Navy Veteran needs mobility scooter


 USD $4,500


 USD $682

Campaign created by Eric Miller

Campaign funds will be received by Eric Miller

Navy Veteran needs mobility scooter

Hello, I am a US Navy Veteran 1994-96 whom has been disabled since 2015. Since 2016/17, my disabilities have prevented me from walking long distances and as time has progressed the distances have became shorter. Unfortunately, I do not get 'out' much due to these restrictions and due to my lack of income and my wife's SSI being our only income, we now reside in an RV full-time. I have attempted multiple times to obtain a VA issued mobility scooter and was never denied over my disabilities, but other reasons (i.e. "no place to properly secure/store/charge at a rental", Bath VAMC New York; "You're not on Oxygen", Columbus VA Ohio; "They won't give you one if you live in an RV full-time", Patient Advocate Austin VAMC Texas).

The availability of public 'electric carts' at places like WalMart has been atrocious at best; and places like HEB I've ran into dead batteries 10minutes into the store.

Pushing a standard cart is slow/painful and scary as I have: Vertigo, Degenerative Disc Disease, COPD, Tinnitus, Lymphatic Edema(serious swelling in limbs such as ankles/hands), Ulnar nerve issues(both sides), strained right rotator cuff injury from 2007, metal plate and screws in left ankle from injury in 2001, Osteoarthritis, and Sleep Apnea (use CPAP).

There are many ways a mobility scooter will improve my Quality of Life: from being able to get outdoors more to enjoy nature with my wife and daughter(including walks), to being more independent in the places I can go/go into. For example The Texas State Capitol building in Austin, TX allow those with disability placards (which I have) or plates to park for free around the complex, yet the complex is quite large and I would be weak, winded and wanting to fall over before I even found the first step into the complex. A mobility scooter would allow me the freedom to be more involved in the community around me, such as attending parades/events or shopping more 'local' stores.

Yes, I do have an RV and a car that we tow behind the RV so some of the funds would be used for the mount/basket/lift for the mobility scooter as well as the purchase of a new/used mobility scooter that can handle my current and projected weight (currently 370lbs at last VA weigh-in). We do have a generator and sometimes are connected to 'shore power', so charging is not an issue.

I have tried to seek out organizations that would help, with no luck at all.

Thank you for your time in reading this and if you are so inclined, Thank you for any/all donations.

God Bless you and Keep you,

Eric Wm. Miller

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
10 days ago

From one veteran to another

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
13 days ago


Mr T
$ 30.00 USD
1 month ago

Dk sent me and I'll see you in his chat soon @panoramacomputer8663 ! Love you, brother!

Daniel Lucas
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

God Bless You

Panorama Computer
$ 22.00 USD
1 month ago

Carolyn Bullard
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Vickii oldham
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Blessing Eric ❤ hope this helps some

Panorama Computer
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 5.00 USD
3 months ago

Good luck!

Veteran Nation
$ 80.00 USD
3 months ago

Veteran Nation and it's fans support you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Vets helping vets

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Spawntrooper sent me

Mussilady Wise Oracle
$ 5.00 USD
4 months ago

I got link from spawntrooper's live

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

Hope this helps. One disabled veteran to another.

Veteran nation
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Love you Eric!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

Not much hope it helps good luck

Skipper of Veteran Nation
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Glad to have you as a friend!


Update #3 01-28-2025

January 28th, 2025

I am still trying to raise the funds needed for a HD Power mobility scooter, or praying that someone donates a working one as an alternative. My Vertigo has been worse recently, as well as my overall health. My most recent weigh-in approximately 1 week ago was 372lbs. This is the reason a more HD/Bariatric scooter is needed and one that is 4wheels because of the balance issues that Vertigo causes. I've never been a small person and at 6ft 2in, you can lookup what scooters work and what doesn't. This is all ultimately in God's hands and I pray that relief is found sooner rather than later. Than you to those that have donated and to those that find it in your hearts to give in the future to this cause.  Shalom

Update #2 27June2024

June 27th, 2024

Well, Here I am having to re-publish this fundraiser (due to 'lack of activity on the campaign'). At the end of January the transmission went out on our 'car', so unless I'm given a ride somewhere - I am unable to travel more than 20ft radius (using a rollator-walker with 4 wheels). The VA has continued to 'shaft' me, the Veteran needing the Heavy Duty Powered Mobility Scooter and I would be happy with a homemade or used one. So far that has not been the case. I have 're-published' this "Campaign" this one last time in hopes that there are people out there whom actually care to assist, instead of offering false hopes/false witness/lip service. For those that actually do something to help, I am EXTREMELY Grateful. For those that offer false hope/lies or just want to 'refer' me down the road,(while maybe well intentioned - I have been trying for many years and you are not the first), Carry onwards and stay Blessed. Yes, I admit this update appears and IS 'Passive Aggressive', but you do not know my frustrations from multiple years of fighting this battle and of course the lack of a Quality Life, I could be leading with the help of a NEEDED medical device. You remain stuck within 20ft of your Home (even though it can be moved), and tell me you would be a Happy Camper.

'Official' VA Denial letter

March 24th, 2023

Well, here is the VA's RUBBER STAMPED denial in 'writing'. There is alot more to this as I was treated like a piece of meat and there are some major ILLEGAL discrepancies, false information and deliberately missing information (That I told each 'interviewer'), as well as, false assumptions pre-supposed before the appointment and unsubstantiated by a simple review of my medical file.  The ONLY way to 'appeal' is with a "Letter of disagreement" to this notice that requires A) Case Number, and B) In writing via USPS 'snail mail' ... So that there is no proof of date/time of receipt.

My appointment was Mar 21, 2023 8:00AM 

Mar 21, 2023 12:32 PM




DATE OF NOTE: MAR 21, 2023@12:32 ENTRY DATE: MAR 21, 2023@12:32:12



US Department of Veterans Affairs

Central Texas Veterans Healthcare System

1901 Veterans Memorial Blvd

Temple, Texas 76504


Eric William Miller


Livingston, TX 77399

Thank you for completing your consultation for mobility assessment.

During this visit, you were evaluated by a team consisting of a physiatrist and

therapist to identify your current functional mobility needs.

We have reviewed the results of your evaluation and have found that power

mobility is not indicated at this time.

If your medical condition and or mobility changes in the future, you can be re-

evaluated by the Power Mobility team.

A copy of this letter has been placed in your medical record.


Physical Medication and Rehabilitation Services

1901 Veterans Memorial Blvd

Temple, TX 76504


advance medical support assistant

Signed: 03/21/2023 12:32

Prayer Requests

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