Support Matt Couch's Recovery and His Daughters


 USD $200,000


 USD $68,380

Campaign created by Nick Sortor

Campaign funds will be received by Matthew Couch

Support Matt Couch's Recovery and His Daughters

My good friend @RealMattCouch was just admitted to the ICU around 2am last night in "serious condition."

Matt is a true American patriot and journalist that has proven time and time again he is willing to give up EVERYTHING to support our country. He's an inspiration to me.

Doctors are saying Matt is a "very sick man" and are doing everything they can to combat his symptoms of heart failure, kidney failure, and liver function failure.

As of now, doctors believe he has blood clots scattered all throughout his body, including his right leg, kidney, and even his heart.

There's a VERY real possibility he could lose his leg just below the knee, and he needs your prayers for divine intervention to hopefully prevent that from happening 🙏

Along with your prayers, I want to be able to help his young daughters through this fight, as they're obviously having a very tough time seeing their dad in this condition. Your support will help take care of his daughters while Matt is in the hospital unable to work as well as during his recovery.

If you can spare a few dollars, please consider donating to our campaign. It's appreciate more than you can imagine.

I'm in close contact with Matt and will provide updates as well as on my Twitter (@NickSortor)
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers and many blessings to you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
2 months ago

Get well soon! God be with you and your daughters during such a difficult time. May he lay his healing hand’s upon you and heal your body! Thank you for being a patriot through this glorious movement. Sending love and light!

Debbie Ressler
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Good bless you in your recovery.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying for Matt's recovery. Praying GOD providentially moves in Matt's life. Praying for the daughters. Will you keep us apprised?

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago


$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

God bless you Matt, please keep getting better Prayers for you and your family

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Prayers for you and your family and continued recovery. You are an inspiration. God bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

Sending prayers to Matt and his family.

Gayle Heninger
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 90.00 USD
4 months ago

Praying for complete healing for Matt and that the Lord would wrap his arms around him, his family and all those who love and care about him. Lord bring them Your peace and comfort . In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Margaret Wise
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Inspirational post. God is good.

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
4 months ago

Keep going, Friend Matt!

$ 15.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

I am praying for your recovery.


Update #46

October 30th, 2024

Happy Wednesday! 

Matt continues to improve, walking well with 2 canes, and learning to walk with one cane. He uses his walker most of the time as he learns to walk and shift weight, and he can't do what he does without all of you. Matt's a walking miracle, having 5 heart procedures, an Ablation heart procedure to get rid of his Afib, and his right leg amputated above the knee. This has been EXTREMELY costly, and he is a single Dad with two daughters. 

Anything you can do to help Matt, helps Matt. Let's get this American Patriot walking again! 

Matt is walking gingerly with one cane in physical therapy, and can do 2500 steps on the NuStep elliptical in 20 minutes. He needs to purchase a New Step for his home, but they are $6500... Not to mention he still needs to pay off his original prosthetic that cost $25,000, and will need a new one in six months that will cost around $40,000. 

There are campaigns that I've seen that have tripled or quadrupled this for other Patriots who haven't done 10% of what Matt has done for the America First movement, or been through what he's been through medically. Can we get this to the 50% mark by Christmas and help Matt out? 

Update #45

October 16th, 2024


Today I walked 42 feet without sitting down or needing to brace myself, the longest I've walked in one stretch, and a total of nearly 400 feet with one cane in Physical Therapy. 

The progress is happening, and I can't wait to see where I am by Thanksgiving and Christmas for milestones. God is so good, and I have the best medical and physical therapy team in America at Mercy Hospitals Northwest Arkansas And Mercy Physical Therapy. 

I also knocked out 2600 steps in 20 minutes on the seated Elliptical at a 6 grade. I had a gentlemen who was rehabbing from surgery tell me "I don't think I could walk for 20 minutes straight, and you just did that.." It's amazing to see my progress, but it's' definitely costly. 

In Monday's Physical Therapy, I was able to stand up and sit down in a chair 10 times in 30 seconds, not bad for a guy with a prosthetic leg who's learning to walk. I was also able to do medicine ball workouts against the wall unassisted, lifting the ball to 12 O'clock, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, and then reversed from 12 to 9, etc.. Building core and stamina, while balancing and maintaining. 

I can now stand for nearly 10 minutes without assistance, Thanks to God above and so many of you, I'm a miracle, and soon to be walking one! 

For those of you who have supported my journey to walk again, and get healed, I can never repay or thank you enough. My journey is ongoing, and some of you have gone above and beyond, and I am forever and eternally grateful, as is my family for all of you. 

If you'd like to help in my journey, it's greatly appreciated, and can be found here. 

Love y'all, 


Update #44

September 5th, 2024

Another Amazing day in Physical therapy, crossed a new milestone walking my furthest ever with one cane. Can’t wait to see where I’m at by Halloween and Christmas, two new milestones I’ve set for myself. 

2500 steps on the Elliptical in 20 minutes, the comeback is real! 

God is so good, for those that have contributed and supported me in the hardest year of my life, I am eternally grateful. 

Thank you to the amazing doctors at Mercy Hospitals in Northwest Arkansas, and my amazing Physical Therapy team; I will be walking again on my own soon. 

Love y’all!

Update Update #44 Image
Update #43

August 30th, 2024

This week was a huge week for Matt in his recovery process. He walked the longest he ever has with one cane as he works to move to walking on his own. It's been an insane 12-13 months. 5 Heart procedures, Ablation Surgery, having his right leg amputated, but he has persevered through it all, and you wouldn't even know because he doesn't complain about any of it.. 

It's amazing that he was starting to work again laying in the hospital bed he spent 27 days in. He hasn't taken a break because he has bills to pay, daughters to raise, and didn't want to lose his home, or be forced to live wit his parents or a friend. Matt has pushed through this entire insane experience, with little to no help. As we write this (those that are helping Matt and help run this campaign) it's shocking it's not even to the 33% mark yet, it should be at the goal of doubled. 

Think of what Matt has done for America. Lead the charge in the Seth Rich murder investigation and got sued into the stone age for it (as he calls it). Fast and Furious investigations, Lead the charge on the Las Vegas Shooting investigation with Laura Loomer, and countless other stories he and his team at have broken over the years. Where would Matt be walking wise and recovery wise if this campaign was fully funded? 

His recovery should be nothing but rehab, physical therapy, rest, kids, repeat. But he's working 12 to 15 hours per day, nearly 7 days per week, because he has to, in order to pay his bills and provide for his children. 

Do us a favor on your Friday, SHARE THIS message. Can we finally get Matt Couch to the finish line, can we get this to 50%? can we finish the story and get this to 100% so he can focus full time for a few months on just his recovery and not working double the hours of the average person? 

Dig Deep, He needs us, and he's too proud to ask! 

Love Everyone, 

Matt's Team

Update #42

August 18th, 2024

The last two weeks have been amazing progress for me. I have learned to stand and throw the football, not holding on the walker or a cane, just standing and playing catch for 1-2 minutes.. 

Have also started using the hand bike, but in a standing position with it up high... I can stand for 1-2 mins without holding onto anything and doing the hand bike, which is more big progress in my therapy.. 

Currently walking very well with a walker, and decent with two canes, and slowly progressing to one cane as my confidence allows. I am in phenomenal shape for me, and I intend to only make that even better the more I progress. 

I continue to do dumbbell workouts 3-4 days per week from home, and Physical Therapy 2 days per week at the facility, the grind is real. Thanks to so many of you, I am ahead of schedule, but could really be ahead of schedule if we could hit the 50% mark of this fundraiser that has now been up for over a year.. We're around the 33% mark now. 

The ability to focus on just recovery and not having to work 60+ hours per week while recovering would be huge if that's a possibility. I will need a new leg in about 4-6 months, and I still have to pay some off on the existing one that cost $25,000, the 2nd will cost $40,000+.. 

Anything helps, but I want to truly say a HUGE thank you for the prayers, support ,and messages I receive daily from so many of you. 

I love y'all, 


Update #41

August 1st, 2024

Matt has had another great week in Physical Therapy.. Tuesday he did nearly 25 minutes on the Elliptical and close to 3,000 steps.. He walked about 30 feet with one cane, and he is learning to walk with one cane. He walks decent with two canes, and is trucking with his walker, its' only been a year since his amputation, and he was in the Hospital until the Middle of July in 2023.. His recovery is remarkable and a gift from God. 

Matt also had 5 heart procedures, and his heart has fully healed and recovered.. 5 Heart Cath's and an Ablation Surgery, and Matt is kicking like a pack of one legged ninjas. 

His recovery is still on going, and he has to pay someone to take him to and from Physical Therapy, pay for therapy, and other procedures, and of course medical bills, insurance, etc. He will need adjustments on his current leg, and a new leg in 6 months or so that will cost around $40,000 we are told. Insurance does not cover those.. 

Anything you can do help, this has been going for a year, and we're still only at the 30% mark. Can you do us a favor, share this, donate $1 or $2, and continue to share this with friends and others. Let's get Matt's goal to the finish line so he can focus solely on recovering and walking again. 

He loves you all so very much, and thanks you! 

Update #40

July 17th, 2024

Another big day in therapy... Walked between the parallel bars only using my right hand back and forth in 2-3 minute sessions, working on shifting weight onto my prosthetic leg.. Also worked on side to sides for 2-3 minute sessions back and forth between the parallel bars.. 

Walked with a cane in the parallel bars band and forth for several minutes... Then worked to walk with a cane unassisted outside of the bars, and made some minimal progress, but I was wiped out. The healthier I get, the more tired I am in therapy because I am doing more and more at home with my work and responsibilities.. 

Finished up with 21 minutes on the Elliptical and almost 2600 steps.. My most yet!! 

I need to continue to raise money for things that Insurance will not take care of.. 

NuStep for my home to help with my recovery. These are around $5,000 and we need one.. 

I'll need a 2nd leg soon, in about 6 months, and that's another $40,000+... 

Also paying for rides to and from therapy (I don't drive, I lost my right leg) is around $400 per month.. 

Therapy Sessions aren't cheap... Those will start adding up soon too as I'll need more than what's being covered.. 

I'm still a single Dad, learning to walk again.. taking care of my two daughters financially that are 16 and 10. Anything helps here folks. 

Thanks for your prayers and continued support. I love y'all! I'd love to get to the 50% mark of this campaign by my birthday on September 5!!! 


Update #39

July 4th, 2024

Matt had another great but tough therapy session... Learning to walk unassisted is no easy task when you've had an above the knee amputation.. 

Matt did walking back and forth between the parallel bars, did side to sides for 2 mins each with 30 second rests, and alternating back and forth, side to sides, rest, and repeat.. 

Matt also did multiple sets of 10 Up Downs. (Squats for those at home.. not easy with one leg.. )

Then Matt finished up with 16 minutes on a Mountain Course on the Seated Elliptical.. His routine would wear someone with two legs out. His drive and determination is amazing to watch. 

Your donation matters, please help Matt walk again soon! 

Update #38

June 21st, 2024

Another positive day in Physical therapy. Matt walked about 200 feet with one cane, and is learning to shift if weight and balance back and forth on his prosthetic. He walks very well with his walker, stands without assistance now, and can walk very decent with two canes (one in each hand) It's been about 1 year since his amputation of his right leg, and about 11 months since he's been home from the hospital. He didn't get his prosthetic until the end of November, and didn't start Physical Therapy to learn how to walk again until January. His progress is amazing. 

Matt's journey is just getting started, he can't work the workload he used to in media (Even though he won't slow down as we and his doctors have asked him to do). He will need a new leg in about 6 months, and that's going to cost around $40,000. Everything helps from paying his electric bill, to keeping him going in the right direction, he can't do this without all of us. 

Anything helps folks. $1, $2, $5, $10. Anything. Let's get Matt walking again, he's so close. I truly believe by the end of summer, he will be walking with one cane, and by middle of fall no cane. Let's help get him there! 

Update #37

June 16th, 2024

Had a great week in therapy, walked about 200 feet with one cane in Physical Therapy, did some intensive work in between the parallel bars walking with only one hand on the bar with my prosthetic, and then doing side to sides.. 

Two minutes walking, 30 seconds rest, and repeat for about 40 minutes.. 

Then finished up with 17 minutes and nearly 2,000 steps on the Elliptical. God is so good, but my journey and story is just getting started. 

I literally cannot do this without all of you. I still owe about $15K on my first leg, and will need a new leg in about another six months that will cost around $30-40K. I have to pay a young lady (because I don't drive) $100 per week to take me to my physical therapy, I now have house keepers that I pay $100 per week (again, I'm one legged learning to walk again).. 

Anything you can do helps in my recovery, and I'm raising my two daughters while doing my best to investigate and cover the latest stories at I love you all more than you know. 

Thank you for your continued support, I am forever grateful in this journey, thanks to God above, and for another chance at life! 

Update #36

May 29th, 2024

Huge Day Tuesday for Matt as he took his first steps without holding onto a cane or a rail. Only a couple dozen feet, but a monumental moment as he learns to walk again in Physical Therapy with the amazing people at Mercy Hospitals and Mercy Physical Therapy and rehab. 

Matt is walking decently with two canes, walking amazing with a walker, and learning to walk with one cane, and his goal and hope is by the end of June to end of July be able to walk decently with one cane, and then no cane by fall. 

It's an amazing journey Matt has made in the last 10 months. 4-5 heart procedures, losing his right leg above the knee, and this past Memorial Day Weekend his home took a direct hit with an EF3 Tornado in Rogers, Arkansas. 

Matt appreciates all of the prayers and support, and anything you can do helps his journey to walking again. 

Love Y'all, 


Update #35

May 9th, 2024

Another great week of Physical Therapy in the books. Started walking with one cane around the therapy rooms this week. It's nerve racking, I don't want to break my pretty face lol :) A little amputee humor! 

I am so blessed by God above to still be here, he has granted me a second chance at life, and I am taking full advantage. I continue to work out daily, dumbbell workouts, eating better, and training. Physical Therapy twice per week is brutal, but needed as I learn to walk again. Again, without God above and your donations, NONE of this is even remotely possible. 

This Give Send Go has been up for over 10 months now, and I'm so grateful to my good friend Nick Sortor for setting this up. Without Nick and so many of you, I do not know where my recovery would be at. We're far from over and my story is just beginning. But I do need things, I have to spend $100 per week for someone to take me to and from physical therapy. I will need a new leg in a few months that will cost between $30K and $40k, and I still have bills, and I can't do what I used to do in day to day things, there are expenses that most can't imagine after losing a leg above the knee. 

With that being said, I'd love to see this get to the 50% mark of our funding so I can continue pushing hard and continue this journey to walking again and a full recovery. We're on our way, thanks to all of you who have contributed, and if you can't contribute, please share. It's amazing to me how many influencers on social media I've elevated or helped build their accounts and followings who haven't even shared this or reached out to me during the last 10 months. 

I hope and pray that no one ever has to go through this experience, but I am strong and better for it. God breaks you down, and then he builds you back up. 

Love Y'all 


Update #34

May 4th, 2024

Another amazing first step for Matt, literally on Thursday as he walked with one cane unassisted and assisted for the first time with his amazing trainers Scott and Jessica. A huge milestone, considering Matt had his right leg amputated above the knee in the Middle of Summer in 2023 due to a massive blood clot.

He also had four heart procedures from Cardioversion to Ablation surgery to get his heart out of afib, which were successful. His heart has made an amazing recovery and his Ejection Fraction is now at 55% that of a well conditioned athlete. Matt has also lost over 100lbs since his amputation, and continues to strive to get in better and better shape working out and training on a regular basis. 

He cannot do this journey alone, and is still learning to walk again. Your donations mean so much from helping to pay for rides to and from physical therapy (he can't drive), to Physical therapy, nutrition, training, he and his two children putting food on the table. This campaign has been going for 10 months, and Matt couldn't do it without all of us. 

Thanks for those who have contributed, sent prayers or shared this. Please continue to do so. 

We love you all. 

Update #33

April 29th, 2024

Matt had a good week of physical therapy last week, but was extremely tired since he's been walking and doing more at home on the double canes he is now practicing to walk with. 

Again, we haven't had but ONE donation on this campaign in the last 10 days. Matt literally cannot walk, lost his right leg above the knee, and had five heart procedures in the last 9 months. He is a walking and talking miracle, and is recovering. Keep in mind, he cannot work like he used to, we really need his followers to step up and help him right now, this is going to get a true American patriot back on his feet and walking again. 

We're needing a push to get Matt to walking again! We're hoping that if all goes well he will be walking on one cane by the end of May to Middle of June, and he will need a 2nd leg as this one wears out at the end of the year. That will cost $40,000 and insurance does not cover these. 

Please help share this Give Send Go, if you can't donate, please share and pray. We appreciate all of you who have helped out. so far .000001% of Matt's social media followers have made a donation. We can do better than that, can't we America? 

Thanks for your continued support, let's get Matt some relief. 

Update #32

April 29th, 2024

Matt had a good week of physical therapy last week, but was extremely tired since he's been walking and doing more at home on the double canes he is now practicing to walk with. 

Again, we haven't had but ONE donation on this campaign in the last 10 days. Matt literally cannot walk, lost his right leg above the knee, and had five heart procedures in the last 9 months. He is a walking and talking miracle, and is recovering. Keep in mind, he cannot work like he used to, we really need his followers to step up and help him right now, this is going to get a true American patriot back on his feet and walking again. 

We're needing a push to get Matt to walking again! We're hoping that if all goes well he will be walking on one cane by the end of May to Middle of June, and he will need a 2nd leg as this one wears out at the end of the year. That will cost $40,000 and insurance does not cover these. 

Please help share this Give Send Go, if you can't donate, please share and pray. We appreciate all of you who have helped out. so far .000001% of Matt's social media followers have made a donation. We can do better than that, can't we America? 

Thanks for your continued support, let's get Matt some relief. 

Update #31

April 24th, 2024

Had a great day in Physical therapy yesterday, but I was extremely sore.. Started walking some on two canes at home up and down my hallways to practice, which definitely wears out the nub.. 

Did Sit to stands then walked and practiced stepping over objects with the prosthetic leg. Going downhill is still a crazy ride, and gives you the shivers because you don't want to fall and break your face. 

Did box steps in the parallel bars, walked, did sit to stands, and then another 12 minutes on the Elliptical. Lots of progress being made. Hoping by the end of May to early June to be walking with just one cane, working on increasing workouts at home with dumbbells, and building strength and endurance. 

I cannot tell you how much your support means to me. I cannot work like I used to obviously with my leg being amputated above the right knee. It has been a difficult, painful, and surreal journey. But thanks to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and so many of you with your prayers and support, the comeback is in full swing. 

Anything truly helps my friends, ANYTHING.. Prayers, $1, the messages you guys leave and send. It is all helpful and encouraging in this recovery process. 

God is good, and he saved me for a reason. Thank you for being a part of my journey. 


Update #30

April 16th, 2024

Another amazing day in therapy my friends. First off, for all of you who have supported me, and there have been close to 1,000 of you, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I as I've stated a few times, cannot go get a regular job as I'm learning how to walk again from losing my right leg.. Your generosity knows no bounds. 

Today was a big day in therapy. Did box steps and last Thursday I went up and down stairs for the first time since losing my leg. Therapy is amazing, they are kind, but they push the out of me. Today I also did sit to stands, and Scott and Jessica (My therapists are amazing, they truly are.) Here's an example of what I did today.. 

10 Sit to Stands (Basically squats), then walked 100 feet, and then did 20 box steps, then walked another 100 feet, sat down for a minute or two, and repeat.. It's intense, and high strains to get my to the next level, and I can't thank them enough. 

Unfortunately therapy, and getting better when you can't work at full capacity isn't cheap, and your donations matter so much more than you realize.. Even $1, $2, $3.. the amount doesn't matter, ANYTHING helps in my journey. 

I'mg going to need a new leg around Christmas, and that's another $40,000... Plus I'm in the process of about to be walking again with one cane (I'm currently walking on two canes), and I will need to find a vehicle to drive, probably with some modifications, the cost of this journey has been astronomical, but thanks to so many of you, you have cushioned the , and my daughters and I are not living under a bridge, and for that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

If you can't donate, please say some prayers, and the easiest thing ANYONE can do is SHARE the Give Send Go, Thank you so much America, I love you all!

Matt Couch

Update #29

April 8th, 2024

Happy Sunday America! 

Matt is currently walking with two canes in Physical therapy, one in each hand as he learns to balance and walk again. He is hoping to transition to one cane by the end of the month, early may. Learning to walk again after having your right leg amputated above the knee is a process, and he's ahead of schedule we are told. 

Matt is doing around 1200+ steps in 10 minutes at a 6 grade on the Elliptical, and has lost over 100lbs and continues to workout regularly to get his health better and better. He is driven like never before! 

Matt as you know cannot work like he used to as he rehabs, recovers, and gets healthy after multiple heart procedures and an amputation. Thanks to God above, many prayers, and those of you who have lended support, Matt is going to walk again soon on his own. 

Please if you have it in your heart, drop a few bucks for Matt today! 

Update #28

April 3rd, 2024

Happy Wednesday America! 

It was surreal yesterday to be walking around the physical therapy facility here in Northwest Arkansas with a cane in each hand. Slow and steady wins the race, it's a marathon not a sprint, all of those come to mind. 

It's nerve racking, because learning to walk again all over has been truly an achievement, and it's not an easy one either. It's been a long and grueling process to get to this point. It's been roughly 9 months since I had my right leg amputated just above the knee, it has changed everything in the way that I do life. I can't work like I used to, I spent July through early November with an open wound waiting on my leg and incision to heal properly. In mid-November, I was able to get my prosthetic, and in mid December I had my first prosthetic appointment. 

Since Mid December I have went from not knowing what I'm doing to actually walking again with two canes (one in each hand) I am hopeful that by the end of May, I'll be walking with one cane, that's the goal right now I have set for myself, but I'm told I'm way ahead of schedule, and I thank God for that. 

It's hard to believe that after my leg was amputated, I would have a total of four heart procedures, and my heart thanks to God above has made an amazing and miraculous recovery. I can't thank the amazing doctors and staff at Mercy Hospitals and Tulsa Hillcrest Heart Hospital for all they have done for me, and I'll find a way to repay them down the road in life, they have my word on that. 

To sum up this entry, it's been an insane ride, and without this Give Send Go, I do not know where I would be living, thanks to you guys, I have been able to pay some of my bills, medical bills, support my two daughters, and work to getting back to some sort of normalcy in my life, but my story is just getting started. I have a long road to go, and my testimony is going to lead many to Christ, I am truly blessed and lucky to be alive. God had other plans. 

If you can find it in your heart to donate a couple bucks, it really helps,. Again, I can't work like I used to, and I probably won't be able to ever do what I used to, but I'm working hard day and night to get back to what I once was. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who've donated, and those who've donated more than once, there are many of you. Without you all, answered prayers, and amazing doctors I wouldn't be where I am. 

God Bless, 

Matt Couch 

Update #27

March 22nd, 2024

Matt continues to make improvements and strides and is walking in therapy with two canes, one in each hand. The hope is that he starts to learn how to walk with just one cane in the coming weeks, and then no cane. He is making great strides, but he cannot do this without your support. 

Matt can't work a regular job, he lost half a leg, and is still recovering. He's still working on investigations and reporting as much as he can at, so please visit there and support his efforts. 

Anything helps. Matt has to pay for Transportation to and from therapy, medical bills, raising his two daughters that he has more than 50% of the time, and countless other bills that have resulted in having four heart procedures and an amputation. 

Anything helps, don't think that it doesn't. $3, $5, $10, anything helps right now. Please share this Give Send Go, and let's get Matt to the halfway mark of this campaign. 


Update #26

March 17th, 2024

I am so blessed to have two amazing daughters (10, 16) and they've helped Dad get his studio office in order this week during one of their Spring Breaks.. 

It's been a of a journey the last 9 months.. Spending 27 days in the hospital... 4 heart procedures, losing half of my right leg.. But thanks to God above, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I am recovering and getting stronger day by day.. 

I am now walking with two canes, one in each hand in Physical Therapy, and started practicing to use one cane Thursday in PT. 

I will walk again, unassisted, and on my own. Jesus is My ROCK, and his strength, wisdom, comfort, and healing are unmatched by ANYTHING.. 

Thanks to so many of you, I am able to recover. I am starting to do a few more shows each week, starting to write a few more articles each week, and getting stronger day by day. 

Thank You to all of you who've prayed, donated, shared a post, sent a message, or just reached out. I am forever grateful. 

My story is just getting started. 

Love Y'all 


Update #25

March 13th, 2024

Tuesday was another good day. Did close to 400 feet walking on double canes, and did over 1200 steps in 10 minutes at a 6 grade on the seated Elliptical, near 130 steps per minute with the prosthetic on. 

I can't do what I do recovery wise without all of you. It all ads up. Costs to and from therapy appointments, and I currently cannot work like I used to. Anything you do from prayers to a few bucks is HUGE in my recovery. 

Thanks to God above and so many of you, I'm going to walk again unassisted some day. Starting Thursday I'll start practicing on the double bars to walk with one cane, it's been an amazing journey. 

My story is just getting started. 

Love Y'all! 


Update #24

March 11th, 2024

It’s been a crazy journey the last 9 months from not knowing if I would live or die, to seeing Gods miraculous hand and these amazing surgeons and doctors save my life. 

My oldest just arrived for Spring Break, and I’m ecstatic for the next two weeks with my girls! God spared me, and I will never forget that. 

Life is full of adversities and ups and downs. Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face, and I got beat down like a scene in the Sopranos. 

Thanks to Jesus and so many of you, the comeback is happening, I’m learning to walk again, and I hope in the next month or two to walk with just a cane. Then without a cane down the road. Our God in the great healer and the great provider. He’s truly amazing! 

My testimony is going to lead a lot of people to Christ, I’m a walking miracle, and I shouldn’t be here. But he wanted me here. 

I have changed how I look at life, I no longer fear death, but am blessed to spend every moment with my children and standing for what’s right. 

My kids deserve a better America, and I will do all in my power in the next 9 months to help get Donald J. Trump back in the White House.. I will give the glory to God always now and forever, and I will spend all of the free time I have loving my children and building a legacy they can be proud of. 

I love you all, this was a long update and thank you on your Sunday afternoon. 


Update #23

March 7th, 2024

This update is from Tuesday March 5th - Physical Therapy Session: 

Matt walked close to 400 feet with a cane in each hand, he also did over 1,000 steps on the elliptical in 10 minutes, at a 6 grade. He started at 1... So he continues to improve in every aspect of walking, training, etc. 

Matt still has a long way to do, and he's going to need another leg in 6-10 months, and that will cost another $40,000. 

Matt has to pay for transportation visits multiple times per week to physical therapy, because he is unable to drive. He also is raising his two daughters, 10, and 16. While trying to continue to work as he can to get the truth out and help get President Trump back in the White House. 

Thank you all who continue to support Matt's effort and spread the word. 

Update #22

March 3rd, 2024

Matt had another big day on Thursday, walking between 300 and 400 feet again with a cane in each hand, as he learns to walk with his prosthetic leg on his own. His therapist wants him to work on squats and up downs to learn to get more help from his new prosthetic leg with standing up, etc. 

Learning to walk with a new leg is complicated, and time consuming, to say the least. Matt can't go work at Door Dash, or because of his background investigating and reporting what others won't from Seth Rich, Fast and Furious, the Las Vegas Shooting, he can't go back to work for Fortune 500 America either. 

We've had this fundraiser up for 9 months, and we're just barely over the 25% mark. Can you imagine having multiple heart surgeries, a leg amputated, and still trying to raise two daughters, and get yourself healthy in that time frame, plus healing, and learning to walk again in the process? Matt needs our support, and I hope we'll see this fundraiser reach new heights as we head into Spring. Let's get Matt walking again this Summer! 

Love Y'all

Eddie (DCPatriot Team)

Update #20

February 28th, 2024

A big day in therapy for me (I'm writing this one myself) and it was eye opening. I was able to walk between 300 and 400 feet with canes in each hand, the 3rd time I've walked in a week without my walker as I learn to walk on my own again. I was able to pound out 1300 steps in 11 minutes on the Elliptical as well, and knock out a dumbbell workout when I got home. I am so blessed and grateful to the amazing staff at Mercy Hospitals, and all they have done for my recovery. They are truly amazing people. 

My journey is just beginning, I still have a long way to go. Things are expensive.. I have to pay for rides to therapy (because I can't drive yet, I'm missing a right leg), I can't work at the full capacity that I once did yet, which means supporting my family is harder than it used to be. It's slowly getting better thanks to all of you amazing angels who have stood by me and had my back. 

I'm excited about the potential of walking again, independence, and the ability to get some normalcy back in my life for myself and my daughters. God is so good, I can't stress that enough. God kept me around for a reason, I shouldn't be here. I am a soon to be walking miracle. 

Thanks to Nick Sortor for running this campaign and keeping it going. He has kept my family, along with all of you from being homeless or out in the street, because for the first 4-5 months of my recovery, I had an open wound that was having trouble healing where my right leg was amputated. It finally healed in early November, and I was then able to move onto the Prosthetics Docs and get my new leg, which I'm still paying for..

It's amazing what you all and God have done to provide for my family, I am forever grateful to all of you. 3 heart surgeries, and an amputation, and here I am, still moving forward and slowly getting better day by day. 

I just wanted to give y'all an update, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could not and would not be where I'm at without the help of so many of you great Patriots and Americans. 

Love You, 


Update #20

February 28th, 2024

A big day in therapy for me (I'm writing this one myself) and it was eye opening. I was able to walk between 300 and 400 feet with canes in each hand, the 3rd time I've walked in a week without my walker as I learn to walk on my own again. I was able to pound out 1300 steps in 11 minutes on the Elliptical as well, and knock out a dumbbell workout when I got home. I am so blessed and grateful to the amazing staff at Mercy Hospitals, and all they have done for my recovery. They are truly amazing people. 

My journey is just beginning, I still have a long way to go. Things are expensive.. I have to pay for rides to therapy (because I can't drive yet, I'm missing a right leg), I can't work at the full capacity that I once did yet, which means supporting my family is harder than it used to be. It's slowly getting better thanks to all of you amazing angels who have stood by me and had my back. 

I'm excited about the potential of walking again, independence, and the ability to get some normalcy back in my life for myself and my daughters. God is so good, I can't stress that enough. God kept me around for a reason, I shouldn't be here. I am a soon to be walking miracle. 

Thanks to Nick Sortor for running this campaign and keeping it going. He has kept my family, along with all of you from being homeless or out in the street, because for the first 4-5 months of my recovery, I had an open wound that was having trouble healing where my right leg was amputated. It finally healed in early November, and I was then able to move onto the Prosthetics Docs and get my new leg, which I'm still paying for..

It's amazing what you all and God have done to provide for my family, I am forever grateful to all of you. 3 heart surgeries, and an amputation, and here I am, still moving forward and slowly getting better day by day. 

I just wanted to give y'all an update, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could not and would not be where I'm at without the help of so many of you great Patriots and Americans. 

Love You, 


Update #19

February 21st, 2024


Matt walked without his walker for the first time since his right leg was amputated in late June. Matt walked with Canes with his prosthetic for the first time on Tuesday. What a blessing to see him progress and recover from this horrific incident. 

Matt had multiple heart procedures and had his right leg amputated in the middle of Summer through Fall of 2023. His heart has healed, and he is now learning to walk again. This of course means Matt can't work fully yet like most of us with two limbs. Can we get a true American Patriot back on his feet again? This campaign is just at the 25% mark of our funding, can we get it to 50% by the time Spring starts? 

We all and Matt thank you for all you've done America! Continue to keep Matt in your prayers, and please share this link! This campaign has been going for 9 months, could you live on what's been raised if you were to go through losing a leg, and having multiple heart surgeries? Think about that!

He has one medical bill that is over $75,000, his prosthetic leg (just the first one he's paying on cost him $25,000), plus rides to and from therapy, his two daughters, keeping the lights on at home, etc. Let's get Matt onward to victory here on Give Send Go! 

Update #18

February 18th, 2024

Matt had two more days of Physical Therapy this past week, and he's slowly learning to put more pressure on his prosthetic leg. It's uncomfortable at time, and sometimes harder than you'd think, but he's grinning and bearing it. 

The key now is to get Matt walking with canes, then to one cane, and then to no cane. Right now he's learning to walk down the parallel bars and only using his left hand. His right leg is the one that was amputated. It's an insane improvement, and thanks to all of you, Matt's going to walk again someday soon. 

This campaign has been up for 9 months, and we're just right at the 25% mark. Let's see if we can get Matt to the 50% mark by Spring, and take some pressure off of him as he supports himself, his two daughters, and his medical bills, etc. 

Thanks for standing by Matt, let's get a true American Patriot walking again! 

Update #17

February 9th, 2024

Therapy on Thursday Feb 8 was pretty brutal for Matt. They made him stand on his prosthetic and put all of his weight on it, doing side kicks, stepping over obstacles, and even using a balance board. Matt did 1100 Steps on the Elliptical in less than 11 minutes, practiced cane walking on the bars as well. Did side to sides on the bars, and even used the medicine ball some going left to right with his physical therapist while not having any hands on the bar to stand. 

Progress is being made, but Matt can't do this without all of us. 

Matt can't go work at DoorDash (he can't walk) Matt can't go work for Chick-fil-a, he can't stand on his own for long periods of time yet. Matt can't go work in Corporate America, because even if he had a desk job, his work on the Seth Rich murder investigations, Las Vegas Shooting, Fast and Furious, and countless other stories he broke caused liberal outlets from Media Matters to Rolling Stone to Buzzfeed to CNN to write hit piece after hit piece on Matt and his family. 

Matt works hard, he puts out hundreds of posts daily on dozens of social media platforms. He does a show 3x per week with David Pollack and Puppet Carlson. He runs one of the fastest growing news sites in America. He owns a faith based apparel brand. Matt isn't near back to 100% to run his own businesses to full capacity. Revert back to he has one leg. He's a single Dad with two daughters (10, 16). 

Let's get Matt back on his feet, his prosthetic alone is going to cost $25,000 and he'll need another one in less than a year that will be nearly $40,000. He has to pay for rides multiple times per week to Physical therapy (because he cannot drive). 

I hope this is truly sinking in for some people. Matt gives so much to so many, can we give for Matt now?

Update #16

February 1st, 2024

I can't do what I do without all of you. My recovery is ongoing, and I'm so blessed to God above and so many of you amazing Patriots who have prayed for me and stayed with me during the most difficult time of my life. 

I never thought I'd have a leg amputated, it's beyond surreal. But thanks to Jesus, prayers, and many of you, I'm getting through it as best I know how. Drive, Determination, and Perseverance are all I have ever known. Do what they said can't be done. 

I'll never be able to work a normal job, just google my name. Now add to the fact I lost half of my right leg, thank God for so many of you that support my work as an Investigative Journalist, Media Personality, and Political Analyst, without you all I'd be sunk. 

I'm learning to walk all over again as we speak with my new prosthetic. They say I'll need another Prosthetic in about a year or so, it's all part of the process. 

I'm blessed to be alive, blessed to be here with my two daughters, and blessed to have so many amazing people in my life who have stood by me. Thank you all, I can never thank you enough. 

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of you. 

Love Y'all! 
Update Update #16 Image
Update #15

January 28th, 2024

Matt finished Physical Therapy session #10 this past week, and he's super close to moving to learn how to walk with a cane. 

He's currently walking with a walker and his prosthetic. This past week he had two physical therapy sessions where on Wednesday he walked almost 1,000 feet up and down the hall on his walker, did 11 minutes and 1100 steps on the elliptical, did side to sides, and then cane training on the parallel bars as well. 

Matt's making huge progress, but he's learning to walk all over again. He can't go work at Chici-fil-a or work a construction job site. He currently is running his business at The DC Patriot and FaithNFreedoms at about 60-70% of what they once were. Matt needs our help now more than ever. 

Will you stand and support a true American patriot and help him get back on his feet. Matt needs you! 

Update #14

January 17th, 2024

Matt had his 8th Physical Therapy appointment today to learn how to walk again. He's doing well, and they are talking about moving him from the walker to canes very soon. He's a walking miracle.

Matt walked 1200 feet today on his walker, did 12 minutes on the Elliptical, and did several other exercises like side to sides, and march in places. He's making great strides in Physical Therapy with his new prosthetic. He'll also need a new prosthetic in about a year as they wear out, and that will cost him another $40,000+

But he can't do it alone. Everything costs money from people taking him to and from appointments, medications, taking care of his two daughters, his inability to work the same schedule he used to because he had half of his right leg amputated, and his recovery continues. His heart is doing well, but he still needs our help to get back on his feet. 

Help a true American Patriot walk again, we need Matt's voice in this fight for President Trump in 2024 to Save America! 

Update #13

January 7th, 2024

Matt continues to work towards walking again with his prosthetic, doing Physical Therapy at least 2x per week. All of this of course costs money. He doesn't drive yet, so he has to pay folks to take him to and from his appointments, and he of course is limited to working online, since he cannot walk unassisted yet. He's improved so much, and will walk again soon. 

Last Friday he walked over 800 feet on his walker at Physical Therapy, did 12 minutes on the elliptical with over 1100 steps. He also did some side to sides and march in places. When Matt is not at therapy, he's working on congressional campaigns, doing exercises at home, raising his two daughters, and folks EVERYTHING costs money. 

Imagine trying to support your family on one leg, we can help Matt, can't we! Let's get this campaign to the finish line and BEYOND! 

Matt has Therapy again on Monday, say some prayers for him to continue to make great strides and improve daily! 

Update #12

December 22nd, 2023

Happy Friday Patriots! 

Matt went to Physical Therapy twice this week, and walked almost 600 feet on Wednesday's session, as well as did side to side, the old school dipsy doodles that you used to do back in the day in sports and drills. He said those were very tough, but progress is being made. 

Matt even left his wheelchair at home for his trips to two appointments this week, and walked in with his walker from the car, an unbelievable site! 

They are hoping that Matt will go to two canes very soon, and then transition to walking again with one cane, and then eventually on his own. His progress is an absolute miracle. But he cannot get better without our help. 

Please this Christmas Holiday season find it in your hearts to help get Matt in the right direction. It's very hard to work, raise two daughters, pay the bills, and provide while having a leg amputated, along with multiple heart procedures. Thankfully Matt's heart has made a full recovery, and he's on the mend. But imagine trying to do all of that and pay your bills with no help? 

Merry Christmas America, we love you all! 

Update #11

December 18th, 2023

Big day today for Matt as he started his third day of Physical Therapy. Matt also had a follow up with his Prosthetic Doctor today as well. A long day for Matt, 3 hours of putting in work. Matt also made a payment of $5,000 towards his prosthetic leg today, thankfully they are letting him pay this off. The grand total for his first leg is $25,000. He will need a new leg in a year to 18 months as well, as the legs wear out after usage. 

Matt walked 1200 feet with his new leg on a walker today during Physical Therapy. He also did 12 minutes on the Elliptical today and over 1,000 steps! 

Your support now means more than anything to Matt, and we need to really get this campaign up and beyond the 100% mark so that Matt and his two daughters can live a normal life. Imagine trying to run your day to day life and businesses/work with half a leg missing and multiple heart procedures. 

Matt's heart is healthy, Thank the good Lord for that. He doesn't have to go back to his cardiologist until July, which means his heart is doing amazing! Let's get Matt across the finish line!

Update #10

December 6th, 2023

Some amazing news on Matt's road to recovery. 

Matt's heart Ejection Fraction is now at 55%, that of a well conditioned athlete, God is so good, and he has some amazing Christian doctors who have got him on the mend. 

Matt also started Physical Therapy with his prosthetic leg for the first time on Monday, and is learning to walk again for the first time in almost 5 months. Your support is needed now more than ever. Matt still has a long way to go. He will need a modified vehicle to drive, Physical Therapy, additional prosthetic legs as he learns to walk and wears them out. This is a process, and he's up for the challenge. 

Matt did 11 minutes on the elliptical Monday with his prosthetic leg, this is truly God's blessing! Thank you all for your continued support. Let's get a true American Patriot back on his feet. $1, $3, $5, $10, $50 anything helps! 

Update #9

November 28th, 2023

Hey All! Matt's getting so much better and the night before Thanksgiving received some amazing news! His Ejection Fracture on his heart (strength and health of the heart) went up to 55%, that of a well conditioned athlete! Isn't God so so good! 

Matt starts his journey to walk again on December 1, and starts Physical Therapy to learn to walk with his new prosthetic leg, and with that of course comes more costs. can you help us get over the 50% mark and beyond so that Matt can get back on his feet. 

We're going to need him and his voice to win in 2024 for America and President Trump. 

We Love Y'all! 

Update #8

November 16th, 2023

Matt stood for the first time on his new prosthetic leg on Wednesday November 15, and was able to make the down payment on it. There's so much more in his journey, he will need Physical Therapy to learn to walk again with his new leg, and everything unfortunately is not cheap as many of you know. 

Thanks to all of you, we've hit the 47% mark of this funding campaign, but I'd like to do so much more for Matt. He's given to so many of us, and helped so many of us, we can now do the same for him in return! 

God is so good, what an amazing first step of many in the process for Matt. 

Matt is also the owner of The DC Patriot and FaithNFreedoms, and hasn't been able to work his two businesses like he used to since his injury, and is looking to get back to that. With your help, Matt is getting back on his feet, working towards getting back to some normalcy after losing his right leg, and having multiple heart procedures, and rising back up. 

The most amazing thing to me is Matt's Faith. He continues to stay strong, positive, loving, and is helping folks every day on social media, as well as fighting for our elections and President Trump in 2024. Support a true Patriot and help Matt get back on his feet, and back on the campaign trail today! 

Update Update #8 Image
Update #7

November 12th, 2023

Happy Sunday Everyone! 

As the Christmas Season approaches, we're trying to cushion the on Matt and help him get his new leg. We need to get to the 50% mark of our campaign to do that, and we're almost to the 42% mark! But let's do better than that, let's not only get Matt his new leg, let's make sure he's able to have a memorable Christmas for he and his two daughters. 

Working with half a leg missing isn't the easiest of tasks, but Matt still manages to keep up with things on social media, do his daily show, run and He still hasn't fully recovered from his surgeries and amputation, so let's get him far enough ahead that he can heal up nicely, we're going to need him in 2024 in the race for The White House. 

We Love You All, Thank You and let's get to that 50% Mark by Wednesday November 15th! If you can't donate, please share it. Prayers are always welcomed as well. God is so Good! 

Update #6

October 31st, 2023

We hit the 30% mark of the campaign, and we're pushing hard to get to the 50% mark by Midnight on Nov 1. Please Please Please share the campaign and let's help Matt get his prosthetic leg, and provide an excellent next couple of month for his two daughters. He fights so hard for America and all of us, let's do the same for him right now and get him back on his feet! 

Update #5

October 29th, 2023

Happy Sunday America! We're pushing very your Sunday to help Matt get to $50,000 by November 1st, its' a lofty goal, but we need to help him get there. We need to get Matt walking again, and get his prosthetic leg! Matt will be out and about helping campaigns all over America and we're 13 months away from an election year. He's also got two daughters he supports, and works full time to save America. Your donations help Matt in all of these aspects of his life. He's blessed and lucky to be alive, let's help this Patriot get back on his feet! 

Update #4

October 23rd, 2023

Good Morning Patriots! 

Matt needs to raise about $50K by November 1st  in order to reach his goal to pay for his prosthetic and have a few other of his mounting medical bills that are important taken care of. Matt's fought for the truth since 2016, sacrificing it all with investigation into Fast & Furious, Seth Rich's still unsolved murder, The Las Vegas Shooting, and has broken DOZENS of stories over the years in the pursuit of the truth. 

If you can't donate, PLEASE SHARE.. Sharing is almost better than donating, because you spread our message of getting Matt back on his feet. Help us get this campaign to $50K and the halfway point! 

He loves you all, thank you for your continued support. 

Update #3

October 19th, 2023

Matt just finished with his prosthetic appointment and should be able to get his prosthetic in about three weeks when its' ready. Unfortunately the cost is around $27,000. Now is the time to help a true American Patriot literally get on his feet again. Anything helps. $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $25, $50, $100.. Anything helps Matt get back on his feet more and more! 

Matt also has nearly $70,000 in medical bills from the Tulsa Heart Ablation surgery. (Yes, more bills came in, it's insane what he's dealing with.) So we need your help. He has almost 700,000 on Twitter alone, Millions overall.. If just 1% donated a few bucks each, you'd get Matt back and moving! Let's do this! 

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

September 29th, 2023

Matt Had Ablation surgery in Tulsa in early September and his heart is out of Afib, but that left him with about a $55,000 medical bill. Matt's leg is now healed as of Friday September 29th, he just got the news from the doctor. His prosthetic will cost around $20,000. 

He's making amazing progress, anything you can do helps. He loves you all. Now is your chance to literally help an American Patriot get back on his feet again. 

God Bless

Update #1

August 19th, 2023

Matt lost his right leg right at the knee due to blood clots from Afib, but he is home and doing recovery and rehab. He has a long way to go, but is in good spirits and back working hard to raise his two daughters and to fight for the truth in everything he does. 

Thanks for all of your support, there's a long road ahead, but Matt is a beacon of hope and positivity. Please continue to share this far and wide. 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.