Support the Thaw family as 11yo RJ fights for life


 USD $10,000


 USD $1,675

Campaign created by Devin Grider

Campaign funds will be received by Kara Thaw

Support the Thaw family as 11yo RJ fights for life

On Thanksgiving day 11 year old RJ was severely injured in a freak accident and had to life flighted to Dallas. 

Skip Thaw has been battling aggressive cancer for a couple of years now. He and his wife, Kara, have adopted 11 children in addition to their own biological kids.  

Kara's initial post from Thanksgiving is below:

"Yesterday we had a busy and amazing Thanksgiving with family … of course it still hurt our hearts that Skip still can not enjoy the meals and his chemo treatments have been extremely rough and tiring but, we are blessed with each and every day we share together!

After such a blessed day the night took a bad turn…. and all of our hearts were broken…

“PLEASE” continue to pray for Skip and our sweet RJ…. Ralynne Joan

She was swinging on a tree swing last night, and the branch broke and landed on her abdomen … she has severe internal injuries.

She was life flighted to Dallas and admitted into Pediatric ICU. She was taken into surgery at 11am... this morning and due to her movement and combativeness, they will intubate her during and after surgery for her body to sleep and rest. They won’t know exactly what they need to do until they get in there with the cameras and if it is severe like they’re thinking then they’ll open her up and repair whatever needs to be repaired possibly remove organs if needed, but they said that they would contact me every hour to hour and a half maybe a little longer depending on what’s going on for updates! 🙏🏻 please say extra prayers

Update 1 -

she is in really bad shape, worse than they expected … please pray strong

During surgery

RJ coded twice and the injuries were worse than they expected so they have an opened wound coverage and they’ve done an arterial line and then tomorrow they’ll go back in for surgery and we pray that the intestines are not completely dead or that can be fatal.

Update 2-

After surgery this morning and it was was getting worse so they allowed all of to go in her room and pray together … and then they explained they were going to do a bedside procedure instead of moving her to see if they could find the issue causing her blood pressure to drop as low as 42/20."

The Thaw family needs our help and support this Christmas season!  Please donate to help cover medical expenses, travel, meals, care for the other children, and other additional expenses they are experiencing.

I will post current updates and additional as I get them!

Recent Donations
Jerry Horine
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Prayers for RJ & family!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

Tania Garcia
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Thoughts and prayers for a full recovery

Christopher Ryan
$ 30.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for all..

Lisa Reeves
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for family

Sherile and cory
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

We are praying for ya'll. Love ya'll

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Sending lots of love and prayers!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Continued prayers

Anonymous Giver
$ 750.00 USD
2 months ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 months ago

Jimmy Ainsworth
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Devin G
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago


1/6 The fight continues

January 7th, 2025

This evenings update-

They found that at this time there are no actual bleeds in the GI tract but, the trunk that was connected to the spleen has busted open and has an additional small hole. 

They think that in that area where the spleen and pancreas were, builds up in that large empty area and forms pockets of fluid and pockets of air, blood clots, as well as with the pancreatic juice from the small portion of pancreas that is there, it is backing up into that open section and backing up into the GI tract and out both ends of the G.I. tract.. 

They’re all going to sit down with all of this new information and try to figure out how they can either pack the area so that the fluid, blood and other stuff doesn’t keep going up into that open space so that it can heal or what their game plan is going to be…. They don’t want to have to surgically open her abdomen up (that would be the last resort) but, if it had to come down to doing some sort of surgery, he’d plan to go in from the side or the back and at that rate and probably take the kidney at the same time. We’re praying the Octreotide medication will keep the bleeding stable so that her body can heal and that stump can start maturing and healing. We’re praying strong on their knowledge and wisdom to get through this and get our sweet girl healed! 💕🙏🏻💕

12/30 - moving rooms and keeping up the good fight

December 30th, 2024

It’s been interesting… Saturday we moved to a great room with an ok window view but, hey it was nice to help her see night and day with sunlight! Then yesterday we were told we were moving AGAIN… I think they were more concerned I was going to get upset but, hey “something to keep me occupied and on my toes” but, hey having all the CRT machines in one area makes sense especially when they’re short hands that run the dialysis machines! So smile, give Grace and go with it!

I can say we’ve been in several rooms on the 11th floor and After room hopping we finally landed in our 5th room wit a really nice view of the actual Sunrise and Sunset “Gods colorful masterpiece”

so I’m praying that’s the last move until we move to a new floor!

Last night was a rough night, RJ keeps spiking high fevers, hot and cold spells, her Blood Pressure rises and sometimes randomly drops really low (she does have a clonidine patch on plus another blood pressure medicine to help to control the extremely high blood pressure ) and her heart rate jumps up … mostly in the evening, she gets to a tachycardic rate so they’ll be doing a CT scan with contrast to make sure nothing else is going on in her abdomen or pelvic area?!?!

Scary part, they want her to drink the contrast for this CT scan “she has not had anything to drink since Thanksgiving day and yesterdays popsicle did not work out so well “she flames the cherry flavor for making her throw it up !”

We just finished morning rounds so, now we’re just waiting for the contrast to arrive…

🙏🏻 please pray that pray she keeps the contrast down, the CT scan gives the team a clear picture of what’s going on so that they will know best how to treat the fevers, discomfort and all the other unknown symptoms… also pray that she’ll actually use the pain button when needed! 💕🙏🏻💕 ~ Kara

Update 12/30 - moving rooms and keeping up the good fight Image
12/29 update from Kara

December 30th, 2024

Update on Skip and RJ~

For Skip this round of chemotherapy has been really rough on him.. he is constantly fatigued, nauseous and it is beyond irritating for him! He gets this full week of a break so I’m praying that will give him some much needed relief!

We see his oncologist again on Jan 6, 2025 to see if any changes or adjustments will be made. Then we get back on track so, His next Chemo date is set for Jan 7, 2025.

RJ’s trauma surgeon explained that the dialysis is unknown at this point … They won’t know for a while if she’ll come off dialysis completely or if it will be life long. They have been doing 12 hour trials for 4 days which has been working good and even though the one kidney is functioning well with assistance, it is still trying to regain full function, it will also depend on the function between the kidney and the intestine… she has been allowed to have 1/2 cup of ice chips and she has been getting 2 ML’s of feed an hour through her JTube and today they increased it to 4ml’s an hour “praying that it does not start exiting through her drain, otherwise they’d have to go back down!”

There is still a whole In the intestine that they are hoping will heal … he said they should hopefully know more within the next 1 1/2 to 2 months if it will heal on its own or if they’ll have to perform a very invasive surgery ?!?! So we are definitely praying strong that it heals itself!

Her and her daddy are two peas in a pod… Skip will occasionally watch the food/cooking channels but, gets frustrated when recipes come across …. RJ asks people drink in front of or next to her so that she can watch and smell their drinks for satisfaction.

Emotions are a whirlwind and definitely take their toll… days roll into each other, time runs together so you never get it straight, my heart aches and I wish I could take it all away and fix everything for everyone including all of our other children who are also feeling so much through all of this. Some days I feel like I’m not doing enough and all I can do is pray on it all… and I have to keep reminding myself that “God is writing the story and I need to quite stealing the pen!”

God is in control and he WILL get us through this life journey together … “Please continue to pray for healing, comfort, patience, understanding and our faith to stay strong…” 

Christmas update!

December 30th, 2024

From Kara:

💕 Update on Skip and RJ~

For Skip this round of chemotherapy has been really rough on him.. he is constantly fatigued, nauseous and it is beyond irritating for him! He gets this full week of a break so I’m praying that will give him some much needed relief! 

We see his oncologist again on Jan 6, 2025 to see if any changes or adjustments will be made. Then we get back on track so, His next Chemo date is set for Jan 7, 2025.

RJ’s trauma surgeon explained that the dialysis is unknown at this point … They won’t know for a while if she’ll come off dialysis completely or if it will be life long. They have been doing 12 hour trials for 4 days which has been working good and even though the one kidney is functioning well with assistance, it is still trying to regain full function, it will also depend on the function between the kidney and the intestine… she has been allowed to have 1/2 cup of ice chips and she has been getting 2 ML’s of feed an hour through her JTube and today they increased it to 4ml’s an hour “praying that it does not start exiting through her drain, otherwise they’d have to go back down!”

There is still a whole In the intestine that they are hoping will heal … he said they should hopefully know more within the next 1 1/2 to 2 months if it will heal on its own or if they’ll have to perform a very invasive surgery ?!?! So we are definitely praying strong that it heals itself!

Her and her daddy are two peas in a pod… Skip will occasionally watch the food/cooking channels but, gets frustrated when recipes come across …. RJ asks people drink in front of or next to her so that she can watch and smell their drinks for satisfaction.

Emotions are a whirlwind and definitely take their toll… days roll into each other, time runs together so you never get it straight, my heart aches and I wish I could take it all away and fix everything for everyone including all of our other children who are also feeling so much through all of this. Some days I feel like I’m not doing enough and all I can do is pray on it all… and I have to keep reminding myself that “God is writing the story and I need to quite stealing the pen!” 

God is in control and he WILL get us through this life journey together … “Please continue to pray for healing, comfort, patience, understanding and our faith to stay strong…” 


Dec 17 update. Hanging on

December 19th, 2024

Update for tonight December 17, 2024:

RJ has had 2 good days since they removed the paralytic yesterday mid morning …. She’s Just sad and irritated that she has to stay here!

She misses being home and snuggling … with all the wires, drains, tubes and machines there’s no way to climb in bed with her … 😞

she is still critical condition … she will not be able to be moved to another floor unless she is off dialysis and With her injuries she will be critical for some time …

Skip is into his 7th Cyle of Triple Agent Chemotherapy and he’s not thrilled… his PET scan was supposed to be scheduled following the end of the 6th cycle and somehow it got overlooked and was not scheduled. They put in a STAT order for the morning of

Friday December 20, 2024 with an oncology follow up Monday December 23, 2024 … “so with that being said he endured his long day of Chemo today.” 😞

Please pray for continued healing for RJ with no set backs and for a clear PET scan for Skip…. I know our worlds have been pulled, tugged and turned upside down but, we are blessed beyond measure to have an amazing village through this journey! God Bless y’all!

God can definitely provide miracles though!! 💕🙏🏻💕

Dec 14-15 updates

December 16th, 2024

December 13, 2024

RJ had, had a great day 

Then just after 6pm day shift was preparing everything for shift change when things went crazy ….. 

She started bleeding profusely and could not get it under control.. they got her as stable as possible and she was taken STAT for a CT Angiogram. They found the location of the bleed and are attempting to place a coil to control and stop the bleeding … there is a possibility that She may need an emergency surgery if that procedure does not work.

Update on RJ:

They were able to successfully insert the coil into the bleed that was located in the splenic artery.

They also successfully Clotted the Pseudoaneurysm that was on the right artery where they had done the angiogram on Wednesday.

she is recommending They do an endoscopy to see why there was so much blood coming from the stomach as well but, they will definitely have a higher level skilled gastrointestinal Dr on board due to her unique anatomy!

They will keep her sedated and in a paralytic state for at least 24 hours to not move the sites

Dec 15 Update on RJ since Friday nights craziness:

Yesterday and last night things stayed calm …. This morning & early afternoon her vitals were a little elevated.. later this afternoon into the night everything has been calm, they have continued to keep her sedated and in a paralytic state since Fridays episode so that her body can stay calm …

The plan for tomorrow is surgery to remove all the blood clots in the abdomen, check for anymore active bleeding, recheck all of the reconstruction and to have a high level specialist from Gastroenterology in the OR to perform an extreme endoscopy to figure out why she was bleeding from the mouth and nose! Please continue to pray for our girl …. Prayer is so powerful and we feel them! Thank you to each and everyone of y’all for the prayers, love and support! GOD’s got this 

Dec 13 update

December 13th, 2024

Dec 13

Good morning…. 

The days seem to run together and by the times I went to post last night it was time to start a new day!! 

With that being said… after Tuesday nights crazy events RJ had somewhat of a peaceful day and rested so I was in full hopes that we’d be calm for the night! Well her body had other plans and at 6pm before shift change her vitals started getting wonky and got our attention, then came her temperature spiking up to 39.8 “103.64” ….. talk about frustration especially when her Blood Pressure jumped and her tachycardia

heart rate started it’s crazy  nonsense!!!

all hell broke lose around 6pm Wednesday night, another set back (bleeding at the wound vac site, so they found the bleed and sutured it) they got it all taken care of and then again around 10pm another set back (the same spot started to bleed through the suture and a LONG clot blocked the tube (so long it looked like tape worm to me, of course it wasn’t) so they cleared that and added 3 more sutures) … finally around 1am Thursday morning things settled down and then 4am X-ray wake up call … PT was in around 9am yesterday and massage therapy was in here around 1130am she enjoyed that and she rested right through the massage! 

They will reevaluate this morning and possibly take the ventilator off at some point today or tomorrow, they’re just trying to let her left lung to heel and expand! 

As for the left kidney it still has no blood flow and will eventually be removed but, it is NOT harming anything! 

She will be on dialysis for a bit to make sure the right kidney is healed and functioning soundly….

Last night she had a sound and peaceful night …. They placed a cooling blanket under her “which she was NOT thrilled but, was cooperative with all they’ve thrown her way” The only annoying thing was the wound vac alarm that doesn’t want to run properly… that gets changed again today and then hopefully it will be back on its normal scheduled changes of Mondays and Thursdays!! Here’s praying that today is calm and only eventful in GOOD ways with no set backs, our girl deserves that! 

The prayers are showing up in every direction and they are powerful… our family appreciates it more than we can express….. thank each of you again for all of the Love, Prayers and Support through this journey! 

Have a blessed and wonderful day!! 


Dec 10 - Still a long way to go

December 11th, 2024

Dec 10, 2024

I apologize for the lack of an update, it has been a few days and many have reached out to check in on RJ! 

It has been a wild and crazy emotional roller coaster the last couple of days! 

RJ was intubated again today, 

It was first placed because of the drastic change in her breathing and decline in all of her stats and her fever went up 103.28, Her heart rate was up at 173/91 then plummeted to 58/ (I can’t even remember the bottom number

In a way It was actually terrifying… the room was full of medical staff even the hallway in front of her room had no standing space …. Listening to everything I unfold was like I was in an echoing tunnel .. one of the most heart wrenching moments was her staring into my eyes saying “don’t Leave mommy” when they started the intubation… I promised to hold her hand through the whole procedure and if that didn’t rip my heart out …. She even put her leg up on my shoulder to confirm I would not leave her side! 

She had a 5hr 45 minute surgery this afternoon into the night … 

she did really well and Everything looks good. They were able to accomplish everything that they had planned. ….. 

She had 4 instead of 5 additional drains added, a left chest tube (which is a blessing that they decided to do this because, all of the fluid around her lung was obstructing the view of the collapse of the lower lobe of her left lung. 

A new central line was placed (tunneled under the skin, an angiogram completed, a filter inserted to clear and prevent further blood clots…

The angiogram showed that there was no other active bleeding, so that’s a blessing. She will be in a paralytic state through the night because, with the angiogram you have to be non-moving for at least four hours, but they’re just going to be safe and keep her sedated and in a paralytic state through the night.

They are still getting her settled in for the night and her dialysis machine restarted but, since the surgery all of her vitals look amazing and her fever has fluctuated between 38 (100.4) down to 37.4 (99.32) which is the best it has been in a few days and her normal before her accident usually ran 99. 

God’s continuing to work miracles through her fragile body and her fight is going strong! 

On a whole other note please say an extra prayer for Skip… he had his chemo today and one of our dogs decided to trip him up this afternoon and caused him to fall… he has a bit of bruising and a few hematomas and a lot of frustration! 

Thank y’all for the continued prayers, love and support through our life journey… we are blessed beyond measure! 


12/6 Update

December 7th, 2024

Todays update:

The plan today was to temporarily remove dialysis to trial how her body reacts but, she had some CRAZY set backs so they had to tweak her meds post pone that trial until probably Monday and then see how things go … she is also having her 2nd Wound vac. Procedure Monday at 9am!

she’s had a few set backs … but, we will move forward

The plan today was to temporarily remove dialysis to trial how her body reacts but, she had some CRAZY set backs,

because early yesterday evening her blood pressure and her heart rate kept going crazy...

Heart rate was in the low 150's

And her blood pressure was as high as 173/102 and her anxiety was over the edge!

With all of that they had to tweak her meds, post pone that trial until probably Monday and then see how things go … she is also having her 2nd Wound vac. Procedure Monday at 9am! They will order a CT that will probably occur Saturday or Sunday, they didn’t want to do it to soon and get any kind of false reading!

Since the change to her medication today it has come down drastically

Heart rate between 97 - 113

Blood pressure

Between 114/72 - 137/78

Which the goal is to keep the systolic (top number under 140)

Both the trauma surgeon and the ICU Dr let me know that the left kidney that is dead is most likely the root of the cause … because it can cause the blood pressure to raise! They went back and for several times weather to remove the kidney during surgery or leave it for now … they chose to leave it for now and treat the high blood pressure to prevent her bleeding out! Later down the road as she heals she will be followed by the surgeon and the kidney specialist as to when it would be best to remove the left kidney!

This evening she is alert, is now watching her 2nd movie and relaxing!

Dec 3/4 updates

December 5th, 2024

From Kara:

Yesterday 12/3/2024 was definitely rough!

All new crew I had never met before …. And We aren’t even settling down yet, at almost midnight.. they’ve still got to bathe and lotion her. They literally just took out her arterial line out of her leg…. 😞

they put in a pic line, removed her breathing tube, changed up meds, turned off one, gave her a new pain med with a button to push (she’s got a high pain tolerance, doesn’t quite understand to hit a button to control the pain “she’s 11”) so needless to say it was as she was having withdrawals after being in this med for 6 days!

So needless to say her BP spiked to 162/86 then fluctuated up and down to 149/85 and kept bouncing around! Then she got cold! We finally talked about it and I said “I don’t think the pain button was going to work for an 11- year-old who is just coming out of sedation!” So they agreed and put her back on a very low dose of that same med that they just put her on but as a continual to control the pain and then if she was still in more pain, she can push the button now almost 4 hours later, the blood pressure finally came down to 123/72 …. she’s no longer cold and she’s resting, but they still have to come back in and take the arterial line out of her hip because they put in the pic line and bath her for the night.

Then maybe she’ll rest through the night. “New crew of nurses, 2 male nurses so they need to females to come bath her!” They’re nurses male or female … if I’m in here who cares! They finally got finished and she began to rest about 1220am

I get it’s all trial and error but my heart wanted to skip a beat and punch someone because I don’t want to see our baby hurt anymore

Update for todays events 12/4/2024

She’s definitely better than yesterday … she is just sad, she wants to go home! They’re going to slowly wean her off this medicine today so that she’s not so sleepy and groggy….. We’ve got the blinds open to try to re-acclimate day and night. Her blood pressure this morning is pretty steady at 128/87.

She wasn’t understanding early this morning why we couldn’t just go home so I played her some soft Christian music to just let her relax

Today has been a lot better … PT started today … she’s been sitting at a 30* angle for about 40mins … goal was 30 mins to an hour! So proud of RJ “she sat up in that position for 1 hour 15mins”

She got an hour nap and then they turned the lights back on and OT also started this afternoon!

She tires out but, the PT gal asked her who each person was that was in the room and their relation and she was able to identify everyone!

Amber one our older daughters (who is an RN) checked her stats and talked to the staff as well ….

They’re trying to pull more fluids off to help lower her blood pressure which keeps bouncing around ….

The echocardiogram shows She does have mitral valve regurgitation so, now she’s my leaky valve partner! Since hers might be from blunt trauma so, it could correct itself once her bodily fluids get back to normal and the right kidney learns to do the job alone but, they also said it could’ve been something that was never detected if she’s never had ultrasounds done! Mitral valve regurgitation is when the heart valve flap lets blood flow the opposite direction because, the flap doesn’t always close …. She has a mild/moderate! Mine is moderate/ severe … thankfully it doesn’t require surgery unless it gets to a point that it doesn’t close at all or is uncontrollable

The kidney specialist is happy with her progress!

All the surgeons, nurses, staff come by even if they’re not on shift in this department… a couple surgeons and a few others are calling her Gods miracle! PRAYER is POWERFUL!

She just got bathed and is settled for the night and she is much more relaxed after her long day!

Thank you again for loving and praying for our girl! She’s got a long road ahead so please keep the prayers covering her and Skip .. prayer is powerful… 💕🙏🏻💕

Have blessed and peaceful night

Dec 2 update

December 4th, 2024

From Kara:

"Just at 5 hours and they are happy with her progress .... she’s not fully out of the woods, it is going to be time, waiting and healing. They were able to close everything but 2 small spots due to the sensitivity of the skin so they put two small would vacs that should help the healing tremendously and close up with out tearing the skin….

They went back and forth several times and decided to leave the left kidney for now to see if it will regain blood flow on its own .. if not they’ll remove it at another time because they didn’t want to cause a major bleed and more complications

We’re looking at about a month (guesstimated time frame) in the hospital and then possible rehabilitation after she’s released … no matter what “we’re in for the long haul!” who knows, she might surprise even further!

Praise God.. She looks so good …. ! GOD IS SO GOOD!"

This puts them in the hospital over Christmas, which will be extra the family!  Please pray, and donate if you can!

Early signs of hope

December 4th, 2024

From Kara, Nov 30.

Today has been another nonstop journey!

The whole team (surgeons, nurses, trauma iCU team drs, nurses ) came in this morning and said that she’s doing really good. They are all so excited and pleased with her change from yesterday!

Her main trauma surgeon Dr Hawkins, one of the head Trauma ICU surgeons is beyond ecstatic!

Her trauma ICU surgeon, Dr Borgman, the trauma doctor on the floor who’s taking care of her… actually started crying this morning and said that he had his four children praying with him last night because, it hit him so hard as he also has an 11yr old daughter so it hit home…. He said that the portion of the pancreas that they thought  was dead, was alive and functioning this morning so they did not have to remove it. They will give her low amounts of insulin just while it’s healing, but she will not be insulin dependent at this point.

This evening They’ve hooked her up to a continuous dialysis!

This is a continuous dialysis that washes the blood, clears out excess fluids And replaces it into her body!!! They do not feel at this point that she will need permanent dialysis. Her body just needs help getting rid of excess fluid and her right kidney needs a break since the left kidney is dead. They will remove the left kidney at some point, unless by the Grace of God it is healed with a miracle!

They’re going to try weaning her off more of the blood pressure medication’s tonight as well.

All of her vitals are holding steady and her coloring looks fabulous. She’s actually warm. Her hands aren’t freezing and the other doctors will give me more information once they get the dialysis hooked up.

They’ve done echocardiograms, X-rays, will rerun her ultrasounds on her heart to keep an eye on the flow…. They are doing an EEG now to make sure no evidence of seizures are evident from coding twice yesterday! They said her Heart was pumping much better today and definitely not constricted like it was. Her body looks so much better this evening! “GOD is so good!”

They’ll continue to monitor her left kidney before making the final decision on removal and watch her heart function so that as little stress is put on it before the major reconstruction and plan to close her up…. Which that process will take time and is going to be a long journey!

The procedure this afternoon and this evening went perfectly … the other surgeon just came in and she is in awe of how well everything looks! She says Ralynne has done remarkably well since the most critical moment and what an amazing change from what they thought was going to be fatal yesterday.

She says she is on the running stretch for the better!

 The dialysis has now been started this evening and to let her body rest tomorrow, then begin the initial reconstruction on Monday… they’ll talk further on when it will be best to remove the left kidney as it is definitely not functioning but, they want to let the right one rest and the machine do its job!

I’m praying strong that God can work a miracle on her left kidney … yet we also know she can survive with one functioning kidney! Gods got this …

Tonight they did a prayer vigil at the school RJ attends … well they were braiding through her long, thick hair for her EEG tonight I put it (the phone) up to her ear so she could hear the prayers …. I know she could hear the prayers and tonight her body is resting, healing and preparing for the next big surgery that is planned for Monday to start reconstructing …. 💕🙏🏻💕

Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for loving are girl …

Skip & Kara

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