USD $27,535
Campaign funds will be received by Michelle Waufle
You've persevered through so much already, Jeff. Press into the Lord for strength. Many people are praying for you!
God bless
I have been praying for Jeff since the beginning and donated in 2022, 23 & 24. Thrilled he is out and I have been praying also for recompense and not just pardoned, but fully exonerated. I will pray he finds a job where he doesn't have to travel. Thanks be to God for getting DJT back as President! May God bless you both and Jeff's children.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fiancé. I am so sick of this but know this will all come to an end. Keep your eyes on Jesus bc he is right there with you everyday.
Against the baton-swinging police which also experienced both inner-conflicts about the decades of undelivered governmental promises about world peace (a single foreign kiloton bomb cancels purpose of defending the destroyed capitol building) and the anger about complacent hedonistic Americans in all areas, you did minimal damage while getting the mission accomplished. Smaller, I encourage to all.
Pardons are for guilty people, the innocent need to be exonerated. Just finished reading CALL IT INSURRECTION COMRADE. We need more truth tellers like Treniss Evans!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fiancé. I am so sick of this but know this will all come to an end. Keep your eyes on Jesus bc he is right there with you everyday.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fiancé. I am so sick of this but know this will all come to an end. Keep your eyes on Jesus bc he is right there with you everyday.
Thank you, Lord, for Trump's overwhelming victory. May he remember "promises made--promises kept" and release all the J6 hostages. Thank you most of all for Jesus!
Thank you for being there thinking we could peacefully stand for our President & country and not be entrapped and abused. We will never forget your caring & service.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fiancé. I am so sick of this but know this will all come to an end. Keep your eyes on Jesus bc he is right there with you everyday.
Thank the Lord the end is coming into sight.
God bless Jeff, his family, and all the J6ers. We are praying for a big Trump victory today, and full pardons and freedom for all J6ers on day one of his administration.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fiancé. I am so sick of this but know this will all come to an end. Keep your eyes on Jesus bc he is right there with you everyday.
Jesus wins in the end.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fiancé. I am so sick of this but know this will all come to an end. Keep your eyes on Jesus bc he is right there with you everyday.
Continuing to pray and keep awareness alive...
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fiancé. I am so sick of this but know this will all come to an end. Keep your eyes on Jesus bc he is right there with you everyday.
God bless Jeff and his family. You have so much support out here, stay strong, you will soon be free.
Hang in there - Jesus is coming and He's bringing the truth... As He Is the truth!
February 20th, 2025
Hello All,
I hope you are all doing well… I want to take this time to Thank You all for your support, thoughts and prayers for all the J6 political prisoners…
Thankfully Jeff is now home with us where he belongs. We still have a long road ahead of us, but at least we are back together where we can work on rebuilding our life together…
It has not been easy emotionally for Jeff, he has been home a month February 21st, and just now starting to go through his belongings from 4 years in prison. He had to move home with me at my house in Central NY, as our home and life in Colorado is no more. Our children are still in Colorado with their biological Mother, which is Jeff, but that is how it has to be for now. They are adults now, our youngest being 19 1/2 and in college. However it is still very hard considering when Jeff was arrested she was only 15 1/2… He missed out on so much over the past 4 years.
Like I said above, Jeff is just now trying to rebuild his/our life. He has not found a job yet, but looking… The job he has been offered is a great job financially, but he has to travel Money-Friday, and his parents that live next door to us are 86 and 82, and in poor health. Jeff has been taking them back and forth to their Dr Appointments, snow blowing their driveway and just taking care of them the best he can. So needless to say he does not want to be out of town all week away from them or myself. Nor do we want that. We just got him home with us. We know something will work out for us very hopefully soon, in the meantime we are doing the best we can to just focus on putting our lives back together, being positive, and enjoying being together again…
It is very important for me to express to you all the best I can of just how grateful Jeff and I a are to all of you, your support and prayers helped us so many times when we needed them…
May God Bless you all
Thank You
Micelle and Jeff
November 5th, 2024
Good Morning All.
Hope you all are well... I have just returned from having my second visit with Jeff after 3 years and 10 months now...It was wonderful, We got to visit Saturday for 6 hours and Sunday for 5 1/2 hours. Jeff is doing the best he can, He is working with the Electrical Department there, and enjoys being outside as much as he possibly can since we are outdoorsie people and he was not outside for the 3 years and 3 months he was in DC... Jeff has filled me in on how bad some of the places he has been held at over the past 3 years, it was scary and hard to hear... Thankfully he feels safer here, but he also still sugar coats things so I do not worry... It does not help, I still worry everyday for his safety...
He is nearing his end time of serving, he has less than a year left to serve, it cannot come soon enough for us, but first he will have to go to a halfway house or stay where he is if the prison decides not to send him to a halfway house.. I had no idea they could do that, I guess the can do whatever they want...
I have had a visit recently with the Probation Department, so hopeful he will be released to a halfway house close to us, but we will not know for a few months yet what the Prison decides. I will say that the Probation Officer and his partner were very kind and informative... I know some folks have not had such a pleasant visit with their Probation Officer.
So this morning I will be going out to cast my vote... After today will tell the fate of those serving time for January 6th.... We can only Pray for the best outcome for them and for All Of AMERICA...
Please keep Trump, Our Country and Our
Freedom in your prayers today, as well as Jeff and all the other wrongfully imprisioned January 6th folks...
God Bless You All,
Thank you all for your continued thoughts, prayers, and support....
August 4th, 2024
Hello all,
It has been a while, but I am here to give a bit of an update on Jeff and our family... Jeff has been moved to where he will spend the rest of his time. It took a while to get him there, and a while to adjust to the different places he had been to and their rules, phone use, etc..
He is finally getting kind of settled in, as settled as he can be. He is alloted a certain amount of minutes a month to use between calls to myself, his parents, Kids, and sister.. If he goes over those in a month, we do not get to talk until the minutes are added again..It is nice that the minutes are provided, however our calls are limited as we have to make sure he gets to talk to all his loved ones...
He is now expected to use his commissary or any money made at his job there to start paying his restitution or fines.. They have a system to figure out his monthly payments which is taken first, and whatever is left from commissary or work pay, he gets to use for what he needs in there.
Other than that, Jeff says he enjoys the work, but there is not always work to do, and enjoys finally being able to really go outside... He spends as much time outside as he can.. We are outdoorsie people and he has missed the fresh air for three and a half years.
Jeff continues to stay positive and tries to take the best care of himself as he can in there with out getting the proper nutrition, vitamins and medical treatment as one may need there.. We are finally looking at an end date here, and it can not come fast enough for us... We have a while yet for him to be home as he was sentenced to 63 months minus the 38 months he had served when he had been sentenced...
Please continue to pray for Jeff andhis release as well as the other J6ers still in there awaiting trial, or even those that are still being sought out. Sorry it has taken so long for another update, as you can imagine with working 3 jobs 7 days a week, and sentencing, Jeff moving, not knowing where he was until he got to a couple different places, it has been a bit busy and a little depressing here.. However, now we are getting a bit use to his new place, trying to get a routine for calls, it is not as easy there as it was in DC, but we will take what we can get.. With an end date insight, moods are going up finally..
Thank you again for all your thoughts, prayers and generosity you have shown Jeff and the other J6ers and our Families..
Thank you
April 25th, 2024
Hello all,
I want to Thank everyone for their generous donations and thoughtful prayers and kind words for Jeff and our family/
There is not much to update on Jeff's situation. He is still in transit to where ever he will spend the remainder of his sentence, we do not know where he will be sent. or when he will get there. He is doing alright, just trying to stay positive and keep his faith.
I would like to let you all know here again that if I do not respond to your prayers you may send on the prayer wall, it is because I do not read them anymore. There are some very horrible, evil people in our world that send prayers, that are not really prayers, they are very mean, and evil words, that I just will not read. I apologize to anyone who has sent a heartfelt prayer, I just can not open myself to that evilness that some of these people are spreading.
I will keep you all updated on news of Jeff.
Thank you and God Bless you all for your kind thoughts and words, and your generosity for Jeff and all the other January 6 folks. Your support for them means so much to all of them.
God Bless
March 19th, 2024
Good morning all,
I know it has been a while since I have updated. We are just trying to get through each day. It has been 38 months since Jeff was arrested, and gets harder every day.
I am writing today to ask you to please keep Jeff in your thoughts and prayers! I will update again soon hopefully with some kind of news. Right now he just needs all the prayers , positive thoughts and good vibes he can get sent to him by wonderful people like all of you…
Good Bless,
November 14th, 2023
Good Morning All,
Well I thought that for some reason the horrible prayers had ended, but I was wrong... I do not know how these people actually sleep at night. How can anyone be so evil... Oh well, I will not lower myself to their standards, I will continue to pray for them...
Just a little update on Jeff and our situation... He is still awaiting sentencing, which by then will be our 3rd Birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas apart. Seems so unreal at times... However we will get through this with our faith and trust in the good Lord, as well as with the support of you wonderful true patriots and true Christians...
Please continue to keep Jeff as well as all the other J6ers in your thoughts and prayers...
God Bless,
September 30th, 2023
Good Morning all,
I just have to say that I came on here this morning to add a little bit of what has been going on with our family lately and I saw the very generous donations we recieved since my last update... I do not know if you all realize just how much your donations help us and others, but most importantly to Jeff and I, how the moral and spirtual support that we get from all of you helps us to continue on and keep our faith that things will work out alright for all of us involved in J6..
Before J6, things in our family life was very good. We were blessed finacially, spiritually and emotionally... We gave where we could to those in need, we volunteered, and our family was very close and involved with one another.
Since J6, our family is still divided between 3 states, we are financially ruined without knowing how much longer this nightmare is going to go on. Or how we will continue to pay our legal fees and other expenses we have..I have not seen our 3 children in over 2 years, as with my 3 jobs I have to work at in order to stay afloat and the kids living with their biological Mother, and school and their work, It has been hard. No one knows what each and everyone of these families are going through on a daily basis... It is so sad that so many people see these guys and women who are just everyday ordinary people as criminals... Who have had their lives all ruined in so many ways..
Thank You so very much for your continued thoughts, prayers, and support.
September 29th, 2023
Hello All,
Again it has been a while since my last update. Working 3 jobs, and holding home and everything together by myself takes alot of time. Any how had not been too much to report up until the end of August. Jeff finally had his trial, and awaits sentencing. That is not for a few months though. So hard to wait just to see how much more time he will be serving, as we know he will be. No one is coming home from J6 without serving as much time as they possibly can give them.
He is holding up best he can, and just trying to get through each day... Thank goodness he keeps his faith in the good lord, and he tries very hard to help all of us to stay positive and keep our faith as well.. It has been hard at times to not give up on my faith, but I will not do that. Pray, positivity and faith and our love for God and each other and our families is all we have to get us through each day.
You good folks that are here to support our loved ones, helps us to keep our Faith to be positive and to be Thankful for wonderful folks such as you all.. Minus the ones that come on here and pretend that they are praying for us when they are really being evil... However, I pray for those that are here to spread evil and hope one day they will find the good lord.
It has been 2 years and 8 months since we have seen Jeff. That is a long time.. I hope to go see him after he is sentenced and sent to wherever he will be finishing his time out. Visitation then will be better...It is so crazy that I am even writing this, I just wish he could come home.
Thank you all for your prayers and support
July 12th, 2023
Hi everyone,
Just a little update on Jeff's situation... He is still being held, but we are just trying to get threw each day... He as well as the other guys get so much support from all of you guys and so many other wonderful like you... It is so heart warming how many people show them so much support... So Thank You...
The phones and the tablets have been so problematic lately... Our calls get cut off while we are talking, the tablets get shut off for no apparent reason. Just another way for them to try and cause frustration among us.. However we try very hard to keep positive and not let it get to us... Sometimes very hard though...
Prayers for all of our January 6th political prisioners...
Thank You for all your support and prayers
Michelle and Jeff
May 21st, 2023
Hey All,
It has been some time since my last update... Not much to update here on Jeff's situation. It has been 28 months since I/We have last seen Jeff. However, I want to Thank all of you for the kind prayers and support for Jeff that you have offered... Those of you who send heartfelt love and prayers are a godsent to Jeff and our family, as well as all the other Political Prisoners being wrongfully held away from their loved ones and their lives..
I know I may have mentioned this before, but not all that come on this site has good thoughts and prayers for our loved ones... There are some real evil people on here, that leave horrible messages on the prayer wall. Unfortunately for them, they must have never known Gods love... It is a sad thing for them... However, I do not let them get to me, I do not even waste my time on them or their fake prayers... Instead I pray for them and their souls...
So again, to all of the many good hearted, wonderful patriots, and supporters, Thank You for your Thoughts, Prayers, and Support...
March 11th, 2023
Hi All,
Once again I know It has been a while since my last update... Not much has changed with Jeff and his situation other than his trial was suppose to be November 2022 and they pushed it back to September 2023 almost a whole year. Other than that, Jeff recently had been hit with a false disciplinary report after being incarceated for over 2 years and never has had any issues... He had been out in the common area for about 5 minutes to make a cup of coffee, while out there he started drinking his coffee and chatted with a couple guys, but then returned to his room, as he calls it.. Later on a CO came to his door without a mask on and handed him the Disciplinary report and Jeff was like what is this for. The CO replied for not wearing your mask. Jeff tried telling him he had been drinking coffee at the time he did not have his mask on, but we know how that goes. Long story short, he was later called to an inhouse hearing, he went to it, they asked him where his witness was, he replied no one told me I could have a witness, never being in trouble in all the time there, he did not know the procedures.. They said well we are going to proceed without your witness, Jeff said no he wanted his witness, asked a few questions. and they ended the hearing. He was later called to a meeting where he thought maybe things were going to be resolved, however they were not and he feared he was going to be sent to the hole.. He had already lost his phone, commissary and visitation priveldges from all this... He was then moved to the hole where he was supposed to be for 30 days, however on the 13th day they moved him back to his pod and gave him his phone privledges back at least..It was so good to finally hear his voice and know he was alright... 13 days is a long time to not talk to your loved ones, or not to be able to contact your lawyer like you are suppose to be able to..He later found out that while he was in the hole, since they said he refused in house counsel, they found him guilty on all charges they were seeking at the hearing without him there. These charges if he and his lawyer can not appeal them may be punishable up to another 5 years on his sentence at his trial... These men do not deserve this.. I am sure I will get hate prayers for this, and it is sad that those that send the hate prayers can not find the good lord and except him into their hearts and feel the love and gratiude we do for our Lord... But for those of you that have been here to support Jeff and all the other folks mixed up in this unjust nigjhtmare, please keep him and all the others in your thoughts and prayers...
Thank you to all you wonderful people/patriots for all the great support and prayers..
January 26th, 2023
Hello All,
I know it has been some time since I last wrote an update on Jeff's current situation. This month and the months leading up to the holidays have been extremely hard on all of us... We are still just in a holding pattern. It has been 2 years since our family has seen Jeff, very hard thing for all of us. Our second Christmas and so many other special days have passed us, with no end in sight... Hard to think about that when all we want is our Father, Husband, Son, Brother, Uncle and Friend home... We Miss Him every single day. It does not get any easier. Especially when you think of the person we know him to be, and what this has done to his and our lives. It will never be the same. But together we will make it the best life we can...
The jail is now starting to let them have visits, which is nice, hoping to be able to go see him soon. Working 3 jobs though makes it difficult. But I will make it happen.
On a different note, I would like to Thank everyone who takes the time to send a prayer, or a card or letter to Jeff and the other fellows that are being kept away from their families... The guys do enjoy receiving the cards and letters of support...
Hopefully my next update I will have more to tell you, but for now it is just the same as it has been for the last 2 years. Other than the visititation...
Thank You for all your prayers and support
November 16th, 2022
Good evening all,
It has been a while since my last update.update. As always there has not been any changes. Jeff like many others are still be held with no convictions, or trial date for another year or more. Times are getting real tough for all of us. I work 3 jobs, 7 days a week to keep things going here with my house and car,a (2007) which is not easy. Everytime I think we are getting a bit ahead so we can put money aside for his lawyers fees, something comes up. Like we are not meant to have anything. They are taking or have taking everything we worked hard for, and all of our lives are ruined. What more do these people want. Sorry, I did not mean to go on a rant. I just wish that all those tanted by evil could take a look and see just what they have done to all of us. We alone, have all been seperated across 3 states, I may not be our 3 kids biological Mother, but I love them like my own, and miss them terribly. Jeff lost his career, his parents are elderly and not in the best health, and are afraid that they will never see their son again. It is scary to think of what is going to happen. But we still keep trying to keep our faith and be positive that the good lord has a plan for all of us...
Jeff has faithfully paid his child support for the past 22 months, so that his daughter does not go without because he is not there to take care of all the things we did when we were all together. Unfortunetly the kids had to go live full time with their Mother. I have not seen the kids in 1 year and 6 months. It is very hard on us all. Let alone not seeing Jeff now for 22 months.
The holidays are real tough on our guys, as well as the families, but our guys for sure. I know myself I always try to stay upbeat and positive when Jeff and I talk, but some days it is harder than others to stay positive and upbeat as well as keep our faith. I work everyday as I mentioned, so I do not get to go to church, but I do a zoom prayer group every week, which helps me. The jail does not have church of any kind in there for the guys, so Jeff reads the bible every night before going to bed. We are blessed in so many ways that others are not, but all of this still weighs on us everyday and we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are blessed.
Please keep our loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. This is a very difficult time for them as well as their families. Thank you for all the prayers and kind words you all have had for us. It brightens our day to know that there are folks like all of you who support those that are being wrongfully punished.
Thank You,
September 22nd, 2022
Good Evening All,
Just a quick update on Jeff and how things are going... Things are still moving very slow. He is still just being held with no end in sight... We find comfort in prayer and positive thinking, and counting our blessing that we do have. Our health, our love, our family and friends and folks like all of you that take the time to pray for Jeff and our family as well as all the others. It really helps them to know that there are many people that support them and pray for them.. So for that, Thank You. We keep praying this will be over soon, but in reality it has already been about 21 months since we last saw Jeff, and I fear it will be a long while before we see him again. But we will keep our faith in the good Lord, and pray for a miracle to end this now... I pray every day that the lord help those tanted by evil and to help them find him and to except him into their hearts, and maybe then this evil battle can end..
Thank you,
September 13th, 2022
Hey all,
For now our campaign is back up, but I know others have been dealing with this for a few days now.. Everyday their campaign is disabled... When will this nightmare be over? Please pray for all of us...
Thank You,
September 13th, 2022
Hello all,
For some reason, Givesendgo has disabled our account. Not only our account, but a few others who are also caught up in the January 6th protest. It is suppose to be back up and running shortly, but until then the only thing I can do is keep you all updated on Jeff and our family. We are all trying to do the very best we can to get through this difficult time, but some times our faith and hope runs low. Fortunately we have great support from family, friends and all of you wonderful true patriots. Thank you for your kind words and prayers..>Michelle Waufle. I believe the bottom account is now enabled for some reason. This just does not make sense to me. We are only trying to get through this difficult time without our loved one home to help and to raise money to pay for our lawyers... It is ashame that we all have to go through so much just to get through the day. Thank You, Michelle
September 5th, 2022
May 25th, 2022
Hi All,
It has been a while since I have done an update... It has been just over 16 months since I or our kids have seen Jeff....Very sad to have all this precious time pass us by without Jeff being home to watch his kids grow, and to take care of his aging parents...
There has been no change in Jeff's situation, he is still just being held there with no end in sight. Please keep Jeff and all the other January 6th Patriots in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank You for all your support. Unfortunantly there is at least one person who want you to think that they support you, but in reality they are just viscous, and say horrible things in their prayers while pretending to be a pastor... When I think of it, He is the one that needs the prayers..
For all of you Wonderful, True Americans, Thank you for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers for Jeff and our family...
Thank You,
March 9th, 2022
Hello folks,
We would like to Thank all of you wonderful people who have given many wonderful prayers, kind words and positive thoughts along with support to help with legal fees. We have been getting some very cruel prayers from some very unkind people out there. However the positive prayers out way the negative ones and help us spiritually... So Thank you all...
There has been no change in Jeff\'s situation. They all have suffured many hours of lock downs. we went through a few weeks of not being able to communicate with our loved ones via phone in the DC Jails as phones were messed up., Now their messaging devices are messed up so we can not communicate that way. Jeff and I keep saying at least the phones work now so we can at least get a call in each day. He tries to always find the positive instead of dwelling on the negativity that is for sure surrounding them in there.
Please keep the wonderful thoughts and prayers coming for all or our loved ones who are in need of some great positivity from everyone they can get it from... I enjoy sharing with Jeff all the wonderful prayers he receives...
Thank You,
Michelle and Jeff
January 7th, 2022
Update #8
It has been a year today that our lives have changed forever. Our loved ones are being held in solitary confinement now for 22 hours a day with 2 hours out to shower and make phone calls. Not allowed to see their lawyers right now and still no visitiation and no video calls. This is unconstitutional for sure.
Jeff has been denied bond, and has lost his due process rights everytime he has a status hearing which Prosecutors keep pushing any chance of a trial back . We do not expect Jeff to have a trial or anything else until late in the year if then.
Jeff has been away from his family since January 10th, and we miss him terribly. He has lost his career, his bank accounts had been shut down, and he has pretty much lost everything he has worked so hard for. The worse part of all of this being seperated from his family.
Please continue praying for Jeff and our family as well as all the other Political Prisioners.
Thank You.
December 16th, 2021
November 11th, 2021
October 29th, 2021
October 20th, 2021
October 5th, 2021
September 27th, 2021
August 30th, 2021
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.