USD $26,600
USD $125
Campaign funds will be received by Rodger Faherty Jr
In the Fall of 2023, after getting a psych evaluation and also realizing I’ll potentially have bouts of paralysis for the rest of my life, I found I was eligible for a service animal. As my search began I depressively realized someone like me (a civilian) would probably have to wait 2-3 years and spend upwards of $40K unless I wanted to find a shelter/rescue I may qualify for and learn to train myself, for at least 2 years. Sincerely, my ‘ideations’ were already making plans by that time - I really didn’t think I’d make it another year, much less two. By late winter of 2024 I had given up and just said, “Well God, I’ve done the best I know how. It’s in Your hands now.”
I retired during that time and left my home in Texas in order to travel two states away to help my parents, one of which now requires care.
A trainer called me within a month of my prayer proposing who is now my secular lifesaver (quite literally), Rigby. A golden retriever (turns out with quite of bit of Chow in him, I don’t mind at all) who’s original handler’s family had to break their contract with him. Rigby would have to be trained for my specific medical issues, he had been initially trained for other matters, which would take until sometime in the summer but I could purchase him for the remainder owed. Without hesitation I replied in the affirmative. I didn’t bother to ask to see the contract or any written communicatons between the Parties regarding the termination. I just figured he is God’s gift and I’m not questioning Providence.
My round trip to Florida to pick him took 12 days (included 5 days there getting my training and was about 2500 miles). I don’t fly - if I have a panic attack it feels as if I have a boot on my throat, a condition with which I’m not unfamiliar. I’d rather not freak out a plane full of passengers on my way there, much less a flight crew.
To my delight Rigby was on-the-job most immediately. At a hotel the very next day of getting him, Rigby alerted right after breakfast. Letting me know my cortisol/adrenalin levels were going even higher than their usual and 24/7 consistently elevated levels. Almost instantly everything ‘cooled’ down. Rigby, amongst other tasks, has been cooling them down ever since.
But, here is our problem: within a week after taking possesion of Rigby he started walking with a very pronounced sway. One I had never notice before. It didn’t go away (a pulled muscle I originally thought) and the Vet I took him to diagnosed ‘severe hip dysplasia’ on his right side and not so severe dysplasia on his left. What? How can that be, he’s only 3.5 years old!? Everyone I’ve asked has tip-toed around a direct answer, though a few have said they have seen it before. Perhaps they fear getting subpoened for a civil suit? I don’t know. Not even the surgeon we’ve seen directly answered that one.
Any kind of suit would cost me more than the help I’m asking for his surgery in order to file and pursue, take years, and he’d still be in the same, or worse, condition. I checked. (The muscles in his hind legs have already started to atrophy - Doc says to keep exercising him to stave off the continual degradation). And I don’t want to give him back to someone who would sell him in this condition.
He and I currently live in a small trailer in north Texas, I’m all out of funds for something unexpected such as this and on a fixed income. (His prescription food, for pain, costs $125 for a 28lb bag). I simply can’t afford the $12,557 per hip he needs and I’ve started finding out some of the websites I’ve tried to apply for his surgical costs won’t cover it because, and according to my surgeon’s office, it isn’t life threatening. Not to Ribgy it isn’t. But to me it is. He has kept me alive. He could end up losing both legs and he’d still be alive. But he wouldn’t be able to do 90% of what I ask of him in that condition.
I just keeping saying, “Okay God, how are we going to handle this?” Not to sure how this website works but if you need to see his films, reports, billings etc. just ask. If I do get the funds from other sources I’ll be happy to refund yours per their policies. Thanks for taking your time to read this, God Bless.
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