USD $12,000
USD $9,550
Campaign funds will be received by Peter Janowski
On August 30th of 2023 my flight touched down at Ben Gurion International Airport and the long awaited fulfillment of my dream of being in the Land of Israel began! For years I had longed to go on an adventure in the Holy Land, to embark on a pilgrimage, to walk in the places where the stories of the Bible actually took place!
But I didn’t come on this trip just to tour and to see the sights. I also wanted to contribute and to make myself useful. So I came as a volunteer with the HaYovel organization. The mission of the HaYovel organization is to bring Christians from around the world to serve the land and the people of Israel. During my time with them I spent six weeks in the land of Israel helping Israelis bring in their grape harvests. I was also planning to work on a reforestation project scheduled for later in the Fall. However, on October 7th, 2023 war broke out as the Israeli people experienced the horrifying attacks of Hamas terrorists.
So my original plans were changed and instead of planting trees I worked security shifts, monitored cameras, delivered observation drones, and ran concertina wire for perimeter protection. My first time being in Israel, for six weeks of peace and then for four weeks of war, turned out to be an especially varied and full experience of what living in Israel can be like. I was able to serve in the land and help the people of Israel in ways that were quite unexpected.
I am now planning a return mission to the land of Israel. I have been offered a volunteer position on staff with the HaYovel organization and am now raising funds to go and serve together with them. Once again I am looking forward to laboring in the vineyards of Judea, bringing in the grape harvest, and I hope to plant trees and to help bring the forests back to Israel. But most importantly I long to be about the business of restoring the relationships between the true Christian followers of Rabbi Yeshua and the chosen Jewish people. Helping Jewish settlers in practical ways is an outstanding way to demonstrate how those that love Jesus also love Jesus' people the Jews. In these last days the LORD is moving in the hearts of many people. The Jewish people are returning to their ancestral homeland and foreigners from the nations are coming to help facilitate their return. Prophesies are being fulfilled in our lifetimes!
Decades ago, when I was a young man, my grandfather, who is a scholarly student of the Bible, took me aside and told me of God’s promises to Abram; “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” My grandfather then told me that if I ever had the opportunity to help a Jewish person, to make sure to do it, and thus inherit this blessing.
Would you join me in honoring my grandfather and in inheriting this blessing of helping a Jewish person? Would you join me in the mission of showing the Jewish people what true followers of Rabbi Yeshua actually believe? Would you join me in the task of rebuilding and redeeming the relationships between the children of Abraham? Would you join me in doing good to the people of Israel?
I'll be praying, as I frequently do, my friend.
I'll be praying, as I frequently do, my friend.
Shalom! May HaShem bless your service to Him in His Land and throughout the world.
I'll be praying, as I frequently do, my friend.
I'll be praying, as I frequently do, my friend.
May the work of your hands and the words of your mouth be blessed beyond measure. Have a blessed holiday season. Deuteronomy 31:19 - I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.
Praying for you. This gift is also from pippin. He was looking for you again this morning but since he couldn’t find you had to settle for getting petted by me. We all miss you. May you experience the love and grace of God in new and incredible ways as you rely on him.
I'll be praying, as I frequently do, my friend.
Isa 40:3-5 The voice of one who calls out, “Prepare the way of Yahweh in the wilderness! Make a level highway in the desert for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The uneven shall be made level, and the rough places a plain. Yahweh’s glory shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken it."
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
May God bless your service to further the kingdom.
I'll be praying, as I frequently do, my friend.
Dear Peter, We are honored to help you be the Gospel on the Ground!
So excited for what God is doing in and near you. So pleased you get to spend this time by the spout where the glory pours out! Thanks for opportunity to participate. Best, David
Blessings & prayer, Peter, as you go for Jesus' sake.
We are praying for you, Peter!
October 7th, 2024
Today the HaYovel team of volunteers planted several hundred trees at a prepared site in the Jordan Valley near Gitit. As we remember and mourn the tragic terrorist attacks of October 7th last year we plant trees in the practical belief and expectant hope of a bright future for the land and the people of Israel.
September 24th, 2024
Today I finally got to plant my first tree in the soil of the Land of Israel!
A beautiful little Syrian Ash.
Grow well little tree! Sink your roots deep, branch out, and provide greenery and shade for future generations!
September 23rd, 2024
Please be praying for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem. A little while ago there was a rocket attack against the nearby city of Ariel. I witnessed several explosions in the landscape west of Mount Gerizim. Apparently the rockets were intercepted but the remains of the rockets and other debris fell from the sky into the nearby countryside.
September 3rd, 2024
Today we started our seasonal work in the vineyards of Judea helping Israeli settlers to bring in their Fall grape harvest!
Over the last several months I have fondly recollected how much fun and satisfaction there was to be had in working diligently in Israel’s vineyards.
But somehow I had forgotten the part about how the work can be difficult, wearying, hot, and sweaty. Today was a good reminder of those challenging realities that are a part of bringing in the grape harvest.
August 24th, 2024
It makes my heart happy to make the hill country around Mount Gerizim in Judea my home once again as I serve with the HaYovel organization.
August 24th, 2024
I rejoice to once again return back to the Land of Israel through the Ben Gurion International Airport. I have so many memories of this particular place!
August 9th, 2024
My plane tickets have now been purchased and my flight itinerary has been scheduled. I am set to begin my series of flights back to the land of Israel on the 18th of August. Please be praying that with all the recent flights into Israel being cancelled I will be able to navigate various international airports and complete the connections that I need to arrive in Tel Aviv in a timely manner.
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