C Rockey J6 Legal Expenses


 USD $50,000


 USD $10,200

Campaign created by Christopher Rockey

Campaign funds will be received by Christopher Rockey

C Rockey J6 Legal Expenses

 I am humbly asking my family and friends, my military brothers and sisters and anyone that may feel sympathetic to the situation, for your help to meet the costs of legal representation in my current situation related to charges resulting from the events of J-6. I will post updates as the situation develops. I have an attorney representing me here at home in S.C. in the ongoing federal investigation and then in Washington D.C. if/when my case is addressed there.

I have already used all the money I have, and borrowed as well. My VA disability will not cover any of these costs, and the expenses are adding up, as the costs have already surpassed $30,000.

I am a combat veteran and former Marine. I served my country in Korea, Okinawa, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq. I am originally from Buffalo, N.Y. I grew up in a small farming community working on local dairy farms. Shortly after graduating high school, I enlisted in the Marine Corps. Following my service, I worked in the WNY area in heavy highway and construction. Eight years ago I moved to Charleston, S.C. for for a variety of reasons, one being my health. Since moving to Charleston, I retrained in the art of fine woodworking and furniture-making to make my living, but the costs of a defense in our current legal system are well beyond my means. Since January, 2021, my life has been turned upside down, inside out and all is very uncertain and stressful at this time.

Please consider contributing, no matter how small the amount, every donation will be very much appreciated. I am extremely uncomfortable to be asking for your help, but I have simply run out of options. If you can't give at this time, I completely understand. I just ask if you would take a moment to consider simply forwarding this on to someone who may be sympathetic to the situation.

Thank you to all of you!

C. Rockey 🇺🇲

Semper Fi


"Without prejudice, All rights reserved. I do not give permission for ANY use of ANY of the content, imagery or comments here on this page (https://givesendgo.com/rockey) to be used by anyone for any purpose without my express consent.

Christopher Rockey"

Recent Donations
Doug Daggett
$ 100.00 USD
20 days ago

Chris, you’re a great American. Thank you for your service to our Republic!

Aunt Ann
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Chris I am praying for you.....that the Lord would show you favor with this judge in Jesus name.....

Heather Li
$ 30.00 USD
7 months ago

Thanks and best wishes!

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Pulling for you. Thanks for having the courage to act on what you believe.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Pat Dijoe
$ 1200.00 USD
1 year ago

Mary Plewinski
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Thank you Chris

Kevin Jenney
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Ann Eschman
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

George Maroska
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Doc D
$ 300.00 USD
1 year ago

For my Brother, YOU STOOD in the line of fire to protect MY LIFE as A SHEEPDOG WARRIOR and MARINE. WE HAVE YOUR SIX. “Greater Love Hath No Man, than He that lay down his Life for His fellow man….” JOHN 15:13 Much Love and Respect… Semper Fi. ~Doc Deal

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Gail Swierkowski
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Ann Eschman
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Terrill Leff
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Chris, I sincerely hope that , for once, justice will prevail and that the charges against you will be dropped!

Michael Garfield
$ 2000.00 USD
1 year ago

Rachel Vitali
$ 300.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #4

January 8th, 2025

I have received a report date. The Bureau of Prisons has contacted me and informed me that I am to report to FCI Coleman in Sumterville, Florida on January 23rd to begin my 18 month sentence. The judge recommended that I serve my time at FCI Williamsburg which is 45 minutes from where I currently live. Conditions at Williamsburg are good. Instead, they are sending me to FCI Coleman, where it is reported to be overcrowded, with poor medical, poor food and a disgruntled staff. Once again, I can't help to think that this is purposeful to make things as difficult as possible on J6'ers. My legal bills paid, currently stand at $43,800. I must pay my attorney an additional $1500 prior to my report date, for him to work on my pardon package. If President Trump doesn't pardon me by March 1st, and my attorney has to continue working toward a pardon, I will have to pay him an additional $8,500. Any donations are greatly appreciated. Please share this with everyone you know to try to help me alleviate this tremendous financial burden. Thank you all!

Update #3

January 7th, 2025

In November, I appeared in Federal Court in front of Judge Rudolph Contreras. The DOJ was asking for a sentence of 24 to 36 months. I was sentenced to 18 months, to be served at FCI Williamsburg in South Carolina. After serving my sentence, I will be on probation for 3 years.


October 3rd, 2024

In June, I appeared before the Honorable Judge Rudolph Contreras. I had two choices before appearing. I could go to a trial by a jury in front of a jury of my peers in DC, and risk a prison sentence of 8 years if found guilty by said jury. Or, accept the plea deal offered by the prosecuting attorney of 2 to 3 years. I accepted the plea offer, and was found guilty of 1 count of AFO on June 12th, 2024. I was then assigned a sentencing date on November 12th, 2024. On that day I will stand before Judge Contreras and my fate will be in his hands. I'm hoping for house arrest/In home confinement as a sentence, but that's just hope. I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worst. Thank you to everyone that helped me with donations. My legal fees currently stand at $38,500 and rising. I'm thankful for each and every one of you that helped me in my time of need. I won't forget those of you that stepped up when I needed help.

Arrested earlier this week on 12/13/2023

December 16th, 2023

Hello, friends. After two years of asking to be interviewed (my lawyer attempted to arrange this multiple times), and even keeping the authorities informed as to my whereabouts and movements, my home was raided on Weds morning in the early hours. There were many, many agents surrounding my home, with weapons drawn, a tactical vehicle in my front yard, and a battering ram four feet from my door. My gate was destroyed, even after cutting the lock. It was a truly terrifying experience for me and my family.  It was even unnecessary since it had already been decided to release me on a surety bond, because I am not a threat to flight or the community. However, the news has been exaggerating my actions, and I will now face my arraignment later this week (December '23), right before Christmas. I am asking for your renewed support in this fundraising, as I now must pay for further representation (for the D.C. legal system) very quickly. All help is greatly appreciated, and please consider sharing this page as much as you are able.

Prayer Requests

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