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Supporting the Nelson Family


 USD $50,000


 USD $44,910

Campaign created by Stephanie Hosszu

Campaign funds will be received by Becky Nelson

Supporting the Nelson Family

As many of you know the Nelson family has been hit hard recently and it feels like arrows are being shot at them from all angles. Tony was hospitalized almost two weeks ago and is currently still there with no eta on coming home. The Nelson crew is in deep need of their community to rally around them while they’re in the trenches. This funding campaign has been started to help offset: medical costs, zero income coming in, and day to day living. This is such a stretch for Tony and Becky as they’re the ones who love to be on the giving end of things. But sometimes life deals you a season where you ask for help & allow others to bless you. So that’s where we’re at….please know that any resources given and prayers spoken are treasured more than you’ll ever know!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending love, hugs, and an easy procedure + smooth recovery.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago


The TePaiho Whanau
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Sending all the Aroha (love) from Adelaide, Australia

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
5 months ago

Happy February Nelson family 🤗❤️

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
7 months ago

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year Nelson family🤗🩷

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
8 months ago

🩷Happy Thanksgiving—so grateful for all of you.

$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Praying and rooting for you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
9 months ago

Continuing to pray and so grateful to know your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

For help with Tony's medical bills

Christina B
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Sending you much love!

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
11 months ago

Prayers and wishes for health, joy, and many good things 🤗❤️

The Simkus’s
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Lotsa Love to you guys

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying and sending love and hugs.

The Newell family
$ 600.00 USD
1 year ago

Hang in there Nelson family! Like so many other people, we are pulling for all of you, and commend you all for the way you’ve handled this significant detour in life.

Patti Dybdahl
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Can't wait to have you back at work, Tony! Prayers for all the family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago


$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you and your family Tony, glad you made it back home.

Amie Edberg
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Hope whatever is goin on that you figure it out and all is well. Praying for your family.

Nancy Lowenberg
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Stay Strong, Thinking of your whole family.


Surgery - June 10th

May 31st, 2024

Well, village... we come to you today with another update/prayer request. After the ultrasound procedure that Tony had in March, it was discovered that he has some "sludge" in his gallbladder, which CAN be a precursor for another round of pancreatitis. (Apparently, sludge is not something most people have, and given "the perfect storm," it COULD land him back into a lengthy stay at OHSU, or God-forbid, worse.)

Tony met with a surgeon on Tuesday, and it has been strongly advised that he has his gallbladder removed to eliminate that as a possibility. Surgery is set for June 10th. If you know Tony, he is, of course, trying to wrangle anyway he can to get back to work for financial reasons in LESS than the three week sentencing. Although it will be a robotic surgery with four incisions, the down time is 3 weeks. Best case scenario. He also feels like he's FINALLY back to his fighting weight and FULLY recovered, so, to him, this feels like a MAJOR setback. Understandably. (He's been working full-time, playing tennis in USTA, and finally enjoying hummus, veggies and the low-fat lifestyle. (OK, that last part might be a stretch.)

We're hoping this is THE KEY.

But, as we've been told 9874 times, they just do not know and CANNOT guarantee that this was why he had pancreatitis in the first place. 

So, we go forth and cross this next hurdle with gratitude. It needs to be done.

We'd be honored to have your support, prayers and understanding as he's "out of office" for a stint...and while our little fam dotes on him in recovery.

Thanks for being Team Nelson.

Oh, and also...Ezrah is doing FABULOUS! (Still on medication. We meet again with Rheumatology in July.) She's about to be 14 and is nearly 5'9". Volleyball girl!? 

Angiogram on 3/20 at OHSU

February 27th, 2024

It's been a minute. Isn't that just AWESOME?!
I've been wanting to come on here and share the latest...
We're coming up on the one year mark of Tony's initial hospital admission. March 28th, to be exact. Often, it feels like yesterday. But, sometimes, it feels like a lifetime ago. Because of that, doctors are choosing to do some recon and "check" on things. Tony will undergo an angiogram on March 20th at OHSU. The procedure is supposed to be 2-4 hours, and I'm sure you remember how well he does with those!? (Not well at all. They ALWAYS take longer, with a few hiccups in the past. We've lost count, but I think this will be the 5th one.) My guess is a CT will be around June/July to further check his pancreas. With the new year comes new out-of-pocket maxes and deductibles. But, we believe this is necessary for some peace of mind and to make sure staying off all medications is best. We are hopeful this will just be a quick in and out procedure. Would LOVE prayer that day...and the days following...and the days leading up to...

Ezrah Joy, My beautiful 5'8", 13 year old! She grew over 2 inches in two months, so I'd say her bone health is doing AWESOME. She meets fairly regularly with Rheumatology, but her medication is WORKING, and she's resumed life as a normal teen, for the most part. Her latest labs were eye-opening for me. Some of the stuff they can point on with her bones and inflammation are CRAZY. I am so grateful for modern medicine and doctors that CARE. She really has the BEST team at Randalls. So far, she's had no note-worthy flare-ups, and her inflammation has been at bay. 

Short update from me. Not gonna lie, not totally thrilled to get back on the roller-coaster. Praying the ride this time ends somewhere tropical. 🤣
Update #5

November 30th, 2023

November Update:

Dare I type it....but life has been relatively boring on the medical front for Tony & Ezrah.

Tony has been stable for several months, and we will meet with Hematology in December. He is still on the dockett for a repeat CT, and we will do another round of baseline labs to check how his pancreas is doing. One of the "concerns" has always been his insulin levels holding steady with a now compromised pancreas. 

Ezrah had a follow-up with Rheumatology last week at Randall's. We have FINALLY found a prescription that keeps her pain at bay. THIS IS HUGE. Her doctors would like her on it for a year. She has to do a blood draw (pray for our girl) next month to make sure her liver and kidney are tolerating it well. She has NO signs of arthritis and she no longer limps. This time last year was such a scary time. We just didn't know what we were dealing with, and she was in and out of a wheelchair having one surgery behind her. What a kid. Her resiliency is inspiring. There are no surgeries on the horizon, and we're just thankful our girl is getting her life back to normal.

What a year. I'm anxious and ready to leave it behind. I'm slowly moving forward. There's a lot of sparkly lights in our house right now and snuggly dogs. Life is good. There is JOY to be found.

Update #4

October 21st, 2023

A lil' October update. 

*Tony is stable. We meet with Hematology in December. 

*Ezrah is stable. She's on a new prescription that seems to help with her nighttime pain. She has gone 5 nights (by her own choosing) WITHOUT medication, and the pain has not returned. She will have a repeat CT scan in the coming months to see if the "spot" in her bone has been reduced. We meet again with Rheumatology next month.

*Micah. For those who saw my IG post. His dominant hand had a run-in with a hedge trimmer while working at our friends house, which landed us in the ER. His hand/fingers were stitched up. We are thankful. It could've been SOOOO MUCH worse. But, he has ALL of his extremities and was only out of tennis for 2 weeks. He's playing District's this weekend, and has already secured his spot for Regionals (Bi-Districts) next weekend in Tacoma, representing Prairie High School. 

I'm fixin' to contact the local hospitals for my own parking spot or at LEAST a meal voucher. But, I'd be fine to stay out of there for at LEAST five years also.

For the most part, we're all just truckin' along as best we can. 

**Our insurance is still in "discussion" with OHSU because they're denying Tony's last hospital stay for 5 days, claiming it wasn't "medically necessary" to retain him for 5 days. (This was the call from his doctor telling us to go to the ER IMMEDIATELY due to the blood clots they found in that morning's CT. Surgery was supposed to have taken place that Friday night, but he got bumped 5 times, and surgery didn't happen until Monday, with his discharge being on Tuesday.) There is nothing we can do. It's another sit tight and wait situation. 

Thank you for all the check-ins and prayers. We are just beyond grateful.

Update #3

September 1st, 2023

Ezrah's recent surgery couldn't have gone better. Her pain was minimal, recovery was smooth, and we REALLY thought the cryto ablation worked... until the pain on her tibia returned the night of the 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and again last night. It's the same pattern.

She feels ok during the day, but at night, the nerves start firing, and sleep becomes elusive. SUPER common response to an Osteoid Osteoma. We have a routine Rheumatology check up next week with MORE intel to show from the summer (circulation issues and random swelling joints), but, alas, I'll be shocked if we get an auto-immune diagnosis. The rheumatologist simply says her symptoms, "Don't add up." The cycle/runaround is never ending. 

Tony is stable. His diet is SUPER restricted, but he's had no issues since our last visit where the drain was removed. His lifestyle has done a 180, though, for the better. He's working less (only 40 hour work weeks now), and we get to see him a lot more. Our insurance is STILL denying our last hospital stay of 5 days at OHSU's B&B. Another "sit tight and wait" moment while they try to get on the same page with OHSU. We can't pay it. It's astronomical. 

Elijah is working as a pro. He travels to AZ in a few weeks for a national tennis tournament. His car accident (nearly 1 year ago) is still being "settled" with their attorneys. We STILL don't know how that will pan out.

Amelia is entering her senior year of high school (still doing school at home) and working a TON at Orange Theory. (If anyone wants to join me there in September, they're doing a fantastic promotion. Best EVER!) She also works one day a week at the tennis center.

Micah started back as a SOPHOMORE at CAM Academy yesterday. He takes all the hard classes and decided a computer science ZERO period was a good idea. He's driving now AND playing tennis for Prairie High School. 

Ezrah, Aurora, and Matilda are getting ready to start another year of homeschooling at The Nelson Academy. Don't ask me what grades they're in. We just do the school. But, I think somewhere around 8th, 5th, and 2nd.

It's been such a hard season. Grateful for Luna Lovegood (our nearly 11 month old German Shepherd) and our village. I KNOW I've been elusive and unresponsive. I'm grateful for EVERY check-in. I'm just struggling to find my footing. I'm still here. 

As always, thank you for reading my novel, for those taking care/thought of Tony at VTC, for all the prayers for Ezzie. We. Are. Grateful. 

Update #2

April 25th, 2023

I’ve upped our hoped for financial goal to 50k. Tony has been in the hospital almost a month at this point, with no end in sight, and I would love for money to not have to be anywhere on the Nelson’s worry list for a long time! If you’d like to read the latest on how Tony is doing and what the prayer needs are please visit their blog that Becky keeps updated regularly-

April 9th, 2023

If you’d like to read more about what Tony is going through or keep up to date on the latest news from the family, you can visit 

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