Tree of Life Angels

Monthly Goal:

 USD $888

Total Raised:

 USD $225

Raised this month:

 USD $0

Campaign created by Jenn Naimo

Campaign funds will be received by Jennifer Naimo

Tree of Life Angels

Our beautiful Tree of Life family is growing and thriving thanks to you, incredible donor.

In 2021, a young man named Ray walked to his $3 a day job at a cement company in Mityana, Uganda. 

Each day he would pass children, some just a few years old, crawling through garbage to find scraps of food.

 “ They were picking rotten food on rubbish pits 😭😭 my heart was always pierced by watching them do that and the only way to heal myself was taking them in, loving and taking care of them. I just wanted to end their nightmare😭😭😭”

He decided to open a Community Based Organization that he named Tree of Life Africa which would be a safe refuge for children who were abandoned and needing a family life. 

Ray’s biggest challenge was providing food and shelter for these beautiful souls with the small wages he was earning each week and needing to be available to spend time cooking and caring for these children. 

As he prayed and reached out to a few locals and friends in the beginning, he was able to collect enough for 3 meals a week for almost 30 children that found their way into the heart of Tree of Life. 

These contributions slowly dissipated. 

A Christ-led, compassionate man named Surf, from the US, who saw a post online was able to build a trusting relationship and council Ray to leave his low-paying job which kept him from being present for the children. 

Surf sent what funds he was able, to continue to nourish the children and provide medicine as most were malnourished and quite ill from many nights in the streets as well as traumatic, childhood beginnings. 

Several donations were collected and packages sent to surprise the children including provisions for a pair of shoes for each. 

In the summer of 2024, Jenn was introduced to the beautiful Tree of Life family by Surf who she met through another Independent Media ministry. 

He shared photos and invited her onto his fellowship video livestreams many days of the week with the 21 children that currently were in Ray’s care. 

Jenn immediately fell in love with each of them as they got to know each other through songs, scriptures read by Surf ( translated by Ray ) and communal prayers, recited together in English, over their food and their souls. 

Jenn: “My life is forever changed as God led me to these angels”. 

They have a few consistent donors, Jenn and her two daughters, Annabelle and Ophelia. 

Annabelle was instrumental in providing the funds that afforded the oldest children to attend school, beginning in mid September. 

She is also a monthly sponsor for one of the children who makes them laugh through his dancing and love of blowing kisses to their smiling faces on the receiving end of the small, phone screen - his “stage”.

Ophelia sponsors the youngest family member each month. 

There is a Minnesota family who sponsors 3 of the children with monthly contributions and opportunities for art exchange, penpalling and birthday party celebrations. 

Another anonymous donor is always right there to graciously offer assistance, especially in emergency situations. 

And most importantly, the children are getting involved in showing up for each other all over the world. 

One young donor who is just 11 years old shares her weekly allowance. What a beautiful testament to being raised well from the heart - wanting to share in a unity consciousness. She leads the way in truly understanding that being able to give is how we receive. 

Unconditional love… 💞

Amazing what this flow of currency, our Divine Natural Attributes ( DNA ) can do for the collective. 💞🎶🌟

Tree of Life is blessed to report that the children are now eating two meals a day, attending school 6 days a week, are healthy and strong. 

Currently, the 22 of them ( ages 1-13 ) are living in a cow stable. The girls sleep on one mattress on the ground and the boys on the other. 

In addition to the weekly food funds each week, ($100-$150 on Sunday nights sent through Remitly) this large family is looking to raise funds for a “real house” where the children can have beds, a kitchen and bathroom. 

Ray, who has become a wonderful chef, cooks over a fire with a large kettle, sometimes in the rain, for 22 mouths.

They already have a “home”. It is the love and community of a family that determines a home. 

It is the seeking of security and ease that they are wishing to improve. The absence of dis-ease is the result of a healthy vessel.

And when children have their basic needs met, they can then share more readily with the world around them. 

The children are the way and the light.  

Are YOU willing to get involved in this humbling opportunity? 

We will make improvements to their current shelter until enough contributions are collected to buy land and build a new home. 

Jenn will be traveling as soon as she is able to help build and take care of the children. 

“We are also looking for donors to help with furnishing the home; mattresses, blankets, beds, pillows, kitchen aids, and misc items.”

The children also require more then just material goods. They want to build relationships and grow emotionally with others from around the world, to truly know other brothers and sisters. 

Priceless gifts!! 

Each of these children have so much to offer; you will learn from them a humble, daily walk. They are precious, courageous and knowledgeable about how to live a simply peaceful life full of effortless prosperity. 

Jenn’s testimony, “I feel like the one who is receiving. The childrens’ joy, laughter, daily calls to express love and gratitude is the medicine that can heal nations.” 

If you are called to share in building a bridge to their new home or sponsor one of the children, please consider a resource for which you are able to contribute. 

“We know that everyone is doing their best right now to support children and family wherever you roam on this planet.”

Prayers are a blessing and righteous contribution. 

As a donor, sponsor or prayer warrior, you are invited to join on live video calls to include fellowship and sangha. 

***For more information about what it entails to sponsor one of the children, to specify where you would like your gracious donation to be applied and/or to share ideas, please feel free to contact Jenn directly: 

In Divine Gratitude,

The Tree of Life Family 🙏🏽🕊️🤍🌿

Recent Donations
Sending Love to Raymond
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Such a beautiful thing you are doing for these children. Raymond is a Grass Roots Warrior! Send him my love and admiration. Suzinator

Pat Nemo
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Bless these children with love and giving. In Jesus’ name.

$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

God Bless You, today & always! With Love & a Smile!


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