USD $15,000
USD $10,000
Campaign funds will be received by Warren Bennett
This hasn’t been the easiest year for us. Over the tail end of 2022 and all of 2023, we've experienced one trial after another. These ranged from a basement full of sewage, water pipes needing to be replaced, tires needing to be replaced, expensive medical bills, we were robbed by a contractor we trusted, and much more. On top of that, we welcomed a new person into our home to help her escape an unsafe and abusive situation. She is young and autistic and is currently not able to contribute towards household expenses. We are so thrilled that we can be a safe haven for her and have come to think of her as a bonus daughter, so we aren’t complaining, but during a time when grocery bills have skyrocketed this has further served to compound our financial situation. All this has eaten through our savings at an astonishing rate. On top of that, we lost $1,000 a month in income. I’ve been working a lot of extra hours to try and make up for that loss but it never seems to be enough. Also, over the holidays we had one pet turn into a floppy cat due to an ear infection and one of the dogs ate something that looked like a wet sock. Both of these pets are doing well, but we had to take both to the vets a couple of times each.
We are asking for help so we can stabilize our income and our life while I look for a better job. We are asking for $15,000. I know that is a big amount, but it would help us pay several major bills that have been plaguing us over the last year.
This is how the money will be spent:
$7,000 will be used to finish paying off the remaining bill to the city over our sewer and water issue from 2022.The city we live in didn’t just charge us a fee in water usage, it also charged us a water removal fee that was equal to the water usage fee, even though they technically never removed any water. A tree they planted during a beautification project many years ago grew into our pipes and all that water watered our front lawn. We’ve been chipping away on it for a bit, but it won’t go away.
$5,000 will be used to pay off taxes on the house. One was due in October of 2023 and the other was due in February of this year. We were thrown for a loop during the spring 2023 tax season when we were told we would need to pay a $10,000 bill for the water. Paying that threw off our budgeting and made it impossible for us to pay the fall and spring taxes that are now late and accruing fees. Paying the outstanding bill will not only allow us to start saving for this October’s upcoming taxes, but it will also give us huge peace of mind. We don’t want the house to be even considered as being in default with the city and risk losing our home.
$3,000 will be paying off various expenditures that we’ve had to put off including the remaining balance and final payment for my college tuition and a very important medical bill. We need to get caught up on these so I can get access to my college transcript and so we can continue to see the doctors we’ve been seeing for years.
Should the Give, Send, Go exceed the requested amount, we would use the extra funds for a variety of projects around the house. These include hiring an electrician so we can change an electrical outlet in the laundry room to use a dryer that was given to us that is replacing one that stopped working on us shortly before all the plumbing problems at the end of 2022. It is an electric washer and the laundry room is set up for a gas dryer. Not having to go to the laundromat for a family of four would be a huge savings.
There are also some repairs around the house that are minor but need to be addressed before they become bigger issues, such as a hiring someone to fix the temperature regulator on our furnace, fix our storm door, repair a windowpane that is broken, and also buy a couple of parts that are needed to repair a hose in the shower and repair the shower door that no longer opens and closes easily due to a part breaking as a result of regular usage.
We have been in prayer over this and come to y’all with a humble spirit. It isn’t easy for me to put something like this up, since I have a tendency to want to get things done on my own. Yet, the community has helped us in so many ways it’s hard not to see God at work. So as we prepare for the future, both in finding new employment and making other life changing plans, we just are putting this out there to see what happens.
Thank you for even considering donating. We pray God blesses you tenfold. If you can't contribute, please pray for us and offer a word of encouragement. Even the smallest of prayers can have huge results.
Gondor calls for aid, and SG will answer.
May the Lord bless you and watch over you and your family. May you all be filled with the love, joy, and peace of the Most High who cares for His children. I hope this finds you well. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas from the walled garden! A. Rabbit.
SG mate
praying for ya'll.
From SG
A fren at SG
Merry Christmas!
Praying as well.
November 24th, 2024
It's been a bit since I've updated. I just wanted o say thanks to all who have helped out both with contributing and with prayer. I believe prayer is powerful, so those are always appreciated. We are still working on paying all he bills mentioned and just went through something pretty scary. However, God provided, and I pray He provides for you all too. I'd love to see this hit the mark because it would help my family and I move on from this year.
Thanks to you all, may God bless you.
March 29th, 2024
We are at 14 percent of our goal! This is great and I thank God for each and every one that has donated so far. We have also been praying for you all. I do believe in the power of prayer and I have personally seen it in action. Thankyou from the bottom of our hearts and I pray God touches all of you.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.