EUR €3,500
EUR €2,807
May 2025.
The first Remigration Summit is here.
Finally the word that shaped the political arena around immigration in 2024 will be explained along with the concept it brings with it.
Your support is needed: lets spread this everywhere, donate to help us cover the costs of this event and to springboard Remigration even further beyond!
Bisogna lavorare finché non torniamo ad essere i padroni di casa nostra. Siamo invasi da delinquenti di prima e seconda generazione.
Congratulazioni per avere il coraggio di organizzare un convegno con contenuti cosi' anticonformisti
Remigration! Save the White race and all Western countries.
The Remigration Conference must be a big step of the journey to reclaim Europe. Wishing the conference every success.
Let's go go go!
We need more awareness and show eachother that we got eachothers back. Now it's just the minority who screams the loudest. But it's time to scream back
Adelante europeos! Sin miedo a nadie, ni a nadie. Por la fe y las patrias
I would like to register for the 2025 summit
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