USD $5,000
USD $3,125
Campaign funds will be received by Megan Tapey
My friend Megan and her family are currently struggling to support themselves due to the progression of her Scleroderma, and the medical costs associated with her care. They have five children they support, and live in Alaska, one of the most expensive states to live in. They are a wonderful Christian family, and they just need a little help to get by right now, as the disease process has essentially immobilized her, and she is in great pain. She was working until she was physically unable, but she now has become so disabled she can no longer work, which has put great strain on her family, especially her husband, who is now the sole bread winner. Winter is approaching for them, and they are struggling to heat their home, and meet their bills, while also getting Megan the medical care she needs. Any donations are welcome and appreciated, and will go to heating their home, feeding their children, and helping support their family as they are ravaged by costly medical procedures and prescription costs
Scleroderma is a medical condition that causes hardening and thickening of the tissue of internal organs, and the skin. It is extremely painful and disabling. It is also a very deadly disease, and expensive to treat as well. Please help if you can, as the Rexen family is a wonderful family, and this is such a hard road to travel without help and support from a community
Reading this hurts my heart. God is good, and your faith is strong. I will be praying for healing and peace. In Jesus name.
Much love guys, things will get better
I love yall. I'm sending once a month, so keep this thing open. Never hesitate to call/text. Xo
Sorry that I can't help more right now.
I pray for the Lords healing hand upon you and for peace and supernatural faith in Him and His provision. In Jesus' name
I pray that our Lord puts His healing hand upon you.
God bless your family
Prayers for you and your family.
Sorry to hear. Hope things get better for you and your family.
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