USD $800,000
USD $318,774
Campaign funds will be received by Ellen Dodrill
Amos Miller's Amish farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, was raided on January 4, 2024. Under the watchful eye of Pennsylvania State Troopers, and the backing of a search warrant, agents of the state entered Amos' property, spent hours inside his buildings, and then hauled off some of his products. Many of the remaining products they are forbidding Amos from selling, effectively putting his entire operation in jeopardy. As Amos fights this injustice, he needs to keep paying his employees and supporting the small farms that rely on Amos to sell their natural products. If you would like to help keep Amos in business and help with the legal costs, please consider a donation.
Also, if you live in Pennsylvania, please contact your State Representative and State Senator and ask them to pressure Dept. of Ag Secretary Russell Redding to rescind the food detainment order. If you are outside Pennsylvania, please consider contacting Redding directly (https://www.agriculture.pa.gov/about/executive_office/Pages/Russell-Redding.aspx)
For more on Amos Miller, visit: https://www.thelancasterpatriot.com/helpamos/
To purchase Amos' product, visit: https://amosmillerorganicfarm.com/
About the Fundraiser Organizer
Chris Hume is the managing editor of The Lancaster Patriot, a news and commentary outlet based in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Chris has been helping increase coverage of Amos Miller's quest for food freedom since 2022. To watch The Lancaster Patriot's mini-documentary on Amos Miller, produced in 2022, click here: https://youtu.be/pyB5KHEyMUQ?si=Gq0O4j1gIArgctgF
Ellen Dodrill, with Barnes Law, is helping ensure the money is transferred to Amos Miller.
God bless you Amos, keep the fight.
God bless
God bless and keep fighting.
Keep fighting! God bless y’all
God bless you Amos, keep the fight.
You continue to operate in faith with integrity and courage. Know that you are deeply appreciated, and we stand with you. Your food products are fresh, delicious, and prepared with love....... may this return to you amplified!!
Praying for you and the future of this country. PMA’s need this fight - thank you for standing strong. The Lord is your strength!
May God bless you, be with you and bring you victory over your dark enemies! St Michael Archangel, Defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil…May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, CAST INTO SATAN and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
God bless you Amos, keep the fight.
April 13th, 2024
On Friday, April 12, Judge Thomas Sponaugle rejected the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's request to block Amos from selling his dairy products out-of-state. In his ruling, Sponaugle emphasized that the state law governing milk sales is applicable only within the Commonwealth and does not restrict Amos from conducting sales beyond state lines.
In his two-page order, Judge Sponaugle wrote: “at the same time other applicable regulations do not indicate ‘within the commonwealth.’ This court shall not hold the above ambiguity against the defendants.”
Despite this, the civil lawsuit by the state against Miller continues.
To purchase products from Amos, visit: https://amosmillerorganicfarm.com/
March 18th, 2024
Following a hearing on February 29, 2024, a Lancaster County judge (Thomas Sponaugle) granted an injunction against Amos, forbidding Amos from selling raw dairy products as the civil lawsuit drags on. Amos' legal team continues to fight against the tyranny of the state of Pennsylvania. You can listen to Amos' lawyer, Robert Barnes, give comments immediately following the hearing here: https://youtu.be/TW4Qr3xREeI?si=IE72YHVTJ9aFG89x
Stay tuned for more updates and keep sharing Amos' story and the GiveSendGo fundraiser. This is not over yet!
January 31st, 2024
A hearing for a civil lawsuit filed against Amos Miller has been set for February 29th, 1:30 PM before Judge Sponaugle in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas, 50 North Duke Street, Lancaster PA. Supporters are welcome to attend. (Should this date change, an update will be posted.)
Amos recently released a statement to his members. It reads as follows:
Dear Members,
Below is a list of our currently available products, including pork, beef, water buffalo, seafood, baked goods, and vegetables. We appreciate all who continue to order from us, to help our farm stay afloat financially during this difficult time.
It has been a challenging month here at the farm. We are currently not allowed to sell any raw dairy products, and it breaks our hearts that the state of Pennsylvania is forcing us to turn so many of you away when you beg us for the food you depend on for your health. This ruling was put in place before our attorney, Robert Barnes, was permitted to make any argument or statement on our behalf. We hope and pray that he will be able to show the Court the truth and that we will be able to supply your needs again.
Click here to watch Robert Barnes' public statement about the fight to save our farm.
The hearing in our case is scheduled for February 29th, 1:30 PM before Judge Sponaugle in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas, 50 North Duke Street, Lancaster PA. We invite you all to attend and show your support.
Defending against this injunction is going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars with multiple attorneys and legal researchers. If you would like to help support our legal case and keep the farm from going under financially during this injunction, please consider donating to this fundraiser: https://www.givesendgo.com/supportamosmiller
Thank you all for your prayers and support -
With gratitude,
Amos, Beckie, and everyone at Miller’s Organic Farm
To watch a brief update from The Lancaster Patriot, click here: https://youtu.be/42H21whWZU0
Please keep sharing the fundraiser as the challenges facing Amos and his family are mounting as the state seeks to destroy food freedom, not just for Amos, but for all of us.
January 29th, 2024
A local newspaper is running a poll about Amos Miller. We do not know how long this poll will run, so be sure to vote for it while it is still up. Use the following link (if the poll is still active, it will be the first question): https://lancasterfarming.com/polls
For more on this poll, check out the video update on the fundraiser just released here: https://youtu.be/8fRqBVC0tLA
January 20th, 2024
First of all, THANK YOU all for your support and encouragement of Amos and his staff at Miller's Organic Farm. This fight for food freedom cannot continue without you!
The state of Pennsylvania is doubling down on Amos and going after our freedom to make our own food choices. The detainment order has been extended and, in addition to that, Amos has been told he cannot sell any dairy products. Here is a portion of a statement from Amos and the farm:
"Dear Members, We have received a letter from the State of Pennsylvania demanding that we stop providing our members with raw milk products. We disagree with their right to demand this, and our legal team is working aggressively to resolve this situation...This is going to take a significant toll on our farm financially...We thank you for your continued support, and for being a valued member of our farm! With gratitude, Amos and Becky and everyone at Miller's Organic Farm"
To read more about this development, visit: https://www.thelancasterpatriot.com/state-demands-amos-miller-stop-selling-dairy-products/
Due to these new challenges from the state, the goal of the fundraiser has been increased. Thank you for your continued support!
January 12th, 2024
Yesterday, the state of Pennsylvania extended the detention order on a large portion of Amos Miller's food, continuing their quest to put him out of business for his refusal to submit to BIG FOOD control. Robert Barnes continues to fight for Amos. Thank you all for your support! Please keep the pressure on the elected officials; call on them to stand firm in the face of tyranny.
Rep. Dave Zimmerman (R) in Lancaster County (not far from Amos Miller's farm) has previously claimed to be about liberty and freedom but is now REFUSING to stand with Amos Miller. Call Rep. Zimmerman's office at 717-556-0031 and urge him to stand with Amos.
More updates to come soon.
SHARE THIS LINK WITH ANYONE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE: https://thelancasterpatriot.com/helpamos
Video update on extension of detention order: https://youtu.be/YMRSyszp3uI?si=Bk9szRCqy_HOkPWz
Video analysis of Rep. Zimmerman's failure to challenge Sec. Redding on the detention order of Amos Miller's food: https://youtu.be/vzciMSOP4OE?si=1U5pwipTz0cgv6BO
January 5th, 2024
How ironic that two days after Amos Miller is raided, the Pennsylvania Farm Show will take place in Harrisburg. The Secretary of the State Department of Agriculture, Russell Redding, will be there in Harrisburg, ostensibly celebrating our state's farmers. Meanwhile, Amos Miller's business and the livelihood of his employees is threatened by Redding's department.
Voice messages can be left for Secretary Russell Redding of the Pa. Dept. of Agriculture at (717) 787-4737. We ask you to respectfully urge Secretary Redding to cease the harassment of Amos Miller and allow people the freedom to make their own food choices. (For more info, visit https://thelancasterpatriot.com/helpamos)
Amos is encouraged by the incredible support of his customers and other supporters. Keep spreading the word far and wide!
January 4th, 2024
Miller’s attorney, Robert Barnes, released the following statement just hours after the search was conducted:
“Today, the Department of Agriculture of the State of Pennsylvania suddenly came, without notice, raided Amos’ farm, and detained everything Amos had in the farm’s freezer. They did so in a lawless manner, without appropriate authority, in violation of their own rules and regulations, despite never objecting to the prior resolutions reached with the federal government, and despite a complete failure by the state to even reach out to Amos’ known counsel, Robert Barnes. The state’s own rules require advance notice, reasonable time frames for inspections, and a showing of credentials, none of which occurred here. Instead, the state unlawfully obtained a search warrant, based on materially false statements in an affidavit by a high-ranking state official in an agency with a known grievance against independent farmers like Amos, and, after the raid and finding no evidence of wrongdoing, then illegally ordered detained every item of food in one of Amos Miller’s coolers, including buffalo meat not even subject to federal regulation. The detention order is patently illegal under Pennsylvania law. Despite the constant harassment, Amos will continue to do all he legally can to provide the food his members deeply need. Amos thanks you for your continued support at this critical time for food freedom in America.”
For more, visit: https://www.thelancasterpatriot.com/state-employees-search-amos-miller-farm-seize-property/
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