USD $68,000
USD $10,527
Campaign funds will be received by Barbara Sobczak
I was diagnosed with inoperable cancer in my neck at age 55. Due to the size and location of the tumor, the only viable treatment option is holistic. After 90 days of multiple protocols, I am now heading to "Hope For Cancer", in Mexico, to continue my healing journey (which may take several years).
The treatment I will be receiving is not covered by insurance and I will lose my income while out of work (4 weeks). Your generosity will help cover these expenses, provide for my family, and give me peace of mind so that I can focus on the road to recovery.
As a husband and father for over 27 years, I am determined to strike back and win this fight against cancer! It is my prayer that God will be glorified through this process and that those on a similar path will be encouraged.
Continued prayers for Paul's healing!
Hope this helps! May God multiply 10 times over!
May God be with you during this time of your life. I miss that job and love you as I know your Mom does, even though she is not here.
Praying for you..
We are here for you!
Be funny & get well, brother!
Praying for your family!
Praying for healing for you and strength and peace for your family.
Praying and believing with you!🙏🙏
Love you guys. Praying.
We are praying for you.
We have been praying for you and your family! May our Wonderful & Faithful Lord give to each of you His joy and peace. “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort (encouragement) and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 NASB
September 10th, 2024
I have returned from getting my 4th round of therapy and testing at the Hope4Cancer clinic. Barbara and I had to extend the stay an extra week due to a few concerns that were found.
Here is a brief update:
- 4 of the original 10 lymph nodes affected have returned to normal.
- There is no cancer activity detected in my tonsil for the last 6 months. (The is the presumed primary tumor.)
- The cancer has not spread below my neck.
- One area of concern was a lymph node that has grown on the right side of my neck, and it was pushing on my juggler.
Send me an email at paulsobby@gmail.com so you can follow me on FB and get more info. We thank God for the good progress so far, and appreciate your support. Please pray for wisdom and provision as I continue this healing marathon.
August 6th, 2024
So my youngest daughter is getting ready to head back to Liberty University to continue her studies this fall. Last year, prior to cancer, I promised her a outdoor get-a-way with dad. This had to be put off for medical reasons, however I was able to take a day last weekend and take her canoeing on the Shenandoah river. We had a great time and I only slipped and fell once, fortunately landing on my bum! We did some antique shopping and had a nice dinner at a restaurant of her choice, "Try Thai". Came home safe and sound Sunday afternoon, just in time to catch up with cancer treatment/protocals.
I will be heading to Mexico next week for another round of intense treatment, testing/scans, after which Barbara and I will be making decisions regarding future treatment.
As always, thank you for all of your prayers and support. I am still working 4-6 hours per day and the company Barbara worked for has closed its doors, laying her off.
April 30th, 2024
I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by and everything that has transpired. Thanks to all of you that have supported my battle!!! It's not over, and it is my prayer that I can use this event in my life to encourage, motivate or help somebody else in the future. I just created a video update on FB, Paulstrikesback! and we are preparing for a fundraiser this Sunday at 6pm in Virginia Beach. Hope to see you there!
February 12th, 2024
Hey there friends and family!
"I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again...", at least the first part of this hit from the 70's is true, I am on way back to Mexico for my second follow-up! I will there for one week, 12 hours per day at the clinic for testing, therapy and meeting with my medical team. Thank you for your prayers and support and follow me on facebook at "paulstrikesback!"
November 26th, 2023
Hello Friends and Family,
I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I am thankful for all of the support, monetary and otherwise, from you guys. Your generosity truly brings me to my knees thanking God for your assistance as I walk out this trial.
Anyway, I am heading back to H4C on December 3rd for follow-up testing, the type of cancer that I have can only be tracked using ultra sound measurements, plus 1 week of therapy.
Please be in prayer for a good report! If you are nota already on my FB please join as I will be providing nightly updates from Mexico! (paulstrikesback!)
October 2nd, 2023
August 31st, 2023
August 31st, 2023
Hello sweet friends and family! Greetings from the land of blue water, sunsets and really scary bus drivers!!! I returned home from 3 weeks of intensive, holistic, cancer treatment and we have some good news! The tumors have stopped growing and their blood supply is diminishing. My body is responding well to the therapies and has begun to thwart the attack of this invader. I will be getting more blood work and the tumor measured again in 6 weeks. On top of that I have 5 hours of treatment protocols to do daily! This is my first plateau and I am on my way to a full recovery! Thank you for all of your prayers and to all who have contributed, cancer is a tough fight and your support really makes the difference.
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