 USD $100,000
 USD $22,325
Campaign funds will be received by Christopher Wells
This fund is set up to support the Wells family while Joshua goes through his treatments for leukemia.
Chris and Becky's 16 year old son, Joshua, has just been diagnosed with leukemia and is currently in the hospital undergoing chemo treatments. Joshua will be in the hospital for 4-6 weeks and then continue outpatient treatments, as well. Chris is trying to stay with Joshua at the hospital as much as possible.
We are trying to come alongside the Wells family through prayer and giving to help meet their needs as much as we can during this time.
Please don't only give, pray as well!
We are praying for your family.
To help you with a new car
Always in my prayers. God Bless!
Praying for Joshua and your family
We love you guys and are praying for you every day!
You are in our prayers constantly. We love you dearly.
May 16th, 2024
Joshua has a been admitted to a study for his particular type of leukemia at Anderson Cancer Center in Texas. The goal of this study is complete remission without a bone marrow transplant!
Chris and Becky do not know at this time how long the study will last, or how much it will cost. I have raised the campaign goal to reflect this.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.