Campaign Image

Wings For Liberty And Justice


 USD $500,000


 USD $62,242

Campaign created by Wings For Accountability

Campaign funds will be received by Tom Floyd

Wings For Liberty And Justice

We are 28 employees or former employees fighting United Airlines because of their blatant disregard for the rule of law and our religious convictions. With a heavy hand, United Airlines mandated the use of an experimental EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) product of questionable efficacy in August of 2021. Not only was this mandate violative of our personal religious and medical integrity, but United further illegally told us that if we refused to submit, we would lose our jobs. Not only was this abhorrent to our personal convictions, as it turns out, it is patently against the law for any employer to make such threats.

The law ensures that all persons may refuse experimental drugs, and there shall be no consequence beyond those associated with a medical nexus. Nowhere in the law is job loss an allowable consequence of the lawful refusal to take experimental drugs. None of the medical products were “approved” by the FDA, but rather, they were “authorized” for emergency use. EUA is strictly an administrative procedure used to circumvent the extensive and arduous FDA “approval” process. Most of us submitted religious accommodation requests. Some of those requests were denied and those plaintiffs were outright terminated. Others who had religious requests granted and then placed on indefinite unpaid leave without pay, any benefits, including medical coverage for healthcare. When the narrative in 2022 changed, United tried to backtrack and invited some employees with religious accommodations to return to work. However, with the caveat that anyone who is religious could be placed back on unpaid leave at the company’s sole discretion. Some plaintiffs did not return, some retired due to hostile working environment, but some did return to work, knowing that at anytime, they could lose their jobs over and over, with no long-term job security.

We are in a David vs. Goliath battle as we bring forward the law against United Airlines and their hostile actions against employees. They have deep pockets, and we expect them to try to run us out of money before justice can be served. We need help from everyone who believes that regardless of a current situation, no employer should be able to force you to take any drug to keep your job, especially if it is an experimental one. If United Airlines can get away with ignoring core EUA law, minimizing our religious convictions, and forcing compliance, then every employer will try.

Join us in fighting for our freedoms. We not only fight for the employees at United, but for all Americans. We are standing strong for those who have no voice and those who didn’t know they had a choice. We need to set the precedent for future generations.

Donations will only be used to help us (et. al) pay the expenses that are involved with a lawsuit of this importance. Your one-time gift or monthly donation will be appreciated. If many of us donate $20/month, we will even the tables. Together we will ensure that this will never happen again. This is where we are Standing. Please stand firm with us!

We are pilots, flight attendants, maintenance specialists, technicians, ramp service and customer service specialists and we need your help.  Thank you for your generosity and may God Bless you!

Recent Donations
Aimee Doll
$ 200.00 USD
21 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Aug dues

Aimee Doll
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Dolly Shanley
$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

John M
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

John Sullivan
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Aimee Doll
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

July dues

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

June dues

Olivares Family
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying for you all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Walt Witzke
$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
5 months ago

$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

$ 400.00 USD
5 months ago


Update #8

August 18th, 2024

Wings For Liberty and Justice is glad to announce that not only did we interview with Heather at Give Send Go on the "Shine Brightly" podcast, but we also launched our new website to help us get the word out about our goal as a group.  As you know, Trust is a key element necessary for society to exist.  When trust is violated, it destroys everything.  United violated our trust when they mandated 67,000 employees to take an experimental vaccine and ignore our religious convictions. We trusted them to not try to harm us or violate our rights. The people who violate our corporate trust should be held to account for their actions.  Accountability is the antidote for violations of trust.  When we see people being held accountable, we trust the system again.  When trust is restored, we will have peace and hope.    WFLAJ is partnering with Wings For Accountability to Establish Accountability to Liberate you so that you can have HOPE.   

We will:  Tell the Truth,  Stand for the Truth, and Fight for the Truth.  For today, For Future Generations and for Medical Health to restore Hope and Trust.  

We need your help today.  Please give $1/ day, or $30/wk, or more to help us fight this incredible, world-changing fight.

Thank you and may God in Heaven bless you!!  

Update #7

July 21st, 2024

We recently appeared in an interview with Heather from Give Send Go.  The GSG Shine Brightly podcast where GSG showcases groups to a wider audience.  We were so honored to be worthy of GSG highest standards.  They are truly a blessing to our cause.    If you want to hear us, and get to know us a little better...

From the GSG home page... click on Discover..... then scroll down to Shine Brightly podcast.  Wings for Liberty

We continue to need financial help to cover the legal costs involved to stay in this fight.  We have asked before, but if many of us give just little, we will meet our financial requirements.  It is costing us approximately $1000 per day.  If 1000 people give $1 per day for the next 12 months, we will be able to continue this fight!

We have compared our mission to the David vs. Goliath story.  When David stepped into that valley to face a giant warrior, it didn't appear to be a fair fight, and it wasn't.  Goliath never stood a chance!  

Thank you for your help as we speak the truth, stand for the truth and fight for the truth, so there will be accountability in our country and we will have hope for a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.  

Update #6

June 27th, 2024

Here is a quick update on our progress.  We worked closely with our attorneys while preparing the 1st brief to the 7th District Court of Appeals.  We are expecting a big legal bill again.  Please know that even though the site says, "goes to Tom Floyd," ALL of the funds go directly to paying our attorney.  

We remain 27 plaintiffs and one widow, remain resolved to hold United Airlines accountable for their actions.  They illegally mandated that over 67,000 employees take experimental Covid shots under threat of termination.  They threatened, loss of our job, loss of our career, loss of our ability to pay for our homes, loss of our ability to feed our families, loss of our ability to enjoy the lives we had grown and developed over the years of employment with UAL, and the loss of medical health coverage... all in the name of safety.  

Yet, even when we told them their actions were illegal, unethical, and violative of common decency, they persisted.  They did not believe they would ever have to 'answer the mail.'  They thought they could do whatever they wanted to their employees.  They thought they'd never get caught.  

We expect more than $30,000 in legal bills in the next 30 days.  (yep, about $1000 per day)  Please help us continue this fight so that no employer will ever think they're above the law again.  

Your donations to this cause are an investment in Truth, an investment in Justice, and a step toward growing Accountability in our society.  Thank you for you gifts, and may God Bless you greatly.

Update #5 We Fight!

May 17th, 2024

We continue the fight against United Airlines. As you know, we 27 plaintiffs are standing for accountability. We maintain that United Airlines should be held accountable for forcing their employees to take experimental Covid-19 shots for fear of livelihood, employment, and security. They destroyed our trust, our dignity, and our hope that our work would be appreciated. They should be held-to-account for how their mandate affected their more than 67,000 employees. If United had believed they would be held-to-account for this extreme over-reach and invasive control over their employees, then they wouldn't have done what they did. They thought, "what are they gonna do to us about it?" But WE are holding them accountable, and we are fighting an expensive legal battle to ensure nothing like that mandate will be attempted again. (by United, or any other employer)

We have filed for an appeal at the appellate court and we are actively drafting a briefing to ensure our complaint will be heard and justice shall prevail.  

Many of you have donated to our group as we are definitely the "David" in this "David vs. Goliath" battle. We need help to continue this fight and secure justice. We will have large legal bills (more than $30,000 by end of June) as this process continues. Your continued support WILL make a huge difference. Your donations empower our small group to defeat this bully and restore hope. The hope that employers cannot force employees to take experimental drugs and participate in medical experiments to keep our jobs.     

As always, ALL donations are exclusively used to pay bills directly associated with legal expenses that we must pay. Thank you for your monetary help and your fervent prayers.  

Wings For Liberty and Justice plaintiffs

Update #4 May 2024

May 7th, 2024

Our Complaint has entered into a whole new process.  Judge Kenelly, in the Northern IL Federal Court dismissed the complaint with prejudice.  While we hoped for a different outcome, we were prepared for it.  We filed our appeal immediately and we are into the appeal process at this time.  We believe our case must be heard and we are not backing down.  This case is about whether or not an employer can outright ignore and trample on employees' rights.  We maintain that United broke many laws when they mandated that all employees take the experimental mRNA drugs under threat of termination.  We continue to organize and prepare for the battle ahead and we continue to treasure your generosity.  Reminder: donations are only used to pay costs for this legal battle.  We 27 donate continuously and we ask for your continued support too.  Thank you and may God in Heaven bless you.  In His Holy name.  Amen!!!  See Deuteronomy 31:8

Update #3

February 28th, 2024

It has been a while since our last update. My apologies for that. We filed our 2nd Amended Complaint in August which was met with UAL attempt to disallow it. The 2nd amended complaint detailed very clearly the law surrounding the Emergency Use Authorization that was issued with regard to Covid 19 vaccines. The case is awaiting the Court's decision regarding the 2nd amended complaint.

We are encouraged as more and more data and research is being published which supports our position. We believe UAL violated numerous laws and they will be held accountable.

We appreciate your consideration and your continued support. May God bless you and give you peace, that only He can provide.

Update #2

July 5th, 2023

We submitted our 1st Amended Complaint in response to the UA Motion to Dismiss.  In our filing, we enumerate the critical laws that we believe United violated via their "vaccine mandate" policy.  We continue to maintain that UA violated our rights protected under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and that they were extremely heavy handed in how they treated religious employees.  We also strongly believe that UA as a private entity ceased to exist after the US Government essentially took over by grant, loan, and outright purchases of UA common stock.  And in our recent filing, we maintain that UA violated laws regarding the use of Experimental Drugs.  Namely, they're experimental... thus, cannot be mandated... and everyone has the option to refuse, and that refusal cannot be used for retaliation or retributive actions.  

Our hearts go out to those who thought they had no options, and those who were aware, but were not able to resist.  Many of our coworkers took the experimental drug under extreme duress and many have suffered medical and emotional effects.

We continue to request financial assistance to fight this fight.  Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated and needed.  Thank you for your generosity and may God in Heaven bless you. 

Update 25 May 2023

May 25th, 2023

As expected, United filed a Motion to Dismiss.  I believe this is standard procedure.  We must now file a document refuting that MTD.  Our legal team is working on that now.  It is required to be submitted at the end of June.   We expect further MTD and future additional documents after these are completed.  Thank you for your donations and your prayers.  TF

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Please pray for perseverance. Several in the group are already being targeted in form of harassment and reprisals.
  • Please pray for our Lawyer, John Pierce. He is fighting for our religious rights and needs endurance, restoration, wisdom, and protection from the enemy.
  • Please pray for blessings for those who choose to stand with us, either in prayer, or in gifts.

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