give a child a family that they otherwise would not have.

We wish we could give every child in need a home, loving parents, clothes, food, etc., but we know that is not possible. Our prayer is that we can do for one child what we wish we could do for all children in need. We will fiercely love this baby, raising him/her to be a good human, and instill within them the truth that they are created on purpose, for a purpose, and made in the perfect image of God.

We cannot wait to share this experience with all of you. We know that welcoming a new baby into our lives will require the love and support of those around us; it takes a village, right? We want to personally invite you to be part of our village – part of Baby Worley’s village. There are two major ways in which you can support us:

1) Prayerfully: Please pray for us, for our baby, for the brave mother who will entrust her child to us, for our legal team, and for God’s will to be done in this process.

2) Financially: As you can imagine, the process of adoption is long and arduous; but probably most daunting, it is expensive. The average infant adoption in the United States costs anywhere from $40,000 to $70,000. While some small grants and funding programs are available, the distributed amounts are minimal and are given to only a small percentage of adoptive families each year. Most adoption costs end up being paid out-of-pocket by the adopting family. These costs include (but are not limited to) the following: documentation preparation and authentication, home study fees, agency application fees, counseling for birth mother, medical expenses for birth mother and baby, legal fees, and travel expenses. While we have done our very best to prepare for this journey in every way possible (including financially), we do pray that the financial burden will be lightened. With that, we humbly ask you to consider donating to help us bring home Baby Worley. Being relieved of even a small portion of the overall costs would allow more of our personal resources to be used to provide our baby with necessities such as nursery furniture, clothing, formula, diapers, etc.

Will you consider being a part of our village as we bring baby Worley home? Your prayers mean the world to us and bring us peace and support during this roller coaster of a journey. When you donate, your name will be written on a little house in our nursery, which will be a visual representation of the village we have to bring our child home!

Regardless of how you choose to support us, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We know that Baby Worley is already so very loved!

This is a very simplified step by step of what we can expect in this process if things go smoothly. We will do our best to keep you updated each step of the way. The heart is where we are currently.

1. Formal agency application approved

2. Gather all of the paperwork & prepare for the homestudy

3. Complete the homestudy

4. Get homestudy approval ♥

5. Get matched with a birth mom

6. Fly to the hospital and meet baby

7. Temporary custody of the child/birth parents sign over rights

8. Adoption finalized

Recent Donations
Janet Brooke
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

Happy Birthday Paige!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much Ron and Janet. Your generosity and support means so much! " By Richard Worley

Aunt Tina and uncle Mike
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

We are so excited for you guys!! Can't wait to see how God blesses you and the baby to come! We will also be praying for the birth mother.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Your prayers and financial support mean the world! Thank you Aunt Tina and Uncle Mike." By Richard Worley

Hannah and Chris Kay
$ 20.00 USD
11 months ago

I am praying for you and your family on this new journey that you have undertaken! I hope that you will find the child that needs you and your family the most! It’s amazing what you are planning on doing and the progress that you have made with this adoption! :)

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Your prayers and financial support mean so much! Thank you Chris and Hannah for your gift. We pray God blesses you for your generosity." By Richard Worley

Jesse and Hannah Gruber
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

We are praying for you guys ❤️

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Jesse and Hannah, Thank you so much for your contribution and prayers. They mean the world!" By Richard Worley

Jesse and Danielle
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Congratulations! We are so excited for you. Wishing you many blessings as you embark on this new journey ❤️

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Your prayers and generosity are such a blessing and we can't thank you enough!" By Richard Worley

Michelle and Scott
$ 20.00 USD
11 months ago

Excited for you and praying for you!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you Michelle and Scott! Your prayers and support mean the world!" By Richard Worley


We are off the waiting list!

July 5th, 2024

We have some exciting news! We are officially off of the waiting list which means all the technical details like the homestudy, loads of paperwork, appointments etc are all behind us. We can match with a birthmother. The timing is still in God's hands and this could take many months or God could work quickly. Either way, we are preparing as much as possible in the event something happens sooner rather than later. 

We ask you to continue to pray for us as you can imagine our feelings and emotions are heightened as we now realize this is all happening. Adoption is full of unknowns and most of all, it's a reminder that we have FULLY placed our trust in God. We must let go and trust in His plans not our own ideas. We want to give a baby the love and stability it would not get otherwise. Our daily prayer is that God would place the baby that will fit best in our family right in our path but of course, adoption never comes without its ups and downs.

There will be worries, fears, stress, and exhaustion as we prepare to fly across the country to potentially meet a birthmother, as we contemplate the birth of the baby, as we wait for 48hrs for the birthmother to sign over her rights, and to potentially console a baby that is going through drug withdrawals. There are so many more things that we think about such as leaving our boys when the time comes to meet the baby. We pray they understand and are protected from the roller coaster of emotions as much as possible. We cherish your prayers as we walk into many unknowns and we ask you pray specifically for the birth mother and baby. That the birthmother would make wise decisions, feel at peace with her decision, and that the baby would be protected and safe.

We ask that you continue to pray and if you feel led to financially contribute to bringing our baby home, it would mean the world to us. Your financial contributions will go straight to the amount we pay as soon as we match with a birthmother. That amount is $52,000. Then there are other expenses such as the program fee, the homestudy fees, the baby's medical costs once it's born, and all the travel expenses. The baby has no idea or decision regarding the cost and although it is scary to try to save and spend so much on adoption, we can't think of a better way to use the money God gives us. We want to be as transparent as possible with you about this journey because we feel that adoption is rarely talked about. Our goal is to bring awareness and understanding in any way we can. We are now a step closer and it's all becoming a reality!

I wanted to share this sweet picture of Rick and the boys from Father's Day. It's exciting to think that maybe by next Father's Day there will be a baby in the picture❤️

Update We are off the waiting list! Image
Officially Home Study Approved!

April 2nd, 2024


We are excited to be done with the home study and loads of paperwork. It was a stressful few months making sure everything was in order to legally be able to adopt. Numerous hours and days went into gathering and filling out paperwork, going to appointments, and attending classes and meetings. There were times when we thought that part would never end but here we are! God is good. We are currently on the agency's waiting list and are waiting to go "active" to match with a birthmother. Pray for patience in this next step, for the birthmother that we will be matched with to make wise decisions regarding her baby during her pregnancy, and for the baby to be safe and healthy. Prayer is such a powerful tool and we are grateful for all of your prayers. We also can't thank those of you enough who have given financially. It encourages us that God knows the needs and is meeting them through your beautiful hearts! We pray He blesses you through you blessing us.

Once we are off the waiting list and "active", we will be be able to match with a birthmother. This could happen fast or take many months. Only God knows the timing. We will be required to pay the agency the entire sum up front upon matching. This is a large amount and we are doing everything we can to save as fast as we can. It is difficult not knowing the timing and making sure we are prepared. Your financial contributions go straight to this payment at the time of matching. Our agency is a solid Christian organization that not only places children into solid Christian homes, they also provide support and counseling for birthmothers for life. This was important to us since some agencies do not value the birthmother as they should and she is treated as a part of the business exchange. We are pursuing an open adoption meaning that the birthmother will receive letters and even a visit occasionally (if she desires). Studies have shown that open adoptions provide more support, stability, and confidence in the child for years to come. They will have the chance to know their history and to know that they were loved so dearly by their birthmother and their adopted parents.

At this time we are preparing the nursery and starting to transition the boys into a shared room! We want to be ready at any time. There is a slight possibility that we could be called for a last minute placement (the agency places around 65 babies a year and out of those 65, 25 are last minute placements). As we prepare our hearts and physical resources for this new addition, we ask you pray for us and that God would work out every detail. We don't know what the future holds or what baby He will bring into our lives but we do know His plans are always perfect and we can trust Him. We humbly ask you would pray about financially contributing to this cause to help give a baby the chance to have a family and life. Many babies that end up adopted, were going to be aborted if it were not for the counseling and love of good adoption agencies. You can make a difference and partner with us today.

Sincerely, Rick and Paige

Update Officially Home Study Approved! Image

Prayer Requests

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