USD $100,000
USD $87,595
Campaign funds will be received by Nancy Rankin
Rev. John C. Rankin Legacy Fund for surviving Spouse: $100,000 Goal
(Updated October 2024)
Greetings. We are still trying to reach the goal that we set out to support Nancy, John Rankin's widow. We are close, but if we could close that gap in this last quarter of the year, this would be an incredible blessing for Nancy. My mom is working almost between two jobs to try and make ends meet, but it is a struggle. This would give space relieve a great burden!
Thank you in Jesus' Name!
(Updated Nov. 2022)
Thank you for all who have given so generously and have been an amazing blessing in taking care of John's wife, Nancy. She has been blessed tremendously by the prayers and support. As you feel led to give, she would be blessed to reach the goal.
Original Text:
John C. Rankin went home to be with the Lord on Christmas Day, 2020.
John was a larger-than-life person. With a beautiful heart and a brilliant mind, an insatiable childlike curiosity for knowledge and wisdom and a vibrant love for neighbor and family – John leaves a vacuum that will not be filled this side of Eternity.
As those who knew John know, John dedicated his life to equipping the church in knowing the God of the Bible and in showing the goodness of God to a hurting world. With the mission field of politics a primary target, John was uniquely gifted to interact with the most ardent critics of a biblical worldview. For decades, John addressed the most controversial political debates. He thrived on being asked the toughest questions – in fact, a motto of the ministry for many years was “The Love of Hard Questions.” In pursuing the Golden Rule: “Treat others as you wish to be treated,” his aim was always to honor the humanity of others and love them as image bearers of God – not simply to win a debate.
Rev. John C. Rankin Legacy Fund: $100,000 Goal
This fundraiser was initiated by John’s sons to honor the life and work of their father and to bless and take care of Nancy, his wife of more than 43 years. Stuart and his family have come back from Germany to join Chad in managing this process.
During John’s life, the ministry was funded primarily by thousands of people over the years who believed in him. What an amazing testimony! We would love to see that same spirit of generosity take care of mom and push John’s legacy into the future.
Why this number? There are three 3 main aspects.
Final Expenses
Being self-funded over the years and the unexpected nature of his passing, unfortunately no financial security was set up to prepare for this situation. That leaves final expenses to be dealt with, including some debts and a mortgage on a house that needs repair prior to sale. Mom will then be looking for a new place to live.
Health and Well-being of Mom
The last years have taken a toll on mom’s health and even more so as she cared for Jeremy before he passed. We want her to be well-cared-for health wise; body, soul, and mind, with an ease of having no unnecessary burdens and the freedom to enjoy her later years with her grandchildren and to be open for however the Lord would use her gifts and desires.
Discovery Phase for the Preservation of John’s work
John was larger than life, his vision even larger. This will be a discovery process as the family seeks the Lord on how John’s heart and vision should go forward. Already in prayer, there was a strong sense of the centrality of biblical education for the church to be equipped to be God’s people in the world. An initial concrete consideration is the pursual of getting one of John's books published.
Sending love
Continued prayer and love to your entire family
Hope you know how much you are loved
God bless you all!! Love you! Fred Jenkins
God bless all the Rankin’s Love Fred
I so miss you and John, wish it could be more.
God Bless the Rankin family! Won’t forget how loving they were to us as children. Janice’s daughter.
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