For Sarah's cancer recovery exam and vitamins


 USD $3,000


 USD $3,000

Campaign created by Paul Dooley

Campaign funds will be received by Sarah August

For Sarah's cancer recovery exam and vitamins

Several years ago our daughter Sarah was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. When we found out, we were all shocked. How could a healthy young mom of two teenage girls succumb to brain cancer? But there it was – two tumors in her brain on the right side of her head. She has been undergoing chemo treatments for 3 ½ years. The tumors were in operable, so the doctors at Hoag instituted a chemo treatment, which of course made her sick all the time, and caused her hair to fall out. This was devastating to her, since she made her living as a hair stylist.

Over the past 3 1/2 years, Sarah never waivered in her faith, but only became stronger in her conviction that “God had her back” and was going to heal her. This battle against this horrible brain cancer has gone on for over 3 years. Day in and day out, Sarah was sickly, but believed God would eventually rid her of this disease. We prayed day and night for those years. 

You'll be amazed what happened just this past month!  In June God answered our prayers! The bible says “wait on the Lord”, and we had certainly been praying and waiting. Every day, for 3 ½ years. Just a month ago, Sarah’s trial at Hoag Hospital came to an end, and they informed he that she would have to be transferred to the City of Hope. The final scans and blood work did not look good – they showed the cancer had spread to her neck and spine. We were all very worried, but all we could do was to cry out to God during the 10 weeks that the paperwork took to go from Hoag to City of Hope! We were expecting the worst.

When Sarah finally went into the City of Hope, they looked at the tests and scans from Hoag, and gave her a worried look. But then they said, “We do things differently here. We plan to run our own scans, tests, and blood work, jut to be sure where we are.” So, Tuesday Sarah went in for about 6 hours of tests, scans, and blood work. Later that day she called us, exhausted but hopeful. Maybe these doctors could do better?

That Wednesday morning, she received a call from the head doctor of her team at the City of Hope. He told her, “We are baffled! We do not see any sign of cancer in our scans, tests, or the blood work. It appears the cancer is gone.” Needless to say, Sarah jumped for joy! “So you’re telling me God did all the heavy lifting?” she said. The doctor said they had only seen one other instance of the cancer totally disappearing like this. He wouldn’t use the word “miracle”, but that’s exactly what had happened. God gave them proof via the tests from Hoag that the cancer had spread. But just when they were ready to get to work, they took a look at their new tests and scans, and the cancer had disappeared! This was a miracle, no doubt about it.

Now Sarah has been put on a recovery regime, and is being supervised by a nutritionist and her doctor. To start this routine, she has to come up with $1,000 for a baseline set of tests to determine how and where her body has suffered, sot they can prescribed the right set of vitamins and nutrition. The problem is that Sarah is a single mom, with two teenage girls in high school, and money is tight. When she was battling cancer, her Medicaid covered the charges. But now, since she is cancer free, the insurance will not cover this recovery baseline exam, or the vitamins and nutrition she will have to be on to recover.

In this campaign we are asking for gifts amounting to no more than $2,000.

- $1,000 to cover the extensive test that will tell the doctors what her body has lost, and what her body needs - along with how much poison is still in her system. We are hoping she can get the money for this by this August, so she can have the test done.

- $1,000 to cover the initial costs for the special vitamin replacement therapy, along with a nutrition plan to hopefully restore what’s been taken.

Please consider donating a financial gift to this campaign to get Sarah the funds to get the initial test done in June, and partial coverage of the vitamin and nutrition regime. She is a wonderful example of a Godly woman who trusts her Lord for everything. And we know that while sometimes God chooses to do the miraculous (as in her amazing healing of the cancer in June), he also uses gifted doctors, medicine, nutrition and vitamins to get us back to a healthy state.

Recent Donations
Phyl and Mark
$ 155.00 USD
3 days ago

Love you, sweetie. Looking forward to your next visit.

$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

May God bless you and heal you. Praying for you and your family.

$ 100.00 USD
4 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 days ago

Here is a contribution to help you with the nutrition plan and vitamins. Love you, and stay strong in your faith!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 days ago

Sending love and prayers. God bless you

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

You always continue to be in our prayers. We love you. M & P

Greg Beck
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for your continued good health gains

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Here is a little bit to help you get back on the recovery program.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

May our Lord build your strength even more than ever during recovery.

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
5 months ago

All suffering brings about the end of suffering and brings us to realize That God loves us more than we can possibly ever love our selves and that God has always been a thousand times closer to us than our own breathe. God bless you always.

Len and Lori West
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Mark and Phyl
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

We love you, Sarah.

Cirillo Family
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 200.00 USD
6 months ago

Praying for your health & speedy recovery

John and Julie Dooley
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

God Bless our California Sarah !

$ 200.00 USD
6 months ago

Robert and Joanne Brown
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Mike Carol
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Debra Nolley
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago


Update #6

February 13th, 2025

Sarah is still in recovery, with doctors monitoring her progress.  She is doing well, and slowly gaining weight. She has to eat certain foods prescribed by a nutritionist, and must also take a special vitamin regime.  Her insurance does not cover these items, so she must pay for these mandated items out of pocket. The cost amounts to several hundred dollars per month. 

As Sarah is a single mom with two beautiful teenage daughters, and her income as a hairdresser is limited, any donations you can send her way will help pay for the mandated nutrition and vitamins. Thank you and may God bless you for giving. 

Update #5

November 26th, 2024

Here is an update from Sarah:

"Due to financial constraints, I am no longer able to afford the wellness recovery program offered by my current medical team. To ensure my continued recovery, I require a range of vitamins, ongoing care from a dedicated team, and several follow-up tests, particularly given that my last series of tests took place in July.

My medical team is recommending a comprehensive six-month recovery care plan, complete with a full battery of tests designed to assess my progress since completing four years of cancer treatment. Unfortunately, my current insurance policy does not provide coverage for my recovery team or associated recovery care services. Instead, I am only eligible for coverage for routine wellness checks, while all cancer recovery-related tests and services, including necessary vitamins and recovery items, are excluded from coverage!

For these essential elements of my recovery program I have to pay for out of pocket, and it is very difficult for me to do, given I'm a single mom with two teenage daughters. Any donations to help are greatly appreciated! May God bless you. 

Update #4 - Thank you for helping me cover cancer recovery program costs!

October 28th, 2024

Update from Sarah: With God's help and your support, I am slowly recovering my body from the 3 1/2 years of cancer I had to go through. I am now on a vitamin regiment, with a nutritionist and trainer helping me to build my body back stronger. I work out every day, take the vitamins, and am on a strict diet . This month the costs of recovery not covered by insurance was $800, and last month is was $1200 to get started on the recovery program. I’m assuming this program will continue to cost $1200 each month until my body has been recovered, the toxins driven out, and I’m back to my old self .

I will need to be on this program probably at least another 6 months to repair a lot of the damage from the brain cancer I've had for the past 3 1/2 years.  Still very weak but feeling stronger each day as I build back with the help from City of Hope . Thanks to everyone that has donated so far - it has really helped getting through this road to recovery, so I can be around for my girls, and whatever the Lord has for me going forward. 

Update #3

August 28th, 2024

From Sarah, Aug 28th 2024:  Thank you all for being so generous in helping me pay for the initial testing. I have now completed the initial testing, which shows I have 10 heavy toxins in me.  My doctor informed me this is normal, as chemo treatment really takes a toll on body in many ways and forms . My neuropathy seems to be improved due to my nutritionist and trainer lady, who is trying to build my body back to healthy.

I have gone from a blood type diet they put me on right after, to a anti inflammatory diet, as my body has 70% inflammation - which is obviously high. The doctor wants to get it at least below 40%.. The program currently is running between $800-1200 dollars a month depending on how many tests are needed along with special dietary and vitamins needs being filled . I've been put on a list of foods to eat and avoid as well as drinks and house hold items to stay away from . My skeletal mass, bone mass, and heart index are not good - they say I need to get them from blue to green and of course dark green is optimal. I’m in red , orange and blue for many of the tests and I need to be in light green and dark green. So I have been working on that with my care team .

Thank you everyone who has supported me already. The tests and recovery vitamins and nutrition are not covered by my medical insurance, and since I am a single mom trying to make ends meet already, your gifts have really made a huge help. I don't know how else I could pay for these high costs.

The care team is hoping in next 3 months I will be over a lot of the challenges related to repairing my body, and then I will just continue getting better and better . I’m feeling so much better already and so thankful to be alive. Once again, thank you for your gifts, and thanks be to God my Father, who is making my full recovery possible. 

Update #2

August 5th, 2024

Thank you to all who have been so generous in helping my daughter Sarah get her baseline exam for the recovery program.  She just go that exam yesterday, at a cost of about $1,000.  As you know, her insurance would not cover this, since its not considered part of the cancer treatment (its the recovery program which the doctors mandate, but which her insurance wont cover!)  Because of your gifts, she was able to get the exam done and pay for it. Now she is waiting for the special vitamin supplements and nutrition to help build her body back up to where it should be.  We thank God our Father for hearing and answering our prayers, banishing the cancer from her body. It was truly a miracle!  And now we thank you donors for helping her with her recovery regime. May the Lord richly bless you!

Update #1 Since staring a week ago, $770 in gifts has already been given!

July 28th, 2024

We have raised $770 so far toward our goal of $2,000! Thank you so much to all who have given to this fund raiser to help Sarah get her initial baseline exam as part of her brain cancer recovery program.  As you saw in my initial post, Sarah has been certified as cancer free since her initial visit to the City of Hope.  But now she needs to go on a vitamin regimen and nutrition program to help build her body back to a healthy condition.  Unfortunately this is not covered by her health insurance, which is why we are asking friends and family to kick in a gift to help get this going in August 2024.  We really don't want to wait any longer to get her fully healthy again.  Please kick in $5, $10 or $20 to help her get started. May God richly bless you for caring.  Love, her dad. 

Prayer Requests

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