USD $20,000
USD $16,605
Campaign funds will be received by Randall Hurst
As many of you know a year after his reconstruction surgery Randy’s cancer numbers have been creeping up. A CT scan was scheduled and after waiting 2 months for it to be done (August 4th) we got the news we hadn’t hoped for.
There is a mass
beside his kidney along with a small hernia. It’s cancer we can assume because
of his numbers.
In talking with his doctor we have decided to meet with a surgeon which will be on August 23rd to most likely remove the tumor and repair the hernia. In the meantime we will be doing another form of natural cancer treatment along with the Vitamin C he is still receiving. It is very costly (couple hundred weekly and all out of pocket). On top of that new insurance kicks in on Sept 1st with a high deductible.
We also plan to do a pizza fundraiser towards the end of September but we plan to start treatments next week(August 22nd).
We cannot express how much you all mean to us, walking along side of us in prayers or monetary in this season we are in.
Praying for you and your family, Kathy & Will Horst
0raying for healing and blessings.
May God bless with His healing Presence!
Praying for you all!!
Praying for you
You guys are loved and covered in prayer.
Praying for daily grace and strength for you all...God is faithful and good...
December 31st, 2024
Dear family and friends,
2024 refection and more
First a huge THANK YOU for your continued prayer and financial support this past year! As i sit and reflect on God's goodness and provisions it brings me to tears and we are so blown away by His faithfulness.
It has not been an easy year and the journey continues. With 2 weeks of radiation, and almost 8 months of chemo it has taken a toll on his intestines. He has formed some serious allergies to most meats so we are in the process of working on healing it. It has been a bit frustrating as it causes him to throw up and simply not feel well.
We decided to discontinue the chemo about 7 weeks ago as the CT scan did not reveal any tumor. It was either gone or too small to show up on the scan. Furthur blood work reveal no evidence of cancer cells present and that the chemo along with all the natural treatments were effective.
We have decided to continue the salicinium treatments for a few months yet and will get another CT scan the beginning of March to revaluate to see how the tumor or lack of is doing.
For the good news...Each week he continues to gain more strength and energy. Outside of his occasional intestinal issues he feels better than he has in a very long time. We have added a few more natural things and it seems to be helping alot.
Prayer Request:
That we can find the right protocol to heal whatever is going on in his intestines so he can eat a juicy hamburger again. (that would be one of his new years wish)
That his overall health would continue to improve
That we continue to be tumor free and for wisdom to know how to proceed with natural treatments and cancer treatments.
*Renewed Hope
*New Opportunities
*New Adventures
*New ways to give and to love
May you have the BEST year ever!!!!
Blessings from all the Hurst's
August 3rd, 2024
Whether the sun will shine
Whether the skies will rain
I know that you are good
And this is the day you made
Whether in life or death
Whether in joy or pain
I know this truth remains
That this is the day you made
Now I can walk in faith
Your will protect my way
Your every work is good
And this is the day You made
I am a child of Yours
You are the One who saves
I am redeemed by love
And this is the day You made!
This song has been on my heart and mind so much this past few months and it is a challenge to keep my eyes focused on Jesus and know he will protect us and carry us know matter what we are going thru.
First we want to again say a huge thank you for your consistent prayers and financial support as we have traveled this journey which has felt like so long. Since Dec it has been the hardest part of the journey emotionally and physically.
We have completed for now the chemo, radiation and the 15 IV natural treatments for now. He continues to orally take the by mouth version of the IV treatments and the duration is unknown. His recent CT results were very confusing to our doctors. The tumor or whatever it is has grown some and has some changes that are baffling to our docs. However, with the natural treatment that is what they were hoping for which means it is working. So some conversations will be happening between the docs and the National Tumor board to discuss things. The next steps are up in the air at this point and we will be meeting with our natural doc this coming Monday and hope to have some direction from that. This week has been a bit better that the last few have been which is so nice for a change.
As someone who loves to fix things and find ways to fix things I have had to say God what are you trying to teach me in this process. A dear friend shared what she felt God was showing her as I was explaining where we are at and she said i can share with you.
"Sometimes God uses hard things to make breakthroughs both for us and for others. By combining natural treatment with traditional medicine, it is building bridged and closing gaps; allowing the medical teams to learn from one another. When we surrender our situation and circumstances to God, He can use it ALL for His glory and honor even when it doesn't feel good!"
My prayer thru this journey is just what she shared as well as God using our story to help others with understanding that medical is not always the only way and lead them to those who can help naturally.
That God would breathe healing into Randy's body. For more energy, strength, and that his spirits would remain positive when it seems like the journey is never ending.
Pray that God would go before the conversations between the medical and natural doctor and that He would lead them in the right direction and work together.
Pray that his blood pressure issues would resolve and that his diabetes will become more stable which has been so up and down with the chemo and all that is going on.
We are also looking to make a purchase of another vehicle for my driving business. Pray that God would bring just the right one our way for a reasonable price. If you know of a low mileage, dependable, 7 passenger van or suburban please directly message me. We know God cares even about these kinds of details.
Thanks again for caring and loving us thru this journey,
Sandy for the family
July 14th, 2024
July 14 update from Brittany
Dad(Randy) has finished his 15 IV infusions of the new natural treatment. Lots of time spent up at his doctor up in Harrisburg as he went 4 times a week! He will continue to take the treatment but by mouth for at least a year! Other than being very tired he seems to be handling it well!
He will get a CT scan this week to determine what the tumor is doing. Pray and believe with us that it has shrank/is gone completely! He is scheduled for 2 more rounds of Chemo yet-one this week.
Update from the auction- We still sit in awe of what happened that day! The love and support we felt by both the Amish who helped put it together and everyone who came, we have no words other than THANK YOU! A total of $45,000+ was raised and it has helped relieve the financial load quite a bit.
We ask for your continued prayers as they navigate the next few weeks and that his strength and energy would return to normal!
Thank you as always!!
June 3rd, 2024
Dear friends and family,
Radiation is complete and now we wait to see if it did it's job!
Thanks so much for all the prayers that have ascended on our behalf since the last update.
Since his overnight 2 weeks ago he has had 1 bought with a fever and some major fatigue from radiation but all in all his holding his own.
The plan for the next 2 months are kinda up in the air but looking like 3 more rounds of chemo and then to be followed with a CT scan to see the results. Praying for a complete healing and that they will be completely shock it is not there anymore.
We hope to start the more aggressive natural treatment sometime in the near future so pray that it all comes together in the right timing.
Just a reminder from our dear friends who are putting together the benefit auction for our medical and natural treatment expenses that the auction and food with be on June 5th. Click on the link below for more information
Thanks again for standing in the gap for us
Sandy and family
June 1st, 2024
Dear friends and family,
Radiation is complete and now we wait to see if it did it's job!
Thanks so much for all the prayers that have ascended on our behalf since the last update.
Since his overnight 2 weeks ago he has had 1 bought with a fever and some major fatigue from radiation but all in all his holding his own.
The plan for the next 2 months are kinda up in the air but looking like 3 more rounds of chemo and then to be followed with a CT scan to see the results. Praying for a complete healing and that they will be completely shock it is not there anymore.
We hope to start the more aggressive natural treatment sometime in the near future so pray that it all comes together in the right timing.
Just a reminder from our dear friends who are putting together the benefit auction for our medical and natural treatment expenses that the auction and food with be on June 5th. Click on the link below for more information
Thanks again for standing in the gap for us
Sandy and family
May 14th, 2024
5/13 update from Brittany
Tuesday the 14th Randy starts Radiation for the next 2 weeks. Pray for peace on this new avenue!
Prayers that radiation will shrink the tumor and he can get back to eating normal foods!
His dizzy spells/low blood pressure have returned so pray it will correct itself and no longer gives him issues!
We want to share again about the Benefit Auction! We will be adding more info on the event later this week about the items we have received so far! We are looking forward to it!
Thank you!
May 5th, 2024
“In the waiting, in the searching
In the healing and the hurting
Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
Every minute, every moment
Where I've been and where I'm going
Even when I didn't know it or couldn't see it
There was Jesus”
As I was thinking of what I would share with this update this song came on and it is often how I have felt thru this journey. We can see Jesus even in those times of waiting, searching, hurting and in the healing.
We have seen Jesus show up in so many small ways the last 2 months. Those who have sent words of encouragement, your prayers (we feel them), your monetary support and so many ways.
You are all the hands and feet of Jesus and if we cannot Thank you in person Know we see you and feel your support in so many ways and we extend or heartfelt Thank you to each one of you!
The last few weeks have been filled with lots of tests, doctors appts, treatments and so so many decisions.
First we want to say Thank you for your prayers for his iron and red blood cells. His labs this week are so encouraging, and we ask you to keep praying that they come into complete normal range.
He has had the best 2 weeks since December and we do not take it lightly.
He is set to have a CT scan tomorrow to get tattooed for radiation in 2 weeks. Not sure exactly how we feel about this step. They say it is because he is bleeding somewhere however his iron levels do not indicate that he is. SO PRAY that when they do the scan tomorrow the tumor has shrunk to where he does not need the radiation.
The new natural treatment has been put on the back burner for now until we get done with radiation and till the funds come in. We hope to start it sometime mid June.
I am so grateful that I am able to give him fluids a couple times a week as that has helped in so many ways in his recovery and staying hydrated which has been a problem. (Maybe I need to go for my license to be able to offer this to others as I love doing it) 😊
We are asked to share about a fundraiser that our local Amish community that we drive for are holding for us. We ask that you reach out to Brittany Kurtz @717-271-2859, Kortney Cook @717-271-8998 and Sarah Martin @717-330-9073 with any questions.And check out the link below for details as they become available.
We are so incredibly humble and honored to be blessed this way!
Praying that God will bless each one of you and you have an amazing week!
April 19th, 2024
4/18 update from Brittany
Last evening dad was admitted for 2 more units of blood and more fluids. It seems that his body isn't producing red blood cells fast enough and they need to figure out why. He's home again and feeling okay at the moment. They also started him on antibiotics for the start of bronchitis.
His natural doc is going to talk to his oncologist to see what tests they can do to figure out what might be causing the low iron!
*Pray they can get to the bottom of it before he gets his next dose of chemo(which should be Monday)
*Pray he continues to feel good and his iron levels keep riding!
*Big praise that mom's van only needed a bit of fluid and not a new transmission!
We can't thank you enough for the support! It means the world to all of us!
April 10th, 2024
This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it!!!
Randy started chemo yesterday and seems to be tolerating it well so far. He will get IV fluids 2x a week and has received an iron infusion yesterday and will receive one again next week. He will continue his bi-weekly Vitamin C infusions.
I will be trained to give him IV fluids at home so when he is not getting his fluids in clinic i will give them at home.
He is being started on a medication to help with his blood pressure.
Prayer requests:
1. That is blood pressure would stabilize so he is not at risk for falling.
2. That is side effects from chemo are minimal
3. That he can stay hydrated
4. That he can sleep well
Thanks once again for your continued support financially and monetarily.
April 7th, 2024
"God didn't promise: Days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, but HE did promise: STRENGTH for the day, Comfort for the tears & Light for the way"
First we want to say a huge thanks for your prayers as we feel them and for those who have given financially. It was used to pay for his infusion this week.
A few amazing answers to prayer: We have been praying for an opportunity for our natural doctor to work with an integrative oncologist so he could have more freedom in offering more intense natural cancer treatments. He informed us this week that the cancer center where we are going reached out to him to start a working relationship. He will be very involved in our medical treatment now as well as they will know how he is being treated naturally. A huge answer to prayer! (so much more to this but it would take a book to write) :)
Secondly he is now able to offer 2 new forms of natural treatment that I am so excited about!!!!! However with that comes a huge price tag. Pray with us that the finances come in to help cover the over $10000.00 needed for the treatment if that is the route we are to go.
We plan to start 50% strength chemo this week as long as numbers are okay. The cancer center has been a breath of fresh air and I know we have made the correct decision on where we were to go.
Randy's lab numbers slowly are improving however some areas of urgent prayer are
1. That his blood pressure stabilizes (it bottoms out which makes him almost pass out). It is scary to let him on his own as he is not safe when it drops so suddenly.
2. That is red blood cell count comes into normal range before starting chemo this Tuesday
3. Complete healing of his digestive track so he can go back to eating normal foods again
4. That God will continue to provide financially as the medical bills are crushing and for the finances for the natural treatment.
5. For Me (Sandy) I came down with a painful dose of shingles this week so pray that I do not pass it onto my hubby.
Thanks again for walking along side our family during this difficult season
April 1st, 2024
April 1st 2024
During the night Randy started throwing up, so they went to see the oncologist this morning. This morning they gave him fluids, Iron and nausea medicine at the outpatient oncology center, then was able to come home a bit ago. The throwing up was caused by the tumor pushing on his small bowel making it difficult for food to pass through, so he will need to be on an all liquid diet for now. They are planning to start half strength chemo next week to shrink the tumor. The good news is his hemoglobin had continued to rise, and other bloodwork numbers are stable.
We appreciate your continued prayers and ask you to pray that Randy tolerates the Chemo well and is able to work part time, and that Jesus would just carry them through these difficult days.
~Sarah on behalf of the Hursts
March 30th, 2024
March 29 2024
Continue to lift Randy, Sandy and family in prayer. The day started off well with Randy being discharged to go home, Praise the Lord for that! However, they were hit with another very difficult phone call this afternoon, notifying them that the biopsy Randy had done yesterday did indeed show cancer. They have several Dr appointments coming up next week, and difficult treatment decisions will need to be made once again.
* Pray for great Doctors and that God will give them wisdom, and that they would also be compassionate
*Pray for wisdom and peace and that God would show Randy and Sandy a clear answer to the best path forward
*Pray for healing, we know our God is the Great Physician and He is able to do all things
~Sarah on behalf of the Hursts
March 27th, 2024
Good morning friends. I am Sarah, friends to Randy and Sandy for about as long as I can remember, and I am reaching out to update you all on their behalf. Randy's health journey over the last few years has taken a toll and the family is exhausted, so am reaching out to ask for you to come alongside them in any way you can.
1. Pray for strength, peace and healing.
2. Reach out with words of encouragement.
3. Please support them financially as they have MANY medical bills and Randy is in the hospital, and we do not know at this time, when he will be able to return to work. It would lift so many burdens if we could raise $5,000 this week.
Below is an update on his medical journey this week....
Update For March 27th
Randys hemoglobin continues to improve after receiving 4 blood transfusions yesterday. His other blood work numbers are improving as well, some back to normal.
He did sleep well last night, an answer to our prayer request yesterday!
Pray for the endoscopy procedure tomorrow, that the procedure goes well and that what they seen on other tests would not be anything of concern, and that the biopsy would be clear.
Update for March 26th
So he arrived at the UPMC West shore hospital in the wee hours of the morning. The did a procedure where they went in thru the groin to see where he was losing blood.
First miracle: they said usually it is either just a trickle or not leaking when they go in but it was running out so 2 coils were inserted and the bleeding stopped.
2nd miracle: his hemoglobin went from 5.4 to almost 9 in 24 hours.
We are waiting to confirm Miracle #3 so stay posted. We may not know till Thursday sometime when they do his endoscopy.
Pray he sleeps amazing tonight and his numbers keep going up.
March 25th
So we have decided to go ahead and give him blood and are believing that God will purify it from any bad stuff. They are transporting him to the hospital in Harrisburg sometime tonight. Will give more of an update in the morning.
We know our God is able and will make a way for some amazing miracles. Claiming it in Jesus name.
UPDATE:::: So the situation is that urgent they said if he does not receive human blood he could bleed out. Now I know they like to scare you into believing things but PRAY that if we choose to get human blood it will not have been from someone with the C*vid 💉
Looking like a major surgery is in the table but not much more I can say at this point....
Urgent prayer request...Randy is being admitted for a dangerously low Hemoglobin. Can you all pray for a miracle.?
February 18th, 2024
I'll praise when I feel it, and I'll praise when I don't
I'll praise 'cause I know You're still in control
'Cause my praise is a weapon, it's more than a sound
Oh, my praise is the shout that brings Jericho down
I'll praise 'cause You're sovereign, praise 'cause You reign
Praise 'cause You rose and defeated the grave
I'll praise 'cause You're faithful, praise 'cause You're true
Praise 'cause there's nobody greater than You
A daily reminder that no matter how we are feeling or what the circumstances that we are going thru we can either choose to wallow in self pity or choose to praise the one who has done so much for us.
Just a quick update from his appt with the hematologist who was able to get us in 1.5 weeks earlier than scheduled.
So the concensus was he is dealing with low iron which we knew and so we are doing 2 iron infustions a week apart. The first one was this past week and the 2nd one is this coming Friday. We were told he would start feeling a bit better each day however that has not been the case. He actually feels a bit worse so a huge prayer request would be that he would start to see some improvement. We are scheduled to go on a much needed vacation in 3 weeks so it would be so wonderful if he could be feeling better by then.
We will follow up every 3 months with labs to monitor his iron levels and will be getting a CT scan in April just to see how things are going on the cancer FREE front.
He continues to receive his 2x a month vitamin infusions and his mistletoe therapy.
Thanks again for your financial support and most of all your prayers. They are often felt and we appreciate you all.
Sandy for the family
February 2nd, 2024
A new year is here and well on the way and it seems so are new challenges. Somewhere around mid December Randy started with symptoms of the flu, throwing up, stomach pains, extreme fatigue, and chest pressure. A trip to the ER to rule out heart attach which showed no signs of issues there. With labs it was discovered that he is extremely anemic and a few other things are extremely low. So this wife set off researching and came to the conclusion all the things he was dealing with go hand in hand with anemia. So we are not so patiently waiting to get into see a hematologist who could not get us in for almost 2 months. They did say if his numbers this week warranted it they may try and see him next week if not we wait till the 20th of February.
The biggest prayer request is that he has relief from the chest pressure and stomach pains.
Thanks for caring and praying!
Sandy for the family
December 29th, 2023
Happy New Year from our family to yours!!!!
Praying that 2024 will be the best year for all of you and that you will see and feel Gods abundance over you and your loved ones!
Thought I would give a quick end of year update and so here it is :)
Randy has been holding his own kinda. His last labs came back with some issues other that cancer related that we are needing to deal with now. His cancer numbers continue to fall and his diabetes is improving but now we are set to see a cardiologist in the near future and try and figure out what is causing some other numbers to be low and a bit concerning. He still goes for his vitamin infusions 2x a month and continues on his mistletoe injections 3x a week at home.
Prayer requests as we start the new year to try and figure new things out but are believing that he will be healed from those things as well.
1. That his body would start absorbing his supplements in a proper way even tho he is missing part of his colon that is to do that job.
2. His kidneys to start functioning normal
3. That all his chest discomfort is not heart related
4. For his energy levels to improve
We are so grateful for the good things we see but would love to have complete restoration and healing for all areas.
Thanks so much for your financial. emotional and prayer support as we would not be where we are without it. And if you feel led we would appreciate your continued prayer and financial support so we can continue his treatments.
Blessings and here is to an amazing 2024!!!!!
October 18th, 2023
How long have we waited, prayed, believe and trusted for these words! So many emotions surround this news and it has finally sunk in and we just want to shout it to the world.
A short update from our last appt with the oncologist went well. God answered our prayers and he was a completly different man. We had decided to do a low dose chemo pill and get a CT scan done. As we processed the decision we decided to ask God for a clear answer if we were to go forward with the chemo. If it stayed the same or shrank we would NOT go with chemo but if it grew we would (and our doc said he was certain that it had grown) do 6 months of chemo via pills.
God showed up in a HUGE way and not only did it shrink but a clear diagnosis of no evidence of cancer to be found. As i have had almost a week to process this I look back over the last few months and see God at work even when we could not understand why the doctors seemed so difficult to work with. I feel God was saying thru that time now that He had something better for Randy and that was his healing. As i was sharing my thoughts on the feelings i had towards the surgeon my friend reminded me of Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Cancer and whatever health issue is not of God but because of the powers of evil and we need to be angry at the evil one not the person. (hope that makes sense)
Our journey going forward is to continue with the mistletoe injections and getting 2 vitamin cocktail infusions a month as well as all the other natural cancer things we are doing.
We so appreciate all that have walked this journey with us in prayer, finances and all the encouragement that has been given.
For all that have given financially we have been blown away for your generosity and it has been what continues to make it possible for him to continue his natural treatments.
Thanks from all of us
Sandy for the Hurst family
September 14th, 2023
We continue to walk this C journey and some days are better than others. Randy is still able to work full time which we are so grateful for. He does struggle with some fatigue and it is because of his lack of ability to absorb all his supplements and nutrition because of his missing colon. So it is a balancing act to manage things.
We continue to use the natural cancer treatments and are watching his Cancer numbers go up and down. We do see the oncologist on the 22nd to see about doing low dose chemo.
We continue to wait for the new natural cancer treatment so we'll see what can be done in the meantime. We have decided against surgery at this point and pray we are making the correct decision.
With insurance we still have 8000.00 to pay on the last bills and will have another 10,000 out of pocket in this next year
Prayer requests:
~That his cancer number comes back down and the tumor continues to die off and goes away.
~For the funds to come in to continue the natural treatments which cost between $1,300-$1,600 a month.
~For continued health and energy
As always, thank you for your continued support!
August 17th, 2023
Dear friends and family,
Wow what a journey this has been and I apologize that it has been so long in updating you all!
We so appreciate your prayers, your financial support (this has helped to pay outrageous medical bills and his natural treatments) and all who have reached out in person. We love each one of you and ask for continued support.
Long story so I hope i can condense it so you don't get bored lol :) The chemo treatments have successfully shrunk the tumor in half and his cancer markets continue to decrease. His labs have been good overall and he has been feeling really good.
The surgeon that we had high hopes of working with became unworkable. In saying that it was his way or the highway and essentially we were being stripped of our medical rights. So we then went to see the surgeon who did his reconstruction a year ago today and he said he does not feel qualified to tackle to surgery but explained everything is amazing detail and we walked away sad that he couldn't do it but with even more uncertainty on the right path to go down. Surgery could be really really major so now is the hard part of deciding what or where to go from here.
So we are still in the waiting and trusting God to show us the right course of action. Randy is continuing his natural shots and infusions and his natural DO is working at getting a new form of IV cancer treatment that has outstanding results. So pray that he can get approved for it and that if it is for us the funds will come in to pay for it.
As I sit and write this so many things are going thru my mind and the word to this song started flooding my thoughts.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
O soul are you weary and troubled
No light in the darkness you see
There's light for a look at the Savior
And life more abundant and free
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in his wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace.
Even when life seems so tough and the decisions so hard when we turn our focus to Jesus it can help those things to not seem so hard.
Things to pray about:
1. That we will have clear direction to do or not do surgery
2. As we decide if low dose chemo is the next option
3. For the finances to come in so he can continue his natural treatments
4. That they doctor will get approved for this new kind of treatment
5. That God would bring a holistic oncologist to come along side our natural doctor.
God's blessings to all,
Sandy for the family
June 8th, 2023
Quick update 6/8/23 from Brittany
Randy had a PET scan, and his tumor went from 5cm x 4cm to 2.5cm x 3.6cm. No other cancer noted. MRI is scheduled for the 16th with the appointment with surgeon and oncologist at Mercy on the 20th.
He will be starting back on the high dose vitamin C as long as funds are available.
He is doing better and his lungs seemed to be back to almost normal. Pray this weather doesn't cause a setback
Thank you for following along and keeping all of us in your prayers!
May 16th, 2023
5/16/23 Update from Brittany
Last week 5/10 was the 6th round of chemo. He will be getting an MRI and PET Scan to see what the tumor is doing. They will be meeting with the surgeon on June 20th for next steps.
Sunday he was taken via ambulance to UPMC for extremely high sugars, had a fainting spell along with having a very bad cough, not eating much and super tired. He returned home but Monday afternoon was taken back in and admitted to the ICU for bad case of pneumonia with continued elevated sugars. He's being treated with 2 strong IV antibiotics with sugars down to normal range.
He continues to do his natural treatments which is costing between $1,400-$1,600 a month along with paying off $10,000 deductible before it starts over the end of August. Funds run out quickly. We ask for your continued financial support! We couldn't do this without each of you and we can never say thank you enough!
Some Prayer requests:
*He would continue to get better/stronger and hopefully be able to come home in the next day or 2.
*Strength for Sandy as she is exhausted taking care of everything and figuring out appointments/finances.
We thank you so much for the prayers and financial support!
March 27th, 2023
3/26 update from Brittany
3rd round of chemo was March 15th and he had mild side effects! They leave Wednesday for Florida for a week on a much needed vacation. So it'll be 4 weeks till his next round and that makes him super happy! (Haha)
Pray they (Randy & Sandy) both can get some much needed R&R and that he continues to stay healthy!
Bills are still coming in and we know it's tough right now for everyone but if you feel led to give just know we are super appreciative!
Thank you all again for your continued prayers!
March 4th, 2023
3/3 Update from Brittany
Last Mondays blood work determined that his white cell count was too low to get his 2nd chemo treatment so it was pushed back to this week on Wednesday.
A few things to pray for would be:
~that his white cell count stays high
~his t-cell reactivate to fight off the cancer
~no side effects with this 2nd treatment and so far other than being a little tired he is feeling pretty good!
HUGE PRAISE: his cancer numbers came down by half with only 1 treatment #butGod
Thank you for being there and praying for us all!
February 18th, 2023
2/17/23 Update from Brittany
So results of the CT scan of the lungs/chest were...CLEAR! PTL we are so thankful for that news!
He has his first chemo treatment and his side effects included hiccups for a few days, extreme fatigue, mouth sores and blood pressure issues. Thursday and today of this week he has felt the best since getting unhooked!
Unfortunately, his blood work does not look good. We are praying for his kidney function to return to normal and iron levels to come back up and that his dizziness would disappear.
They need to make a decision if he is to continue to work or take time off till he gets through all his treatments.
Prayers requests:
~That he would remain healthy!
~blood work would return to normal!
~direction of what they need to do with his work!
Next chemo hookup will be Wednesday the 22nd!
February 6th, 2023
2/6/23 Update from Brittany.
My bible app had this verse which is oddly fitting.
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full!
Here we are in February! On January 27th Dad got his port put in for chemo and they had a great experience with the surgical team! His nurse was practically line dancing, keeping him entertained!
Tuesday the 7th he will be getting a CT scan of the upper chest to make sure there are no spots in his lungs!
Wednesday the 8th starts chemo! He will get hooked up on Wed, then unhooked on Friday! On the off weeks he will be getting extra infusions to hopefully combat the chemo side effects.
Each week he will need to take a few hours off from work for his treatments/chemo, maybe more if he isn't feeling well. They figure it'll cost about $1,200/month for his natural infusions. So I know the financial stress is wearing on both of them, especially mom which means she feels she needs to pick up the load.
Prayer requests:
~That he continues to feel good and that the chemo has mild side effects.
~That the CT scan would be clear!
~That the financial burden can be lifted.
Thank you all for your continued support!
January 25th, 2023
Everything happens for a reason
But you don't know what you don't know
And you'll never have peace if you don't let go of tomorrow
'Cause it ain't even faith till your plan falls apart
But you still choose to follow, uh
If it doesn't make sense right now, it will when it's over
There will be joy in the morning
There will be joy in the morning
Giving in to your feelings is like drowning in the shadows
Oh, you gotta keep believing
Even in the middle of the unknown
'Cause grace will be there
When you come to the end of your rope and you let go (oh)
It may feel like you're goin' down now
But the story isn't over (oh)
There will be joy in the morning
There will be joy in the morning (oh), ayy
If it's not good, then He's not done
No, He's not done with it yet
There will be joy in the morning
Joy in the Morning by Tauren Wells
As i walked out my door yesterday for my day God blessed me with this beautiful sunrise and then on the radio this song came on. Today was our next appointment with the oncologist who we had a horrible appt with 2 weeks prior and I was dreading to face the day. But God showed up in a mighty way and I felt the prayers of so many go up on our behalf as we went into the appt. I was convicted that i needed to have a change of attitude and approach the circumstance with an attitude of Joy (oh yes there was some dialog with God about this ) :)
I can report that there was a 180 degree shift with this appt and we are all on the same page with the treatment going forward. We went from this cancer is not curable to this is curable in a 2 week span. We have already seen a miracle with the spots on his liver gone. Yes they could not see any evidence and I think the doctor was a bit surprised actually. He still seems so amazed that Randy continues to feel as well as he does and we know it is a God thing.
The plan is to get the port in this Friday and then start chemo in the next 2 weeks. We have one more CT scan of the chest to rule out any spots on his lungs so believe with us for another miracle. We have been blessed with a vacation to Florida the end of March first of April for a week so we are able to work his chemo treatments around that which we are so excited about.
Prayer Requests:
1. That Randy will be able to continue feeling well and can continue working thru his treatments.
2. That he will not have any negative side affects from chemo
3. That his CT scan comes back clear
4. For grace and peace for our family as we continue to walk this journey with Randy
Thanks for your continued support, love and prayers.
We love you
Sandy for the family
January 17th, 2023
1/16/23 Update from Brittany
Happy New Year to all! On Friday Jan 13th Dad had an appointment with an Oncologist with Wellspan. It did not go as planned. They did not feel the Doctor had their best interest in mind and pretty much slammed everything they have been doing up to this point and was just very negative. He is supposed to follow what Mercy has ordered/recommended but seems to have his own agenda.
Dad has an MRI on the 18th and is planning to get his port put in on the 27th. They will have a follow-up appt with Wellspan on the 24th. No date yet when chemo will begin.
Along with all of this they now have $10,000 out of pocket before things are covered 100%. It seems at every turn a new challenge arises.
Prayer Requests: *Grace and Peace for mom to deal with this doctor. The frustration is real and I don't think he knows who he is messing with. hehe
*That this doctor would take direction from Mercy
*That the MRI shows signs that the tumor has shrunk or gone completely!
As always we are so thankful for everyone who continues to be there for all of us! You all mean the world to us!
December 7th, 2022
Financial Update from Brittany 12/6/22
We cannot begin to thank you enough for all the financial support these last 2 years. Many have been asking though what they can do to help.
To date there is about $7,000 in outstanding medical bills(for scans and such) that does not include his natural treatments which cost anywhere from $600-$1,000 each month! With the possibility of starting chemo in January we will not know what the side effects will be and if or how much work he will need to miss!
As always your prayers are greatly appreciated! We couldn't imagine where we would be without all the support!
November 30th, 2022
11/30/22 Update from Brittany:
Meeting with the Oncologist down at Mercy in Baltimore went amazing! They were very happy with him and felt good about their appointment! The doctor was super impressed at how well Dad is doing and can't believe that he isn't in pain and is still working full time! (Something I'm also very thankful for!) The Doc was also pleased with him doing his natural treatments and has some other patients doing them as well.
The next steps will be to get an MRI of his Liver/Abdomen, then to do an outpatient surgery to get a Port put in for chemo which they can wait to start until the beginning of the year. They will be referred to an oncologist in the area as a doctor can not order chemo across state lines(insurance reasons/legal purposes) but will recommend what should be done!
~that the MRI would show less liver spots and that the tumor has gone down in size(or gone completely!)
~continued health for him
We cannot thank you enough for your continued support! We feel the prayers as there has been a lot of peace! As always, if you feel led to give monetary that is also very much appreciated as bills are starting to pour in and with new insurance it is never ending!
Thank you from us all
November 16th, 2022
First and foremost I want to thank each of you that stood in the gap with us today. Many of you knew the emotions and turmoil going into this appointment today. Only God could have given us the peace we felt as we traveled and we had pretty much had made up our minds how we felt we were to proceed and our new surgeon pretty much confirmed it not knowing what we had decided.
We loved how the doctor cared about us and was very kind and was interested in us as a patient and family.
Next steps will be to meet with the oncologist and get a port placed and start chemo. Yes I know i have said that is not what we would do but feel that is the right thing to do along side of the natural treatments we are doing. Also learned that his cancer numbers are really not as bad as we thought and he does not feel it is an urgent thing but to get started soon. He feels it is the same kind of cancer he had last year so no biopsy necessary at this point. He does want to further investigate the liver spots and so an MRI will be done in the near future.
We are both just blown away with the goodness and faithfulness of Jesus and I can say we both feel at peace with the decisions moving forward.
The steadfast LOVE of the Lord never Ceases
His Mercies NEVER come to the end!
Sandy for the Hurst family
November 11th, 2022
Just a quick update:
Randy has an appt with a new surgeon at Mercy in Baltimore next Tue the 15th. He has been a close friends surgeon for many years and so we go into this appt with some confidence that we may get some answers.
Prayer requests:
1. would be that this surgeon will be able to guide us in the right direction and that we will get clear answers on the next steps in this process.
2. For our children as they walk this journey with us that they would feel the peace of Jesus surround them. It is never easy to see a parent going thru a difficult health journey.
Thanks for all your continued prayer and support we so appreciate it.
October 31st, 2022
So many thoughts running thru my head as I sit down to update you. First a huge thanks to all who have been praying and checking in with us. We appreciate it more than you can imagine.
This song is on my daily repeat list as some days it is so hard to find reasons to give Jesus all the glory and praise for how He is carrying us thru this journey as the mountain seems so big.
October 7th, 2022
Yesterday as I was trying to process all the information we received at the surgeons office a friend prayed this prayer over me which was what i needed to process the news.
"I bless you with hope"
You are in God's waiting room, anticipating and expecting, learning to hope. Spirit, I bless you with knowing your father's eyes are on those who hope: He rewards those who hope in Him. I bless you with a strong sense of standing on a solid rock of God's faithfulness and timing. I bless you with unshakable confidence that your Father is in charge of your circumstances. I bless you with faithfulness and fruitfulness in circumstances that look hopeless. I bless you with unshakable hope, when everything else is being shaken. I bless you in the name of the God of hope.
No we did not hear what we were hoping to hear and I will do my best to explain it. First he was a gloom and doom kinda doctor which did not set the best tone for the visit but we realize that the issues at hand are greater than a polite nice doctor. He did not give us much hope of a great outcome but we know our God is the God of hope.
Next step is to get another CT scan and a PET scan done to see if there is any changes in the size and if anything new has showed up. He did not have a good image to be able to tell if the tumor which is located between the right kidney and duodenum (the first part of you large intestine). So depending on what the scans show will determine the next steps.
Surgery may not be the best of options because it would most likely require removing a large section of the duodenum and the pancreas which could cause a host of other issues and it would be a very intense surgery as well.
The other option would be to do either a round of chemo or radiation to hopefully shrink it. We are currently doing 2 Vitamin C infusions as well as Vitamin cocktail and Mistletoe. We also are doing PEMF Therapy as there have been great testimonies of how it has helped with cancer. If we decide to go with the chemo vs surgery we would continue to do the natural treatments to help lessen the side affects from the poison stuff.
So we wait till they fight it out with the insurance company and we get the tests done.
Specific prayer requests are:
1. That Randy can continue to feel well
2. That the tumor and NO cancer will show up on the new scans
3. For wisdom and discernment
4. Peace and strength as we process and move forward however that looks
We as a family feel carried thru this time and Thanks does not seem adequate enough for your outpouring of support financially and emotionally.
Sandy for our family
September 21st, 2022
9/20/22 update: So sorry this has taken so long, life gets in the way and before you know it weeks have passed!
We are on week 2 on the Mistletoe injections. They happen 3x a week. As of now he is doing well on it.
In talking with our Doctor we have decided to move ahead with the surgery to get the lump removed. We are waiting on the surgeon to get back to us to get it scheduled. We also have decided not to do the colonoscopy/endoscopy at this point.
We are anticipating time off work and with new insurance that comes with a high deductible we are doing a Pizza Kit fundraiser to help cover cost. https://fb.me/e/46Do4axb4
On behalf of my parents we cannot thank you enough for those who gave and those who continue to keep us in their prayers! We could not do it without your support!!
August 31st, 2022
8/23/2022 UPDATE:
He Giveth more Grace.
He GIveth more grace when burders grow greater, He sendeth more strength when the labors increase, To added affliction He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials His mutiplied peace,
His love has not limit His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men, For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half-done, when we reach the end of our hoarded resources, Our Father's full giving is only begun.
This song came to mind as I am trying to process the docotrs appt today. RIght now the burden seems almost too heavy to carry but I know in my heart that God will give us the Grace to move forward. So the surgeon is having us get a colonscopy next week to check out a few things. He also is going to speak to a specialized radiologist to see if it is possible to do a needle biopsy or not. If not, then we will at some point in the next month possibly do a laproscopy to see what is going on with the mass and how involved it is and then take a biopsy if it is impossible to remove. So the future seems a bit unknown at this point but we know who holds Randy's future in His hands.
We are going to start the mistletoe treatments awhile and will be using a PEMF mat treatment 1 to 2 times a week.
Prayer Requests for now are
1. That his colonscopy and endoscopy will come back clear. And that they will be able to do a needle biopsy and that there will be no cancer cells present.
2. For peace for our family and for my health to remain strong
Thanks for standing in the gap with us during this journey once again.
08/31/2022 UPDATE:
No colonoscopy as Randy got sick with whatever bug is going around and could not start the interventional treatment either. Waiting to hear from the surgeon this week on the biopsy options.
August 31st, 2022
8/23/2022 UPDATE:
He Giveth more Grace.
He GIveth more grace when burders grow greater, He sendeth more strength when the labors increase, To added affliction He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials His mutiplied peace,
His love has not limit His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men, For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half-done, when we reach the end of our hoarded resources, Our Father's full giving is only begun.
This song came to mind as I am trying to process the docotrs appt today. RIght now the burden seems almost too heavy to carry but I know in my heart that God will give us the Grace to move forward. So the surgeon is having us get a colonscopy next week to check out a few things. He also is going to speak to a specialized radiologist to see if it is possible to do a needle biopsy or not. If not, then we will at some point in the next month possibly do a laproscopy to see what is going on with the mass and how involved it is and then take a biopsy if it is impossible to remove. So the future seems a bit unknown at this point but we know who holds Randy's future in His hands.
We are going to start the mistletoe treatments awhile and will be using a PEMF mat treatment 1 to 2 times a week.
Prayer Requests for now are
1. That his colonscopy and endoscopy will come back clear. And that they will be able to do a needle biopsy and that there will be no cancer cells present.
2. For peace for our family and for my health to remain strong
Thanks for standing in the gap with us during this journey once again.
08/31/2022 UPDATE:
No colonoscopy as Randy got sick with whatever bug is going around and could not start the interventional treatment either. Waiting to hear from the surgeon this week on the biopsy options.
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