Support Agrata Aryal’s Cancer Battle


 USD $10,000


 USD $5,675

Campaign created by Richard Cord

Campaign funds will be received by Richard Cord

Support Agrata Aryal’s Cancer Battle

IMPORTANT UPDATE June 24, 2024:  Agrata's cancer has returned.  Immunotherapy is the only viable remaining treatment option. Please help us raise another $6,000 so she can receive this treatment.  Note, this is in addition to the $3k previously raised. God bless you!


Agrata Aryal is a little girl (5 yrs old) who lives in Kathmandu, Nepal.  She’s the only child of my friend Sudip Aryal.  Agrata recently collapsed while eating and was rushed to the hospital.  She was diagnosed with severe ulcers in her small intestine and underwent emergency surgery to remove four inches of badly damaged intestine.  The doctors told her mother that without receiving that immediate care, she likely would not have survived another 24 hours.  While in ICU, doctors conducted additional tests and discovered that she also has intestinal cancer.  

She has now been in the hospital for almost a month.  Expenses from her initial surgery, hospitalization, and now the treatment she will need to receive to cure her cancer are extensive, and this small family has run out of money.  Thank God that the cancer is in its early stages, however Agrata will still require chemotherapy, radiation and possibly immunotherapy treatments. 

All funds raised will be wired immediately to the family via Western Union.

What is my connection to this family?  In 2007 I was blessed to spend 30 amazing days traveling throughout Nepal. Sudip (Agrata’s father) was my guide for our 17-day “Annapurna Circuit” trek.  We quickly became friends and have remained in contact for all the years that have followed.  That experience in Nepal remains one of the most memorable of my life and I owe much of it to my friend Sudip.

Please help Agrata get the care she needs so that she can beat her cancer and return to the joy of just being a little girl again!

Donations, Prayers, and Sharing of this campaign are all greatly appreciated!

THANK YOU and God Bless!

Recent Donations
3 months ago

Peter Mc
3 months ago

Get well, keep smiling, you are loved!

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

John Hancock
3 months ago

Get well soon Agrata.

4 months ago

Best wishes for a full recovery. 🎗️❤️

Judy Breedlove
5 months ago

David Wingo
5 months ago

Hilary St Jean
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Best wishes

7 months ago

Prayers for health and healing!

Chris Curtis
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

1 year ago

David Wingo
1 year ago

Baillargeon Fevrier
1 year ago

1 year ago


Mike Jahn
1 year ago


John Brinegar
1 year ago

Good luck, Aryal!

Jay C
1 year ago

Prayers and well wishes

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago


Update #9 - Agrata is Almost Finished with Treatment

November 21st, 2024

Hello everyone!  I've been somewhat delayed in providing this latest update, but I'm pleased to report that I'm able to share some positive news.  Agrata has been undergoing her 3rd series of treatments since the beginning of October.  These treatments are every other week, which provides her with a good amount of time to recover between sessions.  The doctors report that she is responding well (MUCH better than with the first two rounds), and they are optimistic about her progress.  If all goes well, she will be discharged from the treatment facility in Delhi on December 1st and will be able to return home to Nepal!    She will have been in the treatment facility/hospital for the past SEVEN MONTHS!  I'm truly amazed at the strength and will of this little girl.  For much of that time she was bedridden and being fed through a tube.  God willing, she will completely recover, be cancer free, be released to return home, and live a very long, happy and healthy life. 

Regarding the expenses for her treatments we are SO CLOSE to covering the complete amount.  We only need $1,000 more to pay her remaining bill.  All of you that have donated up to this point have been incredible and you have blessed this family more than I can ever put into words.  IF you are able to share this campaign with others so that we may close out this $1,000 final balance, we would greatly appreciate it.

Again, we cannot thank you enough for your donations and for keeping Agrata and her family in your prayers (please don't stop)!  I am hopeful that I will be able to provide at least one more update and I pray that it's when she is released in a couple of weeks as a cancer free 6 year old.  🙏 

As always, THANK YOU and may God Bless You!!!

Agrata, Sudip, Indu and Richard (Rick)

Update #8 - Completing 2nd Round of Treatment - A long way to go

September 18th, 2024

Hello everyone!  A quick update on Agrata's progress.  She is almost finished with her 2nd round (2 of 3 total) of immunotherapy treatments.  Luckily, these are performed 2x per week (as opposed to daily, as in the first round) as the cumulative effects have been difficult on her 6 year old body.  She has had a couple more occurrences of very low blood pressure which have been concerning, but she has been able to recover well enough to proceed with the next treatment a few days later.  The doctor says that her antibody levels are increasing to a more expected level - significantly higher than during the 1st round of treatments (which is a very good sign)!

Sudip and the family are pleased and eternally grateful for the doctors and nurses at the facility.  While Agrata is unable to get out of the bed, they have taken great care to administer physical therapy on a regular basis to try and promote blood flow and flexibility and to minimize the weakening of her muscles.  The family reports that she remains in good spirits (is very strong willed) and Lord willing she will beat this disease!  Once she completes this second round, she will have a few more days to rest before beginning the final treatment protocol.  

NOTE:  We have depleted all of the funds raised to this point, and still need to raise an additional $2,000 - $3,000 in order to cover her remaining treatment/medical expenses.  Please share this campaign with anyone you can think of so that we can meet this goal.

Thank you to all of you for your donations and continued prayers!

May God bless you!

Agrata, Sudip, Indu, and Richard (Rick)

Update #7 - 2nd Round of Immunotherapy Treatment

August 21st, 2024

After two weeks of recovery time (approximately 1 week of which was spent in Intensive Care), Agrata was strong enough to begin her second round of immunotherapy treatments (she will need 3 total).  She is scheduled to receive these every Sunday and Wednesday for the next 30 days.  So far she seems to be handling them much better than the first round.  We are hopeful that her body will start responding more favorably and enabling her immune system to produce the antibodies necessary to attach her cancer.  She still has a long road to travel, but she remains very strong willed.

We're approximately $4,000 away from achieving our goal and covering the expense of her remaining immunotherapy treatments.  PLEASE SHARE this with anyone you can so that we can help this little girl beat her cancer! 

Thank you as always and may God bless you!

Sudip, Agrata, Indu, and Richard (Rick)

Update #6 - 1st Round of Immunotherapy Complete (with some challenges)

August 8th, 2024

Agrata's first round (3 total needed) of immunotherapy was completed on July 26th.  The treatment was 21 days in length.  For the first couple of weeks, she was not experiencing any issues and her body seemed to be accepting it well.  However in the final week she started to develop some adverse reactions (i.e. sores on her body) and she is unable to eat of drink anything (all nutrition administered intravenously).  She was able to complete the session, but was then transferred to Intensive Care for monitoring and recovery.  The doctors were concerned that her heart had become too weak and her blood-pressure was way too low.  The intent was to allow her body to recover and restrengthen before attempting the second round of immunotherapy treatment.  The report from the doctors is that this type of adverse reaction is not common, but they have certainly seen it before.  Based on past experience, most patients are able to move past it and continue with treatments.  We are hopeful that this will be the case for Agrata as well.  After two days in ICU, her heartbeat and blood pressure were stable, so a very positive sign.

As always, THANK YOU for your continued support and prayers!  I will provide another update as soon as I receive one from the family.

God bless you!

Sudip, Agrata, Indu, and Richard

Update #5 - Agrata Transferred to Cancer Healing Center

July 6th, 2024

Hello everyone,

If you're located in the U.S., I hope you've had a wonderful July 4th celebration with family and friends!

A quick update regarding Agrata's care and the latest fundraising effort.  On Monday, July 1st, Agrata was transferred from the hospital to the Cancer Healing Center clinic where she will be receiving her immunotherapy treatments for the next 6 months.  The facility initially told the family that they would need a minimum of $2,000 to start the treatments, however they agreed to begin with an initial payment of $1,500 (the total amount raised from our current efforts), which was wonderful news.  I have not received word from the family yet on how she is responding to this new treatment, but I will be sure to share as soon as I have an update. In the meantime, we are still in need of raising the additional $4,500 to pay for all of her treatment ($500 of which ASAP, in order to cover the initial shortfall).  Thank you AGAIN for your prayers and generosity in helping Agrata to get the lifesaving treatment she needs!  Please share our campaign as far and wide as possible so we can meet our goal. 

Thank you and may God bless you!

 Sudip, Agrata, Indu, and Richard

Update #4 - MAJOR UPDATE - Agrata's Cancer Has Returned

June 25th, 2024

In May, Agrata started experiencing severe nausea.  Tests at the hospital in Kathmandu revealed that her cancer has returned.  The family traveled back to the Apollo hospital in Delhi, India for a more detailed diagnosis and, more importantly, a revised plan of attack to treat her.  It was discovered that her cancer has spread to more than 50% of her small intestines.  The team started her immediately on chemotherapy, again.  This was then followed by targeted radiation treatments, again.  Unfortunately, those treatments have had little effect and have left her very tired and weak.  She is unable to eat solid food and receives all of her nutrition via an intravenous feeding tube.  She has been in the hospital now for more than 3 weeks, but she is a fighter (even at such a young age).  

Her doctor believes that her only viable treatment option at this point is immunotherapy.  She is scheduled to be transferred on Monday July 1st to the Cancer Healing Center cancer clinic where she will receive this specialized care.  The 6 month treatment is expensive for the family (normally $12,000USD), but the success rates are very encouraging (estimated between 80-90%).  Given the family's difficult financial situation, the clinic has agreed to reduce the cost by 50% ($6,000 for the full treatment).  However, they cannot start the immunotherapy until they receive an initial payment of $2,000.   The remaining $4,000 may be paid in installments during the following months of treatment.  PLEASE help us raise the $6,000 to pay for Agrata's care!

Agrata, her parents (Sudip and Indu) and the rest of her family are incredibly grateful for your support and prayers.

May God bless you!!

Sudip, Agrata, Indu, and Richard

Update #3 - Fall/Winter 2023 - Agrata Completes Chemo & Radiation

June 24th, 2024

First and foremost, continued thanks, appreciation, and blessings to all of those who have donated and prayed for Agrata's treatment and health!

Agrata received her full course of chemotherapy, followed by radiation treatments, in August - October of last year (2023).  She was being treated in the Apollo Hospital in Delhi, India (as their facilities and staff are significantly better than the cancer care avaialable in Nepal).  By December, she was "cancer free" and was allowed to return home to Nepal.  She would be required to take maintenance medication for approximately 2 years, but this was a small price to pay to aid in her recovery and to keep her healthy going forward!

Update #2 - August 24, 2023

August 24th, 2023

Good evening everyone.  Here is a quick update on Agrata's progress. 

She has completed 15 chemotherapy treatments so far.  As one would expect she has been very weak and has lost all of her hair,  however, she continues to push through it and the doctors seem to be pleased with the results up to this point.  They have decided to slow down the pace of her treatments somewhat in order to give her more time to rest and recover between sessions.  Her parents have said that the doctors will be conducting a more extensive evaluation this coming weekend in order to determine the next steps in her treatment plan.  Once I have that information, I will post an update here.

Thank you again for all of your donations, prayers, and campaign shares!  It means the world to this family and they are exceedingly grateful.

God bless you!

Update #1 - August 1, 2023

August 1st, 2023

Thank you to everyone who has donated, shared and prayed for Agrata and her family!  I have been in regular communication with Sudip and they are incredibly grateful for all of the support.  So far, two funds transfers have been sent to Nepal (sending those as quickly as available from Give Send Go).  

Last week, Agrata received her first two chemotherapy treatments.  Not surprisingly, it was difficult for her, however she made it through.  Equally important is that, so far, the chemotherapy has not caused any complications with her recently repaired small intestine (Thank God)!

On behalf of Agrata, Indu, and Sudip, THANK YOU again!  Please continue to share this campaign so we can fund Agrata’s complete treatment and help her to be a healthy and happy little girl again.

May God Bless you!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.