Preserve the Bristol Church St Isidore's Anglican


 USD $25,000


 USD $200

Campaign created by Kyle Hartshorn & Milton Rink

Preserve the Bristol Church St Isidore's Anglican

St. Isidore's Anglican was originally built in 1910 A.D. in Bristol, Colorado as the United Presbyterian Church.  Over the course of 114 years the building has been home to Presbyterian, non-denominational, and most recently Anglican services to the purpose of worship and communion in our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Christmas services in years would combine both the Methodists and the Presbyterians in the community since the Presbyterian church was large enough to accommodate everyone. Sacraments and celebrations of all types have taken place within these stone walls.  Funerals, weddings, communion, and baptisms; the most imperative experiences in the lives of rural Coloradoans were observed in this building.

For the glory of God we endeavor to continue to experience communion with Him within this building and to revitalize this church as a central point where the community may continue to do so.  Though Him may we unite our efforts to love and serve our neighbors and to increase the devotion within our hearts.  We worship in the Anglican tradition, brought to the New World by our English founders that was the very origin of both Presbyterian and Methodist expressions.  This tradition dates back to a time before even the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. at which clergy from the British Isles were present.  

We absolutely ask for your support through prayer and if you are so moved, by your contribution of time, treasures, or talents.  The building requires renovation, furniture, an altar, and capable hands to assist in the efforts.  The congregation would benefit from an organist, prayer books, and public advertisement.  Regardless of your decision to contribute or not to we appreciate you having taken the time to read the story of this church building and it's present use.  May God bless you and may God bless St. Isidore's Anglican Church.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago


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