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Saints Joachim & Anna Building Fund Match Campaign


 USD $200,000


 USD $6,228

Campaign created by Rebekah Johnson

Campaign funds will be received by Sts Joachim and Anna Antiochian Orthodox Mission

Saints Joachim & Anna Building Fund Match Campaign

We have a big problem (but it’s a good problem)! Saints Joachim & Anna Antiochian Orthodox Mission is a small but quickly growing mission located in beautiful Goldendale, WA. We have rapidly outgrown our small, but delightfully cozy temple. We have inquirers and catechumens, we have babies on the way, and more and more people are moving here to become part of this unique Orthodox situation. We need your help!

In early March 2016, we purchased some land in town. We own an eight-acre field right off the busy Hwy 97. We currently have a driveway, a parking lot, and a cemetery. We have been in the planning stage of a new temple for the last 3 years, but now we are in desperate need to move onto the next phase before we explode out of our current location. 😊

We have been blessed by 2 anonymous donors who are willing to match any donations received in the 200 days between our feast day on September 9 and the feast of the Annunciation 2024 (March 25, 2024), up to $200,000! This means any money you donate today will be doubled! 

Here is our story:

The mission was started with a Divine Liturgy, celebrated by Fr. Joseph Copeland on March 17, 2013, with a few families meeting in a dining room. In June 2015, at the request of Fr. Joseph and the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH, Dn. John Phelps moved here with his wife and children to help establish the mission. By that time, we were using the local funeral home for weekend services, setting the altar up on Saturday evening and taking it down after Liturgy on Sunday. That fall, God showed us a storefront (the old Sears catalog store) on Main Street that was for rent. We were then able to set up a permanent altar and use the sanctuary space for coffee hour after Liturgy. Fr. Joseph Copeland or Fr. Timothy McCoy would drive from Yakima to serve Liturgy twice a month, and we would have Typica services on the other Sundays. Feasts were celebrated with the Monastery of Saint John the Forerunner.

On March 19, 2017, on the Sunday of the Cross, His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH ordained Dn. John to the Holy Priesthood and assigned him as pastor. During all this time, the mission was slowly growing.

Fr. John is now our full-time priest after "retiring" from IT in November 2022. He is dedicated to our mission—holding regular weekday services as well as weekend and feast day services. He teaches youth group once a week and is currently teaching a weekly catechism class.

In early March 2020, we purchased a building from the Odd Fellows Lodge two blocks away from the Main Street location and we were all set to fix it up and move in. Then COVID hit. It ended up taking 2 years to complete the necessary repairs that were required by the city and state. During those 2 years, many families now had online jobs and were able to move to Goldendale. We have a wonderful Greek Orthodox monastery 15 minutes away, and all the families in the mission love to help the monastery, attend services there, and spend time with the nuns.

Our first service at our current location was Holy Saturday's Harrowing of Hades in 2022. We were all so happy to be in the new building!  The only issue we had was that we had already outgrown it before we had even moved in!!!  A year and a half later our parish continues to grow, and we now have over 150 people, with roughly half of that number under the age of 20. Glory to God!  We continue to rent the Main Street location, in order to facilitate coffee hour after Liturgy (the basement of our current temple is too small).

Please help us begin a new building that will accommodate our rapidly growing congregation and become one of our "founders and benefactors" to be prayed for at every liturgy!  

If you would prefer, you are welcome to mail a check directly to us, just write "Building Fund" in the memo.

Please make checks out to Sts. Joachim and Anna

Mail to: PO Box 745, Goldendale, WA 98620

Thank you for your support and prayers!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
22 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 33.00 USD
4 months ago

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on your servants at Sts. Joachim and Anna Orthodox Church in Goldendale, WA!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 3000.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
8 months ago

Thank you for being there :) <3

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 180.00 USD
8 months ago


Update #2: 1 year later!

September 8th, 2024

It has been 12 months since we started our Building fund and matching campaign, so we figured it was time for an update!

Through everyone’s very generous donations, we have raised over $667,000 towards our new building, Glory to God! We are still in the design phase, but are estimating that this is about half of what we will need to finish the building we are planning. Our new goal is to raise $1,000,000 and either apply for financing for the remaining, or God willing, receive all the funds we need through donation.  Since most of our donations come via check, we are leaving our GiveSendGo goal amount as is.  

We have officially sent plans to the engineer and architect. Our current design is for a worship space/ parish hall building all in one. There will be a wall dividing those two areas with large windows. This will assist parents with small kids so they can still see and hear the service from the “narthex” area if they need to remove loud babies. In addition, it will also provide overflow space when services are especially crowded. The wall will be non-load-bearing, so in the future, when the temple is built, the entire space will be transformed into one large parish meeting area. The building will also have a library/bookstore space, a nursery, a large “food prep” area, men’s and women’s bathrooms, and a furnace/utility room.

What a blessing it will be to worship next to our cemetery with loved ones so close by. Please continue to pray for our parish as we grow. May the Panagia and Sts. Joachim and Anna intercede for us all.

Update Update #2: 1 year later! Image
Update #1

January 30th, 2024

Thank you to all who have donated!  We have received money via cash and check directly to the church.  So far, we have raised $37,585 towards our $200,000 goal!  Please continue to keep us in your prayers.  

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