USD $10,000
USD $7,300
Campaign funds will be received by Sawyer Mitchell
Raena Mitchell is 3 years old and was born to Sawyer and Taylor Mitchell six weeks before her due date. Upon birth, Raena was immediately diagnosed with Amniotic Band Syndrome, a disorder affecting many things including underdeveloped fingers and toes, severe cleft lip and palate, and severe anopthalmia (no left eye).
Raena and her family of five have braved through a lot already in the first three years of Raena's life, with many weeks in the NICU, countless appointments, and five surgeries (and many more to come). These surgeries have repaired Raena's cleft lip and palate and worked toward gradually growing Raena's eye socket, eventually getting Raena ready for a prosthetic eye. The structure of Raena's face is impacted by the correct growth of her eye socket, making the timing of each eye surgery extremely crucial.
Raena's next upcoming surgery is a very important one that will help prepare her for the prosthetic eye she has been waiting for her whole life. This is the first time Sawyer and Taylor have reached out to friends for help with the increasing medical bills they continue to face. They do not wish to be a burden on anyone, but we know that it can be a true joy to help others and bear one another's burdens! Any amount you wish to donate will go directly to Raena's medical expenses, which include her upcoming surgery, future eye prosthetics ($4,000 each), monthly ocularist appointments, eye conformer bills ($500/month), out of pocket medical expenses, and travel to and from the hospital in Philadelphia.
Raena is a brave and resilient little girl and a joy to everyone she meets. Her family would be grateful for anything you can do to help!
Blessings to all. You are in my daily prayers.
May God bless your family. What a blessing Raena is! You are going to change the world little girl!
Sending our thoughts, love, and prayers!
"Fight the good fight of the faith..." 1 Tim. 6:12
Praying for you guys! 1 Peter 5:10-11
God bless you little one and your family, the Lord give you strength and His peace which passes all understanding. From an English friend you haven’t met
Love to your precious family. Praying for your needs to be met in every way.
We love you guys!
We will be praying for the surgeries.
With lots of love and prayers ❤️
Little by little! 💕
Praying for Raena's journey!
She's such a sweetheart! Thank you Jeremy O'Brien for sharing this cause.
Love you guys :)
We love the entire Mitchell’s group. Wonderful servants of our great Lord. Praying for successful surgeries and recoveries.
We love your sweet family!
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