Support for Tom Kilpela


 USD $62,099

Campaign created by Michelle Frantti

Campaign funds will be received by Thomas Kilpela

Support for Tom Kilpela

Tom Kilpela is 34 years old and lives in Hancock, MI with his wife Mary and 4 children, Caroline, Bethany, Anders, and Alice, all under the age of 6. He was confronted with a battle for his life last year. During the winter of 2023, Tom was training for (and completed) a cross country ski marathon. During this period, Tom was experiencing exhaustion and headaches. This was easy to blame on lack of sleep, busy family life, coffee, work, ski training, or any other normal life stresses. Toward the second half of March 2023, these symptoms became much more consuming, bringing enough worry and concern to visit the local Emergency Room. A very large (5cmx4cm) tumor was found nestled deep in his brain and they were directed to go to the University of Michigan hospital.

Tom and Mary arrived at U of M hospital in Ann Arbor on April 1st and began the long journey that they are still fighting today. Tom was diagnosed with astrocytoma, IDH mutation, grade 4 brain cancer. There is no cure for this type of tumor and is considered terminal. The mutation and grade of the tumor are not favorable as the scientific prognosis is 2-5 years. Throughout this journey they realized that the trial is too heavy a burden to bear alone. They have and continue to put their faith and trust in God and pray for acceptance of His plan.

The month of April consisted of extensive medical treatment with a total of 5 brain surgeries. This includes an emergency brain bleed surgery that took place shortly after the 8-hour surgery for partial removal of the tumor. These back-to-back surgeries resulted in a severe left sided neglect of his body, where he couldn’t even give a hand squeeze or toe wiggle most days. Tom does not recall much of the ICU experience, probably due to brain inflammation. After two weeks in the ICU with no progression, a permanent shunt was placed in his brain, which may have saved Tom’s life. Once Tom was considered stable enough, he began the rehab stage. This stage lasted 2 weeks where he relearned how to sit, stand, and walk again. Tom, Mary, and their family were able to get through these very tough days by putting all trust in God, taking it one day or moment at a time. Tom was discharged from U of M on May 17th and reunited with his 3 children and expecting wife. The family continued to live in southern Michigan so Tom could receive radiation and chemotherapy treatment from the University of Michigan hospital.

The chemo and radiation, according to the oncologist, does not offer a cure or a promise. It simply is all the medical community has to offer. The hope is to change the DNA of the tumor to stall growth. It was a very sad and discouraging time to realize that there is little hope coming from the medical community. Mary was and continues to be a huge advocate for Tom and was not satisfied with chemo and radiation being the only option. Tom and Mary have always used natural medicine and realize the benefits it can offer. Immediately, Mary began researching what types of therapies exist that may help Tom feel his best.

Tom did the recommended chemo and radiation (only skipping the day their fourth child, Alice, a beautiful, healthy baby girl was born). Alongside the chemo and radiation, he also did hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Eventually the 6-week chemo and radiation course was completed and they were able to return home! They were able to enjoy the remainder of summer in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and try to assume "normal" life as best as possible. As the days marched on, Tom's determination never wavered in his efforts to continue to gain strength. He can remember the day he was able to lift his son out of the crib and in that moment, he realized that he could and would be a functioning Dad again!

An MRI was scheduled in August 2023 in Marquette to see the results of the oncology treatments. It showed that the brain swelling was reduced and the tumor appeared stable in size but still looked reactive. Again, more chemo was the only option offered by the oncologist, not offering much promise or hope. The prognosis according to his local neurosurgeon, after this scan was 18 months with chemotherapy treatment. While Tom was on the first round of chemo, he felt terrible, experiencing side effects including nausea, loss of appetite and fatigue. He felt hesitant to hold his new baby, feeling like he was toxic. Realizing that feeling like this, is not living, and after careful thought, Tom decided that whatever amount of time God has in store for him, he wishes to feel well and be as healthy as he can. At this time, Tom and Mary decided to not continue with medical protocol and instead turned to integrative oncology. The doctors through UP Holistic Medicine and Wellness Way have been tremendously positive and hopeful, that Tom can not only live but thrive with cancer. Tom’s treatments include high dose IV Vitamin C, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, herbal supplements, mistletoe therapy, and a very strict ketogenic diet. Tom continues to inspire others by his desire to be well. The strides he has made physically are nothing short of remarkable. Tom and Mary both express that they would not be where they are today without the help of their friends, family, community, and their faith.

In the beginning of December 2023, Tom had another follow up MRI in Marquette. The doctor walked in the room with the results proclaiming, "better than last time!" The tumor decreased in size! In August, the cross-section measurement of the tumor was 3.1cm x 2.4cm. In December, the measurement was 2.6cm x 2.0cm. The progress was much better than expected. The swelling was significantly decreased. Tom had a midline shift of his brain to his left side, contributing to the left- sided weakness. This had corrected itself and was near normal!

Tom continued the integrative oncology treatments and another MRI was taken in March 2024 which provided positive news. The tumor size was stable with less swelling and appearing less reactive. For the first time in over a year, Tom can tie his kids shoes by bending over and not experiencing a “head rush”. Tom will be increasing hours worked per week to 20 in April 2024 as he attempts to progress back to full time status. This marks good progress as it’s one year after being hospitalized. POWER and the benefits department have been very supportive this past year allowing him to ease back into work while being unable to work a full 40 hours. Tom remains incredibly positive and is motivated to someday return to being a productive full-time engineer. Tom and Mary have been carried this entire journey and are so appreciative of all the help they have received, the many prayers, and endless support from everyone. All of the integrative treatments are paid for out of pocket, and can cost around $4000 per month, none of which is covered by insurance. Any money collected through this fundraiser would ensure that Tom can continue with the integrative oncology therapies that offer him the ability to feel the best and allow for continued healing and hope. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Our prayers are with you. May God give you strength and courage for the days ahead.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Continued prayers for all of you! God's Peace!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Love and God’s Peace!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Love and God’s Peace

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for a complete recovery!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Love and God's peace!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
6 months ago

Love and God's Peace.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Praying that you keep getting stronger every day!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago


Health Update

November 6th, 2024

Since my brain tumor was discovered back in April 2023, my family and I have received a great deal of support. While risking leaving something or someone out, this support has included financial gifts, care for our children, home improvement, escort to treatment in Marquette, help with everyday duties around the home, donations of wild meat and fresh vegetables, use of hunting property, chiropractic care and alternative therapy, along with many hugs and prayers. I want to thank everyone for their love and support. I am very grateful to be part of such a vast loving community. I believe that all of the support comes through God’s grace. Thank you.

Lab work has shown that inflammation levels are down to a state where cancer should not thrive and spread. I had another follow up MRI in September. The brain tumor remains stable with a slight reduction in size. The Neuro Oncologist doesn’t believe the cancer is progressing at this time. That is positive news, however, I have shifted perspective from needing to kill the cancer to respecting the cancer and living a good life. I believe we are all living out God’s plan, so we may as well stay true to ourselves, our faith, community, and enjoy each day that we are gifted with on this Earth. I will not live from scan to scan, but try to cherish every moment along the way. I am committed to living each day with forgiveness, grit, grace, gratitude and hope. I am not a victim. This has been a wild journey. Lately, Mary and I have reflected on the last 18 months. Only through God’s grace, we are living a happy life. While facing this trial, I’ve realized there are different stages you go through.

 1) Shock. When the tumor was discovered, it seemed unbelievable. The world stopped turning. I remember the Nurse Practitioner walking into the room to deliver the news. She was trembling with the CT image in her hand and could only say, “this sucks.”

 2) Grief. There were a lot of tears facing the reality of the situation. Dreams and glories of this Earth seemed to be stripped away.

 3) Acceptance. “It is what is is, and that’s the way it is.” Eventually, you realize weeping about it, isn’t going to cure you, so you accept the situation. When I was told my option was more chemo but data shows it will likely get me 18 more months, it is tough to hear. After a while, I asked, so what if I only had 18 months to live? I’m not going to spend it feeling sorry for myself. I will try to live the highest quality of life I can, feel good, and enjoy the moments with my wife and children.

 4) Action. I believe that God has answered prayers and provided guidance and direction to focus on the metabolic approach to cancer. As someone told us, “you put in the effort, God will provide the increase.”…“You are the Potter, Lord I am the clay; Take me and shape me to Your will each day.”

 5) Gratitude. This trial has led us to be thankful for what we have and appreciate the here and now. I like the quote, “inch by inch, life is cinch, yard by yard, life is hard.” The trial has forced us to slow down and appreciate what we have. We are most thankful that we have been preserved in faith throughout the trial. God is in control.

Mary has been very strong and continues to help me fight each day. It is truly a yoked effort as our whole family wouldn’t be experiencing the unmeasurable joy without her strong commitment to care and love for us all.

I have been improving continuously, both physically and cognitively. As a family, we were able to go camping this summer. We enjoy spending time outdoors. Hiking, biking, and going sauna/swim have been our favorites. It was a gift to watch our children grow this summer and see smiles on their faces. I believe a smile is the most powerful physical tool one possesses. I’m excited to witness what the change of seasons bring. I continue to work part time with output and critical thinking increasing steadily. I enjoy challenging the brain because I believe it is part of the healing process.

Thanks to all of the support, I will continue with current treatments, including IV vitamin C, mistletoe therapy, herbal supplementation, ketogenic diet, and other holistic therapies. Since there is no known medical cure for this cancer, I maintain hope that quality of life is the cure. 

May the peace of God be with you all as we move towards the holiday season. Enjoy your families and be grateful for today. Thank you.

Update Health Update Image

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