Save Sunny the Sable GSD


 USD $5,000


 USD $1,035

Campaign created by Beth Alcazar

Campaign funds will be received by Beth Alcazar

Save Sunny the Sable GSD

Our precious 7-year-old German Shepherd, SUNNY, is fighting for his life in the emergency vet. While we were returning from a family vacation yesterday (12/13), he experienced spontaneous pneumothorax — a condition where air leaks into the chest, causing the lungs to collapse. He is in critical care, and the cost of treatment is pretty astounding. But, beyond the financial burden, we need our Sunny more than ever... for reasons that are beyond words.

Sunny may not have an official therapy dog certification, but to our 14-year-old son, he is nothing short of a lifeline. Our son has been battling OCD, severe anxiety, and depression, and just 10 months ago, he was admitted to Children’s Hospital to get the help he so desperately needed. Sunny has been his constant companion through this difficult journey — a source of unwavering comfort, stability, and love. Together, they have faced the darkest days, and Sunny has provided a sense of peace and emotional grounding when nothing else could.

In this moment of crisis, we are asking for two things:

Your Prayers: Please lift Sunny in prayer, asking for his recovery and healing. Pray for the strength and wisdom of the veterinarians caring for him. And pray for our family, especially our son, who is doing his best to catch up on school work and prepare for semester exams this week. We believe in the power of prayer!

Financial Assistance: The costs of Sunny’s emergency care are very high. We have paid just over $5,000 so far for Xrays, blood panels, medications, multiple needle ventings of his chest, and the use of an oxygen cage. (This is the point where if the venting does not work, they will surgically insert a tube to relieve pressure tonight. If that doesn't work, they have to remove part of the affected lobe/lung.) We want nothing more than to have him by our side for many more years, supporting our son as he continues his healing journey. If you are able to contribute in any way, no matter how small, it would mean the world to us. Any funds raised will go directly toward his treatment and care.

We are doing everything we can to save Sunny, and we are so grateful for the love and support of those who have already reached out, praying for us and asking how to help. 

Thank you for considering our plea, and thank you for your love, prayers, and generosity. We are eternally grateful for each of you.

In this difficult time, we truly believe that Sunny's presence is a gift we cannot lose....

Recent Donations
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Please tell your son that he will get better. I've been his age with the exact same SEVERE issue (ocd). There are better days ahead for him. He will overcome this. God bless him and your family.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you SO much for your encouraging words. It means so much to know others have been there and know these struggles. All our best to you!" By Beth Alcazar

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Luke Jenkins
$ 350.00 USD
2 months ago

Hope this helps. My prayers are with you, always.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"I don’t know how to fully express our gratitude for your incredibly generous donation to help Sunny. We are deeply thankful for your compassion!" By Beth Alcazar

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

Corey Rourke
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Darryl Glass
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying so hard for your furchild Sunny, my dog nephew. May God lay his healing hand on him, and also provide you all with strength. Love you guys so much 3

Response from Campaign Owner:

" We're all staying hopeful, and your kindness, love, and support is making all the difference. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, friend!" By Beth Alcazar

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Sending prayers for Sonny and your family. God bless🙌

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Your kindness and support mean the world to us, and it’s giving us strength during this difficult time! THANK YOU!" By Beth Alcazar

Kim Sebben
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for yall!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"We are so blessed to have such a compassionate community behind us, and we’re hopeful for Sunny's healing!" By Beth Alcazar

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago


Response from Campaign Owner:

"Words cannot fully express how thankful we are for the outpouring of love, prayers, and donations for our sweet boy!" By Beth Alcazar

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

I wish it was more!!! Not working, but I am praying!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Whether through prayer, donation, or simply thinking of us, your support has been a light in this difficult time. Thank you so much!" By Beth Alcazar

Barbara Holland
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for Sunny and your family

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you, Barbara. We are holding onto hope for Sunny ... and feel so blessed by you!" By Beth Alcazar


Update 1/13; 11:30am

January 13th, 2025


We are so excited to report that Sunny had another vet check-up today, and he is doing very well! He took a quick walk yesterday and even enjoyed a romp in the rare Alabama snow we had over the weekend.

Can you believe that a month ago today we almost lost him? We are so blessed he is alive and recovering. And we are so thankful to everyone who has reached out, sent a message, prayed, donated, and thought of us during this time. 

Update Update 1/13; 11:30am Image
Update 12/27; 10am

December 27th, 2024


We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Sunny got an "indestructible" shark toy and a blanket, which he has been cuddling with in his bed. He is still in great spirits and seems to be normal (as much as we can tell). But we did find a lump on his side, near where they shaved off fur to do the air venting. We did not see this before, and I don't believe it was there when we were at the vet. We will continue to monitor him as he's on "bed rest." 

Update Update 12/27; 10am Image
Update 12/23; 12:30pm

December 23rd, 2024

Sunny got his 1-week check-up at our vet this morning! His x-ray looked good, and they were so pleased to hear how his recovery has been going. Several of the staff were also very excited to see Sunny, especially since the last time he was there, he was literally taking his last breaths.

We are so grateful for Sunny's continued health successes... and he was very grateful for the capybara toy he got at the vet! He will continue to stay on "bed rest" for a few more weeks, and we will continue to pray that this lung issue is over and done. 

We are all looking forward to a wonderful and restful Christmas at home, together.... blessings to you all! 

Update Update 12/23; 12:30pm Image
Update 12/20; 1:30pm

December 20th, 2024

All is quiet and seemingly well with Sunny, here at home for day #5! We are so thrilled to see him just being our normal furry fluffball. He seems to be eating and sleeping well. And we've kept him as quiet and as still as possible for a GSD! (His fur looks to be coming back in, as well. So, we'll cover up those squares and stripes in no time!)

We will fill you in with any updates and/or changes and give you the results on Monday after his vet check. 

Update Update 12/20; 1:30pm Image
Update 12/19; 1pm

December 19th, 2024

Hello, everyone! I just want to say thank you for helping my family take care of me! I am still a little wobbly and coughing a bit, but I am eating and resting well. Mommy says I am the goodest boy. And she keeps telling me I just need to stop barking and ignore all the vehicles, people, and animals outside so I can get keep getting better. She says that me being home and recovering is the best Christmas present this year!

Update Update 12/19; 1pm Image
Update 12/18; 9am

December 18th, 2024

Welcome to day #3 at home. Sunny still seems to be doing well. There have been some weird hiccups, sneezes, and sighs over the last 24 hours or so.... but we're still hopeful that his lungs are healing.

He got a little over excited yesterday, so I am making sure we're on top of all his meds today. He needs to rest and recover!

You can do this, Sunny!

Update Update 12/18; 9am Image
Update 12/17; 7am

December 17th, 2024

We had a good first day at home yesterday! Sunny is on some medications, so he's a bit more subdued, but we've got windows blocked so he doesn't try to protect us from the sassy squirrels, the unexpected mail deliveries, or the random blowing leaves! (We kept him to only a few short barks the entire day. For a GSD, y'all know that's quite an accomplishment!)

I was tearing up this morning as Sunny went over to his toy bin and dug through it to find some favorites to present to us. And look at those bright eyes! We have already seen such wonderful changes. I am sure he is so relieved to be home. I just hope he is not in pain. (Dogs won't tell you much, you know.) And I also hope those lungs are still on the mend! 

Once again, thank you ALL for your help... for every prayer, every message, every dollar, every check-up. We appreciate your outpouring and love and suport so much!

Update Update 12/17; 7am Image
Update 12/16; 7:30am

December 16th, 2024

We made it through the first night back at home. Sunny was very groggy and a bit wobbly from the medication, and he wandered around a bit, looking a little confused and forlorn. But he slept fairly well most of the night. We took him outside at 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 5:30am before getting up at 6:30am for our "normal routine." I'm guessing they pumped him with fluids, so we'll likely be taking more potty breaks than usual. Our fur boy was not extremely interested in food this morning. He mostly wants water. (I'm trying to make sure he doesn't overdo that!) But he did bring us his favorite squirrel toy - the one I brought to the vet to make sure he knew we were close and thinking of him. He seems more bright eyed, despite not having much energy. He's comfortably resting now.

*In the photo, you can clearly see his "stripes" (one on each front leg) and "patches" (one on each side).

Update Update 12/16; 7:30am Image
Update 12/15; 9pm

December 16th, 2024

Sunny is home! He was so excited to see us, and we were so relieved to see him! The poor baby is absolutely exhausted... he has been through so much. He will be on medication for a week and will return to the vet in 7 days, as long as everything continues to go well. We will do our best to keep him calm and comfortable as he recovers and heals. Thank you so much for your prayers and for your continued outpouring of love and support! 

Update Update 12/15; 9pm Image
Update 12/15; 2pm

December 15th, 2024

Best news so far, everyone: We just got word that Sunny has improved. His lungs are holding, and he is off oxygen! They are continuing to closely monitor and watch, but if things are still good by 4pm today, we might be able to see him ... and bring him home! (This would potentially mean no tube! He would be on medication for at least a week to keep calm and heal.)

We are so grateful for this positive update, and we will continue to pray for rapid and full healing!

Update 12/15; 1:31pm

December 15th, 2024

We are still waiting on the latest update on Sunny... he was supposed to have another Xray around 6am this morning, and then they were likely going to try to ween him off oxygen and monitor his air intake throughout the day to see if they will need to insert a tube. Last we spoke with the vet, he mentioned that he did not have any reason to believe there was cancer or an underlying disease, and he said Sunny was "clinically doing well." We are praying that there is healing in those lungs! 

Update 12/14; 7pm

December 15th, 2024

Thank you for your continued prayers and messages. Sunny was calm and cooperative this evening, so the vet was able to get one last attempt at a needle/vent and only pulled a minimum amount of air from his chest this time. That could be good news... meaning the hole or lesion (or whatnot) has begun to seal and heal on his lungs! They will continue to watch and monitor tonight and will do another Xray tomorrow at 6am. If there is air, it will be time to insert the chest tube. If there is no air, then more waiting and monitoring. 

Update 12/14; 3pm

December 14th, 2024

Sunny is still stable, but he is not improving enough with the needle/taps, and his lungs are still leaking air. The vet has decided that at this time, Sunny needs more help. In a few hours, they will surgically insert a tube to help alleviate the pressure in Sunny's chest so his lungs can work. (Sunny will have to be put under, but the vet is hopeful this procedure can be quick so they can pull him right back out.) We pray that this next step is a success so Sunny can breathe, so his lungs can heal, so we can see him again (it's been 9 days!) and so our boy can finally come home! PLEASE PRAY!

Update Update 12/14; 3pm Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.