Supporting the Wisconsin Conservative Coalition

Monthly Goal:

 USD $500

Total Raised:

 USD $125

Raised this month:

 USD $10

Campaign created by Diane Bast

Campaign funds will be received by Wisconsin Conservative Coalition, Inc.

Supporting the Wisconsin Conservative Coalition

The Wisconsin Conservative Coalition (WCC) is a nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Wisconsin in 2019. Membership in the coalition currently consists of three groups: Northeast Wisconsin Patriots (Green Bay area), Fox Valley Initiative (Appleton area), and Wolf River Area Patriots (New London area).

The non-partisan WCC envisions a constitutionally conservative electorate and culture in Wisconsin. We facilitate communication among conservative organizations and with elected officials in Northeastern Wisconsin and empower Wisconsin taxpayers, voters, and families through effective political education and action.

Membership in the coalition is open to organizations committed to the historic values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Political parties are not eligible for membership in this non-partisan organization. 


We envision an educated, constitutional, and conservative electorate and culture in Wisconsin. We believe:

• The Constitution means what it says and is not a “living document.”

• The Constitution can be changed only by the methods described in the Constitution, as has been done 27 times.

• The Federal government has limited, defined responsibilities and powers. All rights not defined in the Constitution are reserved for the States or the People.


We fulfill our mission by hosting events, compiling scorecards on elected officials in Northeast Wisconsin, educating voters about why and how to vote, and helping to coordinate and promote the work of our member organizations. See our website for a calendar of upcoming events, scorecards prepared by WCC as well as other conservative groups, and links to voter information, allies, and research and commentary on important issues.

You can make a difference by joining with other Patriots who share your concerns! Your financial support will help us host more -- and more successful -- events as well as enhance our outreach efforts with new tools. The WCC and its member organizations are run entirely by volunteers and have no overhead expenses: 100% of your financial support will go to identifying, educating, and mobilizing Patriots in battleground Wisconsin!

Recent Donations
Diane Bast
$ 10.00 USD
6 days ago

$ 25.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Tom Morse
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
10 months ago


WCC to Host 18th Legislator Town Hall in January 2025

December 16th, 2024

The Wisconsin Conservative Coalition is pleased to invite you – as well as state representatives and senators from Northeast Wisconsin -- to participate in its 18th Legislator Town Hall, scheduled for Saturday, January 18, 2025.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

8:30 am – 9:00 am Social
9:00 am – 11:30 am Meeting

FreedomProject Academy
750 North Hickory Farm Lane
Appleton, WI 54914

This event is open to the public and free of charge; donations to help cover expenses will be appreciated. Light refreshments will be served during the social before the meeting begins. We ask you to register in advance so we have an idea of how much coffee and how many chairs we’ll need! We’ll also provide those who have registered in advance with regular updates as we hear from legislators who agree to participate.

The Town Hall will address a yet-to-be-determined set of three issues that are top-of-mind for voters and taxpayers in Northeast Wisconsin. The WCC Board will choose the issues in early January, and we’ll share those with you then.

The Wisconsin Conservative Coalition (WCC) represents Northeast Wisconsin, promoting responsible government at all levels. We are fully committed to open and respectful discussions and therefore encourage participation regardless of party affiliation or ideology. For more information, visit

Spring Gala Dinner was a Success!

April 20th, 2024

Thanks to everyone who attended the Wisconsin Conservative Coalition (WCC) Spring Benefit Dinner on Wednesday, April 10. Your presence was soooo appreciated! We hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did. We thought Alex's presentation (once we got past those technical difficulties) was eye-opening. The food and drink were plentiful. And most of all, it was just great to see old friends, meet new friends, and watch as everyone else made new friends!

Dinner with Alex Newman on April 10 in Appleton, WI

April 1st, 2024

We are excited to be hosting a Spring Gala Benefit Dinner on Wednesday, April 10, in Appleton! If you haven’t already registered, please hop on over to the website and REGISTER TODAY!

The dinner event will take place in the Waterfront Banquet Room at Pullmans at Trolley Square, 619 South Olde Oneida Street in Appleton, Wisconsin. The venue has ample free parking and spectacular views of the Fox River. We’ll have access to the riverside patio for the cocktail reception ... and of course it’s going to be a gorgeous evening, right?

Our keynote speaker will be Alex Newman, author of the newly released book, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death. Alex serves on several advisory boards for education-focused organizations, including U.S. Parents Involved in Education (USPIE), the Nehemiah Institute, and the Samuel L. Blumenfeld Foundation for Literacy. Here’s a link to his V.I.B. (very impressive bio): Alex Newman

Alex will address the biggest threats to our Constitution, freedom, and security. Seating is limited, and no tickets will be sold at the door ... so please register today! If you're not going to be in Wisconsin on Wednesday, April 10, please prayerfully consider a donation to help us cover the costs of the event.

April 10, 2024

6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Pullmans at Trolley Square

619 South Olde Oneida Street

Appleton, WI

Register Today!

Update Dinner with Alex Newman on April 10 in Appleton, WI Image

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