Support Our Mission!


 USD $10,000


 USD $986

Campaign created by Bryson Morris

Campaign funds will be received by Bryson Morris

Support Our Mission!

Hey everyone, hope you're all having a fantastic day! Thank you for taking the time to click on our page and read about our fundraiser! (Below you can navigate to OUR STORY, SECOND YEAR, FUNDRAISER GOAL.)

OUR STORY: My name is Bryson, and my beautiful wife's name is Kaleigh and we have been together for almost 9 years! In July of 2023, Kaleigh and I left everything behind and moved to Redding, CA to answer the calling placed on our hearts to pursue a deeper understanding and relationship with God by attending a school called BSSM. That hope and expectation was met way beyond what we ever anticipated. What we experienced has forever changed our lives, so much so that we applied for a second year! We moved to Redding, CA in faith, having less than $200 total, and through the support of friends and family we were able to afford tuition! Through that support, we were able to attend school and be apart of a movement through the school to serve the local communities and to attend a mission trip to Scotland to also bring extra support and aid serving major cities and communities. Here's a small list of how the financial support impacted us, the school, and others: the poor and homeless were fed and given places to stay, the depressed and hurting were given freedom from pain, the traumatized were healed, the brokenhearted where made whole, those with addictions were set free, lost minds were returned, the abused found refuge, abandoned children were given peace and protection. There is so much more, but this covers the main points. We are excited to see what this year has in store!

SECOND YEAR: This year focuses on going even deeper into some of the activities I've mentioned above, but also focuses on equipping us with tools to lead these movements ourselves. This year, instead of Scotland we will be attending an outreach trip to Hollywood, one of the darkest places in America. We will be talking with film executives, directors, producers, artists and many others. We will be the hands and feet of Jesus both to those who walk in fame and success, and to those who wander the streets of Skid Row, one of largest populations of homeless people in the United States. This is a small summary of what Second Year contains.

FUNDRAISER GOAL: We are honored to reach out to beloved friends and family who want to partner with this vision and mission, who want to see countless people saved, healed, delivered, and set free! Your support not only makes it possible, but it carries generational impact!! Not just for Kaleigh and I, but for every person our team is sent out to. So if you believe in this vision and want to see it fulfilled, if you want to be apart of our team, feel free to support us through this fundraiser!! The cost of school covers general expenses, learning materials, books, classes, local outreach, lodging, flights, travel, future mission trips, and more. The total for each of us to pay for school, outreach, and mission trips is $5,000 each, $10,000 total. Thank you so much for reading, have a wonderful and blessed day!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

We love you guys and are praying for you!!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Wish it could be more! Love you!

Hector and Catherine
$ 111.00 USD
3 months ago

We love you guys! Blessings from your scottish family

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Love you both. Happy early Birthday Kaleigh.

Jeremy Greene
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

JoeAnne Santy-Greene
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

So proud of you both. Prayers and hugs!

John Elliott
$ 500.00 USD
4 months ago

Love you guys and I love what you’re doing!


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