USD $8,000
USD $6,535
Campaign funds will be received by Sierra Adams
Hey! I’m Sierra Adams, and this is what’s going on in the next steps of my life.
In October of 2022, I went to New Zealand to participate in a YWAM DTS or Discipleship Training School. On the very first day of Life Stories (testimonies), we were praying and ministering to our new friends. I had a thought pop into to my mind – “I have got to be a part of this”. In the room, I saw DTS Staff – people our own age – who had committed to disciple us and lead us closer to God. I saw Base Staff, people who have been walking with the Lord for years and who love to lead people to transformation in God. I saw all 39 of us students and how God was already knitting us together as a family and healing wounds of the past. I know now that in that moment God was leading me toward my next step, but it took much longer to fully understand His plan for me.
During the next three months, I began to think about thinking about staffing at Marine Reach. Near the end of those three months, my DTS Staff asked me if I would pray about coming back on staff. While it was exciting to be asked, I still had a lot of concerns and I knew that if I decided to staff, there would be a lot of sacrifices involved.
Fast-forward to the Outreach Phase of my DTS (the part of my DTS where we go on a two-month mission trip). I was in Tasmania with my team and we were helping to put on a weekend camp through YWAM Tasmania. The focus of the weekend was trusting God and surrendering to Him. We talked about how it’s hard to surrender and trust God if you don’t fully believe that He is who He says He is. During one of the worship nights, I was so convicted on my view of who God was. I realized I had been avoiding the decision of whether or not to staff because I thought I would have to do it on my own, and I didn’t believe that God was truly for me. Through that weekend camp, God revealed more of who He Is to me.
He doesn’t like to see me in pain. He wants to give me a life full of things that will truly satisfy me. And He Knows. He knows that sacrifice is painful. He knows that leaving family is hard. He knows that this season isn’t going to be easy. He knows that it’s hard for us to trust in things we can’t see. He Knows. But He asks me to surrender. To take all of those worries and anxieties and hurts and give them to Him. He wants to provide. He wants to comfort. He wants to sustain. When I surrender to God, it gives Him space to do those things. When I hold on to the disbelief that these things are mine to deal with alone, it doesn’t allow him to take my burden.
With all this said, I will be staffing at YWAM Marine Reach for the next two years. I will begin in the Training Staff circle - the group of people who are the mentors and leaders of the DTS Students. I’m so excited to see where this adventure takes me and I look forward to walking with God during this season (and hopefully many seasons after).
I will be raising salary for my time in NZ (around two years). I have an amount I need to raise BEFORE I go, and I also have a monthly goal that I'll be trying to reach (through pledges or monthly donations). The amount raised before I leave will be going toward my flights, insurance, and preparation for staffing. The monthly goal will be put toward my room/board, groceries, and others.
Here's the breakdown.
Fundraised before I leave
flights: $2,000 USD
insurance $1,200 USD
staff prep/gear $500 USD
two-week mission trip to Tasmania $800 USD
Total: $4,500
Monthly Goal
Staff Fees (room/board): $370 USD
Groceries: $100 USD
Eating Out: $30 USD
Hygiene/Clothes/Gear Maintenence/Misc/Emergency Savings: $100 USD
Total: $600 Monthly
Sierra, It was nice to get to know you a bit and wonderful to hear about your walk with the Lord and your upcoming journey. I wish you the best and will be keeping you and Sav in my prayers!
Had to change bank account #
It took me a while, but I'm finally in a place to give! So sweet to see your updates!
Sierra, It was nice to get to know you a bit and wonderful to hear about your walk with the Lord and your upcoming journey. I wish you the best and will be keeping you and Sav in my prayers!
Had to change bank account #
It took me a while, but I'm finally in a place to give! So sweet to see your updates!
Sierra, It was nice to get to know you a bit and wonderful to hear about your walk with the Lord and your upcoming journey. I wish you the best and will be keeping you and Sav in my prayers!
Had to change bank account #
It took me a while, but I'm finally in a place to give! So sweet to see your updates!
Sierra, It was nice to get to know you a bit and wonderful to hear about your walk with the Lord and your upcoming journey. I wish you the best and will be keeping you and Sav in my prayers!
Had to change bank account #
It took me a while, but I'm finally in a place to give! So sweet to see your updates!
Praying for you Sierra! Thank you for being faithful to follow the path God is leading you on. 💜
Sierra, It was nice to get to know you a bit and wonderful to hear about your walk with the Lord and your upcoming journey. I wish you the best and will be keeping you and Sav in my prayers!
Had to change bank account #
It took me a while, but I'm finally in a place to give! So sweet to see your updates!
Praying for you Sierra! Thank you for being faithful to follow the path God is leading you on. 💜
Sierra, It was nice to get to know you a bit and wonderful to hear about your walk with the Lord and your upcoming journey. I wish you the best and will be keeping you and Sav in my prayers!
Had to change bank account #
It took me a while, but I'm finally in a place to give! So sweet to see your updates!
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