
 USD $7,000


 USD $1,785

Campaign created by Larry Meza



My name is Larry Meza and I am 67 years old. In 1980 I went overseas doing mission work for Christ with an organization called Operation Mobilization. They had two ships that sailed around the world working with churches and sharing the gospel. We had 150 believers from 25 nationalities on board and everyone from the Captain to cooks were volunteers. I was on board from 1980-1983. I always regretted not staying longer. We went to over 40 countries during that time.

During that same period another mission group called Youth With A Mission (YWAM) had a similar vision and they, too, launched two ships. Both mission groups are still active today. 

Over the years I have never felt like I fulfilled my overseas calling but for various reasons I didn't feel able to return. But now that has changed. I have had a burden for Ukraine ever since the war began and about five months ago I started praying for them virtually everyday. Then I discovered that YWAM also has a several teams working in that country so I also applied for the team in Kyiv. 

I am waiting to be accepted for the initial 5 month training program beginning in August. It is called the Discipleship Training School (DTS). One must go through this first before being accepted as a staff member and there are no guarantees that I will be accepted, but I don't forsee any problems. Young people from all over the world attend the DTS and it is a great time of learning, worship, and discipleship. Below is a link to the DTS in Ukraine.

The permanent staff, besides leading the DTS, work with churches, bring food and supplies to people, teach and do discipleship, have ministries for children, build homes and more. The need is great everywhere but I feel so drawn to Ukraine. By God's grace, I hope to leave sometime around the middle of August as God provides the finances.

If for some reason I do not get accepted with Ywam I will be volunteering with an international group called Volunteer Ukraine. They do everything from maķing camo nets for soldiers to delivering humanitarian aid to the people. I would probably be driving and delivering the aid.

 I feel like the disciples talking to Jesus on the road to Emmaus and my heart is burning within me! I'm longing to serve overseas again. The commitment is a minimum of one year (normally two, but only one because of the war), but honestly I have no particular plans on returning as long as my health holds up and the need is there, except for visits  back home. 

But I need and want partners with me and this is the purpose of this story. It is not enough that I believe that God is calling me to go. I need and want others to discern and confirm this call with me. It is not enough for me to simply go and volunteer, even though the financial needs of this mission are extremely low compared to others. I need and want to feel sent--both by God and by His people. And I'm not just seeking financial partners but prayer partners too...especially prayer partners! I will be sending out a newsletter from time to time by email but I haven't decided how often. 

I only need to raise around $7000 before I go and that will cover my entire first five and a half months through January 2026--storing my furniture, plane ticket, DTS, dormitory lodging and food. After that I need a monthly amount of around $1400 beginning in February 2026. That will cover all my expenses including allowing me to fulfill my small commitments to three different charities I support as well as my tithe.

The need is everywhere and any donation amount is valuable--even $10 or $15. That is all I can give to some of my charities. If you can commit to a monthly amount that would be great but if not I will gladly accept any small or large one-time donation that your generous heart has to offer.

Finally, for those of you concerned with my theological beliefs I accept the Apostles' Creed. If you desire any further details you can always message me on Facebook.

Thank you for reading through all of this and seeking God with me in this process.

I'm also including a link below by a Christian newspaper reporting on exactly what YWAM is doing in Ukraine and it has two of the people I will be working with--Marie and Japhin John.

The peace of Christ be with us all.

Larry Meza 

Recent Donations
Megan Wells
$ 10.00 USD
4 days ago

Cathy Meister Melton
$ 25.00 USD
7 days ago

In living memory of my parents who loved you from the moment you accepted Christ and eagerly watched your life change and, so that we may reach people for Christ. Bless you!

$ 50.00 USD
27 days ago

Larry- I’ll pray for you but am concerned with this endeavor.

$ 1000.00 USD
27 days ago

The harvest is plenty but the workers are few. Go Brother!

Anonymous Giver
$ 205.00 USD
1 month ago

Love and prayers for your servant heart

Megan Wells
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Donna Roach
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for my sweet friend!

Larry Meza
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Good Luck on your adventure

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Blessings as you embark on this missions life!

Cathy Meister Melton
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

In living memory of my parents who loved you from the moment you accepted Christ and eagerly watched your life change and, so that we may reach people for Christ. Bless you!

Mrs Debra Johnson
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you Brother!! May the Lord use you as you help so many in need of the basic things! May the Gospel be shared through you! Love you!

Larry Meza
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago



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