 USD $730
Campaign funds will be received by Roy Hambrick
kingdomlum smalltown here, from the small town underground podcast and media! I've set this give send go up as a support system to help build bigger and better content as we continue through this crazy world. I've never been good at asking for money, but as we all know it takes money in order to grow and as an independent creator doing what I do, the cards are stacked against me on nearly every platform we use. Big tech, censorship and constant shadow banning make it almost impossible to grow. Here, direct donations can be given by you! If you believe in me and what we can accomplish together with your donation, the sky is the limit!! I will always fight for God, freedom, the 1st amendment, transparency, common sense, family and the right to bear arms.
Thank you for all you do in covering the important news!
Keep updates on Colton
Love what you are doing! thank you!
Thank you for your courage & commitment to freedom!
... Truth keeps us F R E E ... John 8:32
Thank you! We pray for you often.
Thank you for being our voice!
Thanks for doing & saying the difficult.
Thanks for all you do
Thank you, Roy & thank your family for patience and support while we win this nation back :) CHALLENGE: I am a Veteran U.S. Army and challenge any other to beat my contribution :) katherine
Thank you for your work
Thank you for saying what we all think, but sometimes can't articulate truth. We are honored to know you. We stand at the ready. Lead on.
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