Monthly Goal:
USD $1,100
Campaign funds will be received by Lance Mosher
My family continues to raise awareness and needed support for our efforts in the kingdom.
I’m grateful to be able to say that Topical Bible Studies is growing and is looking for partners for the cost of a coffee (or three or four?) each month. ❤️
I have been making online evangelistic videos for several years through Topical Bible Studies. In 2023, I have had a concerted effort to release, on average, one video every ten days (not including Shorts). Each video takes between fifteen and twenty hours to make, not to mention the years of study. But that time is worth it. The channel is about to hit 600,000 views and 10,000 subscribers. It’s is growing every day. On average, the channel gets 750+ views per day. Most preachers preach to less than 100 people every week. (This is not to say this YouTube channel will ever replace in-person preaching!)
Can you spare $5 or $10 per month? And if you do support TBS, please check the “follow” box, so you will receive updates. Thank you!
To God be the glory.
We have over 100 videos planned. Subscribe to our newsletter here!
To receive text updates, text "Hello" to 833-491-1796
Happy to support this great work. May it bear much fruit, and to God be the glory.
Happy to support this great work. May it bear much fruit, and to God be the glory.
Happy to support this great work. May it bear much fruit, and to God be the glory.
Happy to support this great work. May it bear much fruit, and to God be the glory.
Happy to support this great work. May it bear much fruit, and to God be the glory.
December 3rd, 2024
We have set about a dozen new Bible studies in the past two months through YouTube and our website. I am thankful for LT and KW, who have been helping with some of the ladies. One of the ladies they are studying with is only an hour away from where they plan to be in Australia later this year.
One fellow I began studying with had a lot of great questions, most of which centered around salvation. I asked him where he lives, and he said, “Sacramento County,” which is where the some of our closest friens serve. I put the man and our friends in touch. A few days later, I received a phone call. “Here. There’s someone who wants to say something.” “Mr. Lance, I want you to know I was just baptized into Jesus—praise God! Thank you.”
The latest videos:
Check them out on the channel.
Thank you for your love and support! God bless you!
September 23rd, 2024
Our goal was to reach 20,000 subscribers by the end of 2024. We hit it today, September 23, 2024. Glory to God!
Here are our latest videos:
Thank you for your support. We could not do this without you.
September 4th, 2024
July 30th, 2024
We have hit 15,000 subscribers! Thank you for your support! Here are our latest videos:
Glory to God!
July 5th, 2024
We have gained nearly 2000 subscribers in the last 24 hours! How?
With the support we have received from our GiveSendGo fund, we have begun paying YouTube algorithm to show our content to more people. Although folks cannot decide which promotions they see, they still have the choice to press that Subscribe button or not. Nearly 2000 folks have decided to press it. To be clear: We are not paying for subscribers. We are paying to give more people an opportunity to choose to subscribe. These promotions are not through gimmicky companies; they’re directly through YouTube. We have only spent about $30 so far. Once this campaign finishes tomorrow, we will let the channel rest and continue releasing content like normal and see if these new subscribers turn into quality viewers. Thank you for your support!
June 11th, 2024
June 6th, 2024
It's past time for an update on here. I do well to update TBS on YouTube, Facebook, and the newsletter, so sub, like, and sign up to receive those updates. Here are our videos since the last update on GiveSendGo:
We couldn't do this without your help. Thank you!
April 9th, 2024
Have you seen our latest? They are not possible without your support! Thank you!
February 22nd, 2024
Since the last update, we have released three new longform videos, two of them dealing with Christian apologetics:
In addition to those three videos, we have released over 10 SHORTS! View them here.
THANK YOU for your support! Pursue God's truth.
January 16th, 2024
Here's our latest video. Thank you for your love and support!
Lord willing, the next couple of videos will be on Christian apologetics.
January 3rd, 2024
I haven't updated here as much as I should (reminder to sign up here where I do update!). Here are our videos since the last update:
Thank you for your love, prayers, and support!
December 14th, 2023
A fellow in Zimbabwe has been watching Topical Bible Studies videos and contacted us. We’ve been studying, and now I have put him in touch with some local Christians, and they plan to study more and baptize him today! Regarding your gifts toward Topical Bible Studies, I think of this verse:
Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. Philippians 4:17
December 12th, 2023
I've had the website since 2010. The first article I ever wrote is still the most popular one, and now there's an updated video to go along with it. Are babies born with sin?
November 26th, 2023
For a few years, I have been studying the topic of "salvation by faith alone." I originally published my findings as an appendix in my book, Clouded by Emotion: Studies on the Holy Spirit and Miracles. I've now released it as a 47-minute video on the channel. You can watch it here:
Thank you for your love and support!
November 13th, 2023
The more I spend ministering to folks online, the more I see the crafty false gospel called the "Prosperity Gospel." People have been lured into a terrible place that will devastate what faith they do have one day. I have prepared three videos analyzing the "name it and claim it" "word of faith" movement. Here they are:
Thank you for watching and supporting!
October 26th, 2023
We have another YOU-funded video! Thank you for helping us answer the question, "How do I know if I've grieved the Holy Spirit?" It's less than 6 minutes long.
October 13th, 2023
Our latest video funded by YOU!
October 12th, 2023
Every day, we receive comments, questions, and requests from viewers. Here's how many folks you helped reach with Topical Bible Studies in September.
October 9th, 2023
A friend from New Orleans came by, and we recorded two videos. Here's the first one:
September 26th, 2023
This video is a bit of a niche topic. Perhaps you've asked it. Yet I've not heard it hotly debated personally. However, based on the online response I received to a video we released in April (which is quickly becoming one of our most popular ones-if you'd like the link, let me know), I decided to do this 19-min follow-up: "What must be said at baptism?" Does the Bible give us a verbal formula we must say at a baptism for the baptism to be valid?
September 13th, 2023
I had forgotten to post the previous video here, and now there's another one! So, check them both out. Funded by you! Thank you for your encouragement.
How to spot a FAKE apostle! (There’s a TEST)
Does Psalm 51:5 prove inherited sin?
August 28th, 2023
Reading Mark 3 was one of the SCARIEST things that ever happened to me. Is it true that if I’ve blasphemed the Holy Spirit that I can never have hope? Let’s explore two questions: 1. What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? 2. Is it possible to blaspheme the Holy Spirit today?
August 28th, 2023
I've been making videos since 2013. But I only did it when I found the time. In November of last year, I decided to go "all in" on teaching the Bible on YouTube. Based on my research and prayers, when 2023 began, I thought if YouTube was going to be the way to go, we should be able to reach 3,000 subscribers by December 31, 2023. It's not even September yet, and we are about to tick over to 4,000. God be praised. Thank you all for your interest. If you're not subbed yet, maybe you'll be number 4k! Don't forget to share 🙂❤️
August 14th, 2023
Are you SURE you're pronouncing the name of JESUS correctly?
You've likely heard of Jesus Christ. But what about Iesous? How about Yeshua? What's the difference, and how important is the sound our vocal cords make when talking about the Son of God?
August 10th, 2023
In 24 hours, 1000 people had seen this video. It's at 1600 views now. Are you one of them? Thank you for your love and support!!
July 27th, 2023
This one is on the dreaded 666! I had a guest in the studio to help me with this one (and one more upcoming video). I hope it helps you. Thank you for your support!
July 16th, 2023
Here's another video YOU funded! Thank you!
Perhaps you've never noticed this before. Matthew's account raises a question. So does John's account. Both questions are answered in Luke's account of the feeding of the 5,000.
July 11th, 2023
Video files are big. I needed to expand my current setup in order to keep shooting, and thanks to you all (and a Prime Day deal), I had the available funds. May God be glorified.
July 7th, 2023
Here is the latest YOU-funded video!
July 1st, 2023
Here is the second YOU-FUNDED video. Thank you for your love and support!
June 21st, 2023
This is the first video funded by YOU! Thank you! Here’s another way to support this channel: watch, like, comment, and share!
The END? Four KEYS for UNLOCKING the Olivet Discourse
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.