 USD $2,000
 USD $2,230
Campaign funds will be received by Jonathan Wagner
Hello, friends and family! Normally, I wouldn't be asking for help, but with the cold weather arriving, our main heating unit has broken down and is in serious need of repair. We are working with a great local HVAC company, but unfortunately, we just can't afford to fix the heating unit. We are currently heating our home with several small heating units, blankets, and the gas fireplace. It is keeping our house minimally warm, but can't do that much. That brings us to another problem... Our utility bill is going to be extremely high from the amount of small heaters we are running constantly right now.
This has hit at a critical time, as my health has taken a turn for the worse. With my recent onset of seizures and my new seizure medication, I'm not able to help bring in any income. We just spent all of our savings, as well as a loan from Jon's retirement fund, on fixing the roof, so that it wouldn't leak into our living room anymore when it rained. Jon is working nine hour days just to make ends meet, and even that is barely getting us by. Thank God for friends and family during the lean times!!!
Frankly, we are at our wits ends, and short of a miracle, I don't see how to move forward. We can't get by with the small heaters for very long. $2,000 will cover all the repairs and our utility bill next month. If you can see it in your heart to help, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, and God bless you!
Stay warm!
Thank you so much! We love you and miss you!!!
Praying God continues to provide all you need!
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