Supporting January 6 Prisoners


 USD $20,000


 USD $19,501

Campaign created by Amani Grow

Campaign funds will be received by Amani Grow

Supporting January 6 Prisoners

Supporting January 6 Prisoners – Campaign launched February 5, 2024

Show your support for January 6 prisoners by contributing to the purchase of Bibles, books, Epoch Times subscriptions, tablets, radios, shoes, extra food, and emergency commissary to help them endure the hardships of prison and let them know they have not been forgotten. [Campaign volunteers include Lydia Sorrow, Susie Thomas, Ansley Grow, Sheryl Stafford, and wife of a J6er, Brittany Perkins. Other volunteers who wish to remain anonymous are also involved in this project and are well known in the J6 community. The purpose for including multiple people in this crowdfunding effort is to ensure GSG funds are used for their intended purposes and as a means to reassure donors that 100% of monies raised from this fundraiser are used to benefit J6ers.]

If you found yourself here, then you are looking for ways to help the J6 political prisoners during their time of incarceration. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated. There are currently over 240 J6 political prisoners serving time ranging from one month to 25+ years. Each week, new prisoners enter facilities throughout the United States to serve sentences imposed by DC court judges while more Americans continue to be arrested for events related to January 6, 2021.

There are several things you can do to help support J6 prisoners during their time of incarceration. One of the first things you can do is write letters of encouragement and support. There are websites and social media platforms specifically set up for this purpose. Another vital way to support J6ers is to contribute to their prison commissary account so they can purchase critical items like food, hygiene products, stamps, clothes, electronic messaging services, and phone cards. In fact, part of the purpose of this GSG is to help contribute to these efforts by providing commissary support for special-request items like shoes and tablets.

Another way to show the January 6 prisoners they have not been forgotten is to have Bibles, books, and magazine/newspaper subscriptions mailed directly to the correctional facilities. Each jail or prison has specific rules for sending these items, but the key thing to remember is they must be sent from an outside vendor.

The J6 prisoners also have the option to set up gift book registries to make it easier to have books sent to them. J6ers also ask for special items in their written letters and messages, and correspondents endeavor to post these requests on multiple social media platforms. These special requests are primarily filled by only a small group of people, and this is where your help is needed.

Ideally, we should be flooding the J6ers with letters, Bibles, books, and commissary donations to help make life more tolerable for them during their time of incarceration and ease the financial burdens on their families. This GiveSendGo was set up for this purpose. There is a minimum of four people at any given time who oversee the collection of these GSG funds and distribution of the special request items. These volunteers take the funds you donate and ensure they are used for the purposes outlined above and are in fact received by the J6 prisoners. A monthly report is posted here to provide updates on the utilization of the funds collected through this joint effort.

Examples of how your funds will be utilized to help the J6 prisoners:

  • $135 will purchase a tablet from the prison commissary
  • $100 will provide emergency commissary for a prisoner to purchase food, hygiene items, stamps, and other essentials
  • $75 will purchase a pair of shoes from the prison commissary
  • $39 will purchase one 3-month gift subscription to the Epoch Times newspaper
  • $30 will purchase a Bible
  • $20 will purchase a gift book

We want to make it as easy as possible for you as a donor to contribute to this important cause on a budget that you can afford. Anything you donate to help our patriot prisoners during their time of separation from their families and friends will be a blessing. You can make a positive difference in the lives of the J6 political prisoners. Prison life is hard, and having a means to write letters, buy extra food, read books and newspapers, and call loved ones is a small contribution that can make all the difference in the lives of these patriots.

Thank you and God Bless,


Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
4 days ago

$ 15.00 USD
5 days ago

God bless you all.

$ 800.00 USD
25 days ago

God is for us

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you all.

jill carlson
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

I hope this donation helps in some small way!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Denise Swain
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

My heart is inextricably United with my fellow Americans who are political prisoners in American Gulags

Child of God
$ 315.00 USD
2 months ago

God bless our prisoners.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

God bless you all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 39.00 USD
2 months ago

Please give a Bible to a Christian prisoner who doesn’t have one.

Patrick Stedman
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Sarah V
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

With prayers and Christmas blessings!

Sarah V
$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

A little Christmas for our J6 heroes!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

God bless all the J6ers, praying for you and sending a little donation 🙏❤️♥️

$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Just a little while longer and this part of your nightmare will be over, May God restore all you have lost, seven fold!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Commissary funding for the J6 prisoners in need. Merry Christmas. They cavalry is coming.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

We’re praying for all these persecuted victims of corruption in our FBI & US justice department

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for all the J6ers suffering in prison under this tyrannical regime. May all the patriots languishing in prison have a blessed Christmas and be released immediately, January 20! May the true criminals in government and antifa/blm be brought to justice over this travesty.


December Update

January 6th, 2025

2024 Christmas Project Update 🎉🎄😃🙏❤️ WOWWWW!!! In December, over $6,000 in campaign funds were used to support J6 prisoners. Almost 100 prisoners received a deposit to their prison commissary account. The campaign also supported an additional 25 J6 prisoners by donating money order and mailing fees for commissary deposits posted by The American Gulag Chronicles. In addition, one J6er received a Bible, one received a subscription to the Epoch Times and 25 J6ers received books. Thank you for supporting this campaign. The Christmas project would not have been possible without the continued devotion, support and generosity of this community.

For the month of January, we will post emergency deposits and mail Bibles and books upon request. Of course, our fervent hope is Trump will pardon the J6ers his first day in office, and the incarcerated J6ers will be released within days of Trump's executive action. This campaign will remain open until the last J6er is released. 

Total Purchases for December, 2024: $6,039.17

Number of J6ers who benefited from project funds during September: 126

[One hundred percent of the funds received in this campaign directly benefit the J6ers. This GSG campaign is presently overseen by eight volunteers. The 2024 yearly report will be posted soon.]

Thank you, Ansley

Letter from J6er Richard Barnett

November 11th, 2024

Update Letter from J6er Richard Barnett Image
October 2024 Monthly Update

November 4th, 2024

As with last month, the need for emergency commissary for J6 prisoners accounted for a large portion of our monthly expenses and we anticipate this trend will continue. In October, GSG volunteers posted 13 emergency commissary deposits. We were also able to have four Bibles and 11 books mailed directly to the prison facilities as well as fill requests for two pairs of shoes and six Epoch Times subscriptions. Twenty seven J6 prisoners benefited from this community project during the month of October, 2024.

There are over 230 Americans who are currently incarcerated for events related to January 6, and while J6ers continue to be released each month, new J6ers begin their sentences. The good news is the overall number of prisoners is holding between 230 and 240. As we watch things unfold in the coming weeks, please keep the J6 prisoners in your thoughts and prayers. The prisoners have limited access to information and of course are unable to be with their families. I received a message this morning from a J6er who is worried he will be forgotten and abandoned. One thing we can do to ease some of the loneliness and anxiety is to mail the J6ers letters of encouragement, ensure they have adequate commissary, and have Bibles, books, newspapers, etc. sent directly to jail. Mail call and commissary are a huge morale booster.

Unfortunately, this is a difficult time for many Americans and understandably, financial contributions have waned. We anticipate that by the end of November, funds in this campaign will be exhausted and we will be unable to fill these requests for our fellow patriots. Please consider donating whatever you are able and sharing this GSG link with others. On our end, we will need to shift our efforts to fundraising as we believe this project is making a significant difference in the lives of the J6ers and their families. We promised we would be with the J6ers throughout this ordeal and do what we can to bring awareness to their plight and ease their suffering. Together we can help fulfill this promise.

Total Purchases for October, 2024: $1,644.59

Total Project Purchases to Date [February 2024 - October 2024]: $ 11,729.15 + $1,000 mailed = $12,729.15

Number of J6ers who benefited from project funds during September: 27

[One hundred percent of the funds received in this campaign directly benefit the J6ers. This GSG campaign is presently overseen by eight volunteers.]  

Thank you, Ansley

Supporting January 6 Prisoners September Update

October 3rd, 2024

September was an especially busy month for posting emergency commissary deposits. This is a challenging time for many Americans and oftentimes J6ers will go without so their families are provided for. GSG volunteers anticipate there will be a greater need for emergency commissary in the coming months as prices for basic items like food, gas, and utilities continue to rise. The January 6 prisoners are also impacted by inflation as the costs of general commissary items also continue to rise. With over 235 Americans who are currently incarcerated for events related to January 6, we will need to continue to work together as a community of patriots to help our fellow Americans who have been unjustly persecuted.

In September, project funds from the "Supporting January 6 Prisoners" campaign were used to fill requests for 32 J6 prisoners (double from the prior month). We were able to purchase two Bibles, 13 Epoch Times subscriptions, 14 books, one magazine subscription, one pair of shoes, and 13 emergency commissary deposits. The need for emergency commissary was much greater, but limited funds precluded us from being able to fill this need. There are still many Americans who are unaware that January 6 prisoners and their families are suffering and need our support and that the DOJ continues their persecutions against Americans with new arrests taking place virtually every day. Every cent of this GSG changes the lives of these patriots and lets them know they have not been forgotten. Please consider sharing this GSG link and encouraging others to get involved in helping J6ers and their families.

Total Purchases September, 2024: $1,700.11
Total Purchases to Date [February 2024 - September 2024]: $ 9,950.08
Number of J6ers who benefited from project funds during September: 32
[One hundred percent of the funds received in this campaign directly benefit the J6ers. This GSG campaign is presently overseen by eight volunteers.]  
August 2024 Update

September 1st, 2024

August Update:

In August, project funds from the "Supporting January 6 Prisoners" campaign were used to fill requests for 16 J6 prisoners for a Study Bible, three Epoch Times subscriptions, 13 books, five emergency commissary deposits, and a pair of shoes. Attached is a letter received this month from a J6er expressing his gratitude to donors for their love and support. 

Total Purchases August, 2024: 1,039.62

Total Purchases to Date [February - August 2024]: $ 8,200.01

Number of J6ers who benefited from project funds during August: 16

[One hundred percent of the funds received in this campaign directly benefit the J6ers. This GSG campaign is presently overseen by eight volunteers.]  

Update August 2024 Update Image
Page 2 of Letter from J6er

August 6th, 2024

Update Page 2 of Letter from J6er Image
Letter from J6er

August 6th, 2024

Update Letter from J6er Image
Supporting January 6 Prisoners GSG Summary for JULY 2024

August 6th, 2024

July Update:

Another month that we have been blessed to be able to provide Bibles, books, shoes, emergency commissary and more to our January 6 political prisoners. Thank you so much for your continued support. In July, project funds were used to fill requests for 4 Bibles, 2 Epoch Times gift subscriptions, 21 books, 3 emergency commissary deposits, a pair of shoes, art supplies, clothes, and earphones.

Total Purchases July, 2024: 1,140.72

Total Purchases to Date [February - July 2024]: $ 7,121.39

Number of J6ers who benefited from project funds during July: 20

Number of overall J6ers served by this project: 125+

[One hundred percent of the funds received in this campaign directly benefit the J6ers. This GSG campaign is presently overseen by eight volunteers.]  

Supporting January 6 Prisoners GSG Summary for June 2024

July 2nd, 2024

What an incredible month. Thank you so much for supporting the January 6 prisoners through the provision of Bibles, reading materials, and essential items like shoes. The J6ers are deeply appreciative of the generosity of patriots around the country who write them letters and support projects such as this GiveSendGo campaign. Your letters and donations give them hope and help sustain them through difficult days of loneliness and despair. Mail call is a highlight for a J6 prisoner, and your contribution to this effort is making a positive difference in the lives of many patriots. 

In June, project funds were used to fill requests for 8 Bibles, 10 Epoch Times gift subscriptions, 2 magazine subscriptions, 44 books, 3 pairs of shoes and supplies for a J6er to enroll in a prison leather-making class. American Patriot Relief also stepped up to provide tablets for four J6 prisoners.

A special thank you to a donor who reached out personally with a generous gift that will enable us to continue our efforts for the next several months. We have also been blessed with another donor who is working with us to ensure any J6er who requests a Bible or Study Bible receives one. God is moving. 

Project Goal:  Fulfill ALL prisoner requests for Bibles, reading materials, and special commissary items which currently requires $1,500 - $2,000 per month. 

Total Purchases June, 2024:  1,659.09

Total Purchases to Date [February - June 2024]:  6,065.80

Number of J6ers served by this project: 100+

[One hundred percent of the funds received in this campaign directly benefit the J6ers. This GSG campaign is presently overseen by eight volunteers.]  

Message from J6 Prisoner Ryan

June 22nd, 2024

"This group, along with its supporters, have made a significant impact on my life, the lives of other J6ers on the compound, and I'm sure other incarcerated J6ers I have yet to meet. The biggest impact has been providing hope and light in a hopeless and dark place. Some of us have families who have turned their backs on us, and the people that make up this team make it that much more doable to walk with our heads held high, the way God intended. Through the literature provided by this group, I've been able to help a new brother in Christ solidify his beliefs with "More Than a Carpenter" and the ripple effects of that have been many and wonderful to see." (J6 Prisoner Ryan: June 12, 2024)

Note from J6 prisoner, Stewart Parks, from FCI Memphis

June 11th, 2024

“I was raided by FBI Counterterrorism Unit for simply attending a legal event at the US capitol. They threw me in prison at FCI Memphis and I’ve been held hostage here ever since. The letters and books from this precious community have helped me through these horrible oppressive times. God Bless ya’ll. Prison is horrible. The conditions inside the prisons are shocking! Every book and letter brings joy. It means so much to me to know there are still patriots on the outside praying for all January 6 heroes. I love and appreciate ya’ll.” (Stewart Parks, Federal Correctional Institution Memphis, June 5, 2024)

May 2024 "Supporting J6 Prisoners" GSG Summary

June 1st, 2024

May 2024 was a another active month for the "Supporting January 6 Prisoners" GSG project.  Using funds from this campaign, in May we were able to purchase 7 Bibles, 47 books, 11 Epoch Times subscriptions and 2 magazine subscriptions for 43 January 6 prisoners.  Our hope is to continue to provide the January 6 prisoners with Bibles, books, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, and special commissary items like shoes and tablets.

This past month, we received several requests for tablets that we have not been able to fill yet due to limited funds currently available in the campaign. This is where we need your help.  Please consider donating whatever you can that works with your budget; and if you are unable to donate any funds at this time, please consider sharing this campaign with others.  Our belief is J6 supporters would contribute to this effort if they were aware of this project to help make life more tolerable for our fellow Americans who have been imprisoned for January 6, 2021.

Since the launch of this campaign in early February, funds have been used to purchase Bibles, books, magazine subscriptions, Epoch Times, and special commissary items for 97 January 6 prisoners.  The number of J6ers currently incarcerated has risen to approximately 250 with more arrests being made virtually everyday as American citizens continue to be targeted and persecuted.  Our goal is to be able to fulfill ALL prisoner requests on an ongoing basis which will require $1,500 - $2,000 per month. What follows is a snapshot of monthly purchase totals to date and GSG funds received. 

  • Total Purchases February $695.31
  • Total Purchases March $1,271.16
  • Total Purchases April $1,254.35
  • Total Purchases May $1,197.18

[One hundred percent of the funds received in this campaign directly benefit the J6ers.]

Total Campaign Purchases To Date: $4,418.00

Total Funds Received from GSG: $4,586.69

Remaining Funds Available: $168.69

Thank you for your support and for standing with the J6ers and their families. It means more to the J6ers than you know.  

God Bless,


Special Message from a J6 Prisoner

May 14th, 2024

Dear Patriots, I am a January 6th Prisoner and I have been blessed by your love and thoughtfulness and so have so many of the others like myself. Through the “Supporting J6 Prisoners” GiveSendGo, your donations help myself and the others escape the reality of our situations if only for a little while with Bibles, books, magazines, newspapers and special commissary items that would put a strain on our families that are already struggling without our being out there to support them. It means so much to us that you are there thinking of us and sending the love that you are. You are greatly appreciated. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Markus Maly #83302-509
April campaign report for Bibles, books, and subscriptions for J6 Prisoners

May 1st, 2024

Using funds from this campaign, we were able to provide 26 January 6 prisoners with Bibles, books, magazines, newspaper subscriptions, and shoes during the month of April, 2024. Each week, new J6ers are being imprisoned and there are now approximately 245 Americans who are incarcerated in 50+ jails and prisons throughout the United States. As the number of persecuted Americans continues to rise, our hope is to be able to continue to provide them with these essential items to help them cope with the isolation, separation from their loved ones, and disconnection from their communities. However, the success of this campaign will not be possible without your assistance. Even a small donation of $15 will enable us to send a book to a J6er. For those individuals who are unable to provide financial assistance, consider writing the J6ers letters of encouragement and promoting projects such as this one. Together, we can let the J6ers know they have not been forgotten and are not alone.

5 Bibles/Study Bibles
17 Books
13 Gift Subscriptions to the Epoch Times Newspaper (3-months)
2 Magazine Subscriptions
2 Pairs of Shoes
1 Emergency Commissary Deposit

Total funds spent in April: $1,254.35

Thank you again for your support. Please continue to pray for our J6ers, their families, and our country.

God Bless

March campaign summary for Bibles, books, and subscriptions for J6 Prisoners

April 1st, 2024

Wow! Thanks to the support of patriots, we had a great month. Funds from this GiveSendGo were used to provide 5 Bibles, 34 books, 14 subscriptions to the Epoch Times, and 2 magazine subscriptions to 43 January 6 prisoners during the month of March, 2024.

Our hope is to be able to fill all requests from January 6 prisoners throughout their time of incarceration. Sending Bibles, books, magazines, newspapers, and funds for tablets and emergency items like shoes makes a huge difference in morale and eases the financial burdens on their families.

Please share the link to this GSG so we can continue our efforts to help our patriot brothers and sisters during their confinement and time away from their loved ones and communities. This small gesture has an enormous impact, and your kindness is greatly appreciated by the J6ers, their families, and the volunteers who facilitate this campaign.


In March, the following items were ordered using funds from this campaign.

  • 5 Bibles/Study Bibles
  • 34 Books
  • 14 3-month Gift Subscriptions to the Epoch Times Newspaper
  • 2 Magazine Subscriptions

Total funds spent in March: $1,271.16

Thank you again for your support. Please continue to pray for our J6ers, their families, and our country.

God Bless


Update #1 February 2024

March 1st, 2024

Thanks to the contributions from supporters, we were able to fill requests for 26 January 6 prisoners during the first month of our campaign, February, 2024. Our hope is we will continue to be able to support the J6 prisoners throughout their time of incarceration. Sending Bibles, books, magazines, newspapers, and funds for tablets and emergency items like shoes will help to make life a little more tolerable for them as well as ease some of the financial burdens on their families. Please continue to share this GSG so we can further our efforts to help our patriot brothers and sisters during their confinement and time away from their loved ones and communities. 

In February the following items were ordered using funds from this campaign.

  • 6 Bibles/Study Bibles
  • 17 Books
  • 7 Gift Subscriptions to the Epoch Times
  • 2 Magazine Subscription

Total funds spent in February: $715.69

Thank you again for your support. We will continue to post monthly updates. Of course, your continued prayers are equally vital.

God Bless

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.