A new vehicle for Melanie and YWAM Mandaluyong


 USD $35,000


 USD $2,153

Campaign created by Melanie Weaver

Campaign funds will be received by Melanie Weaver

A new vehicle for Melanie and YWAM Mandaluyong

In 2020 God called our small team of three to establish a new Youth With A Mission base in the heart of Metro Manila. In 2022 in our growing there was a need for another vehicle for our team to use. And seeing the need I searched for and God provided in order to purchase a vehicle. It was used but still in good working condition. However over the last two years I have had to make various repairs on it and as of now it is needing even more. I have discovered that it is not very wise to purchase a used vehicle here and to put more money into the one I currently have would not be a good move. I have spoken to many mechanics and all have said to fix it and sell it as soon as possible. But the truth is I need a set of wheels for all the ministry commitments and needs of our base and even YWAM regionally and nationally. We are in Mandaluyong City, the heart of Metro-Manila and sometimes we half-jokingly say that one of our ministries is transportation as many people come to and go out from our base. Therefore I've been on the hunt for a new vehicle that will last a long time and know that it will be a great blessing to many. My current vehicle is being used almost every day for ministry purposes so I need something that will last long, go far, and is easy to maintain and find parts for if/when needed down the road. After doing much research on the different kinds of vehicle options I'm stepping out in faith and sharing about this need. Thank you for reading, praying and giving. 

If ever the need arises that I need to go some other place other that Philippines the ministry here would have full usage of the vehicle. We have a global gathering of our YWAM Family coming up September 3-6 here in Manila at Christ's Commission Fellowship. Ideally I would like to have the vehicle to use for that event to transport people to and from the venue, which means I need to purchase it a few weeks in advance in order for all the paperwork to be processed. So ideally by August 7 or soon after that would be my actual date for purchase and would need the funds by that time. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
25 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
1 month ago

Nate Druck
$ 376.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 147.00 USD
2 months ago

Nate Druck
$ 176.00 USD
3 months ago

Nate Druck
$ 172.00 USD
4 months ago

Nate Druck
$ 172.00 USD
5 months ago

Barbara Kulick
$ 85.00 USD
5 months ago

Nate Druck
$ 175.00 USD
5 months ago

For the flood bill on the car

Allison Welsh
$ 20.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
6 months ago

Nate Druck
$ 200.00 USD
6 months ago


Update #1

August 13th, 2024

Shortly after this campaign was launched there was a terrible flood and my current vehicle was flooded. Because we as a ministry need vehicles (as mentioned in my initial fundraising) I had no choice but to bring it to the shop and see what could be done for it. Thankfully the shop was able to fix it though it was very expensive to do so. So while the vehicle is up and running and should be good for a few more years I will leave this campaign active because many have advised me to actually sell said vehicle and get a different one. Because it is used, and now also flooded in the past, even if I do sell it I will not get that much. So to prepare for that time, as well as help to recover expenses, this campaign will be here. If I do get a significant amount, close to be able to purchase, I will begin that process of searching again. Thank you for praying for me in this process. Praying for my team also and standing with us in reaching out to this city and nation, and the nations.  

Prayer Requests

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