USD $511,968
USD $381,913
Campaign funds will be received by Frederic Gray
Praying for your family, Frederic. It's been a long, exhausting trial, but God is faithful.
So sorry to hear of these latest hurdles.....I'm privileged to contribute at all to your needs. Thank you for being so open.
February 11th, 2025
Hey guys, I updated the GiveSendGo. I'm also going over the exact final costs with my GC. Some of that requires us to pick out things that may not be in stock when we're ready to buy it. It seems like the cheapest things are whatever Home Depot or Lowe's currently have in stock.
Heather still has ups and downs, but her symptoms are accumulating at a rate that is much slower than when we were in our house.
Thank you, so much, for everything. This journey has taken longer than we thought it would. But we are so much closer to the light at the end of the tunnel, and it's because of God and the way he has worked through so many people and churches.
Thank you, so very much.
The Gray family
November 9th, 2024
Hey guys, here are some updates.
Many people have asked me about how our house did in the hurricane. It held up really well. There are some shingles that came off the roof. But nothing else really happened. You may have read in an earlier update that Temple Terrace, our city, required us to pay for hurricane impact widows. That wasn't cheap, and it increased our expenses for the house. Well, of course we are now very thankful we have them. We had some damage to a vehicle, but nothing else to the house, that we know of.
Additionally, we have a big oak tree in our front yard. It was tilted a little bit after the hurricane, but it didn't fall on our house. We are so thankful for that. Also, we have a porta john in our front yard. It's next to another oak tree in our front yard. Our GC strapped it really well to the wood, square frame that surrounds the base of that tree. The porta john stayed put as well. I was much more concerned about that than I was the tree. The providence of God smiled upon us.
One thing I think I forgot to mention with the increases in costs is that we never expected to have to replace our cabinets. But as the mold remediation company did cleaning, they have to keep cleaning until they see four feet of 'no mold' past the mold. Well, that forced them to remove our cabinets, counter tops, and sink. This was also one of the reasons our costs went up.
Because we are having to wait longer, I am adding three months of rent and monthly expenses to what we are trying to raise. If you see the price increased from the last time you looked, that is why.
We have always planned for the best. Now we are going to plan for the worst. We chose this house because when we were looking this was the best option. It was almost a year ago, and we were desperate to get a place to rent and to move out of a hotel. We thought we were doing well to negotiate a six-month lease, ending at the end of June. Well, that shorter lease cost us $200 more per month in rent.
We are now looking to move to a less expensive place. If we had signed a one-year lease, we could have saved $2,400 over the last year. As it is, they are allowing us to go month-to-month with a 60-day notice required to opt out of the month-to-month agreement.
We really thought we would be back in our home by now. Please pray for us to find a place that will work well for us financially. There have been a number of ways our instability has caused challenges in our family. Please pray for us.
We are so thankful for everything...for you, for God and his providence, for being able to live outside of mold, and for all the ways things could be much worse but are not. Your love, support, and prayers are so special to us. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Another thing that is noteworthy is that a recent blood test showed that the mold in Heather's body is doing damage to her liver. Please pray for her.
There are so many of you that are anonymous. I don't know if you are getting these updates as I post them. your love, generosity, kindness, and support for Heather is touching. Your support for Heather also is support for our family.
May God richly bless you all.
With gratitude,
Frederic Gray
(813) 298-6678
August 31st, 2024
Well, this is an update that I had hoped I wouldn't have to make. But the reality is that my costs are going up. Here are the details.
1. Time and rental expenses. The costs I added to the Givesendgo recently were based on us finishing the house in September. Well, at this point, we probably won't finish until late November or December. Thus, I will add the additional rental expenses to the goal of the Givesendgo. The expenses are as follows.
Utilities--Roughly $300/month (We still are paying the mortgage and utilities in our home, also)
Rental insurance (required by my landlord)--$500/month.
Homeowner's insurance--My insurance company came to me about six months ago and told me that because I was not living in my home that they were insuring, I had to pay for extra insurance. I forget exactly what it is called. But I have to pay it because I am not living in the home. It's $500/month.
All the rental expenses for three more months equals $13,500. If we are not in our home by the end of December, we will have to revisit this.
At this point, we have thought of multiple options. We have thought about splitting our family up. The ideas is that Heather and I, and maybe our youngest or two youngest children, could live with a friend who had the room. Then, my other four children could stay with four other friends.
The reason we have not attempted this option is out of concern for our family. Without going into detal, the lack of stability, the increased time I have had to spend on many things, from my work, to things related to Heather's health, or the house, have put our family through a lot. I am not going to go into detail on this site. But, despite the cost saving, splitting up my family or an indefinite period of time would harm my family.
You know, there may be people who read that and it might seem laughable to you. Well, call me and talk to me if that's the case. But seriously, this journey has been more challenging than anyone can imagine, unless they've been on it. But seriously, if you have ANY questions, call me or text me at 813-298-6678. I'll answer any questions you have.
And if you have ANY options to save us money, and keep our family together, that you think we haven't though of, I'm all ears.
2. A/C Company. The A/C company I originally contracted with told me this summer that he would not be able to start working on installing the air conditioning for at least 3-4 months. We were ready for it to start going in, so if he waited 3-4 more months, that would delay the whole project an additional 3-4 months. (see the rental costs above) Also, he added on an unjustified (in my opinion) change order which increased the cost of the project by $25,000. Continuing to work with this a/c subcontractor would have cost us an additional $38,000-43,000. Thus, we hired another a/c contractor. This a/c contractor will cost us an additional $15,000. That is $23-28,000 less than my original contractor.
So, combining the cost of the extra time and the a/c contractor, I will be adding $28,500.
Just to be clear, if I had stayed with my original a/c contractor, he would have caused a 3-4 month delay on top of whatever we have currently. Staying with him would have increased fundraising goal by $13,500(where we are at now), plus $13,500-$18000, the 3-4 months of additional rental expenses he would have forced us to accrue by his own delays, and the $25,0000 change order he added.
Instead of increasing the goal only $28,500, because of delays and our new a/c guy, had we stayed with the previous a/c guy, we would be adding the $13,500 from delays, plus $$38, 500-$43,000, for a grand total of $51,000-$56,500.
So, not enough money to finish the project by September, as I had previously hoped, and the $15,000 increase for the new a/c guy, equals the increase of $28,500, which I am adding to our fundraising goal.
Thank you, everybody, for your prayers, and your emotional and financial support. Nobody deserves this kind of graciousness. I humbly thank you, and give all the glory to God.
Please keep praying for Heather.
with immense gratitude,
Frederic Gray
July 3rd, 2024
Hey guys,
Here's some info that I've shared with people as they ask about delays. Both the windows and doors took over three months to come in after they were ordered.
If anybody has any questions, you can call me at 813-298-6678.
Thank you, so very much.
Frederic Gray
May 29th, 2024
Hey guys, we just got confirmation that we will be able to stay in our current home on a month to month basis after our lease expires on June 30th. That is a huge blessing. We really didn't want to move again. We've already moved six times in the last two years. Now, granted, we don't have a lot of furniture now. But it still takes a toll.
This is a big blessing we are thanking God for.
Thank you so much, for everything.
May 22nd, 2024
Dear everybody,
Words cannot express how grateful we are to all of you. From the amazing people who started this fundraiser, to the people who went beyond the extra mile to help us live outside of our ‘mold house,’ to all of you who have donated to the many people who have prayed for us, we are so grateful for you all.
Here is an update. There was a time last July that I had everything I thought I needed to rebuild the house. That did not include my rent and living expenses from August through November. We were renting a furnished house until the end of November. Our hopes last July initially were high that we would have our house rebuilt by the end of November. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out.
Our permit approval was delayed. We originally thought we would get it approved in the spring of 2023. It didn’t get approved until 2-3 months after the mold remediation was completed.
Thus, the building back of the house by the general contractor did not start until early October. It was very hard watching our house just sit there while we waited for the permit to rebuild our house. There have been other delays along the way. There have also been price increases. Here is a breakdown of the price increases.
Based on what we are being told by our GC, we are assuming we are going to be out of our home, and paying rent in our current temporary home, until at least September. My current lease is up at the end of June. I am waiting for my landlord to get back to me to see if we can go month to month until we can move back into our house.
Rent and utilities from August, 2023 to September, 2024—$48,500. All this rent money comes out of money we have to fix the house.
Airbnb --$6,600
Hotel for 9 nights—$2,200
Moving truck for 10 days--$460
The GC originally budgeted $1700 for Windows. We were going to get the cheapest windows possible. Well, after we started down that path, we found out that our city requires all windows that are put in to be impact windows, which are much more expensive. Thus, with the least expensive impact windows, our actual window expense went up to $16,000.
A similar thing happened with all of our doors as the windows. $1600 was budgeted for all of our doors, inside and out. The final cost for all of the doors was $14,000.
The top half of our house is siding, and the bottom half is stucco. Several years ago our siding started bowing up on the sides, and rain got underneath it and damaged the wood frame underneath. There was no Tyvek weatherproofing on the wood frame of the house. It’s supposed to be there, so everybody who learned about that was curious how the house could get past inspection without over the wood frame.
So, we had to remove the siding, and fix the wood damage from the rain. And to make sure that never happens again, we are putting stucco on the top half of the house. On the base walls of the upstairs was some type of foam-looking material. Our GC did not know what it was. Several subcontractors did not know what it was. Our stucco guy said stucco would not stick to it. And the permitting guy said he had not seen that material in a long time but that it would not pass inspection. So we had to redo the walls upstairs. Parts and labor for that cost $8900.
There are lots of small change orders that had to be done over the course of the work, and I just paid a bill of $30,300 to cover all of that.
There needs to be an upgrade to the breaker box to get it up to code. I currently don’t know what that’s going to cost. We are working to keep our costs down as much as possible. We don’t know for sure if that’s going to be the case.
But for now, these increases cost roughly$123,600. So, I have added that number to what we currently have raised on GiveSendGo as our current new goal.
We humbly ask for your prayers.
I’ve recently tried to get a loan, but with no success. This is very hard for us. The longer this takes, the more expensive it is.
In addition, this journey has been very my family. We are dealing with challenges that have arisen due to the unique burdens we are facing. But no one in our family is facing a bigger burden than Heather.
So many people have gone the extra mile for Heather, and for our family. We don't even have the words to adequately thank you. Please pray that we can finish this journey, and help Heather heal.
March 12th, 2024
I need to apologize. I had an update that I thought got posted a while back, about where we are currently living and about some of the delays and extra costs incurred. This is not the first time I've written an update, and it didn't get posted when I thought it did. I even accidently posted the exact same update 2 times in a row within a few seconds one time. I'll get a list of the increases in costs in the next day or so.
After staying in a hotel for about a week and a half, we signed a six-month lease going to the end of June.
We bought some furniture, and we are staying here until the end of June. Maybe longer if we have more delays. But there is exciting news.
They just started putting windows in. The general contractor said things will start moving fast after the windows get put in. I don't know all the details behind that statement, but it sounds promising. It's a strong enough statement that we have hope that we could be back in our home by the time our current lease expires.
As I said, I was surprised and disappointed to see that my last update didn't get properly uploaded. I'll post that as soon as I get the details, which I don't have with me right now. Maybe tonight or tomorrow that will get posted. I came on today just to share the good news that it appears we are in the homestretch.
Thank you for your prayers, your help, and your support. The challenges that go along with this journey are beyond anything we could have predicted. Especially for Heather.
Thank you,
December 28th, 2023
Hey guys,
So, last week we were unable to secure a temporary home before we moved out of the Airbnb house. So we had some friends help us load our moving truck on Tuesday night. Then we moved on Wednesday into a hotel. We found a rental house that we thought we could move into on Saturday. On Friday night, we found out the house would not be available until Tuesday, the 26th. So we extended our stay at the hotel. Our moving truck, and our cars, are all at the hotel.
Then, Tuesday morning, when we were all set to check out of the hotel, pick up some furniture, and move in, we were told the house wouldn't be ready until Thursday night (tonight). Meanwhile, we don't have a lease signed. From Tuesday morning until last night we heard nothing from the realtor. It seemed like she may have been trying to secure someone who would sign a 1-year lease, which is longer than what we would be signing. We started looking for other houses.
Last night we heard back from her, and she said she had taken some family time, and unplugged. I can appreciate that. I have done the same thing.
She said she couldn't send us the lease because she didn't have her laptop, and couldn't send it to us until this morning, Thursday, the 28th, the day were supposed to move in. At the time of this update, we still have no lease agreement sent to us. I will reach out in a few minutes and ask her about it.
We've been in the hotel since Wednesday, the 20th. Either we're moving into a new temporary home today, or we will again extend our hotel stay. This isn't easy. But it could be much, MUCH worse. We thank God, and all of you, for all of your help and support.
Frederic and family
December 18th, 2023
Hey guys, I apologize about how long it's been with the updates. I'll share some right now, as I have time.
Three weeks ago we moved out of the Zephyrhills/Wesley Chapel house. We are set to move again tomorrow to another temporary home.
Last summer our hope, and the hope of our general contractor, was that we would be back in our home by the end of December. However, the permit took much longer to get approved than anybody anticipated. That delay, combined with some other delays, extend our move-in date to sometime in the next several months.
The house we move into tomorrow was going to be an Airbnb home that a friend was going to rent to us at a very inexpensive rate. Due to something I found out last night, that I don't want to put on this website, we may need to change our plans and move somewhere else. If you want to know what it is, you can reach out to me privately. But I just don't want to say on the website.
The last house we lived in was a great blessing to us. We lived there from April 30th to November 30th. It was also a house rented to us by some Christians we met through a mutual friend. They gave us a great rate. The house we are staying in now is in Tampa and is not as good of a deal as we've gotten before, but it was the very best rate we could have gotten at the time. Maybe it was the holidays, maybe it was football season, I don't know. But the rates for this house we've stayed in for the last three weeks were higher than the average historical Airbnb rate in this area.
We're having to move fast to find a place to stay for the next two to three months, considering we need to be out of this house by 11:00 AM Wednesday. Our plan is to move on Tuesday night, and we have some friends from church who are willing to help us.
We don't have any furniture to speak of, except for a couple of small bookshelves. We've got school books, clothes, and other gifts and effects that we've accumulated over the last year and a half, since we left our home. We've got some small kitchen items. We have a really nice blender that somebody gave us, and a mixer.
Having help is really nice. I got a car accident about a month ago, and my neck and back are not up to par. Also, Heather is doing worse than she ever has. She's having trouble with her kegs now, and not just her hands. We are so thankful to God for our friends who are willing to help us move. That includes you, because every move is paid for by money people have blessed us with. We work hard to be responsible with that money, and I just want to thank you all for your massive generosity. Last night when we were looking at houses for the next few months, it was reassuring to see that the rates we will be paying will be less than the current rate for this house we are leaving right now. We are more than willing to live a long distance away from Tampa if it will help us save a bunch of money.
We are still receiving mail at our home address, which is 6108 Rain Briar Court, Temple Terrace, FL, 33617.
Thank you, so very much, for your support. We couldn't do this without you.
Giving God the glory,
August 15th, 2023
Since our last update, we have had a lot of action. When the mold remediation company went to our shed in our backyard to 'clean' it, having finished the house, they found more damage that had not been accounted for.
A few years back, we turned this shed into an office for me. It had a window a/c unit. Well, the remediation company found water damage that leaked from the window unit down the wall, and into the floor. We had a shelving unit there, under the window, so it's understandable that the inspection company didn't originally see that.
Also, there was water damage that had come in through the front door, damaging the walls next to it and the floor.
Thus, the remediation company removed the flooring, and part of two walls. That is mow 'build-back' work that we did not expect to have done.
Well, last week, our inspection company came out to do thorough inspections of our house and shed. These tests will show whether or not the remediation company has to back to work, or if we are able to begin building.
Here's what one of the inspectors told us. He said, "As much as we've seen Kevin's work, it's shocking that he can still amaze us."
They talked about how clean everything was. and how there were parts of the house that many people don't do well, but how Kevin and his team had done such a thorough job.
There are two different kind of inspections. One brought results within 48 hours. The other needs roughly 2 weeks to get results.
After the first test results, there were two areas Big Easy Restoration (Kevin's company) needed to touch up. One area was our garage ceiling, underneath the upstairs bathroom. The other area was a part of the shed.
Kevin and his team came back immediately and took care of it. We havce already had another inspection and the results were pristine.
They were supposed to measuring mold on dust particles, and they couldn't even find any dust to inspect.
So, the first inspection was Monday, August 7th. We got the results back on Wednesday, the 9th. Thursday, the 10th, the remediation team recleaned the two areas. Friday, the 11, our inspection company came out and retested, at no expense to me. We have already gotten the results back that everything was pristine.
The second test will give us results around the 21st, give or take a few days. That will be the final test to reveal whether we can begin construction.
I just wanted to let you all know. Thank you for everything you guys have done for Heather, and my family. I really don't even have the words to express the extent of our gratitude.
Frederic & Heather
July 30th, 2023
Recently we had an update with our general contractor. We got a solid number for what it would take to build back the house to be livable. It increased what we were shooting for in this fundraiser by a lot.
When this fundraiser was started, we had a hard number for the mold remediation. We had a firm number in a quote, and even though we started roughly one year after we got that quote, the price never changed for the mold remediation.
That is not the case with the general contractor.
The quote we got from the air conditioning company increased by the time we signed the contract And the time between the quote and us signing the contract wasn't that long. But inflation was strong and everything had increased in price.
We got only a rough estimate from the general contractor. No general contractor would give us a quote because the scope of work for their rebuilding the house was not firm. If the mold remediator saw more mold than what had been identified, that would mean more demo for the house, and more work for the general contractor to build back. This has absolutely happened in our house, as you can read about in update #10, below.
The number for this fundraising site was created from a number given by a nationally recognized mold expert who used to build homes. The number was $380,000. That is $180,000 from the molder mediator, and roughly $200,000 for everything else regarding the build-back of the house.
With the increase in the scope of work, and with inflation affecting the air conditioning company and the general contractor, our number has increased significantly. The actual number for what we need increased into the 400,000's.
That information hit me really hard a few weeks ago when I met with the contractor. I felt anxiety about having to update everybody and tell them that we needed more money than what this fundraiser said. I felt foolish for not updating this fundraising site earlier with the actual knowledge that there was a chance the number could go up once we got specifics from the general contractor. But I knew I had to share that info. People need truth. You have to know what you're working with in an endeavor such as this.
Heather and I have been praying about it. As people would ask us about the status, I would tell them what happened with the price increase. But a couple of weeks had gone by and I still hadn't updated the fundraising site. I have been so slammed for time.
Well, I'm not going to give any details, but something happened beyond anything we could have dreamed of. The bottom line is that we just received a check that will cover the rest of the money that we need for the house. Yes, you read that correctly.
Now, there may be some glitch that occurs, or some problem that happens where we may end up needing more money for the house. But that's not likely at this point.
We have an inspection coming on August 7th. I wrote about this in update #10, below. That inspection is estimated to be roughly $4,000. But it may go over $5,000 if they perceive that they need to take more samples than what they are currently estimating to take. Our initial inspection for our house cost roughly $5200.
We still have rent and utilities to cover all our living expenses here in our rental home. Our lease expires at the end of November. If we are able to get the house finished by the end of November that would be such a perfect ending to all of this. At the time of me writing this update, that is still a reasonable possibility.
If the number the general contractor gave us for the house stays exactly the same, we currently have enough money to cover the House, the mold inspection on August 7th, and some of our rent and utilities. All that will be left for us to cover is roughly 2-3 months of rent and utilities. This will be roughly$7-10,000, depending on how much everything costs going up to the end of November. This is such a small number compared to everything else that we needed.
Heather and I are blown away. We are speechless.
And we are so very thankful to God, and to you for letting God work through you the way you have. We are thankful for God providing money to people so they are even able to give. TImes are tough right now, and everybody is tightening their belts. We are thankful for each of you, for your generosity, love, support, thoughtfulness, sacrifice, and kindness.
There's no way we can thank you enough. There's so many of you who are anonymous, I really hope you see these messages of us expressing our gratitude.
We've been advised to leave this fundraiser up, in case people want to help with our rent expenses and with helping us buy furniture. The first things we are going to buy to put in our new house will be mattresses, some card tables and chairs, pots and pans, dishes, flatware, curtains so people don't look at us when we sleep and other essentials. We are so content to sit on the floor, or on card tables and chairs, until we can buy some furniture.
I was going to stop this fundraiser, but I'm keeping it up under advice from several people.
So, be clear. Unless things change, (which silk could happen but does not seem likely at this time), we have all the money we need to make our house livable and move-in ready. Anything donated from this point on, will go toward the living expenses that we are paying right now, and furniture for our home. I am not pushing for you to give for that. We are content to do whatever it takes to cover the rest. But as I've been advised, there may still be some people who want to help with some of those expenses.
We will continue to update you as things progress, both with the House and Heather. May God richly bless all of you.
Three verses keep floating through my head. So, to finish this update, I'll share them with you.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” (James 4:13-15)
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! “For who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has become His counselor?” “Or who has first given to Him and it shall be repaid to him?” For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. (Romans 11:33-36)
July 30th, 2023
Heather has ups and downs. But she is doing worlds better than when she was in our house.
Everything was out of our house in April. Yet, there was still some work I needed to do in my shed. We have a shed behind our house that I turned into an office. The mold in the shed was even worse than the house, in terms of quantity. There were more types of mold in the house, including the infamous stachybotrys chartarum; more commonly referred to as 'black mold.'
The remediation company is going to begin cleaning the inside of my shed on Monday, and I was finishing removing the contents of it this week. On Friday, Heather came to the back of the house to talk to me for a minute. She was in the area, a couple of blocks away, and we needed to coordinate something. I was in my cleaning 'suit' and didn't have my cell phone on me. She stayed outside while we talked for a minute.
Later that day, she told me she couldn't understand why really hard lumps were coming back to her hand and forearm so aggressively. That was something she still experiences, but not as aggressively as when she was living in our house. She remembered that she touched the doorknob with the hand that had started hurting.
You know, a surprising number of people have asked us questions related to them thinking that this could all be in her head. I get it. Sometimes it's really hard to understand something if you haven't personally gone through it.
But this experience on Friday underscores how serious this is for her. One time we were in the house getting stuff out and she simply rang the doorbell to let us know she was there to pick us up, and went back in the van. Right after she rang the doorbell she immediately had sharp pains going through her finger and her hand.
Heather is one of the most mentally tough people I have ever met. Her tolerance and threshold for pain is very high. I'll spare you the details and proof. Trust me, for this condition to take her down like it has, it's no joke.
And it definitely is not in her head. She has a genetic marker than a minority of the population has that makes it impossible for her body to process and eliminate mold like the majority of the population can. On top of that, her ongoing exposure to mold made her immune system sort of snap, and it created this medical condition she has called CIRS (pronounced sirs, and stands for Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome).
When she's living in a certifiable mold-free environment, she will be able to begin her treatment to help her detox from the mold and heal. Lord willing, that will be in 2023.
July 30th, 2023
Hey guys! Frederic here. I have so much to share.
First of all, the cleaning and remediating of ourhouse is almost finished. I have pictures to share, which I will do soon. I've been so swamped for time.
The house has been gutted. There was more mold than what the initial two inspections indicated. The two people who did mold inspections for us thought we would be able to keep our cabinets in our kitchen, for one example. There was mold all throughout the area immediately behind the cabinets on the wall. Not only does that increase the amount of work the mold remediator is doing, it also increases the work of the general contractor who is going to build back our house. That all increases the prices, and the time it's taking.
The mold remediator is almost finished with all of his work. His team has all kinds of equipment to stuck the moisture and humidity or of the house while they work. We have an inspection on his work scheduled for Monday, August 7th. The mold inspection company is a separate company with no connection to the remediation company. It's the same company that did our first inspection. If they approve the work the remediator has done, the next thing that will happen is the AC company will install all of their work. After that, the general contractor will have the green light to rebuild the house.
Having the new AC equipment in the house is what's going to preserve the indoor air quality and the inner environment. If humidity is below 60%, mold cannot grow.
This is such big news, and I want you guys to know that I recognize it would never have happened without several things happening. I'm thankful to God for orchestrating this whole thing. I was such a mess, worrying about how I was going to help take care of Heather. I truly was in what you might call 'analysis paralysis.' Good had orchestrated many things to be able to clean our house.
I am thankful to all of you, many of whom are anonymous. I am thankful for your generosity. I am thankful for your love and support. I am thankful for your prayers. I am thankful to you for allowing God to move your hearts to help us in this massive way.
How in the world could we possibly say thank you in a way that is adequate to truly convey what we feel towards you? It's impossible. Words are too weak to describe just what you mean to us.
Thank you for everything.
May 27th, 2023
Hey guys, Frederic here. A lot is happening. On April 24th, the mold remediation company started doing demo on our house. On April 29th, we moved into our next temporary home.
This lease is until the end of November. If we are so blessed to have all of our money raised, we should be in our 'fixed' home by the end of November. However, things like this never seem to go as planned. As the remediation company is doing demo work, they are finding mold in areas that were not yet discovered.
We are praying this will all work out.
We are SO THANKFUL to everyone for all of your prayers, support, and help.
Thank you, so very much.
April 12th, 2023
February 25th, 2023
February 8th, 2023
This update is just to give a heads-up on where Heather is at medically.
As you may or may not know, some very generous people put their money together to help us get out of our house. Another generous Christian is letting us live in his Airbnb house until the end of April at a radically reduced rate.
Being out of our home has helped a lot, with regard to Heather's symptoms. However, her condition still seems to be progressing for the worse. But it's nowhere near as bad as it was when we were in our home.
Sometimes putting on makeup exhausts her so much that she has to lay back down and not go to church. Her hands and arms sometimes start shaking. She has regular sharp, stabbing pains down her arms and hands, her legs and feet, and her neck and her head. Her short-term memory is impaired. Her ability to use her hands is decreasing as time goes by. Without medical intervention, eventually that will occur with her feet as well. Although she has had some episodes with her lower legs and feet, where she was unable to move her feet for a short period of time, her feet are nowhere near as bad as her hands. With this medical condition, the feet always get damaged after the hands.
Because she has a genetic marker that indicates she is not able to process and eliminate mold like most people, her doctor won't give her the detox medicine until she's in a mold free environment. Even though we're in a home that has no visible manifestations of mold, her doctor is not trusting this environment that we are currently living in.
In addition, her doctor knows we're only here until April. We don't know where we're going to be living in May, And if our next residence has mold, which many places in Florida do, all that medicine will be for naught. She will digress and go back to where she was before she started detoxing.
Her team of doctors will start her on the detox protocol when we are in our remediated home.
Overall, Heather is doing great. We are so thankful to be living in the current house we're living in. Heather being able to live her life now is night and day different from what it was when we left our home.
Before we moved out of our home, Heather had not made it to church for at least two or three months. She was exhausted all the time, in pain all the time, dizzy, always felt like she was about to pass out, and had such pain in her hands and arms, neck and head, that it would move her to tears. And she is one of the most mentally tough people I've ever met in my life in my life. Her threshold for pain is remarkable.
So every time she comes to church with our family, I thank God. I thank God for all that He has done to help us be in this place right now in our lives, where we are reminded of what 'normal living' can be. And you guys are all a big part of those thank you prayers.
Thank you, so very much.
February 8th, 2023
Hey guys, Frederic here. I'm sorry about how long it's been since the last update. Just wanted to say that we are working towards the remediation phase of the project. I originally thought that we couldn't start the project until we had enough to finish it all. That was a misunderstanding.
As long as we fix some things on the outside of the house with the general contractor, do the remediation, and do the A/C work to make sure the house is climate controlled and humidity controlled, we can get that part of the project done. We still don't have all the money to get that phase finished, but we're close.
After that, the next phase will be to build back the interior of the house with the general contractor.
This has been a challenging journey. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced. I'm so thankful to God that you guys have allowed Him to work through you to help him to help answer our prayers to help Heather heal. Please keep praying for her.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
September 19th, 2022
September 7th, 2022
September 6th, 2022
August 31st, 2022
To all of those who are assisting financially and through prayers, Heather and Frederic send a sincere "thank-you". They are totally overwhelmed and heartened by the generosity of Christians from all over who are supporting them.
After being in the rental house for the past several weeks, they are seeing a marked improvement in their health. Heather, who was affected the most, is able to be at worship services and has returned to a somewhat normal routine although the doctors caution that it will take many months for her to see significant improvements. She underwent a special type of MRI last week which tested her brain's ability to react to certain stimuli. That test will be evaluated by a neurologist. Other testing has shown that she carries a specific gene (HLA-DR) which causes her to be more sensitive to mold and other toxins. She attempted to go back into the house recently to remove some items, and even though wearing a hazmat suit, she became very ill and had to leave. Please continue to pray for her as she has a long journey ahead.
We have received several questions concerning the Gray family's situation and our involvement in it. To more fully answer these questions, we have written an FAQ document which will be added to this page as an update within the week.
We encourage everyone to share this on social media platforms, with friends, family, and local congregations.
Galatians 6:2
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