Saying Thanks to Justin Carpenter

Campaign created by Justin Carpenter

Campaign funds will be received by Justin Carpenter

Saying Thanks to Justin Carpenter

Hi! You might be familiar with my work. Here's a little about me:

"I have always been an inquisitive seeker—never settling for "Just because" or "That's just the way it is" as an answer to a question. Anyone who chats with me quickly realizes that the conversation is going to dive deep quickly.

This thirst for truth and depth inspired me to boldly and publicly speak out against the lies being pushed in 2020 concerning the scamdemic and other falsities in the world at large, which—as many here have experienced—caused distancing between me and many of my older relationships.

This was all occurring while I was doing a soul-searching nomadic journey across the US with my dog, camping in the most beautiful places, really connecting with the Mother, myself and ultimately forming such a deep connection with God. All of this divinely led me to my true purpose here on earth—to seek and share the truth, to be a guide and to serve my brothers and sisters who also align with this path. I truly see the highest expression in every soul and situation I encounter, and I absolutely LOVE guiding toward this reality. I'm always down to connect, so please don't hesitate to reach out. :)"

I post all of my work on my website and my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". But feel free to reach out to me via telegram directly. I offer all that I am free of charge, but here is a way you can support me. Thank you so much!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
1 day ago

This donation is for the beautiful Children in Uganda that are in Bali’s care. Thank you Justin, much love, Joanna MB

1 month ago

Hi Justin This donation is for you and Lila. Thank you

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Hi Justin, this donation is for Lila. Love and Blessings to you both. Love, Violet Purple

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much! I'll get that over to her 🙏💛" By Justin Carpenter

Angela Fisher
2 months ago

Thank you for all the info on your website. I found answers to questions by searching here. I am so appreciate. Just wanted to say thank you!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"I'm so glad you found it helpful! Please let me know if there's anything else I can help with 🙏😊" By Justin Carpenter

Joanna MB
3 months ago

Hi Justin, this donation is for blankets (or other items that are needed atm) for the children in Uganda. Hope you can pass it on to either Sam or Bali. Sending my love to the children and their care takers. Blessings to all! Thanks very much Justin for all your help.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you sweet sister... Got it to them!" By Justin Carpenter

6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
6 months ago

Hi Justin and Darth. Please use this however suits you best. Thank you for everything. Much love to you all

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much!!" By Justin Carpenter

7 months ago

Thank you for all you do to help myself and others.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you 🥰🙏" By Justin Carpenter

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Loved the session with Lauren on feeding our beloved furry family. Thank you. I had no idea my beautiful little doggie girlfriend would enjoy bananas so much. And pears too. She pushed the apple aside though.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much! The gift of vibrancy and health is a wonderful gift to give 🥰" By Justin Carpenter

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Thank you Justin from the bottom of my heart ♥️ for being the shining star that you are. All my love and respect. ☮️ Violet Purple

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Aw bless you and your little angels... Thank you!💛" By Justin Carpenter

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Thank you for being with us Justin. Lots of love from Australia

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you kindly 🙏" By Justin Carpenter

Anonymous Giver
9 months ago

Justin, I am sending you this donation for both you and Darth for the help that you have given me and gave to me recently. Love you both my brothers.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"I sent it to him too! Thank you so much 🥰" By Justin Carpenter

Angela Fisher
9 months ago

Thinking of you and thanking you for all that you do!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you sister 💛💛" By Justin Carpenter

Anonymous Giver
10 months ago

Justin, 1st time that I am using this. Let me know if you received it. Blessings

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Got it! So very appreciated 🙏🥰" By Justin Carpenter

Anonymous Giver
10 months ago

Thanks Justin. I’m always learning learning learning and much of it is from you. Your calm voice is so easy to listen to. Warm regards from Bec in rural Western Australia

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Bless you Bec! Thank you so much 💛" By Justin Carpenter

Anonymous Giver
11 months ago

Appreciate your calm voice and wise mind. Enjoy your time in Italy!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much. It was a fabulous time 😊" By Justin Carpenter

11 months ago

Thanks for your great sessions Justin. You and your open heart and mind are so appreciated. I look forward to hearing more music and ideas. Warm regards from Bec in rural Western Australia

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Bec... So generous and kind, truly thank you! So glad you enjoy the music and what's shared - I'll certainly keep on it 😁💛" By Justin Carpenter

Anonymous Giver
11 months ago

Love you Justin .Thanks for all you do. Hope to meet you one day and more of the JC family. Just a little donation for my gratitude. Hope to get a little more to you sometime again.😘

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Aw so kind of you... And yes! I'd love to meet you too 🥰 Thank you 🙏" By Justin Carpenter

Nick (Slim/KiNDA GOOD)
1 year ago

To the number one inspiration with a leveled head that shares kindness in everything you do. Thanks JC.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thanks Nick! So very appreciated 😊🙏" By Justin Carpenter

GloryRoad aka Rhonda
1 year ago

Bless you BroStar Justin for your unwavering commitment and vulnerability in sharing this Divine journey and your gnosis with us. Love you Brother! 💛🙏🤗

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you my dear sister... Your support and kindness means so much! Love you so 🥰🙏🫂💛" By Justin Carpenter


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