USD $75,000
USD $57,163
Campaign funds will be received by Annette Murray
Team Murray consists of Johnnie "John" & Annette "Annie" Murray. They have been married 33 years this July.
In May of 2022, John became ill and was removed from work by his cardiologist because his cardiac ejection fraction (the amount of blood leaving the heart each time it pumps) fell below 30 (normal is above 40). During this time he had to wear a “life vest” for three months. This meant if John's heart stopped beating the vest would shock his heart back. He continued testing to figure out what was going on as his health kept declining.
In November 2022, John found out he was in stage 5 of chronic kidney disease. And by January 2023, it was determined he was in end stage renal failure and needed to start kidney dialysis. Renal failure is fatal without dialysis and a kidney transplant.
At this time, John does Peritoneal Dialysis 7 days a week for 13 hours a day. Annie is his primary caregiver, along with working a full-time job.
Currently, they only have her income and they are still waiting for Disability approval. So far, it has been denied twice. It’s been explained that disability denial was due to insufficient clinical detail from our doctors. We are working for an appeal, but nothing is guaranteed. Moreover, heart failure & stage 5 kidney failure do not allow you to hold a job.
John is on a waitlist for a kidney transplant. John was informed that a live donor match has been found, thanks be to God. The match donor is in the preliminary stages of testing and we were instructed to start fundraising for the following needs. These will be imperative for him once he goes in for the transplant operation. Even though we are using our current health insurance, the following expenses are not covered in our plan:
* Prescriptions: Nine different immunosuppresants. Copay amount can be $50-800 per medication and these will all be monthly. Transplant medication expenses can range anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars per month (Source: Baylor Scott and White Transplant Institute Patient Kidney Transplant Manual and our hospital social worker).
* Hospital Stay: Due to the fact that we live over 50 miles from the hospital we will have to stay in Dallas for 6-8 weeks. John has to be close to the hospital due to emergency contingency and followup appointments. They have hospital housing, but the cost will be $70 per day. It does include all utilities. Our expected post-operation housing cost is over $3000. This on top of the costs related to keeping our own home mortgage and utilities paid as well.
* Unpaid Family Leave: Annie will have to be on family medical leave from her job. She gets 2 weeks off as a paid caregiver. Currently, any time she takes off is without pay. At an additional $3000 for the 6 weeks, one can see how not having that salary coming could affect us in a very negative way. We’ve very been blessed by receiving help from friends, family members and love offerings, but we are really having to dig deep. Asking for help is one of the hardest things we have ever done.
* Daily House Management Expenses: We will still have to continue to pay our normal house management mortgage & related bills, which is close to $4000 per month. And we will need food, gas and any other expenses we may be forgetting during this stressful time.
* Unforeseen Post-Surgery Expenses: Our out of pocket maximum has been met, but we can’t yet determine what our actual costs will be towards surgery or additional medical needs. Also, it's our responsibility to cover any expenses that the donor’s insurance doesn't cover. Things like transportation, post-surgery lodging, etc.
These past several months have been challenging and overwhelming for the both of us. It has been super isolating, losing strength and having to navigate our new normal, which has been unbelievably emotional for us. We are separated from church friends, our family and those we love. We miss being the ones who minister to others, and it is super hard to ask others to minister to us. We are so grateful for those that have already, will continue to do so and for those in our future.
Please know we are grateful and in awe of How our Heavenly Father has ordained all of this. We know He knows our future and that the Lord will provide. We hope that others can see us still rejoicing and worshiping through our struggle. In this time, John says, "when I turn from the machine and see Annie" I am given strength to fight each day. The Love we receive from the Lord is a mutual strength we have given each other through our marriage. This love, relationship and committed faith we both share sustains us daily.
Many will not know how much worship music and music ministry has influenced us. It has been the joy of our lives and it is a bond that unites us with our Creator. These lyrics have been helping us forge ahead. We trust they will inspire anyone reading this to grow in your love for God and be strengthened in your own faith.
“You're the one that really matters…”
“All my life you have been faithful. All my life you have been so so Good.”
“Way maker, Miracle worker, promise keeper...Even when I don't see it you're working. Even when I don't feel it your working,
We believe for it.”
“When You choose to leave mountains unmovable, give me the strength to be able to sing it is well with my soul.”
In closing, our prayer for you is, as you pray for what God might have you give, that you be blessed. We pray that you will keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate this new life. May the Father bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you peace.
We promise to post social media updates so you may see our progress.
Thank you so much for your generosity, well wishes & prayers.
Much Love,
Team Murray
Johnni and Annie - I just love ya'll! I hope 2025 brings that kidney that Johnny needs and I'm praying for that.
I love you both, though I barely know you. Your faith inspires me.
Continued prayers for strength, healing and a hopeful spirit this season and always! Blessings!
God Bless Team Murry. God's timing is always perfect. May you both have a wonderful Holiday season.
Praying for strength for both of you, John and Annie
Prayers for Team Murray. Heavenly Father, we lift up Team Murray battling illness to your loving care. Bring them comfort in their pain, strength in their weakness, and hope for healing in your perfect timing. Amen.
God is with you! Strength to you now!!
Praying for you both
Love y’all. Keeping you lifted up in prayer. Johnnie, release the sound!
We love you guys and are continuously praying!
Prayers continue. If I can help with errands, drive Johnnie to his treatments, etc, please let me know. I'm Allison Fond's mom and just meeting ya'll a few times...well, I just felt the love you have for all people, and admire you both.
Prayers continue for both of you. Standing in agreement with your prayers for total healing and recovery.
I am praying for the both of you. God bless
Still praying!
Hey Y'all, The Norman's of Pennsylvania love you both very much. Hang in there, and don't give up the fight!
December 30th, 2024
Hello Dear Friends,
What an incredible year that we have managed to get through. Things started out rough in the beginning and we didn’t have a clear view. However, we are truly grateful and thank you all for your prayers, love, emails, phone calls, texts and financial support. We didn’t contemplate still being on this journey. Your messages would come at the right time. John has gained his appetite back, he’s watching and monitoring everything to make sure his numbers are good. As we close out of 2024 we wanted to take the time to appreciate you all for every thing you’ve done to help us get through. We’re praying that the doctor releases him off of hold status so that we can get the kidney transplant done. We pray that as you go into 2025 that God would show you great and mighty things! We pray for healing and strength for your families. We will continue to keep the fundraiser open for any donations and continued communications!
2025 living in expectation of miracles, signs and wonders!
Annie & John
December 2nd, 2024
Hello Family & Friends,
Team Murray update - John had his follow up appointment with testing his ejection fraction for the heart function. His heart function was still low at 37. However, the heart transplant center doctor has released him after inserting the defibrillator pacemaker. She stated with all of the testing completed there isn’t any other issues with his heart that needs to be followed. She felt strong and confident that John could go through the kidney transplant but the decision isn’t hers. It’s up to the nephrologist. John saw the nephrologist last week which is the kidney dialysis doctor. He said he received the results from the transplant center and was happy with what he reviewed. However, he wants to wait until January 2025 to increase the heart function. So, he gave some instructions for exercise on days that he doesn’t have dialysis to get the function to increase. He said that’s his goal and aim is to have him put back in ACTIVE status in January. We’re working on that and he’s had cataract surgery on the right eye and working on the left eye in a couple of weeks. “Not Yet” saddened us but we know God is in control!
We know that the holiday season can be challenging. As we move through this last month of the year we would like to say a prayer for you. Father thank you for all of these wonderful families who have stood in the gap for us and helped to carry us through. We ask that you would be with each family. We ask that you would comfort and bring healing to any who might be impacted by loss, illness, depression or any other circumstances that might arise during this time. Wrap your loving arms around them and give them peace. Let your healing power and virtue flow to ALL. Thank you for being a great and mighty God! In Jesus Name! Amen!
The Murray’s
October 23rd, 2024
Hello, hope you all are doing well. Just wanted to send an update on John. He’s been regaining his strength and finding his new norm. He went out two weekends to sing and see how he was able to manage. He did good but was very tired and exhausted but he had so much joy in his heart.
Last week he went for his dialysis treatment and they started having trouble with gaining access to the fistula. He doesn’t have the graft. He now has the wave link fistula. On Saturday the nurses were having trouble accessing his line. They said it was blocked with a huge blood clot or a cluster of small clots. They administered heparin to dissolve them. The third time the nurse prayed and asked God to allow her access because he couldn’t go without dialysis for 5 days. They called and told me he needed to go to the ER. But thank God the nurse got the needle in and he got 3 hours of treatment. He had to go get an ultrasound on Monday and they said that the blood clots were gone. Thank the Lord! But they had to see if the fistula would work. Yesterday the wavelink nurse had a hard time starting his treatment as well. So they called and said he would have surgery today 10/23/24. The procedure went well and the got the vein opened ba k up. However, the issue falls on him having the fistula and pacemaker on the same side. They said the blood is circulating through that same vein which the blood can not flow. So, the doctor drew the lines on his arm for tomorrow’s treatment. Please pray our continued strength in this journey. I have FMLA but that’s two days of no pay. Also, his next appointment for the Echocardiogram, Pulmonary Stress Test and to see the Heart Transplant Doctor to give results to the nephrologist to determine if they can reactivate him back to ACTIVE the transplant list to go through the swap process.
It has been a long journey and it’s been hard. We thank you all for your love and support. I’m grateful for my job but it hurts my heart that I don’t make enough to cover our home and expenses. All of your donations have helped to pay for medical bills, mortgage and day to day expanses such as gas for my neighbors who takes John to and from dialysis on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that I can work. . We appreciate your generosity.
More to come after November appointments. We are praying for you and your families.
God Bless
Annie & John
September 14th, 2024
Team Murray update:
As the shirt says:
Wednesday we went for a follow up appointment with the heart transplant doctor. She said Mr Murray you look so good! You have color in your face, you have energy and you don’t look like the same person that I saw back in July. She said the pacemaker is doing well for you! She said I feel confident that your heart is strong enough for transplant. However, I don’t get to make the final decision but my notes to your nephrologist will state my findings. And she said just to give the nephrologist the time frame he stated of 3 months from the pacemaker being inserted, I’m going to have you come back the end of October to do the testing again so he can see those results and release you for transplant.
She said whatever you’re doing please keep going. We thank God for this report today. We still have a little ways to go but one thing for sure is we’re getting ready for this kidney transplant to take place. Dialysis days are challenging but the other days life is coming back stronger and better!
We know it’s been a pretty long journey and we don’t take your prayers, love and support for granted. Please continue to keep praying because it strengthens us when we feel overwhelmed. We pray that all is well with you and your families. Please take care of yourselves because so much sickness is going around.
Annie & John
August 11th, 2024
Dear Friends,
We are continually overwhelmed by the outpouring of prayers and support from you all. Your kindness and generosity have truly touched us, and we want to give you an update on how your donations are helping us during this challenging time.
John is currently going through dialysis and has had to undergo several surgeries. As you can imagine, this has required a lot of time and resources. I, Annie, have had to take significant time off work to be there for John, drive him to appointments, and manage our household.
Your donations have been essential in:
- Covering major car repairs, ensuring we have reliable transportation for John's medical visits.
- Allowing me to take necessary days off work to support John without the added stress of losing income.
- Assisting with John's medical expenses, such as medications and treatments.
- Providing some driving assistance for dialysis appointments.
We also want to share a bit more about our current needs:
- Unexpected life expenses often exceed my salary, and I do not get paid for the time I take off to care for John.
- We need to get new tires and a car inspection to ensure our vehicle remains reliable.
- We have an outstanding hospital bill from John's stay in December.
- Unfortunately, as we've learned, there are always unforeseen expenses that arise.
We are incredibly grateful for your support, and we want you to know every bit of your generosity is making a huge difference in our lives. Your donations are not just financial aid; they are a lifeline that provides us with hope and the ability to focus on John's health.
While we are doing our best to manage, John is unable to work, and my income alone is simply not enough to cover all our expenses, let alone any unforeseen costs. We humbly ask for your continued prayers and support. Every donation, no matter how small, helps us move forward on this difficult journey.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing with us. Your prayers and kindness uplift us every day.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Annie & John Murray
plesse pray for John the dialysis treatment takes his blood pressure so low that he has to be placed in 0 gravity. It takes a lot to get him feeling better..
August 4th, 2024
Team Murray Update
Hello, it’s been a minute since we’ve posted an update. We’ve had many appointments and waiting on test results. On 7/26/24 John had the catheter removed from his chest that was inserted as a temporary dialysis access. On 7/29/24 he had the pacemaker defibrillator inserted to help increase the heart function. John was experiencing shortness of breath, low energy and weakness. He continues his dialysis treatment Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. During his sessions his blood pressure bottoms out and they have to put him in 0 gravity position to get the numbers back up. Sometimes this causes his treatment to be shortened and he has some challenges afterwards. His numbers have been looking good with his phosphorus, albumin and A1C which was 6.7. We were informed that we will need to wait for 3 months for his heart function to be tested again. The last ejection fraction was 37. In order to get the transplant his ejection fraction which is the hearts function needs to be 45 or greater. The kidney transplant is a tough surgery. They want to be sure his body can handle it. We were a little down and our hearts were heavy. They believe due to Sepsis and getting Covid while in rehab was the cause for the heart function to decrease. In December his heart function was at 45. However, God’s delay is not a denial. We’re leaning on one another through this process and together we’re leaning on the Lord and trusting him in this process. Around November he will be tested again for his heart function and we will go from there.
Please, please don’t stop praying! Know that we’re truly grateful and thankful for every one of your prayers, texts, calls, contributions, transportation to and from dialysis and meals. It’s still only my current income which isn’t enough to sustain our household but God makes a way out of no way. We are still saving in preparation of the kidney transplant for whomever our donor will be. We believe God that it’s coming. It’s been quite a journey. Through your support it has been a tremendous blessing. We stand on God’s word and believe it shall come to pass.
May God continue to bless you and keep you! Please feel free to share a scripture or sing or write an encouragement message to us. It truly helps keep us going.
God bless
Annie & John (Team Murray)
June 27th, 2024
Today 6/26/24 John had his follow up appointment with the heart transplant doctor. He had several tests done to see if his heart function has increased. It did increase by 10% but not where the doctor wanted it to be to release him for kidney transplant. The Heart doctor feels that it’s necessary for John to get the defibrillator to help him have a better heart function for the transplant. She set him up for an appointment with the Electric Physiologist to get him scheduled to start that process. The two lower chambers of his heart aren’t syncopated and feel that this could cause an issue during surgery. She said she wanted to see if the medication would bring the function up but it’s not where she wanted it to be. It was 25% and increased to 35%. Our hearts are encouraged. Delay is not a denial. It’s just giving our Heavenly Father the time to continue healing and fixing what needs to be fixed before the kidney transplant. We continue to trust God that at the appointed time he will receive his kidney. Please continue to keep us prayer as we walk out this time. John has been getting better with dialysis. The fistula is healing. On his days off from dialysis he’s trying to keep himself healthy and active. He recently sang at a service and played guitar. It takes a lot out of him but he has to put limits on how much he does so that he isn’t wiped out.
We appreciate your prayers, love and support through this journey. Here’s a photo of us smiling through it at all at the transplant center.
God bless
Annie & John
June 2nd, 2024
Team Murray Update:
The month of May seemed to roll through fairly quickly. We’re so thankful for God carrying us through another year of life. We celebrated our birthday’s with doing positive things and celebrating ALL that God did in the past 6 months with John being sick and hospitalized. I am truly blessed and grateful for how it looked like things would end, BUT GOD PULLED HIM THROUGH!!! Thinking back to last year of him doing Peritoneal Dialysis 11-13 hours a day and not having any time to rest. Johnnie Murray has come a long way and I am so happy to see his progress. He had lost so much weight from not being able to eat or smell food cooking. Now that he does Hemodialysis he’s regained his appetite but still doesn’t like certain foods anymore. The doctor is pleased and happy with his progress.
The fistula was created and has fully developed in his arm. It’s a new form they started a few years ago. You can feel it vibrating in his arm. This is where they’re doing his current treatment three days a week. I’m thankful for friends who have stepped in to help take John to dialysis on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday’s (Kiara Hill, Alonda Denice, Jeanne Crockett, Tony Mitchell, Tina Marie Mitchell). This has been a blessing because I was working taking and picking him up and having to come back to work until 7 PM. I was exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally.
We’re grateful to all who have helped with the fund raiser. It’s been a blessing with helping us to maintain all of the expenses that are associated with this process. Due to my employer having more then 300 employees my commercial plan is primary and Medicare is secondary for all the other benefits except for dialysis and whenever he has the kidney transplant. So deductibles and out of pocket maximum haven’t been met yet. Although we’re getting close, it’s a blessing to have the help to get through.
Today is June 1st and after having the procedure to check John heart he was prescribed two medication’s to see if it helps increases his heart function. On June 26th we go back to Baylor Heart Transplant Doctor to see if his numbers have increased. If they have increased she’ll let him know if he needs to continue with things for him to be released back to Kidney transplant team. If it hasn’t then our next steps are to start the process for the defibrillator. We ask for your continued prayers. The Kidney Transplant Coordinator called and said that he’s still climbing the list but still on hold status until 6/26 appointment.
We pray that God will complete the work in John. We pray that he continues to be strengthened and stay encouraged as we continue this process. We’re trying to find our new normal and we are trying to venture out a little bit but he gets tired and exhausted really quickly. Our prayer is for God to order our steps and that we will continue to trust Him and take him at His word. Thank you again for every phone call, text, meal, drive by and social media words of encouragement! Please don’t stop because it’s so hard some days!
We’re going to keep on singing and praising! The battle is not ours, it’s the Lord’s.
April 19th, 2024
Team Murray Update:
We’re still standing on the promises of God as we continue our journey of Kidney Transplant. John had the fistula balloon procedure and next week he will have another ultrasound to make sure the fistula is fully developed. Then in two weeks he will have the mapping done for them to start using the fistula in his arm. They will remove the catheter from his chest soon after. We’re currently waiting on insurance to approve another procedure that John needs to have done in order for them to determine if he can be cleared to be put back in ACTIVE status. He’s still accruing time on the wait list but he has to be medically cleared.
Although this journey has been quite overwhelming we can feel the prayers as we see the improvement in John health. The dialysis has brought his color back to his face, he’s doing a little more venture’s and taking things in stride the days he doesn’t have dialysis. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 (Glory to God) The past 3 weeks it was a grueling schedule where Sunday was the only day that we had off. And I still work every day.
Please continue to keep us in prayer. Yesterday I had a little health scare and winded up in the ER yesterday until late last night. I’m feeling better and taking it easy. I’m praying to learn how to let go, rest, relax and take care of myself. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
We still have our eyes on the prize and although we have our thoughts of what we want and what the doctors want. We have to trust the Chief Physician Jesus - Jehovah Rapha our healer! He reigns and rules.
Speaking this over anyone dealing with a hard situation, sickness, grief, hurt, disappointment- 🗣️ GOD SPECIALIZES IN THINGS THAT SEEM IMPOSSIBLE….and He can do what no other power, Holy Ghost power can do!!!!
Love The Murray’s
Annie, John & Sam 🐶
March 27th, 2024
Team Murray Update: Long Post
1. Today we received this beautiful gift set titled “Miracles by the Moment”. Including 101 Healing Scriptures, Coffee Mug, Journal and a Pen! We do not know who sent this to us but we would like to say “Thank You”. It came at the perfect timing. May God bless you for blessing us! 🙏🏾💙🙏🏾
2. Kidney Transplant Re-Evaluation - Last week we were excited and anxious as we went to bed early the day before the evaluation. At 4:00 AM Johnnie Murray wakes up singing - One day at a time, sweet Jesus. Thats all I'm asking of You.
Just give me the strength to do everyday
What I have to do. And then we received this gift “Miracles by the Moment” today. Sometimes we don’t always understand what we are walking through and everything seems uncertain. We were hoping to hear the words “Active” when we received the phone call. However, that wasn’t what we heard. We were told that John remains in HOLD status due to further testing! My heart was hurting. I’m like God please! We need time to allow the fistula to heal and make sure it works before proceeding further. They wanted to just check everything and make sure that he’s completely ready for the surgery. With the hospitalization and all in December through January they wanted to be sure his body can handle the surgery.
I began to become fearful!🥺🙄 I said Lord he’s all that I have and we have so much more life to live on earth. I needed to have my vulnerable moments. It’s okay not to be okay! This is too much for me but not for God!
Then I started remembering how God brought him through all of the things that should have taken him out but God said not so! He healed his eyes, his A1C is 5.3 and he is able to walk and have made great progress. The transplant coordinator didn’t say he was removed from the program. She said still on hold! We prayed and we made it known what we wanted, what the doctor’s said what they wanted but we said God you’re in control so we trust your plan!
I began to pray scripture and words of encouragement over my hubby as we both shed tears. We have moved past this moment and we are continuing to walk in VICTORY! This sickness is not until death! He shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord! We have faith the size of a mustard seed for this mountain to be moved!
As we continue to pray and follow through on making greater progress toward our goal of getting the transplant, we ask that you would continue to stay on the journey with us! Sometimes it gets so hard and we get a little discouraged but we remember those of you who call, text, visit or video chat with us. This truly gives us strength to keep going! 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Thank you again for all of your prayer and support through kidney transplant donor search, financial, meals, etc…
God you are faithful! We trust your perfect will on this journey. Our hope is in the Lord!!
March 13th, 2024
We’ve been working hard with getting John back to health. The insurance company has ended his homecare and Physical Therapy visits since he’s regaining his strength. It’s been a stressful time getting through all of the hurdles. Starting with the hospital and rehabilitation center processing all of his claims under my name as the policy holder and not his as a dependent. It took a lot of phone calls to get that squared away. We’re truly grateful for the fund raiser and all of your support as I was out of work for almost the entire month of December and part of January. I have FMLA but some of it’s without pay. And of course the new year started new deductible and coinsurance for visits and appointments. We’re holding onto the funds because we believe God will bless him to get the kidney transplant soon. John saw the doctor today and he said that the hemo dialysis is working and his blood pressure is doing well and there’s no swelling or extra fluid on his body. His A1C is at 5.3 and recently his retinopathy has cleared up in his eyes. We see the great things happening changing before our eyes restoring him back to health.
We have a few prayer requests for this week and the upcoming week. Tomorrow John has a nuclear stress test for the heart. Right now he has a temporary catheter in his chest that they use to do his hemodialysis. This strains the heart so they’re working diligently to get things switched out for John. John still has the port in his stomach from doing peritoneal dialysis. On Friday 3/15 John will have surgery to remove the port from his stomach. Saturday he will have dialysis again and Monday he will have surgery to have the fistula put into his arm to be used for hemodialysis which takes 4-6 weeks to heal. On 3/21 he goes back to the Baylor Transplant Center for Re-Evaluation to be taken off of hold status to be Re-Activated. The Transplant Committee will review and make the final decision. Please keep us both in prayer as we navigate through all that’s before us. Again, thank you so much for all of your support and continuing to take this journey with us.
We will bless the Lord at all times and his praises shall continually be in our mouths.
God Bless
Annie & John
March 1st, 2024
Greetings, we wanted to share with you that John is making good progress. We have some upcoming appointments in a couple of weeks. Please be in prayer with us concerning his re-evaluation to have his status changed back to Active on the Transplant List. Please also pray with us and our current donor who isn’t a match but is still walking out the process with us if we have to go through the swap program. We’re still praying that we also might get a match of B+, O+ or O-. We thank you all for encouraging posts, prayers and your generosity. Our faith is in God and we know that everything will work out in his timing. Praying blessings, peace and favor over you all! Here’s a photo of John working with the Physical Therapist.
God Bless
Team Murray
February 19th, 2024
John is making progress with his healing. He has Physical Therapy twice a week and he’s starting to get around a little more independently. He currently uses a cane to help him maneuver around. He was cleared last week by the wound care doctor that he’s completely healed. We praise God for bringing him through this season. He’s now in the process of having the peritoneal port removed to prevent further infections. He saw the vascular surgeon on Friday and they confirmed that his veins are stable and big enough to add the fistula. The fistula will take 3 weeks to heal. He currently has a temporary catheter in his chest that they use for dialysis. It’s starting to clot during hemodialysis so they’re trying to get things moving along with the surgery for the fistula. We spoke with the transplant center and informed them the wound care doctor cleared him so that he could be removed from hold status to active status for the transplant. Unfortunately they aren’t going to take him off of hold status until he has his re-evaluation which is scheduled for March 21, 2024. Please continue to keep us in prayer as we continue this journey.
We truly appreciate your love, prayers and support. On those hard days we could feel the prayers giving us strength to continue. I’m thankful for my job working with me and allowing me the time to take care of him. And thank you to ALL who have been helping me to transport him to and from his appointments.
Blessings and love Team Murray
January 20th, 2024
To God be the Glory for the things, He has done! John was admitted in the hospital on December 7th, 2023. He faced some very serious medical issues that shook us for a moment. December 22nd, 2023 he was transferred to the rehabilitation facility until January 6th when he was transferred back to the hospital until January 8th. Over the last 12 months he was doing 11-13 hours a night of peritoneal dialysis. While hospitalized the nephrologist decided to change him to hemodialysis. The past 11 days we had to learn a new routine of him now doing hemodialysis three times a week while having skilled nursing and physical therapy at home. I praise God that he’s been trying to regain his appetite and strength. Today a friend took him to get a haircut and when he came back home I could see the joy in his face because he could see himself again! We still have a little bit of a journey and we’ve been celebrating all of the small victories that we’ve been able to achieve with the leading of the Lord and all of the prayers. We’re working on getting him better so he will be ready for that call for his kidney transplant surgery. Please continue to pray for me as I try to navigate many things during this time.
Thank you all for the prayers, calls, texts, meals, picking up medication, driving John to appointments and support! It’s been a blessing! It’s just me so I am appreciative for the help!
December 20th, 2023
Good morning! Oh give thanks unto the Lord for, he is good.
Just wanted to give an update and answer some questions that I received.
1. Johnnie Murray is still in the hospital. He’s made great progress. He’s had a couple of procedures and is on the mend. We are waiting on insurance approval for him to be transferred to a rehabilitation facility to help him regain his strength. He was doing peritoneal dialysis and they switched over to hemodialysis. He seems to be doing good with the switch for now.
Continued prayers are appreciated.
Once he goes to rehab it would be great if he could get family and friends to support him through this process to be restored back to health. If interested you can inbox me and I’ll be able to provide the location. It’s a possibility of him going downtown Fort Worth.
2. TRANSPLANT - John DID NOT have the Kidney Transplant. We are in the same process of waiting on a direct match donor or going through the swap program with our current donor who isn’t a match but is still willing to go through the process with us. I pray God continued blessings over this sweet person. What a gift! As soon as we have more information on that we will update you. However, we’re looking at 2024 being the best time with him currently going through recovery.
3. FUNDRAISER - I was asked if we still have our fundraiser with givesendgo? Yes, it’s under Team Murray. https://givesendgo.com/teammurray?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=teammurray
4. HOW CAN WE HELP - Continued prayers for sure. I will need help once he’s discharged home. However, if you want to send a meal or gift card that is welcome as I will be working half days in the morning until noon and going to the hospital/rehab facility for the remainder of the day and evening. They will not allow me to stay overnight once he goes to rehab. Once we’re home I can provide more details.
5. THANKS TO ALL who have replied to our posts, who have sent text messages, phone calls, visited, cooked a meal, delivered a meal, stayed on the phone and cried with me! We still believe the report of the Lord! It has been a very hard two weeks but I THANK GOD for pulling him through!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾😭😭🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
We stand on the word of God - I am the God that heals thee!
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out! May God bless and keep you! May His face shine upon you! Happy Holidays to you all!
November 9th, 2023
Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good, and his mercy endures forever. I wanted to reach out and give an update on where we are with the transplant process.
1. Medicare is finally in process after applying back in February when the first submission was accepted. They’re stating that my insurance will be primary and Medicare will be secondary. They’re going to try to back date it to January. If that’s the case I’ll have to pay the lump sum and then they will submit it to see if I qualify to be reimbursed. We should have final approval by next week.
2. John has been making progress. He still continues to do his manual and 11 hour treatment seven days a week. He had good days where he is trying to get a routine of daily activities. He’s been going to Physical Therapy to help strengthen his legs and arms. As well as to rebuild his muscle mass. His eye injections have been working and the doctor has moved him to every 6 weeks. He’s almost back to 220 with his glasses.
3. Please continue to pray with us on this journey. We still have our one donor who is A+ and we’ve had several people test to see if they could be a donor but needed to take care of themselves. The reason they test donors is to make sure you’re in good health and will be able to continue with one kidney. We know God has a plan and as we wait on the Lord to fulfill the promise we still give God all glory and honor due to his name! He is the King of kings and Lord of Lords! He is Jehovah Rapha our healer and we stand on the word of God. The battle is not ours but the Lords. So we will continue to praise our way through!
Thank you all for your prayers, love and support. Thank you for your contributions.
Annie & John
October 6th, 2023
This is Annie coming to give an update. We’ve had some challenges lately but we haven’t given up! Our God is faithful to us even when we don’t understand the wait for our healing process to come through. We know that healing is taking place each day we’re above ground. John is still doing 7 days a week of peritoneal dialysis with 10 hours on the machine overnight and 1-2 hours of manual process per day. We’ve seen some changes in his body that lets us know God is doing a work in his body. We’ve had several people come through to be considered a donor that didn’t go through. We appreciate all who have considered this process. And we still have a donor who isn’t a match but is willing to continue the journey with us through swap if we get matches for them and John. We’re asking for your continued prayers through this process. We are truly grateful and thankful for you ALL taking this journey with us through prayer, meals, driving to appointments, words of encouragement and financial support for our transplant funding. Our Give Send Go is still open if you would like to participate. Pray for us to continue to trust the plan that God has and that our faith will not waiver until his breakthrough comes to fruition. We’re leaning on the everlasting arms of our Father!
God Bless
Annie & John Murray
August 29th, 2023
Team Murray Update:
Today was full of appointments with the Nephrologist, Dietician, Nurse and Social Worker. For a person to do 10-13 hours a day of peritoneal dialysis a lot. We thank God for the prayers, scriptures and encouragement that are given to us consistently as we wait for our appointed day of Kidney Transplant. We speak it into the atmosphere that it is forthcoming soon. Today they were all so happy that Johnnie Murray numbers looked good! The dialysis is working and his A1C was 6.5 so the body is being restored through this treatment. Sometimes we only see the bad side because of how much work it is on a daily basis. But God is showing himself mighty and strong.
After we left the Dialysis Center we had to go to the Retinopathy Doctor. We’ve been going to this specialist now for a while. When John first started going he had so much bleeding behind his retina. The scans were practically covered with red in both eyes. Well today we went for his appointment and the doctor again gave John a big hug and handshake and said we only give instructions but it’s you who did it but we know that GOD DID IT!! He said I’m so proud of how your eye sight is being restored. He’s almost back to 20/20 vision in both eyes. Today he didn’t have his glasses and still passéd the eye exam. 🎉
He may not come when we want Him to BUT, HE’S ALWAYS ON TIME! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 He’s a miracle working God!! God is giving John a new body!! Hallelujah!! 😭🙌🏾🙏🏾😭🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Please continue to keep us in prayer! We love you all!
August 17th, 2023
The Murray’s are leaning on the everlasting arms of our Heavenly Father. It has been a minute since we’ve provided an update. Besides John health issues I had to take a little time for myself as his caregiver. With all of the appointments and working full time it was hard trying to handle so many things at once. John is still doing 12 hours of dialysis nightly and 1 hour at 5 PM to make sure the toxins are cleared from his body through peritoneal dialysis. We had a few set backs with him having low potassium levels which made him really sick. He’s on the mend and feeling better but we still have to get his level back up above the normal amount. We’re still waiting for a kidney donor whether it’s a direct match if someone being B+ or O+/-. We’re also in the swap program where a friend is willing to donate her kidney but they’re A+. So they’re looking for a recipient for them to get a kidney donor John that matches him. The last one is through deceased donor. We believe and trust God! Will you continue to believe and trust God with us. John is holding on but he has his day where he’s a little strained in his spirit of when will it happen. Thank you again for your prayers, love and support. I promise yo communicate at least once a week.
God Bless
July 14th, 2023
Hello, We’ve had several ask about the link for transplant center. John blood type is B+ and he can also accept an kidney from a donor who is O+/-. This is just a preliminary link for donor consideration. If you get through the preliminary screening let me know so we can let the transplant coordinator know. You’ll need to enter his name as Johnnie Murray. They’re saying to use every avenue to try and get a live donor. We still have our donor that’s in the swap program. So, thankful that they will continue with this journey. They’re not going anywhere.
July 13th, 2023
Team Murray Update - Kidney Transplant
Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and his mercy endures forever.
In life everything is a process. Sometimes that process is easy, smooth, quick or even fast. Then there are other times when it seems like the process is forever and you’re asking when will it end or happen. Everything in the beginning happened so quickly with the testing, meeting the transplant team of surgeons, coordinators and social workers back in April 2023. We had received notification that he was approved and added to the transplant list. However, there were pieces that were missing in that process that weren’t communicated.
INSURANCE - with the mishap of his Medicare application not being submitted in February. Things have been straightened out where the transplant will be done under my health insurance and Medicare will be secondary. Still waiting on the final approval but the application has been submitted. My insurance approved the transplant services and funding of the cost of the surgery. Praise God! He is officially added to the Deceased transplant list as a back up to our current process.
DONOR - we have an amazing person who have been walking alongside of us on this journey. They have completed their testing and was approved by the transplant committee. However, their blood type doesn’t match John. This sweet and kind person is willing to go through the process to still donate their kidney for John. John and the donor would need to go through the SWAP Program. They will find a match for John B+ or O +/- and find a recipient for the donor that’s A+. In other words the donor is still willing to give their kidney to make sure John gets one! 😭😭❤️ What a blessing.
We’ve been in limbo for over a month. For this program you have to have the funding approval from the insurance company. This is where the delay has been. Now that it’s officially noted that my insurance will be primary and Medicare secondary they have officially been given the green light to be entered into the SWAP Program! 🙄 We we’re told that as of this week they would be entered into the system and it will search for matches for John and his donor through 3 donor organizations.
John still does 11-13 hours of dialysis a day! He has good and not so good days. However, we won’t complain because God has been good to us. 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Prayer request: please continue to pray for John as he does his treatments. Pray for strength and peace of mind until the day comes for the transplant. Pray for God’s timing!
Pray for me as I continue to work and handle everything before us. Pray for my body and my mind to stay healthy and strengthened.
If anyone wants to see if they’re eligible to be a donor please let me know and I can provide the information.
Thank you again for your prayers, generosity, love and support. We still have our fundraiser available if you would like to contribute. All proceeds goes towards our Kidney Transplant processes.
July 7th, 2023
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
We’ve had several weeks of trying to get things done and we hit some obstacles that began to cause our faith to waiver. Problems with insurance, adding more time to John dialysis, many doctor appointments, etc… We we were hearing from everyone and all of a sudden we had no communication. We found out that my insurance is going to be primary and Medicare will be secondary. It wasn’t communicated that they were waiting on funding from insurance to continue the process. We’ve made some progress with John retinopathy and his sight has increased more. We praise God for that as well. So, we found out today that John have been added to the transplant list as funded through insurance. And he’s also added to the swap program to find a match for his donor and himself as the donor blood type doesn’t match John. Once they find a match for both of them we will get a surgery date. If you want to be considered as a donor his blood type is B+ or O+/-. Thank you for your love, support and prayers. We still have a little more to go to reach our goal! Please continue to pray for us as we pray for you!
God Bless
Annie & John
June 20th, 2023
Team Murray here to give an update on our progress. As you know we’ve stated that we had a Kidney Donor. Our donor found out that they weren’t a match but was still willing to donate their kidney for John. Tears of joy for this kind and caring person to still want to donate their kidney. As of June 2nd John and the donor was entered in the swap program. Which means they will find a match for the donor to give her kidney. And they will get a donor that’s B+ or O +/- for John. Please keep praying as we also found out that the insurance coordinator never submitted his Medicare application. So, we’re waiting to see if they can expedite it. We’re anxiously and patiently waiting! We know everything will happen in God’s timing as He is in control! So, we stand on the word of God that he is faithful and will perform at the right time. So, we trust in the Lord with ALL our heart and not leaning on our own understanding. Please continue to pray for us as we pray for you! Thank you so much for taking this journey with us!
Team Murray (John & Annie)
June 6th, 2023
Team Murray Update:
We truly appreciate all of your prayers and support with our process. We were informed that our live donor was approved by the Transplant Committee and can donate their kidney. We’re waiting for our next steps! Keep praying and if you can continue to donate we truly appreciate it!
John & Annie
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