UVA Denied Shamgar kidney because of vax refusal


 USD $45,000


 USD $14,105

Campaign created by LAUREN CONNORS

Campaign funds will be received by LAUREN CONNORS

UVA Denied Shamgar kidney because of vax refusal

My husband has 5 stage kidney failure and is on dialysis every night waiting for his MUCH NEEDED kidney transplant. The UVA is DENYING him a kidney and has removed him from the waitlist because he is not vaccinated. Even though he has already survived covid and has natural immunity. We have serious concern of him taking this vaccine that has imposes risks to him because of the side effects. We desperately need financial to help us pursue legal assistance. This wouldn't just be helping my husband. It would be helping everyone else that is being denied medical attention for life threatening illnesses. We have to make sure that this does not continue. Please pray for my husband, Shamgar Connors, that he receives a kidney before it's too late. Thank you for hearing our story and please help me share so we can start taking action NOW!

Hello everyone. My name is Lauren Connors and I am Shamgar Connors's wife. Shamgar and I have never really shared our story about his kidney failure and how sick he has become. We never wanted to be a burden on others and felt we needed to carry this weight alone. However, now that ugly and blatant medical discrimination has reared it's head, we feel that it is our duty and our mission to expose it and bring hope to those who are experiencing the same.

A little history about Shamgar. Shamgar is the eldest of 9 children and helped raise them all when his father passed away while Sham was only in college. He dedicated himself to his family, then went on to dedicate his life to educating children. Shamgar was a teacher for 14 years, along with coaching soccer and basketball for multiple age groups. He loved what he did, he built a whole website for his students to use to learn how to better their futures in this technology driven society. Then he began to get sick. In 2014 he experienced his first scare. He gained massive water weight and was told that his kidneys were failing. He struggled to maintain his health since that day, being told that no matter how hard he tried to control his blood pressure and his diet, that his kidneys were slowly but surely destroying themselves with protein waste. His kidneys were turning into balls of scar tissue because of FSGS, an auto-immune disorder where the body does not know how to use protein so it is wasted and sent through the kidneys. The kidneys are too small to handle the protein so it punches holes through them to get to the urine and causes scarring. He began to struggle with water weight gain constantly, chronic exhaustion, muscle cramping, nausea, dangerous high blood pressure events, and even eye damage where he nearly went blind in one eye. All during this time he was working and trying to support his wife, son, and newly born daughter.

Finally, his kidneys completely failed in August of 2020. He was at his heaviest water weight, unable to bend his knees, sleep flat or walk without assistance. He was so critically ill that he needed to jump straight to hemodialysis instead of the planned peritoneal dialysis. He had to have a catheter placed in his neck and have his blood manually cleaned 3 days a week for 5 to 7 hours straight. He had to be driven to and from dialysis and assisted in his daily care because his body was so toxic from the organ failure. At that time, we were referred to UVA hospital in Richmond to put Shamgar on a kidney transplant list. We were told that his O+ blood made him a rare match and his waiting list for a deceased organ was 8-10 years. We were scared, but we agreed because we wanted some hope that Sham would get a transplant and survive. Leading up to today, Shamgar has endured multiple hospital stays, surgeries and procedures to ensure his best chances at living long enough to make it to his chance for a lifesaving organ transplant.

Then Covid arrived and we discovered just how callous and uncaring the medical system, that I as a nurse dedicated my life and career to, can truly be. Shamgar is a deeply religious person and will tell you the origin of his name in an instant. His family names are rooted in the Bible, as are the names of our children Jonah and Elianah. Those deeply held and protected religious beliefs led him to take an exemption for the covid MRNA vaccinations. His medical care was continued with no resistance or disparaging comments from his local doctors, or his dialysis team, his friends and family. However, UVA called and asked if Shamgar had taken the vaccine. When he informed them that he had gotten covid, not been overly ill, and recovered within 4 days, the doctor stated it was not enough and if he did not get the vaccine he would be immediately removed from the transplant list.

UVA stated blatantly that they are discriminating against someone for not taking an experimental and unproven vaccine. They blatantly stated they are ignoring the constitutionally protected religious right to practice the Christian faith. They blatantly stated that they would let my husband die of organ failure because he would not take a vaccine that is being proven to not protect people from still contracting the virus and being hospitalized anyway. This mega-company of a hospital is intentionally and willingly denying my husband care, and is knowingly sentencing him to death.

Please, we need your help. We are reaching out to news stations, radio stations and all of our friends and families to spread the news of this horrific denial of care. In a time when we need to come together in this country and care for one another, this UVA Hospital has decided who gets to live and who is to die. This is not triage in a warzone. This is cold, calculated, and intentional murder of those we should be caring for the most. Shamgar is suffering from an auto-immune disease, no fault of his own. He is a teacher, a father, and a loving husband.

The funds that are raised here will be used to file a lawsuit against UVA should we find someone to take up the cause with us. They will also be used to help pay the medical bills that will continue to climb as Shamgar is kept alive only by machines that manually clean his blood for him. A kidney was our hope. A transplant was our dream for even a little bit of normalcy again. Instead, UVA decided that my son and daughter will only have memories of their father attached to tubes to keep him alive. Memories of him trapped in a bed, suffering the pains of dialysis and unable to play with them.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

RVA Henrico
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

I hope VCU and Inova will do the right thing. Note to self: stay away from UVA!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

May God Bless you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

The Lord bless you brother!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

The Lord bless you brother!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

The Lord bless you brother!

Brian Morris United Kingdom
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

I messaged from the start that I would stay by your side, I’m still here but more importantly so are you. Rest assured I will always be here for you and your brave wife to help you fight this injustice. ❤️✊

Suzanne Cookman
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 71.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you that God will make a way for you to get this kidney transplant.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

It's not much, sorry. Sending prayers for Shamgar as well... Stay strong, never quit...

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

The Lord bless you brother!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

The Lord bless you brother!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

The Lord bless you brother!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

God's love never fails! Much love and prayers!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

The Lord bless you brother!

$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you and your family


Update #12

November 22nd, 2024

hello everyone, Shamgar here!

i have a couple updates that are good news!

a few weeks ago i went to the hospital to do a routine test to try to get on another kidney transplant list at INOVA hospital in virginia.  they wanted to do a heart cath where they go up your groin and use a little camera and look at your heart.  they need to make sure your heart is good or they cant do the transplant.

If you recall, a couple years ago i had the heart cath done and half of my heart was completely blocked.  the bible says the tongue holds the power of life and death so i told the doctor that scripture and said we were going to speak life into this and that he would do the surgery and everything would be perfectly fine.  he looked at me like i was crazy for 10 seconds, and then he said "well that makes my job a lot easier!".  

so i had stents put in a couple years ago.  fast forward to now, they were doing the routine check (i wasnt even planning on getting this procedure done), and then they found 6 more blockages!! they were freaking out and told me i had to stay in the hospital and i could die.  they wanted to do open heart surgery but after speaking to the doctor he agreed we could do more stents because if i did open heart surgery i would really be pushing back my date to be able to get a transplant.

so once again, God has saved me from dying and they put new stents in and i feel a lot better.  its just when your kidneys dont work your heart usually builds up a bunch of stuff because there is no filtering.  and i think when i had gastro perisis and lost 55 lbs it really messed up my bloodwork and wasnt good for my heart.

so, the other part of the good news is that i am now listed as ACTIVE on the kidney transplant list and people can start to offer to donate a kidney to me if they want.  i am going to attach the paper they gave me, and if you are interested in donating a kidney, you can fill out the form and submit it.  

and i'd just like to thank everyone for supporting me on this journey.  you helped me get to where i am now, and i am finally making it onto a different kidney transplant list that doesnt require the covid vaxx.

UVA still will not let me on their list and i'm hoping with trump in office and RFK jr on the team they are going to make it easier to sue people for denying healthcare because of the covid vaxx.  i still want UVA held accountable and for this to NEVER happen to ANYONE, EVER AGAIN!!!!

to open the picture you have to right click and open in new window on the picture. otherwise i'll just paste the information from the picture below:
With the nationwide shortage of deceased donor organs, transplant waiting lists are growing.

Medical science has made it possible to take a kidney from a living donor and transplant it into a

person in need to bring them back to good health.

• More than 100,000 people are on the national transplant waiting list

• The national average wait time for a deceased donor kidney is 3-5 years, depending on blood type and other factors

• In 2023, more than 6,290 lives were saved through the generosity of living kidney donors


People who donate a part of themselves (donors) to save the life or jmprove the quality of life of another (recipients)

commit an act of great compassion and generosity. This gift of life allows transplant recipients to:

• Avoid being placed on the national waiting list to wait for a deceased donor organ to become available while they

become more ill.

• Receive their transplant earlier in the disease process, which allows for a faster recovery and better outcomes.

• Benefit from a living organ that begins to function more quickly and tends to survive longer than a deceased organ.

Who Can Be a Donor?

A donor can be a family member, distant relative, friend, co-worker, or even a Good Samaritan who wants to give life

to someone they do not know. This is referred to as "altru_istic donation". For kidney donation, while a blood match is

ideal, the VCU Transplant Center can perform blood-type incompatible transplants or organize kidney swaps for

donor-recipient pairs who are not compatible. There is also the possibility of finding a better match through a pairedexchange,

meaning a longer lasting kidney transplant.

Living organ donation is a major surgery, and while advances in transplantation surgery such as the use of robotic

surgical systems and 30 surgical planning have minimized down time and maximized successful outcomes, living

donors must be in good health with no chronic medical or psychosocial disease.

The Evaluation Process

Each living donor has a personal team of medical professionals that is independent of the recipient's team to ensure

their specific needs are met throughout the entire process.

Donor candidates will undergo an evaluation that includes blood tests, CT imaging, and

surgical, dietary, psychosocial and anesthesia consultations. Additional tests such as cardiac

evaluation may also be required. The recipient's insurance covers the donor's medical

expenses for the evaluation and surgery.

Visit: www.vcuhealthlivingdonor.org or Click the QR code on the right to complete our Living

Kidney Donor Questionnaire to see if you qualify. If you need additional information or have

questions, please call: 804-828-2762.

Update Update #12 Image
Update #11

September 6th, 2024

hello everyone, this is Shamgar, i figure its time for an update.

the past few months have been very difficult but things are improving finally.

right after mothers day, my son wasnt feeling good so he didnt go to school. he had a stomach bug and was throwing up.  i didnt think anything of it, he got over it within the day and he was fine.  

I however, started throwing up that night and that was just the beginning of the problems.  it turns out that if you get exposed to a stomach bug there is a small chance that people can get gastro perisis from these stomach bugs.  so for about 3 months every time i tried to eat anything, i would throw it up and the food would be undigested.  

on top of that we found out my iron levels in my blood were way way too high.  my ferritin was something like  in the 2000's, far far above normal.  i had an MRI done and they found iron deposits in my liver, spleen and even my bone marrow.  this caused me to have pain throughout my entire body on my skin, it felt like my skin was on fire.  apparently if your iron gets too high in your body a lot of things can go wrong.

my iron got so high because when you are on dialysis they give you these pills called 'binders' to take whenever you are eating.  this causes the phosphorous to be bound up so you can just pass it out in your stool instead of your body absorbing it and your phosphorous getting too high.  

some binders are iron based binders - which the doctors had me on.  so these pills are meant to have your iron raised when you take them.  the doctors noticed my iron levels kept rising but they would just say 'lets keep an eye on this', but by the time my iron levels were so high, it was too late and i was suffering all sorts of problems.

from not being able to eat anything i went from 230 lbs all the way down to 175 at my lowest. i lost 55 lbs and i was basically stuck in bed i felt like i was in a coma. i had no energy to do anything, which was not only from no energy from not eating but also having your iron levels up super high makes you very tired.  my blood pressure kept spiking really high and i was in and out of the hospital multiple times.

getting the chelation pills for iron from the doctor also proved to be a massive issue because insurance didnt want to pay for them so it took a couple weeks of my wife fighting with the insurance company for hours every day.

So i apologize for no updates but for the past few months i was so weak i could barely walk or even sit up.  However i have had a lot of people praying for me and i want to share my testimony that i've been eating basically normally now (not even taking the pills they told me i had to take to make my stomach want to eat) for a while and i've been working out again and even started coaching my sons and my daughters soccer teams!

so thank you to everyone that has prayed for me before and thank you for supporting me.  id also like to thank my wife, who took a month off from working to bake me food with no iron in it - because i couldnt even drink the protein shakes or any of those meal replacement shakes because they all have a lot of iron in them.  without my wife i dont know where i would be, so thank you Lauren!! God really blessed me with you.

the past few months have been very tight financially because of my wife having to take so much time off from work to take care of me and bring me to doctors appointments and the hospital and etc.  so if anyone would like to donate anything that would be great or if not just share this story and let people know that prayer really does work.

ive already gained back probably over 27 lbs and i'm so thankful that God heard our prayers because i was afraid they were going to have to give me a feeding tube or something.  Going through all of this i have learned to be thankful to God for every small little thing that i normally would take for granted.  I thank God every time i eat even the smallest snack, and i thank God for every step i take because a few weeks ago i didnt think i'd even be able to stand for my kids soccer practices.

also i went back to VCU and i am working at being activated on their transplant list - because apparently this whole time i have never been activated.  and we are looking at getting on a list at INOVA and even john hopkins.

as far as suing UVA goes, i need more $ to do that and i am told that i need to wait for more court cases to show these covid vaxxs are harmful, because if i went to court right now with uva, im told they would just hire a panel of 'experts' that would claim that the covid vaxx is 'super safe and effective'. so hopefully something can be done with that soon because UVA has harmed so many people and rejected giving them healthcare.

i'll give you more updates asap when i know about the VCU transplant list.

thank you everyone! and God bless!!! - Shamgar Connors

Update #10

March 25th, 2024

hey everyone, its been a while since you have been given an update so here is one!

this is Shamgar - and i'm still doing pretty well!! especially since the doctors all say i should be dead - its just a testimony of how God has really kept me safe and healthy despite doing dialysis 6 days a week at home.

I just wanted to tell everyone thank you again so much. without your help, wow i cannot even imagine how horrible things would be. You all stepped in and helped me and my wife during a time when the doctors basically gave me a death sentence, and when my wife got fired from her job (as a nurse at the hospital) for not getting the vaxx

I thank God for each and every one of you. you have touched our lives so much. We still continue to believe God will keep me safe and continue to provide for us, just like he has been doing this entire time. Thank you for being a part of this.

So i figure i should tell everyone what i've been up to. Since God has given me basically a second, third, fourth and who knows how many chances at this point at life, i wanted to do something to help out with what is going on in the world.

i started going to school board meetings where i live. If anyone remembers, i was a middle school teacher for 14 years before i had to medically retire. now before i did medically retire, was when trump was first elected into office. people obviously knew i supported Trump and they were not happy.

in case anyone doesnt know, MANY teachers are ULTRA-LIBERALS. i saw so much conditioning of children while teaching. i saw one social studies teacher made the kids do an assignment about how Trump building the wall was racist and bad and all the kids had to do it for a grade or fail, AND post their papers outside the door on the wall (when nothing was supposed to be on the walls in the hallway for fire safety reasons)

i saw teachers teaching about islam and how to be a muslim. can you imagine if they tried to teach christianity?? they would literally crucify someone that did that.

i could give many stories on this but hopefully you get the point. well recently in my area, some ultra-liberals have been pushing that they want LITERAL ACTUAL PORN in the schools. i mean these books that they advocate for are DISGUSTING. they have no right being in a public school. many books got challenged and pointed out how HORRIBLE they are. a few got removed but not enough.

i tried going to school board meetings and being serious, i even printed out pages from these books, and showed the people there and the school board that there was actual PORN in the books. i read passages that would make you sick. one i couldnt even upload to youtube i would get banned for how disgusting it was.

yet the liberals all advocate for this!! i was in shock. i couldnt believe that you actually had teachers, and librarians get up on the podium and openly say that they think these super sexual disgusting adult themed books should be available to children!! i'm talking some of these books were in the elementary schools!!

so i then decided i needed to get more attention for what was going on. i was going to pose as a liberal and mock these people for all of the insanity they were pushing. well this turned out to be VERY EFFECTIVE because they cannot stop talking about my 3 minute skits i do, to point out the hypocrisy of these ultra liberal people!

so, i made a youtube channel. if you want to see just how crazy these school board meetings are, here is the link to it, and please go watch it!


click videos and just watch them. i'm SURE you will be very entertained. share them with people to get the word out about how insane what is going on at schools is ACTUALLY HAPPENING

i also started posting a lot on twitter and facebook, you can follow me and check out the stuff i've been posting.



i still get harassed by trolls that all got the vaxx every day, but i do not care. God has kept me safe and will continue to do so, and i am going to do whatever i can to expose how crazy things are in this world.

you will see i've been posting about how it looks like the u.s. dollar is going to crash. which means people will all run to the banks and try to take their $ out - but wont be able to. my advice for anyone that has $ in the banks, is please go buy some physical silver coins. i dont get anything out of this, i just want everyone that has helped me, to be blessed in return. right now an oz of silver is like $25. gold and silver keep increasing in price, because people are scared of the dollar doing poorly. by next year an oz of silver will be worth much more.

this year 2024 is going to be really crazy, because these people are DESPERATE to keep trump from getting elected. so you can expect another possible plandemic, but my guess is that it will effect vaxxed people the most. Please remember that even if you did get a vaxx, my advice is to repent, and you can pray and ask God to keep you safe - look at me i'm a perfect example of God working TODAY in this world.

i just want everyone to stay focused on Jesus Christ and if anyone wants to talk about this more, feel free to contact me, write to me on twitter or facebook.

I love you all and i'm so grateful for each and every one of you.

i'll attach a picture of us at a recent comic-con called MAGFEST. its actually where i met my wife! and God has blessed me where i could do the colossus costume (from x-men) again with my children. they LOVED it and had so much fun.

thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

-Shamgar Connors

Update Update #10 Image
Update #9 - on OAN with Dan Ball for real america 8-30-2023

August 31st, 2023

hey everyone wow its been quite a while since the last update!  this is Shamgar making an update.

I want everyone to know its still been a tough road of recovery, but with God keeping me alive and guiding me, with him, no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

I need to also especially thank my wife who diligently hooks me up to the dialysis machine 6 days a week.  what an amazing blessing she has been!

the update is:: dan ball just had me on his news show tonight, talking about the insanity of the 'medical' field

he told me something truly devastating.  that someone else going through the same exact problem as me, her name is Sarah Brannen, has just died - she was not allowed a kidney transplant because she didnt get the vaxx.

at this point i believe its just premeditated murder on the part of all of these "doctors".  she was denied by the mayo clinic.

i didnt know this girl, but i can comprehend exactly what she was going through and what her family must have been going through as well.  I pray in Jesus name that God will give them comfort through this devastating loss.

here are some links i found for her:



those are her donation sites, with her story


thats the video of me on the news tonight.  we talked about how the vaxx is bad, how the new one will be bad, and how i'm going to school board meetings and fighting back with everything i can while God keeps me alive!

thank you again to everyone for blessing us, you have helped us so much that i'll never be able to properly thank you!!

Update Update #9 - on OAN with Dan Ball for real america 8-30-2023 Image
Update #8

December 21st, 2022

Hello everyone, this is Shamgar Connors and I wanted to post an update since it’s been quite a while.


First thing I’d like to say is a big massive THANK YOU to everyone that has donated to me and my family.  If it were not for the generosity of all of you, my family and I would be living in the street because so much has happened.


Again thank you to everyone for helping us out.  What we didn't even get to report on the news was that my wife is a nurse and during this whole time, right when I was kicked off the transplant list, she was fired from her job at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, V.A. for not getting the covid vaxx.  So obviously we have been really tight with money, so without your help, we would be even more devastated than we have been. 


Following that my wife got a new job at Spotsylvania Hospital, but then she had an injury to her foot so she had surgery and she was out of work and on disability for around 9 months to recover (they had to remove her tendon and shave down her bone in her foot).  So, again thank you to everyone for all of your help.  We had to rack up a lot of debt to survive in this time but without you, we wouldn't have made it this far. 


So as you all saw in the latest update I had a heart attack and so this whole time while my wife could not even walk around, and my heart really wasn't working well (I’ll explain that more in a little bit), I was trying to take care of the house and children while on dialysis and it was difficult because just recently we found out for the entire past year, my left side of my heart was getting basically no blood flow through it!


When I had the heart attack, they fixed 2 blockages but they couldn't fix the 3rd blockage.  They told me I should be 'just fine', but from what we know now, we can see the pictures and see that the left side of my heart was completely blocked off from getting blood flow.  Which would explain why I was having difficulty even walking around from the back of my house to the front of my house and I would feel like I couldn’t catch my breath and I had just ran a marathon.


After consulting with the Heart specialist they told me they could try to do a heart catheter surgery but the doctor told me that it was very risky and it didn’t have that high of a success rate and they could puncture a hole in my arteries around my heart and have to do open heart surgery and all sorts of scary things.


That’s when I quoted Proverbs 18:21 :

Amplified Bible

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.


The doctor had drawn a picture of my heart on the board, and showed me where the 3 blockages were.  I told him, “Look at that board, you and I know I shouldn’t be alive right now.  God clearly has me in his hands and has kept me alive and kept my heart beating this entire time because with those blockages, no blood was going to my heart.”  Then I said “this surgery is going to go really well and it would be easy for you (the doctor) and you will clear this blockage and everything will be fine.”  He looked at me like I was crazy for a minute, and then he said “oh ok then that makes my job much easier then!” 


So then on 12/5 I went in for the surgery.  They had to stick catheters up both sides of my groin in my femoral arteries and I had to be AWAKE for the entire procedure.  It was not a fun time and I could feel sometimes like a worm or something was moving around inside my chest and heart! Well after 3 hours they removed the blockage and when you look at the pictures you can see how the left side of my heart all of a sudden opened up and blood was being flown to the entire left side of my heart Praise God and thank you to the doctors that did the amazing work on me. I am very thankful to everyone.  It happened exactly as I said it would and proclaimed it would in Jesus name.


The doctor after the surgery showed me pictures of the before and after blood flow of my heart and he was VERY excited for me.  He is showing off those pictures to everyone proving that his specialized surgery does work and in the doctors notes it says that I made a REMARKABLE recovery.  The fact that my heart had that much blood flow restored and that all of the tissue had not died off is a miracle in itself! 


So let me just keep thanking everyone again for sticking with us and helping us out this entire time and supporting us.  God has been providing for us and we are very, very thankful to everyone.   Without God in our lives, there is no way we could have survived this entire time.  We are still praying for financial support and we trust that God will continue to provide for us. 


What I would like to ask everyone to do is please continue to pray for myself and my family, and also pray that God will give me a complete healing for my kidneys.  Clearly if God can keep my heart beating this entire year, then healing my kidneys should be just as easy for him. 


Each day I am noticing an improvement in how much I can now stay standing up or walk around or just doing miniscule tasks that I probably took for granted for a very long time.  It has been humbling but at the same time I’m thankful because now I can think about every little thing I do and thank God for allowing me to do more and more things every single day. 


Also I spoke about this update with - who I consider to be a really good friend – Dan Ball on OANN about this update after I had the surgery as well (here’s the link to rumble)





here is the video you can see the blockage being removed and blood flow being restored to my heart!


Update Update #8 Image
Update #7

July 19th, 2022

here is shamgar at church with his 2 children when he got out of the hospital.


again thank you to everyone for all of the help and donations and especially the prayers.  we are still planning on a lawsuit against UVA because this cannot happen to anyone else, ever again.  Once the attorney is done filing in other states he will be filing in virginia.  we appreciate the continued support from everyone!

Update #6

July 19th, 2022

here was shamgar at the hospital last week you can see the emergency catheter in his neck.

Update Update #6 Image
Update #5

July 19th, 2022

Hello everyone, I know it has been a long while since we have made any update to Shamgar's story, and I apologize for that. We have had a rather lot going on lately. I had an emergent surgery and was unable to walk and take care of the kids or Shamgar, so even though he feels poorly every day, he became primary caregiver for the entire house. Not only was I needy, but the house had a flood and there was a lot of damage, tear down, and still needs reconstruction because black mold was found. There has been a LOT going on in this little house. We have been absolutely blessed by help from both sides of the family, and stunned by the number of people who have reached out with offers of help and so many prayers. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about the individuals, the prayer groups and churches that have prayed for my husband and our family. 

Recently, Shamgar had a few extra urgent health scares, requiring emergency room visits before we made it to VCU for his new work-up for a kidney transplant. I was immediately more hopeful about this hospital, because the workers we encountered were warmer and more patient, kind, and helpful than anyone we had met at UVA. VCU told us outright that Shamgar would not be forced to take the covid vaccines to be qualified for their transplant list. Once he completed the cardiac screening he would get the green light for a live donor or to be placed on the wait list! We are so excited! We are so thankful for everyone speaking up and speaking loudly about how evil rejecting people for organ transplants based on a vaccine is, and we are sure that put pressure on VCU to consider taking the right path. 

Our excitement didnt last long, as Shamgar just was in the hospital for nearly a week. He had been feeling so poorly for nearly 4 months now, and we were not sure what was going on. We thought he had bronchitis and took him to an urgent care to get some basic tests done, and that turned into the nurse practitioner calling me on my personal cellphone and saying she wanted to send the ambulance to my house herself. Here is a facebook post that Shamgar wrote himself to explain what happened during his stay, now that he is home and resting. 

Update Update #5 Image
Update #4

March 2nd, 2022

shamgar was on Episode 17 of Health Freedom for Humanity’s newest podcast series, Voices of The Victims with JM Baldoz and Ali Zeck.



Update #3

February 24th, 2022

a new update! rob wittman, the VA senator wrote a letter to UVA. then UVA responded. shamgar gave this information to a reporter named patrick howley, from national file. patrick published the story. basically it shows UVA is lying about not requiring a vaxx. they are trying to cover their tracks. https://nationalfile.com/uva-hospital-admits-covid-vaccine-not-required-kidney-transplant-telling-patient-required/ This is the critical double speak - Although the UVA Transplant Center does not have a policy mandating COVID-19 vaccination for patients to be eligible for a transplant, it has recently updated its evaluation criteria to address COVID-19 vaccination status as part of the individualized assessment we complete with respect to each transplant candidate. Such approach is in alignment with recommendations from the American Society of Transplantation, American Society of Transplant Surgeons and International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, and with research that has demonstrated that transplant recipients are at a much higher risk of dying from COVID-19 when compared to non-transplant patients. So it isn’t “policy,” but UVA does have “evaluation criteria” addressing Covid vax status as part of the “individualized assessment” - so then why kick Shamgar off? It is not required and they do an individualized assessment for each patient. Then there is no need to kick Shamgar off if it is not required. AND, in the individualized assessments, why does not Shamgar\'s natural immunity count as better than the vaccine induced immunity? They are lying. Also the transplant vs non-transplant statement is laughable in its stupidity. A transplant patient is at a higher risk of death from EVERYTHING compared to a non-transplant patient.

Update #2

February 9th, 2022

shamgar was just on OANN with Dan Ball!!  he got to talk about a few new things going on.


Update #1

February 8th, 2022

Prayer Requests

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  • Please pray now that God has my heart working properly again that God will also restore my kidneys as well!