USD $5,000
USD $1,660
Campaign funds will be received by Adam Weiker
Adam is a proud Navy veteran who served as a Sonar Technician (E-4) for four years, dedicating himself to protecting his country and his team. Today, he’s fighting a different kind of battle—a financial crisis that threatens to take everything from him.
The last four months have been devastating for Adam. He lost his job due to political circumstances beyond his control, not because of his performance. To make matters worse, his unemployment benefits—$3,000 he desperately needs—have been frozen with no answers in sight.
Rent for December is looming, and without immediate help, Adam faces the possibility of losing his home.
Despite the challenges, Adam continues to fight. He has an upcoming job interview, but even if he gets the job, his first paycheck won’t come in time to cover rent or essential expenses.
Adam is asking for your help to get through this critical moment. Here’s how your support can make a difference:
$750 will cover December’s rent and immediate expenses, keeping a roof over his head. $3,250 will allow Adam to recover fully and stabilize his finances as he works to rebuild.
If you’re an employer in Central Florida, please contact us directly to help Adam find stable work. We have his DD214 and resume ready and can connect you with him immediately.
Adam answered the call to serve his country. Now, it’s our turn to serve him. Every dollar helps, whether it’s $5, $10, or more. Together, we can help Adam navigate this storm and rebuild his life.
Thank you for standing with Adam. Donate now and make a difference in a veteran’s life today.
All the very best Adam!
Sending prayer and blessings from my house to yours, God bless you!
This is for some healthy food Adam! Meat, eggs, dairy 🥩🥚🧀
The lord sees everything. God bless you.
May God bless you in Christ eternally!
Happy to help, God bless.
January 24th, 2025
By some miracle, the appeal hearing on the unemployment denial resulted in a reversal. I've received the unemployment payout. This is a huge blessing. The part time job is going well, but it's not full time. The 2nd job decided that they couldn't afford to hire anyone new. And now there's the operation that is needed for my sudden and unexpected medical situation. It will result in 6 weeks of recovery time. I won't be able to do anything physical during that time, especially during the 1st 3 weeks. This is problematic. My current employer needs me fully trained up and ready for the first week of March. After then, maybe I can get the surgery scheduled. And I absolutely need this operation, in order to get back to full physical capability. When one obstacle gets obliterated, another rises. I need God's Hand on this. Prayers are requested and always welcome.
One thing that's become apparent, a pet squirrel gets more support and moral outrage than the men in this country. While I'm grateful to those that donated in support of my situation, the number of people that stepped up is far smaller than those that are outraged over government tyranny regarding a squirrel. Do men's lives really hold so little value to society? It's no wonder we've found ourselves in the mess that we're in.
December 29th, 2024
Hey there. After more than 5 months, I finally managed to land 2 part time jobs, with 2 different restaurants. It's not what I was hoping for, and it's not enough for the long term, but I'm praying that it bridges the gap to something more stable and secure. The H1B discussion has exploded on social media. Inexplicably, it's been extremely difficult finding employment that's equal to my skills and experience, especially since the start of the covid hysteria. It would seem that the H1B situation is actually, at the very least, partially to blame for this difficulty. The vocational training has yet to bear immediate fruit. Due to the Christmas season, there hasn't been any action on that front. So far, nobody is actively hiring for electrical helpers. I'm hopeful that there's an opportunity that will open up in January, but it's still a work in progress. I think I can pay January expenses with these part time jobs, but after that, it's very uncertain. Any additional help is appreciated, even if all you can do is share the campaign. Thank you and God bless.
December 23rd, 2024
Merry Christmas to everyone that's helped in some way. God bless and keep you. May His Peace and Grace fall upon you and your life.
I completed the vocational training in record time. Actively working on getting back to work. There are a couple of possible opportunities, but they don't open up until later in January. Looking for anything I can do to get back to work immediately, until one of them finally bears fruit. I can pay January rent and at least some of January expenses, thanks to your generosity, but I don't have enough to get through the entire month. I now have about $3,000 in credit card debt. These cards were for emergencies and I was forced to use them to cover expenses, including gas for the car. I'm almost out of credit. When I secure employment, it'll be touch and go, being able to afford gas to get to work, until the income starts rolling in. God will provide a way. He always does. He's the only reason that I've made it this far. If He lays it upon your heart, to help me cross the finish line, then I'll be deeply grateful and pray for His neverending blessings upon you. Thank you, and Merry Christmas.
December 4th, 2024
December 2nd, 2024
I just want to say thank you to those that have given something to help me get through this situation. I am deeply grateful for your compassion and generosity. December rent is successfully paid and I should be able to survive through the month. The job training situation is moving forward and I'm very hopeful to be back on my feet by sometime in January. Thank you and God bless you for your prayers, compassion, and generosity.
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