USD $52,000
USD $3,841
Campaign funds will be received by erin morar
Hello everyone! My name is Rosalyn Schmuck.
I’ve started this fundraiser to help me go to an amazing Bible college called Charis Bible College in Colorado, US! You can watch my video up there for a little of the story behind how God led me to go to Charis - it’s fun!
I also want to give you a quick insight into what you will be sowing into by giving into this fundraiser, and WHY I’m going to Charis.
So firstly, God has given me a gift for Bible teaching. The Lord called me to ministry when I was around seven years old, and in recent years He has so much increased my vision and shown me that I will get opportunities to speak in front of hundreds of people. This is something that, at one time, I could not even have imagined myself doing!
The Lord has also shown me that I will be part of a ministry that walks in signs and wonders and miracles in a way that draws people to Jesus. I have a vision of crowds and of people pulling the roofs down to lower in the sick.
The funny thing is, I am the least likely person in my family to do what God’s called me to do. There are tons of people who are more naturally equipped! But I know one thing, and that is that God doesn’t gauge our usefulness by our natural abilities. He sees what we can do THROUGH Christ - us in combination with Jesus.
He doesn’t send us out to serve all alone, because He said ‘Take my yoke upon thee’. A yoke means ‘two’ - a couple. It means us pulling the plow, working in partnership with Jesus, which to me means a strong RELATIONSHIP with Jesus. So THIS is why I’m going to Charis. It’s to grow in my relationship with God, because I am completely unable to do or continue anything that God has called me to do without a strong relationship with Jesus. This is really what God told me, personally about why I’m going. Going to Charis, for me, will be a divine encounter with God.
One last fun thing that I want to throw in! God’s given me a unique singing ability. And this was a gifting that the enemy had stolen for years. BUT, I’ve got it back! And I can’t say that I’m 100% certain, but I do believe that my third year at Charis will be WORSHIP SCHOOL!! We’re going to get this talent trained up to glorify Jesus! And God’s got so many fun things coming up for that!!
Thank you for reading this far and God bless!!
I was given $1000 for Christmas, and I don't need it.
"Thank you!!! God bless you abundantly!! 💝 (2Cor. 9:10)" By Rosalyn Schmuck
Keep believing, Rosalyn ❤️
"Thank you!!! I'm going for it!! I really appreciate you! " By Rosalyn Schmuck
Keep believing!
"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 💝" By Rosalyn Schmuck
We're still with you, Rosalyn, the tender place within my heart towards the desires of your heart remains steadfast.
"Thank you so much Susan! I so appreciate you!! God bless you abundantly!! 💝" By Rosalyn Schmuck
All things are possible to him who believes! Keep believing!
"Thank you!! I'm believing God will bless you back for every seed you sow into me so you can Abound to every good work that's on your heart to do!! " By Rosalyn Schmuck
As a fellow labourer in the gospel of Christ, today's gift is to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith, Rosalyn 1 Thessalonians 3:2
"Thank you so much Susan!!! 💝 Blessings to you!! " By Rosalyn Schmuck
“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish this! He will do infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream and exceed your wildest imagination!” (Eph 3:20)
"THANK YOU!!!! 💝" By Rosalyn Schmuck
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19, NLT).
"Thank you so much Susan!! ❤️" By Rosalyn Schmuck
Keep on going! You'll get there!
"Thank you so much!! I will! ☺️🙌🙌" By Rosalyn Schmuck
The Lord delights in you, beautiful Rosalyn ❤️
"Thank you so much Susan!! 💝💝💝" By Rosalyn Schmuck
Here's another $150 towards getting you to Charis. Andrew is a really great source of Christian wisdom, and spiritual knowledge, so I know you'll excel when you get there!
"He is!! I totally agree!!! 👏👏 Thank you so much!!!" By Rosalyn Schmuck
Have not forgotten you, Rosalyn. God keeps you on my heart. Stay encouraged ❤️
"Thank you SO much Susan!! ❤️ I will!!! God bless you abundantly!! 💝" By Rosalyn Schmuck
God Bless friend! :]
"Thank you!! 🤗" By Rosalyn Schmuck
Beautiful Rosalyn, merry Christmas. Bless you!
"Thank you!!! 💝" By Rosalyn Schmuck
A fresh start, a new beginning for you! ❤️
"Thank you so much!! Blessings to you! " By Rosalyn Schmuck
October 8th, 2024
March 11th, 2024
Hello everyone! Have you watched my video up there? If so, I have a few things I want to add to that real quick!
One is that I’m already about 98% sure that my third year at Charis will be worship school!! 🎶 That means I’m going to learn how to sing and lead worship! Music has always been a HUGE part of me and I’m so thankful for this opportunity to draw out and train up that gifting. 💓
The second thing is, my fundraiser is to help me get to Charis. Let me explain what I mean by that:
Because I will be a foreign student in the US, in order to get my student’s visa, I have to be able to show that I have the entire living cost of my first year’s stay in the US, and my tuition. (I mentioned that in my video but I’m not sure how well I explained it! Sorry, I’m still a bit camera shy!)
There’s two reasons why I’m fundraising for that: the first and biggest reason is this is specifically what God told me to do. The second is there is absolutely no way for me, personally, to raise that amount of money!
But, when I am studying at Charis I will be working within the college itself and will be supporting myself as much as I can.
So that’s about it! Thanks for reading this update and have a blessed day! 💝
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