USD $5,000
USD $3,808
Vivian will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah on January 18, 2025. In the midst of this joyous event, our Israeli brothers and sisters are fighting for their lives in the Middle East. Vivian is combining her love of dogs with her passion for supporting Israel. Her goal is to raise $5000 for the charity "Israel Guide Dog Center" to unofficially adopt a PTSD service dog. We can then name the dog and receive frequent updates on his/her life abroad. Our plan is to name the dog, Hebrew version of Lucky, after our good family friends dog that recently passed away (The Ciccarello Family). Please consider donating to this wonderful organization. Please note that we are working directly with Joanne Levy, who runs the charity out of Philly and has minimal overhead. Almost every $1 goes directly to funding the actual dog. https://www.israelguidedog.org/ptsd-service-dogs/ Having PTSD service dogs in Israel is relatively new, and they are one of the few organizations providing this service.
More about the "Israel Guide Dog Center" . Many IDF soldiers and veterans, as well as other Israelis like those held hostage by HAMAS, suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)—a debilitating illness characterized by recurring nightmares, frequent panic attacks, depression, and other trauma symptoms. Often, those with PTSD fear sleep because persistent nightmares torment and awaken them. Israel Guide Dog Center has begun a program of training service dogs in special skills to help IDF veterans suffering from these devastating effects of trauma. Studies—and reports from Israel Guide Dog Center’s PTSD clients—demonstrate PTSD service dogs can significantly alleviate the frequency and severity of trauma symptoms. These PTSD service dogs have already shown to be effective in assisting PTSD sufferers by: Calming them during panic attacks, Waking them from nightmares and reducing nightmare frequency and severity, Orienting them and calming anxiety and stress in public situations, Increasing feelings of personal safety, Reducing anxiety when reacting to loud noises, Helping forge personal connections, Providing companionship to reduce depression, isolation and guilt feelings. A PTSD service dog detects when people are stressed or anxious, e.g., they hear labored breathing. Then, the dogs interrupt the increasing anxiety by distracting the person, offering comfort by hugging them (jumping with two or four paws), and licking the person’s face. When the dogs realize their partners are having a nightmare, flashback, or panic attack, they are trained to disrupt the episode and offer comfort.
People who suffer from PTSD dread reliving their experiences through nightmares. Because of this they fear going to sleep – and literally a fear of their bedroom – causing a downward spiral. Consequently this results in a lack of sleep that can create ever-deepening depression.
We have already seen dramatic results. Most significantly, we find when someone suffering from PTSD knows they can rely on a four-legged best friend to consistently stop the nightmares, the frequency and intensity of the nightmares steadily decline. This leads to better sleep—and thus reduced depression and anxiety. We do not know if nightmares will permanently cease (our study periods have not been long enough yet), but we have already seen beneficial results.
We train a PTSD service dog in the “Watch” command—to watch his partner’s back by sitting next to him and facing the other direction. Acting on this command, the dog creates the feeling of “eyes in the back of the partner’s head” to detect if someone or something is approaching from behind. We also train our dogs in the “Block” command—to stand between their partner and another person or object to create space – a safety zone – around the partner. As a result of gaining this safe space, a person with PTSD becomes calmer in crowded public areas – reducing anxiety and averting a potential panic attack.
Training service dogs to help individuals with PTSD requires in-depth knowledge and skills—for both trainer and dog. PTSD service dogs must be perceptive, obedient and intuitive so they can help our clients when they face a crisis. Israel Guide Dog Center’s training team works to identify and evaluate the best dogs for this role, and we train them to recognize and interrupt PTSD behaviors. Our trainers pick the right dog for the right person in order to create a successful Partnership.
Clients with PTSD must care for their service dogs. They must get up and take the dog out, feed and groom the dog, and take care of their canine partner’s health and socialization needs. These responsibilities give clients a renewed sense of purpose, forcing them to get out of bed every morning and out of the house every day, creating a positive routine. This all results in improving clients’ self-image while reducing depression and isolation.
What Their Clients Say
“The Israel guide dog center has not just given me a dog. They’ve given me the gift of life.” ~GR
“My PTSD dog has taken a great burden from my family—and me. Whether I am at home or I go outside, they know my new best friend is there to comfort me.” ~ YP
Go Vivian!!
Love you!
Thank you Viv for being a voice for the IDF soldiers and Israel , light will always prevail darkness and you are sharing that light with these soldiers who need our support , they fight for us and the world , it’s day 463 , you are doing such a mitzvah ! We love you uncle Jason and aunt hilly am yisrael chai !
Awesome! Great job, Viv!
Good luck Vivian!
Go Viv!
We love you and are so proud of you Vivi!!! Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah! Xoxo
Vivian, wonderful cause! All the best to you! Xoxo Scott, Heather, Hunter & Hudson Long
Wonderful cause to support! And Mazel Tov!
This is such a wonderful project Viv!! Thanks for including our Lucky!! It means a lot to us!
What a wonderful service project. Congratulations on your bar mitzvah!
Good luck with your project, Vivian. We are proud of you!
So proud of you Viv! We love and support you!
Viv— i’m so proud of you for raising money for this great cause!
Love the Project 🐾 ❤️
Mazel Tov!
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