Supporting the Suzi family


 CAD $15,000


 CAD $500

Campaign created by Laureen Van Raamsdonk

Supporting the Suzi family

On July 25h, Chris and Latisha's 6 year old daughter Angel fell out of a 2nd story window into the window well below. This was witnessed by a worker on a home behind the house as this was a new subdivision with homes in development. That worker picked her up and carried her around the house to the front door where her dad Chris took her and started to take her to the hospital. A person next door called emergency services and along the way to the hospital police stopped Chris and put him in the back of the police car handcuffed for 15 minutes while leaving his daughter in the hot car. Then an ambulance came and instead of releasing Angel from her seat they cut her out of the car seat and took her to the hospital. Chris went back home and got the rest of the children and brought them to a friend, Laureen Van Raamsdonk, so they could go to the hospital to see to Angel. At that point child protective services got involved and would not allow Chris to have his children home with him again. Angel was fine and released that same evening, and the police brought her to that friend as well. The next day that friend had to tend to her own family needs and so she brought those children back to Chris's home. Chris was also in the process of moving so there were numerous bags everywhere. That evening, CPS came by their house and took the children away. Chris and Latisha let them into their home and let them even talk to the children without them present, putting their trust into them that they would do the right thing. (They have since discovered that the children are all separated into group homes around Edmonton except for Angel who is in a town 3 hours away) They have video evidence as they had cameras installed in their home to keep an eye on their small kids, plus they have a door cam which shows Angel being carried to the front door, plus much more. The police that were with the CPS also took many of their things including their Telus modem (for evidence) which doesn't even belong to them, but to Telus. On Friday Chris got arrested and taken for a bogus insurance charge but how could he be legally driving if that was the case? Friday was also the day that he was to put the deposit on their new place but that suddenly fell through, leaving the couple homeless. That friend that had the kids overnight also has a basement with a kitchen so the couple is able to stay there while they find a place to live.

The police also took Chris's phone that had the video evidence of what went on but of course that went missing as well.

Anyways, they've been trying to fight the system ever since by trying to get a lawyers through legal aid but they are definitely NOT on their side! The lawyers are pretty much gaslighting them so they need funds for a real lawyer that will actually WORK for them. The ONLY evidence that CPS has on them is the comments from their 11 year old son Chris junior who is on the spectrum so he can be easily manipulated to answer questions as to how they want him to answer them. Last Friday they went to be interviewed by the police who said they had concluded their investigation into the alleged child abuse and neglect. They were arrested and jailed for well over the legal limit of 24 hours before they were released. This Wednesday morning they appeared in court for that imprisonment and were told that they were to live separately from each other or there would be a warrant for their arrest. Therefore, they are in need of money to fund a lawyer that will actually work for them,. This is not only a fight for me and my family but   I have heard since that this has happened to numerous other people that are not white and don't have any money. I am very concerned that they will keep pushing further and further till we lose our kids altogether. The interesting thing is, we have had visits from CPS, Child emergency response, and cops, and not one of these groups said that the kids were in danger because of abuse. In the home. In fact, these people always left apologizing, I actually have proof of that. These people only started to come around when the neighbors moved in next door at the beginning of July. I am also concerned for my health in regards to all this as I have high blood pressure issues and am concerned that this whole incident could eventually lead to a stroke, which just might render me useless to my fight and to my wife and children. Thank you. 

Update: This fight has since claimed Chris's life due to the stress and now his wife must continue the fight on her own. She needs prayer and also financial help as she prepares to fight the systen to get her kids back and a home for them to live in. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 CAD
11 months ago

Lynn Watson
$ 40.00 CAD
11 months ago

Marilyn Young
$ 100.00 CAD
11 months ago

$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
1 year ago

$ 200.00 CAD
1 year ago

You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror. Psalm 10:17-18


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